
Wedding abroad without a visa. Symbolic wedding abroad: an overview of budget and expensive celebration options. Symbolic informal wedding ceremony


What should newlyweds prefer - a traditional feast for 100+ people, smoothly flowing into a week-long spree, or a colorful wedding in an exotic country with incredible impressions for a lifetime, which will smoothly flow into an unforgettable honeymoon trip? In addition, if we compare the costs, then the advantage (down), with reasonable planning, will win a wedding abroad. As you know, many honeymoon hotels provide big discounts and bonuses.

We bring to your attention a small overview of the most popular and interesting destinations, as well as the intricacies of holding a wedding ceremony abroad.


You can hold a truly heavenly wedding ceremony on a small uninhabited island of the Maldives. Such an exotic wedding, no doubt, will be remembered for a lifetime. After all, here the newlyweds will be able to plant a coconut palm in honor of their significant event, make a small wedding cruise. Dine on the ocean, enjoying the sunset, and even celebrate this day in an underwater restaurant. A wedding in the Maldives, although it does not have an official status, is rightfully considered the standard of sophistication. A green island with fragrant plants, a turquoise ocean, great weather, exotic flowers and fruits - what could be more romantic? And, of course, a lot of fabulous photos!

Colorful Cuba

Very popular in this country original wedding, for example - festive ceremonies in Cuban villages. In addition, national festivals are regularly held in Cuba, and if the marriage coincides with any local holiday, then the newlyweds will certainly have something to remember. Local color and emerald ocean, comfortable climate and romantic beaches, tropical gardens and exotic animals - a wedding ceremony on the island of Cuba is like a magnificent fairy tale. Newlyweds can order an antique car for walks and photo shoots, have a wedding according to local traditions (with incendiary salsa and passionate rumba), and also choose a wedding in the most beautiful temple of Cuban Havana.

Alluring Greece

Dreaming of a wedding in an orange garden? Dreaming of getting married on a snow-white yacht? The Greek island of Crete will help you with this, which will delight you with excellent service and low prices. Here, the newlyweds will be offered to organize a wedding on the seashore - in the birthplace of Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty. Imagine the future married couple in tunics and sandals, pronounces the oath of allegiance on the sea coast in the shimmering rays of the evening sunset. And then notes it significant event according to all the rules: with sparkling wine, sweet oranges, delicious cheese, magnificent olives and, of course, seafood. And what fabulous beauty memorable photos will turn out!

Romantic Italy

Venice and Florence, Rome and Verona - this is where newlyweds can have a truly memorable wedding! Depending on personal preferences, you can choose any Italian city of a certain theme. Venice is carnivals and gondola rides, Verona is the place of the tragic love of Romeo and Juliet, Florence is the royal style of the Medici, Rome is the classics and luxury of the eternal city. Getting married in Italy means great food, nice music, romantic places and unforgettable experiences. This country is ideal for those couples who want to arrange a holiday only for themselves, and not for their many friends and relatives. And the subsequent honeymoon trip will be remembered by the spouses for life.

Exotic China

country wedding rising sun It is both unusual and mesmerizing at the same time. Here you can hold a solemn ceremony in a Tibetan temple, in a modern hotel, but it is best to choose Hainan Island for this event, with picturesque bays and picturesque villages. A wedding in this place is an absolutely enchanting and fantastic event. The bride appears three times in different dresses, and each stage is accompanied by national dances of the natives. The island is also famous for its healing springs and magnificent parks, so you can not only have a wedding here, but also enjoy your honeymoon. Marriage in China is kimonos, dragons, exotics unknown to us and ancient traditions of the Celestial Empire.

Medieval Czech Republic

If newlyweds dream of holding a wedding ceremony stylized as the Middle Ages, what could be better than the Czech Republic? Narrow intricate streets, amazing architecture, town halls and cathedrals, palaces and chapels, and, of course, castles, many castles! Newlyweds can legalize their relationship in an Orthodox church, the Municipal Palace, in a mirror chapel, in the Prague City Hall, and many other equally interesting places. But most of all, newlyweds are attracted by castles - in this atmosphere, the bride and groom will feel like a real prince and princess. The newlyweds will be delivered to the castle in a carriage, escorted inside with all royal honors, and the ceremony will be held according to all the rules of the mysterious Middle Ages.

Incendiary Spain

For passionate and temperamental couples, burning Spain will be an ideal choice for a wedding. A flamenco wedding promises to bring a whole ocean of positive emotions to future spouses. In addition, the romantic streets of Barcelona and Madrid, snow-white Spanish beaches, chic national cuisine and breathtaking bullfights win you over at first sight and remain in your memory for a lifetime. It is in Spain that vows of love and fidelity are the most ardent, and marriages are the most romantic. In this country, even a modest little cafe can impress, and sightseeing steals the whole day unnoticed. A wedding in Spain is a celebration for passionate and incendiary couples.

Mysterious Sri Lanka

This island offers newlyweds to have a wedding ceremony, both in European and Buddhist style. If everything is clear with the first option, then the second option is simply amazing. First, the young couple is dressed in traditional clothes (the bride in a sari and the groom in a sarong). The newlyweds go to the venue of the celebration to the accompaniment of songs and dances in the national style. The ceremony is held on a podium decorated with lotus flowers. The couple exchange betel leaves seven times, symbolizing love, and then rings. Then the young people feed each other rice, break a coconut for happiness, ride along the beach on an elephant with pompoms, and end the evening with an unforgettable one.

