
Contests for Halloween for children 12. Children's contests for Halloween. Animators at the children's Halloween party in KP Europe. Outdoor games for children


Celebrating Halloween can be very fun, interesting and exciting if properly organized and carefully planned. So, both children and adults love to take part in various competitions timed to coincide with the celebration of All Saints Day.

Such competitions are especially necessary when a lot of boys and girls of different ages gather at a festive event. In this article, we bring to your attention several contests with the help of which you can captivate a group of children for a long time and give them a lot of positive emotions.

Halloween contests for kids

As a rule, adults and adolescents are actively involved in celebrating All Saints' Day. The latter will find it especially interesting to compete with each other and arrange exciting competitions. For children under the age of 10-12, Halloween contests such as:

  1. "Terrible face". The task of each participant in this competition is unusually simple - he needs to make the wildest and most terrible grimace that he is only capable of. After all the guys have demonstrated the result of their efforts, the presenter must choose the winner and present him with a prize - a small mirror.
  2. "A long tail". A long thread is tied to the belt of each participant so that its end hangs down at the knee level. A pencil is tied to the end of this thread. The task of each player is to lower his “tail” into a bottle on the back of the floor without using his hands. The winner of the competition is the one who managed to complete the task before anyone else.
  3. "Pioneer caps". For this game, pioneer caps are made from paper according to the number of participants. One of the players - "snitch" - is blindfolded or taken out of the room. A raw egg is inserted into a stand and hides under any of the caps. After that, the bandage is removed from the eyes of the "informer" and they are asked to hit one of the participants on the head. If there is nothing under the cap, this player takes the place of the "snitch", and the game continues.
  4. "Mummy". All participants are divided into pairs, each of whom receives a roll of toilet paper. One of the players in a pair must make a mummy out of his comrade by wrapping him tightly with toilet paper. The winners are those guys who managed to cope faster than others.
  5. "Cross the swamp." Each participant in this competition receives 2 sheets of A4 paper. His task is to reach a certain place, shifting sheets of paper, but not stepping on the floor. If the player stumbles, he is pulled into the swamp, and he is eliminated from the competition. The winner is the one who completed the task earlier than others.
  6. "Scarecrows". Each contestant receives a balloon and a felt-tip pen. For a certain time, all players must draw a monster on their ball. The competition is won by the author of the scariest ball.
  7. "Snake bite". Apples according to the number of participants in the competition are hung on strings so that they are located at the level of the head. All players put their hands behind their backs and try to bite off their apple as much as possible. The one who ate most of the fruit wins.
  8. "Watch out, monster!" This competition is more suitable for small children, but older children take part in it with pleasure. The presenter turns on perky music, and all the children begin to dance. At a certain point in time, he says: “Beware, monster!”, After which everyone should freeze and not move. If one of the guys moves, he is out of the game. This continues until the winner is selected.
  9. "Well, disgusting!" Take an empty shoebox and make a hole in it that is similar in size to a baby's palm. Place cold spaghetti, jelly, olives and other foods inside. The task of each child is to stick his hand into the hole and feel what is inside.

In turn, for the guys preschool age the following competitions are suitable:

  1. "Evil spirits". This competition can only be organized if at least 10 children are participating in the celebration. To do this, all the guys need to be divided into 2 teams and separated into different rooms. After that, the children from one group take turns putting on a white sheet and begin to portray an evil spirit in front of the rest of the children. The players' task is to guess who is in front of them.
  2. "Dark force". For this competition, you will have to cut several large circles from the foam and make 30 holes in each of them. Candles should be inserted into these holes. A similar blank must be made for each child. At the signal from the presenter, all the children begin to blow hard, so as to extinguish all the lights. The winner is the one who managed to cope faster than others.
  3. "A Voice in the Dark". One of the participants is taken out of the room, and in it, in turn, the lights are turned off. After that, the driver enters back, and other players begin to scare him in various ways. At a certain moment, one of the guys comes up to the driver and quietly whispers “Halloween!” In his ear. The player's task is to determine who exactly whispered in his ear. If the driver fails, the game continues. If he was able to correctly guess the participant, the guys change places.
"Monster Mash" (Bobby "Boris" Picket), Michael Jackson, Danny Elfman, Ray Parker Jr. (Ghostbusters), Vic Mizzy, John Carpenter, Stevie Wonder, Rockwell and others.
games "Own Scarecrow", "Laboratory of the Mad Scientist", "Capture the Spirit", collecting the skeleton, relay races, dancing, pumpkin carving master class
Haunted Pizza, Witch's Cauldron Curry Soup, Jack's Salad Lamps, Mummy Sandwiches, Eyed Tartlets, Enemy Brain Cupcakes, Themed Cakes

A Halloween party playlist should be tailored to your own heartbeat. Everything that creates a chill in the soul, provokes a nervous tremor, makes the pupils of the eyes widen with horror - has the right to life and sound this evening!

The only thing worth really considering is the degree of richness of the musical compositions. They should not sound like a single monotonous terrible canvas, but should sparkle, bewitch with magic, cause solemn delight and awe at the very edges of the nerve endings. Halloween music should be the first adrenaline-pumping factor!


Here are some compositions that shocked me personally (listen, maybe we have a lot in common, even one fear for the whole huge sea of ​​Dikmi's admirers):

- "Monster Mash"- Bobby "Boris" Pickett (this song will be a real gift for those guests who grew up in the era of early rock and roll and are still nostalgic for it).

- "Thriller"- Michael Jackson (title track from the bestselling album of all time!) The composition is full of chilling laughter and unexpected textured twists that say about themselves: "You won't be bored!"

- "It's Halloween"- Danny Elfman.

- "Ghostbusters"- Ray Parker Jr. (remember this childhood favorite cartoon?).

- The Addams Family- Vic Mizzy (also a very popular soundtrack for a cartoon and a large-scale film adaptation, beloved and recognizable by both adults and children).

- Halloween- John Carpenter.

- "Halloween Ghosts"- Lambert, Hendrix and Ross.

- "Frankenstein"- the group "Edgar Winter".

- "Superstition" Stevie Wonder.

- "Abracadabra"- Steve Miller Band.

- "Toccata and Fugue in D minor"- Bach (yes, the classics also have the right to be a guest at your feast of fear).

- "Hedwig theme" soundtracks for the Harry Potter films.

- DJ Jazzy Jeff and Fresh Prince- "A Nightmare on My Street" (this song was at one time so successful that the producers of the film "A Nightmare on Elm Street" filed a lawsuit for copyright infringement). DJ Jazzy Jeff and Will Smith, Fresh Prince will certainly add Have a good mood any Halloween meeting.

