
How to clean cupronickel. We clean cutlery from cupronickel. How to clean using folk methods


Crockery or cutlery made of cupronickel are distinguished not only by their attractive appearance, but also by their high quality. However, this material has one serious drawback - over time, ugly stains appear on its surface, which is the result of exposure to a variety of chemicals. If you know how to clean cupronickel, you can return the beauty to your favorite devices.

Eggs and shells: cleaning new and old stains

Clean up cupronickel spoons at home in this way:
  1. Boil the eggs and remove them from the water.
  2. Dip the products in the water in which the eggs were boiled.
  3. Remove the instruments after 15-20 minutes.
  4. Wipe spoons and forks dry with a soft cloth.
This method easily removes fresh plaque and new dark spots.

How to clean cupronickel spoons and forks from old stains?

  1. The shell is taken from two raw eggs and crushed.
  2. Filled with water (1 l.).
  3. Table salt (1 tablespoon) is added.
  4. The composition is put on the stove and left to a boil.
  5. Items are dropped after 10 minutes into a boiling solution. They should boil for a while.
After such a procedure, the products return to their natural shine, and all darkening is removed.

Before you clean cupronickel at home, you need to remove food debris and dirt from their surface. To do this, you need to use warm water and any detergent.

Ammonia: quick removal of fresh stains

Such cleaning of cupronickel at home will help remove only fresh stains. A little ammonia (1-2 tbsp) dissolves in cold water, then contaminated objects are washed in it.

Provided that cupronickel did not have time to darken much, after a few minutes of the procedure, it returns a beautiful shine and a light natural shade.

If there are old stains on the surface of the metal, you can place it in pure alcohol and leave it on a short time(5-7 minutes). But you need to work carefully so as not to accidentally spoil the thing.

Cleaning agents: special emulsions and pastes

How to clean cupronickel spoons and forks from blackness using modern tools household chemicals? It is necessary to use special emulsions and cleaning pastes designed for processing silver and cupronickel.

Any powder for cleaning dishes will help clear cupronickel spoons from darkening. However, it is worth remembering that abrasive particles can leave ugly scratches on the surface of the metal, so you need to work very carefully.

Cupronickel cutlery is strictly forbidden to clean with household chemicals containing chlorine. This is due to the fact that this metal contains an alloy of nickel and copper. It is this substance that provokes the onset of oxidation of these metals, therefore, it can spoil the product.

Chalk: homemade cleaning pastes

You can easily clean cupronickel at home using chalk. The entire surface of the product is polished with a piece of suede, then a cleaning mixture is prepared:
  1. Soap dissolves in hot water.
  2. Chalk powder is added.
  3. The mixture is mixed well to obtain a thick enough paste.
This mass is used to treat the surface of the product, paying particular attention to areas of contamination. Finally, the appliances are rinsed in cold water and wiped dry with a soft cloth.

You can also clean cupronickel at home using one more paste:
  1. 0.5 tbsp is poured. water.
  2. 60 g of ammonia is added.
  3. Sprinkle with 30 g of chalk powder.
The resulting composition is used to clean the devices until the previous shine returns.

Garlic hulls: any blackness is removed

If you are worried about how to clean cupronickel spoons without using household chemicals, you should pay attention to the following remedy.
  1. Garlic husk is taken (as much as possible) and filled with water.
  2. The mixture is placed on the stove and brought to a boil.
  3. As soon as the broth boils, a cupronickel product is lowered into it and boiled for 3-5 minutes, until a beautiful shine appears on the metal surface.
If such cleaning is used at home, you need to remember - the older the pollution, the more time you need to boil the product.

Potato broth - a gentle method

How to peel cupronickel spoons with plain potatoes?
  1. Potato broth is being prepared.
  2. The product is placed in the hot product.
  3. After 20 minutes, cupronickel is rinsed well with cold water and wiped dry with a soft towel.
This method of cleaning is gentle, therefore it is recommended to use it for processing items with gilding or blackening.

Foil - removal of old plaque

How to clean cupronickel spoons to remove old plaque?
  1. Take a saucepan (preferably aluminum).
  2. Place a layer of foil on the bottom.
  3. Lay out the products on top of the foil.
  4. Pour in hot water.
  5. Add baking soda (about 2 tablespoons).
  6. Leave the composition to boil for several minutes (3-7).

