
How to get rid of the drunkard's husband? L. S., Ulyanovsk region


Helping families of alcoholics

Husband started drinking husband drinks every day

binge recovery

Vindictive alcoholic husband killed his wife for treason two years ago

No one could even imagine that in a private house in the Dnieper region of Kherson, a young woman has been suffering bullying from her husband for several years. The neighbors and acquaintances considered the family of 36-year-old Oleg and 33-year-old Marina to be quite prosperous. For several years the man worked at a construction site, his wife also had a job. Then Oleg was released and hard times fell for Marina.

Helping families of alcoholics as important as alcohol addicts themselves

The husband began to drink, more and more often kissed the bottle, made scandals at home. He didn’t like that Marina came home late from work and he waited a long time for her to cook food, wash his clothes and put the children to bed. He did not care that his wife was the only breadwinner of the family, managed to take the children to school in the morning, cooked dinner for relatives after work, and also cleaned the rooms. The young woman endured her husband's insults, threats and his drunken antics every day. She did not tell anyone that her husband drinks every day and in general about problems in the family, even her own mother. And it would be worth it.

On the day of the crime, Oleg began to drink in the morning. By evening, he drank a liter of moonshine. Marina later came home from work and immediately stood at the stove. The children went to bed themselves, and the woman was still cooking. Oleg did not eat anything except moonshine that day. He irritatedly urged the woman on to serve her quickly. Marina could not resist and told the man to unhook from her. A quarrel began. Oleg did not control his emotions and actions. He began to accuse Marina of cheating on him 2 years ago and now his friends are laughing out of him. The woman did not have the strength to endure the grievances and she left the kitchen. Oleg ran after her with a knife in his hands. He caught up with his wife and thrust the knife into her back with all his might. Marina fell to the floor. She was bleeding, and Oleg, meanwhile, was sitting in the kitchen and drowning his grief in a bottle. Then he returned to the corridor and realized that Marina was dead. He dragged her out of the house and hid her in the barn. Then he washed the floor of the blood and went to his acquaintances, alcoholics. He returned only at dawn.

When the children woke up, they could not understand what had happened. Father was lying on the floor and snoring loudly. Mother was nowhere to be found. The children checked all the rooms, went out into the street, but they did not find Marina. They saw blood on the blanket and the walls and realized that trouble had happened. But they could not wake up their father, so they went to school themselves. On the way, they met Marina's grandmother, mother. And I was very surprised that the grandchildren were walking by themselves. Before she had time to ask what had happened, the children said terrible words: "We buried mom, and dad is asleep drunk." The pensioner almost fainted. How was it buried, yesterday she spoke with her daughter on the phone, and today she was already buried? The children explained that they saw blood in the house and did not find their mother. And at night they heard their parents quarreling. So they thought that dad buried their mom. The woman immediately called the police and went to their house with her grandchildren. The law enforcers arrived earlier and did not let the pensioner and young children go to the scene of the crime, because the picture was terrible.

Only the employees of the Dnieper police department entered the house, then on the threshold they saw a man who was fast asleep. He smelled of alcohol. No matter how hard they tried, they could not bring him to his senses. The body of the owner's wife was found by the police in the barn. A forensic medical examination established that she died from a penetrating stab wound to her back with damage to her lung. I had to call two ambulances at once: for the deceased and her husband, who was in a state of alcoholic coma. Doctors did their best to save the man's life. After all, his testimony was very important for clarifying the circumstances of the crime. The law enforcement officers had several versions of what happened: an invasion with the purpose of robbery, hostile relations with friends. The man was also a suspect, but it was not yet possible to interrogate him in the investigation. Law enforcement officers began to carry out painstaking work and collect all possible information about the family.