Charming Dominican Republic

This country is ideal for those couples who prefer to get away from everyone and get married in seclusion. The Dominican Republic will provide such an opportunity: only the groom, the bride and the registrar, no one else. All that will surround you is the azure ocean and the warm sand of the golden beach. The wedding ceremony in the Dominican Republic looks truly fabulous: the newlyweds dress in Hawaiian clothes and swear love and fidelity to each other near the flower altar to the sounds of maracas and ukulele. And then the newlyweds will jokingly steal the rings that will need to be found. Young people are waiting for interesting searches, communication with local residents, songs and dances, they will learn how to crack coconuts and drink national rum, and many more interesting activities.

Gambling Las Vegas

A wedding ceremony in Las Vegas will be a true gift for adventure lovers. The variant of such a wedding is the fastest and most fun; young people from many countries aspire to this city. Do you want to get married in secret? Would you like your wedding to be the most adventurous act of your life? Then go to Las Vegas, where the fastest and easiest registration procedure in the world is practiced! The main thing is not to forget about tradition and put on “old, new, alien, blue”. And after the ceremony, you can visit the casino, playing on any significant date. Here you can have fun as you like: get married in the same shorts and swimsuit, drink tequila for brotherhood, ride a skateboard and play the “one-armed bandit”.

Summing up, we recall that, contrary to stereotypes about the exorbitant cost of marriage abroad, such a ceremony will cost you at least no more than a regular wedding, and the extraordinary impressions received at the beginning family life will make your union stronger and more romantic. However, the choice is yours, and we wish all the newlyweds happiness and may your wedding abroad or at home be the brightest and most incredible!

"When a dream becomes a reality..."

“The poorest person is not the one who does not have a penny in his pocket, but the one who does not have a dream!”- wrote Socrates. And you can't argue with that. Much that once seemed like an impossible luxury is now easily realized.

Exit registration of marriage abroad is a great example of how a fairy tale comes true! Just imagine - caressing white sand under your feet, and a step away from you the warm turquoise sea. You say the cherished "Yes" to the sound of rising waves, and no one is in a hurry...

Serenity and peace, the feeling that at this moment there is only you and your soulmate. True love and tenderness - everything is merged together - pleasure! It is these feelings that will become your companions throughout the wedding ceremony abroad.

And for the adventurous, we have something else exciting and impressive! We can make your wildest dreams come true...

Official wedding ceremony

According to paragraph 1 of Article 158 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation“marriages between citizens of the Russian Federation, concluded outside Russian Federation subject to the laws of the state in whose territory they are concluded, are recognized as valid.

In other words, an official wedding ceremony in Jamaica, Cyprus, the Czech Republic (Prague), and any other corner of the world will be legal, and you will receive an official marriage certificate recognized in the Russian Federation.

Dream of a lifetime - wedding gondola ride? Welcome to Italy , Venice! Here, each stone bears the imprints of past times, and traces of historical eras are imprinted on the bridges.

Do you want a luxurious ceremony in one of the castles in Europe? Austria is the best suited for the implementation of your plans. Unforgettable wedding ceremonies are held in fundamental medieval buildings! The newlyweds will be greeted to the sound of fanfare in a picturesque arcade courtyard, and then the magic will begin, symbolically “fastened” by a pair of inseparable doves in flight.

We will help organize your wedding and in Jamaica where you will exchange an oath of love in blue lagoon (this is Port Antonio!), or near the seething edge of the ocean South Coast. And if you choose hidden from prying eyes - a secret garden in Ocho Rios, then the impressions and memories from registering a marriage abroad will not leave you all your life!

Worried about organizing a wedding abroad? We assure you that everything will be at the highest level!

Traveling marriages abroad are necessarily held by officials of a particular country in a local municipality or outside it. At the solemn finale of the ceremony, you will receive an official marriage certificate, which, after legalization, is valid on the territory of the Russian Federation.

I would like to note that a marriage document is issued by the competent authorities of a foreign state, and this certificate cannot be exchanged for a Russian-style certificate. The specialists of our company will independently carry out all the work related to the legalization of a foreign wedding document. And this process will take from 1 working day to 6-8 months, depending on the country where the marriage took place abroad.

After receiving a certificate, the newlyweds will need to apply to the passport office at the place of registration to affix a seal of marriage in a civil passport. And on "one, two, three" your dream will become a reality!

What documents are required for the official wedding ceremony of Russian citizens abroad?

  • Russian passports;
  • international passports;
  • birth certificates;
  • marital status certificates;
  • divorce certificate (if there was a divorce);
  • death certificates of the former spouse (wife), in appropriate circumstances;
  • previous marriage certificates, if any;
  • documents on the change of surname and name, in appropriate circumstances

Our experts will help you with the preparation of all documents.

Note to the newlyweds!

  • All documents must be at the office of our company no later than 6 weeks before the scheduled start date of the trip;
  • The original documents must be provided by you upon arrival in the country of marriage registration to our representative.

About the name change

For a long time in Russia there was a tradition when, after the wedding, the wife took her husband's surname. Until recently (namely, until 1926) It was prerequisite wedding, and the bride was not given the right to choose. Today, everything has changed, women have become more independent, and in some cases, after the wedding, they stopped taking their husband's surname.

When marriage registration takes place abroad, then in a document issued in most countries, this information is not provided at all., therefore, if you want to change your surname, you will need to separately submit an Application for changing your surname to the registry office. Together with him, you must provide marriage and birth certificates.

It is interesting that in some countries the traditional change of surname, as in Russia, is also present, this applies to - Austria, Czech Republic and Slovenia.

In which countries can field registration marriage?

