
Seniority after dismissal. Important points: how long can you not work after dismissal, so that the experience is not interrupted? What is it and why do we need it? Hours of work and leaving work


Until 2007, the concept of “continuous work experience” was used, when the “Rules for calculating continuous work experience” still had legal force. seniority...”, approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of 13.04.1973 No. 252. Now this document is invalid, and now instead of “work experience” the wording “insurance experience” is used, but in some cases, for various calculations, these two concepts inextricably complement each other, so the old legislative acts that have lost their legal force still remain relevant.

The procedure for calculating the length of service is regulated by Art. 16 of the Federal Law “On Compulsory Social Insurance ...” dated December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ, according to which, to determine the amount of benefits in connection with pregnancy, childbirth or unemployment, the insurance period includes all periods labor activity in state, municipal or other work, during which the employee's social insurance was carried out and payments were accrued. In addition, during periods insurance experience includes other activities, as it was before 2007:

  • Service in the ranks of the RF Armed Forces.
  • The periods during which women dismissed from the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation or the KGB due to pregnancy or the birth of a child received appropriate benefits, provided that they went to work before their child was 1.5 years old.
  • Passing advanced training courses, if this was preceded by service in the ranks of the FSB, KGB, Armed Forces or the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  • Education in schools and vocational schools, if the interval between obtaining a certificate (diploma) and employment does not exceed 3 months.
  • Industrial practice or work while studying at a university or college.

On the this moment practically no payments depend on the length of service, while the length of service is important for pensions and the calculation of sick leave, which is calculated as follows:

  • Paid at 100% if the employee has more than 8 years of service without interruption.
  • With an experience of 5 to 8 years, sick leave is paid at 80%.
  • If the length of service is from 1 to 5 years, then the sick leave is paid at 60%.

Thus, work and insurance experience are two different concepts, and the first can be much more than the second. Many are interested in when the seniority is interrupted after dismissal? There may be several cases here:

  • The employee was dismissed at the initiative of the employer for a gross violation: he came to work in a state of intoxication, committed theft or deliberate damage to the organization's property, etc.
  • If the employee did not get a new job within one month after the dismissal from the previous place.

At the moment, continuous experience does not matter for the calculation of pensions and benefits, because. for this, the insurance period is used - the periods of transfer of insurance payments. In some cases, in order to calculate the insurance period, specialists have to compare it with the work period, and if the former is less, then the amount of benefits will be calculated based on the continuous one.

Now about whether the seniority is lost upon dismissal of one's own free will. According to the law, the following rules apply in such cases:

  • If an employee quit of his own free will without a good reason, then in order to maintain continuous work experience, he must take another job within three weeks.
  • If an employee leaves due to employment in an organization located in another city/country, then the break should not last more than 1 month. The same applies to the transfer of his wife to another city.

Also, seniority is preserved if a woman is pregnant, is raising children under the age of 14, or has a disabled child until she reaches the age of majority.

Concept definition

Continuous work experience is the length of service of an employee, during which the breaks between transfers from one organization to another in connection with dismissal do not exceed the duration established by law.

In fact, the continuous length of service upon dismissal in 2016 is calculated in the same way as before: in order to maintain it, no more than one month must pass between the moment the employment contract with the previous employer is terminated and employment for a new job.

It often happens that after a dismissal, a person registers with the Employment Center and looks for a new job, but suddenly falls ill and, due to illness, the interval between dismissal and subsequent employment increases. In this case, the seniority is not interrupted, because. the disease is considered a force majeure circumstance and in order to maintain the length of service, it is enough for him to obtain the relevant medical certificates.

