
The main laws of wealth. philosophy of wealth. Protection means


Many people are interested in knowing what the laws of wealth and the laws of money are and how they can be used to accumulate wealth. This article provides 10 laws of wealth, following which everyone can get rich. Familiarize yourself with the main ten laws of wealth.

To achieve wealth and acquire a huge fortune, you should follow the 10 laws of wealth. Thanks to the Ten Laws of Money to Achieve Wealth, many people have achieved huge fortunes, starting from absolute zero and total poverty - reaching multi-million dollar fortunes.

1. Set aside a tenth of your income

Set aside a tenth of the income you receive, says many financial books and reference books. This simple rule is the basis for building your own state. Without using this rule, it is unlikely that you will be able to become rich.

If you save more than 10% of your profits, wealth will soon appear. It is important to postpone at least a tenth of the income absolutely from all receipts.

It should be noted that this law of money is the most important and thanks to it alone, everyone can significantly improve their financial situation. Despite their simplicity in constantly putting aside 10%, only a few are able to always stick to this rule.

2. Money should always work

In order for the process of increasing wealth to begin to work in full force, the money set aside must be made to work, and not just lie. Thanks to their work, they will bring high dividends to their owner.

An example of how money can bring high profits is one that everyone knows about, but not everyone understands and uses.

3. Invest money with guarantees

It is necessary to invest money under some kind of guarantee. After all, banks do not issue a mortgage without an outpost or a loan for a car without collateral for this very car to the bank!

This is how the investor is obliged to demand guarantees from investment projects in which he invests his capital. Without guarantees for the return of invested funds, the investor may lose his investment.

4. Think over all the projects where you invest your money

Before investing money, you should learn more about the project. Important data when investing are: what guarantees does the project provide, what are the possible risks, expected profit, who manages the project, feedback from the project's clients.

5. Don't invest in areas you don't understand

When investing money, you should be well versed in the project itself, regulations, tariffs, conditions. If something seems unclear in an investment project, then until the moment all questions are clarified, you cannot invest in such a project.

Only by becoming an expert personally in the area where you invest money, your risks of losing money are reduced to zero.

6. Protect your money

An important task of an investor is to protect their money and accumulated wealth. Both money and various data that provide access to investors' funds should be protected.

Protection means:

    1. Diversification between different areas of projects.
    2. Saving personal data: passwords, bank card data, keys, e-tokens.
    3. Constant periodic control of your capital.
    4. Other ways to protect personal capital.

Always adhere to the above laws of money and your financial condition will constantly grow.

On the way to wealth, there will be many advisers, especially among the closest people who themselves, perhaps without knowing it, will lead you astray from the true path to your wealth. The advice of others should be taken with caution and filtered.

You should listen to advice and recommendations from people who have personally achieved wealth and do not climb out of advice themselves. Wise rich people expect to be asked for advice, and then they will gladly tell their own secrets of wealth, thanks to which they achieved success.

8. Get out of debt

Duty is a yoke of slavery and not a manifestation of the willpower and spirit of a person. It is easy to get debts, but it is difficult to pay them off. How more people thinks about the debt and how to pay it off, he gets into debt even more. After all, it is easy to borrow money to satisfy your desire, than to tame your desire with your willpower.

This is why in Western countries, people buy expensive real estate, cars and other luxuries on credit, and in the future give up and default on their debts, losing everything they have. Instead, it was necessary to deal with the issue without getting into debt.

9. Reduce costs

Reducing your own expenses is an important factor on the path to wealth. The more money a person starts to earn, the more expenses appear. Don't waste money on things you don't need.

Wealth formula: Spend less than you earn!

It is very important to constantly control your expenses and waste by keeping personal.

10. Constantly educate yourself on financial literacy

Never stop in your development and learning, especially financial literacy. The world of money is constantly changing, so you need to have the latest information on managing personal finances in order to consistently generate income.

