
Meaning of a wolf tattoo. Wolf tattoo on the forearm Wolf tattoo on the forearm radial side


When choosing a design for a tattoo, you should pay attention not only to its beauty, but also to know its meaning. It is believed that a tattoo can significantly affect a person’s life, both for good and for bad. Different cultures treat the image of a wolf on the body in their own way, for example, for some this animal symbolizes a brave warrior, while for others it is a predator that takes away the souls of people.

Meaning of a wolf tattoo

Many people use this particular drawing to emphasize certain character traits, for example, strength of character, courage, courage, loyalty and determination. This tattoo also symbolizes love and respect for loved ones. It is not recommended to use the image of a wolf for weak-willed people who are not confident in themselves. Wolf tattoos on the forearm and other parts of the body are not suitable for flighty people who often change their partners and opinions. Strong and independent people can count on the protection of such a drawing.

Let's figure out what a wolf tattoo means for prisoners - it is a symbol that indicates a person’s contempt for all law enforcement agencies. It is believed that such a design can be chosen by prisoners who enjoy authority and are leaders. Even in prison, such a tattoo indicates that a person does not lose hope and faith in better times.

Most often in modern life, the image of a wolf denotes fidelity. This is due to the fact that such animals choose for themselves a couple of times and for the rest of their lives. You can depict either one animal or a couple. Another similar tattoo can serve as a talisman against evil forces. Some people associated with magic put the image of this animal on their body in order to improve the connection between the worlds of light and darkness.

Different designations for wolf tattoos:

Keep in mind that a person who chooses a wolf tattoo for himself is ready to reveal his nature. Remember that such a drawing can dramatically change your life.

What is the meaning of a wolf tattoo?

At all times, wolves were feared, hated or idolized. They were competitors of humans in obtaining food, hunted only early in the morning or at night, and communicated by howling. All this made them symbols of dark forces and evil. No one remained indifferent to this formidable animal. For example, Indian tribes considered him a god, and on tattoos, which in those days were a symbol of a warrior, the wolf was depicted with orange or blue stars instead of eyes. In America, he is still considered a mentor and assistant to the shaman. This is such a strong and ambiguous beast.

Therefore, when choosing a “wolf” tattoo for yourself, you must remember that if you are a weak and weak-willed person, have an indecisive and soft character, then it simply will not suit you. And if you have perseverance, determination and inflexibility, such a tattoo can become a kind of talisman in life. “Wolf” is not suitable for those who cannot decide on a permanent partner. An animal by nature is a loyal family man, which means it’s worth thinking about. After all, if a she-wolf dies, the male remains alone forever. That is, a womanizer will definitely not get a tattoo of a wolf on his shoulder, the meaning of which is not inherent to him by nature - there will be no happiness.

Wolf image

The wolf is most often depicted howling - this seems to be an indicator that the person is lonely and independent. An animal in a jump is a symbol of determination. A pack of wolves is a sign that a person is loyal to his family and is ready to do anything for it. A running predator can mean both speed and vindictiveness. If the wolf is on fire, then this means the presence of a demon. That's how many image meanings there are, and that's not all. There is also a “wolf grin” tattoo, the meaning of which, according to the beliefs of many peoples, means debauchery and demonic powers. Let's take a closer look at other interpretations of this body pattern.

The meaning of the wolf tattoo

It is worth remembering the main thing - no matter what image the wolf is made on your body, it has been and will remain a guide to the other world. It was not for nothing that in ancient times many people considered him one of the images of the devil. But at the same time, there is another meaning of the “wolf” tattoo - it is a protector from the evil forces of the other world. It would seem, what is the connection between such different interpretations? But this is what this beast is by nature: both enemy and friend in one person. He always has his own opinion on any issue. True, in the mind of a wolf there is a division only into black and white, which means that he understands only good and evil. There is no middle ground. That is why such a tattoo will be an ideal complement to a straight and unbending person. He will never destroy someone else’s world, but he won’t let anyone into his own either. By the way, girls also need to find out the meaning of the “wolf” tattoo. After all, very often they just like the picture, and what it symbolizes does not matter. So, the meaning of a “wolf” tattoo for a woman is a female predator. She is faithful, devoted, and in the event that her male dies, she lives only for revenge. But at the same time, the she-wolf is the standard of a mother; she is gentle, caring and loving. In life he can forgive almost everything, except betrayal. So if you fully comply with this interpretation, then you can get a tattoo. She will only emphasize these features and strengthen them.

Meaning of howling wolf tattoo

In the material we will invite you to learn about meaning of howling wolf tattoo, history and meaning of this deep tattoo design. For those who, before going to a tattoo parlor, want to once again think through the idea of ​​their drawing, we suggest, after reading the material, to refer to the following sections of our catalog:

  • Howling wolf tattoo photo
  • Howling wolf tattoo designs

The meaning of a howling wolf tattoo – thematic information and photos of finished tattoos

The meaning, history and significance of the howling wolf tattoo

The wolf is a strong, independent and at the same time incredibly loyal representative of the animal kingdom, which in any case will absorb the meaning of the howling wolf tattoo. Only a person who is absolutely confident in his principles and is ready to fight for them to the last drop of blood can choose such a tattoo. In general, from the moment people met these magnificent and noble predators, thousands of myths and legends were created about them, it is understandable, how can one not admire the power and duality of these creatures?