- "Time Warp" the soundtrack to "The Rocky Horror Show" (this song gives dance instructions for all ghosts, magicians and goblins - therefore, it is not only scary, but also fun to dance to).

- "Time for witches"- Donovan (this composition is most often used in cinema in order to give a certain shade of mysticism to all scenes of witchcraft and horror).

- "Pet cemetery" Ramones (the song has been used in multiple film adaptations of Stephen King's books).

- "Someone is watching me"- Rockwell (song from the three leaders of the US gold music charts).

Suitable for a party as a background (especially for entertainment competition program) there will be compositions from the musical "The Phantom of the Opera". Do not ignore the classics, gentlemen, because remember that the most brilliant villains, bloodsuckers and maniacs, whose names are now in everyone's memory and in languages, lived long before our era and probably did not listen to punk and rock!

Well, now is the time to lift the blood curtain on the entertainment that we have invented especially for the guests of your home Halloween!


If you have taken into account all our recommendations, preparing the decor for the holiday, then you will not need to specially warm up the guests before the show program! Believe me, until they reach the hall festively decorated with cobwebs, they will be barely lukewarm with fear and horror! A joke, of course, but in every joke there is only a grain of a joke! Remember this, especially on All Saints' Eve!

Well, now - a little about games and contests for your so beautifully echoing evil spirits, friends!

Game 1. Own Scarecrow

Requests: old clothes, pillowcases, batting, markers, newspapers, ribbons, mops.

Number of participants: teams of at least 3 people.

The essence of the game: Participants are divided into teams. Each team gets the same set old clothes and other props. By order of the presenter: "Start!" The team that finishes before everyone else and makes the most beautiful (scary, funny - options are allowed) scarecrow wins.

The maximum time for the competition is 20 minutes.

After a fun "glamorous" opening competition, give your guests the opportunity to drink and dance to the fiery "monstrous" rhythms! An exciting game will help you start dancing!

Game 2. Frozen dancing monsters

Music for the competition:"Monster Mash"

Participants: absolutely all guests of the holiday.

Rules: All guests stand in a circle or columns (so as not to disturb anyone). Ahead is the leader. His task is to show all kinds, simple and very stupid at the same time, dance moves and steps. The task of the participants in the columns is to repeat the movements, adding to them some kind of zest, characteristic of the character, whose costume they have chosen for the evening. When the presenter stops and the music stops, everyone should freeze in the last dance position, which coincided with the end of the music. Anyone who laughs or cannot keep the "frozen" pose - leaves the game. With the rest - the dancing continues!

Believe me, after the silly pirouettes "instructed" by the host and friendly laughter, it will be very difficult to keep the neutral "frozen mask"!

Game 3. Laboratory of the mad scientist

Preparation for the game (must be done in advance): put grapes, dried apricots, banana peels, raw liver, cold spaghetti in 5 bowls. Then - put each bowl in a cardboard box with a picture. On 1 (where grapes) - draw eyes, on 2 (where dried apricots) - depict ears, on 3 (where the peel is) - outline the tongue, on 4 (where the liver is raw) - pass the heart, on 5 (where is spaghetti) - display open skull with brains. Cut holes in the boxes so that you can freely stick your hand there.

Number of participants: everyone (and, of course, fearless!). Minimum 5 players.

Rules: The participant must put his hand into the hole of the box that the presenter chooses for him, and by touch (if he is not afraid - even by taste or scent) determine what the mad scientist decided to please him with today.

This game always evokes a lot of emotions and adrenaline! Moreover, not only in the participants, but also in the fans. Therefore - after the brain explosion from the "mad scientist", I advise you to offer your guests a calm creative master class on carving "Jack's lamps".

Halloween isn't complete without these weird, scary and sometimes very funny lantern faces! Present your guests on the night of All Saints with a master class on carving them! All details of the process can be found in the article "Pumpkin for Halloween". And before the holiday, it is important to stock up on carving tools and pumpkins (in sufficient quantities for each guest and with a margin, in case of a marriage, which will surely happen with friends who are getting acquainted with the "pumpkin art" for the first time).

And one more, very important, recommendation: do not drag out the pumpkin contest in time, otherwise you will lose the dynamics of the evening. It is enough to make simple lamps. The scrupulous skill of "pumpkin-cutting" can be mastered on your own, in a quiet, comfortable atmosphere of your own home. And, of course, outside the noisy and driving Halloween party!

Game 5. Halloween Mummy

Props: Rolls of strong toilet paper, bandages.

Number of participants: minimum 2 teams of 3 people.

Rules: One of the three-team is a model (mummy). The task of the teams in 2 minutes (at the start of the timer) is to wind on the model as many bandages and toilet paper as possible. The team whose mummy will be dressed "more luxuriously" wins and receives symbolic prizes (jelly candies "worms" or "jaws" are perfect)!

Game 6. Capturing the Spirit

Another active and fun game that will help keep the momentum of the holiday at the proper level.

Props: stuffed ghost.

Number of participants: two teams of at least 5 people.

Rules: The two commands are separated by a conditional bar. On the territory of some - there is a "Spirit" (or ghost), others - perform the function of "ghost hunters". The task of the first is to protect the Spirit from capture and scare the invaders so that they do not even risk crossing the conventional line. The task of the second is to take possession of the Spirit and drag it to their territory by any forces and cunning.

The only nuance that must be taken into account is the amount of alcohol consumed. If you see that your monster guests are already pretty "cheated", it is better to skip this game, so that it simply does not turn into a dump or a real fight with unpleasant consequences.

Game 7. Assemble the skeleton

It would seem that there is absolutely nothing complicated in the structure of the human skeleton. And in general, everyone knows, even from school, how the bones should be located ... But if you give each team a bag of scattered bones and give, for example, 5-7 minutes of time to figure it out, it will be at least not up to school knowledge ! Although, in such conditions, a huge space opens up for quick-wittedness, resourcefulness and a sense of humor!

Props: bag with a plastic disassembled human skeleton constructor.

Participants: minimum 2 teams of 5 people.

Rules: Assemble the skeleton, placing all the bones correctly. Time to complete the task is 5-7 minutes. The winner is the one who assembles the skeleton as faithfully as possible. Audience Award is the most fun and original version the structure of the human body.

If the skeleton cannot be found, it can be replaced with plastic parts (cut randomly from disposable plates). And, of course, it is necessary to complicate the task by offering to assemble the skeleton without using the hands.

Game 8. Halloween relay

Props: plates with jelly.

Participants: all comers.

Rules: All relay participants are divided into two teams. The task of each team is to overcome all the obstacles voiced by the leader, earning 1 point for each competition. The team that gets the most points in the final count wins.

