
4 maternity hospital that you need to take with you. What to take with you to the maternity hospital upon admission to childbirth. Things for the baby


By the time you arrive at the maternity hospital, it is desirable that you have 3 packages ready - things that you may need in the maternity ward, things for the postpartum ward and - for discharge from the maternity hospital.

After issuing an exchange card, you should always have a set of documents on hand (every time you leave home): passport, policy, exchange card, birth certificate and contract if you plan to give birth in a paid department.

In the package of things needed in the maternity ward, you need to put washable slippers and a bottle of still water. You will also take with you to the maternity ward mobile phone and charger. For relaxation, you can take a player with your favorite music. In order to reduce the risk of thrombotic complications, it is advisable to come to childbirth in elastic stockings (Stockings are MANDATORY for a caesarean section). Also, in the maternity unit bag, please put a small package of diapers, a bodysuit or vest, a hat and socks for the baby.

To minimize the time spent in the admission department, we suggest that you sign the necessary consents in advance and describe your history in the questionnaire so that you are not tormented by these questions during childbirth. The documents are at the link. Documents 1-5 are required for admission to the reception.

Second important point after delivery, when you want to enjoy the first contact with your baby, we need to get your consent to the general plan for the examination of the child, as well as consent (or refusal) to vaccination. Sign these documents in advance and we will not distract you with this after the birth. Documents 6 and 7.

The Perinatal Center provides two vaccinations (hepatitis B - on the first day, BCG (against tuberculosis) on the third. You can agree to both vaccinations or one of them by entering their names in the consent.

Things you will need in the postpartum ward:

washable slippers and several pairs of socks;

a pack of disposable panties for the maternity hospital (5 - 7 pieces) or several pieces of cotton panties;

2 packs of thick pads (in the future, if necessary, you can ask to transfer more in the transfer);

personal hygiene products and cosmetics (toothbrush, paste, comb, cream, shampoo, etc.);

nursing bra;

packaging of disposable bra pads;

Cosmetics and diapers for a child in a maternity hospital can be given, but it is better if you start using the same cosmetics that you will use later. Therefore, we recommend that you bring with you:

a pack of diapers for a newborn (first, take a small pack, if it fits, then buy a larger one);

wet wipes(of the same company as diapers);

liquid soap or shampoo for a newborn, diaper cream, baby oil (it is better to take the entire line of cosmetics from one manufacturer, since the company adds the same fragrances to all products of its production, that is, if there is an allergy to the oil of this manufacturer, then the shampoo is more likely all too);

Clothes for your baby: Undershirts or bodysuits; Hats and socks

Other things are not always needed. May be required:

postpartum bandage (there is no need for it after natural childbirth, but it can be more convenient with it; AFTER CAESAREAN SECTION, MANDATORY)

a breast pump may be useful in some situations, but most likely you will need it already at home;

collection pads breast milk(in the event that milk leaks profusely between feedings)

If you are expecting a delivery by surgery caesarean section You MUST have elastic stockings with you (significantly reduce the risk of complications, preventing blood clots from forming in the veins of the legs) and a postoperative bandage.

Things to be discharged from the maternity hospital:

Your clothing and shoe sizes after childbirth may be slightly different from those you wore before pregnancy. Therefore, provide for discharge from the maternity hospital loose clothing in which you will feel comfortable.

Children's things for discharge from the maternity hospital:

In the package for the baby, you need to put 2 pieces of diapers for discharge (or if you are not going to use them, then 2 reusable diapers). An undershirt or blouse (necessarily cotton, with seams outward). Then the choice is quite wide. It can be a woolen, terry or cotton jumpsuit, a blouse with panties or a blouse with sliders. As outerwear, depending on the season, choose an envelope, overalls, Baby blanket or plaid. Don't forget anti-scratch gloves and socks. If the child was born in the cold season, then 2 hats are needed - the lower, cooler, and the upper woolen one. If it's warm, then one is enough. Do not forget that all clothes for the baby must first be washed and then ironed.

Also, think about how you will carry the child. To transport a child in a car, you need a special seat designed for children from birth to 1 - 1.5 years old or a special cradle for transporting children in a car. So, for example, at present there are special transformers: strollers with a removable cradle, which has fasteners for fixing in the car.

Instruction for the beginner, cheat sheet for the seasoned

Collecting bags in for many becomes a real challenge. What to take? What not to take? Will I be able to collect everything? What if I forget something? Our material will help make the fees easier and more enjoyable: just follow the instructions.

When to start collecting?

