
How to clean silver jewelry and jewelry at home. Good Ways to Clean Old Silver, Insert Jewelry, and Blackened Silverware - Video. What darkens silver


Cleaning silver with stones at home is an easy task. You can return the product to its previous appearance even without contacting a jeweler. It is not necessary to buy expensive funds, because folk methods silver cleaning is no less effective.

Why does silver things turn black

Silver is easily oxidized, this feature is inherent in metal. If the proportion of silver in the alloy is small, then the jewelry will turn black very quickly. This happens as a result of a chemical reaction.

In addition, silver rings and chains, pendants and earrings turn black when exposed to moisture. The highest quality jewelry is considered to be made of 925 assay value. They fade less often and are more durable, so when buying it is important to pay attention to the quality of the alloy.

Preparing items for cleaning

First, you need to remove dirt and grease residues that are present on the surface of silver jewelry. There are several ways. You can wash your rings and earrings with soap, a liquid concentrate works well. Alternatively, you can use diluted dish soap or shampoo. Dirt must be removed without fail, because this will make the cleaning process easier. It is enough to put the piece of jewelry in the solution and then hold it for a few minutes.

All hard-to-reach places should be brushed with a toothbrush, but care must be taken to keep the bristles soft. After the cleaning process is complete, items should be rinsed thoroughly in clean water.

How to clean products

There are many options for how to clean silver with stones at home using available tools. It can be ammonia, in a 10% solution of which jewelry is soaked. Otherwise, you can soak a cotton swab in ammonia and then wipe the surface. But this method cannot be used if the jewelry is with pearls, because the color of the pearl will change. But silver with stones in this way will clear up very quickly.

There is also another option. It consists in cleaning objects with a special solution, which is made at home. To do this, it is necessary to combine hydrogen peroxide and liquid soap in a container, and then add ammonia. All ingredients should be mixed thoroughly.

The soaking time must be chosen individually for each jewelry, because the degree of contamination can be different. After using the solution, the items must be rinsed and then wiped thoroughly soft cloth.

Every housewife has citric acid. With its help, dark plaque will disappear very quickly. Take an enamel dish, place copper wire in it and add citric acid. For 1 liter of water, you need to take 200 g of acid. Put the dishes on the stove, dip the rings into it, boil it for a quarter of an hour. Rinse items and wipe dry.

Clean items with baking soda, 2 tbsp. l. pour in 0.5 liters of water. Put the solution on fire. When the water boils, place a piece of foil and jewelry in the container. It only takes a few minutes to see great results.

There is another solution option. In 1 liter of water, you must mix soda, salt and dishwashing detergent, taking 1 tbsp of each ingredient. l. Place the silver in the solution and boil for 30 minutes.

Before and after cleaning

You can clean things from blackness if you put gruel on them, it is made from soda. You need to clean it with a soft cloth until the shine returns to the jewelry. In places that are hard to reach, you can brush it with a toothbrush.

A decoction of potatoes has proven itself excellently, it will help restore shine even to very dull objects. Place a piece of foil in the water left over after boiling the potatoes. Dip silver with pearls in water, hold for 10 minutes. Besides potato broth you can use the water in which the eggs were boiled.

Perfectly cleans metal toothpaste and tooth powder. But this method cannot be used for products with patterns or stones. If you want to quickly remove plaque from silver items, buy special napkins. They are available in jewelry stores.

Silverware is a sign good home, a silver jewelry- evidence of the delicate taste of their owners. But, unfortunately, this noble metal darkens over time and loses its attractive appearance. Therefore, it is always useful to know how and with what to clean silver at home.

Superstitions aside, the blackening of silver can be attributed to two completely natural chemical reactions:

  • the formation of silver sulfide. This process requires two conditions - the presence of sulfur-containing compounds and high humidity. They are provided by ourselves human body... The skin produces some hydrogen sulfide when you sweat. When reacted with silver ions, a thin sulphide film is formed, causing the item to blacken;
  • oxidation in air. Silver itself, being a noble metal, is not oxidized by oxygen, hydrogen or nitrogen. However, dishes, cutlery or jewelry are not made of pure silver, but of an alloy - most often with copper. Dark copper oxide forms in the air, and the product loses its shine and turns black. Therefore, the lower the sample, the more actively silver is oxidized.

Darkening can occur when silver objects come into contact with sulfur-containing food - for example, onions or eggs, - with aggressive household chemicals, a number of medicines. Intense blackening is also observed under conditions of air contaminated with hydrogen sulfide.

