
How to clean cupronickel spoons at home. Cupronickel spoons will clean the potato broth. The metal begins to darken - what is the reason for this


How to clean cupronickel and how to do it without much effort. These questions arise before every owner of a blackened table set. Initially, it is necessary to jointly find out what this metal is, what products are produced from it, and then answer the questions posed. After all, only knowing the history of origin and chemical composition, one can imagine what is allowed to be done with this alloy, and what actions are strictly prohibited.

Melchior as a creator's mistake

Melchior, when created, turned out to be a caster's mistake. V Ancient China the court caster Li Lian Ying made a mistake when melting. The result of this mistake was an alloy of bronze (copper with tin), nickel and zinc. For the inaccuracy in the work and the spoiled material, the caster was deprived of his rank and expelled from the monastery of the emperors. But this alloy turned out to be suitable for making jewelry and minting money. The material in China was called pakfong, it also had the name white copper.

In Europe, this metal appeared late, only in the XIII century. Casters and alchemists raced to discover the secret composition because of the popularity of products from this alloy. Only in the 18th century did these attempts succeed with the Germans, who made a change - they replaced bronze with copper. During the Napoleonic campaigns, the French improved the metal by removing zinc from it. However, the main producers of modified pakfong in Europe were the Germans, and they made it in large quantities. The alloy was very similar to silver and was valued only slightly cheaper than the precious metal.

Due to the high degree of concentration of the production of this metal in the German lands, the alloy was called "German silver" by other peoples. The Germans themselves called him only cupronickel. According to legend, the alloy is named after Melchior, a sorcerer from the east, who came to worship the newly born Jesus. According to other sources, the metal got its name in honor of the French inventors. In Russia, under the tsars, metal was in demand among the middle strata, while the high society considered it a fake of silver.

Blackened products

Many families have cupronickel cutlery and other items at home. More often, these are dishes that were inherited from grandmothers and are almost always covered with a blackened coating. Some owners of such products are sure that, since they are old, they must be blackened. But this is an erroneous opinion. With proper care for such products, they will delight hosts and guests with their sowing under bright lighting. Eating with such devices is much more pleasant than with stainless steel spoons and forks, which are now especially common in everyday life.

The time has come to answer the question: Why do such products, which you constantly admire while they are new, turn black? The alloy produced by modern industry contains nickel, iron, manganese, silver. The main metal contained in these products is copper, which oxidizes under the influence of oxygen. For this reason, and even with improper storage, spoons and forks begin to blacken over time. After washing and rinsing in a soda solution, when putting the devices away for storage, thoroughly wipe each unit with a napkin or towel, wrap it in paper, and then over it in foil. This is done to protect against excessive moisture in the air.

How to clean

Now we can only consider the main question. Skilled housewives know many cleaning methods that have emerged from personal experience many other owners of such metal. So, these methods are popular. First of all, you need to know how you can not clean nickel silver items. Here is a list of such funds:

  • abrasive products, including files, sandpaper and cleaners for stoves and sinks;
  • graters, washcloths, coarse fabrics;
  • chlorine-containing products;
  • any acids;
  • tooth whitening paste.

Instead of helping, these funds will only cause harm - they will leave scuffs and scratches on the metal.

Our grandmothers used not only technical, but also culinary means for cleaning. Here are some of them:

  1. The most commonly used remedy is baking soda. But you need to know that it can only be used in the form of a solution. In the form of a powder, it will scratch the metal, as it has a large structure. Place aluminum foil on the bottom of a metal container. Place cutlery on top and pour soda at the rate of five tablespoons per liter of water. Fill with water, put on fire. After boiling, boil for 10 - 15 minutes. After the time has elapsed, turn off the fire and leave in the container to cool. Now the products must be thoroughly wiped with a towel. In addition to soda, two tablespoons of salt can be added to a liter of water. Cutlery will become clean faster, but you will additionally need to rinse each item in running water.
  2. The most famous, oldest remedy is tooth powder, which is applied to a damp cloth. Each item is rubbed until the blackening disappears. When rubbing, you need to be careful - do not overdo it. Rinse, wipe.
  3. Ammonia. To ten parts of water, add one part of ammonia. Place cutlery in the solution and leave to clean. Remove after 15-20 minutes. Rinse under running water, dry and wipe with a napkin. You can also use a pure preparation without diluting it with water. In this case, the cleaning time will be no more than a minute.
  4. Chalk. The method is effective for slight blackening or clouding. Sprinkle the product with powdered chalk, rub with a cloth until clean. Rinse with clean water, then dry.

