
Psychology of children 10 11 years old boys. Psychological features of the upbringing of boys. Know how to manage your time


We can say that by the age of nine, the child finally said goodbye to the role of a baby, he grew up and matured. The development of a child at the age of 9 and beyond refers to adolescence, when a personality is actively formed, and physiological changes in the body are rapidly occurring. The development of a child at the age of 9 is characterized by the fact that he has become not only more balanced, but also responsible, he is well versed in many issues and understands more. The development of an 11-year-old child is characterized by the fact that a teenager actively begins to explain and defend his own point of view, his opinion prevails over the opinions of others and seems to be the only true one. Also developing, a 12-year-old child “reclaims” his personal space and asserts himself. In order for the development of a child at the age of 10 and throughout the entire teenage period to proceed painlessly and correctly, parents should understand the changes taking place in the body and mind of their child and be able to adapt to them in a timely manner.

Physiological development of a teenager

In spite of early development of the modern young generation, yet the period of puberty is usually attributed to 10-13 years. Physiological development a child at 9 years old usually proceeds without any pronounced metamorphosis. But a child of 10-12 years old usually already enters the stage of teenage changes that affect not only the body, but character and self-awareness. For some children, this period passes painlessly, while others experience a lot of unrest and difficulties. Since it will not be possible to avoid this “restructuring of the body”, programmed by nature, it is important to be aware of its features. Indeed, many children cannot understand their condition and what is happening, and therefore, at this stage, parents should provide assistance.

  • Development of a 10 year old child. A ten-year-old child is just entering adolescence. In girls, physiological changes in the body usually occur earlier and faster than in boys. In most cases, hormonal restructuring is accompanied by a sharp change in emotions, the emergence of a pronounced interest in the opposite sex, and the active formation of intersexual relations. With the onset of puberty, the sex hormone enters the blood intensively.
  • Child development 11 years old. By about 11 years of age, girls begin to gain weight, while boys do not yet experience significant changes in weight. Often at this age, the first signs appear. personal change, the child becomes quick-tempered, moves away from the parents.
  • Development of a 12 year old child. There is a development of secondary sexual characteristics and a redistribution of fat on the body. In boys, the size of the testicles increases sharply, voice breakage occurs, hair appears in intimate areas, and nocturnal emissions occur. Girls also have hair in the intimate area, breasts grow, and a figure is outlined. The main authority for a child at this age is peers, adolescents have less interest in learning, values ​​and hobbies may change. The child can join the youth subculture. This age period is a preparatory stage for social and sexual relations, so parents should discuss topics of concern to a teenager and just talk at ease about family, interpersonal and sexual relations.
  • Development of a 13 year old child. During this period, the so-called growth spurt occurs, when the teenager quickly stretches. The increase in body weight continues, boys can weigh from 38 to 50 kg, and girls 43-52 kg. In boys, there is an increase in muscle mass, and in girls, a female figure continues to form.

What can parents do for the proper development of a child 10 years old and throughout adolescence? First, parents need to understand and maintain a friendly tone of communication. It is necessary to continue talking with the child, and not to lecture, but to conduct a dialogue, talking when the child is open to communication. It is important not only to discuss the differences between men and women and discuss the nuances of intersexual relations, but also to show the child various aspects social relations. Feel free to discuss sexual aspects, impulses and attraction with your child, helping him understand himself. If the child does not want to have frank conversations, you can offer him high-quality literature and films on this topic. It is important for parents to understand that during this period the child actively learns about himself and tries to build new relationships with others, he should be helped to find harmony between his own and the public.

Psychological development of a child 10 years old and 11-13 years old

By the age of ten, the child looks really grown up, and by the age of 12-13, the formation of the child's personality is almost completely completed. During this period, it is important to maintain the connection between parents and children, since it is at this time that it is the weakest and most fragile, because the child is ready to listen to anyone, but not the parents.

The development of a 10-year-old child is characterized by an increase in sociability and independence. The child easily makes acquaintances, feels comfortable in the company of peers, spends a lot of time with friends. All attempts to reduce the child's communication will be perceived with indignation, so prohibitions will not help here. Express your requests and wishes not in an ultimatum form, but in the form of friendly advice or a statement of fact.

For the right psychological development a child of 11 years old needs to be given a greater degree of freedom. For example, you can send him to a good pioneer camp, where he can safely rest without parental control.