There is another way than to clean cupronickel cutlery:
  1. Take a basin (you can take a plastic one if it can withstand boiling water).
  2. A layer of foil is placed on the bottom.
  3. Above are devices that require cleaning.
  4. Soda is poured (about 1.5 tbsp. L.).
  5. Boiling water is poured.
After 10-15 minutes, rinse the products well in cold water, and sponge the most contaminated areas.

Vinegar - cleaning damp stains

How to clean cupronickel cutlery from damp spots? For this purpose, you can use warm vinegar: a teaspoon of the product dissolves in a glass of water. It is wetted in the finished solution soft tissue, and all contaminated devices are wiped off. At the end, the items are rinsed with clean water and wiped dry.

Baking soda for prevention

A simple way than to clean cupronickel spoons is to use baking soda: 50 g of soda is dissolved in 1 liter of water, and then contaminated products are washed in the solution.

Cupronickel cleaning: video

The process of cleaning products made of cupronickel does not take much time and effort. The main thing is to carry out such procedures regularly, because removing fresh stains much faster than old ones. In more detail about the methods of cleaning cupronickel is described in the following video:

Cupronickel cutlery, as well as silver, are available in almost every home. So I, while tidying up my parents' closets, came across a small box with gilded cupronickel teaspoons. But after lying unnecessarily for thirty years, they acquired a very deplorable appearance.

In search of information on how to clean cupronickel spoons, I reviewed a lot of different sites and found a lot of pretty simple ways removing this terrible plaque on the spoons. In practice, I decided to try several cleaning options with simple home remedies as an experiment.

To begin with, I tried to simply wash the spoons using my usual dish detergent, but this, of course, had no effect on the plaque.

So let's experiment.
1 way. Cover the bottom of the stainless (or enameled) container with foil and place the spoons. Pour 60 g of soda ash and 40 g of salt.

Fill with hot water so that the objects are completely covered with it. We put the container on the stove and boil for 15 minutes over low heat (so that the signs of boiling are barely noticeable). Spoons begin to brighten right before our eyes.

We rinse them with clean water in order to eliminate traces of soda and salt, and wipe them dry with a soft cloth. Not a trace of black spots remained.

Method 2. We put a little toothpaste on a cotton pad (you can also use powder) and rub a cupronickel spoon, of course, with a little effort. And the spoons sparkled again with their pristine brilliance. This is the effect!

Method 3. Pour a liter of water into a saucepan, put it on the fire, throw in the crushed shell from two eggs (raw) and 30 g of salt.

As soon as the water boils, we put spoons of cupronickel in it, boil for literally two minutes, and ... all efforts were in vain. The spoons have not changed at all.

Method 4 is designed specifically for cupronickel with gilding. Wet a ball of cotton wool apple cider vinegar(you can also use egg white, turpentine or wine vinegar) and thoroughly rub a spoon with it. Alas! Again, no positive result. I even tried to soak the spoonful in pure vinegar for a few minutes, but to no avail.

Method 5. On a fine grater, rub the peeled potato tuber and immerse cupronickel spoons in the gruel.

Perhaps this method of cleaning is the safest, since you do not need to rub or boil, and even more so use chemical agents... Only a natural natural ingredient. True, there is no sense in it either. All the blackness remained in place.

Here are 5 ways I've tried to clean cupronickel cutlery. What I liked the most was the toothpaste option. It was with them that I cleaned all the spoons that took part (unsuccessful) in other experiments. The paste instantly removes all blackness.

But this is not all of the ways to clean cupronickel items. The rest will just mention in passing, suddenly someone will come in handy.

To clean cupronickel spoons with slight contamination in the form of streaks and darkening, you can also use such available tools as:
ammonia, if you dilute it in warm water and just wash the devices with this solution, then rinse in clean water and wipe dry;
chalk, if it is crushed to a state of flour and, sprinkled on a suede cloth, wipe objects with it;
vodka or alcohol, if you rub cupronickel devices with a soft napkin moistened with them;
water left over after boiling eggs or potatoes - you just need to wash items with it or soak overnight;
special means used for cleaning jewelry.