All neighbors and acquaintances said that the family was normal. But at night they heard screams. The mother of the deceased was not haunted by grief and worried about her grandchildren and son-in-law. After all, according to her, he and the children could have been killed too. It was more difficult for the investigators to talk to the children. They cried all the time and asked their mother. The kids said that at night they heard their parents quarrel, but were afraid to leave the room. And in the morning we saw blood on the floor. Oleg became the main suspect. After a few days he regained consciousness and was able to speak. But his answers to questions shocked the investigators, he behaved inappropriately. When asked, "Who killed your wife," he answered: "America." I had to wait some more time until recovery from binge occurs, all alcohol will not leave his body and he will be able to testify. But this time, too, the man played a real show in front of the police. He cried loudly and said that he would strangle the murderer with his own hands. But that didn't help him. Oleg's fingerprints were found on the murder weapon. Marina's blood was on his hands and clothes.

The man told all the details of the crime, cried all the time and reproached himself for drinking too much moonshine that day. Now his children are virtually orphans. For committing premeditated murder, a man faces imprisonment for a term of 7 to 15 years.

According to ""

I am always worried about our gentle and sweet. You walk down the street, and you will not take your eyes off the meeting with a very beautiful woman. Yes, for such a thing, I am ready to go to the fire with Bruno, and then God will judge.

What do you think? Gentle and affectionate, they are much weaker than men and in life they have to endure, just rough male affection. The make-up was probably invented in order to hide the innocent amusements of men. Only women know what they hide under a thick layer of putty. You look at some ladies, you should give them flowers, and kiss their feet - the very little fingers, but they live with scoundrels who are not even worthy of this very little finger. The beatings, drunken scandals turn into a way of life, and make-up in the morning.

I have always told women that it is better to live with a real man than with an unloved man. After all a real man, besides his wife, he always loves other women and does not allow himself to offend them, not only to hit them. Life is given to us alone, and to live it with an unloved husband or with an alcoholic is the same as going through life without leaving a swamp. God invented love to make people happy, everything else was invented by people. You just need to RE-THINK and DECIDE.

I am surprised at gentle and affectionate when they begin to think. The most daring usually hire a hitman. Then in the news they say that this is a cop setup. Those who are more cunning, all summer long pick mushrooms near the "MOSCOW-SIMFERPOL" road, which are easier to hit on the head with a frying pan. Women they are always sophisticated in their mind, but not in the ability to bring the business to the end, the chicken is to blame.

For the gentle and cute !! If you decide to get rid of the drunkard's husband, without killers and a frying pan, I give a universal recipe. Look at your drunk from the other side. If not needed? If your rude and not well-groomed, in your opinion, a dork, a moron and generally a bastard, forget these words. At the mere mention of fishing or hunting, immediately support him. The phrase; "Of course, take a trip dear. You work so hard. I will miss you" - should become a duty in your vocabulary. Leave the words drunkard, drunkard in your head. They act on any man, like a bullfighter dressed in a red suit, but having forgotten a cloak and a rapier in the locker room. When collecting your husband for hunting or fishing, buy him 3 liters of vodka. Will refuse, they say I have already taken, say the second phrase on duty: "It may not be enough, because last time it was not enough. Yes, and friends can be greedy, take a little. If you have an extra one, you will bring it home." All the phrases on duty must be spoken with affection and tenderness, with love in the eyes. Dear ladies on hunting and fishing, there is no extra vodka. More than 10 liters, not a single drunk can withstand. Or he will drown if he is a fisherman, or he will be shot while hunting if he is a hunter. And if it is not that, not the other, in everyday life he will either be soaked or he will decide whom. How many such fools are sitting in Russian prisons or lying in the cemetery. And the money will go to vodka much less than the killer and the courts. And leave other options. Beautiful women should decorate male life rather than go to jail.


And if the husband does not like fishing and hunting, does not go anywhere, drinks at home and you will not drive him out to his friends? He rarely travels, and with them he is always kind, keeps himself in control, and at home, as he drinks, he begins to rush at me and at the children. I bought him so much that he could get drunk, so he drinks in moderation, only gets drunk and blows his roof off, does not drink to hell, is afraid to die. What would you advise then?

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Dear guests, friends and blog readers, hello! If you went to the page, then you are interested and I am very happy about it. Before starting to write today's article, I thought for a long time where to start ...

