
Seminar workshop for parents of the preparatory speech therapy group. Workshop for parents “Soon to school. Or the first time in the first class! The sound of C is a song of water, the pump pumps the wheels


Nomination "Work with parents" (in preschool educational institution)

Working with children with speech disorders, you understand that the main and only assistant in this work is the parent! Who, if not him, understanding and realizing the importance of all correctional and developmental work, becomes the main ally and helps the child to plunge into the wonderful world of the right sounds.

It is for him that individual meetings, meetings, round tables, workshops are held, the information stand, folders, folders are constantly updated, questionnaires, memos are developed. Conducted "Home speech therapy notebook"- our most important contact and assistant in overcoming a speech disorder!

The material presents the stages of conducting a workshop for parents of the older group, whose children attend a speech therapy center in a preschool institution. The main directions of corrective work and their implementation at home are revealed.

Purpose of the workshop:

  • to acquaint parents with the goals and objectives of correctional work with children;
  • give an idea of ​​the execution algorithm homework.

Equipment: multimedia installation; benefits for the development of the articulatory apparatus, speech breathing; didactic games and exercises for the development of phonemic hearing, the grammatical structure of speech; mirror, speech therapy albums, notebooks, books; memo "How to deal with a child at home."

First stage

Acquaintance of parents with the basic rules of keeping a notebook and working with sound. See Appendix 1.

Second phase: Exercises for the development of the muscles of the speech apparatus.

At this stage, parents are familiar with the basic articulation exercises and methodological recommendations for them. See Appendix 2.

Third stage: Games and exercises for the development of speech breathing.

Acquaintance of parents with the main parameters of correct oral exhalation and exercises aimed at developing correct air. Joint game. Appendix 3

Fourth stage: Games and exercises for the development of phonemic hearing.

A short story about the development of phonemic hearing in children preschool age. Getting to know the exercises and playing together. See Appendix 4.

Fifth stage: Games and exercises for the development of the grammatical structure of speech.

At this stage, parents get acquainted with the norms for the development of the grammatical structure of children's speech, as well as with exercises aimed at its development. Joint game. Appendix 5

Sixth stage: The final stage.

Q&A stage. Parents are provided with a feedback sheet.

Used Books:

1. Lalaeva R.I., Serebryakova N.V. "Correction of general underdevelopment of speech in preschoolers" (formation of vocabulary and grammatical structure) St. Petersburg: SOYUZ, 1999.

2. M. Shchetinin “Respiratory gymnastics by A. N. Strelnikova”, 2007.


Tasks: 1. To expand the knowledge of parents about the importance of speech therapy classes at home; 2. To teach the practical use of various exercises of articulation gymnastics, speech material for automating sounds, techniques of sound-syllabic analysis and synthesis

It is important Important role in the formation of sound pronunciation plays a clear, precise, coordinated work of the articulatory organs, their ability to quickly and smoothly switch from one movement to another, as well as to maintain a given articulatory posture. The painful state of individual parts of the articulatory apparatus is reflected in the correctness and clarity of the sounds pronounced. Of paramount importance are the elimination of violations in the work of the articulatory apparatus, preparing it for the production of sounds, with the help of articulatory gymnastics. Each complex contributes to the development of certain movements and the position of the lips, tongue, with its help a directed air stream is produced, i.e. everything that is necessary for the correct formation of sound

HOW TO WORK WITH SOUND Speak the sound together with your child. Find out how the lips, teeth, tongue are located when pronouncing this sound. Whether you use your voice when making a sound. Together with your child, find words that begin with this sound, then come up with words where this sound occurs at the beginning of the word, in the middle and at the end. Draw a letter that denotes this sound in a notebook, mold it from plasticine, cut it out of paper, construct it from counting sticks. Speak speech material on this sound.

Sound analysis and synthesis It is known that phonemic hearing disorders are accompanied by many speech defects. Phonemic hearing is a fine systematized hearing that has the ability to distinguish and recognize the phonemes that make up the sound shell of a word. It is difficult for children to determine by ear the presence or absence of some kind of sound in a word. Count the number of sounds in a word. Determine their sequence and place in a syllable or word. Connecting a visual analyzer is what helps in this work.