Obstacles: All relay participants are divided into two teams. The task of each team is to overcome all the obstacles voiced by the leader, earning 1 point for each competition. The team that gets the most points in the final count wins.

1. Go from start to finish, staggering like a zombie.

2. Jump like a frog the distance between the start and finish lines.

3. "Fly" as fast as possible on a broomstick.

4. Carry plates with festive jelly on your head from the finish to the start, without dropping the "food", of course!

Game 9. A shot in the dark (or Panic room)

"This is a big and terrible game for adults only!" - it is with these words that you can start the next competition. This will intrigue future participants, make you listen more attentively. And, of course, to be frightened, listening to every beat of your own heart!

Props: Large screen with a projector, Scary Movie, or any other with a lot of creepy special effects.

Participants: all comers.

Rules: In the background, you need to turn on a horror movie (you can pre-select a short episode rich in characteristic special effects). Before watching - explain the rules to all participants. For example, if a shot is fired, everyone must repeat the cannonade, if someone screams, they must pour and drink; if they say the word “fear” or “Halloween”, everyone is pretending to be overwhelmed with joy. Anyone who does not react correctly to the action in the film receives a penalty task (as in the game of forfeits).

Game 10. Halloween Roulette

Props: 3 tubs, 3 pumpkin chips.

How can you do without the usual cheating game on Halloween! Everything remains according to the rules! And, of course, guessing under which tub the pumpkin was hidden is practically impossible if the master of the Underworld is "driving"!

As a rule, I recommend betting on the completion of games of the "Roulette" kind. entertainment program parties. There are two advantages to this: firstly, they are gambling and exciting (and this makes it possible for the hosts of the holiday to absent themselves for a while, to check if everything is ready for a solemn feast), and secondly, an exciting game will not overwhelm the guests (there is an impressive argument leave her - go to the table).


Appetizers, main courses and desserts

However, festive table Halloween night spectacle is also fascinating and extraordinary! All meals and snacks are also a kind of test of endurance and lack of fear! After all, not everyone dares to try salad with a very promising name "Cemetery" , or pizza called "Phantom" .

Although, nevertheless, if your guests manage to overcome the first spiritual protest against such, well, very disgusting treats, and swallow the first bite, they will be surprised at such an earthy taste known from childhood! What's more, they will like your amazing pepper ,stuffed with real italian pasta but, traditionally, with a gloomy name "Jack's lamp" , an unusual variation salad tartlets , where instead of ordinary baskets, a neatly peeled tangerine peel (of course, shaped like a big-eyed pumpkin!) is used, the "big-eyed" egg and tomato appetizer , and unique !

If you want to surprise your guests with something more significant besides snacks, you can cook an amazing (he of such a characteristic marsh look should come out in the end, you will lick your fingers!). And to emphasize the entire witchcraft essence of the brew, it must be served in the classic witch's magic cauldron!

Hurry to surprise with desserts too! After all, there is no less room for imagination than in the field of main dishes! For example, your guests will surely like cute Enemy Brain Cupcake , or (no less original) Pumpkin Explosion muffin .

And the most delicate vanilla pudding with orange glaze and crushed hazelnuts, it will simply be a real blasphemy to be called something gloating and mystical! Therefore, we decided to present this miracle of culinary to you as "Halloween Parfait" .

And, of course, hurry up to please your witch friends (and, concurrently, sweet tooth) with abundance themed cakes !


As a rule, the Halloween holiday abroad involves the consumption of a huge amount of alcohol. Russia, as evidenced by convincing statistics, is also not lagging behind!

The most relevant drinks for such a party are:

Explosive (corn vodka - Martini & Rossi vermouth - vanilla in a 3/1 ratio)

- (very deceiving, sweetish and pleasantly light from the first sip and heady with the last drop of the glass).


. 2 ounce champagne

. 1 ounce vodka

. 2 ounces of white grape juice

. purple sugar

. Optional: dry ice

How to cook:

1. Pour a small amount of grape juice into a platter and sprinkle some purple sugar on top of the other. Dip the rim of the glass goblet into the juice and then into the sugar.

2. Pour vodka, grape juice and ice into a shaker and shake well until the drink cools.

3. Pour the contents of a shaker into a glass and add the champagne.

4. For a ghostly effect, you can add a small piece of dry ice.

Another amazingly unusual alcoholic cocktail that I would like to see you have on Halloween is called ... According to seasoned sages and magicians, only this drink determines whether you are ready for the ultimate battle of magic! This spicy cocktail is really not for the faint of heart! And you can already be considered a brave man, if you dare to only sip it!


. 1 ounce vodka

. 7 oz Bloody Mary

. 1 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed lime juice

. 1 tsp hot pepper

. Pinch of black pepper

How to cook:

1. Fill a glass with ice and add all the ingredients.

2. Set fire! When the flame on the surface of the glass goes out - drink!

Well, for those who, even on Halloween night, do not change their natural healthy way life, I have a very beautiful vanilla milkshake consisting of chocolate, pumpkin puree, spices, cream, milk and vanilla ice cream!

Enjoy your health! And do not take to your heart (and even more so to your precious and only soul) all the imaginary malice, mortality, and other delights of Halloween! Even under the guise of a bloodthirsty monster, try to remain yourself, and treat everything with the proper amount of humor and courage! Let Halloween be for you more a holiday of laughter, joy and fun than true fear, tears and disappointments! I hope my advice will help you with this!

Catching apples with your teeth from a bucket of water

To do this, fill a large, clean container almost completely with water (wide, rectangular utility containers are better than buckets). The children take turns lowering their heads into the container and trying to catch the apple with their teeth. You cannot help yourself with your hands. You can set the condition that the first person who catches the apple is the winner, or that the game should do without winners, just each participant must catch his apple out of the water. The game must take place in the presence of adults.

Pumpkin Blast Halloween Game

Do you want Halloween to start off with a bang, not a boom? Then make such a playful wall decoration. Any party member can come up and blow up part of the pumpkin-ball and get the candy out of there.

Tools and materials for creating the game "Pumpkin Blast": a piece of foam, 2 meters of burlap or other fabric, duct tape double-sided, removable hooks (for hanging the board, but you can just put it on the floor), thirty-five orange balloons, confetti, green paper, ribbon (string), snaps (sharp nib or darts for big kids), funnel.

1. We make a cover from foam and burlap. We attach to the wall with double-sided tape or removable hooks.

2. Fill the balloons with confetti (using a funnel) and candies. You can leave some balloons empty or add their wishes inside.

3. Inflate the balloons (the pump makes it faster); tie in a knot. Attach the pumpkin-shaped balls to double-sided tape (you need very little).

