
A story about a birthday surprise. Birthday script. A quick surprise. Birthday surprise cake


How to give and receive gifts? Depends on the occasion. One of the brightest holidays of childhood is certainly the date of birth. The New Year, perhaps, will argue, but the New Year is also a kind of day of renewal, just for everyone. With age, priorities change, but that’s not what the story is about. Just imagine a personal holiday for the main character, today he will meet with friends, he will be happy, the guests will be happy, in short there will be a holiday! Here's a funny birthday story. Let me make a reservation right away: all the names are fictitious, but the events are real.

Today is Oleg's R-day, and, right in the morning, he woke up in high spirits. Yes! There’s a lot of fuss ahead, there’s a ton of things to do, it’s good to get the table ready, at least I bought groceries yesterday and Egorka will help. It’s absolutely impossible for one! Of course, chop three salads, cook hot dishes, and all this for six people! Yesterday, when I bought groceries, I had the feeling that the most important thing is to buy, then it will be easier. Onions, tomatoes, and even sausage with vodka were chosen with trepidation and love! Now breakfast, shaving your face in front of guests, like brushing your teeth before drinking, is a little necessary thing that no one will notice, it’s just a “must.” After all, no one has canceled the power of habit!

Here's the doorbell, Egorka has pulled himself up! "Hi Hi." And get to work! And although they started early, at eleven, it seemed like just the two of them, but by six in the evening they barely made it. And chop a bowl of Olivier time, and you also need to boil eggs for it and cool it later. And two more salads! And it's hot! Yes, of course, the pig cooks quickly, but you also need to cut it up and sprinkle it with cheese (which needs to be grated). And it would be nice to have lunch sometime too! Well, they saved money on this, they took a little bite, that is, what they cut, they ate. But they made it in time for Dima, Slava, Vitya and Romka to arrive.

Meeting with guests— simplified with age, passed relatively quickly. This child runs to every call and is happy about everyone, maybe not every guest, but every gift. Now, at thirty, there are changes. For a long time now you have been wanting something that is unlikely to be given to you, a yacht or a car as a last resort. Well, or some kind of girlfriend, fashionable, slender, well, who has bigger breasts, who has smaller breasts, everyone wants their own. But the hope of getting this for my birthday disappeared, passed, somehow dissolved! The joy of meeting friends is overwhelming, it becomes more important, more valuable in general. But my friends, understanding all this, still want to please, sometimes make them smile.

How I remember now: in the first year we gave the guy a sea anchor. For a boat, it’s small, but heavy! As a symbol to keep near the house. The anchor was packed in a bright box tied with ribbon. Of course, the tape couldn’t support the weight of the anchor, so they tied it up. The gift was presented by holding the edges of the box, stretching it forward with outstretched arms... According to the plan, the recipient takes the ribbon, it breaks, a heavy anchor falls on the birthday boy’s feet, everyone laughs, except for the birthday boy, of course! The seasoned wolf has been caught! He took it by the bottom and deprived the guests of joy. Well, nothing, and so we laughed. Also a story on the topic.

So I got distracted. Such fun has passed, and some people never had them at all, now I want to please the person, to give something that I wouldn’t buy for myself, but secretly wants, craves. And a mobile phone was chosen, expensive, cool, simply cooler than clouds! From five, although it’s a lot, it’s real, but from yourself, even if you love it, you can’t buy it for anything! The toad will strangle! Such thoughts overwhelmed the children when they thought about how to give gifts. Oleg was surprised, it was certainly pleasant, he didn’t prepare salads for his mobile phone, but it’s a small thing, but nice! There was joy. Guests are pleased to see the happy birthday boy and perhaps imagine themselves in his place. Like, friends will gather for my birthday, they will think, remember Olezhkin’s birthday, what everyone liked - and they will also buy a mobile phone! How to give and receive gifts???