The grammatical structure of speech The grammatical structure of speech The child learns the grammatical structure of the language in the process of communicating with adults and peers. From the speech of others, children borrow words in different grammatical forms and gradually begin to independently use a variety of by grammatical means. However, the process of mastering the grammatical structure of speech is complex and lengthy.

The grammatical structure of speech “Count from 1 to 5” Direct and backward counting 1 to 5 with the words: cancer, frame, robot .. “Change the sentence” Example: I work well in the garden, YOU ... .. “Pick up signs and actions to the subject ”(What?) Cat (What is it doing?)“ Confusion ”Hare, sitting, bush, behind. Lisa, tree, hall, dress up, c. Zoya, pine, stand behind. Mom, groceries, shop, in, bought. “Form words according to the model” A two-story house is a two-story house. Bookcase – ……. Paper bag -……. Suit for the beach - …… Luggage car - … ….

I. 1. You should start doing homework only when your child is healthy, full, calm. 2. It is necessary to create motivation for the child, i.e. explain what advantages for him personally will create the correct sound pronunciation, clear and legible speech. 3. Homework is done systematically, on the recommendation of a speech therapist. 4. The child must have a place to complete tasks, equipped with a small mirror, colored pencils. 5. The child himself must complete the tasks, and the parents only control the correctness of the execution and, if necessary, correct it. 6. If the child is tired during the performance, be sure to give him a rest. If in this moment the child does not want to study, you need to reschedule the lesson, but be sure to complete the task later. 7. Never scold a child if he does not succeed in a task, encourage him, complete the previous task, in order to instill self-confidence and the opportunity not to lose the previously acquired skill. When doing homework, a number of conditions must be observed:

Organization: MBDOU kindergarten No. 4 "Ladushki"

Location: Russia, Chuvash Republic, Shumerlya

Location: music hall.

Members: parents and children who attend the preparatory group.

Purpose of the workshop: improvement of psychological pedagogical competence parents on speech and psychological development children in preparation for school.

Tasks for adults:

  • show adults playing techniques and exercises to develop the speech and psychological readiness of children for school;
  • form a provision practical experience play partnership with children;
  • to focus the attention of parents on the role of an empathetic assistant to the child, and not on the role of an expert assessing the level of his intellectual development.

Tasks for children:

To improve the phonemic hearing of children, the ability to distribute attention throughout the lesson.

To consolidate and expand children's knowledge on the topic: pets and birds, transforming short-term memory into long-term.

To educate children in emotional responsiveness, the desire to help those who need it (animals, birds, people).

To form friendly relationships, expand and activate children's vocabulary.

Previous work:

  • Acquaintance of children with pets and children;
  • Training "We are all different, we are all amazing";
  • The game is a quiz "The way of good".

Necessary materials: musical accompaniment "Smile" (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky), ball, multi-colored stripes (Luscher color test), sound recording of animal voices, labyrinths for the task "Hungry animals", multimedia presentation "Animals and their cubs", plastic plates, bowls with a mixture of pasta, beans and peas, a digital camera.

Workshop progress:

Teacher speech therapist: Hello dear parents and teachers. Today we have gathered here to show you how the speech and psychological preparation of children for school goes. And we want to bring to your attention game techniques and exercises for the development of cognitive and speech abilities of children.

Ex. "Finish the sentence"

The teacher-psychologist takes turns throwing the ball to teachers and parents, saying the beginning of the sentence “For me, the expression “The child is ready for school” means ...”. After the statements of parents and teachers, the educational psychologist draws a conclusion.

Teacher-psychologist: Thus, we see that a child is ready for school if he:

  • distinguishes color and shape;
  • knows how to hold a pencil confidently;
  • knows how to answer the questions: “Why?”, “What ..., if ...”, “If ..., then ...”;
  • able to solve simple logical problems;
  • is able to determine the position of objects on a plane;
  • knows the words denoting the location, and correctly understand their meaning (in front, behind, right, left, above, below, above, below, behind, in front);
  • distinguishes and correctly names the basic geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle);
  • compares and distinguishes objects by size (greater, smaller, greater, less, equal)
  • count up to 10;
  • knows how to make a bed, toys, knows how to put himself in order, knows how to tie shoelaces, fasten sandals;
  • knows how to behave at the table “properly”;
  • able to work according to instructions.

