
Medical way to terminate pregnancy drugs. Are there any contraindications. More about medical abortion


Medical abortion (termination of pregnancy with pills) - latest way termination of pregnancy in the early stages without surgical intervention.


Modern censorship does not recommend advertising means and methods of emergency contraception and abortion, considering it immoral. But gynecologists say that it is much more immoral to have abortions on later dates or abandoning newborn babies in maternity hospitals. So, let's not be hypocrites, and let's talk about the advantages and disadvantages of terminating a pregnancy in the early stages.

The essence of medical abortion is the use of hormonal drugs Mifepristone, Mifegin, Mifepristone and others specially created for this purpose.

What is medical abortion

If earlier interruption unwanted pregnancy was carried out exclusively by surgery, now, for more than twenty-five years, emergency medical contraception is possible. For this, there are special medications, taking which it becomes possible to prevent pregnancy without surgery.

How does such an abortion happen? This type of abortion is carried out due to the action of pills that cause rejection of the fetal egg without the direct intervention of a gynecologist. Under the influence of the substance present in the tablet, the effect of progesterone is blocked. In other words, the doctor does not use surgical instruments and, therefore, cannot damage the uterus or infect the uterus, which is especially dangerous for nulliparous women.

A medical abortion does not differ in signs from a natural one (spontaneous abortion), which is why it is called a medical miscarriage provocation. In women, spotting appears within 2 days, the lower abdomen hurts like contractions. Additional symptoms are nausea, diarrhea, slight weakness, slight fever.

Other names for the procedure: medicinal, chemical, pharmacological, velvet abortion, medical provocation of spontaneous abortion. Often it is called safe, although this is not entirely true - there are still some risks, but we will talk about this later.

Grounds for termination of pregnancy: is it necessary to have an abortion?

At an early stage, while the fetus is in the embryonic stage, no permission from doctors, spouse, etc. not required. The decision to have an abortion is made by the woman herself. The reasons for such a difficult step are usually:

  • Serious illness, untreated infection, poor heredity in the father of the child or the woman herself.
  • The opinion that a child takes a lot of time and effort, and food, clothing and children's accessories require a lot of money.
  • Fear of condemnation from a man, relatives, others, if the child has to grow up without a father.
  • Domestic disorder, financial aspect, lack of prospects in life.
  • The need to continue education, the desire to continue a career, especially if it is associated with appearance or freedom in relationships, movement.
  • The desire for a carefree, noncommittal life.

Before making a decision have a medical abortion, think carefully whether your arguments are worth the opportunity to give birth to a baby. If the reasons are really serious - do not pull, immediately consult a gynecologist.

Timing: when can you have a medical abortion

Each country sets its own deadlines for medical abortion. For example, in the US, this type of abortion is allowed only up to 7 weeks (from the first day of menstruation). The UK College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends medical abortion at different terms: 1) up to 8 weeks, 2) 9-13 weeks 3) up to the 24th week of pregnancy.

Russian doctors believe that such an abortion is optimal before the sixth week of pregnancy. There is information that in Russia medical abortion can be done up to 9 weeks of pregnancy (this is not prohibited), but many doctors do not risk taking such responsibility. In their opinion, later than 6 weeks, it is dangerous to take pills, because a miscarriage that has begun can cause bleeding or inflammation caused by the remains of the placenta in the uterus. In the later stages, mandatory mechanical cleaning (curettage) of the uterus is required, regardless of the causes of the miscarriage.

From the foregoing, we can conclude: The sooner a woman turns to a gynecologist, the more effective the procedure will be and the less likely the occurrence of complications. Therefore, if the pregnancy is unwanted, you should go to the gynecologist immediately if you suspect conception.

Is medical abortion safe? Can it be done at home?

The Internet is full of articles about medical abortion at home. But if it's so simple, why aren't abortion pills sold in pharmacies? The answer is unlikely to please you. Despite the apparent ease of the procedure, it cannot be considered completely safe.

  • Medical abortion, although it carries minimal risks, nevertheless, disrupting the course of the normal pregnancy process, abruptly interrupts the active hormonal changes associated with preparing a woman’s body for bearing a child.
  • This seemingly safe abortion has contraindications.
  • Only an analysis for hCG in combination with ultrasound can confirm the presence of pregnancy.
  • In some situations, the pills do not work and the pregnancy persists. The gynecologist should control the process.

You can't do it at home. Moreover, you can’t buy abortion pills on the Internet, pharmacies or by hand, according to an ad. There is a huge possibility of buying counterfeit drugs that will not lead to interruption and may cause poisoning. Abortion drugs can only be purchased by a representative of a clinic licensed to perform medical abortion. Each tablet is strictly registered by the state.

Possible complications after velvet abortion pills

incomplete abortion when the fetal egg is not completely released or completely left. In this case, the doctor will prescribe a vacuum extraction or a full-fledged curettage of the uterus with a curette - an ordinary abortion. It is possible to assume a complication by the presence of secretions. If menstruation does not start 48 hours after taking the medicine, you need to contact a gynecologist.