If they do not learn and leave everything to chance, the accumulated state will disappear faster than the owner accumulated it.


By following the 10 laws of wealth, each person is able to create his own capital and fortune, which he did not even dream of. The main thing is to constantly follow the laws of money and be confident and persistent in your endeavors, and always bring them to the end.

Knowing the laws of money and wealth given in the article, everyone can improve their financial situation and become a rich person. The main thing is to constantly follow all ten laws of wealth!

No money? Are you sure that you know the laws of money and use ways to attract wealth? Perhaps on these small mistakes you lose the state ...

You can laugh at financial worries if you know the laws of money and follow these simple rules!

1. Find another source of income

Let it be a new specialty or a new job¹. So you can avoid the routine and become a specialist in one more thing. Look around - and you will find new sources of income thanks to new knowledge. Remember: the rich always earn!

2. Invest in yourself

By directing part of the money to your education, you become a more valuable specialist, which in turn will open up new opportunities for you! By investing in yourself, you are investing in your future prosperity, so no more doubts!

3. Save some money

When you receive a salary or other income, you need to immediately put aside 10-30%. You say, "I don't have enough money anyway." But if you continue to live the way you live, you will never have them. It is human nature to spend all the money if he does not control it.

Let it be small money, but save it regularly. This will help develop the habit of procrastination.

Know that what you put off is your well-being strategy.

(See below the law of quantity of money). Follow it and you will see how your income will increase!

Then you can invest this money in a business, real estate, securities or other sources that will bring you new money.

4. Don't buy things you don't need.

If you have a habit of going shopping, and from there you come out with a bunch of unnecessary things, then urgently change the situation! Make a list and follow it. And remember, when buying things, you should not save too much - "the miser pays twice."

5. Record financial movements

Keep a notebook of reports and write down how much you received and how much you spent, so you will master the basics of financial literacy² and understand where your money “goes”. You will also understand what you can really save on.

6. Invest

Find a project³ that you can invest in. This can help you create a passive source of income. Study the market. Check the facts. So soon you will be able to understand well where it is better to invest.

But remember: the rich always calculate the risks!

Before investing money somewhere, you need to study the segment in which you are going to invest. It is necessary to take into account all the risks and only after that take a decisive step.

7. Share

By doing this, you will return "good money" tenfold - this is one of the laws of multiplying money and attracting wealth!

8. Rejoice

Be happy that you already have money. Try to give yourself small gifts every day - this will strengthen the idea in your subconscious mind that money is good, and they will come into your life more often.

Rejoice that you live, an extra day of life cannot be bought for any money! An effective course will help you tune in to attract wealth and prosperity.

Laws of money

1. Law of circulation of money

Money must always be in motion!

2. Money back law

How more money you give, the more money you get!

3. The law of attraction of money

Think about wealth, imagine yourself a wealthy person, then money will be attracted to you!

4. Law of quantity of money

The rich always save! "Money to money." The more money you have, the more it will come into your life!

5. The law of receiving money

Never frame the Universe: think about the fact that money is coming to you, but never calculate the ways to get it. Money can come to you from a variety of sources!

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

² You can learn about the basics of financial literacy

³ A project is an idea, an idea, an image, embodied in the form of a description, justification of calculations, drawings that reveal the essence of the idea and the possibility of its practical implementation (

In our world, every person wants to have well-being and a great financial condition, but not everyone achieves what they want. In the world of money, there are laws that must be observed every minute in order to obtain and retain desiring capital.

Stick to these ten laws of wealth and prosperity and you can change your life for the better.

1 Law of subconscious beliefs

Many do not even assume that our well-being depends primarily on our internal beliefs and prejudices. How much you believe in yourself and your strengths, how much you value yourself, that's how much you deserve in life. If you think you deserve a salary of 15 thousand, then you will have it.

But, if you think that you can’t beg for 5 thousand for yourself, then you simply don’t deserve them. Everything is quite simple - change your internal attitudes and beliefs in the right direction.