Now about what in no case should you do when trying to clean cupronickel objects. So, you cannot use any products containing chlorine - this has a bad effect on cupronickel;
Use abrasive substances and rub cupronickel products with coarse hard sponges - this will lead to a violation of the integrity of the coating;
These items are dishwasher safe.

And in conclusion, a few words about how to properly "contain" and store items from cupronickel, so that later you do not have to make efforts to restore their former sparkling appearance. To do this, you just need to follow a few rules:
it is advisable to store cupronickel cutlery separately from all others in a box;
after using the devices, it is immediately necessary with detergent wash them, then dip them in a soda solution;
any method of washing or cleaning cupronickel items should be completed by wiping dry with a soft cloth;
after the end of the washing procedure, ideally dry forks, spoons, and nickel silver knives must first be wrapped in paper (the wrapper will absorb excess moisture), then wrap with cling film (in order to exclude air penetration), and for greater reliability, also pack in foil.

With proper handling of cupronickel items, no effort will be required to bring them into proper form. All in our hands.

Purchase good quality cupronickel cutlery at the best prices from a trusted seller

Cupronickel cutlery is popular due to its practicality and perfect appearance. That is why they often become a decoration of the festive table. However, due to oxidation, products are often covered with a coating, which is very difficult to combat.

Therefore, in the article we will tell you in detail, how to clean cupronickel, how to properly contain it, and why the material is oxidized.

Advantages and disadvantages

Cupronickel is an alloy of copper and nickel that can be supplemented with other components. They can be iron or manganese.

The material is very similar in appearance to silver, but the cost of such cutlery will be much lower.

The main advantages of this metal are:

  • Price. It is a great alternative to table silver. Therefore, if you want to impress your guests with spoons, forks and knives with an aesthetic appearance at an optimal cost, then cupronickel will be an excellent solution;
  • Low level of thermal conductivity. The material heats up very slowly. So, the likelihood of getting burned is minimized, which is very important when using hot foods and drinks;
  • Corrosion resistant. Cupronickel refers to stainless materials, so it will have a long service life.

Despite its positive characteristics, the material has several disadvantages:

  • Fast oxidation. This reaction leads to the formation of a black coating and loss of gloss;
  • The need for constant care. To keep the material intact for a long time appearance, every housewife should know what care products can be used.

Why does cupronickel turn black

The reason for the appearance of black plaque is the presence of 50% copper in the cupronickel composition. This metal tends to be easily oxidized.

Despite the fact that the other half of the alloy is manganese, nickel and iron, they will not be able to cope with such a strong reaction.

Therefore, as a result of oxidation, small brown spots initially appear, which then begin to darken, gradually acquiring a black tint.

It is not easy to get rid of it, however, by buying professional ones or preparing them from improvised ingredients, you can protect spoons, forks and knives from their appearance.

To protect your devices from the appearance of such a plaque, the hostess is required to follow the rules of care.

How to remove dirt

Since cupronickel cutlery requires constant care, the following methods of cleaning plaque can be used for this.

Traditional folk ways

Cleaning with soda and alcohol

This method can be used at home. This requires the following components:

  • 1 liter of warm water;
  • 50 g of soda or 50 ml of ammonia.

Soda and alcohol have the ability not only to cleanse dirt and plaque, but also to return the original shine to any surface.

To do this, dissolve the selected component in water and thoroughly wash the devices in it. Once all dirt and stains have been removed, wash them off.

After that, wipe them with a rag until moisture is completely removed to prevent oxidation.

You can also use pure alcohol or vodka. To do this, dip spoons and forks into one of the liquids. Wait for the stains and dirt to begin to dissolve.

Vinegar solution

To do this, dissolve 1 teaspoon of concentrated vinegar in 200 grams of warm water (if you add more, the surface may suffer). Dip a napkin and wipe the forks and spoons until all dirt and deposits disappear.

Chalk cleaning

To do this, the hostess needs to prepare a mixture, which will consist of:

  • 50 grams of regular laundry soap;
  • 50 g of chalk;
  • 1 liter of water.