During registration abroad, a marriage is considered valid in the Russian Federation if it is concluded in the following countries:

European countries: Austria, Greece, Iceland, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Switzerland, Slovenia and the Czech Republic

Caribbean countries: Aruba, Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Mexico, Saint Lucia and Jamaica

Other states: Australia, Bahamas, Bermuda, Mauritius, New Zealand, USA, Sri Lanka, Seychelles, Fiji, French Polynesia, Turks and Caicos.

List of countries where you can hold an official wedding ceremony:

Olga Lukinskaya

PREPARATION OF DOCUMENTS FOR MARRIAGE WITH A FOREIGNER REMINDS A DIFFICULT QUEST especially if the wedding is planned in a third country. On the other hand, even Russian couples often choose wedding ceremonies in hot countries or on exotic islands, but the marriage is registered at home. We asked girls who got married in different countries what difficulties they had to overcome and where to get married the easiest.

My husband and I are from St. Petersburg - although he, unlike me, has been living in Israel since the age of fifteen. Everything is complicated there: the registration of secular unions, even between Israelis, is prohibited, but marriages registered abroad are recognized. We chose Georgia for the almost complete absence of bureaucracy - compared to the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Russia or France, everything is very simple there: any piece of paper is done in a matter of days, and for a marriage that is registered in a couple of hours, passports are enough.

Passers-by from the street can be taken as witnesses; we asked to help another couple who came to the registry office with us early in the morning, the guys were from Ukraine. You can get married in any city, we chose Sighnaghi, but it was possible right away in Tbilisi: if you register a marriage at the House of Justice, then you don’t even need to take them anywhere for the apostille and translation of documents, everything is done on the spot. There were no problems with paperwork, marriage recognition - and even divorce in the future. Georgia is the easiest and very romantic option, given the mountains, air and khachapuri.

I lived in Volgograd, my future husband is from the USA, Colorado. We chose to register a marriage in Volgograd: weddings in Russia are more fun, I have many friends and relatives, but he has few, and besides, getting a visa to go to America and get married there is problematic. Getting a wife visa is easier than a fiance visa - at least it was ten years ago. So that I could submit documents to the registry office without a fiancé (he could not come from the States, because he had just got a job), he sent a power of attorney. But several registry offices that I went around refused me: it was believed that there were too many fictitious marriages with foreigners, and institutions did not want to get involved so that they would not come to them for a divorce. One registry office nevertheless accepted the documents, and registration went through as with a citizen of Russia - without problems.

Then there was an embarrassment: his surname Lile on the visa at the entrance to Russia was translated as "Lile". Based on this, a new surname was written in my passport - Lyle. Then I applied for a foreign passport, and “Lyle” was written in Latin as “Layl. That is, also four letters, but with two errors at once. No matter how much I ran, they didn’t change my passport, so my husband and I remained with different surnames. Then I had to fill out a bunch of forms and send them to the immigration authorities in America so that they would give me a wife's visa. Usually they wait six months for the result, but we waited a year and a half. Calling the embassy is unrealistic, writing - they do not answer. The visa came immediately with a note that I had been issued a green card - that's why it took so long. If not for this, then in six months I would have already been in the USA and would have issued a green card on the spot.

Unfortunately, I'm tired of such a long wait. After the wedding, he left to work at home and came to visit as much as eleven months later - and only for two weeks. The next time he got there was seven months later. During this time, I managed to move from Volgograd to Moscow, change jobs, social circle and forget my husband. In general, the marriage could not be saved. I still went to America, but I survived six months and fled back to Moscow. A couple of years later she met her current husband and is now happy.

I am from Krasnoyarsk, and my husband is from Sao Paulo. We live most of the time in Phuket, in Thailand - this is due to the husband's profession, he is a professional boxer. Our wedding took place in Brazil, in Campinos, the city where my husband's parents live. At first, we planned a wedding in Thailand so that relatives from both sides could attend, but only a festive ceremony could be held there, without a formal marriage. Then we considered Russia, but, having traveled around the registry offices, we could not get an answer to the question of what document can confirm the marital status of a citizen of Brazil. In Brazil, this is, oddly enough, a birth certificate - upon marriage, it is updated, and it indicates marital status. That is, as such, a certificate that the husband is not married does not exist.

We flew back to Thailand, then to Brazil, where they also decided to find out how we can sign. They explained to us that they needed my birth certificate - and at that time it was lying in a closed house in Phuket. It seemed that the mission was impossible, and we postponed the idea of ​​marriage until later. A week and a half before leaving Brazil, the husband went to the notary on some business and at the same time asked again what a Russian girl needed to marry in Brazil. What was his surprise when he received the answer: "Passport, tax paid and two witnesses." We couldn't believe it! It turned out that in just a couple of months the legislation changed and everything became simpler. Two weeks later we were already official husband and wife. As for amenities, Russia and Brazil have good visa-free relations, and the process of obtaining a residence permit or citizenship also looks friendly, and besides, everything should be simplified by a joint child.

I was born in Ryazan, studied in Moscow, and after university I moved to Panama - there I met my future husband, an Argentinean. We registered the marriage in Panama, but the big Catholic wedding was in Argentina. We sometimes joke that we got married because of a visa: my expiring Panamanian visa and our desire to move to another country in the near future - and it is much easier to do this as a husband and wife - became the impetus for registering in Panama. Perhaps in other circumstances we would have chosen Argentina. In Panama, this is not at all solemn event. Everything happens in a regular notary's office, you can choose the nearest one; all you need is passports, local Panamanian IDs and an affidavit stating that you are not married in other countries. You come with two witnesses, sign the marriage certificate, the notary makes a more or less solemn speech, certifies the documents - done, the act of the new civil status is sent to the register of Panama, and you acquire the status of husband and wife.