And here is what the eminent person says about this child psychologist Leonid Abramovich Wenger: “Being ready for school today does not mean being able to read, write, count. To be ready for school means to be ready to learn all this.” What is the essence of readiness?

Often, readiness for learning means only a certain level of knowledge, skills and abilities of the child, but this is not enough for successful learning. It is necessary not to teach the child what he will be taught at school, but to develop the prerequisites for learning.

In intellectual readiness, it is not so much the amount of knowledge that is important, but their quality, degree of awareness, clarity of ideas.

In volitional readiness - the ability to control one's emotions and behavior. It is not only about the ability to obey, but about the ability to listen, to delve into the content of what an adult is talking about.

Motivational readiness.

There is a huge difference between "I want to go to school" and "I need to learn to work." Preparing a child for school, it is necessary to teach him to hear, see, observe, remember, process the information received.

It is important to understand that for a child, the best preparation for school is a natural desire to play, and not serious studies on a given topic. Do not extinguish his interest. The joy that you bring to the child will become your joy, and the pleasant moments spent together will help you make life together better and more fun.

Teacher speech therapist: The game is the main activity of the child, which allows him to get the knowledge that he needs with pleasure. Since readiness for learning implies a certain level of speech development, through the game we learn to pronounce sounds correctly, hear them and distinguish them, determine the place of sound in a word, use words with a diminutive meaning correctly, agree words in gender, number and case, use extended phrasal speech, independently find errors and eliminate them, master the retelling, preserving the meaning and content of the text. If a first grader has shortcomings in phonemic and lexical and grammatical development, it will be difficult for him to master educational program. Pay attention to how your child speaks. Timely speech therapy work will help prevent communication difficulties in a team and school failure. So let's play.

(To the song "Smile" pupils enter the music hall with the Good Fairy - a teacher - psychologist Olga Nikolaevna).

Good Fairy: Children, look how many guests we have today! Say hello! These are educators and parents, give them a smile. Now look what I have prepared for you.

Luscher color test.

Good Fairy: Guys, there are multi-colored strips on the table, arrange them by color as you like. Now choose the strip that you like the most (Notes what mood each child has according to the Luscher test).

(Quiet music about a smile sounds)

Good Fairy: Every new day needs to start with good deeds, a good mood, and in order for the mood to be good and cheerful, we stand in a circle, close our eyes and imagine that the sun is shining for us, we will feel its warmth, we will join hands and give each other that spark of warmth and love, that lives in our heart. Feel how kindness passes over our hands with a light shake, from palm to palm and takes us somewhere ... transfers ... transfers. Oh, where did we get to? (Children open their eyes) The village of Lyubimovka. Apparently here, too, someone needs our warmth and care. (Voices of animals are heard.) On the slides, children watch how people take care of animals.

Grandma Tanya - speech therapist: Hello my good ones! Glad to see you in Lyubimovka! What brings you here?

Good Fairy : A spark of good has brought us here.

Child: Maybe you need our help?

Grandma Tanya : Wonderful, mine, I really need it. I got sick, and my animals need to be fed. Please help horses, pigs and dogs find their way to their treat.

Good Fairy : Guys, can we help grandmother Tanya? Then let's pick up a pencil now and try to go through the labyrinths, after passing which the animals will not remain hungry.

Now tell me, what does a horse eat? Pig? Dog?

Grandma Tanya: Here are the good fellows! Thanks for feeding everyone.

And in my yard there are also other animals and birds: to urea, to oz, would to, to owl, turkey to, ut to a, to from, to video clip. Have you noticed anything unusual in the name of my animals? (in all words there is a sound To ).

That's right, but can you find where the sound is hidden? At the beginning, middle or end? (Children by ear determine the place of the sound in the word.) Now sit down and lay out the diagram of this word. (Pictures with animals are distributed). Check yourself if you did the right thing.

Grandma Tanya: How smart you are, I just tired you with my questions, play with the puppy, warm up.