All ingredients must be mixed in a glass container until completely dissolved. Then you can start. Once the stains are removed, wash the appliances and dry with a rag.

You can also prepare a solution that will contain:

  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 50 g of chalk;
  • Ammonia. You need to add it in the proportions of 30: 60.

Thus, it turns out good remedy to add shine and create a protective layer.

Removing stains with a decoction of potatoes

If you have broth left over from boiling potatoes, you can use it for peeling.

To do this, bring it to a boil and put the products in it. Hold them for 20 minutes. After that, you need to thoroughly rinse spoons and forks and dry.

Garlic husk solution

Peel the garlic and add it to the pot of water. Bring to a boil, then place spoons and forks in it. Once all dirt and stains have been removed, you can rinse and wipe them.

Foil peeling

According to many users, this way cleansing is considered the most effective. To do this, put foil on the bottom of an ordinary aluminum pan or other container. Then put the cutlery on it and fill it with soda solution. Bring to a boil.

Foil tends to absorb any contamination, including black plaque. However, if your piece has a gold or silver coating, then it is best to ditch it and choose a more gentle method.

Removing stains with toothpaste

Apply toothpaste on a cotton pad and wipe the appliances with it.

Making a decoction from ground shell

To do this, prepare:

  • A shell from two eggs;
  • One tablespoon of salt;
  • 1 liter of water.

Grind the shells in a coffee grinder and add table salt to it. Combine all ingredients with water and put the mixture on fire. Put the utensils in the finished broth and boil for two minutes. Then rinse and wipe dry.

Solution with the addition of Sodium Sulfate

To do this, dilute the medicine in water in proportions 1: 3. Then, wipe each product with a cotton swab.

Soda cleaning

To do this, you need to buy regular soda, so that after that you fill it with products and keep them for 2 hours.

How to remove black stains from silver plated or gilded appliances

The following methods are perfect for this:

  • A solution prepared with the addition of turpentine;
  • Egg white processing.

Basic rules for cleansing

If you want to keep cupronickel devices in their original form, you must remember the basic rules for cleaning:

  1. Do not use products that contain chlorine;
  2. In order for the surface to retain its gloss, cleaning powders must not be used, since most of them contain chlorine. An exception is considered such funds as Pemoxol and Pemolux. You can buy them at a household chemicals store;
  3. Solutions should contain a minimum amount of corrosive substances such as alcohol. If they are in the composition, then you need to add very little of them;
  4. In addition, there are special products for restoring, cleaning and glossing dishes;
  5. Items are not dishwasher safe.

Also in stores you can find napkins and special paste, which are designed to clean spoons, forks and knives. They are ideal for products with complex decor. You need to apply such a paste with a special cotton swab.

If you want to avoid black spots, then you can use the following recommendations:

  • From time to time after washing the products, immerse them in a soda solution;
  • Moisture is the main cause of black spots. Therefore, the devices must be thoroughly dried with dry rags or napkins;
  • Try to keep them away from other materials. You can also add a small piece of chalk for extra care.

If the instruments are used only on holiday tables, wrap each item with paper and regular plastic wrap. If you have an airtight container at home, you can use it.

Thus, moisture will not accumulate on them, which means, if necessary, you can use clean spoons, forks and knives without marks and deposits.


As practice shows, cupronickel requires a lot of attention. With regular maintenance, the utensils will stay clean and beautiful for several years.

Before making the purchase of such devices, it is worth understanding whether you are ready to spend your time cleaning plaque and dirt, or whether it is easier to purchase an expensive option, the surface of which will not oxidize.

Have your cupronickel spoons, forks and knives darkened? Not sure how to properly clean such metal to restore its former shine? Not scary. So that you can cope with a similar task, in this material we will analyze how to clean cupronickel.

Why do cupronickel spoons and forks darken? This can happen for various reasons:

  • due to storage of such utensils in unsuitable conditions;
  • high humidity in the room;
  • improper care of similar products.

In such cases, moisture accumulates on the surface of the products, which subsequently leaves dark spots and divorces. Fortunately, with proper cleaning, they can be easily and quickly removed both with special means and with the help of folk recipes.