Inflammation in the uterus and appendages . It may occur due to the spread of infection from the urinary tract. The temperature rises, the stomach hurts incessantly. There may be discharge unusual for critical days.

Problems with the uterus. Lochiometer (ichorus, serous discharge in the uterus), hematometer (blood in the uterus), subinvolution of the uterus (delayed recovery of the organ). In this case, there will be pain in the abdomen, problems with critical days, etc.

Prolonged bleeding up to 2 weeks . In about 3-5% of women, abortion pills cause hormonal failure - the cycle becomes irregular, bleeding between periods is not uncommon. Other types of abortions guarantee failure in 12-15% of cases. The reason is neuroendocrine disorders leading to amenorrhea (absence of menstruation), resulting from a violation of the ability of the endometrium (uterine lining) to recover. And if, after taking abortion pills, the hormonal background is easy to restore, if the deep layers of the endometrium and uterine muscles are traumatized by the surgical method of abortion, this will not be so easy. In a woman who has given birth, the cycle will return to normal in 3-4 months, in a woman who has not given birth, the restoration of functions will take at least six months.

Do not forget that hormonal failure after an abortion is not only problems with critical days. This is a metabolic disorder, sudden fullness, the appearance of cellulite, acne, etc. A woman's character deteriorates, she feels bad, looks worse and cannot become pregnant. If such symptoms appear after a medical abortion, you need to urgently take tests for hormones. The list of tests, based on the signs, will be indicated by the gynecologist.

Contraindications. How to reduce the risk of miscarriage with medication

As noted earlier, this type of abortion should not be resorted to if the gestational age has exceeded six weeks. In addition, if there is a suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy, then medical abortion is completely contraindicated. Treatment ectopic pregnancy performed by surgical methods.

You can not use this type of abortion when:

  • anemia;
  • existing uterine myoma;
  • violations of hemostasis (hematopoietic functions) due to the risk of severe bleeding.
  • severe arterial hypertension;
  • severe liver disease;
  • with hypersensitivity to misoprostol, mifepristone;
  • porphyria.

Adrenal and renal insufficiency and bronchial asthma are contraindications. Mifepristone disrupts the balance of adrenal hormones needed to treat asthma by blocking them. The drugs used to treat such pathologies also become ineffective.

To avoid any problems, you must:

  • Get tested at the clinic to make sure you have normal pregnancy. Signs of an ectopic pregnancy can completely coincide, but pills for medical abortion in this case will not work and the ectopic will develop, up to the rupture of the tube.
  • Confirm gestational age with ultrasound . If this is not done and, in fact, the pills are taken later than the permissible dates, you still have to go for curettage, which is akin to a regular abortion.
  • Check for contraindications to taking pills and generally artificial termination of pregnancy.
  • Get tested after taking the pills to make sure the pregnancy is terminated and there are no remnants of the fetal egg in the uterus. In 2% of cases, abortion is ineffective - pregnancy under the influence of pills is not interrupted.

Before a medical abortion, the doctor will ask you to sign an informed consent for the procedure. Without this document, it is impossible to have an abortion - it will be a violation of the law. At the same time, one should not think that the clinic disclaims responsibility for complications. Consent only confirms that you went to this procedure voluntarily and were warned about the possible consequences.

Benefits of Medical Abortion

If we compare several types of abortion, then medical abortion has a number of advantages over all others:

  • The main advantage of emergency contraception is the non-invasiveness of the procedure, which eliminates the complications that are possible with surgical abortion. Since there is no mechanical effect on the walls of the uterus, the organ will definitely not be damaged - this protects against infertility. In addition, the endometrium of the uterine cavity is not damaged, which gives a quick recovery of menstruation.
  • It is possible to terminate an unwanted pregnancy from the very beginning of a missed period. You don't have to go to the hospital.
  • High efficiency. The effectiveness of the non-surgical method is about 96%.
  • Full control of the patient's condition at all stages of the procedure. Selection of a safe dosage of the drug, taking into account the health of the woman. Possibility to choose the drug by action and cost. There is no need for anesthesia.
  • Safe emergency contraception without surgery is not scary and does not hurt. Due to the absence of a damaging effect on the reproductive and reproductive systems, there is no need for further treatment. Complications after such a procedure practically do not arise if it was carried out correctly.
  • The penetration of infection is excluded, adhesions are not formed, the development of gynecological complications occurs in isolated cases. There is no danger of contracting hepatitis or AIDS. Does not threaten secondary infertility.
  • Psychologically, drug abortion is perceived by women much easier, therefore, from a moral point of view, given the minimum gestational age, it can be called morally sparing.

This is indeed the most gentle type of abortion, although, of course, there are still some risks. Often, women are faced with the fact that their cycle goes astray, the problem is solved by prescribing drugs for hormone replacement therapy. With other types of abortion, the consequences are more serious - up to possible infertility - in this case, a long and expensive treatment is ahead.

What does the examination before a sparing abortion include?