Good Fairy: "A puppy ran around the yard."

A puppy ran around the yard, (Slow running in place)

He sees a piece of cake. (Lean forward, hands to the sides)

Climbed under the porch and ate, (Sit down, hands to mouth)

Broke down, fell asleep. (Hands to the sides, head to the side)

Here the window is flung open, (Hands to the sides)

The cat came out on the ledge. (Imitation of the graceful gait of a cat)

The cat looked up, (Tip back your head, look up)

The cat looked down. (Lower your head, look down)

Here I turned to the left, (Turn your head to the left)

She looked at the flies. (Turn your head to the right)

Stretched, smiled. (Appropriate movements and facial expressions)

Do you know how affectionately the cub of a goat, chicken, rabbit, ram, turkey is called. Slideshow, with animals (adults - cubs).

Grandma Tanya: All my animals have fled. Help guys, gather families.

Game "Gather a family". (Toys for board games).

The game "Tell me a word."

All animals are fed, in their homes. Dogs... in a kennel, cows... in a cowshed, pigs... in a pigsty, sheep... in a sheepfold, birds... in a poultry house, horses... in a stable.

Thank you my wizards. Guys, help me sort the products, please.

Good Fairy:

Sorting exercise. (The psychologist gives the children plastic plates, bowls with a mixture of pasta, beans and peas and asks the children, with their eyes closed and their heads up, to sort the mixture into three sections of the plate.

At the end, the children open their eyes and check the correctness of their work).

And how clever!

Grandma Tanya: Thank you for your concern, my assistants. Come again. (A song about a smile sounds, grandmother Tanya leaves).

Good Fairy: Guys, it's time for us to go home. Goodbye, Grandma Tanya.

Exercise "Kind animal"

I suggest you stand in a circle andhold hands, close your eyes and imagine, what we -one big, kind animal. Let's hear how it breathes! BUTnow let's breathe together! Inhale - take a step forward, exhale - step back. Let's repeat this a few more times.

So not only does the animal breathe, its big kind heart beats just as clearly and evenly. We all take the breath and beat of this animal's heart to ourselves.

Summary of the lesson.

Good Fairy: Here we are at home. I suggest you look at our trip and say what you liked and remembered about it? ( All fragments of the lesson were filmed with a camera. Children look through the photo report from beginning to end, commenting on what they see).

Good Fairy: What mood are you in right now? Why? Me too good mood. From our good deeds, it became good for us and grandmother Tanya. What kind words did she call you? (My assistants, dexterous, smart, wonderful mine.) And what did you like the most? (Answers of children).Guys, please come back to the table, there are multi-colored stripes on it, choose the strip that you like best at the moment. (The colors of the strips selected at the beginning of the lesson are compared and the mood of each child is assessed according to the Luscher test). Say goodbye to the guests.

Teacher speech therapist: Thank you, dear parents, for finding the time and taking part in the work of our seminar - workshop. By combining our efforts, we are preparing a competent, self-confident future first-grader. We will be happy to hear your questions and wishes.


1.Agapova I.A., Davydova M.A. Best games and fun with words. - M .: LLC IKTC "Lada", 2008.

2. Artsishevskaya I.L. Psychological training for future first-graders. Abstracts of classes. – M.: Knigolyub, 2017.

3. Volkova I.I. Teaching aid: educational game "Find the picture", 2008.

4. Danilova S.I. Psychological support for preschoolers. Diagnostics and scenario of classes. GEF DO. – M.: Sfera, 2018.

5. Seliverstov V.I. speech games with kids. – M.: Academic project, 2017.

6. Directory of a teacher - psychologist. Kindergarten. No. 2, February. - M .: LLC "MCFER", 2015.

Some "speech therapy highlights" from the seminar

Olesya Zhukova.

Recorded from the words of the lecturer at the seminar

" Topical Issues in the Diagnosis and Correction of Speech and Communication Development Disorders in Children with Alalia, ASD and after Cochlear Implantation"

Lecturer: Olesya Zhukova

(Center for the development and habilitation of the child Speech therapist pro,

Saint Petersburg)

Seminar organized and held

Center "Krugozor", Novosibirsk, February, 2016.