4. Cut the spine of the pumpkin out of green paper and secure on top.

5. Cut the tape and attach the dart stick or arrow to the pushpin to make it easier to hold (and find when dropped).

"Hit the Pumpkin" Halloween game

Cut out the pumpkin (or two or three) and cover the inside with aluminum foil. Make the top hole large.
Place the pumpkin a couple of meters away from the player. Give each player ten to twenty kopecks. Every time a dime hits a pumpkin, a candy wins.

Halloween pumpkin bowling game

Choose a small pumpkin (depending on the age of your guests).

Still need 1 - or 2-liter plastic bottles and ribbon for the bowling line. Fill the bottles with a little sand or rice if they tip over too easily. You can also ominously decorate the bottles with markers, stickers, and other art supplies.

"Scum on Call" Halloween game

A game that looks like a "broken phone". The players sit in a line and whisper to each other the phrase invented by the host. The task of the participants is to convey the phrase with minimal distortion.
An interesting addition in the spirit of the holiday is that the game takes place in complete darkness and phrases such as: "I'll eat you", "Let's go have some blood", "Fresh meat", "We'll get to you", etc. are transmitted. ...

"Spooky Howl" Halloween game

Participants take turns emitting a terrible scream (howl, groan). The one with the wildest and most terrible scream is declared the winner and receives a prize.

Wandering Light game for Halloween

You will need: flashlight, music.

All participants sit in a circle. The light in the room is turned off, one of the players is given a burning flashlight. Soft music should play, preferably something creepy. A wandering light (flashlight) is passed from one player to another until the music stops. The player who has the Wandering Light at this moment is eliminated. The game continues until one player remains, and he wins.

"Mummy" Halloween game

You will need: Lots of toilet paper.

This is a team game. Players are divided into teams of two. One will play the role of the Mummy, the other will be an Egyptian. At the signal, the Egyptian must wrap the Mummy with toilet paper from head to toe as quickly as possible (eyes, mouth and nose, of course, remain "free"). The winner is the one who made the Mummy faster. Just be careful: if the paper breaks, the team is out of the game!

Ghost hunt

You will need: a scarf.

First you have to choose a "ghost hunter". He needs to be blindfolded with a handkerchief. The rest of the participants are now ghosts, they dance around the hunter, and the hunter is trying to grab them. If he succeeded, then the captured ghost moans plaintively and laments. If the hunter recognized the ghost by his voice and called his name, they switch roles. However, if the hunter guesses wrong, he must try his luck with another captured player.

Sinister pouch

You will need: a small pouch; a certain amount of strange or unpleasant objects to the touch (dried plums, shriveled carrots, mushroom cap, damp sponge, etc.)

First you need to put all the items in a bag (preferably even before the guests arrive). Participants sit in a circle. The presenter in a creepy tone tells a chilling story about where and how he found the bag (for example, in a cemetery, in a haunted house, or is it a gift from a ghost, etc.) The first player is invited to take something in the bag (look inside and you cannot touch the bag!). It is prohibited to remove the item. After the player has grabbed any thing, he must invent as scary story as possible about it. For example, the player has groped for a dried plum and assumes that it is someone's ripped out withered eye. And he comes up with a story about him. At the end of the story, the narrator finally pulls the thing out of the bag and, as a rule, wonders himself how far his fantasy can take him. After that, the bag is transferred to the next player, who tells his story about another item.

Blowing the ball on Halloween

An inflated balloon is placed in the middle of the table.
Two participants are blindfolded and sit across from each other at the table.
They are offered to compete in overblowing the ball.
However, as soon as the contestants begin to blow, the ball is removed and a plate, abundantly filled with flour, is placed in its place.
Participants are amazed, and when their eyes are untied, they usually have fun with everyone.

"Take care of your eyes" Halloween game

You will need: a table tennis ball painted like an eyeball; tablespoon.
Participants should split into two groups. A small segment of the path (start and finish) is indicated. Each participant, in turn, must overcome this distance, carefully carrying the "eye" in the spoon. The "eye" must not fall! If he still falls, the player returns to the start and walks the path again. The team that finishes the relay faster wins.

"Fortuneteller" game for Halloween

You will need: lemon juice, pieces of paper, a thin brush, a lamp.

With this game you can make a strong impression on your guests! Everything looks as if you could predict their future. First you need to prepare. Use a brush dipped in lemon juice to write a few words on a piece of paper. On some write a number, on others the words "yes", "no" and "maybe." Do not be discouraged that you do not see the inscription, everything is going according to plan. Put the pieces of paper in a certain way in a pile (those with numbers - in one, and those with words - in another), just be sure to remember where you have what: where are the numbers, and where are the words. Your lamp, which you put on the table, will serve as a magic crystal ball. Now let's move on to the game itself. Ask guests to ask you a question. If the question involves the answers "yes", "no" and "maybe", then you take a piece of paper from one pile and bring it to the lamp. After a while, the invisible font appears and your guests are delighted! If the question suggests a number in the answer (for example, what grade will I get next in math?), Then just take a piece of paper from another pile and develop it.

The game "I have it scarier"

For this game, you will need markers and inflated balloons in an amount equal to the number of participants in the game. The task of the players is to draw the face of the monster on the ball. The author of the scariest ball wins this competition.

"Dance of the witches" game for Halloween

You will need: a broom (you can use a broom, mop, etc. instead), music.

Participants stand in a circle with a broom. When the music turns on, the witches begin to dance merrily and pass the broom from hand to hand. The witch, who has a broom after the music stops, flies out of the game (of course, without a broom). The winner is the one who will eventually be left alone to dance with a broom.

"Sayings of Wickedness" Halloween Game

For this competition, the following proverbs and sayings about evil spirits are suitable:
- evil and evil were found, but both fell into the pit;
- you will not be protected for every hour;
- fear is worse than death;
- frighten the one who does not understand anything;
- fear of strength takes away;
- fear has big eyes;
- the devil is not so terrible as he is painted;
- look fear in the eyes, do not blink, but blink - you will be lost;
- fear is the first assistant to the enemy;
- at the devil on Easter cakes;
- it would be a swamp, but devils will be found
- like the devil in his bosom;
- sell your soul to the devil;
- sits like a devil in a swamp
- the devil possessed him.

Each participant pulls a piece of paper on back side which one or another proverb is written. Then the players have to portray it, and the rest need to guess and say out loud this proverb or saying.

You can also use these sayings for another game. The presenter says the beginning of the saying, and the participants should continue it faster. Whoever guesses most of the sayings faster than anyone else wins.

Collecting candy through a straw

Another simple game that kids find very engaging is to suck in air through a straw to collect as many chocolate pills or M & Ms in colored glaze as possible.