The plan also included a trip to the sauna.. Beer was purchased, the sauna was ordered. Well, they went, it was good, they had a sultry steam bath, talked like men about football, women and booze, and returned to her, my dear! We're hungry, I must say! Who knows, Olezhek and Yegorka were just having breakfast. They proclaimed a hearty toast in honor of the birthday boy. Oleg, having eaten a little, stuck his SIM card into his new mobile phone, played with the gadget, and drank to his parents. I took a photo of my friends and the table with my cell phone. Afterwards the gift was put aside, it’s not that it’s not needed, it’s just that there’s no time for it, there are more interesting and important things to do! Toasts went by themselves: to the table, to the owner, to a cozy home, to the future hostess, and so on.

The fun went on after midnight! Then we went for a walk and drank something at a roadside bar. They wanted to roll it into the strawberries, but something stopped them - probably the price. We returned to the holiday house, salads, appetizers - everything was left! We rolled some more and remembered about the hot stuff. They drank something hot, it seems that every pig, even after death, brings joy to people! Fatigue began to appear - they began to pass out. My head felt completely heavy, but it had not been easy for five or six hours; the metro had not been running for a long time - and it became obvious that we had to settle here for the night.

There weren't enough beds for everyone and, having proclaimed the principle “everyone for himself,” Oleg lay down on the sofa by the table, Oleg, as the youngest, gave up the only bed in the next room to Egorka, pointed to the folding chair-bed next to him, and fell silent. History does not know who slept where, all that remains in the anals is that Dimka lay down on three arranged chairs. The heavy morning hangover arrived with inevitable and unpreventable force. Read Bulgakov’s “The Master and Margarita”, the description of Styopa Likhodeev’s feelings is quite accurate.

My head hurt terribly, simply monstrous, and either the abundance of alcohol that evening, or its quality, or the variety of types of drinks, or most likely a combination of all the above factors, were to blame for this. However, taking their heads in their hands, the friends began to restore the lost order. We returned the furniture arrangement, cleaned and washed the dishes, finally swept and threw out the trash, including wrapping yesterday's gift. The fate of packaging is interesting! It’s bright, colorful - it attracts attention, but they’ll unwrap it, look at what was packed, even use it sometimes - and that’s it: they won’t even remember about it anymore, and then they won’t even talk about it. Packaging is never worthy of memories! Well, this is already a philosophical category.

Not about that now. We sat down to drink tea, that is, we sat down to have breakfast, but there was nothing besides tea! Just Robert Sheckley's story "The Hangover", re-read it at your leisure - it's educational! They began to share memories of yesterday, and even remembered a lot of things collectively. In the darkness of oblivion, all that remained was the name of the club where they wanted to go yesterday and the reason why they went. We decided to call, brag to those who didn’t come, and remembered about the gift. They started looking for him...

NO!!! They searched in every way: with logic, without logic, several times they assumed that they had lost it when they went for a walk, they tried to think: it worked with difficulty. After about forty minutes, everyone sobered up and the new proposal to sort things out by calling for half a liter stopped coming. Natural analyst Slavka was born among the guests. He said that the best way to find a mobile phone is to call it! No sooner said than done. Nobody is answering. Conclusion: not stolen! An expensive gadget lies under a bush and rings. Until the battery runs out. We got ready to go look, got dressed, then Oleg remembered that after he looked, he put the phone in the box. We remembered that we had already thrown away the packaging, not in a bin, but in making progress - in the garbage chute. To the stairs, ring the bell. The mobile phone responded between the second and third floors. They took it out from the third with a mop. Thank God the trash hasn’t been taken out yet and we didn’t have time to throw a lot on top! Only the packaging was damaged, to hell with it! Throw it away anyway.

From that incident I drew two conclusions: You can’t drink a lot and you shouldn’t give gadgets as gifts. And you yourself think: how to give and receive gifts. I find this story funny.