What qualities does the “Wolf” symbol carry?

The symbolism of the wolf is incredibly multifaceted and contradictory, just like its very nature. On the one hand, it has always been associated with determination, courage and willpower, on the other, since wolves are one of the few animals with a desire for family, their image is filled with wisdom, love and respect for nature and for their loved ones.

Tattoos with the image of a wolf are very popular, but also difficult to perform, therefore, having decided to take such an important step, you should turn to real professionals. They can become a real amulet for the owner, but only if the drawing reflects his personal characteristics. Loyal, noble and fierce defenders of their flock, such a tattoo is not recommended for those who consider themselves to be of a loving nature and like to change partners often. It is also important to take into account that the values ​​for which the wolf fights are his own and do not always correspond to generally accepted ones, at the same time, without necessity, he never strives to destroy them. His life motto: “Don’t touch me, and I won’t touch you!”

Examples of photos:

The ancient Slavs often attributed magical abilities to wolves; in rites and rituals, its symbol often acted as a protector and guide to other worlds. In Celtic myths, the wolf was associated with the moon and was revered as a mystical spirit of unearthly power. In Scottish tribes you can find a wolf as a reflection of the energy of evil and destruction, merging with the energy of kindness, higher meaning and the other world, thereby forming a kind of unity of opposites.

What does a howling wolf tattoo mean?

As a special case of a wolf body design, we can highlight the “howling wolf” tattoo, the meaning of which in this version acquires more independence, proud loneliness, the ability to distance oneself from society and live by one’s own rules. It can also be a reminder of betrayal experienced in life. If the tattoo contains a symbol of the moon, this may indicate that the person in his loneliness has acquired secret knowledge and spiritual strength.


Most often, a tattoo with the image of a wolf is made on the back or forearm; less often you can see this design on the chest or arm. Whatever place you choose, you must first of all pay attention to the size and proportions of your individual sketch; colorful, bright and large tattoos look most advantageous, since if you decide to declare such your power, then you should do it with due respect to this mystical and powerful animal.

Prepared by: Alekseeva Tatyana Vyacheslavovna

Chest, shoulder, shoulder blade, less often thigh, calf

According to Zonov's concepts, the grin of a wolf means - DISAGREEMENT WITH THE REGIME, WITH THE ADMINISTRATION, WITH THE AUTHORITIES. A person wearing such a tattoo is embittered towards the authorities, he
despises her!

The wolf’s grin itself has the meaning “ denial": power, law, regime, government, environment with its rules of behavior.

The bared fangs of a wolf indicate that a person wearing such a tattoo on a certain part of his body does not agree with the opinions of others, and
There is no need to convince him otherwise. Having his own opinion, he will defend it to the bitter end, as evidenced by the wild grin that, according to mystical
believed to protect against evil spirits. “Don’t touch and they won’t touch you!!,” says the tattoo.

Abbreviation WOLF- The thief's shortness of breath, the cop's cover.

- symbolizes toughness, rage and fearlessness in any situation.

Often people wear a wolfish grin to express their aggressiveness, cruelty, secrecy, that is, to emphasize their negative qualities,
demonstrate the presence of the beast within you.
Thus, if you are a strong, cunning and unpredictable person who likes to show aggression, this tattoo is made for you.

A wolf tattoo signifies bravery, endurance, adaptability, loyalty, devotion, courage and victory, these qualities he received because of his
the ability to unite into a cohesive pack.
The wolf is a strong, intelligent, swift animal, and has always been treated with respect.

Symbolizes loneliness. Wolf paw tattoo is also associated with fidelity, devotion, and the ability to adapt. Men with such a tattoo are very
It takes a long time to choose a companion, but once chosen, they always remain faithful to her.

Proud loneliness, independence from the rest of society and magical night power.

The most powerful symbol in the world of black magic, the ability to transform your physical body into an astral double.

Wolf in a jump

With such a symbol, you will overcome any obstacles with the help of powerful inner strength.

This tattoo personifies a demon, awakens and subjugates the most powerful dark entities.

White Wolf

A bright, extraordinary personality, capable of becoming a friend among strangers and a stranger among his own. This is a warrior, a fearless lone warrior.

This symbol is suitable for lovers of extreme sports, risk and speed. But it also means vindictiveness, a readiness to destroy everyone who
interferes with the implementation of plans.

This tattoo is suitable for a recognized leader, a noble leader who will protect his family and friends until his last breath.

A symbol of supreme justice and devotion. After all, a wolf fights for his beloved only once and his partner must have pure
with a devoted heart and follow your leader to the end.

  • Intelligence
  • Cunning
  • Friendliness
  • Devotion
  • Generosity
  • Compassion
  • Freedom and individuality
  • Love for family
  • Valor, Bravery and Endurance
  • Ability to adapt to new conditions
  • You get along well with other people
  • You are a true friend

A wolf can be depicted with a grin - then the tattoo contains an element of aggression; a wolf can also be depicted with an outstretched paw or at the moment of a jump and have the same meaning.