Terms of continuity of work experience after dismissal

Sometimes there are situations when, after dismissal from the organization, subject to subsequent employment, the seniority is not interrupted, because. periods of involuntary unemployment are not taken into account:

  • Liquidation of an enterprise or downsizing: here nothing depends on the employee, and the employment contract is terminated due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties.
  • Transfer of State Duma deputies or persons passing military service, to another city in connection with their professional activities.
  • The gap between retirement and the next job.
  • Loss of work in places with high unemployment: closed administrative districts, remote duty stations.
  • Termination of employment due to an erroneous medical report prohibiting the continuation of work, or due to an unfair accusation, followed by reinstatement.
  • Involvement in public works payable.
  • The presence of a citizen in places of deprivation of liberty, subject to reinstatement at work in connection with the acquittal of the court and the dismissal of charges.

How long can you not work after dismissal, so that the experience is not interrupted? It all depends on who initiated the termination of the employment contract:

  • At their own request and in the absence of valid (good) reasons - 3 weeks.
  • For redundancy - 3 months, if the company was reorganized or liquidated.
  • At their own request, if there are good reasons, or by agreement of the parties - 1 month.

In addition to the rules for determining continuous work experience after dismissal of one's own free will, in 2016 there are other terms for cases of forced termination of employment relations in relation to certain categories of citizens:

  • Serving under a contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - 1 year.
  • Military personnel with a length of service of more than 25 years, as well as combat veterans - without a time limit on terms.
  • Employees of the Government of the Russian Federation and the State Duma - 6 months.

As for the continuous medical experience after dismissal, it is calculated in the same way as the insurance one, i.e. it includes only those periods during which insurance premiums were made. In some cases, the conditions for maintaining seniority may be indicated directly in the local regulations of the organization, but they are usually drawn up on the basis of the old rules for calculating seniority that have become invalid.

At the moment, how long the seniority is interrupted after dismissal matters only for certain categories of employees who are entitled to seniority bonuses and other compensations. In all other cases, seniority is considered interrupted from the moment of dismissal, and temporary unemployment brings much less losses than before.

How to calculate continuous work experience upon dismissal?

To determine the continuous experience, a number of documents are used, on the basis of which it is calculated:

  • Employment contract and book
  • Military ID.
  • Estimated payroll.
  • Help from the place of work.

In some cases, statements of archival organizations may also be used. In addition to the main job, the job where the employee worked part-time is also taken into account, and the calculation is made according to calendar days. Also, the experience of women with children under 14 years of age includes periods when they worked part-time.

Since the procedure for calculating the length of service has changed dramatically since 2007, in order to calculate compensation, accountants have to recalculate the continuous and insurance experience until 2007 and after. If the duration of the insurance period is less, then the old rules apply, and only continuous is taken into account.

Accountants must know how many days after the dismissal the seniority is interrupted, otherwise it will be impossible to calculate the amount of various compensations, and in case of incorrect accrual, the dismissed employee may require clarification from the FSS of the Russian Federation or the Ministry of Labor.

Despite the fact that since 2007 the calculation procedure has been significantly simplified and the experience is interrupted from the moment of dismissal, there are still a number of nuances in which such an interruption can be avoided:

  • If you need to quit of your own free will in order to find a better job, it is best to take a vacation with subsequent dismissal. Thus, a citizen has the right to start performing labor duties in another organization the very next day after the end of the vacation, however, if he has already quit more than 1 time in 12 months, the experience will be considered interrupted.
  • If a woman is on leave to care for a child under 3 years old and wants to go to work, her husband can take this leave in order to receive benefits. If the employment contract expired during the pregnancy of the employee, the employer must extend it, because. dismissal in this case is allowed only upon liquidation of the organization.
  • If the enterprise is liquidated, then while on parental leave, the length of service will include a period of up to 3 years, provided that the employee was registered with the Employment Center, but could not get a suitable job.
  • If an employee leaves due to a transfer to another organization, the new employer is obliged to employ him within a month: this is the continuity period.

Despite the fact that now the procedure for calculating seniority has been greatly simplified, there are still some areas in which it is carried out according to the old rules established by the regulations of organizations.