But listen to the story about the birthday.
About three months ago, in one small but proud insurance company, the director’s anniversary happened. 50 years is a beautiful number and, no matter how you look at it, wonderful. It seems solid, and there is still more than enough strength to enjoy life.
Since the hero of the day was a sociable and understanding person, the employees decided to play a prank on him. Half an hour before the boss arrived at work, the insurers asked the security for the keys to the director’s office and brought in a huge cake. But not just any cake, but a cake with a secret - it was covered with a large glass lid, stood on a large wooden box, and on the box itself there was a red button. If you press that button, the lid slides open, and the insurance agent, who is hiding in the box, smacks the cake right in the director’s face. This is such a simple prank. A new shirt for the director was already prepared, a second cake was in the refrigerator - so there should have been no casualties in this story.
However, a little trouble happened. Secretary Olya, closing the director's office, was so nervous that she accidentally dropped a bunch of keys on her shoe. The foot in the shoe jerked involuntarily - and the keys flew straight into the gap between the door and the floor. A moment later, the keys were in the director's office, out of reach of a hand or a mop. Can you imagine the situation, right? There's a crooked insurance agent languishing in a box who can't get out without pressing a button, and it's impossible to enter the office because the only keys are on the floor in the same office. What should I do? Frightened insurers ran to security - was there a spare key? The security threw up their hands - there is no key, they are not trained to use master keys, but we will help you break down the door. A consultation immediately gathered - should we break down the door or wait for the director's permission? We decided to break it out. If the agent sits in the box for half an hour or more, he will definitely suffocate or lose consciousness, so there is no point in waiting for someone’s orders, life must be saved.
Two hefty security guards and the strongest insurance agent began to bang their bodies against the door. But bad luck - the house was Stalinist, and the door was very powerful, solid, made of the best oak, so that three healthy men, after a five-minute struggle, only bruised their sides. The tension was growing.

What should we do?! Maybe we can cut out the castle? - suggested one of the insurers.
- Do not have time. - Yes, we won’t have time. Need it quickly.
- Eureka! Has everyone seen "The Shining"? Ax here, axe!
The axe, oddly enough, was found by the guards. And here is the picture - a mighty security guard, rolling his eyes ferociously, began to smash the oak door with the sign “Director” with an axe. All this happened amid the bloodthirsty screams of the employees:
- Let's! - Break harder! - Smash! Hit as hard as you can!
At this moment, the late director finally entered the office. For about two minutes, shocked, he watched a terrible scene worthy of some kind of witches' Sabbath. And only then they noticed him, and by another accident, the guard with the axe, a fierce one, with a sweaty and red face, was the first to do it:
- Good morning, Mikhail Nikolaich. Happy birthday. And you see, we are just waiting for you...
The director slowly began to slide to the floor...

I'll tell you about how we celebrated my husband's anniversary and my Mom's birthday. Their birthdays coincide, so we celebrated on the same day. I wanted to do something nice and make the guests happy. Usually this is not customary here, so a little excitement crept in, even though everyone at the holiday was there and no one would have looked askance, even if everything had gone wrong.

In general, the preparation did not take much time, everything was done on the go. It all came down to a few competitive competitions. The first competition was announced: “How well do you know the hero of the day?” The first competition was dedicated to my husband (since he is the hero of the day, and my mother-in-law adores him, and happily offered to pay attention to him first), and in order to “pump up” the people for the second, more emotional competition.

Our guests pulled out questions about the hero of the day from a fairy bag (any gift bag). The questions were in the style: “What date was the birthday boy born?”, “How much did he weigh at birth?”, “What day of the week was it?” (the answer is easy to check on modern phones with a calendar), “Where did you go on holiday in....?”, “What troops did you serve in?”, “When did you join the army?”, “What grade did he get in his school certificate in physics? "... in general, you can come up with everything that your imagination is rich in. The reward for the correct answer was a “sweet prize,” which meant a kiss from the birthday boy and a lollipop for extra sweetness.