After a woman has found out about her pregnancy, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist who will conduct a preliminary examination. Before medical abortion, the gynecologist:

  • Clarifies information (anamnesis) about the patient's health, including previous and existing diseases.
  • Will conduct a gynecological examination using a bimanual (manual with the use of mirrors) method to clarify the gestational age, exclude ectopic pregnancy and other gynecological pathologies that can be harmful during the examination.
  • Talk about the dangers of abortion and possible complications(this is required by Russian legislation and medical ethics).
  • Next, you will need to donate blood for a general analysis, a coagulogram, an RW test for syphilis, hepatitis B and C and HIV, a smear for the flora (the presence of dangerous infections) and undergo an ultrasound scan that allows you to determine the gestational age.

How is the procedure

In the absence of contraindications, the gynecologist prescribes the selected drug in tablets to the woman, which must be taken 2 hours before meals. Do not eat for 2 hours after taking this medicine.

A pregnant woman in the presence of a gynecologist takes 1-3 tablets of the drug (depending on the chosen medication), after which she goes home. If the tablet began to act, after 1-2 days, discharge appears, as during menstruation. This indicates the rejection of the fetal egg. During this period, unpleasant sensations similar to painful critical days are possible. If there are debilitating pains and prolonged bleeding, the doctor will prescribe painkillers and hemostatic agents. If symptoms unusual for menstruation appear - fever with chills, weakness, sharp pains in the lower abdomen, significant bleeding, etc., you need to urgently contact a gynecologist. In such cases, curettage of the uterine cavity may be required, i.e. in fact, carrying out a conventional abortion.

Next, the first control ultrasound is performed 3 days after the patient has taken the medicine. The gynecologist must make sure that there are no traces of the fetal egg in the uterus. Such residues rot and infect surrounding tissues, causing severe bleeding and other post-abortion complications. If residues are found in the uterus, the doctor decides on further actions.

A second examination is carried out in a week: the day of the visit is appointed by the doctor. If necessary, it is possible to conduct additional tests, for example, the determination of human chorionic gonadotropin. Please note: spotting can go on for 2-3 weeks - this is normal.

In some cases, the examination procedure can be simplified. For example, if a woman has already taken some tests and was examined by this gynecologist. Much also depends on the drug chosen.

Important conditions: pills when breastfeeding, etc.

  • If a woman becomes pregnant with an intrauterine device installed, the gynecologist must first remove the contraceptive. Medical abortion can be performed immediately after the procedure.
  • It is not recommended to terminate pregnancy with pills for smoking women over the age of 35, since in most cases they have problems with blood vessels.
  • In the presence of inflammation in the urogenital area, treatment can and should be carried out simultaneously with medical abortion, so as not to spread the infection.
  • When taking mifepristone and misoprostol during breastfeeding, you need to express milk for a day. These drugs pass into milk and how they affect the baby is not yet known.
  • A new pregnancy after a medical abortion can occur in the next cycle, so after the procedure, you should refrain from intimate relationships for 2 weeks.

What drugs are used for abortion pills

The doctor selects the drug individually. In Russia, various combinations of drugs are allowed for use: mifepristone (it is often called incorrectly - mefepristone or mefipristone) or its analogues - mifegin, pencrofton, mifolian, RU 486, as well as misoprostol and its analogues - Cytotec, Cytotec. There are also approved abortion pills - mifeprex. Methotrexate can be used as an injection.

Mifepristone is a synthetic antagonist of the pregnancy hormone progesterone. It blocks its action on the uterus, causing the endometrium, which lines the uterus from the inside and keeps the embryo safe, to thin. The embryo can no longer be held in the uterus, it has nothing to eat, so its growth and maturation are disturbed. This is what causes the abortion. Mifepristone is used in combination with small doses of drugs - prostaglandins that cause uterine contractions, which accelerates the rejection of the fetal egg.

Misoprostol is an artificial analogue of prostaglandin E. It softens the cervix and causes it to contract. So the fertilized egg leaves the body. This drug is also used in other areas of medicine, for example, in gastroenterology for the prevention of stomach ulcers.

Methotrexate is a very strong drug. It is a folic acid antagonist used for medical abortion in patients who do not plan to have more children. This medicine is used in gynecology and for the treatment of certain types of ectopic pregnancy. It is also a popular drug in oncology and rheumatology.


The scheme of taking pills for medical abortion in our country and in Europe

There is no universal scheme for medical abortion with these drugs. Each gynecologist chooses the technique he has tried, which gives the best result without complications. An obligatory moment is an assessment of the woman's condition (age, number of births, body weight, hormonal levels, etc.). Therefore, information on dosages of drugs for termination of pregnancy is given for informational purposes only.

So in the instructions for mifepristone, in order to terminate a pregnancy before 9 weeks, the recommended single dosage of 600 mg of the drug is 3 tablets of 200 mg. Food reduces the effectiveness of any medicine, so you need to drink tablets before meals or after 1.5 hours. After two days, you need to take 2 more misoprostol tablets (400 micrograms). As mentioned above, you can take abortion pills only in the presence of a gynecologist.