"Witch's closet" Halloween game

In the room (the more spacious, the better) it is necessary to hide in the corners, under a sofa, table or hang any "evil" from the walls and ceiling: toy and rubber frogs, snakes, spiders, lizards, bats, insects, cobwebs, etc. ... The light in the room turns off and players start up who can light themselves up, for example, mobile phones... Participants are asked to find as many ingredients as possible (and list all that are hidden) for the magic witch soup. It is advisable to limit the search by the time, after which the winner is selected, who found in the witch's closet the largest number creatures.

"Scary Mug" Halloween Contest

Participants take turns making terrible grimaces. The one with the wildest and most terrible grimace is declared the winner and receives a prize. (The best prize in this competition will be a small mirror.)

"Get the candy" game for Halloween

Flour is heaped into a bowl. Candy is inserted into it so that the tip sticks out, for which it can be pulled out. If the nose and cheeks are not stained with flour, you can take the candy as a prize. Anyone who wants to test their dexterity can take part in this competition.

Contest for the best spell

When it gets dark, you have to come up with and utter the most terrible and chilling spell (and, of course, explain to others what this spell does).

The game "Running on chicken legs"

2 pairs of "chicken legs" are sewn from foam rubber. At one end of the hall, two teams of 4-5 people are lined up. There is a counter at the other end of the hall. At the signal, the first team players put on "chicken legs", run around the rack, return to their team and pass the "chicken legs" to the next player. The team wins, the first to finish the competition.

Halloween Draws

Game-draw "Mummy"

The host invites everyone to take turns visiting the mummy's crypt. A mummy's crypt is being set up in the next room. The lights in the room are turned off and several candles are lit. A person lies down on the sofa and closes with a sheet on top. An open trough with yogurt or soft curd is placed on the mummy's face.
The driver, having entered the "crypt" with the "victim", begins to tell in a grave voice: "This is the crypt of the mummy. This is the coffin of the mummy (pointing to the sofa). This is the leg of the mummy (at this moment the driver takes the palm of the" victim "and puts it to the person's leg This is the hand of the mummy (the victim's palm is applied to the hand) This is the mummy's neck (the palm is applied to the neck) And this is the mummy's eye (the leader, holding the victim by the finger, pokes it into the place on the sheet, covering the trough with yogurt ).
Several rehearsals are required for this draw to be successful. Try not to play overly impressionable people.

"Pharaoh" draw for Halloween

We choose a girl and blindfold her. We bring her to the table, on which someone is lying. Her hands are taken and applied to different parts of the lying body. At the same time, each time it is said: "here is the leg of the Pharaoh, here is the stomach of the Pharaoh, here ...", and at the end of the hand they dip into some salad and say "here is the brain of the Pharaoh." The result is unpredictable.

"Horror Room" Halloween Prank

The organizer of the party invites the bravest volunteer to visit the horror room. The volunteer who has volunteered enters the dark bathroom with the leader. He gets the task of screaming to extinguish the candle burning there. After that, the volunteer is forbidden to tell the rest of the guests what happened in the horror room. As a result, the next participant, who hears the terrible screams, goes to the horror room with some apprehension. And after several participants, who have been in the room, emitted heartbreaking "screams of horror" from afar, the rest of those present are afraid to go there.

"Old Dead Joe's Cave" Halloween Prank Game

It's adorably "scary" fun for older kids. To organize such a game, you will have to work in advance to equip a special darkened room, placing in it different “body parts” of the “Old Dead Joe” on stands or just chairs: “eyes”, “tongue”, and so on. They should be placed in vessels or containers of suitable volume, mostly filled with warm water. Each of the children who turns out to be brave enough for this is blindfolded and allowed to enter the "cave" - ​​no more than one child at a time. You, as a kind owner, should lead the child from one terrible object to another, allowing, each time, to lower your hands into the vessel and try to feel by touch what it contains. All other children at this time should sit quietly and, holding their breath, listen to the screeching and screams of the daredevil who is being led through the "cave".

Any room with tightly closed curtains or even a corridor (if the holiday takes place after sunset) can serve as a cave - it is enough just not to turn on the light, and the participants are guaranteed a terrible experience :)

Here are the parts of the "Old Dead Joe" body that you need to make and place in the "cave" in advance:
- "Bones of Old Dead Joe" - find on the street branches of trees of a suitable size and free them from twigs and leaves ;;
- "The Guts of Old Dead Joe" - a large bowl filled with moist, slimy noodles;
- "Old Dead Joe's Heart" - a very large peeled tomato ;;
- "Eyes of Old Dead Joe" - a small container filled with water, in which two large grapes float;
- "Teeth of Old Dead Joe" - a metal pot or pot filled with small stones or hard candies;
- "Old Dead Joe's Hair" - a wig from human hair stretched over a ball;
- "Ears of Old Dead Joe" - two halves of an artichoke (with trimmed sharp thorns);
- "Old Dead Joe's Nose" - a raw potato carved into the shape of the nose;
- "Fingers of Old Dead Joe" - cold sausages;
- finally, "Blood of Old Dead Joe" - a pot or jug ​​filled with warm tomato juice.
You will need to have a towel handy to dry your child's hands after he has dipped them into the "blood".

When you leave the "cave" with a child, you can do a great job to intimidate children who have not yet visited the cave, loudly declaring: "Go ahead and wash off the blood from your hands: otherwise, all the parquet floor will be covered in blood!" The screeching and delight of the participants of the holiday are guaranteed.

You also need a flashlight to help you navigate your way through the dark room. Of course, the child will be blindfolded, but you will need a little light to guide him by the hand from vessel to vessel.
Make sure to videotape the entire celebration (including a visit to "Old Dead Joe's Cave"); it can be successfully demonstrated to guests closer to the end of the holiday.

We hope that the presented games and raffles for Halloween will delight you, your loved ones and guests! Happy Halloween!

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All Saints' Day or Halloween is a holiday that has recently come to us from the west. And if it is alien to the older generation, then young people, adolescents and children fell in love with this cheerful holiday of evil spirits. After all, if you are afraid of something or someone, then the easiest way to overcome your fear is to laugh at it. Therefore, Halloween is gaining more and more popularity every year.

For the holiday, they dress up in costumes of witches and ghosts, prepare sweets decorated in the style of All Saints' Day, and Halloween contests are the most interesting part of the celebration for children. Here we will dwell on them in more detail. A selection of fun themed entertainment especially for you. Here you will find options for different age groups of participants. Most of them do not require any special props, which means they can be held at home, at a school holiday or at a party without much preparation.

This will require several rolls of toilet paper. It's been a long time since everyone famous game, but nevertheless it does not lose its popularity. After all, it is easy to carry out it, and the result is quite fun. And the mummy is an image from the other world, which fits the theme of the holiday at the right time.