The second part of the competition was dedicated to our Mother. We organized an auction for her. The lot is the birthday boy’s favorite thing, we took her favorite brooch. Since we were celebrating in the yard, we quickly found a hammer, and we took a larger one - a rubber sledgehammer, so that it would look “more convincing” and be safe for those having fun. Auction participants had to come up with the sweetest word for the birthday girl. From behind the table rushed: beautiful, charming, attractive, charming…. The guests tried, and the blow of the hammer spurred them on: “Beautiful one, beautiful two, beautiful three...” “Charming!!” “Charming one, charming two...” It might look a bit boring on paper, but in reality it turned out to be very entertaining and fun. The winner probably expected to receive that same brooch, but we cheated a little and left the brooch to Mom (still a favorite!), and the winner got a photo of the birthday girl with her autograph. The main thing is to conduct this competition in a fun and dynamic way, not to wait for the guests to be smart, but to hammer persistently with a hammer, believe me, words will appear, even the most unexpected ones!

Since it was at the table, naturally there was a break for a “snack”. The next number we offered the guests a team game. The guests were divided into 2 teams: 1- team L (based on the first letter of the name of the hero of the occasion), 2- B (based on the first letter of the name of the hero of the day). The task is this: write as many pleasant words as possible about the birthday people using the corresponding letters. At this time, the birthday people dance a slow or fast dance. While the song was playing, the guests came up with and wrote down these words. Then the presenter read them out one by one to see who had the most. What was not there! It was very interesting and funny. The losing team was given a task: dance. It turned out to be a team where, among other participants, there were two grandmothers, we offered them a low break, they agreed, but for some reason they didn’t dance it, apparently they were embarrassed.

The preparation was completed in 2-3 minutes. The task was given to all guests and birthday people included. There was ice cream hidden somewhere in the yard. In my hand I had the first clue note, which indicated the location of the next similar one, which one after another led us all to the coveted prize - ice cream! At the very beginning, I hastily announced: “The ice cream is hidden and it’s already melting, we need to find it as quickly as possible!” This was the most interesting competition. Since it was already getting dark, and the notes were located in the most unexpected places in the yard, house, kitchen and even garden, and did not follow one another in a single straight line, it was fun to watch the running crowd with flashlight phones, each participant in which tried to be the first to discover the leaflet and run to the next one faster than others. But here is the final note, she pointed to the front garden. It was not easy to get there; we had to climb over a small fence, but our guests were already so overwhelmed with excitement that they easily overcame this obstacle. Here is the treasured package! Did our ice cream melt there? The contestant with a victorious look runs up to the bag, but, taking it in her hands, discovers that it is empty... and at the bottom there is a note: “In the refrigerator!”... To my surprise, this did not stop the guests, although everyone was a little taken aback, but also to the whole crowd ran to the refrigerator. An unforgettably funny moment was when the guests ran to the refrigerator and for some reason opened not the freezer compartment from below, but only the top door, and stood for several seconds with their eyes frozen in surprise that there was nothing like that here, but salvation came, and everyone got it , which they truly deserve. The most interesting thing is that it’s unlikely that everyone would agree to ice cream if we simply offered it to the guests, but here, like those lollipops, everyone liked it, because everyone loves sweet prizes!

It is customary to give gifts during the holidays, but even the most luxurious, expensive and long-awaited ones are forgotten over time. To prevent this from happening, the giving of a gift must be accompanied by something non-standard that can evoke strong and unforgettable emotions in the hero of the occasion. Thanks to this, even the simplest gift will be remembered by the birthday person for many years.

Making a birthday surprise is a matter that you need to approach with love, creatively, and try to give your 100% so that the birthday person understands how dear he is to you.

There are some birthday surprise ideas that will suit anyone and help make your main gift for them unforgettable.

  1. You can make several birthday surprises, or you can stop at just one.
  2. To decide what kind of surprise to make, you need to think carefully about financial possibilities.
  3. Choose a few friends who are responsible and creative.
  4. And also take into account the personal preferences of your friend.

For example, if he doesn’t want to gather a large company for his birthday, then you shouldn’t throw a noisy party, even if you yourself are crazy about them.

Creative greeting

  • Congratulations via video. For such a birthday surprise, you will have to somewhat puzzle the friends and acquaintances of the birthday boy. They will have to record short videos, serious or funny, in which they will once again say warm words of love and congratulations to the birthday boy. It’s great if you know how to edit video, add music and effects yourself. If you don’t have such skills, then you should ask a friend who understands computers about it.