In Europe, the scheme is different. To terminate a pregnancy up to 49 days, a woman is given 200 mg of mifepristone, 48 hours later another 400 micrograms of misoprostol. For up to 63 days, the dose of misoprostol is increased to 800 mcg, but the drug is injected into the vagina or offered to dissolve under the tongue. If no miscarriage occurs within 4 hours, the gynecologist prescribes a second dose of misoprostol - 400 micrograms. Naturally, such dosages significantly affect the hormonal status of the patient.

In the early stages of 9-13 weeks, European doctors prescribe a single dose of 200 micrograms of mifepristone, with 800 micrograms of misoprostol administered vaginally two days later. If this does not work, continue exposure to misoprostol 400 mcg. The procedure is allowed to be repeated up to 4 times, every 3 hours.

Pregnancy with a period of more than 13 weeks is terminated according to the same scheme, but if the abortion does not occur, after 4 attempts with misoprostol, wait 3 hours and repeat the dose of mifepristone, supplementing it with misopristol after 12 hours. As you understand, Russian doctors do not go for such experiments, worrying about the condition of their patients.

US Medical Abortion Scheme

In the US, the scheme, on the contrary, is more forgiving. In early pregnancy, mifepristone 200 mg is recommended, followed by oral misoprostol 800 mcg 48 hours later. At the same time, with a gestational age of up to 60 days, the effectiveness of abortion is 98.3%.

In addition to these methods, it is possible to perform medical abortion by combining an injection of methotrexate with oral or vaginal misoprostol. This regimen requires more time and, if the pregnancy persists, there is a high risk of fetal abnormalities. When using misoprostol without methotrexate, a huge dose of the drug is required, and miscarriage occurs for a long time. In this case, the likelihood of a complete abortion is reduced. For these reasons, these schemes are not used in many medical centers.

How much does a medical abortion cost?

In each clinic, abortion with pills costs differently. But you should not choose the cheapest option, as it will turn out to be the most expensive. Typically, medical centers indicate the full cost of the procedure, including ultrasound, the cost of pills and consultations. Some clinics go to the trick, indicating the cost of an abortion in the price list without an examination.

In our clinic, the price of medical abortion with examination excluding discount will be like this:

There is currently a great discount on early abortion! Ask the administrator for details.

Prevention of unwanted pregnancy

In order not to face this problem in the future, you need to seriously think about contraception. The most popular types include:

  • Barrier (condom);
  • intrauterine devices;
  • Birth control pills.

It is important to note that the selection of contraceptive drugs is carried out by a specialist strictly individually. You can put a spiral immediately after the termination of pregnancy in a medical way.

Every woman has the right to decide whether to terminate a pregnancy or give birth. Thanks to the emergence of such a painless method of terminating a pregnancy in the early stages, medical abortion does not threaten infertility or complications. The main thing is to contact the clinic in time and not delay the examination.

Attention! Abortion is bad for a woman's health!

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 7 minutes


Increasingly, we are faced with advertising "velvet" abortion. This is a relatively safe way to terminate a pregnancy. Without surgery, without the use of anesthesia, it requires only the intake of certain medications (hence - medication, or tablets).

Abortion pills

Apply this method in the early stages of pregnancy, up to 49 days of delay from the first day of the last menstruation.

To date, the following drugs are used:

  • Mifegin (made in France);
  • Mifepristone (manufactured in Russia);
  • Pencrofton (made in Russia);
  • Mytholian (made in China).

The mechanism of action of all drugs is the same. There is a blocking of the receptors of the hormone progesterone, which is designed to support the pregnancy process in the body, and as a result, the embryonic membranes detach from the uterine wall and the ovum is expelled.

All these drugs can not be bought in pharmacies without a prescription!


Before undergoing the procedure, make sure that the doctor has all the necessary documents and permissions.

Many women wonder how painful is the procedure.

Usually the pain is slightly stronger than during normal menstruation. You will feel a cramping pulsation of the uterus. In consultation with the doctor, you can take an anesthetic.

  • After a medical abortion abstain from sex for 2-3 weeks: it may well cause bleeding and inflammation. In addition, one of the complications may be a change in ovulation, and a woman may well become pregnant on the 11-12th day after the procedure;
  • Menstruation usually starts within 1-2 months, but menstrual cycle failures are possible.
  • Pregnancy can be planned in 3 months if everything went well. Before planning, you need to see a doctor.

Contraindications and possible consequences

Tablets are potent drugs that have a number of contraindications:

  • age over 35 and under 18;
  • in the interval of three months before conception, hormonal contraceptives (oral contraceptives) were taken or an intrauterine device was used;
  • suspected ectopic pregnancy;
  • pregnancy was preceded by an irregular menstrual cycle;
  • diseases of the female genital area, (fibrous tumors, endometriosis);
  • hemorrhagic pathologies (anemia, hemophilia);
  • allergies, epilepsy, or adrenal insufficiency
  • long-term use of cortisone or similar drugs;
  • recent use of steroids or anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • kidney or liver failure;
  • inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (colitis, gastritis);
  • bronchial asthma and other pulmonary diseases;
  • pathology of the heart and blood vessels, as well as the presence of cardiovascular risks ( high pressure, obesity, smoking, diabetes);
  • allergic reaction or hypersensitivity to mifepristone.