The Panamanian marriage certificate brought us a lot of problems later on. They issue it for a period of six months, after which it is necessary to ask for a new one, and we often need a document for issuing visas. Apparently, there is no faith in Panama in a long, unbreakable union. On our marriage registration there were only the closest friends who lived at that time in Panama, so when we moved to Argentina, we decided to have a big celebration and decided on a Catholic wedding - with a passage to the altar, a white dress and a priest saying parting words. What we didn't expect was church bureaucracy. It turned out that getting married in heaven is much more difficult than declaring the seriousness of intentions in front of a Panamanian notary.

First you need to apply to the church in the place of residence, and the priest from there must give permission for the ceremony in the church of our choice. The ceremony was scheduled in a church in a small Argentinean village, almost a thousand kilometers from Buenos Aires, where we moved. The priest refused to give permission for the ceremony just like that, because he did not know us and could not “recommend” us as diligent parishioners ready for marriage. And off we go: first, a certificate of my baptism was required, then we were sent to marriage courses at the church. The latter pleasantly surprised: despite the religious orientation, they mainly talked about what is important for everyone in a relationship, about values ​​in marriage. Classes were taught by a sociable and pleasant married couple of parishioners, and we were given homework - for example, think about what values ​​are fundamental for our family, and then discuss this with the group.

We already had everything ready for the wedding: a place for a celebration, a hundred guests, a dress, but everything was not enough for the priest. Now he called in witnesses who had known us for at least a few years, a difficult requirement when you first moved to new country. As a result, my friend from Russia, who came to the wedding, spoke for me. The priest did not speak English, and the friend did not speak Spanish. As a result, we found out through an interpreter how, in her opinion, our intentions were serious and whether we were ready for marriage. After a time-consuming process, we were finally given permission, and the wedding with a passage to the altar took place in the church of our choice. In general, very bright memories remained - and the difficulties were quickly forgotten.

Our wedding took place in Copenhagen in 2014, although we live in Moscow. Since we are a same-sex couple, there were few places where we could sign: at that time, the USA, Portugal, South Africa, Canada and Denmark were available - marriages of foreign citizens are registered there. The USA and Canada came out too expensive, we somehow did not consider South Africa, so it remained to choose between Denmark and Portugal. There was more information on the Internet on marriage in Denmark at that time, and the choice fell on Copenhagen.

We have found an agency that helps citizens of any country register a marriage. At that time, in order to get married in Denmark on your own, you had to visit the country twice: the first time to submit documents, and the second time to come for registration. And if you do this with an agency, then you only need to come to the ceremony itself. So we did. The agency sent us a list of documents that needed to be translated into English and notarized. For one of us, the list was a little longer, as there was a divorce behind us. After collecting the full package, we applied for marriage on the website of the Copenhagen City Hall and sent the documents to in electronic format. There was a nervous anticipation. The date was chosen, the tickets were bought, the hotel was booked, all that remained was to wait for confirmation from the town hall. Usually the process takes about a month, but in our case it took a little longer, and we received confirmation a week and a half before departure. Of course, we were extremely happy and started to pack our bags.

Upon arrival in Copenhagen, we had to take the original documents to the town hall. There we were met by a nice lady and gave us a short tour. On the morning of the next day, we signed: the ceremony took place in the main town hall of the city of Copenhagen - the building is considered one of the most beautiful in the capital. Led by an employee dressed in a robe, it all lasted about ten minutes. From our side there was one witness - a representative of the agency, who also translated the ceremony from Danish. In addition to the witness, we had two close friends with us.

After receiving a marriage certificate, it had to be apostilled in order for the document to be valid in all countries where partnerships or same-sex marriages are officially allowed. This formality was taken over by the agency, and at that moment my friends and I were drinking champagne in the town hall square. Literally half an hour later the documents were in our hands. As far as we know, now the process of registering a marriage in Denmark has become much easier, you can do it yourself and faster, and for us the whole process took four months. Unfortunately, in Russia such marriages are not recognized, and we do not believe that this situation will change in the near future. But it was very important for us to receive the first joint document that we are a family.

I was born in Moscow and my husband Aaron is in the Philippines, but he grew up in the small town of Bad Radkersburg in Austria. We met on a plane on a Moscow-Vienna flight ten years ago, where he worked as a flight attendant. Then we exchanged email addresses, but did not communicate much: I had a relationship with another person. A year later, we met again, this time in Tokyo, and I was no longer bound by any obligations. A month later, we saw each other in the USA and spent exactly a day together, after some time - five days in the Dominican Republic. Soon he proposed to me, and I agreed - and said that we would get married in six months.

Usually in Europe, engagements last for years, but this was not our option: we did not want to live in two countries and see each other occasionally for several days. As a person from Russia, I was ready for the bureaucracy: I prepared all the documents, apostilled, translated, told my husband a hundred times to have his birth certificate apostilled at the Philippine consulate in Austria - but he ignored everything, said: “I am an Austrian citizen , and so it will come down. As a result, when the wedding date was already set and we came to the registry office with documents, his birth certificate did not fit! The wedding is in three days, the guests are invited, the restaurant is paid for - we were horrified.

Aaron called the registry office of Bad Radkersburg, the very small town where he lived. He was reassured and told that they would marry without problems. We were overjoyed, but we had no idea how magical our ceremony would be. The rejection in Graz was the best (even though we didn't know it at the time) decision. In Graz, marriages are registered as if they were on an assembly line, for a couple of ten minutes - and in Bad Radkersburg our ceremony was the only one that day, it lasted about an hour, everything was not a blueprint and somehow very family-like. Then there were no problems, three months after the wedding I quit my job, sold the car, burned all the bridges - and my husband supported me very much, morally and financially.