Modern jewelry technologies help protect silver from darkening. For this, the processes of rhodium plating, passivation, cataphoresis coating, etc. have been developed. However, antique jewelry and dishes "with history" still need special care.

Silver cleaning soda

The simplest and most affordable home remedy for silver cleaning is baking soda. Moreover, with its help, you can not clean the product in traditional sense, but to restore silver from sulfide.

This is done like this:

  • Dissolve 2 tablespoons of baking soda in 0.5 liters of water;
  • pour the solution into an aluminum dish;
  • place a silver object in it;
  • bring the solution to a boil and boil with the product for 10-15 minutes;
  • cool the solution, remove the object, rinse with clean water and polish with a soft cloth.

The meaning of this manipulation is that an aqueous solution of soda has alkaline properties. When aluminum reacts with alkali, atomic hydrogen is formed, which reduces silver from sulfide. Therefore, if there is no aluminum cookware, you can put a piece of wire or any other object made of this metal into the enameled one.

We clean with foil

A similar chemical reaction can be produced using food foil, which is also made from aluminum.

This method is especially useful for cleaning small jewelry or silver coins:

  • cut the foil into small squares;
  • Place a teaspoon of wet baking soda in the center;
  • put an object on the soda and wrap the foil with an envelope;
  • dip the envelope in hot water and boil for 10-15 minutes;
  • cool, remove the item, rinse with clean water and polish with a soft cloth.

If you need to restore voluminous silver items - vases, dishes, candlesticks, - you can line suitable-sized dishes with aluminum foil, add soda at the rate of 2 tablespoons per 0.5 liters of water and boil them in the same way.

How to clean with vinegar?

Often, various acids are used to clean silver items - for example, phosphoric acid or formic acid.

At home, vinegar in low concentration is also suitable:

  • pour a little 3% vinegar into an enamel bowl;
  • put silver items in it and warm it up slightly, in no case bringing to a boil;
  • cool the solution for 15 minutes;
  • remove the items, rinse them thoroughly with distilled water and polish with a soft cloth.

Alternatively, you can simply wipe the items with a cotton swab dipped in vinegar, but the reaction proceeds better when heated. It should be borne in mind that acids do not reduce silver, unlike soda and aluminum. They interact with metal oxides inside the alloy, and therefore act on silver items to some extent destructively.

Citric acid from black

Citric acid acts more aggressively on silver than acetic acid, but if a number of conditions are met, it can also be used:

  • prepare a solution of 100 grams of powder in an enamel bowl citric acid and 0.5 liters of water;
  • put silver products in a solution, place a piece of copper wire in the same place and put the dishes in a water bath;
  • warm up for 15 minutes;
  • remove the items, rinse them with distilled water and polish with a soft cloth.

Washing after cleaning silver objects in acidic solutions is a mandatory procedure. Residual acids must be completely removed, otherwise there is a danger of damage to the product. Instead of distilled water, you can use a soda solution for this to carry out the neutralization reaction. Then rinse the item again with clean water.

Salmon for purifying silver

Ammonia is an aqueous solution of ammonia. In Soviet times, it was often used by collectors of old coins, since more professional cleaning products were inaccessible.

It is very simple to clean silver from blackness with ammonia:

  • for 1 liter of water, take 2 tablespoons of the ready-made pharmaceutical solution of ammonia;
  • lower the product into it;
  • keep the object in the solution from 15 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the degree of darkening;
  • remove the product, rinse with clean water and polish with a soft cloth.

An aqueous solution of ammonia dissolves silver sulfide, but it does so rather slowly. An especially low reaction rate is observed when cleaning antiques - in the era before Catherine the Great, antimony and arsenic were included in silver alloys, which form poorly soluble compounds with silver. Thiourea is more effective - a white powder that decomposes in water to ammonia and carbon dioxide and more successfully copes with a sulfide film.

We clean with potatoes

Peeling silver objects with potatoes is one of the most common folk recipes.

The procedure looks like this:

  • one raw peeled potato is grated on a fine grater;
  • potato gruel is poured into a glass of water and left for 10 minutes with stirring;
  • the mixture is reclined on cheesecloth and filtered;
  • the silver item is immersed in the drained liquid for 15-20 minutes, after which it is removed, washed and polished with a soft cloth.

Judging by the reviews, the tool helps a lot with slight darkening of silver.

We use toothpaste

Cleaning silver with toothpaste is another product folk art... It is based on an abrasive effect, so the toothpaste removes sulphide deposits by a purely mechanical means.

For manipulation, you need to take a soft toothbrush and any paste. After squeezing out a pea-sized portion, gently rub the paste over the surface of the product. Then rinse well with clean water and polish.