Quite often, after a medical abortion, violations begin hormonal background, provoking various gynecological diseases (inflammation, endometriosis, cervical erosion, fibroids). All this can subsequently lead to infertility.

Safety of velvet abortion - myth or reality?

As we can see, at first glance, this is a fairly simple operation, and most importantly, as they say, it is largely safe compared to surgical intervention. However, in reality, not everything is as simple as it seems.

Is this "security" secure?

  • If the procedure is not carried out on time(after 7 weeks of pregnancy), then even a fatal outcome is quite possible. Although there are dozens of proven cases of death from mifepristone in the European Union alone, in reality, experts agree, there are many more of them, and thousands of those who received irreparable damage to health. Dr. Randy O'Bannon, head of research at the National Committee for Life (USA), said it is very difficult to obtain information about the death of a patient as a result of medication. This information flows to the manufacturer, and immediately becomes inaccessible to people.

We must not forget that abortion, whether pharmacological or surgical, is the killing of the unborn child.

If you find yourself in a difficult life situation and want to have an abortion, call 8-800-200-05-07 (helpline, a call from any region is free).



I went to a women's consultation on a paid basis. First, an ultrasound scan was performed, the gestational age was determined, then they took a swab for infections, made sure that there were no infections, and gave the go-ahead. My deadline was 3-4 weeks. She took three tablets of mefepristone. They can be chewed, not bitter. At first, I felt a little sick, but the nausea went away after I drank kefir. Before they let me go home, they explained everything to me, and they also gave me instructions and 4 tablets of Mirolut. They said to drink two in 48 hours, if two more do not work in two hours. I drank two tablets on Wednesday at 12-00 o'clock, because. nothing happened - I drank another one. After that, blood began to flow, profusely with clots. The stomach ached, as during menstruation. For two days the blood flowed profusely, and then it just smeared. On the seventh day, the doctor said to start taking Regulon to restore the menstrual cycle. Stopped on the day of taking the first tablet. On the tenth day I had an ultrasound. Everything is okay.


I was forbidden to give birth for some reason, so I had a medical abortion. Everything went without complications for me, but with such pains that my mother does not grieve !!! I drank 3 pills of no-shpy at a time, so that it would be at least a little easier ... psychologically it was very difficult. Now she has calmed down, and the doctor said that everything went well.


The doctor advised me to do a medical abortion, I underwent an examination, drank mifepristone tablets, and then sat for 2 hours under the supervision of a doctor. She came in 2 days, they gave me two more tablets under the tongue. An hour later, blood began to flow, discharge, my stomach hurt terribly, so I climbed onto the wall. The clots came out. And so I had my period for 19 days. I went to the doctor, they did an ultrasound, they found the remains of a fetal egg. As a result, I still got a vacuum!!!


Good afternoon everyone! I am 27 years old, I have a son, he is 6 years old. At 22, I gave birth to my son, when he was 2 years old, I got pregnant again, but they didn’t want to keep the pregnancy, because the little one was very restless and I was just tormented. Made honey. Abortion! Everything went without problems! After 2 years I got pregnant again and did it again. Again everything went fine. Well, now time has passed and I again made an interruption with pills. And the nightmare begins! I drank the pills that the doctor prescribed, at home, it was very bad, there were copious discharges! The pads didn't help! In general, horror. In short, the girls sent me to a vacuum .. Two previous honey. abortion. were not painful, everything came out without problems! But 3 certainly horrified me! To be honest, I regret it .... Now I'm taking antibiotics ...


Apparently everyone has their own way. My girlfriend did it. She said, as if menstruation had gone, no pain, no complications, only nausea ...

If you need advice or support, then go to the page (https://www..html) and find out the helpline or the address of the Maternity Support Center closest to you.

Despite the abundance of contraceptives, abortion remains one of the most popular medical manipulations. Therefore, the development of methods that leave the least damage in the woman's body is so relevant. Termination of pregnancy with pills has been researched since the second half of the last century and in 1988 the first license for this activity was obtained in France. In Russia, medical abortion in the early stages began to be practiced only ten years later.

The essence of the procedure

By taking the necessary drugs in a certain sequence in the early stages of pregnancy (up to 6 weeks), an artificial miscarriage is provoked. This is possible while the fetus is still not sufficiently formed and the fetal egg is poorly attached to the walls of the uterus.

Advantages of the method

Any abortion has a multifaceted effect on the body. Changes occur in the genitals, nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular and other body systems. How an abortion will be done depends not only on the desire of the woman, but also on the state of her body. But if there are no contraindications, then a medication is offered, the most sparing of the most commonly used.