The topic that I decided to touch on today is very complex and unpleasant. It's about alcoholism. Unfortunately, if in a family there is, to put it mildly, a person addicted to this serpent, the whole family suffers.

It also happens in another way, people are married, happy and suddenly something terrible happens. People start drinking and cannot stop. Others suffer again, what to do, how to be?

In the article:

Passion for alcohol is, of course, a disease. This disease is caused by the constant use of alcohol. The body constantly requires this potion. The psyche begins to collapse.


Alcoholism is a chronic disease that destroys internal organs such as - kidneys, cardiovascular system, nerves, digestion, respiratory organs. All these organs begin to ache due to prolonged intake of alcohol.

Alcohol changes completely in a person nervous system... The functions of the liver and kidneys are impaired. This is due to systematic poisoning with alcoholic poisons.

Put something cold on your head, maybe a rag soaked in cold water or ice. You can also give an enema with cold water. You say cold water will chill everything. With alcohol poisoning, such an enema can be done.

After you have flushed out the stomach, give the patient Activated carbon two tablets and be sure to call your doctor.

Both alcohol poisoning and intoxication will be well relieved by ammonia or peppermint alcohol. Twenty drops of alcohol in a glass of water. If a person poisoned with alcohol is unconscious, urgently call an ambulance.

You yourself will not be able to wash out the stomach of such a person. This can only be done in a hospital. I no longer know how to treat alcoholism and help a person with alcoholic intoxication. I really hope that the advice given in the article will help you and save your family and friends.

Be healthy.

Everyone at least once had to deal with inappropriate behavior of a drunk. How to calm down a drunken aggressive person, in most cases, you have to decide individually in each specific situation, depending on many factors.

Read in the article

The correct way to communicate

Not every woman imagines how to calm a drunk person. Alcoholics' wives complain of problems arising from the inappropriate behavior of a drunken husband, including the use of violence and assault. The alcoholic's aggression forces him to look for ways to solve the problem.

The best option is the psychological attitude to remain calm, not to respond with aggression. It is worth trying to extinguish emotional arousal with a benevolent tone. If this does not help, and the drunk man grabs his weapon, he must leave immediately.

When the degree of intoxication is low, a person is able to perceive the meaning of words addressed to him. You can and should help him cope with alcohol stress. Maintaining eye contact and talking calmly, sit next to him, express sympathy and willingness to help with words and calm touches.

If, when communicating with a drunk, you do not restrain emotional excitement, give an outlet to anger, the consequences will be severe.

Most alcoholics are aware of their inadequacy and expect help from those around them. The psyche of drinking people is unstable. Relatives who know the alcoholic's stimulating factors (words, actions, situations) should not provoke him to psychological breakdowns.

How to sober up a drunken house

If a drunken husband listens to the words, is mentally ready for interaction, it is worth helping him get rid of intoxication without resorting to medications.

At home, the process of getting rid of intoxication is long, but gentle for the victim's body. Recommendations for sobering up:

  1. washing the stomach and intestines with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or soda;
  2. ingestion of a solution of ammonia (for 1 glass of water 5 drops of the agent);
  3. ingestion of activated carbon, Enterosgel or their analogs;
  4. drinking decoctions of chamomile, sage, fruit drinks, tea;
  5. application for the body feasible physical activity(walking or running on fresh air, light warm-up).

Physical force is used, if necessary, to calm down a raging alcoholic. This method is dangerous. It causes increased aggression and nervous stress. A brawler who has come to his senses is able to write a statement to the police about the person who calmed him down.

Systematic drunkenness, inappropriate behavior, disrespect for the family and others are a good reason for treatment.

Sobering up in a hospital

The doctor knows how to quickly put a drunk person to sleep using the necessary means. He uses medications that are not harmful to the patient's health, given the past diseases.

In the narcological department of the hospital, the process of alcohol neutralization proceeds faster than at home. Qualified specialists carry out detoxification measures: instillation with drugs, plasmapheresis and dialysis procedures.