Olive oil for cleaning silver

Sometimes it is recommended to use all kinds of vegetable fats as a cleaning agent - most often olive oil. It should be noted that it will not do anything with either sulfide deposits or oxides. Olive oil is not a silver cleaner, but a polish.

If the product has not darkened, has not faded, but you just want to give it additional shine, it is enough to moisten it with olive oil or any other vegetable oil cotton sponge and wipe the metal surface. Then use a soft cloth to shine.

Eraser cleaning option

A very simple and even a bit childish way to slightly update a silver object is to rub it with a regular eraser. This is not to say that it is very effective method, but with a slight tarnishing of the silver, some result can be seen. It is achieved exclusively through mechanical action on the surface.

It does not make sense to clean heavily blackened items or items with an uneven surface with an eraser.

How not to spoil silver jewelry?

When choosing a method for restoring silver jewelry, you need to remember the following rules:

  1. Do not use coarse abrasives for mechanical cleaning - dental or scouring powders, salt, soda. They leave abrasions on the surface, and subsequently it will be more difficult to clean the silver.
  2. Do not exceed the time of exposure of the products to acids - they can cause a corrosive process.
  3. Do not exceed the permissible concentration of solutions.

We must also not forget about our own safety. When working with solutions of acids and alkalis, you need to open windows, protect your hands with gloves.

The nuances of cleaning products with stones, gilding

Cleaning of inlaid silver items natural stones, rhinestones, ivory or enamels has its own subtleties. Most of the above tools are unsuitable for this.

You can clean such items only with cotton swabs and professional pastes and solutions for cleaning silver:

  • "Aladdin";
  • Town Talk;
  • "Mascot".

Gilded silver items need cleaning much less often, since they do not blacken and practically do not tarnish. With a slight tarnishing, you can use one of these professional products, choosing from their rulers one that is suitable for both gold and silver.

It is better not to clean highly artistic silver items at home and go to a jewelry workshop.

Knowing how to clean blackened silver from plaque and stains, you restore the product without scratching or damaging its surface. Use baking soda, salt, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide. Prepare special cleansing pastes or solutions following a specific pattern. Finally, be sure to rinse under running water and buff to a shine.

Silver belongs to the noble metals with disinfecting properties, therefore, wearing silver items and using cutlery has a good effect on a person's well-being (provided that they do not have a black coating). Knowing how to clean silver at home will bring back the attractiveness of your favorite jewelry, spoons and improve them. healing properties with a minimum of effort.

Reasons for darkening silver

Before cleaning silver, it is important to understand why it tends to darken.

"Magical" reasons for darkening silver

Previously thought that the reason for this is magic rituals, but scientists have proven that silver and cupronickel (a metal similar to silver) react to various elements (oxidize).

The blackness on the surface of silver-plated jewelry appears due to:

  • contact with wet skin;
  • being in conditions of excessive humidity;
  • improper storage;
  • interactions with household chemicals, cosmetics and some products;
  • reactions to sweating. If there is nitrogen in the sweat, then the silver will remain the same, and the sulfur impurities lead to rapid blackening. Sulfur substance appears in the body as a result of the progression of pathology or the use of medications.

If the product is of low grade, then it will oxidize, regardless of whether the sweat contains impurities or not.

It is better to avoid wearing such jewelry, because they do not have even a minimal beneficial effect on the body and are not restored.

Choosing a cleaning method

The principle of cleaning silver bracelets, crosses, rings and cutlery from black plaque depends on several factors:

  • product samples;
  • are there alloys in the composition;
  • the size of the decoration;
  • the presence of decorative elements such as expensive stones, gilding;
  • intensity of blackening.

Simple products that do not contain impurities, stones, gilding do not need special care, therefore, the use of aggressive products is permissible. As for expensive items with decorations, it is better to clean with professional cleaners (pastes / aerosols) or contact a jewelry salon.

Fundamental rules

You need to clean silver at home, adhering to certain rules:

  1. Clean jewelry regularly, even if there is little plaque. Otherwise, the dirt will eat into the ornament, and it will be more difficult to clean it. This is especially true for white earrings or light gray chains.
  2. Do not use harsh abrasives such as a metal scraper. For simple decorations use a toothbrush with soft bristles, for expensive ones containing stones - a brush with natural fibers.
  3. Treat high-quality products with professional cleaners.
  4. Silver-plated accessories cannot be damaged by chemicals, but they can easily be scratched with hard materials. If you do not have the necessary brush on hand, use a soft cloth to clean the silver.
  5. Be sure to rinse the rings with purified water if metal utensils / foil have been used during processing. Otherwise, the surface will oxidize and form an unattractive sodium sulfate hymen.
  6. Sprinkle boiling water or lemon juice on the jewelry to give it a shine, like in a display case.
  7. After processing, dry the silver-plated jewelry with a hairdryer, polish with a suede cloth.
  8. Do not use cutlery and do not wear rings or chains for several days after processing.