To combat blackening, food products, as well as vegetables, were suitable, for example, the following:

  1. Macaroni broth. Dip the spoons and forks into the water with the cooked pasta. Cleaning will be completed as soon as the pasta is cooked, which will have to be thrown away. Rinse cupronickel products and dry.
  2. A decoction of garlic husks. The amount of husk depends on the degree of blackening of the cutlery. The higher the degree, the more husks, the maximum volume is a liter jar. Put the cutlery in the boiled broth and boil until they become light. Estimated boiling time is 45 minutes. Take out, rinse and dry.
  3. Eggshell. Let the water boil and pour the crushed shells from two chicken eggs into it. Add salt at the rate of one tablespoon per liter of water. Dip cupronickel into the solution. After boiling for five minutes, remove, rinse, dry.
  4. Coffee grounds will help remove cloudy deposits from cupronickel. Grind the thickened coffee remaining from the brewed coffee over the surface. Rinse after 20 minutes and dry.
  5. Potato. This method is called the safest. Grate potatoes on a small grater. Put the devices in the resulting gruel. Rinse after an hour and pat dry. You can clean and potato broth. To do this, put the objects to be cleaned in the broth for 15 minutes. Take out and wipe soft cloth.

There is a new, relatively recently invented method of cleaning. It consists in the use of fizzy drinks, in in large numbers containing soda. In enameled dishes with cutlery wrapped in a napkin or cloth, carbonated drinks "Coca-Cola", "Fanta", and preferably colorless "Sprite" are poured. After 10 - 15 minutes, the spoons and forks taken out are washed under cold water. As a result, the drawing on the handles is not completely cleared, but if the object is not very blackened, then appearance is being transformed.

Melchior is credited with a number of magical properties. This is the metal of wisdom, endowing its owner with consistency and curiosity, as well as calmness. With such qualities, the owner of blackened cutlery will always find a suitable method for cleaning.

Cupronickel is a silver-colored alloy of copper and nickel, which is used for the production of various products. It is most often used for the manufacture of cutlery, dishes, coins and jewelry. It has pronounced anti-corrosion properties. Products from have disadvantages, the main of which is darkening and stains arising from prolonged use and exposure to external factors. Many are wondering how to clean cupronickel? This can be done easily at home, using certain tips.

Why cupronickel darkens

There can be many reasons for cupronickel darkening, they depend on the type of product and the conditions of their storage. It is worth highlighting the following main causes of darkening in the case of dishes and cutlery:

  1. Increased humidity. Moisture is the main enemy of cupronickel, causing stains. Store dishes and cutlery only in a dry place, after wiping after washing. To prevent stains, it is recommended to use a dry soft cloth.
  2. Care. Cupronickel surfaces require special care, as food and other substances can get into microcracks, which significantly affect the brightness and appearance of products.

Coins darken over time due to many factors. Unlike cutlery, coins are not washed, they are stored in a variety of conditions. Therefore, cleaning coins requires much more effort.

Coin cleaning is usually done by numismatists, as old Soviet nickel silver coins are very popular, but most of them are in terrible condition.

A similar situation is observed with jewelry: improper care and storage cause a decrease in the attractiveness of jewelry. Cupronickel cleaning should be carried out periodically to maintain an acceptable appearance of jewelry.

Methods for cleaning cupronickel

Cleaning cupronickel from blackness at home can be done in several ways. The choice of method and means depends on the type of product and the degree of darkening. For cleaning, you can use cleaning agents, abrasives or foil. Next, consider how to clean cupronickel and what is needed for this.