The psychological development of a 12-year-old child is characterized by a distance from his parents, a teenager tries to "fence himself off" from others. During this period, it is important to loosen control, but in no case remove it. Talking to your child should be a method of negotiation and compromise.

The development of a 13-year-old child refers to a period of greater psychological stability, a teenager has already formed basic values ​​and views on life, he has his own beliefs and is ready to reckon with the opinions of loved ones. Understanding the developmental features of a 13-year-old child, it is important for parents to treat him as an equal, taking into account his opinion and wishes, but still continue to follow the rules established in the family and raise the child.

This beautiful and difficult age is 10-11 years old.

fourth year of study at lower grades completes the first stage of a child's school life. Fourth graders - graduates elementary school. This is a very difficult age. Psychologists distinguish the age of 7-10 years as junior school, and 11-15 years - as a teenager. Thus, the age of 10-11 years is, as it were, in limbo, that is, the child is not yet a teenager, but not a junior schoolboy either. Everything is mixed here, and therefore girls, and then boys, become partially uncontrollable, which is typical for teenagers, and on the other hand, 10-11-year-old children are extremely plastic, ready for change and open to cooperation.

The key event in the psychophysical development of 10-11 years of age is puberty. From this point of view, our fourth-graders are undoubtedly teenagers. This greatly affects their behavior - rebellion and conflict are manifested. Scientists call this first stage of adolescence locally capricious. Negative manifestations in domestic behavior sharply increase, for example, rudeness towards mother, and at the same time, good manners and goodwill outside the family. At school, this is an unevenness in diligence, a low level of attentiveness, a large distractibility, and forgetfulness. Children of this age are characterized by extreme emotional instability due to physiology - the rates of growth and development of various functional systems of the body are mismatched. There is a replacement of educational activity as a leading one (which was typical for a younger student) with a leading activity - communication.

Unfortunately, we, adults, often miss this age, do not become a friend to our child. Subsequently, many parents pay for this with the most acute social problems of mature adolescence: a high percentage of pregnancies in 14-15-year-old girls, the heyday of teenage crime, drug addiction, and teenage suicide. Scientists trace the sprouts of these negative manifestations and find them precisely at the age of 10. That is why now we need to be especially attentive to our children.

Dramatically increases dependence on the company of peers. This is especially true for those children whose parents are too authoritarian, or, conversely, too indulgent towards negative manifestations in the behavior of their child.

This period flows more easily in families where warm relations reign, where the child feels the love of all those close to him, combined with benevolent exactingness. In such families, there are traditions, everyone knows their simple duties and will always come to the rescue.

Children easily succumb to other people's influence, especially older teenagers, in order to seem like an adult themselves. Therefore, parents should strive to become a friend to the child so that a teenager from the gateway does not take your place. Talk to your child as often as possible. Teach him that in case of any trouble, whatever happens to him, he must run home. Here and only here you will be helped, saved, understood and pitied. Write each other notes with funny words, and not just “wash the dishes, sweep, take out the trash, etc.” Actively listen to the child, ask again, that is, by all means express your interest in his problems. Remember individual names, events, and details that the child tells you about. Use them later to start detailed conversations about the school. He sits all day at the computer - ask him to teach you how to play. Try to chat with him in his language, and then quietly move from the games to the really important and necessary.

Try to resolve all conflicts peacefully. No need to quarrel. Most often, parents are annoyed that the child cannot restrain himself. And he really can't! He does not have a physiological basis for this, especially in boys. In boys, an active will is formed, which is based on the processes of excitation and moves them in search of new sensations, impressions, and the acquisition of experience. Girls are more restrained, as they have better developed inhibition processes. Therefore, we will take into account the physiology of our child, and first we will count to ten, and then we will begin the “debriefing”. Of course, punishment is an integral part of education. But this is not revenge for the fact that the child dared to disobey me. Punishment is a punishment, which means that it is necessary to explain, and maybe even show how it was necessary to act. It is necessary to demonstrate that punishment is a parental duty: “It’s hard for me to punish you, but I have to.” Punishment is the deprivation of pleasure. But the most difficult thing is the deprivation of communication. Ignore the child, use it very carefully, it can seriously injure some children. But in any case, be a friend to the child. Tell him about your experiences at this age. Try to speak frankly on the most sensitive topics. Be open to communication with your child. Even if you don’t know or don’t understand something, feel free to tell him about it.