To clean your home decoration with decorative stones, use folk ways cleaning and these rules.

We clean silver with folk remedies

Folk remedies - substances regularly used in everyday life:

  • lemon acid;
  • vinegar;
  • Colgate toothpaste;
  • ammonia;
  • vodka;
  • or food.
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • glycerol;
  • salt;
  • Coca Cola.

These products are gentle and are therefore recommended by leading jewelers for cleaning initial and intermediate levels of dirt. Before wiping off the blackness, remove the remains of cosmetics, dust and grease. Prepare a solution by mixing dishwashing liquid, washing powder or soap and water. Rub the inside / outside thoroughly with a toothbrush. Rinse and dry with a soft paper towel.

We wash off the darkening with tooth powder / paste

A toothpaste or whitening powder for teeth washes away blackness on silver-plated accessories, but belongs to rough methods that are not recommended for cleaning expensive jewelry with inclusions of gold and precious stones (topaz, amber).

This method works well for cleaning coins. Dilute the powder with water until a paste is obtained or apply already ready-made product on the fabric of a soft structure. Rub the product in a straight line. Do not apply pressure or damage the ornament.

Note ! After treatment with any cleaning agent, rinse the jewelry and dry to avoid oxidation.

Did you know that toothpaste is used for and.


An easily available and highly effective cleaning agent for contaminated silver is soda. For regular utensils, make a gruel by mixing baking soda and water. Lubricate the soiled area with the mixture and after 10-15 minutes rub with a soft cloth, wash.

If the decoration contains impurities precious metals or stones, use another recipe:

  1. Boil 1 tbsp. water.
  2. Dissolve 20 g of baking soda in it.
  3. Place food foil on the bottom of the pot.
  4. Place the decoration for 15 minutes.
  5. Wipe clean with a cloth.

Note ! We put the processed silver in hot, not boiling water!

How to easily remove blackness from a silver chain and restore shine, watch the video:

Citric acid

With the help of acids, silver is washed from dirt, rust, yellowness, brown deposits.

At the end of processing silver ring will shine:

  1. Combine the ingredients in the indicated proportions: 2 tbsp. water and 100 g of citric acid.
  2. Place the solution in a water bath and place a piece of wire (copper) inside.
  3. Darken the decoration for about 15 minutes.

A small and unpretentious product can be easily cleaned with a vinegar solution. Apply a small amount of the product to the rag and wipe clean. Also use pharmacy sulfuric or formic acid. Add a little product to boiling water, place the product there and boil for 1-2 minutes.

Note ! Do not use pots with even minimal carbon deposits. They will further aggravate the condition of silver..


To clean silver with ammonia at home until it shines, just soak a cloth in a pharmacy solution and wipe the product.

If that's not enough, pour ammonia over the jewelry and let sit for about 10 minutes.

Clean heavily soiled products with ammonia mixed with hydrogen peroxide:

  1. Mix ingredients 1: 1.
  2. Place a ring or chain in the liquid.
  3. Let sit for about 15 minutes.
  4. Rub with a brush or cloth.
  5. Dry and buff.

Real gemstones will not deteriorate in contact with these components, but colored rhinestones can lighten or discolor.

Attention! If your ring or earrings have pearls or colored decorative inserts, be careful, because peroxide can discolor such materials!


A bath of salt will help to add shine to the product and remove minor yellow bloom.

To enhance the effect, it is combined with tartar:

  1. Dissolve in ½ l. 10 g of stone and 25 g of salt.
  2. Soak the jewelry in the solution for no more than 20 minutes.

If there is no tartar on hand, pour half a liter of water into an aluminum pan, add dish detergent and 10 g of baking soda / salt each. Simmer over low heat for half an hour, dry and rub the restored product.

Olive oil

Regular olive oil will help remove minor deposits. Apply the product to a cloth, rub the ring and rinse with cold water. Regular processing with olive oil will not harm, but will not allow the garment to darken, so treat it 1-2 times a month.

Unusual methods

Unusual remedies include cigarette ash, powder, yogurt, copper wire, foil, raw potatoes.

We clean with foil and copper wire

These materials enhance the effectiveness of the main components and remove minor plaque:

  1. Wrap the jewelry in foil along with 1 tsp. soda and salt.
  2. Pour water into a metal container.
  3. Place the foil pouch in a saucepan. If you are using wire, put it in water along with the silver piece.
  4. Boil for 15 minutes.