Cleaning cupronickel products with foil

The use of foil can be combined with the use of soda and salt. It is necessary to put the foil on the bottom of the pan or other similar vessel. Put the devices on the foil and fill with water so that it completely covers them. The use of soda and salt will help get rid of stubborn dirt collected in micropores. You can add about three tablespoons of each substance.

Then the water must be boiled and kept on fire for about 20 minutes. High temperature will not affect the alloy of copper and nickel in any way, you should not worry. After the required time has elapsed, the pan must be removed from the heat and left to cool completely, without removing the appliances from the water.

After cooling, cutlery can be removed from the water and rinsed under running water. It is very important to wipe the products dry with a dry towel. So that the evaporated moisture does not leave new stains.

Cleansing with foil is quite effective remedy, which can also be used as part of a coin cleaning complex.

The use of commercial cupronickel cleaners

The development of the chemical industry allows the use of special cleaning products made in the form of gels, solutions or powders. Such tools are quite effective, allow you to make less effort and time than when using folk remedies and methods.

The best is to use liquid funds and dry tissue. You can use special napkins, pre-impregnated with the agent at the factory. Abrasive cleaning powders are equally effective, but they can scratch the surface, so they are rarely used to clean cutlery.

Some products create a protective film on the surface of the metal. Such a film protects against repeated darkening and damage to products. Therefore, special gels are recommended to be used to restore the appearance of old cutlery.

Darkening Cleansing with Vinegar and Baking Soda

Vinegar and baking soda are easy to find in any kitchen, so these products are primarily suitable for cleaning.

Soda is used as a solution. For 1 liter of water, add 50 grams of baking soda. With the resulting solution, you can rub the devices with a napkin, or rinse them in a container. After cleaning, the product must be rinsed in clean water and wiped dry.

Vinegar should be used in the same way. The solution is prepared by adding a teaspoon of vinegar to a glass of clean water.

Such products will not help to cope with the old dirt that has penetrated into the micropores of the alloy; it is perfect for periodic cleaning of spoons. Its advantages are the simplicity and availability of cleaning products.

Preparation of a decoction for cleaning cupronickel

At home, you can prepare decoctions based on various substances that can be used to clean cupronickel. Usually the basis is eggshell, potatoes or garlic husks.

A decoction based on eggshells is a fairly effective remedy that can correct itself even with old, stubborn dirt. It is prepared by adding the shells of two eggs to one liter of boiling water. Cupronickel products should be dipped in a boiling broth for a few minutes. After that, they can be removed and washed with running water.

A decoction of garlic peel is prepared in a similar way. The effectiveness of the product depends on the amount of peel. The duration of boiling spoons and forks depends on the degree and prescription of pollution.

Potato broth is the least effective, but is gentle on coatings. Therefore, it is recommended for use when cleaning products with gilding or blackening.

The use of ammonia

A solution of ammonia is prepared by adding 2 tablespoons of alcohol to half a liter of water. Polishing cutlery with this solution can quickly clean old dirt. You just need to wipe the forks or spoons with a sponge with the applied solution.

Cupronickel cleaning with soda and salt

There are many other ways and methods for cleaning cupronickel, but the above are quite enough for a quick and easy cleansing.

In order for cupronickel products not to be cleaned of significant contaminants that are difficult to wash, it is necessary to take preventive measures. Proper Care and storage prevent the alloy from reacting with oxygen and water. It is this chemical reaction that causes darkening and staining.

It is necessary to store cupronickel in a dry place, protected from water and moisture.

After using the devices, they must be thoroughly washed using ordinary detergents. Additionally, special gels can be used to create a protective film. But categorically it is impossible to use products containing chlorine. It negatively affects the appearance of the metal, causing it to darken and lose its luster.

After thorough washing, cupronickel must be wiped dry. This will avoid staining and water reaction with the alloy. Proper care of cupronickel allows you to keep its appearance for many years.