Many future mothers begin to pack their "alarm suitcase" almost after they saw the coveted plus sign on the test. And others, on the contrary, put off these exciting chores until the last moment. Let's agree: there is nothing wrong with these camps, on the contrary, these are very pleasant worries that help to tune in to childbirth and meeting with the unborn baby. Even if you forget something, nothing terrible will happen, all vital things are available in the maternity hospital by default, and your relatives can bring everything you need for your personal comfort.

Important! A good time to start preparing for the maternity hospital, provided that you are not indicated for antenatal hospitalization, is 35-36 weeks of pregnancy.

How to pack?

It is most convenient to divide all things into three groups:

  • (It will be brought to you later by relatives).

Accordingly, you will need to collect not one, but three “disturbing suitcases” at once. But you will be sure that everything is in place and you do not have to carry a heavy bag.

Important! All items must be packed in plastic bags! In most maternity hospitals, cloth or leather bags for hygienic reasons. Tip: take three bags different color or make conspicuous labels so as not to be confused.

Symbums tell

On the eve of the birth, I packed things in identical bags from the supermarket and folded them in the hallway. So not only did my husband almost take out my “alarm suitcase” along with the garbage, but in the end we mixed up the packages and arrived at the maternity hospital with contractions armed with an embroidered blanket and a dress for discharge. Fortunately, we live nearby, my husband quickly went and exchanged them while I was making out.

Readiness No. 1: a package for childbirth

This package is the most important, because it is these things that you will take with you to the birth, where no one from your relatives with a safety package will be allowed to enter.

So, in this package we will put:

  1. Documents: passport, compulsory medical insurance policy, birth certificate, exchange card. If the husband will be present at the birth, then a package of documents is also needed for him: his passport, marriage certificate, fluorography results (it is better to check the list at the maternity hospital);
  2. Rubber slippers- it is convenient to take a shower in them and they are easy to wash - this quality is useful in the postpartum department;
  3. Disposable diapers - better to take large package(15-20 pcs) - they will come in handy during the discharge of water and secretions during childbirth and in the postpartum.
  4. Water without gas- During childbirth, sometimes you really want to drink.
  5. thick socks- it can be chilly in the delivery room.
  6. Toilet paper or wet wipes;
  7. Bathrobe and oversized T-shirt(True, in most maternity hospitals, their own clothes are prohibited - they give out sterile “overalls” of cheerful colors).
  8. Hygienic lipstick.
  9. Additional package in order to put the clothes in which you will arrive at the hospital
  10. Mobile phone and charger for it.

Symbums tell

I never thought that chapped lips could bring me such discomfort during childbirth. In maternity hospitals, the air is always very dry due to constant quartzization, and the intense "breathing" of contractions dries the lips even more. Next time I will definitely bring a lip balm with me.

First days in comfort: "postpartum" package (Second package)

Here you need to put things that mom and baby will need. Only the essentials! Why do you need to drag a heavy package to the hospital? On the first day after childbirth, if you see that you are lacking in vital table lamp or your favorite silver spoon - loved ones will be happy to bring you everything you need.

Things for mom:

  1. Hygiene accessories: toothpaste and brush, soap, shampoo, moisturizer, comb, hair clip);
  2. Disposable postpartum panties 5 pcs;
  3. Special postpartum pads or regular softest super absorbent 2 packs;
  4. Postpartum slimming bandage if you plan to wear it
  5. Healing cream or ointment for nipples;
  6. personal utensils: mug, spoon, you can take a small thermos;
  7. Bra for feeding and inserts for him.

Symbums tell

In the postpartum period, I recalled with such gratitude my husband, who “smuggled” stuffed a small thermos into my bag! Milk arrived badly, I always wanted a warm drink. A thermos with tea helped out a lot, especially at night.

Baby items:

  1. baby soap(more convenient liquid with a dispenser) and wet napkins for wiping the priests (both are useful);
  2. Children's cream and powder;
  3. Diapers for newborns (the package should be marked 2-5 kg ​​or "Newborn");
  4. Clothes and diapers: in maternity hospitals they usually give out sterile clean diapers, but you can bring your own if you wish. You can also grab a couple of sets of seasonal clothes: undershirts, sliders or pajamas, a pair of socks, a hat.

We are going home: package for discharge (Third package)

You will not take this package to the hospital- it will be delivered to you before discharge by relatives. And this is an important reason to treat his collection with all responsibility - it would be a shame to be left on the eve of discharge without cosmetics or a ribbon for the baby's envelope.

Baby items:

  1. Pajamas or vest with sliders, hat, socks;
  2. Or diaper: thin and flannel, if you are going to swaddle the baby;
  3. A smart bedspread, blanket or warm envelope- depending on the season.