Expressions should not be used:

I told you a thousand times...

How many times do you need to repeat!

What are you thinking about!

You are the same as yours ... - Leave me alone, I have no time!

Why is Lena like this, and you ...

It is advisable to say:

You are my smartest (beautiful).

It's good that I have you!

You are my good guy!

I love you very much.

How well you did it! Teach me.

Thank you. I'm very grateful to you.

If it wasn't for you, I would never have made it.

Idleness is the enemy of childhood. It is bad if the child is left to himself for days on end. Make sure your children attend music school or sports sections, or some other additional circles. Firstly, this is the development of the intellect, and secondly, this is the development of the volitional sphere - organization, will, observance of the daily routine. The child can be immersed in activities that will allow him to show his courage, achieve success, gain self-confidence. Even in the old days they used to say that "the business time gives the mind, but idleness gets into the head." Those who passively spend their holidays, frankly lounging, subsequently pay with a decrease in their intelligence.

The difficulty of 10-11 years of age is aggravated by the fact that children will begin new stage life-transition to the middle link. Several teachers instead of one, and each has its own character, its own requirements, its own approach to business. The pace of work increases, the requirements for the design of work change, new children appear, another classroom - everything is new. The help and attention of parents at this time is especially important. Meet new teachers. You should know your child's teachers not only in person, but also by name and patronymic, just like they know you. At the same time, try to make them smile when they see you, and not turn white with anger. Ask teachers for advice when a problem arises. For teenagers, a teacher is no longer an indisputable authority. The teacher may be criticized ("harmful historian"). It is important to discuss the reasons for the dissatisfaction while maintaining the authority of the teacher. Pay attention to any changes in your child's behavior.

The majority of schoolchildren have a differentiation of educational interests, a different attitude to academic subjects develops - they like some disciplines more, others less. The preference for certain educational subjects is largely related to the individual characteristics of the child. And if the child does not have any special preferences? Psychological research show that there are no children who are not capable of anything. Even if a student does not stand out for his academic success and, at first glance, is equally indifferent to all subjects, he will certainly show a tendency to better assimilate educational material of one or another content. It is precisely these tendencies, which point to the stronger aspects of the child's development, that must be supported. Look for opportunities for your child to apply what they learned in school to home activities. For example, calculate the required number of ingredients for cooking a dish, the footage of wallpaper, translate with a dictionary from in English recipe, etc. Loves movies - give a book based on which the movie was made. You look - and join the reading.

Despite the seeming adulthood, children need unobtrusive control from their parents, since they are far from always able to navigate the new requirements of school life. Be a friend to the child - and you will succeed.

The child enters a difficult period, both physically and emotionally. Body changes occur, adult features are formed, metabolism is rebuilt, which leads to emotional instability, vulnerability. Parents need to show a lot of patience and understanding during this period to their children.

Entering the early phase of puberty is easy for the child himself. Changes in the body, some clumsiness and angularity lead to the fact that the child experiences complexes. Hence tightness, constraint, behavior change, and even outbursts of anger and aggression. At this age, children move away from their parents, become more and more independent. However, even without admitting it, at 11 years old children still need the support, approval and advice of their parents.

At this age, thinking is actively developing, intellectual ability, logic abstract thinking. Children may well plan their affairs and calculate actions, understand the consequences arising from them. Now social interaction is important for children, not learning success in it, but the opinion of the team and others about the child about his abilities, is already in the first place. Gradually, interest in the opposite sex also appears, although contacts are still more active with children of the same sex.

Features of raising children at 11 years old

Now the child is important public approval and his diligence at its peak.

At this age, it is important to instill a love for work and help others, develop talents, culinary skills, and a passion for needlework. In raising a girl, first of all, attention should be paid to domestic issues - the need for all possible assistance to adults, maintaining order and caring for younger animals. Equally important is the upbringing of high moral qualities of the girl. At this age, it's time to talk about sex education, intimacy, and the consequences of rash steps. It is important to become a girl's friend so that she can trust you with the most delicate and serious secrets.