How to hold a competition? Participants are divided into several teams. Each team has two people. One of the participants stands, and the second wraps toilet paper around him, starting with the legs and ending with the head. The mouth and eyes must remain open. This is a game of speed, but do not forget that the team that breaks the paper leaves the game.

Pumpkin crab

Collect two large pumpkins. Participants are divided into two teams with an equal number of participants, the start and finish of the distance are indicated. The child lies down on the pumpkin and in this position walks the distance, moving his legs and arms, like a crab, then returns in the same way to the start and passes the pumpkin to the next participant. The winner is the team whose members cover the path faster.

Hungry monster


  • a large sheet of thick paper or a large cardboard box with a painted monster;
  • balls or balls.

The monster is pre-cut a hole in the place of the mouth. The essence of the entertainment is to feed the monster. Children should throw as many balls into the mouth of a hungry monster as possible. Participants can be divided into teams, or you can make an individual competition, where each participant will play for himself.

Who's got it worse


  • inflatable balls (as many as participants);
  • felt-tip pens or markers.

The task of the participants of the competition is to make a terrible face out of the ball. A certain period of time is given during which the players paint the balls. At the end of the allotted time, guests vote for each of the "works". Whose face gets more votes, he is the winner.

Apple bobbin


  • basins of water or ropes;
  • small apples (donuts, bagels).

The essence of the entertainment is to catch the maximum number of apples from the basin using your mouth. At the same time, the hands remain behind the back.

If this version of the competition does not seem very suitable to you, you can try to slightly change the conditions - hang the apples on the ropes and invite the participants to eat them at speed. Again, without the help of hands. Well, and a completely modified version - to replace apples on the ropes with bagels or donuts. It won't be quite an apple bobbin anymore, but it won't make it any less fun.

Devil's tail


  • thread or rope;
  • pencil;
  • bottle.

We take all the props in multiples of the number of participants. The rope is attached to the participant's belt so that it hangs down from the back to knee level. A pencil is tied to the end of the rope. The task of the contestant is to lower the pencil into the bottle, without helping himself with his hands. The winner is the one who succeeds in doing it faster than the others. What is interesting here is not so much the result as the very process of hitting the bottle with a pencil. For the competition, choose a fun musical accompaniment.

Maniac's letter

You will need:

  • newspapers or magazines;
  • paper;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

This option is more suitable for schoolchildren who are already good at reading and wielding scissors without the help of adults. It can be carried out at home, because it does not need a lot of free space.

Children are divided into two or more teams. Their task is to cut letters and words from newspapers and magazines, and make a terrible letter out of them. Whose letter, based on the results of the vote, turns out to be scarier, longer and more interesting, is declared the winner.

Catch the witch

Would need:

  • several bells;
  • shawls or scarves for blindfolds.

Two witch hunters are chosen from among the participants of the competition, and they are blindfolded. Those who get the role of the witch pick up the bells and mingle with the other participants. The task of the hunters is to catch the maximum number of witches within a certain period of time. The most agile hunter is awarded a prize. The competition is quite mobile, so it is better to hold it in a spacious room so that the kids have somewhere to run away. While the hunters are catching witches, play a fun, rhythmic melody.

Dracula's meal


  • red juice (cherry, tomato, pomegranate);
  • glasses with straws.

Each participant of the competition is awarded a glass with “blood” and a straw. The task of little Dracula is to empty the glass as quickly as possible. The fastest participant is awarded the honorary title of the real Dracula. As a prize, you can give out the corresponding medal, badge or certificate.

Collect Halloween Hero

  • images of ghosts, witches, vampires, pumpkins, cut into pieces. Themed puzzles are also good.

Participants are given pictures, and they collect them for speed. Whoever collected it faster is the winner. This kind of entertainment is perfect for preschoolers, because it is quite simple.

Pumpkin blast

Required props

  • a large board, a piece of cardboard, or just a free wall;
  • green paper;
  • orange balloons;
  • question cards;
  • small sweets;
  • threads.

Throw a candy into the balls, then inflate and tie them. We attach the balls in such a way that a pumpkin of balls is formed on the wall or board. Cut out the tail for the pumpkin from green paper.

Participants take turns taking question cards and answering them. These can be questions from your school curriculum, about Halloween, or from a book or movie. The one who answered correctly gets the right to burst any ball and pick up the candy. To make it more interesting, you can put candies not in all balls or replace some of the candies with other small souvenirs. And for entertainment, add confetti or sparkles to each balloon, which will effectively fly apart when the balloon bursts.

This kids 'Halloween contest is not as easy to implement as the previous ones, but the kids' balloon popping delight is worth a little bit of effort.

Guess the ghost

One white sheet is enough to organize this entertainment. Participants are divided into two teams and go to different rooms. Then we put a sheet on one participant and let the opposing team into the room. The child should try to scare the rivals with the scary sound “Oo-oo-oo!”, And their task is to guess who it is by the sound. Which team guesses the most "ghosts" wins.


The props are several stuffed toys in the shape of bats. They can be replaced with cardboard figures.

One of the children is hiding bats in the room, and the other participant must find all the figures using clues. Clues are phrased in only two words - either warm or cold, or near or far.

Figures for the competition can be not only in the shape of bats, it can be any object associated with Halloween - a pumpkin, a witch, a cross, a monster. Or you can use several holiday characters at once.

Cardboard figures are easier to hide - they are lightweight and can be attached to furniture, curtains, chandeliers. Use pins or double-sided tape for fastening.

Looking for a couple

It is necessary to prepare several pairs of images drawn or printed on paper. These can be pumpkins, bats, crosses. The competition resembles the previous one, but the difference is that here children need not only look for figures, but find a pair for them. One figurine from the pair is given to the child, and the second must be found. Whoever makes the maximum number of pairs is the winner.

This option is well suited for the smallest participants.

Scary monster


  • paper;
  • pencils or markers.

The game can be played with both toddlers and older children.

The essence of the game: each participant is given a sheet of paper and he draws a monster's head on it. Then the sheet is folded so that what has been drawn cannot be seen, and the participants exchange drawings. The next stage is to draw the torso and arms, and again we hide the drawn one. We exchange leaves and draw the legs of the monster. Then the drawings are unfolded and shown to the public. Great fun is guaranteed! And another plus of this entertainment is that there are no winners and losers - work on the monsters is carried out jointly. But, as an option, you can vote for the ugliest monster.

Color the monster

Prepare in advance printed coloring pages with images of monsters, bats, pumpkins or other attributes of the holiday.