Method 1 - special cleaning agents

How to clean cupronickel coins and kitchen utensils? It is best to use specialized products for this purpose that do not harm the metal, but remove any darkening well. Such products are produced in the form of special cleaning wipes, as well as powders, pastes, sprays. In most cases, it is sufficient to apply such products to cutlery or coins and wipe them well to remove any plaque.

Important: when choosing professional means for cleaning cupronickel, give preference to those that not only remove dark plaque, but also form a protective film on the dishes. They will allow you to forget about this problem for a long time.

Method 2 - baking soda

How to quickly remove dark plaque from cupronickel dishes? You can do this with regular baking soda. If the products darkened not so long ago, it will be enough for you to dial not a large number of soda on a cloth and wipe all products well with it.

If the dark plaque is poorly removed from the dishes, you can treat it with soda in a different way. They do it like this:

  1. They take a small piece of foil, they line the bottom of the pan in which the cutlery will be cooked.
  2. After that, 4 tablespoons of baking soda are placed in a saucepan. Then they spread the cupronickel dishes that need to be put in order on the bottom.
  3. Next, you just need to pour boiling water over the products and leave them in water for a few minutes. During this time, the dark layer will completely disappear from them.
  4. If the contamination on knives, forks, spoons is very strong, you can put a saucepan with them on the fire and boil them for 15 minutes. This is guaranteed to get rid of any dark deposits, even very old ones.

Important: never use this type of cleaning for items with gold or silver plating. A beautiful spraying will come off them completely in such a solution.

Method 3 - alcohol

How to clean darkened spoons and forks? Use regular alcohol for this purpose. Just put a small amount on a cloth and wipe the appliances with it.

Advice: if you don't have pure alcohol at your fingertips, feel free to use vodka instead. She copes with dark bloom just as well.

Method 4 - ammonia

The darkened cupronickel can be easily cleaned with a solution of ammonia. In it, you just need to soak the products for a few minutes, after which they will need to be pulled out, rinsed under running water and wiped especially thoroughly. There will be no trace of a dark coating.

You can also use this tool in a different way: just type a small amount of ammonia on a cloth and wipe the spoons and forks thoroughly with it. In a few minutes of operation, ammonia will completely remove any dark spots from your appliances.

Method 5 - potato broth

This is another easy cleaning recipe. cupronickel products at home. For him, you will need to take a decoction of potatoes, bring it to a boil, put the products there and leave for 20 minutes.

After that, you will need to carefully take out the spoons and forks, rinse them thoroughly and wipe them dry. After that, the plaque is still for a long time will not appear on them.

Method 6 - vinegar

If you need to quickly get rid of slight browning, use vinegar. Apply it like this:

  1. Take a glass of water, add a teaspoon of table vinegar to it, mix everything thoroughly.
  2. Soak a rag in the solution and run it over any dull cutlery.
  3. Rinse the items well in running water and rub them with a clean cloth.

Important: this cleaning method can be used quite often. It practically does not harm metal.

Method 7 - sodium thiosulfate

This is another inexpensive and very affordable cupronickel cleaning product that can be purchased at almost every pharmacy. It is used as follows: a small amount of sodium thiosulfate solution is applied to the devices, and then they are thoroughly wiped with a cloth. After this, the products must be rinsed in running water and wiped dry.

Video: we clean cupronickel cutlery to a shine:

Tip: Use this method if you want to deal with light dark bloom. He will get rid of the products in a matter of minutes.

Method 8 - eggshell

How to clean cupronickel so that it shines like new in just a few minutes? Use shells from fresh eggs for this purpose. Proceed like this:

  1. Crush the shells.
  2. Put a pot of water on the fire, add a tablespoon of table salt to it.
  3. Bring the water to a boil, add the eggshells to it first, and then the cutlery.
  4. Keep the devices in the solution for 15-20 minutes. During this time, they should completely brighten.

Important: Do not use this recipe to clean your silver. This metal will react to such an effect differently than cupronickel.

Method 9 - toothpaste

Cupronickel cutlery can be cleaned very well with ordinary toothpaste. You will need to work with it like this: the paste itself should be applied to a rag and wipe the cutlery with this rag until they completely get rid of the dark spots. After this, the product must be rinsed.

Tip: You can also use regular toothpaste instead of toothpaste. It copes even better with various browning.