It is also important to know individual cases when the length of service is considered continuous, but they are not counted in it:

  • Postgraduate studies, clinical internships, universities and secondary schools, if the intervals between their completion and employment do not exceed three months.
  • Sending members of the families of military personnel to work or study at enterprises of the USSR or abroad, if two months have not passed since the end of their studies before starting work.
  • A break in seasonal work, provided that an employment contract was concluded and the employee worked all the last season and returned to work on time.
  • If the employee was involved in corrective labor at the main place of employment without imprisonment.

What are the consequences of interrupting work experience?

If a citizen left his job before 2007 and his seniority was interrupted due to exceeding the unemployment period, he was previously paid for seniority and he got a job in an organization in which they are also accrued, then he loses such benefits until until the period of his seniority from the moment of employment reaches the period established for their receipt.

If until 2007 continuous experience was of great importance, now most of the calculations are made on the basis of insurance experience. That is why those who do not receive compensation for long service and were employed after the entry into force of the Federal Law “On Compulsory Social Insurance in Case of Temporary Disability and in Connection with Motherhood” have nothing to worry about, because. when calculating payments and compensations, they will sum up only the calendar periods for making insurance premiums.

Many employees want to maintain an uninterrupted length of service after dismissal of their own free will. But not everyone can do this, as it often takes a lot of time to search for new vacancies. What is the importance of continuous experience and is it worth keeping?

What is it

There are several types of experience:

  1. Insurance. It is necessary for calculating pension payments.
  2. Special. On its basis, the employee can be paid various allowances.
  3. Continuous. The time when the person did not work is taken into account.

Continuous experience is a certain number of periods during which the employee carried out his labor activity without long breaks. If a person was not working for a serious reason, this time may be included in the continuous service. These reasons are considered:

  • service of a person under a contract;
  • performance of the duties of a deputy;
  • implementation of certain activities in the trade union;
  • work on a collective farm;
  • maternity leave;
  • parental leave.

The continuity of service upon dismissal does not affect the calculation or amount of pension payments, as was the case in the USSR. Now, when calculating the pension, only the insurance period is used, therefore, the intervals between the implementation of labor activity are not taken into account. A person may not work for several years, and when calculating pension payments, insurance premiums for the entire period of working capacity will be taken into account. What then is the importance of continuous experience?

The duration of this period primarily affects various incentives from employers. This is a longer vacation, bonuses and increased compensation payments. Such incentive measures at enterprises are established through the creation of appropriate internal regulatory documents. Therefore, the length of service upon dismissal of one's own free will is so important for most employees.


Those workers who have ever quit their lives are worried about how many days after that the experience will be interrupted. If a subordinate left work on his own initiative and has no serious grounds for this, then he has very little time for a new job.

The legislative acts do not specify the specific conditions for interrupting the length of service. Having quit, not everyone knows how long it is possible not to work so that the work experience is not interrupted. It is believed that the time during which a person can not work and at the same time maintain seniority depends largely on the reason for leaving. The period when the seniority is not interrupted is as follows:

  • 3 weeks of uninterrupted service after dismissal of one's own free will;
  • 30 days if the person leaves the job for a serious reason;
  • 3 months - after the bankruptcy of the company or the reduction in the number of subordinates.

2 months to search for a job is given:

  1. Citizens working in the Far North.
  2. Persons who have resigned from Russian companies located abroad.

When a person quits himself, he is given time to look for a new job. That is why the period of preservation of the working period in this case is so small. This is 3 weeks, that is, 21 days, and the calculation of this period begins on the day after leaving work. And the break ends with the day of official employment, when an entry is made in the Labor Code. If a person has a serious reason for dismissal, then 1 more week is added.

Valid reasons for dismissal at the initiative of the employee are:

  • moving to another locality;
  • caring for a sick relative (medical documents will be required);
  • deterioration in the health of a person, which does not allow him to work in this company, in locality etc.
  • relocation of an employee in connection with the performance of socially important work;
  • admission to the University;
  • non-compliance by the employer with the terms of the employment agreement.