Note ! An aluminum saucepan is a good substitute for foil, so you shouldn't put the bag in such a dish..

Potato peeling technique

Peel a few potatoes and cover with water. Put a silver piece there and leave for 2-3 hours. After this period, intense blackness will be less noticeable, and insignificant ones will disappear completely.

Cigarette ash

Pour some water into a saucepan and add cigarette ash.

Boil the solution and place the jewelry inside. Simmer for 5-15 minutes over low heat and polish the product. To enhance the effect, add a little citric acid along with the ash.


Sour milk contains acid, only in a lower concentration than lemon, so the method is suitable for cleaning products containing gold inserts and precious stones... Pour the curdled milk into a glass, place the processed silver inside and finish processing after 12 hours.

With the help of yogurt or sour milk, you can and.

Cosmetic powder

If you notice a slight darkening, rub the silver with regular cosmetic powder. It absolutely does not harm products of any quality, since it is a gentle, polishing abrasive.

Features of cleaning products with stones, gilding

Expensive jewelry, complete with stones, requires special care, because with careless movement you risk tearing off and losing topaz, amber or malachite.

For light pollution:

  1. Soak a cotton swab in cologne or alcohol.
  2. Wipe all grooves gently.

To remove stains and stubborn blackness:

  1. Dissolve the shavings of laundry soap in water and add a little ammonia, citric acid, vinegar.
  2. Soak the jewelry in the resulting solution for 10–20 minutes, depending on the intensity of the dirt, and rinse it under running water.

For jewelry with complex patterns and stones, it is better not to use a toothbrush. Finally, rub the garment with a soft cloth.

How to clean blackened silver

Blackened jewelry itself has a dark tint, so attempts to whiten it will be unsuccessful.

A combination of the following ingredients works well for blackened products:

  • 2 tbsp. water;
  • soap shavings (10g);
  • 1 tsp soda.

The solution does not need to be heated or boiled. Place the product inside and stand for 20 minutes, then polish it.

How to clean matte silver

Matte products can be easily cleaned with raw potatoes or a foil bag with baking soda. After the procedure, wipe the product dry with a dry cloth.

How to store silver properly

The frequency of washing silver jewelry and their service life depend on the correct storage.

  1. Each piece of jewelry should have its own case - purchase it with the product.
  2. Store silver away from household chemicals, medicine, food and medicine (especially iodine).
  3. Remove jewelry before showering / bathing and applying makeup. The less the product is in contact with cosmetics and water, the longer it retains its shine.
  4. Wipe wet rings and earrings immediately with a soft cloth.

It is not difficult to put silver items in order, but it is imperative to follow the processing sequence and prepare cleansing solutions, ointments, starting from these recipes.

Larisa, June 30, 2018.

Silver is a very beautiful metal that requires special attention and care. Silver jewelry never makes an image vulgar and defiant, but on the contrary - more refined and sophisticated. In addition, jewelry made from this metal is suitable for all skin types. But it is worth remembering that the material is very fragile, and if you are faced with the fact that the silver ring has turned black, it means that you made some mistake in cleaning it. Many women ask themselves - what should be the cleaning of silver with stones. On the Internet, you can find a lot of different means and methods of cleaning, the main thing is to carry it out correctly and in a timely manner.

What do you need to know before cleaning silver?

Before cleaning jewelry made of silver, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the main reasons for its darkening.

People say that if the jewelry darkens, then the person has bad health. But in reality, this is far from the case. Experienced jewelers and doctors refute this theory, because the main reason for the darkening of jewelry is a low-quality sample of the metal.

Some craftsmen use copper when making silver rings and chains:

  • As you know, copper is a very unstable metal, and when it comes into contact with moisture, it quickly oxidizes.
  • In addition to a poor sample, various cosmetic products (creams, lotions.) Have a bad effect on silver. Therefore, if you wear jewelry made of this metal, you should exclude the frequent use of creams that contain sulfur and other harmful chemicals.

Important! In order for the cleaning of silver with or without stones to be successful, silver items should be stored in dry places far from water.

Features of self-care for silver items

To clean a silver ring with a stone, you should consider several important nuances:

  • Do not use abrasive cleaners to avoid damaging the stone and the ring or earrings.
  • Do not scrub the garment with a hard bristle brush, as this could loosen the ring mounts. As a result, a precious stone can be lost.
  • Use polishing agents to keep your jewelry shiny after cleaning.

If we take into account all the above features, then you can achieve an effective, positive result.