Melchior is an alloy of copper and nickel. white color. It is very similar in color to silver, therefore it has been successfully “adopted” in the jewelry industry, the production of coins, dishes and other products with the initial goal of replacing silver with a cheaper analogue.

The cupronickel alloy was created by the French inventors Maillot (Maillot) and Chorier (Chorier) in the 19th century, and it got its name from a combination of their names, distorted in German. Maillot - Chorier eventually became Melchior.

How to clean cupronickel

With proper handling, cupronickel products are very difficult to distinguish from silver, at least in color and basic properties. Unlike silver, cupronickel is a more durable material and can be a source of pride for a long time. But it is important to know how to properly care for it.

Melchior tends to darken under the influence of dampness. So that cupronickel products do not fade over time and are not covered with a black coating, you must remember to clean them regularly.

It is important to protect them from exposure to strong chemicals and abrasive materials, and wipe dry after washing. To avoid scratches, do not use cupronickel to clean toothpaste and powder, and the use of chlorine-containing products can completely ruin the appearance of appliances or jewelry.

"So simple!" I have collected for you an extensive list of folk remedies that will help get rid of contaminants on cupronickel products without harming the metal and without causing corrosion processes.

  1. Alcohol
    If the devices are only slightly dimmed, it is enough to wipe them with a rag soaked in vodka or alcohol. Second option: for a short time dip the item in ammonia, rinse and dry.

  2. Lemon acid
    Dissolve a couple of tablespoons in a liter of water citric acid. Put a piece of copper wire into the liquid. Dip the instruments in the liquid for two hours. Wipe items dry.

  3. Vinegar
    Damp spots can be removed with warm vinegar (dilute a teaspoon in a glass of water). Soak a woolen cloth in it and wipe the appliances. Rinse them with clean water and dry.

  4. Soda
    Products with a low degree of contamination are sufficient to rinse after washing in a solution of soda (50 grams of soda per liter of water). Such cupronickel cleaning recommended after each use. Apply baking soda to a damp sponge and gently buff the items. Rinse in cold water and dry with a towel.

  5. egg shell
    One liter of water requires the shell of two raw eggs. Bring the broth to a boil and lower cupronickel products there for a couple of minutes. Then rinse in clean water and dry.

  6. garlic husk
    Another folk way- cleansing with garlic husks. Pour the husk in large quantities with water. When the broth boils, dip cupronickel products into it and boil until a shine appears on them. The dirtier the appliances, the longer it takes.

  7. Milk serum
    Warm up the whey and dip cupronickel products into it. Soak them in liquid for 15-20 minutes. Wipe the utensils with a rag. Wash and dry.

  8. Carbonated drinks
    Put the darkened products at the bottom of the container. pour sweet soda to completely cover the product. After two hours, rinse the instruments with water and rub with a napkin.


How to restore shine

If, after cleaning, the sparkle of cupronickel spoons, glasses and forks has not been restored, then you will have to return the shine with additional processing.

For processing products with gilding, beaten egg white with a mixer is well suited. Dip a piece of flannel cloth into it and rub it until the cupronickel gold-plated spoons begin to shine.

How to save the result

In order to prolong the life of cutlery, adhere to the following rules.

  1. Keep cupronickel spoons and forks in places with low humidity.
  2. Do not use Whiteness and similar chlorine-containing products to wash them.
  3. Not mine in the dishwasher.

Store cupronickel products tightly wrapped in cling film or foil, this will protect them from the aggressive effects of oxygen, and beloved grandmothers cupronickel spoons keep their original shine longer.

If silver turned black, where should you run first - to a jeweler, a doctor or a sorceress? Editorial "So simple!" will tell you why, that it is time to turn to a specialist.

Cleaning every day is difficult, it is a laborious and time-consuming process. But . We have prepared for you a list of things, the regular cleansing of which will improve the quality of life, because along with the dirt, the negative also goes away.

Nikolai Laduba loves to spend time actively, he is engaged in hiking. He is a big fan of fantasy. Son Nikolai is only 7 years old, but he shares his father's hobbies: what could be better than getting cozy and watching the Star Trek series with the whole family? Our author approaches all issues in detail, this is evidenced by the quality of his articles. Nikolai's favorite book is The Black Prince by Iris Murdoch.