2. Law of all-consuming desire

Your main task should be the desire to want to have material well-being with all your soul. Nothing should stop you on the way, you need to overcome any obstacles and not give in to anything. Be prepared for the fact that at some point it will be necessary to sacrifice something, but just always take care of your health, loved ones and inner comfort. Learn to set your own priorities correctly, because health, the attitude of loved ones and peace of mind are hard to return, and money can be earned with a great all-consuming desire.

3. The Law of a Thoughtful Plan

The third law of the ten laws of wealth is a well thought out plan. You must clearly paint and arrange everything on the shelves. Your main goal, step-by-step actions to achieve it, the time frame in which you should invest. If you need to change something in your life, decide what area you need to change. Maybe it's your job, place of residence, your personal qualities. Just always remember that work should bring you not only income, but also be pleasant and enjoyable, otherwise your goals will remain dreams.

4. The Law of Clarity of Intention

Take yourself a blank notebook, calculate and write down how much money you exactly need and what you will spend it on. If you decide to change the situation and buy a house for yourself, then specify where it is located, its size and the exact cost. If you decide to get a vehicle, then what, its brand, amount of money and why you need it. You must be sure that you do not confuse true goals with imaginary ones.

5. The law of perseverance

Many of us make a big mistake when achieving our goal - at the first failure, we immediately give up and abandon everything. So not a single person could achieve anything. You need to be prepared for many obstacles and troubles, no one is safe from this, but it is important to remember that these are just steps that lead you to success.

As you know, money loves those people who skillfully handle it and follow its basic laws. The laws of money are not so complicated, but many people, as it turns out, needlessly ignore them.

Experts have calculated that $135.5 trillion is in the private hands of the world's population. So why do some people have too little money, while others have an abundance? The answer is quite simple ─ most people ignore the laws of money or are skeptical about them. But money, like women. They need to be treated with attention and care, persuaded, appreciated and respected.

Brian Tracy claims that if you follow the laws of money, financial well-being will definitely come. Before proceeding to the study of the laws, it is necessary to understand the philosophy of money.

There is a statement that poverty is a way of thinking, then it would be fair to say that wealth is a state of mind. It turns out that to become rich, you need to learn to think differently. But before you get into the philosophy of wealth, you need to decide on the terminology.

According to the inhabitants, wealth is the state of the wallet when you can afford almost everything you dream of. There are 2 types of money ownership: wealth and wealth.

Security is the state when, for example, waking up in the morning, you suddenly want to relax in the Maldives, and in the evening you are already admiring the snow-white beaches of the island. With the same ease, you can afford to buy a brand new car, gadget, etc. Wealth is when you can afford to pay for the fantasies and desires of a friend, beloved relatives and all those who have the right to fantasize at your expense.

Distinguishes from the poor by having assets. If a person lives in a house on Rublyovka, rests in his own villa on the ocean, this does not mean that he is rich. He only uses what belongs to him, he does not receive income from these objects. These are passives.

True wealth presupposes having assets. For example, if houses are rented out and they receive income from them. Assets include stocks, securities, income-generating firms. The greater the income from assets, the richer and freer the person.

There are several mistakes and misconceptions that prevent you from becoming financially free.