How to clean silver jewelry professionally at home?

To clean silver jewelry yourself, you need to take into account several mandatory recommendations:

  1. Use soft cloths and sponges for washing so as not to scratch the gem.
  2. Regardless of which detergent you use, pre-soak the ring or chain in soapy water.
  3. Observe the temperature regime, as a sharp jump in temperature can destroy the product.
  4. Polish jewelry suede.
  5. After cleaning, wipe the jewelry dry, as silver does not tolerate moisture.

Important! These rules must be followed for products with or without stones.

What are the popular methods for cleaning there?

The most secure and effective methods purification of silver is considered folk. Consider a few commonly used folk remedies:

  • Raw potato mix. We grate raw potatoes, mix it with small amount warm boiled water. Then we lower our earrings, chains or rings in such a gruel for 30 minutes. After all the dirt has disappeared, you should thoroughly dry the jewelry and polish them with a piece of woolen cloth.
  • Ethanol. Pour some alcohol into a glass or a cup and soak our jewelry in it. We leave for a few minutes. Next, rinse with running water and dry the jewelry.
  • Ammonia. Dilute one teaspoon of ammonia in a cup of warm water. We dip the rings in the solution. Then dry them with a paper towel.

These methods are very effective and time-tested.

The use of improvised means

If you do not have special cleaning agents for precious metals and there is no way to purchase them, then you should use the available tools. They are no less effective than purchased ones.

Consider a few basic tools at hand that are suitable for cleaning silver:

  • Tooth powder or paste. Apply a small amount of toothpaste to a soft toothbrush and gently remove any dirt from the earrings or rings.
  • Lipstick. Spread lipstick on all sides of the ring. Let stand for a while, then remove the lipstick with a napkin.
  • Eraser. Rub your eyebrow or earrings thoroughly with a washing eraser. It will easily remove darkening on the product.

Important! This method is not effective when cleaning finely woven chains.

  • Soda. It is necessary to make a gruel from a small amount of water and soda (the state of sour cream). Next, apply the mixture to a soft sponge, carefully clean your favorite jewelry.
  • Salt. We put all the blackened jewelry in a plastic container and fill it with salt. Add detergent and a teaspoon of baking soda to it. Fill with boiling water, let stand for about an hour. There will be no trace of contamination.

These funds can be found in every home. Therefore, if you are faced with the problem of contamination of silver items, do not rush to run to the store for expensive special means.

Gemstone cleaning

Before you clean your silver jewelry with a stone at home, you need to determine the density of the jewelry. The cleaning method directly depends on the density of the gem:

  1. Sapphires and aquamarines have a fairly high density, so they use washing powder and warm water to clean them.
  2. Moonstone, turquoise and malachite can be cleaned using a soft bristled toothbrush and laundry soap.
  3. The safest cleaning agent for all types of gems is glycerin. You should dip a cotton swab into the product, carefully handle the frame and gem.
  4. Apatites and agates are washed with regular alcohol and a cotton swab. Then polish the jewelry with a soft cloth.
  5. Ivory has a very soft structure, so it is not recommended to use detergents that contain acidic and alkaline substances. It is advisable to hold the product in warm water, and then dry it with a dry towel.

These simple tips help to avoid damage to your favorite jewelry.

How to clean silver with cubic zirconia, pearls and other stones?

The most reliable and efficient way in the fight against darkening of silver jewelry with pearls and cubic zirconia - the use of salt and water. In order for the cleaning process to go through effectively, the following sequence of actions must be performed:

  1. Place all silver jewelry in a cotton bag.
  2. Cover them with a little salt.
  3. Prepare a bowl of warm water.
  4. Dip the bag of jewelry in warm water.
  5. Keep it until the salt dissolves.

This method has been used for decades, and it has never let down the owners of silver necklaces and rings.

Jewelry with inlays of semi-precious mineral stones

In order to wash well rings or earrings with mineral gemstones, you need to know the characteristics of each stone. Let's consider the main methods of cleaning mineral stones:

  • It is recommended to clean emerald, opal and malachite in lukewarm water with the addition of liquid soap or shampoo.
  • Topaz, ruby ​​and pomegranate can only be washed in water at room temperature, as such precious stones are not resistant to high temperatures.
  • For all mineral gems, it is recommended to use the rubbing alcohol method.

Jewelry with inserts made from organic materials

If you like jewelry with organic inserts, there are a few important rules to keep in mind when cleaning them:

  1. The surface of gems made from organic materials is processed only with velvet.
  2. Products must dry on their own. It is not recommended to use paper napkins and terry towels.
  3. In order to wash such decorations, a mixture of potato starch and warm water is made. Then the contaminated surface of the material is treated.
  4. When removing contaminants from corals, do not use water or substances based on it.