Reference: if during the year a person quit several times for good reasons, the experience may be interrupted. Therefore, it is not recommended to abuse the right constantly.

The length of service may also be interrupted when an employee is transferred to another company. The new employer has only 1 month to register an employee. The trial period is not used. In addition, the new employer does not have the right to refuse a person transferred from another company.

Long terms

Some categories of employees are entitled to more long time retention of experience. First of all, these are persons in the state or military service:

  • 1 year for military personnel;
  • 6 months - deputies of the State Duma and employees of the Government.

For length of service for military personnel, it is provided for the preservation of continuous service without time limits. But for this you need to serve at least 25 years. Certain rules have also been established for other categories of citizens. If an employee with young children quits due to the liquidation of the company, then her experience will not be interrupted until the children are 14 years old. When it comes to a disabled child, it is preserved until he or she comes of age.

  • the subordinate was fired due to downsizing;
  • upon dismissal of one's own free will, if the person had no problems with the employer;
  • the period of retirement from work of a pensioner, taking into account his return to work.

A medical worker can keep his seniority if he was fired due to some unfair accusations. The same rule applies to persons who have been acquitted, released from places of detention and reinstated. In case of dismissal on their own initiative, the general rule for maintaining seniority applies to health workers.

When seniority is interrupted after being fired, many are often worried about the consequences. Most often, problems arise with the definition of length of service. If it was interrupted, then the person will not be able to receive the necessary benefits from another employer until he again accumulates the required number of years. And since such periods usually consist of more than one dozen years, most employees simply lose benefits.

Seniority calculation

For a working person, the length of service is determined using the relevant documents. This is:

  • employment history;
  • payrolls;
  • certificate from employers;
  • labor agreements, etc.

When it is impossible to determine how many days the subordinate did not carry out labor activity, and whether this period can be taken into account for interruption, you need to contact the FSS or the Ministry of Labor. The archives of enterprises are often used as well.

You can easily calculate the period of work yourself by work book. It is enough to correctly use the dates indicated in the document. To do this, use the established rules. It is important to count the days and months of employment for each employer and pay attention to periods of incapacity for work. If such a period exceeds the specified periods, then the experience should be considered interrupted.

Continuous service has not been used for the calculation of pensions or for the provision of benefits for a long time. Therefore, rarely does anyone think about finding a job after being fired in 3 weeks. But in some enterprises, the continuity of work is still valued and encouraged, so the issue of maintaining seniority should be decided individually.

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General terms of continuous service after dismissal of one's own free will

Working for a long time in one company, the employee will already be able to estimate the length of service. But even when changing jobs, there is a chance to keep the length of working time the same. For those leaving on their own initiative, it is necessary to find a job within 30 days. Then the experience will remain intact.

The law establishes a general break period of 1 month, which can be up to 2-3 months, for example, for workers on Far North. Everything in a particular case depends on the circumstances of the dismissal. Sometimes you can challenge the integrity of labor years with a break of 1 year.

Circumstances under which seniority is canceled

Knowing how many days after the dismissal the seniority is interrupted and without allowing a delay, you can still reset the period of permanent employment. This happens due to two circumstances:

  1. Change of employers more than once a year.
  2. When an employee was fired.

When is continuity maintained?

Continuous experience after dismissal of one's own free will is preserved:

  1. When transferring a spouse to work in another city.
  2. In case of disability due to illness.
  3. When leaving on maternity leave until the child reaches 14 years of age.
  4. When forced to care for a disabled person.
  5. Upon liquidation of the employer.
  6. With downsizing.
  7. Dismissal at the onset of retirement age.

What does it affect

The low level of pension, which threatens to interrupt the length of service, is relevant to citizens born before 1963. Before the beginning pension reform 2002 years of service played a role in the final rate. For 16 years, the pension is formed from the insurance and funded parts. Thus, those who started their careers after 2002 may not take into account job continuity.