  1. "I want a lot of money!" And this is how much? The wording “the more the better” is inappropriate in this case. You need to accurately calculate how much money you actually need to be happy. To determine the cherished amount, calculate how much you would like to spend on clothes, food, gifts, travel, help for relatives. There is no need to be modest, but it is not worth including a private jet in the estimate, a yacht is not worth it, they do not bring income, but a “tidy” sum will go to their maintenance. The resulting figure will be the amount of monthly income that can make you happy.
  2. “It's all not for me” You can lament endlessly that your grandfather is not a Rockefeller, no oil fountain was found in the country, etc. Instead of grieving, read biographies of rich people, watch videos of coaches, for example, such as Bodo Schaefer. His seminars are known all over the world and there is a lot to learn from him. Reading his books is a pleasure and they can be downloaded for free. Bodo Schaefer went bankrupt when he was 26 years old. Bodo Schaefer argues that complexity should be taken as a springboard. The book "Laws of the Winners" allowed thousands of people to understand what financial freedom is. Such "communication" with successful people will give confidence that you will achieve your goal.
  3. “I don’t want to think about the future, I want everything now!” Of course, you don’t want to deny yourself pleasures and constantly save for old age. Try to look at things differently. Find the right needs. As a rule, most of the money is spent on unnecessary things: changing cell phones, buying jewelry, branded items. At the initial stage, it is better to refrain from purchases of this kind. The wealth formula says that when income increases, costs should not increase, but the difference should multiply. Starting to earn more ─ increase the amount of investment.
  4. "A safe routine is better than freedom" Changing jobs is often daunting. Even more frightening is the refusal to work and start your own business, because this involves responsibility and a certain risk. Therefore, people are often afraid to leave their "familiar" place, even if their income leaves much to be desired. What to do? Stop being a coward and perceive your future as a multi-level combination. And the following laws of money will help you climb the financial pedestal.

What is money

Money is not just coins or rustling pieces of paper with portraits of presidents or landmarks. Money makes it possible to live a life that is satisfying. For them, you can buy almost everything except love and health.

Starting the pursuit of financial status, most people are sure that their goal is money, and if they earn a million, they will be happy. This perception of money is wrong, because money is just a tool for happiness. They can help in the realization of dreams, desires.

It is a mistake to think that money is evil. Only obsession with them can bring harm, because a person who is completely absorbed in money forgets about true values. The money itself is completely neutral. They cannot be good or bad. Their harm or benefit is determined only by their acquisition and use. Therefore, before starting your path to financial success, you should determine for yourself a real goal, the achievement of which will bring joy, and then the laws of money will definitely help.

law of abundance

There is a lot of money on Earth, there are so many of them that if all the cash, deposits, bank accounts of the whole world are exchanged for 100 dollar bills, you can build 2 skyscrapers higher than the Statue of Liberty. Therefore, a huge amount of money is available for everyone, they only need to be taken. Anyone can get as much as they want, you just need to make an effort.

The law of the amount of money says that if a person is firmly convinced that he will earn the necessary amount to achieve the goal, he will definitely receive it. If he gives himself a mental "installation" on poverty, then he will remain a poor man. In other words, a person is poor only because he did not want to become rich. But as soon as the desire to become a rich man takes possession of him, he will certainly become one.

A person must realize that today's financial situation is not the limit of his capabilities, believe in his financial independence, set impressive goals for himself. It is necessary to develop your knowledge and constantly move forward.

Law of magnetism

The Law of Attraction has been known since the last era. Its essence is as follows: the more money you accumulate and set aside, the more money will be added. Or as folk wisdom says: "Money sticks to money." Why is this happening? Communication with a large amount of money charges with positive emotions that increase the chances of earning. The ability to save is one of the main things to gain financial independence.

Law of Capital

Capital consists of mental abilities, knowledge, skills and money. All these resources are inseparable from each other. The amount earned fully shows the degree of development of the ability to earn at the present time. The more a person knows and can do, the greater his monetary reward.

The higher the knowledge and skills of a person, the higher the earnings

What needs to be done to increase cash flow?

  1. Time is a valuable resource, the more efficient its use, the higher the income. It is necessary to properly spend your time, analyze the working day by the minute and determine which actions were effective and which were just a waste of time.
  2. Invest money to develop your knowledge and abilities. By increasing the intellectual capital, the ability to earn will increase.

Law of Exchange

Money is a coupon for exchanging your labor for goods and services of other people. Man wants to become richer in order to satisfy his desires. Therefore, when climbing the financial Olympus, the goal should not be money, but specific goods and services, dreams. To increase income, you need to increase the value of your work, that is, work not more, but better. You need:

  • determine the specific cost of your desires;
  • draw up a detailed action plan;
  • remind yourself that money is a tool to achieve a goal.