Method 10 - crushed chalk

This is one more enough effective method which was even used by some jewelers before. Apply it like this:

  1. Dissolve 50 grams of soap in water, then dilute 50 grams of chalk in the same solution.
  2. Then add another liter of water to the resulting mixture and mix everything until smooth.
  3. The resulting mass is used to polish the products, after which they are wiped dry with a cloth.

Important: make sure that the polishing compound is completely removed from the metal after use. Otherwise, it may leave white streaks on it, and you will have to start cleaning from the beginning.

Video: effective method cleaning devices made of cupronickel and silver:

Method 11 - ultrasonic washing device

How to clean cupronickel spoons if you didn't have any household chemicals for this case at hand? Use an ultrasonic washing machine for this purpose. To do this, just take a small bowl, fill it with water, put spoons and forks in it, then place an ultrasonic cleaner in the bowl and let it work for a quarter of an hour.

This method can be used even for those devices that have not been cleaned for a very long time. It copes well with the most stubborn dirt.

How to care for cupronickel so that it does not darken

It is not enough to figure out how to quickly clean cupronickel. It is also necessary to make sure that the products from it do not darken as long as possible. To do this, it is worth following the following rules for handling such metal:

  • Store it only where chlorine-based products cannot reach.
  • Wash products made of this metal only in non-hot water.
  • Always wipe dry cupronickel spoons, forks, knives. Never put them away for storage if such devices are still a little damp.

Video: sparkling spoons in minutes:

Over time, cutlery made of stainless steel, cupronickel or other alloys inevitably tarnish. Currently, there are many household chemicals used to restore the original shine to spoons, forks and knives. However, housewives often prefer proven folk methods, since they are not so aggressive, do not cause allergies, and the necessary components are always at hand.

It can be difficult to clean cutlery if the handles are notched, relief patterns... In such areas, dirt and plaque easily accumulate, and blackness appears. For these cases, soaking and boiling are used.

Attention! To clean cutlery from plaque, abrasive substances must not be used, as micro-scratches will appear, which will permanently spoil the appearance of the product.

Stainless steel

Stainless steel devices are quite unpretentious and durable. But with insufficient care, they are covered with a bloom and have an unpresentable appearance.

In order to clean stainless steel products, there are several proven folk methods:


Simple soda will help get rid of tea plaque on spoons, and it is better to slightly moisten it before the procedure to a state of gruel, then cleaning the products will not affect the state of the metal.


To do this, you need to prepare a solution of salt, soda and water. The first components - 1 tbsp. l., water - 1 l, mix all this, immerse the devices. Duration of boiling on low heat - 30 minutes. Then drain the water and rinse under running water. After such a procedure, blackening will disappear even from the most intricate patterns. To enhance the effect, put foil on the bottom of the pan.

Soda and mustard

Use a mixture of baking soda and mustard to remove dark stains. They need to be taken in 1 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water. Immerse stainless steel products in the solution for half an hour, then additionally clean with a toothbrush.


To rid stainless steel appliances of the white bloom that forms from hard water, you should use vinegar. Wipe the spoons with a soft cloth dipped in acetic acid and leave in this form for half an hour. Then rinse. The acid will dissolve the salt deposits and return the shine to the appliances.

Advice! If there are a large number of devices, to save time, you can prepare a vinegar solution from 100 ml of vinegar and 1 liter of water and soak spoons and forks in it for 15-20 minutes.

Potatoes or onions

An onion or potato can help polish. Peel the selected vegetable, cut and rub the cutlery with it, then polish with a soft cloth, rinse in running water, wipe dry.

Cupronickel spoons and forks

Products made of cupronickel, which is an alloy of copper and nickel, are more susceptible to oxidation than others. Upon contact with air, and especially with moisture, a film forms on the surface of the metal, which means that cupronickel knives, spoons and forks quickly fade and become covered with a dark coating. Such cutlery today is a real rarity, our grandmothers loved them. But even now, having found such a rare thing in the closet, the question arises of how to clean it.

To clean cupronickel products, you can use household chemicals, but very carefully. An excellent alternative is traditional cleaning methods that use universal soda, salt, and vinegar.