Things for mom:

  1. Smart and comfortable clothes(best of all - a spacious dress, in jeans you will most likely be uncomfortable), outerwear and shoes;
  2. Cosmetics: To feel more confident and enjoy posing for the first photo with your baby.

Symbums tell

Girls, be sure to collect the package for discharge! And then my friend didn’t “get confused” and her husband forgot to bring her ... boots. I had to check out in my grandfather's boots of size 42.

1 .06.2015

Then you won't lose it!

: I also read quite a lot of reviews on the maternity hospital, but questions - how and what works there - still remained.

I’ll make a reservation right away: my story is for those who give birth is free, and - medical issues intentionally do not touch, because it's pointless - you still won't read a review about YOUR childbirth anywhere.

So let's go to the hospital.

The first thing I want to say - do not be too lazy to collect everything. No need to justify yourself: "Come on, it's only for 3 days anyway! We'll get by somehow!" According to my observations, indeed, 90% of mothers go home on the 3rd day, but - 10%, completely unexpectedly for themselves, stay for another 2-3-4 days ....

All things - not heavy and small - get together properly - then you say "thank you" to yourself!

We arrive at the hospital for contractions.

1) There is an opinion that the later you arrive at the maternity hospital, the less evil and nasty doctors will inject you with harmful, harmful injections. This is definitely not about the 4th maternity hospital! No one is waiting for you with a syringe. Believe! it is better to come when the pain has not yet become unbearable - because. upon arrival, they will force you to write here, here - sign five times, here are the little ones - roll up your address, go through another ultrasound and so on ......

2) They will take you to the reception and change clothes (they will give you a shirt) - warn your husband (or the person seeing you off) that he should not give a tear as soon as the door closes behind you! - his task is to pick up all the clothes and shoes that were on you and documents (originals - passport and policy).

Taken from their website -

When applying for hospitalization in a maternity hospital, do not forget:

1. an identity document - a passport or a military ID (if you are not a citizen of the Russian Federation, then you must have a notarized translation of your passport in Russian and a document on registration on the territory of the Russian Federation);
2. compulsory medical insurance policy;
3. exchange card;
4. birth certificate (if you have one);
5. certificate of incapacity for work (if it was issued to you);
6. contract for childbirth (if you give birth for a fee);
7. referral for hospitalization from the antenatal clinic with all documents attached to it;
8. slippers (not fluffy, any washable);
9. compression stockings
10. You can take your mobile phone and player with you.
11. you can immediately take to the rodblok for the baby: a hat (cap), socks, mittens, a vest, sliders, diapers). Things must be clean, pre-ironed on both sides.

* If you make a photocopy of your passport and insurance policy in advance, we will be very grateful to you

During childbirth, you can’t eat, so you don’t need to take food. If you wish, you can take only water, yogurt, chocolate.
Everything you need after childbirth, relatives will give you later, but you can cook in advance:
* postoperative bandage (if a caesarean section is planned);
* sanitary pads (maxi);
* disposable shorts (you can also reusable, but they will have to be washed);
* a package of diapers for a child from 3 to 6 kg;
* cream against cracks in the nipples;
* toilet items (toothpaste, brush, comb, shampoo, soap in a soap dish, face and body cream, necessary cosmetics, etc.);
* paper and pen to write notes or diaries;
* in our maternity hospital it is allowed to use home dressing gowns, pajamas, towels;
* if you have not prepared things for the child in advance, then everything you need will be given to you at the maternity hospital.

So, now I’m thinking - isn’t it time for me to unload my trunks - I have already collected so many things ... And combs, bottles, and towels, clothes, and ... to hell, in general, everything ..

In the last months of pregnancy, starting from the 36th week, a woman, as they say, should be in full combat readiness. At any moment, the little one can "knock" and "ask for the light." Contractions, after which almost always, begin suddenly, and the expectant mother must grab the previously collected things and run to the hospital.

From personal experience

The first fees to the maternity hospital followed a strict list, which was announced in the antenatal clinic. I don’t remember what it included, but only the package was modest, as a result, the husband ran to the hospital, either with a spoon, or with a pacifier, or with pads ...

The second time, I became smarter and “downloaded” the list from the Internet. My husband looked at my preparations for the hospital, to put it mildly, with surprise. "Are you moving?" he asked as I packed the huge bag and placed it next to the three bags. And then! A set of bed linen, a small electric kettle, a hair dryer, magazine books and even an MP3 player are already a rather big package. And a lot of everything for the baby, for the doctor, and for yourself, your beloved. Well, I didn’t forget about him (they were going to give birth together). Where is he without slippers, a bathrobe and a razor?