Working for the future is a guarantee of security in the future. It is impossible to get rich overnight, it may take several years to achieve the goal. You need to learn how to manage your finances rationally, invest them wisely. Self-discipline will help you succeed.

Work in such a way that you have a guarantee for future security

savings law

Financial independence depends not only on the level of income, but also on the amount that you manage to accumulate and save. With any income, you must definitely set aside 10 percent. If a person is mired in debt, and 10% seems unacceptable for him, you need to start with 1%. This will not affect your lifestyle in any way.

Read also

What does money mean in our life

Having learned to live on 99% of your income, the percentage of money set aside should be gradually increased. Ideally, you should set aside 20% of your profits.

The financial future is determined by the amount of money that can be saved, 10% deferred does not count. The longer people keep capital and invest it, the more they earn in the future.

Parkinson's Law

The vast majority of people with an increase in income immediately increase their expenses. The person who spends everything he earns is a poor person. A rich person is one who has no debts, income exceeds expenses and an amount in the bank account that is enough to live the rest of his life.

To become really rich, you need to learn how to control expenses, get rid of debts as quickly as possible, take only the “right” loans. For example, buying a car on credit will allow you to get a better paying job.

law of three

Financial independence rests on three "pillars":

  • saving;
  • investment;
  • insurance.

By itself, the process of postponing will not bring the desired results. Money is subject to inflation and in the long run may simply depreciate. Therefore, they must be invested, but this also does not give a 100% guarantee of capital safety. Assets must be insured for security.

The ultimate goal is to accumulate such capital that the interest on investments brings more profit than the main place of work.

Money should make money

Capital must become Money must work, and for this they must be invested wisely. Any investment should start with a thorough analysis. The law of investment also applies to small investments. Losing money is easier than gaining.

Before making any investment, you should ask yourself: what happens if I lose this money? Based on the response received, further plans are made. Do not get hung up on one type of investment, there are a lot of opportunities to increase cash flow.

law of compound interest

Careful investment of money will allow them to grow at the rate of compound interest. The point of the law is to put money in and not touch it. That is, you can not kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. You can only spend the interest earned.

Law of accumulation

A grand financial achievement is the result of many efforts and sacrifices, created through accumulation. You need to accumulate two things: money and experience. The money invested brings income, and knowledge and experience will increase the cash flow.

Accumulation of savings creates a momentum force that promotes progress towards financial independence.

Material goods in general and money in particular have a special - quite specific - energy. If you put this very energy in the right direction, you will certainly never die of hunger, even if very dark times come. And vice versa: the same unknown material force, applied without knowledge of the case, can doom you to forever count pennies and live all the time on the verge of financial collapse - regardless of your level of abilities, income and other purely social circumstances.


Vera Ivanovna grew up in a fairly wealthy family. Her father was a member of the "middle hand" party elite. He received a high salary, had a company car with a driver, a service dacha, shopped at the executive committee's canteen, and so on. Vera Ivanovna's parents, who had gained money in the pre-war and war years, relished the benefits at their disposal, although they did not forget to save a penny for a rainy day, but never to the detriment of themselves! Verochka, who was at odds with the "ancestors", sincerely considered their manners to be "petty-bourgeois". “It’s a shame to eat, dress beautifully and go to fashionable resorts,” Vera assured herself. “You have to be able to deny yourself and save, save - for later.” With her head held high, she wore dresses made from her mother's outfits and simple "paper" stockings, and she carefully put the pennies saved and picked up on the street into an earthen piggy bank. As a husband, Vera also chose an economical one for herself - a penniless limiter. Rejecting the “handouts” of their father-in-law and mother-in-law, the young proudly moved to a shabby communal apartment and began to write dissertations, cutting out coppers for a piggy bank from a meager engineering salary. When this “later” comes and it will be possible to spend the accumulated money, they did not think. And there was nothing special to spend: the “stash”, despite all efforts, increased in size very slowly.