Expert opinion

An adequate person understands that an alcoholic who is deprived of clarity of consciousness can not only cause inconvenience to others or ruin the holiday, but cause serious injury to himself, as well as to those around him. Psychologists advise avoiding conflicts with the drinking person.

For example, if it is known that a man has been drinking for more than one day, and his wife has the opportunity to spend the night with relatives or friends, this should be done. You can talk with your spouse, discuss the possibilities of solving the problem the next day, when he comes to his senses.

According to experts, the reasons for the aggression of a drunk lie in psychological characteristics personality. Alcohol liberates consciousness, previously held back contradictions, resentments, stresses are released. Calming a violent alcoholic is difficult, sometimes dangerous.

Sleep is the best neutralization method. It is necessary for the affected body to cope with intoxication, to bring the depressed kidneys and liver back to normal. In a dream, all energy is directed towards eliminating a dangerous toxic shock.

Over 60% of alcoholics die from pancreatitis and liver cirrhosis, 24% - from diseases of cardio-vascular system.

How to put a drunk to bed human

Putting a drunk person to sleep has two positive aspects: temporary isolation and recovery from alcohol stress. The most dangerous method of euthanasia for health is the use of medications against the background of alcohol.

With the help of medicines

To pacify a drunk person, some add medicine to his food or drink. These actions cost the lives of many alcoholics. There are times when wives driven to despair by scandals and drunkenness try to calm their deranged husbands with sedatives. This is extremely dangerous and can lead to the death of a spouse.

Some sleeping pills (Phenazepam, Diazepam) against the background of alcohol cause the development of psychosis and severe damage to the cardiovascular system. Antidepressants mixed with alcohol provoke an increase in blood pressure, often leading to a stroke or heart attack.

Sedatives in combination with alcohol cause severe toxic reactions, allergies, edema or death, depending on the individual characteristics of the organism, the size of the dose taken. It is possible to use medications for the purpose of lulling a person only after consulting a doctor.

Adding any chemicals to food or drink without the knowledge of the person is a crime and is punishable under criminal law.

By persuasion

Instead of experimenting with drugs, you should try to persuade the drunk to go to bed. This method works well when the alcoholic is not aggressive. You need to talk to him, observing the rules:

  • do not argue, even if the conversation is about complete nonsense;
  • agree to fulfill a small request (helps to slow down emotional arousal);
  • pay attention to the need for his help.

Quiet music, the absence of a noisy company, benevolently sounded attitudes to a drowsy state help to calm down, and now he is already asleep. The sleeping alcoholic is not dangerous to those around him.

Unconventional ways

There are forced methods of falling asleep:

  • pressing on special points on the body;
  • hypnosis.

The use of these methods is forced. The sleep that occurred after their use differs from the physiological one. It does not give the body a normal rest.

Alcoholism is officially recognized as a disease. Narcologists, psychologists, psychotherapists work with patients. The success of treatment depends on the decision of the patient to get rid of the disease. It is impossible to discuss the problem when the drunk is aggressive. It is important that the people around them know how to communicate with the patient and be able to organize his euthanasia. Sleep relieves aggressive manifestations of the disease, makes it possible to think about recovery.

I sit on the bed and look at my husband. He lies on the floor and twists with his bare feet. Pendulous, almost female, breasts, flabby belly hanging to the side, puffy, flabby face. A quiet murmur is heard. He urinates. God! And this is my husband! My Leshka, a blue-eyed handsome man, an athlete with a Viking's face, with a blond wave over bold eyes, at a glance at whom the heart broke off from a dizzying height ...

With a little fiddling, he can hardly climb onto the bed. She pulls off her panties and spreads her legs. With the fingers of his right hand he takes something wretched, pitiful, lethargic by the tip, pulls it off and asks with naive pride: "Do you like him?" “Very,” I answer ironically. He doesn't feel irony. “Then take it,” he says condescendingly magnanimously. There is nothing to do, I pick up this something that looks like an empty sausage skin, and begin to iron. I have to - he is terribly strong physically. The mood of a drunk is changeable, like autumn weather, spoils in the blink of an eye. But what is always constant with him is the desire for sex with a complete lack of opportunities. Sexual impotence combined with lust is an amazingly disgusting thing.