Comparison of medical and surgical methods of abortion

Indicators/Methods medical Surgical
Vacuum aspiration curettage
Method Efficiency (%) 95-98 95-99 95-97
Surgical intervention + +
Perforation of the uterus + +
Cervical injury +
Menstrual irregularities + + +
Inflammatory diseases of the genital organs + + +
Hematometra (accumulation of blood in the uterine cavity) + + +
Infertility +

Among the main advantages of medical abortion, women highlight the ability to stay at home, use in early pregnancy, minimal uterine trauma, lower risk of infectious complications, the absence of manipulations that carry a certain amount of risk and complications (the consequences of anesthesia, infection with hepatitis, HIV, etc.).


If we combine the list of contraindications for abortion in general and specific contraindications for medical abortion, we get an impressive list:

  • intolerance to the drugs used;
  • inflammation of the genital organs or scars on the uterus;
  • infectious diseases;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • severe cardiovascular diseases;
  • serious dysfunction of the liver and kidneys, including chronic adrenal insufficiency;
  • smoking and age over 35;
  • inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with chronic relapses;
  • anemia or bleeding disorders;
  • lactation;
  • long-term use of hormonal contraceptives stopped before pregnancy;
  • severe course of obstructive bronchitis or bronchial asthma with the use of glucocorticoids;
  • porphyria (hereditary disease, expressed as a violation of pigmentation).

Drugs used for early abortion

A number of tools have been developed for medical abortion, including:

  • "Mifeprex" (contains the active substance mifepristone),
  • "Mifolian" (active ingredient mifepristone),
  • "Pencrofton" (active substance mifepristone),
  • "Mifegin" (micronized mifepristone),
  • "Misoprostol".

The classic means of medical abortion is used strictly under the supervision of a doctor!

All of them contribute to miscarriage. The active substance of the drug initiates the detachment of the fetal egg from the uterine wall and its withdrawal with copious discharge, similar to menstruation. Mainly used "Mifepristone" on the first day of taking the drug and "Misoprostol" at the next visit to the doctor after 36-48 hours.

The effect of misoprostol is significantly reduced by smoking more than 10 cigarettes per day.

"Mifepristone" breaks the connection of the fetal egg with the wall of the uterus, slightly increases its tone and opens the cervix, creating conditions for abortion. "Misoprostol" increases the activity of the uterus and the egg with the rejected endometrium is removed from the cavity.

Carrying out scheme

The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis in several stages in the early (up to 6 weeks) stages of pregnancy:

Side effects

A third of women endure the procedure with little or no pain. Women who have not given birth, especially those who have previously experienced menstrual pain, may develop pain syndrome accompanied by diarrhea, nausea or vomiting. However, the usual painkillers cannot be used - the abortive effect of the drugs taken in the outpatient clinic can be blocked.

To reduce pain, alternative therapy methods can be used - rest, dry heat, hot drinks. In extreme cases, "No-shpa" or "Drotaverin" are used. The realization that the chosen method of abortion is the most gentle of the existing ones and entails the least consequences should also serve as support in this short period of pain.

Remember that taking most pills for pain during the process of rejection of the fetus can lead to not the best consequences.

Performance definition

36-48 hours after the abortion, a control ultrasound is performed to detect cases of hematometers (blood stasis in the uterus), and after 10-15 days, a control examination and a second ultrasound to ensure the effectiveness of the manipulations and the absence of complications.

Possibility of procedure failure

In 3-5% of cases, partial removal of the fetal egg occurs. In the first pregnancy, the risk of incomplete abortion is higher. It is recognized on control examinations and ultrasound. The consequences are eliminated by surgical abortion.

With an increase in the duration of pregnancy, the possibility of maintaining pregnancy also increases, but the total number of such cases does not exceed 1%. The remaining pregnancy is detected on examination and ultrasound 1-2 weeks after the abortion. In such cases, vacuum aspiration is recommended.

Negative consequences

Any termination of pregnancy cannot pass without consequences for the female body, but medication is the most gentle of all, as it is carried out in the early stages and does not involve surgical intervention that injures the cervix and uterine cavity.


  • Stagnation of blood in the uterus (hematometra). They use drugs that enhance contraction and eliminate spasm of the cervix, and if there is no result, the contents are sucked off by vacuum aspiration. If inflammation develops, aspiration is delayed and a course of antibiotic therapy is performed.
  • Severe bleeding during an abortion. With excessive blood loss, the likelihood of which increases with increasing gestational age, it is possible to use curettage (curettage) of the uterus.
  • Infectious complications are much less common than after surgical termination of pregnancy. To reduce the risk, before the procedure, you need to undergo a bacterioscopic examination.

Late Complications

  • decreased immunity;
  • hormonal imbalance (most often a violation of the menstrual cycle, less often - weight gain);
  • psycho-emotional problems;
  • dysbacteriosis of the gastrointestinal tract and vagina (as a rule, is the result of a combination of the above three complications);
  • mammary dysplasia.

The best method of preventing unwanted pregnancy is the use of contraceptives. If you happen to resort to interrupting it, then the most gentle way is medication. It has the least consequences in the short term, and it’s not worth talking about the long term, since not only those who have had abortions have health problems, and hardly anyone can accurately determine the past catalyst for current diseases.