This type of entertainment is suitable for any age, because coloring pages are of varying degrees of difficulty. Three-year-olds can be offered to paint a simple pumpkin, and a schoolchild will be able to paint an image of a devil with small details. This competition can be held both for speed and for the best drawing.

Spooky makeup

You will need mom's cosmetics in dark shades: shadows, pencils, lipstick.

It is worth making a reservation right away that cosmetics are unlikely to be suitable for use after the holiday, so we choose what we will not mind throwing away later)

Participants are divided into teams of two and paint each other makeup that matches the theme of the holiday. The team with the most original make-up wins.

Third wheel

For this competition, you will need a selection of pictures. Two pictures from the set must correspond to the theme of Halloween, and the third one is chosen at random. We divide the children into teams, take turns showing them the selections. Their task is to quickly shout out the name of what is shown in a non-thematic picture. This entertainment option is suitable for preschoolers.

How to reward winners and participants?

For contests, it is necessary to prepare not only props, but also prizes. Here are a few small and inexpensive gifts winners:

  • small soft toy in the form of a holiday hero: a ghost, a bat;
  • sweets. These can be ordinary sweets, or you can bake or order cupcakes decorated with the image of a cobweb, pumpkin, monster or ghost;
  • carnival masks with scary faces. Such a props will certainly come in handy at a holiday;
  • medals for "Best Monster", "Best Ghost", "Coolest Witch", etc .;
  • diplomas. The meaning is the same as in the paragraph above;
  • small souvenirs with symbols of All Saints Day.

These are just a few ideas, the list goes on. The main thing is that none of the participants was left without a prize, and the holiday was fun and unusual!

A Halloween party can host many popular games adapted to the theme of the holiday. For example, everyone knows a game with the transfer of an object in a circle to the music. Whoever has an object in his hands at the moment when the music dies down must, for example, crow and leave the game. And then the transfer of the subject continues until one participant remains. On Halloween, you can do similar entertainment by passing a pumpkin or a plastic skull around in a circle. Anyone who has the transmitted object in their hands at the moment the music is turned off should scream loudly, as if from fear, and leave the circle.

The famous entertainment "Musical chair" (everyone walks around the chairs, and when the music dies down, rush to sit down) can also be adapted. You can, for example, walk around a table on which there are heads of garlic - one less than the number of participants. When the music stops, everyone picks up a head of garlic in their hands. Whoever did not have enough - that was bitten by a vampire. This means that he has no place among people, and he is eliminated. You need to choose the appropriate music - overwhelming, alarming. The soundtrack from The Pink Panther will do.

You can arrange tomato juice speed drinking competition , which is called blood at the Halloween holiday.

And among adults, you can hold a pair competition for the absorption of "Bloody Mary": cocktails are made in tall glasses (vodka with tomato juice), each pair is given a glass and two tubes. Which pair will quickly empty the glass through the tubes - that prize.

Relays are traditional at the holidays. Halloween can be spent relay race for high-speed transfer of "eyes" in a spoon. Painted tennis balls are used as eyes. The eyeball is placed in a spoon and carried by the team members.

We offer a few more games and contests for Halloween.

Halloween games and contests for adults and ... almost adults

1. A game for couples "Pumpkin Blast". Will need air balloons(orange, yellow or pumpkin color), spools of thread and ballpoint pens or permanent markers.

Couples involved. Each pair is given a set: a ball, threads, a marker. The task: to inflate your balloon as quickly as possible with joint efforts, tie it and draw eyes, eyebrows, nose and mouth with a marker, that is, turn the balloon into a kind of pumpkin lamp. Which couple does it first - that prize.

However, you need to wait until the rest of the pairs finish their "pumpkins". After that - the second part of the competition. Couples need to make their balloon burst. Moreover, this should be done during the dance, using only your bodies. You cannot put the ball on the floor and step on it. You need to pinch the ball between the bodies and press, while making dance movements. Which of the couples succeeds in "blowing up" their pumpkin - that one wins.

2. The game "And in my pants." Many people know this drinking game. For those who do not know, let's briefly explain: on paper strips various phrases are written that are the names of films or books, proverbs, fixed expressions, etc. The strips are stacked in a box, in an opaque bag, or in baby rompers. This container starts up in a circle. Everyone she gets to draws out, without looking, one piece of paper. Before reading its contents, a person says: "And in my pants ...", after which he announces what is written on a piece of paper. It turns out funny. For example: "And in my pants ... a holiday that is always with you", "And in my pants ... a sad time", "And in my pants ... the gold of the party."

A similar game can be played on Halloween, linking the answers to the theme of the holiday. These can be the names of horror films, phrases from these films, well-known expressions on the theme of evil and death, etc.

Examples of responses:

And in my pants ...

  • elixir of immortality
  • Pannochka died
  • rise of the dead
  • deathly silence
  • dead with braids stand
  • Koscheev's death
  • A Nightmare on Elm Street
  • resident Evil
  • Magic wand
  • chicken legs
  • the corpse stinks, the soul soars

3. Game "Confessions". In front of the participants - two decks of cards: in one the beginning of the phrase, in the other - the end. The shuffled decks are face down. Participants take turns drawing cards. First, a card is drawn with the beginning of the phrase, the phrase is read out in an intriguing tone. After that, a card with the end of the phrase is drawn, and its contents are read out. The point is that the beginnings and endings of phrases are put together randomly. The game cheers up.

Cards with the beginning of a phrase:

1. Every full moon comes to my bedroom ...

2. As a child, I dreamed of becoming ...

3. Recently I found out that I am an illegitimate son (daughter) ...

4. I want to have children from ...

5. I believe that the title "Sexiest creature on the planet" should go to ...

6. I tremble with fear every time at just one mention ...

7. Exactly at midnight I turn into ...

8. I sleep in an embrace with a portrait ...

9. As a child, my parents affectionately called me ...

10. I believe that our president (mayor, boss, class teacher) is actually ...

End-of-phrase cards:

1. brownie Kuzya

2. Freddy Krueger

3. Koschey the Immortal

4.Sergey Zverev

5. Walking corpse

6. Reel

7. Dzhigurda

8. Old woman with a scythe

9. "Pussy Sinister"

10. Chupacabra

11. Conchita Wurst

12. Rotten egg

4. Game "Awful bag". Folded in a cloth bag various subjects that can be perceived ambiguously by touch. For example, a dishwashing sponge, dried apricots, pumice, curly pasta of an unusual shape, rubber wrist expander, kiwi fruit, sesal washcloth, chewing worm, etc.

The pouch is passed in a circle. Participants take turns putting their hand into the bag, groping for the first object they come across, and, without looking, offer their version of what this ominous object is, where it came from and who it belonged to. In general, they fantasize on the go, coming up with a scary story about a little thing from a bag.