Silver is a noble metal from which dishes, interior items, and jewelry are made. Its ions have disinfecting properties, which means that the use of silver cutlery has a positive effect on health. But over time, the surface of the metal changes - it tarnishes, dark plaque and spots appear on it. Let's figure out how to clean silver at home so that it gets its original appearance.

Before we figure out how to clean silver at home, let's find out why it darkens. In the old days, it was believed that black magic was to blame. But now it has been established that the metal reacts with different elements.

Reasons for darkening silver:

  1. Excessive humidity in the room or contact with wet skin.
  2. Reaction to a person's sweat. If there is a lot of sulfur in it, then the silver turns black quickly. The predominance of nitrogen in the secretion of sweat glands promotes long-term preservation appearance metal. TO a large number sulfur in the secretions can lead to pathologies, as well as taking medications.
  3. Interaction with cosmetics, food (onions, yolks, salt), household chemicals, rubber, gas.
  4. Incorrect storage.
  5. Low quality metal.

How to choose a cleaning method

The answer to the question of how you can clean silver at home is determined by factors such as:

  • product sample, composition, if we are talking about an alloy;
  • the presence of gilding, precious stones, enamel and other additional elements;
  • degree of pollution;
  • the size.

Exists important rule: Aggressive agents can only be used on simple silver jewelry and household items. If they have stones, enamel, gilding, engraving, then only gentle methods are allowed. Expensive filigree jewelry made of high-grade metal is better to be trusted by professionals.

Special preparations for silver processing are on sale. Popular brands are Talisman, Silbo, Aladdin, Silver Quick. They are available in the form of sprays, solutions, pastes, napkins. Such products are cleaned efficiently and carefully, but it is important to carefully follow the instructions.

Important: Silver is a soft, ductile metal. When working with it, do not use coarse material, hard brushes and metal scrapers.

Cleaning methods

High-quality cleaning of silver at home requires preparation. It is necessary to remove grease, dust, residues of cosmetics, food and other contaminants from the surface. To do this, prepare a warm solution of water and soap, shampoo or detergent in arbitrary proportions. Rinse the silver item thoroughly in the liquid. If it has indentations, a soft toothbrush is recommended. At the end, you need to rinse the jewelry or cutlery in clean water and let it dry.

Toothpaste and powder

You can quickly clean silver from blackness at home using tooth powder or paste. But this method is considered rather crude, so it is better not to use it for jewelry and expensive household items.

The powder should be diluted with water to a gruel state. There is no need to prepare the paste, it should be white without impurities and large abrasive particles. The mass is required to be applied to a soft flap and gently rub the silver item. You can use a non-rigid toothbrush. It is important to move in one direction in a straight line. Do not press too hard on the metal, otherwise the surface may be damaged.

Note: For any cleaning method, the final treatment consists of rinsing the silver item under running water, drying it and polishing it thoroughly with a soft cloth.


An affordable silver cleaner is baking soda. For processing simple products, it is enough to combine the substance with water to make a gruel, apply it to the surface, and after 10 minutes remove it by gently rubbing the thing with a cloth.

If you have a problem, rather than gently cleaning your silver at home, it is better to use a soda solution. Algorithm of actions:

  1. Boil 250 ml of water, add 20 g of soda to it, stir.
  2. Lower a piece of foil to the bottom of the container. If you are using an aluminum pan, this can be dispensed with.
  3. Put silver items in a hot solution. Wait 15 minutes.

Citric and other acids

A powerful solution for cleaning silver can be prepared with citric acid. Stages of work:

  1. Dissolve 100 g of acid in 500 ml of water.
  2. Put a container with liquid in a water bath, put a piece of copper wire in it.
  3. After boiling the solution, dip the silver into it for 15 minutes.

If the silver item is small and not very dirty, you can simply soak the cloth in vinegar (6%) and wipe the surface. Another cleanser option is a 10% citric acid solution (10 g of powder per 100 ml of water).

Coins and other simple items that have darkened a lot will help clean up formic or sulfuric acid. Items should be boiled for several minutes in a 5% solution of one of these substances.

Important: When using various acids and substances with a strong odor, work with gloves in a room where air is circulating.