The children grew up, grandchildren appeared, and the happy “later” never came. Although Vera Ivanovna and her husband have long deserved professorships, received a bunch of other diplomas and certificates, collected a library of their scientific works, but, as before, they huddle in ordinary Khrushchev. The furniture in the room is old, bought as a student for a construction team pay. The money in the piggy bank has repeatedly turned into dust - after all the reforms and defaults, but respected professors do not lose heart, they, as before, deny themselves everything: they save. Already "coffin" ...

A long time ago, the king-Koshchei withered over his gold. The once wealthy Mr. Plyushkin grew old, turned into dust, along with his goodness, in the century before last. Accumulation without a special purpose almost never brings the expected results from this procedure. But why? What's in the salt?

Probably the point is that money lying "dead weight" in a stocking gradually loses its power. Imagine that we would take care of our legs (or arms), would use them only in case of emergency, in the hope that the strength would accumulate in them and in right moment we can use them to accomplish a feat or set a world record. Absurd? Yes, to the highest degree. If there is an organ, it must function, otherwise it will gradually atrophy! Or here's another example. Let's say you bought a car. If you put it in the garage to rust, then in a few years it will not only not drive better and faster, but on the contrary, it will be capricious, it will require repairs, lubrication and other investments - money and effort. So is money. If they happened (that is, they were received by a person as a reward for work or as an inheritance, it doesn’t matter), they should bring benefit or joy. Otherwise, why get them at all? Depreciate both morally and practical points vision.

And you can argue like this: handing us money, fate thereby gives us a chance to do something, to realize it - to go forward, grow above ourselves, develop, realize something planned from above. True, for these achievements you need to make mental or physical efforts, put something on the line, maybe lose something, but win yourself tomorrow, new, improved. It's like a talent. It is given to us not for the pleasure of some higher powers, but for the sake of development. It is a gift and a test at the same time. Talent tends to disappear if its owner buries it in the sand, afraid to take risks, afraid to sacrifice something available for the sake of new achievements. But if talent is used, it grows and multiplies by itself. Yes, it brings both the joy of victories and the bitterness of losses, but it makes you feel that you are alive. Is it possible to accumulate talent by putting it in a piggy bank for a rainy day? The answer is obvious.


Money has another - the opposite law. It is not recorded anywhere, it cannot be explained by any theorems or scientific formulas. It is not materialistic and non-material at all, but it exists. This is the law of conservation of money.

Oleg has never been rich. He grew up in a peasant family with a modest income, where the usual candy was considered almost a luxury. And he desperately disliked poverty. He could not and did not want to sit with his mother with his father on his neck. And therefore, having barely celebrated the end of school, he rushed to the "capital city" in search of happiness and earnings. He studied at the evening institute, worked where and how he could: he repaired irons and alarm clocks, swept the streets, walked dogs with wealthy Muscovites, sold newspapers and some suspicious tubes. This was enough for him to live and be, and for regular sendings to his parents in his native village. But to save ... Oleg did not like to save as much as he did to beg. “Money has appeared - let it go!” - so he sentenced, buying his mother a chic Orenburg hand-knitted scarf or arranging a hospitable party for friends. He could use the last bill to buy a gorgeous bouquet for a girl he liked on the street, not hoping that she would thank him with something more than a smile. He could “borrow” all the proceeds for the month to a fellow student who became a father, not hoping to get something back. Oleg was firmly convinced that in the absence of money, the way out would come by itself. Today I gave the last - tomorrow a hack will turn up, if it doesn’t turn up - they will pay the old debt. The debt will not be repaid - there is a piece of paper on the pavement, but no, so you can go to the underpass and just sing. Look, you're gathering up for dinner. Mom was very worried about her son and sent alarming letters to the capital: “Olezhka, why are you throwing money away? I earned a lot, so save it, son, for a rainy day! “Why delay? he waved. “Money should not be saved, but earned!”