Boys are somewhat behind in development from girls at the stage of puberty. Therefore, at this age they can still be passionate about cars and games, while girls are already thinking about love. However, it is important to know how to properly educate an 11-year-old boy in order to instill in him high moral qualities - responsibility, caring for loved ones and weaker ones, loyalty and honesty. Parents need to know that the basis of education is their own positive example of relationships in the family, between friends and colleagues. Children copy our behavior and attitude to the world.

Psychology of 11-year-old children

Features of the psychology of children at this age are changes in appearance that coincide with character measurements. Sometimes children themselves cannot understand what is happening to him, aggression and cruelty can arise from self-doubt and internal experiences. In many ways, the psychology of an 11-year-old boy differs from that of a girl, since the timing of their development is not synchronous. In girls during this period, nervousness, tearfulness and resentment associated with changes in appearance are noted. While boys at this age add fuel to the fire by teasing girls, and paying attention to appearance, sticking offensive nicknames.

At this age, the desire for independence begins, making adult decisions, but you need to understand how independent a boy of 11 years old or his girl of the same age should be. Children of this age can already easily be left alone at home, looking after the younger ones and performing simple tasks. homework. In addition to doing homework on their own, communicating on social networks, walking and other things, children must fully serve themselves - wash and iron their things, cook simple meals for themselves, completely observe body and hair hygiene, and provide first aid for minor injuries or cuts.

Symptoms of a Crisis in Eleven-Year-Old Children

In the period after about 10 years, a special age crisis is formed. It arises due to internal and external changes that form a special tension. nervous system which results in a change in behavior, relationships with family and friends. Often, transitional age in boys at the age of 11 it manifests itself with problems in school, disobedience, scandals and quarrels with parents. Girls do not lag behind at this age, their behavior also leaves much to be desired, they try to prove their adulthood through whims and tantrums. As a result, this leads to tension in relations with parents. Such a period must be experienced, treating the child as tactfully and delicately as possible, becoming his friend and winning his trust. Then it will be easier for you to understand what is going on.

Perhaps the most important function of parents is raising children. Different age groups have their own characteristics. How to conduct education 10 summer boy so that in later life he behaves with dignity and becomes a real man. Naturally, a lot of effort and care should be invested in the upbringing process in order to have an effective result.

How to raise a 10 year old boy?

Education starts from the birth of a child. Parents should always remember that their child is a person. The formation of character occurs from the first steps, and not only character, but also interests and needs. Every age group has its own needs that require constant attention.

Ten years of age for a child becomes difficult. At this time, the maturation of sexual processes begins, which affect the work of the whole organism. The child may be nervous, show aggression. Self-assertion contributes to the prevention of aggression. Therefore, parents are obliged to show maximum efforts for its development.

Sport. At this age, children have a very high physical activity. Playing sports will help satisfy her. The boy needs to be enrolled in sports sections, where he can prove himself.

Dad. At the age of ten, boys turn to dads more. They are interested in what they are doing and trying to help. It is not necessary to push away the son, but on the contrary, it is necessary to interest him. The boy will take an example from his father. Therefore, when educating, it is required to adhere to the “golden mean”: not to accept the methods of tyranny and not be too soft.

It is necessary to bring up a 10-year-old boy according to a demonstrative principle and do not forget to involve the child in this process.

Emotions. Children should be taught empathy and respect. Here, mothers can show their capabilities. For example, on the way home, ask the child to help carry the bag. Sometimes you can create situations in which the son is obliged to show pity.

family atmosphere. Relationships between parents have a great influence on the upbringing of children. Children quietly observe what is happening in the family circle. As a result, they form their own relationship with the opposite sex.

Praise. The big disadvantage is that the parents of boys are much less praised than girls. It is believed that he will grow up more courageous. But praise stimulates the child to something new. You don't need to forget about it.

In some situations, parents are required to apologize to their children. It is necessary to justify your actions to the child, not to scold, but to advise how to act in this situation. Approval and support are the main needs of this age.

How to raise a boy 10 years old? It will be right if both father and mother participate in the upbringing. Raising children of 10 years requires a lot of endurance and patience. Parents by any means should not lose the relationship with the child that has developed up to this time.

The ten-year age of a child affects the physiological and psychological process. The psychology of raising a boy of 10 years old is to perceive himself as an individual. Many children at this age have low self-esteem. This is where parents need help. It is about daily communication.