I was born and raised in St. Petersburg, and my husband is from Nigeria, from the city of Lagos. We met in India, in the state of Goa, and here we decided to get married, since Goa was and remains our home, now common. Different states of India have different marriage laws. For example, in Delhi, you first need to get married in a church - only then, having a wedding certificate, you can register a marriage at a local registry office. And in the state of Goa, on the contrary, in order to get married, you need a marriage certificate from the local registry office. My husband and I planned to get married.

Since we are foreign citizens and did not know the laws, we turned to a lawyer for help. It turned out that in order to get married, we need to get permission through the court. For a whole month we spent almost every day in the police, courts and some government organizations. Our lawyer gave a lot of bribes, literally in every instance, in order to speed up the process. A month later, the main hearing in our case took place, to which we had to invite seven witnesses - a minimum of three from each side, and several of them had to be citizens of India.

Each witness was called in turn to the courtroom to give "testimony". Witnesses were asked how long they had known us, whether we were a couple, how long we had been in a relationship, whether we loved each other. The next day we received the long-awaited permission to register a marriage, after which we went to the registry office. They registered our marriage in five minutes, without the usual Russian pathos and beautiful speeches, in a small and stuffy office with an area of ​​​​8 meters, half of which was occupied by a table littered with huge piles of documents, after a positive answer to the standard question: “Is your marriage a mutual and voluntary desire?” A week later we played a wedding and got married.

To tell the truth, it was not an easy quest, from time to time we gave up. Sometimes we were ready to spit on a wedding in Goa, to which many friends had already been invited, including from Russia, and go to Delhi and get married there, together. But we did not give up, we reached the end. And most importantly - everything was not in vain, we have a wonderful family and a happy marriage.

I am from the city of Timashevsk in the Krasnodar Territory, and my husband is from Belgium, a small village of Ertvelde near the city of Ghent. We live in Switzerland and got married here. The process is simple and transparent, but for Russian citizens the package of required documents is, of course, larger than for EU citizens. We both provided certificates that we were not married in our countries. Moreover, in Belgium this certificate is issued at the place of registration by bodies such as a registry office, but in Russia it is different: I myself wrote that I am not married, and the consulate certified my signature. The most difficult thing is a copy of the birth certificate with an apostille, which can only be issued by the Russian registry office. I made a general power of attorney at the consulate for my mother, sent her to Russia, and she received this certificate on my behalf.

In general, the process seemed reasonable to me, although there are a lot of documents, and everything is expensive: the papers had to be translated, and the translator’s signature should be notarized, which is not cheap. After the wedding, there were no problems - on the contrary, applying for a visa to the United States and issuing a birth certificate for my daughter was easier than if we were not married. We have something to compare with: the son was born here two and a half years ago, and it took a lot of paperwork and time to acknowledge paternity and give the son the husband's surname.

I am from Moscow, my husband is from Berlin, we live in Innsbruck in Austria. Five years ago, I decided to enter the University of Strasbourg to study marketing. I flew to an open day with a transfer in Amsterdam. I had only fifteen hours in the city, during which I accidentally wandered into a cafe and met my future husband there. They began to meet at a distance, a month later they met in Berlin, only he now had fifteen hours and he flew to Austria. We went back and forth to each other, and eight months later he proposed to me.

We decided to get married in Denmark: according to the documents, it was easier and faster there (Denmark is such a Las Vegas for Europe). In Russia, in any case, I don’t like local traditions like a limousine and a “woman on a teapot” dress, and in Germany I had to wait six months for a bride’s visa. I flew to Innsbruck to my fiancé, we drove to Denmark by car in seventeen hours. They rented a house with a hairy roof for six people on the island of Remo in the west of the country. Witnesses and their spouses were traveling with us - this is required by law - so for a whole week we enjoyed a leisurely life in a gnome house in Denmark. Having submitted our passports, two days later we arrived to sign in a town with a lighthouse, I bought myself a short white dress in Mango for nineteen euros, and gathered a bouquet in a field of wildflowers. There was no plan, everything was spontaneous, we walked along the seashore, drank wine, grilled vegetables at home. Perfect option weddings - without stress, nerves, failures, spontaneously and happily.

Then I decided to change my surname - in Austria it’s difficult with Russian. To do this, I had to return to Russia and change everything: an internal passport, a foreign passport, a medical insurance card, a pension certificate, and so on. I sat in Moscow for four months waiting for documents - it was a bureaucratic hell. But on the Austrian side, everything was clear. As soon as they gave me a passport with a new surname, I called the Austrian embassy. “The wife of an EU member? Why are you sitting here, come quickly to us!” And they gave me a visa right on that day. I immediately left, and in one day in Austria I received a residence permit for five years with the right to work.

In Catalonia, where we live, everything is very relaxed and quite simple in terms of documents - for example, even those who come on tourist visas can get public health insurance. Illegal immigrants have not been deported for a long time, and after three years stay can be easily legalized - there are rumors that soon illegal immigrants will be given a document confirming that they this moment they don't have any documents. You can also get married, even if you are in the country illegally, however, registration takes a lot of time. In principle, we are considered a stable couple already on the basis of the fact that we are registered together common child- and the rights of a stable couple are generally the same as those of a married couple. The only exception is that after one year of marriage with a Spaniard, a partner can apply for Spanish citizenship, but simply in a stable couple - cannot. My fiancé is going to be Spanish soon and we decided to get married to speed up the process for me later.