And then Oleg got married and doubly appreciated his “money conservation law”. Olga was an exact copy of her mother: save and save! Only he will follow his wife's lead - the money from the house seems to be blown away by the wind. In the refrigerator - a rolling ball, holes in the shoes, they don’t offer hack work, didn’t give a loan - nothing. And as soon as Olga listens to her husband's arguments, the wallet gets fat as if by magic. It seems that, apart from the salary, there were no injections into the family budget, but they were able to buy this and that, and even left. So they live, as if swinging on a swing ...

At the same time, keep in mind: the law of conservation of money does not at all pander to spenders and pathological tratomaniacs. We are not talking about burning life at all. Just money - playful children of Fortune. They can't stand it when someone firmly attaches their soul to them, tries to "put them on a leash." They jokingly appear in the pocket and jokingly disappear. And if you also easily accept their game, they will play you again. And if you try to put it under a bushel, bury it in a little egg in the garden, they will disappear without a trace. It is not for nothing that hundreds and thousands of treasures remained undigged by those who buried them. This is what happens when the Plushkins hide their capital. Treasures themselves are not averse to hiding from those who are "obsessed" with money.

This paradox can be explained in different ways. Here is one version. What makes a person take money too seriously? Fear. Fear of losing what is available, fear of being left without a livelihood, fear of not being able to earn again. But fear is that black hole that absorbs both human strength and human abilities - all those gifts that are given to us by birthright. Fear can even paralyze, kill a living being. Trembling for your pocket - you lose most of your strengths and abilities, earning new things is bad. Yes, and there is no time to earn, just have time to dance to the tune of fear! And if you are not entangled in a web of fear, all roads are open to you. Go, act, do not yawn, and you will be rewarded.


The hoarding formula, as well as the law of conservation of money, despite all their unscientific nature, is actively studied in Lately psychologists, psychoanalysts and psychotherapists. And for those clients who tearfully complain about their inability to get rich, experts give useful, but difficult to implement advice: “Let go of the money!” It’s easy to say “let go”, but what if there aren’t enough of them?! So after all, it’s not easy to catch a fish from a pond. As for money, almost everyone lacks it. But let's try to give some tips that, perhaps, will help you "jump off the money hook." Warning: in case of clinical greed, they will not work!

SO, TIP FIRST: at times of particular concern financial position try to switch your attention to something that is really interesting to you. It can be interesting and useful at the same time. For example, think about where you could find an additional source of income. At the same time, it is very important to tune in to work, and not to empty thoughts. Estimate this way and that, write a plan: what needs to be done so that this very “hack” is really found. Take action: say, ask your friends if anyone needs your services. Read the ads in the newspapers (and even "emboss" your own), look on the Internet, and so on. And every evening, falling asleep, try to imagine in colors how you work in order to get these most cherished additional ones.

TWO TIP: Stop hurting yourself. Surely there are some little things that you can afford, but you constantly deny yourself this, trying to gain 5 kopecks. So, tighten up and stop! Need a new dress? Well, you obviously won’t get an exclusive designer model right now. But you can sew, find on sale, in second-hand. Just think how and get it!

TIP THREE: Take care to please someone other than yourself unhappy. Okay, you don't have enough money for new model mobile phone, regular boots or repairs. Yes, you really need it, everything is clear. But your neighbor has nothing but old jeans. Can't buy her? But surely there is something in the closet that you do not particularly need. Or your elderly aunt loves sweets, but rarely allows herself these pleasures on her small pension. So please the old woman with attention, and at the same time with a cake. Give, warm, caress, but not "for the sake of self-interest", but just like that, for pleasure - your own and your neighbor's. Give and you will come. How will it arrive? Nobody knows. This is the great secret of money.