Children of this age tend to be similar to each other. This is the main psychological contradiction. Boys' affirmation is revealed in friendship with older children.

The behavior of a 10-year-old child depends on two needs:

  • communication. Communication should acquire a non-business nature, rather friendly;
  • self-assertion. For boys, this is more of a technical class.

Each child asserts himself in accordance with the behavior, environment. For this period, the main thing is successful socialization.

  • no need to be annoyed in a relationship with a son;
  • learn to forgive. You don't have to punish your child all the time. It's bad for the psyche.
  • In order for the upbringing of a 10-year-old boy to be correct, it is necessary not only to observe what changes occur in the son’s behavior, but also to take an active part in all processes in every possible way.

    Raising children is a responsible and difficult process, both for parents and children. A child is a person who is constantly changing. Learn to adapt to the guys, to observe an atmosphere of kindness.

    Psychological features children 9 - 10 years old

    9-10 years - the next age period of the child. During this period, significant changes occur in the psyche of the child. By this age, he has already formed certain worldly concepts, but the process of restructuring previously established ideas continues on the basis of the assimilation of new knowledge, new ideas about the world around him. School education contributes to the development of his theoretical thinking in forms accessible to this age. Thanks to the development of a new level of thinking, all other mental processes are restructured, according to D. B. Elkonin, "memory becomes thinking, and perception becomes thinking."

    A neoplasm of 10 years of age is reflection. There is a transformation not only cognitive activity students, but also in the nature of their relationship to other people and to themselves.

    It is by the end of this age that other neoplasms should be formed in students: the ability to self-regulate, arbitrariness. After all, starting to study in high school, unformedness or insufficient level of development of these neoplasms will lead to difficulties in educational activities. New formations: arbitrariness, reflection, self-regulation pass at this time only the initial stage of formation. With age, they will only become more complicated and consolidated, and also apply not only to situations that are associated with the implementation of educational activities, but also to other areas of the child's life.

    Educational activity at 9-10 years old continues to be the main activity of the student and influence the content and degree of development of the intellectual and motivational spheres of the individual. But at the same time, learning activity is losing its leading role in the mental development of the child. Its role and place in the overall development of the child is changing significantly.

    As soon as the child enters school, he only starts, "gets acquainted" with educational activity, masters its main structural components. Already by the age of 9-10, the student masters independent forms of work. This age is characterized by intellectual and cognitive activity, which is stimulated by educational and cognitive motivation.

    The development and success of the child to a greater extent will depend not only on the acquisition of new diverse knowledge, new information, but also on the search for general patterns, and most importantly, on the development of independent ways of obtaining this new knowledge.

    Psychological studies of children of this age period indicate that at the age of 10 there is a significant decrease in students' interest in studying at school and in the learning process itself. The most common symptoms of a decrease in interest are a negative attitude towards the school as a whole, the need and obligation to attend it, unwillingness to study tasks in the classroom and at home, conflicting relationships with teachers, as well as repeated violations of the rules of conduct at school.

    Reflection as a neoplasm of this age changes the view of children on the world, for the first time he develops his own views, his own opinion, not always taking on faith everything that he receives from adults. But all this is still at the stage of inception and affects a relatively more familiar area for children - the educational one.

    Children have strong emotional experiences, both positive and negative. Also, this period is characterized by the greatest changes in the internal position of the child associated with relationships with other people, and above all with peers. Emotional condition the child most often begins to depend not only on academic success and relationships with teachers, but also on how his relationships with his comrades develop.

    By the age of 9-10, a peer and communication with him begin to determine many aspects personal development child. At this age, children's claims to a certain position in the system of personal and business relationships in the class appear, a fairly stable status of the student in this system is being formed.

    At the same time, the child sometimes finds himself in a situation of choice between the position of a "good student" and the position of a comrade. It may happen that a "good student" does all the tasks on his own, does not cheat, and this does not prevent him from being a good friend at the same time. But is a "good student" able to remain a true friend if he does not allow another to cheat or informs the teacher about the "faults" of his classmates?

    The likelihood of conflicts with peers and teachers is high if two systems of directions: the position of the student and the position of the subject of communication will oppose each other, not act in unity.

    At the age of 10, there are significant changes in the nature of self-esteem of schoolchildren. The level of self-esteem is subject to adjustment and reassessment by other children. The number of negative self-assessments increases, and at the same time, the balance between negative and positive self-assessments is disturbed in favor of the former.