I'm from Russia, he's from Nigeria, two foreigners are terrible, because everyone has to provide documents from their homeland, properly certified and translated. For Russians, according to the law, registry office documents do not need to be apostilled, but for Nigerians it is necessary, but here's the hitch: Nigeria is not included in the list of countries where an apostille exists and is used at all. Therefore, you can only certify at the Spanish consulate in Nigeria so that the Spaniards believe in the authenticity of the documents. All to be honest: a gentleman from the consulate came to the house of my fiancé's sister, who asked who was related to whom.

Another difficulty is that for the Spaniards, all documents, including a birth certificate, cease to be valid after three or six months (depending on the situation). Some of our papers are dated November 2016, that is, they expire in May, and we managed to collect the full package of documents only in April. The expiration date of a birth certificate is also six months, and this is incomprehensible to the Russian mind, because we have one for life. I made a new one, but, in fact, of course, this is not the original, it says “duplicate”. True, there are so many Russians in Barcelona that the registry office even asked me why I brought a duplicate and if I had lost the real certificate, the green book. That is, it seems that they have already learned that in our country this document is valid for life.

In April, we submitted documents, in May it was necessary to bring a witness who would confirm that we were a couple. Of course, this is a formality - it is unlikely that a witness will come and say: "I see them for the first time." We came with my girlfriend, she was asked questions behind closed doors - we were waiting in the hallway. They asked if she thought there were any reasons why we shouldn't get married. After that, the entire package of documents went to the judge, who after a couple of weeks decided to allow us to marry. It happens that the judge asks for additional documents or even appoints an interview for the couple (usually it is separate, to make sure that people know each other well). We didn't have it; a common child is a fairly strong argument in favor of the fact that the marriage is not fictitious. The wedding date was set for November 2 - that is, the whole process from the beginning of the collection of documents takes about a year.

We are both citizens of Russia, and the idea that you can get married in America came to us quite by accident. We had been dating for about a year, and both dreamed of a trip to the USA. We both loved this country and have been there several times already, but separately. One evening we were sitting in a cafe, discussing plans for a vacation, and then it all started. I offered to fly to Hollywood - to look and take a walk. And he said: “Let's also go to Las Vegas! We'll get married there!"

We did not tell anyone that we were going to get married on the trip. Las Vegas was wonderful. After we spent a decent amount of money on vending machines in two days, we decided to do what we came for - a wedding. By this time, I had studied the issue and knew that the actual process of organizing marriage registration consists of two parts: first you need to get a marriage license in the local municipality (something like our registry office), and then with this permission go to any church where a marriage ceremony is held.

We got to the municipality, stood in a long line, filled out forms (where it was necessary to indicate that you were not married) and received a piece of paper stating that Clark County, Nevada is issuing us a marriage license. I must say that it was at that moment that we realized that all these spontaneous Las Vegas weddings in films are a myth. At the entrance to the building hangs a huge poster, which says that permission is not issued to people intoxicated with alcohol and drugs. Well, in general, while you fill out the questionnaire, while you stand in line - in general, the movie is very different from the truth.

With the issued paper, we went in search of a chapel where we could exchange rings. There are a lot of chapels, we chose a modest Hollywood Wedding Chapel near our hotel. Having studied the price list, we realized that anyone can hold the ceremony - Mickey Mouse, Elvis Presley, Madonna, Batman - to any music - heavy metal, lullaby, "Abba" and the list goes on, it's only a matter of your wallet. We decided to stick with a simple ordinary female registrar and the standard Mendelssohn march. We were given a date and we went to get ready.

On the appointed day, we arrived at the specified time, let a couple dressed in superman costumes through, and got married. The ceremony took five minutes - everything is pretty standard: "are you ready in joy and sorrow, kiss each other, I declare you husband and wife, pay 50 dollars to the cashier." We received a document stating that our marriage was registered. Further, everything is very simple: we sent this document by mail back to the municipality with a request to make an apostille and send it to us in Russia.

About a month later we received the envelope, translated the documents and took them to the local MFC. There was not a single surprised look, and we were marked in our passports with “registered marriage, place of registration Clark County, Nevada, date, signature.” The boss smiled wearily and said: “Well, it won’t be easy for you to get a divorce now, will you go to America again?” After that, we posted a photo of the seal on Facebook and told our friends that we are husband and wife - but we still don’t know how to get a divorce, and I hope we will never need this information.


Legal force


Suitable season

all year round


has no legal force

all year round

no problem, you only need a certified translation of the marriage certificate into Russian

summer Winter

Sri Lanka

certificate legalization required

all year round

no problem, you only need a certified translation of the marriage certificate into Russian

Las Vegas (USA)

all year round (it's not the weather)

Apostille required*

Dominican Republic

Apostille required*

all year round

New Zealand

Apostille required*

Apostille required*

*Apostille is an international standardized form for filling in information about the legality of a document for presentation on the territory of countries that recognize this form of legalization (signatories of the 1961 Hague Convention).

Documents most likely to be needed

  • international passports
  • birth certificates
  • marital status information
  • if this is not the first marriage, then you will need a certificate of divorce or death of the spouse
  • previous marriage certificate (if any)
  • name change certificate


The registration ceremony is held by a special registrar on the territory of the hotel, you can also choose a beach or a beautiful gazebo for this purpose. Pros: white sand beaches, emerald ocean, tropical gardens, waterfalls, pelicans, flamingos. It is possible to get married in an Orthodox church.