As a result, I went to the maternity hospital with a “mini-set”, and my husband informed everything else as needed. Thank God that he then had the patience to convince me that I would not need everything in the maternity hospital. I can imagine how the workers of the maternity hospital would have met me. For the third time, I will certainly get together without too much, but with everything necessary.

In the meantime, let's talk about what you need to take to the hospital, and what you shouldn't.

traditional list

Each maternity hospital has its own characteristics, and the lists of necessary things are very different. For example, if in the maternity hospital where you are going to give birth, there is hot water by the hour, otherwise it is not at all, then you will simply need an electric kettle. Therefore, be sure to consider the conditions of the hospital.

But still, the main set is traditional things, without which you cannot do even in the most modern maternity hospital with all the amenities.

The documents

  • Passport (without it they will not be discharged from the hospital);
  • Exchange card (without it, they will be sent to the observation department);
  • Agreement with the maternity hospital (if any);
  • Insurance policy (if any);
  • Passport, sterile clothes for the accompanying person (in partner childbirth);
  • Money.

Personal care products

  • Soap. Some maternity hospitals require liquid soap and disposable towels;
  • Toothpaste and brush;
  • Toilet paper;
  • Towels
  • Disposable diapers (useful for both baby and mother);
  • Pads (special postpartum pads are sold, but some doctors advise using regular torn sheets);
  • Underwear (comfortable shorts (several pieces), nursing bras, breast pads);
  • Clothing. Preferably two nightgowns with a top that is comfortable for feeding, a bathrobe according to the season, slippers (necessarily washable);
  • Cosmetics (in case you cannot do without face and hand cream).

Things for the baby

This list is the most pleasant and should be given the most attention.

  • Diapers (it's best to take a whole pack of diapers for newborns, because you will not be able to wash diapers if you are determined to use them in the future);
  • Wet wipes (however, in order to avoid allergic reactions, it is better to wash the baby with clean boiled water using ordinary cotton wool);
  • Baby skin care products (powder, diaper rash cream, lotion);
  • First aid kit (be sure to take care of the navel, ask the pediatrician about everything else);
  • Disposable diapers.

A lot of controversy is caused by pacifiers, bottles and formula for feeding.

Baby clothes

Choose clothes according to the season. The amount of things should be sufficient, but not excessive. Size - from 56 to 62. Pre-wash and iron the clothes. You will need:

  • Beanies;
  • Body or undershirts;
  • Knitted blouses;
  • Diapers (thin and flannel);
  • Socks, thin mittens;
  • Blanket.

Prenatal and postpartum first aid kit

Coordinate the list of medical supplies with your doctor. Each maternity hospital requires certain medications, and some offer their own, or ask to buy them as needed. However, it will not be superfluous to buy some pharmacy "remedies":

  • Bandage and cotton wool;
  • Syringes, vein catheter, dropper;
  • Oxytocin;
  • Cadgood;
  • Sterile medical gloves;
  • Laxative suppositories based on glycerin;
  • Ointment from cracks for nipples;
  • Digital Thermometer;
  • Hydrogen peroxide;
  • Zelenka;
  • Tincture of calendula.

Things to check out

It is not necessary to take a package with these things with you to the hospital. It will be brought to you immediately before discharge. It should have elegant things for the baby and mom. Please note that the clothes in which you came to the hospital will not suit you when you are discharged.


  • Water without gas;
  • Herbal tea;
  • Cookie.

You may also need the following things:

  • breast pump;
  • Tableware;
  • Electric kettle or boiler;
  • Thermos.

However, do not rush to pack everything in bags for the hospital. These things should lie in a conspicuous place so that, if necessary, the husband can see them and bring them to the hospital.

List of "nonsense"

You can complain about all of the above. For example, why do you need a breast pump, when in the first days there is no milk at all, but only colostrum, which, as it seems to every mother, is not enough for the baby, so they rush to supplement the baby with mixtures.

Or cosmetics. It is hard to believe that a newly-made mother will find time immediately after giving birth to paint her lips and eyelids. But, to each his own. At discharge, I want to be at full marafet.

However, there are more absurd things in the proposed lists:

  • Watch;
  • Knitting;
  • Books;
  • MP3 player;
  • A cheese sandwich;
  • Washing powder;
  • Basin;
  • baby monitor;
  • Pillow;
  • Night lamp;
  • Elegant dress;
  • Limousine and others.

But by the way, if you see the point in these things, then feel free to take them to the hospital. The main thing is that you feel comfortable and comfortable. Good luck!

Specially for- Tanya Kivezhdiy