After each story, the object is taken out and shown to others. It can be very funny: for example, having groped for an object, the participant says that he is holding the eyes of a 10-year-old girl who dared to go to a neighboring village to her sick grandmother on Halloween night. He immediately reports who and under what circumstances deprived the girl of the eye. As a result, a tangerine is removed from the bag.

This game can be played in form of competition... A person launches his hand, gropes for an object, comes up with a story on the go, as in the example above, after which the rest are asked to guess what kind of object is there in fact... The guesser gets a point. The item is removed, and the bag goes further in a circle. Whoever gets the most points will receive a prize at the end of the game.

Halloween games and contests for children and ... big children

1. Trick-and-treat game. It can be carried out among both children and adults. From the name it is clear that "tricks and treats" await us. You will need treat prizes to play. These can be chocolates, boxes of chocolates, bags with dragees. It is desirable that the treats be different. For adults, you can pick up other treats.

Treat prizes must be numbered and put in a box. Prepare cards with the numbers of these prizes separately. You will also need two more stacks of cards. In one of them - wishes or predictions, and in the other - stupid, ridiculous, funny tasks. All three stacks of cards are laid out individually on the table with the contents facing down.

The game goes like this: a participant comes to the table and draws a card with the prize number. The presenter shows which prize he has drawn and asks if he wants to receive it. If the participant agrees, then the presenter offers to draw out a card with the task.

After completing the task, the participant receives his prize-treat and draws a prediction card. This card remains with him as a keepsake.

Predictions can be just kind ("Wealth and success awaits you in the coming year", "you will soon find your love" etc.) or cool ("Watch out for the hairdresser - he will cut off your ears", "do not go to horror films next year - there will be a heartbreak from fear", "check the bench near your house at exactly three o'clock in the morning - one day you will find a suitcase with money there" etc.).

Possible tasks:

Depict a bat
- crawl like a spider
- scare us: shout "Boo!" as loud as you can
- portray a zombie
- hoo like a night owl
- kiss vampire kiss three people
- scare us: show a terrible face
- portray a ghost

2. Game "Whose nose?" The game will work if there are quite a lot of people at the party who know each other well.

It is necessary to divide the participants into two teams. First, one team guesses, and the other, accordingly, guesses.

It is necessary to prepare a kind of screen that will completely hide the person, but allow him to demonstrate his nose. You can, for example, stretch a rope and hang an old sheet from it to the floor. You need to make a hole in the fabric so that your nose can go through.

The members of the guessing team leave the room or hide behind a screen. The guessing team turns away. At this time, one person from the team of projectors pokes his nose into the hole. The presenter, making sure that nothing but the nose is visible, says: “The wicked witch stole someone's nose, and we found it. Let's guess whose it is. "

Guessing ones turn, look at the nose, confer and name the person to whom, in their opinion, this nose belongs. If you guess right, one point is counted.

Then they turn away again, and the supplicants prepare a new nose for the demonstration. Noses can be repeated - this will confuse guessers even more. Noses are thought of a certain number of times - for example, ten. How many times guessers guessed correctly, received so many points. Then the teams change places. Whichever one gets more points in the end is the winner.

Instead of a screen, there is another option: put a chair in the room. Guessing ones turn away and do not peep. At this time, one of the supporters enters the room, sits on a chair, and the host covers him with a sheet from head to toe. Well, a nose is threaded through the hole made in the fabric of the sheet. Further, everything is the same as described above.

You can show not the noses, but any other part of the body - for example, the finger.

3. Team game "Catch the eye". It is necessary to divide the participants into two or three teams. One catcher is selected in each team. The catchers are given half of the gutted pumpkin.

The rest will be throwers. That is, they will throw white tennis balls, painted like eyes, into the half of the pumpkin.

Catchers stand separately - a couple of meters from their team. Team members take turns throwing the ball, trying to hit them into the pumpkin. The catcher also does not stand still, but tries to catch the ball with a pumpkin. Each team member gets several attempts. The total number of hits of the team counts. The team with the most hits wins.

4. Game for little ones "Halloween Lantern". Cut out pumpkin-shaped figures from paper, paint. These blanks need to be made as many as possible so that all children are enough. You also need to figure out how to hang the paper pumpkins (fasten on an easel, hook with a pushpin on a door or a pin on a curtain, etc.). You will also need a black marker.

Participants take turns blindfolded, given a marker in their hands and offered to turn the pumpkin into a Jack lamp, that is, draw an ominous face: eyes, a nose and a large mouth. When the child draws the details of the face, you need to remove the blindfold from the eyes and show what he has done. The child takes his "pumpkin" as a keepsake. But first you should take a picture of him with her.

Creative Halloween entertainment for adults and kids

1. Burime. Burime is a creative game, the essence of which is composing quatrains according to given rhymes. Initially, four words are given, that is, 2 pairs rhyming with each other. Participants need to come up with a meaningful quatrain as quickly as possible - with humor and creativity. The quatrains are read out, after which the best is determined by voting. Those who were the first to write the rhyme are also encouraged.

The lines must end with the given words, but the rhyme can change: it can be crossed, paired or encircling. That is, pairs of rhyming words can be classified according to a quatrain.

Example. The following rhymes are given: blood-carrots, intestines-sacs.

Cowardly snowman
The snowman once saw: there was a trickle of blood on the snowdrift.
He was frightened, trembled and wrinkled his nose-carrot.
He imagined mountains of corpses, fingers, ears and intestines.
It was someone with a jar of lecho carrying bags to the trash can.

Examples of rhymes for a task:

  • blood-eyebrow, class-eye
  • heart-pepper, eyelid-human
  • fist-ghoul, frog-friend
  • fried egg-sorceress, glass-cockroach

2. Halloween photo session. Participants are divided into pairs. Couples are encouraged to come up with a scary pose for. You can use nearby inventory and makeup. Having come up with the idea, the couples take turns participating in a photo shoot, demonstrating their idea. Each pair needs to be photographed. The winners can be determined by a jury or a general vote.

3. Restoration. It is necessary to give the participants sheets with a picture of the details of an object. It should be a well-known object, dangerous, but ordinary, not related to evil spirits. For example, a meat grinder.

A sheet can show a couple of details of this item. The presenter reports that this is something dangerous and even scary. And this something needs to be finished.

Participants receive pencils and finish drawing - who is in what. Few people will draw a meat grinder, but you will see enough of monsters, robots, killer plants or gutted corpses.

At the end, all the drawings are considered, after which the presenter demonstrates the original. It will be very unexpected. But if someone guesses and draws a meat grinder, he is entitled to a prize.