    Children most often show dissatisfaction with themselves not only in communication with classmates, but also in the process of learning activities. The criticality of self-attitude is explained by the child's need for a general positive assessment of his personality by other people and, above all, by adults.

    The child feels the need for a general positive assessment of himself as a whole, while the assessment should not depend on its specific results.

    A person, at whatever age stage he is, always needs to be accepted by other people. But at the age of 10 years, this need is expressed most strongly. And it becomes the basis for the favorable personal development of schoolchildren in the future.

    In this age period, the experiences of schoolchildren are by no means always realized by them, and most often they cannot even always formulate their problems, difficulties, questions. As a result, psychological insecurity arises before a new stage of development.

    The child shows dissatisfaction with himself, relationships with others, criticality in assessing the results of study is manifested - and all this can become an incentive for the development of the need for self-education, or, on the contrary, become an obstacle to the full formation of the personality, negatively affect the nature of self-esteem.

    By the age of ten, in each children's group, class, there is an informal leader who is recognized by everyone else. Outsiders, excellent students, children who run better than others or are generators of brilliant ideas or instigators of pranks are also clearly distinguished. At ten years old, children still choose their peers of the same sex as friends. The influence of the family gradually decreases, and the child's dependence on the opinions of friends becomes extremely significant.

    A ten year old spends more time with his best friend, while he often shares his secrets with him. Relationships with classmates at this age can become more difficult and even tense in some cases. This mainly applies to girls. Boys tend to care more about what they do than with who.

    The child communicates equally evenly with his mother and father, it is easy to negotiate with him. A 9-year-old child may feel independent, but most psychology experts conclude that they still need the support of their parents. At this stage of development, sharp mood swings are noted.

    The age of ten is characterized by the manifestation of greater independence and not the desire for guardianship and care from parents. 10 years is the golden age. Increasingly, children of this age begin to worry about their social status whether their clothes are fashionable enough or whether their gadgets are modern and expensive enough. There is a loss of interest in family activities such as holidays or excursions, picnics, which they loved so much a few years ago.

    Cognitive development of children begins with the development of their own ideas about the world. This is a time of change, responsibility for your actions. Children feel that they are already adults and try to solve most things on their own. Many children seriously discuss their future with adults and begin to think about what subjects are better to study and what school they should choose.

    Physical and emotional changes, especially in boys, are not as important as they are for girls. This is because boys tend to physically mature a little later. At 10 years old, boys try to succeed in various types activities, such as sports, to prove their competitiveness.

    If we talk about the development of a child of this age, then at 10 years oldthe child is well versed in time, reads with pleasure and for pleasure, has a sense of humor, is positive about the rules and makes sure that everyone follows them, has a heightened sense of justice, has developed self-care skills and is able to keep order in his room. Can take responsibility for certain household chores. Has a developed fine motor skills. Quite clean writes and draws. Happy to join a group of peers.

    Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that the psychological characteristics of children at the stage of graduating from elementary school (10 years old) are:

      further physical and psychophysiological development of the child, providing the possibility of systematic education at school;

      improvement of the brain and nervous system;

      reflection, analysis, internal action plan;

      a qualitatively new level of development of arbitrary regulation of behavior in activity;

      development of a new cognitive attitude to reality;

      orientation to a group of peers of their age;

      instability of mental performance, increased fatigue;

      neuropsychic vulnerability of the child;

      inability to long-term concentration, excitability, emotionality;

      development of cognitive needs;

      development of verbal-logical, reasoning thinking;

      change in the ability to voluntary regulation of behavior.

    The main tasks for the successful development of the child are:

      disclosure of individual abilities and characteristics;

      development of productive techniques and skills academic work, "the ability to learn";

      the formation of learning motives, the development of sustainable cognitive needs and interests;

      development of skills of self-control, self-organization and self-regulation;

      the formation of adequate self-esteem, the development of criticality in relation to oneself and others;

      developing communication skills with peers, establishing strong friendly contacts;

      assimilation of social norms, moral development.

    Knowing all the features of this age period, it is necessary to be prepared for their manifestation on the part of children and at the same time be aware that the child himself is experiencing difficulties in given age, since he has almost entered a new age stage, called adolescence.