Baking soda

Baking soda is a universal cleaning agent that is always in the kitchen, it is suitable for all tableware, including spoons. Options for cleaning cupronickel cutlery:

  • Dissolve 50 g of baking soda in 1 liter of water. Using this solution and a soft sponge, rinse the dishes, then rinse in cool water.
  • Old grease stains will help remove gruel from baking soda and water. Apply it on a washcloth and rub actively. Alternatively, you can take extra salt, the main thing is that it is fine enough.
  • Boil in soda-salt solution as described for stainless steel spoons.


To get rid of darkening and stains, ammonia will help.

The cleaning procedure is as follows:

  1. Pour 1 tsp into warm water in a volume of 1 liter. ammonia, mix.
  2. Immerse the cutlery in the solution for 20 minutes, you do not need to exceed the period.
  3. After the allotted time, rinse under running water.
  4. Dry thoroughly with a towel so that no moisture remains on the spoons.

Eggshell decoction

To clean cupronickel products from blackness, a decoction from eggshell... Few people know a similar effective method used by our grandmothers. The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Thoroughly grind the shell of 3 eggs into powder.
  2. Pour water into a wide saucepan, immerse the items so that the water completely covers them.
  3. After boiling, add egg powder and 1 tbsp. l salt.
  4. Boil spoons for 5 minutes, do not overdo it.
  5. Remove devices and rinse in cold water.
  6. Wipe dry.

Food foil

With darkening that other products do not take, foil can cope. For devices made of cupronickel, a sheet of foil is required and the cleaning process looks like this:

  1. The volume of the solution depends on the number of spoons, forks, knives. For every liter of water, you will need 5 tbsp. l. soda. They need to be dissolved in warm water.
  2. Boil the solution, immerse the foil cut into strips and cutlery in it, put the foil on top.
  3. Boil for 30 minutes on low heat, then turn it off and leave in a saucepan until it cools down, this may take several hours.
  4. It remains only to remove the devices from the solution and wipe it with a towel.

This is a very simple way to wash even the most neglected cupronickel products to a shine.

Chalk polishing

Chalk will help to remove minor traces of darkening and polish the cupronickel spoons at home. It should be crushed into powder and rub all contaminated areas with a damp cloth and powder. This option for cleaning cupronickel products will only help if the blackening is fresh. After the procedure, rinse with warm water.

Important! After such cleaning, you should carefully wipe the appliances so that dark spots do not reappear.

How to clean gilded appliances

Cupronickel spoons with gilding look gorgeous, but only when they are looked after. To clean gilded spoons, use wine vinegar, turpentine, egg white.

The cleaning process is extremely simple - moisten a cotton pad in the chosen product and wipe the devices, including in areas with gilding. Treat each area as efficiently as possible. If egg white is used, then it must first be whipped into a stable foam.

After using any of these products, you must rinse the products under running water and wipe dry.

How to avoid black plaque on cupronickel products

Cupronickel cutlery is unlikely to be used on a daily basis, so they need to be stored correctly. Adhere to the following guidelines to keep such items from darkening:

  • Spoons should be stored in cling film, and each should be wrapped separately. This will minimize air access to them. Alternatively, you can wrap it in foil or parchment, the main thing is that they do not touch each other.
  • After use, wash immediately and wipe off moisture thoroughly.
  • It is better not to use household chemicals for cupronickel, since they cannot be cleaned as efficiently as the above means.
  • The best storage place is a dark case.
  • Do not use chlorine bleach for washing - they will ruin the spoons forever.
  • To restore shine, you can polish the spoons. special paste, which is used in jewelry workshops for silver.

Cupronickel spoons are a real rarity, and every year they will be more and more valuable, so it is important to maintain their attractive appearance and know how to do it.

To clean as little as possible, you should follow these recommendations:

  • Wash immediately, do not allow food debris to dry on them.
  • If the food is still dry, then before washing - soak for 15 minutes in warm water.
  • It is better not to use hard, including metal scouring pads. They leave micro scratches in which dirt will get stuck in the future.
  • After each wash, spoons and forks should be thoroughly rinsed and wiped dry.

How to quickly clean cutlery made of stainless steel, cupronickel and silver (video)