There are currently many various ways termination of an unwanted pregnancy, but in most cases, such an operation, like any surgical intervention, carries a large number of unpleasant complications. But besides the operation as such, there is another way to perform an abortion, namely a medical abortion, or a pill abortion - termination of pregnancy through medication. Below we will take a closer look at how a medical abortion works.

For the most part, this is the chemical effect of the drug on the body, so the whole point of such an abortion comes down to the procedure for taking artificial steroid substances - antiprogestins. Medical abortion occurs in the form of menstruation, or rather, the drug inhibits the development of trophoblast and leads to rejection of decidual tissues, which in turn causes uterine bleeding, i.e. monthly, which is the termination of pregnancy. Thus, medical abortion proceeds quite painlessly, although this largely depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.


Medical abortion consists of several stages.

  • The first stage is an examination, identification of the exact gestational age, because. this type of abortion is limited to 42-49 days (or 6-7 weeks) from conception. The patient must undergo the following examinations: an examination by a gynecologist, a vaginal smear for flora, hepatitis C and B, ultrasound, RW, an HIV test, as well as a blood group, Rh factor for those who have a first pregnancy. Next, the choice of means for the operation will be performed.
  • The second step is the actual procedure for taking the drug. This stage has two stages: the period from taking the drug to the first clinical manifestations - from 36 to 48 hours and the main period in the form of menstruation, which may slightly exceed the usual in intensity and duration. At the beginning of the second period, the patient is again injected with the necessary drugs, and for some time she is under the supervision of a doctor. The effect of the drug begins 1.5 - 2 hours after ingestion, a miscarriage occurs. The intensity and duration of bleeding directly depends on the duration of pregnancy. If medical abortion is carried out at an early stage of up to 3-4 weeks, then in most women it proceeds like a normal menstruation. But at this stage, some complications are possible that require the intervention of a gynecologist, for example, there may be excessively heavy bleeding, requiring curettage of the uterine mucosa.
  • And finally, the third stage - 12-14 days after taking the drug. At this stage, the gynecologist examines the patient, makes an ultrasound. This examination is necessary to check the complete absence of fetal particles in the uterus, i.e. make sure the miscarriage is complete. Otherwise, surgery is performed.
    After a medical abortion, the patient must remain under medical supervision for at least 3 months. The condition of the uterus should return to normal during this period of time. In addition, after such an intervention, the immune system is greatly weakened and requires increased attention. There are three of them, but each of them is very important, do not neglect any of them. There may be a deterioration in health, the temperature may rise, various discharges may appear. In this case, you should consult a doctor.


The World Health Organization has recognized medical abortion as one of the most safe ways abortion, but whatever the abortion, it is in any case an intervention in the body and adversely affects the health of the woman. There is a possibility of pregnancy after such an abortion after 2-3 weeks, although this is unlikely. After a medical type of abortion, the gynecologist prescribes the most suitable contraceptives. But planning a new pregnancy is not advised within six months after this abortion, since the effect of the drug may in some way affect the development of the fetus. However, the most successful outcome of subsequent pregnancy is observed after medical abortion.

Medical abortion has several various options, which differ from each other only in the selection of drugs. The most common drugs are Mifegin (made in France) and Mifepristone (made in Russia), such drugs as Pencrofton and Postinor (made in Russia) are also known.

In most clinics that terminate pregnancy, the drug "Mifegin" is used. It is not commercially available and is contraindicated for independent use. But such an abortion option as "Postinor" is a very common remedy for use without medical supervision. This drug is called emergency contraception and is used not during pregnancy, but after intercourse without contraceptives or if another method of contraception has not worked. Postinor should be used immediately after such sexual intercourse, it is absolutely useless 2 days after intercourse and is not considered a reliable method of protection.

Finally, we can say that the most secure and effective method getting rid of unwanted pregnancy is directly medical abortion. This method, compared with others, is less dangerous for a woman's subsequent pregnancy, there is no possibility of infection, and, among other things, eliminates the need for both general and local anesthesia. But we must not forget that this type of abortion should be carried out only with the help of certified high quality drugs and under the supervision of experienced professionals.

Medical abortion is otherwise called non-surgical or pill abortion. This is modern medical procedure that allows you to terminate a pregnancy in a woman in the early stages. Surgical intervention in this case is not applied.

Intervention in the work of the body is carried out with the help of special preparations with an antiprogestogenic effect.

Medical termination of pregnancy in the early stages can be called relatively safe method.

The drug stimulates the process of exfoliation of the embryo in the uterine cavity. With an abortive effect, the embryo independently separates from the uterine mucosa and comes out. This is the so-called artificial miscarriage.

The effectiveness of the technique is approximately 95-98 percent.

How long can it be done?

If medical termination of pregnancy is planned, the timing is strictly defined. The procedure can be carried out only in the early stages, no later than 5-6 weeks (up to 49 days of delay from the first day of the last menstruation).

When asked how long it is possible to do medical abortion, it should be borne in mind that the term in this case is set only according to the results of the ultrasound transvaginal method.