Attention! Congratulations using video need to be planned in advance, because collecting material, summarizing it into a single video, processing and adding musical accompaniment is a matter that takes time.

Such a birthday gift can be sent to the hero of the occasion on the day of the holiday using email or a social network, or you can include it during the celebration, asking the guests for a moment of attention. A properly organized video display will delight not only the birthday boy, but also all the guests who come.

  • If you are truly creative people, then you can go even further and come up with a song for the hero of the occasion, choose words and music, and perform it yourself. Such a birthday surprise will melt even the hardest heart.
  • This also includes poetry. You can remember the brightest moments in the life of the hero of the occasion and write a whole poem or poem. And in order for this gift to please you for as long as possible, it must be duplicated on a postcard or wall newspaper.

Large scale congratulations

On the birthday of your loved one, you can ask friends and relatives who could write a congratulatory SMS, and these same friends would involve the friends of their friends and all those who care. You can be sure that the smile will not leave the birthday boy’s face with such a birthday surprise for a long time.

  • To arrange a surprise, you can make an original gift telegram and send it by mail on your friend's birthday. If the company has a person who knows how to draw or is engaged in computer design, then you can draw up a telegram yourself, first dropping it in the birthday person’s mailbox or attaching it to his door.
  • If it’s a girl or woman’s birthday, then a bouquet with a greeting card that a courier will deliver to her home can serve as a surprise for her.
  • A good surprise for a friend, girlfriend, loved one, parent or relative is a congratulation drawn on the asphalt with chalk or paint, which can be seen from the window. But, again, this should be taken care of in advance.

Attention! If your friend or relative is a person with conservative views on life and is against spoiling the asphalt with paints, then, for example, a snow sculpture would be a good surprise for him if the celebration takes place in winter.

Wall newspaper or poster

This is an option for those who know how and want to draw; only creatively gifted people will be able to arrange such a surprise at the highest level. A ready-made newspaper can be placed in the birthday boy’s entrance, hung in his home, or you can come to visit him with an already unfolded poster, which will be an excellent addition to a gift box.

Quest game

You need to come up with an exciting game where the birthday boy will have to go through some tests and at the end find his gift. The most primitive option is the children's game “Hot and Cold”. You can play it right at home, after hiding the gift. Or you can arrange more complex options with going outside, maps, hint letters and a whole scenario in which the birthday boy’s gift was stolen, for example, by pirates or space aliens. It all depends on the imagination of the guests and their creative thinking.

Thus, if you use these simple tips, the surprise you arrange will help make the holiday brighter and more memorable.

Hi all! To begin with, I congratulate you on the fact that the work week has come to an end and we have a weekend ahead to relax, create and - for me this is very important - sleep!

Hello! Can you look out of your kitchen window?

Anya, wait, don't look yet...

Then, of course, she looked out and saw the saving sparklers in her heart - she said it was beautiful and very pleasant. In addition, we were jumping around this entire structure, waving our arms and shouting very loudly (well, so that everyone could hear) - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

While the birthday girl was getting ready to join us, we turned on the music in the car at full volume (we specially recorded a CD with funny songs for Anyuta) and began to dance, drink champagne - in short, have fun and warm up (since by that time we had already completely died) There were passers-by I was shocked - many asked to join the celebration, so I think we not only raised Anna’s spirits. As soon as she came out, there were more surprises - of course, we danced and drank, but we also made her make a wish, which she carefully wrote down on a piece of paper (barely, because the pen was frozen too) and then released it up along with a bunch of balloons (surprisingly they didn’t fail or burst). And then we went to a restaurant to have fun until we dropped! Naturally, I filmed all the fun on video and photos, and then a couple of weeks later I edited a mini-film for her about how we celebrated her holiday. Yes, yes, video editing is another one of my hobbies :)

Actually, the film itself - it is a little cut down and the quality is certainly not very good - I had to compress it so that it would load faster. The video is not long - 6 minutes, I hope it will lift your spirits - it lifts mine)