Melchior has been known in the world since the eighth century AD. The Chinese cast coins from it. The path to canteens as dishes and cutlery lasted until the 17th century, when cupronickel hit the tables of the middle class. The rich were disdainful of cupronickel products, considering them cheap.

Today cupronickel occupies a niche between silverware and stainless steel cutlery. An alloy of copper, nickel and bronze is easy to work with. Forks, spoons, knives made of cupronickel look like silver, with patterns and curls. Cupronickel dishes are called "new silver".

Cupronickel devices are a pleasure to use - comfortable, reliable, beautiful. Minus one: the alloy quickly darkens. Copper, which is contained in cupronickel, oxidizes upon contact with water, air.

You can clean cutlery made of a noble alloy at home with the help of improvised means. The secrets of cleaning "new silver" dishes in this article.

The fork will shine, the spoon will shine

Cupronickel cutlery is soaked in hot water, to which detergent for dishes. Leave the dishes overnight in soapy water. After soaking, clean the appliances with a brush, sponge to remove grease and dirt. It's time to start cleaning.

Soda and food foil

After cleaning with foil and soda, cupronickel products will become like new:

  • put foil on the bottom of the pan, put cutlery on it. Pour in hot water to cover the dishes;
  • add two to three dessert spoons of baking soda and table salt;
  • boil cupronickel appliances for half an hour;
  • when the water has cooled, rinse the products in running water;
  • Be sure to dry clean appliances with a towel or soft cloth.

Water leaves on cupronickel dark spots, the instruments will turn black again from humidity.

Toothpaste, chalk, baking soda

Finely chopped chalk or tooth powder is moistened with water, the slurry is applied to cupronickel appliances, polished with a brush or sponge. After cleaning, the products are rinsed, wiped dry.

Cupronickel is cleaned in the same way baking soda. A gruel of soda and water is smeared on spoons, forks, knives, polished with a soft cloth.

It is even easier to clean cupronickel products with toothpaste: squeeze a pea of ​​the paste onto the device, brush it with a toothbrush without pressure. This method is used to clean cupronickel jewelry.

If there are a lot of dishes

Manual cleaning will take a long time. Take garlic peel or mint eggshell. Pour water into the pan, lower the cupronickel appliances and add the shell (husk, who has what). Let the water boil, leave the dishes in the water until completely cooled. Rinse cupronickel under running water. Don't forget to wipe.

If there is no husk, no shell, take citric acid. To clean cutlery, you need 100 grams (pack) of acid. Boil cupronickel in a solution of citric acid for half an hour. When the water has cooled, rinse the products.

  1. In order for cupronickel products to serve for a long time and delight with an impeccable look, wash them in a soda solution every time after dinner.
  2. Do not use detergents with bleaches that contain chlorine.
  3. Wrap cupronickel appliances in foil for long-term storage. The foil will protect from contact with air, moisture. Foil can be replaced with cling film.
  4. Do not use a dishwasher.
  5. The stores sell a special care product jewelry, it is used to clean cupronickel.
  6. If time to clean cupronickel devices no, take them to a jewelry shop. There, the products will be returned to their original appearance for a moderate fee.

Capricious alloy requires constant attention. For this, the table, served with cupronickel crockery and cutlery, looks royal. The delight of the guests and the pleasure of the dinner are guaranteed by shining appliances made of "new silver".

Cupronickel is an alloy of copper and nickel, sometimes with additions of iron and manganese. There are alloys with the addition of zinc and silver.

Outwardly, this unusual metal is similar to silver, but it can be of different shades - depending on the composition of the alloy. If a little silver is included in the composition, then new cupronickel products can hardly be distinguished from pure silver ones.

Melchior is a very ancient metal that was known as early as the 3rd century BC. In those distant times, an alloy of copper and nickel was called nothing more than "white copper". According to historical evidence, the metal got its name in honor of the sorcerer Melchior, who came to worship the newborn Jesus.