If you want to take pictures “like on a postcard”, you need to go to the island of Cayo Largo. Lots of antique cars: they can be used for a wedding walk or just for a photo shoot. You can order a ceremony in the local musical traditions: passionate salsa, frank burning rumba and a noble dream. Wedding ceremonies in Cuba are extremely popular among Russians - you may have to book the desired date several months in advance


300 sunny days a year, picturesque bays, well-equipped radon and other healing thermal springs, golf courses, grandiose landscape parks, ethnographic villages of the Li and Miao peoples - there is definitely something to please yourself with. There are several hotels of world brands on the island, where you can order an unusually beautiful wedding ceremony and spend the whole Honeymoon.

The registry office, a limousine, a banquet take a lot of effort and money, but it turns out boring. If wedding chores are inevitable, then let it be a ceremony on the ocean, or in a medieval castle, or paradise with a sweetheart in a Himalayan hut. Like any escape, getting married abroad requires preparation.

Official wedding ceremony

Avoiding the dreary atmosphere of the Russian registry office and officially tying the knot in another country is by no means difficult, although it involves bureaucracy. In a number of countries, an application must be submitted a month in advance, an impressive list of documents must be provided, and in Mexico, for example, newlyweds for some reason must take a blood test!

However, in a number of countries, marriage registration authorities ask you to appear only two or three days before the wedding, or even allow representatives of the company organizing your celebration to submit documents for you. Getting married is easy in Austria, the Czech Republic, Italy, Greece, Slovenia, Turkey and Cyprus, South Africa, most US states, Australia and New Zealand. And you can go to the islands - Cuba, Mauritius, Sri Lanka and the Dominican Republic are waiting for you.

The marriage, as a rule, is performed by an employee of the prefecture, and in some countries, for example, in Italy and Cyprus, only in the city hall, and in other cases, you can invite a representative of the authorities to any other place.

There are, however, countries where Russians cannot get married officially. In this case, it is possible to marry at the Russian consulate - however, you will have to announce the reasons why you have no other choice but to consular marriage.

Although marriages officially entered into by citizens of the Russian Federation outside Russia are legally valid in their homeland, some, of course, are stopped by potential troubles in case of loss of a marriage certificate issued abroad: to restore it, one visit to the neighboring registry office will not do.

List of popular countries where the official ceremony is held

  • Australia
  • Austria
  • Bahamas
  • Barbados
  • Hungary
  • Greece
  • Dominican Republic
  • Italy
  • Spain
  • Costa Rica
  • Mauritius
  • Mexico
  • New Zealand
  • Seychelles
  • Slovenia
  • Fiji
  • Tahiti
  • Turkey
  • French polynesia
  • Czech
  • Montenegro
  • Sri Lanka
  • Jamaica

Legalization of marriage

If you got married in one of the countries that have signed agreements with Russia on mutual recognition of official documents (and these are most of the CIS countries, Bulgaria, Hungary, Vietnam, Spain, Cyprus, Cuba, Slovakia, Slovenia, Tunisia, Croatia, Montenegro, Czech Republic and many others state), it is enough to translate the certificate into Russian and notarize the translation.

The legalization regime is also simplified for the countries of the Hague Convention: official documents are recognized as valid in the territory of another member of the Convention if they are affixed with an apostille, which certifies the identity of the certifying person, the authenticity of his signature and seal. After that, both the certificate and the apostille are translated into Russian and carried to the notary.

In other countries, only consular legalization is still required, followed by translation and certification of documents. After that, the marriage certificate abroad will be valid in Russia. It is not necessary to obtain a Russian-style certificate.

Symbolic informal wedding ceremony

A marriage certificate can be obtained in 15 minutes at the Russian registry office, but the solemn exchange of rings can be transferred to unusual scenery, adding local wedding traditions. Already married people who for some reason did not arrange a romantic holiday can also think about a symbolic wedding. It is never too late to go on a honeymoon trip as a couple, with the whole family or with your closest friends. The secular tradition of renewing vows is becoming increasingly popular. In a solemn atmosphere somewhere in a forgotten corner of the planet, you can assure an already familiar life partner of love, tenderness and fidelity: on the anniversary weddings— or any other day.

Orthodox wedding

The church allows a wedding in another country, so travelers can go down the aisle in any Orthodox church in the world. That is, in most European countries, in Israel, in Cyprus, in the same Cuba (Kazan Church in Havana), in Japan (Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ in Tokyo) or even in Antarctica, where there is a small wooden church of the Holy Trinity on the island of Waterloo.

The main thing is not to forget the birth and marriage certificates, and for the divorced - about the divorce. Sometimes you need to get a written permission for a wedding from the rector of your church. The wedding is not held on the eve and during Lent, at Christmas time, on Maslenitsa and Bright Week, as well as on some other days, therefore it is better to discuss the date of the ceremony with the rector of the temple at least a month in advance.

What to bring?

The most important thing is the documents translated into the language of the respective country and certified by a notary: birth certificates and passports, internal passports, marriage certificates, change of surname.

Chosen by you for the celebration Wedding Dress and a suit. It is better to try on outfits, rings and accessories in advance.

Don't forget a professional photographer! It can be difficult, and in some places sometimes impossible to find a specialist with a good portfolio. With some cool compatriot photographers ready to come to your overseas ceremony, some even reschedule your wedding day!

Where to get married?

Castles with a long history and pompous palaces, terraces on the upper floors of luxury hotels, shining white yachts and cruise liners ... Or just warm sand under the canopy of palm trees at the edge of the azure ocean, a fishing boat decorated with flowers and candles, a powerful waterfall in the jungle, a snow-covered mountain top - no one knows better than you yourself what you dream about. Think about the image of your ideal wedding: brides who since childhood dreamed of dressing in a magnificent wedding dress with a train may be uncomfortable on a windy beach, and a couple of backpackers may be bored in a prim palazzo.