For the procedure, doctors use the following drugs:

  • Pencrofton (Russia);
  • Mifepristone (Russia);
  • Mifegin (France);
  • Mytholian (China).

All tablets have a similar principle of action. Active substances block the production of progesterone in a woman's body. It is this process that is involved in the development of pregnancy. Taking the drug provokes exfoliation of the membranes of the embryo from the walls of the uterus and its exit from the body.

When wondering how many weeks a medical abortion is done, it should be borne in mind that the above-mentioned drugs are not freely available in pharmacies.

How is the procedure carried out?

Carrying out a pharmacist requires a doctor to have a number of permits.

The procedure takes place in several stages:

  1. Diagnosis of pregnancy and. A conventional and ultrasound scan is performed using a transvaginal probe. The embryo must be excluded.
  2. Signature by the patient of documents for consent to the procedure.
  3. In the absence of contraindications, the woman is allowed to take the drug in the doctor's office. Here she spends at least 2-3 hours under medical supervision. This is necessary so that in case of complications, the patient is provided with emergency assistance.
  4. After the required time, the woman can go home. During the period of stay in the doctor's office, the uterus usually contracts and bleeding begins.
  5. Three days after a medical abortion, you must visit the doctor again and undergo the procedure. This is mandatory and necessary in order to exclude the presence of remnants of the fetal egg in the uterine cavity.

The question of the pain of the procedure is often asked. As for the pain, it is more intense than with normal menstruation. After taking the drug procedure, a woman may feel a pulsation in the lower abdomen, as well as cramping pains. You can consult a doctor and take painkillers.


There are a number of contraindications for medical interruption. The absolute ones, when it is forbidden to do the procedure, include the following:

  • ectopic course of pregnancy;
  • gestational age more than 9 obstetric weeks;
  • the presence of scars on the uterus;
  • allergic reactions to the drugs used;
  • the presence of neoplasms and inflammatory processes in the organs of the reproductive system;
  • severe diseases of the heart and blood vessels, kidneys, liver.

There are also relative contraindications to pharmabort, in the presence of which the patient may be refused the procedure (the issue is decided by the doctor):

  • age less than 18 and more than 35 years;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • poor blood test (low hemoglobin, clotting problems);
  • smoking within the last five years;
  • epilepsy;
  • long-term use of drugs with antithrombotic action.

Consequences and complications

Normally, after a medical termination of pregnancy, a woman feels almost the same as with a spontaneous miscarriage in the early stages.

After the procedure, you may experience:

  • spasms pain lower abdomen and painful uterine contractions;
  • vomiting and nausea, dizziness as a result of hormonal balance in the body;
  • bleeding that can last up to several weeks.

Hormonal imbalance after pharmacotherapy can cause consequences in the form of the development of a number of gynecological diseases, such as inflammation, cervical erosion, endometritis, endometriosis. All this can cause infertility in the future.

To exclude such consequences, it is necessary to undergo the prescribed examination before and after the interruption, compliance with hygiene rules and all the recommendations of the gynecologist.

The following complications are possible as a result of the procedure:

  • Bleeding. The most common complication after artificial interruption. Normally, there should be bleeding. But their abundance, intensity and too long duration lead to serious blood loss, anemia and death as a result. An alarming symptom when a woman has to use more than two pads (for 5 drops) in one hour.
  • incomplete abortion. Means the partial release of the uterus from the fetal egg. Danger in the development of purulent complications and sepsis. For this reason, an ultrasound examination after the procedure is mandatory. In the presence of residues, the uterus is cleaned or vacuum aspiration is performed.
  • Hematometer. This is the accumulation of blood in the uterine cavity, which subsequently leads to purulent processes and sepsis. Alarming symptom: increasing pain in the lower abdomen after taking the pills and no bleeding.

The effectiveness of medical abortion, the likelihood of negative consequences and complications depend on a number of factors:

  • professionalism of the doctor;
  • woman's responsibility
  • implementation of recommendations after the procedure.

To minimize the risk of complications after interruption, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • To undergo the procedure only with a qualified doctor. It is dangerous to carry out an artificial interruption on your own.
  • Refuse the medabort if there are contraindications and choose another method.
  • In the recovery period, strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene, monitor your well-being. It is not recommended to use tampons, it is better to use pads.
  • Refrain from sexual activity for two to three weeks after the procedure. This can lead to bleeding and inflammation.
  • Heavy physical activity is prohibited for two weeks, physical activity, alcohol intake, thermal procedures (bath, sauna, etc.).
  • It is recommended to take hormonal contraceptives for at least 6 months after a pharmaceutical abortion. This will help restore the hormonal balance in the body and prevent subsequent unwanted pregnancies.
  • If you feel unwell after the procedure, the appearance of discharge with a smell, an increase in body temperature, you should immediately make a visit to the doctor.

No type of abortion can be called completely safe. Each of them can lead to serious complications. Despite the ease of carrying out the procedure of medical termination of pregnancy, it cannot be used as a method of emergency contraception.

Farmabort is a necessary measure, and if it cannot be avoided, it is better that it be a one-time in a woman's life.

In the video about interruption