Cupronickel fans admit that they feel especially comfortable in these jewelry. They seem to warm, radiating some special, radiant energy.

The magical properties of cupronickel

Melchior is ruled by the love planet Venus and Saturn. As a result of such a union, the metal has an inexhaustible and balanced energy, so it is often used when making magical rituals.

Melchior is considered the metal of wisdom, which gives this quality to its owners. Most of all, cupronickel jewelry is suitable for Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces.

Metal has a powerful effect on a person - it increases the concentration of thoughts, opens up new areas of activity. The strong energy of the alloy is provided by its composition. The metal adds a sense of balance and stability. Cupronickel jewelry is recommended for people with a soft character, melancholic and controversial natures. This will help them become more decisive, solid, will allow them to keep themselves within strict limits, and work more productively and orderly. But cupronickel gives people who are too tough in character such qualities as insight, understanding and patience.

Melchior is widely distributed throughout the world. In many countries it is called "German silver", because at one time it was the Germans who produced it in large quantities. Most often, cutlery and jewelry are made from cupronickel. Most of the modern silver-colored coins are made from cupronickel. This is an excellent replacement for silver - the cost of the alloy is lower, the strength characteristics are higher. The mechanical strength of cupronickel is many times higher than silver, which means that jewelry does not deform - such jewelry cannot be demolished for decades.
Melchior has its own special charm. Jewelry artists create real masterpieces from this energetically powerful and durable metal. A fantastic combination of color and texture are amethyst nickel silver earrings. A traditionally recognized classic is turquoise in cupronickel. All shades of agate look very gentle in a cupronickel frame. Noble garnet, sunny citrine, transparent quartz, radiant tourmaline look spectacular in this design.

Cupronickel acts as an excellent natural regulator and has a positive effect on many stones: it improves, enhances and fully reveals their properties. Cupronickel activates stones with calm energy. Too aggressive stones calms, harmonizes their rigid nature. Cupronickel alloy is a very useful filter for natural stones.

Nickel silver earrings and rings in ethnic style look incredibly interesting. With silver or bronze undertones, cupronickel jewelry is very similar to silver or bronze with a patina. They look almost like ancient artifacts that archaeologists find during excavations. Noble and very unusual shade.
A particularly valuable property of cupronickel is its very high anti-corrosion properties. The metal does not rust both in air and in water, including sea water. Corrosion resistance is provided by nickel and iron additives, which are in the alloy. This is a very important quality of the alloy, thanks to which your earrings or rings will retain their original appearance for many years.

The silver-plated surface of cupronickel has not only excellent aesthetic characteristics, but also unique antiseptic properties. It is not for nothing that silverware has always been present in the homes of wealthy people from time immemorial. Silver ions effectively take care of your health, strengthen the immune system and protect against infections. To all the positive qualities of cupronickel, excellent brilliance and medicinal properties silver. Due to the high plasticity of cupronickel, jewelers are provided with almost unlimited possibilities for creating unique jewelry with sophisticated patterns and ornaments. Openwork earrings, ornamental rings - such products do not leave anyone indifferent.

In addition to the traditional cupronickel of a silvery and dark gray hue, gilded cupronickel can often be found in jewelry jewelry. Moreover, gilding is applied both using the sputtering technology and by the plating method - applying a layer using a thermomechanical method with a thickness of at least 1 micron. Plating is more resistant to abrasion than spraying. With a gold coating, cupronickel product retains a golden hue for a very long time even with intensive daily wear. In addition, such products are non-allergenic and absolutely safe.

Cupronickel jewelry is very easy and simple to clean. You can do it yourself at home. Professionals use for cleaning cupronickel products special means: all kinds of solutions, pastes, polishes, etc. They can be purchased at jewelry stores.

Nickel silver jewelry is cleaned in a mild soapy solution with a soft cloth. Dirt from cupronickel is also removed with a cotton swab dipped in vodka, alcohol or an aqueous solution of ammonia. After any kind of cleaning, it is necessary to rinse and dry the jewelry well.