Thinking about how to clean silver at home quickly, you should resort to ammonia. Products that are slightly darkened, it is enough to wipe with cotton wool dipped in it. Heavily contaminated items should be placed in a 10% solution of ammonia for 10 minutes, then rinsed with water. You can also use the following methods:

  1. Combine water, ammonia and tooth powder in a 5: 2: 1 ratio. Soak a napkin in the solution and rub the silver. Leave on for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Mix ammonia and hydrogen peroxide in equal amounts. Hold the product in the liquid for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Pour a little ammonia into the chalk powder to make a paste. Process metal. You can use tooth powder instead of chalk.


Common table salt will help to give silver a shine:

  1. Dissolve 25 g of salt and 10 g of tartar in 0.5 l of hot water. Immerse the products in the liquid for 10-20 minutes.
  2. Pour 0.5 liters of water into an aluminum pan. After boiling, add 10 g of salt, soda and dish detergent each, mix. Put silver in a saucepan. Boil for 30 minutes.

Other methods

There are several other effective methods for cleaning simple silverware:

  1. Pour Sprite, Cola, 7-Up, or similar beverage containing phosphoric acid into a saucepan. Immerse a silver object in the liquid. Boil for 5-7 minutes over low heat.
  2. Prepare a solution of washing powder and water in arbitrary proportions. Dip jewelry or cutlery into it. Boil for 10 minutes.
  3. Spray window cleaner onto the product. Wipe with a cloth.
  4. Polish the dirty object with a regular stationery eraser. The method is not suitable for openwork jewelry.

The nuances of cleaning products with stones, gilding and other features

How to clean silver with stones so as not to damage it? Such products require careful treatment, especially if they are inlaid with turquoise, moonstone, amber, malachite, coral, pearls.

Dust and light dirt can be removed with regular rubbing alcohol or cologne. You should wipe the decoration with a cotton pad dipped in the substance. Suitable for processing indentations and various decorative details cotton swab.

You can remove plaque and stains by soaking silver objects for 15-30 minutes in a solution prepared according to one of the following recipes:

  • grate laundry soap, dissolve in warm water to make a foam, add a few drops of ammonia;
  • pour a tablespoon of ammonia or vinegar into a glass of water.

The same methods are suitable for gold plated items. After soaking, the jewelry should be rinsed with water, dried with a paper towel and rubbed with suede.

An original way to clean jewelry with stones is to use lipstick. She needs to lubricate the surface of the metal, and then treat it with a flannel flap. If the silver is decorated with pearls, you need to sew a bag of flax, pour a spoonful of salt into it and put the product, then wash in warm water.

Blackened silver needs special care. Cleaning methods:

  • hold the jewelry for 20 minutes in a solution of soap (10 g), soda (1 teaspoon) and water (500 ml);
  • cut raw potatoes, cover it with water and put the silver in the same place, pull it out after 3 hours.

General cleaning rules

In order for cleaning to be effective and not to harm silver products, the following rules should be followed:

  1. Regularly wash jewelry and household items until the dirt becomes too heavy.
  2. Do not use harsh abrasive substances. For simple items, you can use a soft toothbrush. If you need to clean your jewelry, it is best to use a natural bristle brush.
  3. Sterling silver may only be lubricated with special agents. Home remedies can damage it.
  4. Radiated metal is resistant to chemical damage, but its surface is easily scratched. It can be cleaned with an exceptionally soft cloth.
  5. After pastes and solutions, the product should be rinsed under running water. It is especially important to do this if foil or aluminum dishes were used during the cleaning process. Otherwise, an aluminum sulfate film may form on the surface.
  6. To add shine, the metal should be treated with lemon juice and hot water.
  7. You can dry the products on paper napkins or under the tap of a hair dryer.
  8. Dry silver items should be polished with chamois, flannel or wool.
  9. It is better not to wear jewelry for 2-3 days after cleaning, so that a protective layer forms on them.

How to store silver properly

Silver jewelry will keep its shiny clean surface longer if properly cared for. Fundamental rules:

  1. Store products in separate closed boxes (cases, boxes) in a dry room. If an item is planned not to be used for a long time, it should be washed with soapy water, dried and wrapped in flannel, foil or parchment.
  2. Silver should not be in contact with medicines, food, household chemicals, plastic, rubber during storage.
  3. It is recommended to remove jewelry made of silver before applying cosmetics, taking a shower, swimming in the bathroom, the sea, visiting the pool or sauna. It is also undesirable to clean them so that detergents do not get on the chain or ring.
  4. If the product gets wet or dirty, wipe it dry with a cloth.

Silver jewelry and household items proper care can delight their owners for a long time and benefit them. If, nevertheless, the products are covered dark bloom, they are easy to clean with dental sticks, powder, ammonia, soda and other means. It is better to entrust the processing of very valuable things made of silver to professionals.