Motor alalia.

If you have any difficulties in making a speech therapy conclusion - keep in mind: if there are no lexical and grammatical violations, then there is no motor alalia.

Speech is the collection of statistics and the derivation of laws of agreement. In a tempo retarded child, this happens very quickly; in a child with motor alalia it is very difficult.

Finding a reason is a thankless task, it's better focus on creating an individual work plan with alalik.

An “advanced” motor alalik (the presence of a pointing gesture, the implementation of multi-step instructions), provided that there is a systematic, complex, competent work in an alliance: speech therapist - psychologist - neuropathologist - parents, there is every chance to go to study at a gymnasium, and even more so at a comprehensive school and be there successful.

Alalik test: say KU-KU-RE-KU. After the 2nd repetition, the replacement of sounds begins.

A good predictive criterion for alalika is the ability to imitate intonation.

Alalik requires training in phrasal speech. It is necessary to learn texts (2-3 per week). This is how we do it when learning a foreign language.

All alaliks are characterized by:

- fast exhaustion;

- violation of concentration;

-increased fatigue.

With a psychologist must work as an alalikom, carrying out communicative and speech training to consolidate speech capabilities.

Often, parents of preschool children expect playful behavior from the teacher, because play activity is the leading activity of children under 7 years old, but this is not always justified, because how do alaliki need to form school skills early . He will have to work hard to be successful.

It is necessary to start giving analytical tasks as early as possible.

The maximum dynamics at corrective work give those children who are INTERESTED. It is very important to "wake up" the brain, it is especially valuable when emotion goes into "intellectuality".

All delayed children speech development should be sent for a hearing test!

Today, 28% of children are born with hearing loss.

Ideology remedial classes:


We allocate 15 minutes out of 45 minutes of the lesson for training parents and explaining to them the strategy and tactics of work.

The order in work begins with the folder of the child. Do not forgive parents for unlearned lessons, greasy spots in notebooks!

Speech is the servant of activity and the highest level of imitation.

If the lower stages of simulation are not formed,

speech "will not start"!

If there is no eye contact,

speech "won't start"!

Imitation of speech for an alalik is hard physical work, he does not always understand why he needs it.

Want to get a decent result - "work hard"!

In case of incorrect work from alalik, you will get a child with mental retardation,

with the right - a successful student of the gymnasium.

Dear parents, You must understand that a good speech therapist is a "piece" product.

Constantly learn, master modern techniques not everyone is capable of working to build an individual corrective route for the child, which will lead to success.

We, as "priests", serve children with speech disorders and their families.

Appreciate our "service"!

Seminar - workshop for parents

“Speech therapy games are the basis harmonious development speech in children of primary preschool age "

Speech is wonderful God's gift- is not given to a person from birth. It takes time for the child to start talking. And adults should make a lot of efforts so that the child's speech develops.

Thanks to the native language, the child enters our world, gets ample opportunities to communicate with other people. Speech helps to understand each other, forms attitudes and beliefs, and also plays a huge role in understanding the world in which we live.

AT preschool education Increasing attention is being paid to the relationship kindergarten with family. Modern science has come to the conclusion that the child's personality is formed primarily in the family and family relationships. AT preschool institutions conditions are created that imitate home conditions, parents who participate in classes are included in the educational process, sports holidays, quizzes, leisure evenings.

Our seminar - workshop allows you to involve parents in the classes, gives you the opportunity to become active participants in the pedagogical process.

AT last years significantly increased the number of children with speech pathology. The reasons for its occurrence are different. But, if speech pathology is detected in a timely manner and has a diverse impact on the development of the child's speech, then this problem can be eliminated.

One of the forms of classes for the development of speech with children of primary preschool age can be speech therapy games.

Viewing by parents speech therapy session in the junior developmental group.

During the lesson, the following tasks were solved:

1. Formation of ideas about the importance of water

An integral and very important part of speech therapy work is articulation gymnastics. Doing it regularly will help:

Improve mobility of articulatory organs

Strengthen the muscular system of the tongue, lips, cheeks

Teach the child to hold a certain articulatory posture

Increase range of motion

Reduce spasticity of the articulatory organs

Prepare the child for the correct pronunciation of sounds.