Well, besides, specify the vagaries of the climate. November is not the best time for an elegant European wedding, in central Spain in unbearable heat in August, and a wedding on a drifting ice floe in the Arctic Ocean is possible only in April. If you dream of swearing to each other in eternal love, for example, in Cuba, then it is better not to set the date of marriage at the peak of the rainy season and hurricanes in the entire Caribbean - September-October.

The most extravagant options

In a cave, for example, in the Turquoise Grotto in the Turkish resort of Kalkan.

On the backs of elephants dressed in holiday blankets at a safari park in India.

Under water with scuba gear - in the Maldives.

On the hot-air balloon in Kenya's Amboseli National Park.

In the desert - in the golden sands of the UAE.

At the North Pole - on the drifting ice base "Barneo".

How to organize a wedding?

It is reasonable to entrust all the efforts to a professional agency. It can be a Russian company: they will think over all the little things, and they will agree with the municipality or the priest, and prepare the documents, legalize the marriage certificate, and plan the honeymoon.

The second option is the coordinators of wedding ceremonies, which are available in all major hotels. Contact them directly and you might be able to save some money.

It is even cheaper to do everything on your own or at least reduce the cost of agency services by taking over the preparation and legalization of documents, booking tickets and hotels, searching for a stylist and photographer. Assessing your strengths and knowledge foreign language, scour the internet for seasoned tips and start organizing well in advance. Such a trip may even be cheaper than a banquet in a Russian restaurant, because many hotels have discounts and offers for newlyweds.


Comment on the article "Wedding abroad: instead of the registry office and a banquet - castles, yachts and beaches"

More on the topic "How to organize a wedding abroad in 2019":

Wedding abroad: instead of a registry office and a banquet - castles, yachts and beaches. Wedding abroad: how to organize? Wedding agency, marriage certificate, wedding. Everything for a wedding away from home: documents, tickets, hotel, photographer and stylist.

Maybe then a painting, a banquet and a honeymoon trip? 21.11.2018 17:23:35, Mira. Now Friday is terribly funny on the channel. Didn't find what you were looking for? Look at other discussions: Wedding abroad: instead of a registry office and a banquet - castles, yachts and beaches.

Well, nothing 14 years together in the spring celebrated. To be honest, I didn’t even notice the time. Besides, since the wedding is planned to be modest and without relatives, it’s reasonable not to call a bunch. We agreed to come to the wedding, which is organized by parents for relatives for their ...

Wedding abroad: instead of a registry office and a banquet - castles, yachts and beaches. It's never too late to go on a honeymoon trip together, with the whole family. And then after a couple of months they arranged a tour / acquaintance with distantly living relatives and + at the end of the rest.

Wedding abroad: instead of a registry office and a banquet - castles, yachts and beaches. There are 100% Russian schools in Istanbul, but prices start from $5,000. How to get married in 2 months.

Wedding anniversary: ​​where to go?. Training. Independent travel. Self-organization of recreation: booking hotels, buying tickets, renting a car and housing, excursions and attractions.

Abroad. Relaxation. Adult children (children over 18). Relationships with adult children: study, higher education, love, army, wedding. Section: Documents (how to go abroad at the age of 15). We were put on the same plane and sent to Moscow ... approx. about a year ago.

wedding abroad. Help. About his own, about a girl's. Discussion of questions about the life of a woman in the family, at work, relationships with men. Tell me please, knowledgeable people, is it possible to officially register abroad (for example, in Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Greece) without ...

We didn't have a wedding. And in general they signed without a table, witnesses and photographers. 15 years ago, on Wednesday, after work, we went and But a few years later, like other weddings, looking and evaluating, I felt sorry that I didn’t have the opportunity to do everything myself ...

Our friends arranged (organized) a beautiful wedding for us, in the mountains, at a ski resort. Well, then arrange a wedding, and now just go and sign without solemn registration. I was also asked for the child's birth certificate at the border, but...

Should you go to a wedding? Help. About his own, about a girl's. Discussion of questions about the life of a woman in the family, at work, relationships with men. the cathedral on the mountain, a rare case when during the years of occupation it was not burned down, destroyed and peeled like sticky. a lot of old, ancient - two ...

Wedding abroad: instead of a registry office and a banquet - castles, yachts and beaches. It is easy to get married in Austria, the Czech Republic, Italy, Greece, Slovenia, Turkey and Cyprus, in a Russian restaurant, because many hotels have discounts and offers for newlyweds.

Life of Russians abroad: emigration, visa, work, mentality, raising children. share, pliz, examples of what they give abroad for a wedding? especially interested in Cyprus and England. A friend who has been living in these countries for the last 13 years married a Cypriot.

Of course, I don’t mean the permanent residence option, but specifically the organization of a wedding outside. Many of my friends got married abroad, Kondrateya, who is currently absent from the conference, You will have such a wedding as YOU organize (both for guests and for events ...

wedding: at whose expense?. - get-togethers. About his own, about a girl's. We almost played the wedding ourselves (it was a year old >. Probably the fact that we lived in different cities then played a role, I was generally abroad and her parents organized everything, and I arrived, signed and a week later ...

Wedding abroad: instead of a registry office and a banquet - castles, yachts and beaches. If you got married in one of the countries that have signed agreements with Russia on mutual recognition of official documents (and this is the majority of the Harsh Truth About Overseas Suitors!

Wedding abroad: instead of a registry office and a banquet - castles, yachts and beaches. On the backs of elephants dressed in holiday blankets at a safari park in India. Voronezh girls will travel to Italy (which is also not bad), but let them not marry a divorced Italian ...