A sketch of a wolf howling at the moon is a symbol of loneliness, sometimes betrayal, perseverance in completing assigned tasks, often a symbol of the loss of relatives or loved ones (see.
Tattoos in honor of the dead).


These tattoos are mainly done in the style of realism, more often in one color, skillfully playing with shadows. But sometimes there are also
color tattoos wolf Also, images of a wolf are sometimes stylized as tribal or
Celtic patterns.

Wolf tattoos reflect the power and strength of these beautiful animals, especially among the Indians. Wolves have a dual nature: fearless but kind, loyal but independent. These animals are very common in
mythology and various parables, for example, the she-wolf who suckled Romulus and Remus.

They have become so popular for many reasons: they are elegant creatures, fierce hunters, representing freedom, mysticism, individuality, courage and devotion.

For North American Indians, wolves were teachers and trackers. Wolves were considered loyal, intelligent, fearless, loving their family.

According to Indian legend, a wolf could turn into a human to save people in trouble.

Wolves also symbolized darkness, fear of the night, and even demonic possession. In Celtic myths, the wolf was the source of lunar power,
symbol of the moon. The wolf ate the sun to allow the moon to rise.

To understand the symbolism of the image of wolves, you need to understand their heart - after all, they have experienced many false misconceptions and misunderstandings.

Very often you can meet people with a wolf tattoo, and you automatically have to think about what it could mean. The wolf itself has a dual nature; it can be both calm and aggressive, independent and devoted. It is because of such designations that many prefer this image.

Meaning of wolf tattoo

This sketch is preferred by people with a strong spirit, courageous and aggressive natures. But we should also not forget that the image expresses family and cultural values. You can choose an image if you want to express your love for people and nature. We should not forget that by their nature these animals are predators; they even once competed with humans in obtaining food. Here's what the image might mean:

  1. In some cultures, the wolf is perceived as a divine mythological creature.
  2. But in ancient times this predator was a symbol of evil, the embodiment of cunning. But this perception is explained by the fact that people and wolves were competitors.
  3. It was once believed that the beast could communicate with ghosts, evil spirits. People thought that he communicated with the other world at the moment when he howled. You can even find information that the beast is possessed by the devil.
  4. Many are of the opinion that this animal is symbolized with devotion, courage, and the opportunity to become part of the pack.

Why choose?

Without any doubt, we can say that such an image has gained particular popularity. The wolf is admired, the wolf is feared, many bow before his courage and skill in hunting. Independence and loyalty are the qualities that are inherent in wolves, as well as in people who choose such tattoos. There are many myths and legends about wolves, and because of this, a lot of attention has been focused on them. It is not surprising that this is the image chosen by people who decide to get a tattoo. It is clear that sometimes they want to express courage and aggression through such a picture, but in most cases the meaning is family, spiritual values, love for people.

A tattoo is not just a design on the body, a tattoo has always had a deeper meaning and significance. In the earliest human culture, a tattoo could save a person’s life, signifying belonging to a particular caste and tribe. It must be said that many symbols and images of modern tattoos also came to us from antiquity and have not changed for many centuries. A wolf tattoo on the forearm fully applies to such images - the drawing of a wolf has always been and remains one of the most popular motifs of body painting.

Wolf on the forearm

First of all, it’s worth talking about this specific place for a future tattoo. The forearm can be considered an almost ideal area for placing a tattoo - it is one of the least painful places on the body, so even girls can endure the procedure with ease. A wolf tattoo on the forearm will not only look beautiful and impressive, but will also be a good decoration from a practical point of view. The image will be easy to hide, if necessary, under clothes with long sleeves; this same opportunity will prevent the design from fading in the sun, at the same time, the tattoo will be clearly visible to both others and you.

If you have finally decided to get a wolf tattoo on your forearm, then you need to know the meaning of this image. Most often, the wolf is classified as a male tattoo, because the main meaning of this symbol is courage, masculinity, and natural origin. The wolf is also considered an animal close to the other world, so this image is often chosen by those who are interested in magic, the occult and other similar subjects. If you share similar views, then a beautiful wolf tattoo on your forearm can tell a lot of interesting and important things about you and, to a certain extent, show your inner world.

Tattoo style

Particular attention should be paid to the style and coloring of the tattoo - this is also directly related to the overall image and can give a deeper meaning to the entire design. It is worth noting that most often there are monochrome images of this animal, as well as drawings that combine various shades of black, gray, brown and other dark colors. However, there is also a colored wolf tattoo on the forearm - often in cases where the drawing depicts not only a wolf, but also some environment, landscape or other creatures.

As for stylistics, here you need to consult with your master - he will help you determine the best drawing style for the image that you have chosen for yourself. In addition, rely on your preferences - for some, a realistic wolf would be the ideal option, while others want to see this image created in an animation style, and so on.

At the Pro Tattoo salon, we will help you choose the ideal tattoo design for you, tell you about the features of its application - and a wolf tattoo on the forearm, the price of which will also be calculated individually for everyone, will soon decorate your body!