Finally, he falls asleep. But you will not have time to breathe a sigh of relief, and he is already goggling his senseless eyes again, reaching out somewhere, torn, demanding something, what exactly is impossible to understand, the language is braided. But the mate is unexpectedly clear. The three most popular letters in the Russian language are sent to me regularly every half a minute. Finally, he wakes up completely and yells: "I want to eat!" This is already serious. I'm going to feed him. The process of his eating deserves a separate poem.

He sits at the table swaying and with a naughty hand tries to grab a spoon. After a while, he succeeds. He wants to scoop up the soup, but the mean spoon wriggles out of his fingers and flops right into the soup. Now he catches a spoon already in the soup, turning the potatoes and noodles right onto the table. With five fingers, he grabs what has been turned inside out and stuffs it into his mouth. His whole face is smeared, a thread of saliva hangs from his lips and falls into the plate. Turning away, suppressing an attack of nausea ...

One of the phases of his binge is the obligatory desire to fight. He served in the special forces, there he was taught the techniques of hand-to-hand combat, and in a drunken man the reflexes developed in the army wake up. He wants to throw out aggression. And since there is no worthy opponent nearby, family members are involved.

He teased his fourteen-year-old son like a puppy, trying to make him angry, to challenge him to a fight. He forcefully stroked his face from top to bottom, crushing his nose and lips, tugging at the genitals, saying: “You’ll start with me now, come on, come on”. My son was shaking with indignation and humiliation, gritting his teeth, clenching his fists, and I stepped on his foot under the table, begging him to be patient with my eyes. If the son does not stand up, he will answer him, then the hundred-kilogram beast will crush and break the fragile boy.

The son endured. He got up, kissed me, wished Good night... And after a while there was a noise in his room, the screams of his daughters. I ran to them. The son was throwing up. He hugged me and said: "Mom, I swallowed the pills." - "Son, what have you done?" - I shouted and rushed to look for the car. Taking an interest in the commotion, the husband entered the room, and the son, thinking that he would die, said: "I hate you." For this, his husband beat him. It hit me, of course, too: “He hates me, and you take him to the hospital? Bitch, scum! " - and began to hit me in the face.

My lips were bloody, swollen, and he rejoiced: “What, bitch, your mouth won't close? Kiss Me!" I touched his lips. “What are you kissing on duty, bitch? Kiss with passion! " And I kissed him again and again with broken lips. So as not to get to daughters too. How many times did he throw his daughters on the floor, beat his head against the wall, strangle a 16-year-old fragile girl ...

These are the pictures of my life. I'm not alone. A.'s head is covered with scars from her husband's beatings. B.'s drunken husband threw a 2-year-old child out of the window - miraculously survived. V.'s husband beat off the kidneys and spleen twice, twice lay in the hospital, something was stitched to her. G.'s drunken husband almost gassed the whole family. Drunk D. introduced his 12-year-old daughter to drinking and cohabitation.

You can list it endlessly. Drunkenness in Russia has assumed the scale of a national catastrophe. I work at a school as a teacher and I see that every year there are more children who are not able to build the simplest logical circuits or even just reproduce what they have read. And these are the children of alcoholics.

I tried to divorce him, but there is no money to go far, and we stayed with him in the same village, he still went and made scandals. Now there is one more reason for scandals - a divorce on my initiative.

Driven to despair, I repeatedly wished my husband death. She wished, and then caught herself: "But what am I doing, it's a sin to wish another death." (I am a believer.) But then I think: is this so? Is this the way the Lord intended man?

Doctors and lawyers around the world argue over the legality of euthanasia. For alcoholics, euthanasia is perhaps the only remedy ...

L. S., Ulyanovsk region.