3. Development of fine motor skills of fingers

It is known that the level of development of children's speech is directly dependent on the degree of formation of fine movements of the fingers. proved that the movements of the fingers stimulate the activity of the central nervous system and accelerate the development of the child's speech. Thus, constant stimulation of the areas of the cerebral cortex responsible for fine motor skills, is a necessary element in the system of speech therapy influence.

4. Development of strength and duration of exhalation

Games and exercises with vowel sounds are the foundation on which all work on the development of phonemic processes, prosodic, is based. These games and exercises are very important for practicing strong, smooth and long exhalations, which are necessary in working on sound pronunciation.

5. Development of auditory perception and attention

6. Enrichment of the verb dictionary: swims, sorts, waves, frolics, shakes off

7. Coordination of speech with movement

It is known that the higher physical activity child, the more intensively his speech develops. On the other hand, the formation of movements also occurs with the participation of the rhea.

All material in which movements are assumed (especially of the hands) are better assimilated in poetic form, since verses make it possible to enter into the rhythm of movement. Pronunciation, "verbalization" of activity gives a greater effect (auditory, speech, and kinesthetic analyzers are included). This is also one of the forms of correction of violations of the syllabic structure.

The rhythm of speech, especially poetry, contributes to the development of coordination and voluntary motor skills.

In addition, with the help of poems, the correct rhythm of breathing is developed, speech-auditory memory develops.


9. Cultivate the skill of neatness

Equipment: rubber duck, basin of water, pebbles, feather, bubble, plastic straws and glasses with water according to the number of children.

Lesson progress

Organizing time

Guys, listen... (water noise) What is it? Vodichka flows to visit us.

A discussion on the importance of water. Coordination of speech with movements.

Tell me, what is the water for?

Let's ask Vodichka to wash our face.

Game "Vodichka"

Water, water,

Wash my face

To make your eyes sparkle

To make cheeks blush

To laugh mouth,

To bite a tooth.

And now Vodichka will wash our hands. What else do we need to keep our hands clean? (soap)

The game "We will soap our hands"

We will lather our hands, In a circular motion, rub one palm against the other.

One two Three. One two Three. We perform three rhythmic claps twice.

And above the handles, like clouds, We throw our hands up.

Bubbles, bubbles. We show the rings with our fingers.

Let's see what bubbles flew.

Children blow soap bubbles.

Finger gymnastics

And now Vodichka wants to play with us.

We blow into the tube ( exercise "Storm in a teacup"). Vodichka bubbles and sings: bul-bul. And our fingers will show bubbles ( exercise "Rings").

We throw pebbles into Vodichka. Vodichka sings: plop-plop. Our fingers will show splashes ( exercise "Fists").

Shake off wet hands. Vodichka sings: drip-drip. Our fingers are knocking like droplets ( exercise "Clicks").

Singing vowel sounds with movements in onomatopoeia

Listen, who's coming towards us? (quack-quack-quack). This is a duck. She loves to swim and listen to water songs.

· The duck swims, touches with its paws, and Vodichka sings: bul-bul. Let's stretch out our lips with a tube, we will sing: bul-bul and touch with our hands. Children perform.

· The duck frolics, flaps its wings and Vodichka sings: plop-splash. Let's stretch out our lips with a tube, we will sing: plop-splash and spank with our hands. Children perform.

The duck shakes off its feathers, and Vodichka sings: drip-drip. Let's open our mouths wide, let's sing: drip-drip and shake off our hands. Children perform.

Breathing exercises

Guys, while the duck was swimming, she lost her feather. Let's blow it (exercise "Blow a feather off your palm").

Articulation gymnastics

The duck opened its beak and began to play with its tongue. Let's play with our tongues.

· Exercise "Brushing the lower teeth"

· Exercise "Cleaning the upper teeth"

· Exercise "Turkey"

· Exercise "Swing"

· Exercise "Pendulum"


Guys, did you like to play with Vodichka? Will we be friends with her? Listen to what the duck says to you:

Gotta, gotta wash

Mornings and evenings

And not washed chimney sweeps

Shame and shame, shame and shame!