Continuous service after dismissal of one's own free will can provide additional allowances, subsidies and benefits in the future, but not an increased pension.

For whom does this type of experience play a role?

  1. Special categories of specialists (medical staff, rescuers).
  2. Employees of organizations in which long work is encouraged by salary bonuses and is used as a motivating tool.
  3. Workers with 30 years of service and above have the opportunity to earn the status of "Veteran of Labour", which affects the indexation of pensions and benefits.
  4. Employees whose insurance experience is less than uninterrupted for the period from 2007.
  5. Citizens who went on a legal vacation before the pension reform.

The concept of "continuity" of work experience (hereinafter referred to as NTS) was predominantly relevant until 2007 and was applied in accordance with the Rules in force at that time (approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 252 of 04/13/1973).

Until our time, this concept has been preserved, but it has not been fixed in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and has acquired a slightly different purpose. As before, speaking of the continuity of work experience, they mean the temporary periods when a citizen carried out labor activity without interruptions. Moreover, it is often associated with continuous work in general, as well as in a specific specialty (profession), with one employer or in a particular department.

Nevertheless, the continuity of seniority today entitles the employee to the use of a number of separate privileges. In the general case, it affects the duration of vacation, the amount of unemployment and sickness benefits, allowances for tariff rates, and annual bonus payments. So, continuous experience allows you to increase the size of the data compensation payments, increase the length of the standard vacation period.

For your information, the rules for calculating seniority have changed since 2007. When determining the length of service, the accounting department is guided by the regulations of the Federal Law No. 255 regarding compulsory social insurance of December 29, 2006, art. 16. Usually the continuity of experience is established according to the source documentation:

  1. Labor book.
  2. Payroll payroll.
  3. labor agreement.
  4. Certificates of the established form from work, etc.

In exceptional situations, when it is difficult to determine the length of service, they resort to the help of the FSS, the Ministry of Labor, and the capabilities of the archive.

The labor and insurance experience up to 2007 and after is standardly calculated. If it turns out that the NTS is greater than the insurance one, then only the continuous one is taken into account (according to the old order). This setting is used when calculating the amount of compensation.

Experience medical worker is determined in the same way as the insurance one (on the payment of obligatory insurance premiums).

When the experience after dismissal on the citizen’s own initiative is considered interrupted

It is possible to maintain continuity of service after dismissal from work only on specific conditions. The legislation defines the terms of employment for another job, subject to which the experience of an already unemployed citizen is not interrupted. The same rule applies to dismissal on one's own initiative (part 3 of article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Description of circumstances(grounds for dismissal, category of dismissed) Permissible period of incapacity for work, in which the NTS is preserved
On their own initiative, but without good reason 3 weeks
Due to staff reduction (during reorganization or liquidation) 3 months
On their own initiative, in the presence of compelling circumstances or upon agreement of the two parties
Persons who served under the contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation 12 months
Military personnel with more than 25 years of service;

combat veterans;

self-initiated dismissal upon retirement

With no restrictions

Employees of the Government and the State Duma of the Russian Federation half a year
Working in the conditions of the Far North;

already former employees of Russian companies located abroad

If a citizen has worked in one place for less than a year, the experience for him is not preserved. The three-week deadline does not apply to him. When dismissing on their own initiative, the following reasons are considered valid:

  • admission to a university for training;
  • relocation to another area, moving, including because of work;
  • an illness that interferes with the performance of duties;
  • caring for a sick relative, etc.

The experience is preserved under the circumstances specified in the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 1032-1 of 04/19/1991. The seniority may be interrupted when the employee repeatedly quit during the year for good reason.

Common Mistakes in Calculating Continuous Guard

Error Description Correct solution
The citizen quit on his own initiative and after 3 days was registered with the labor exchange.

Within a month he was again given a job. At a new location, when calculating compensation, the accountant needs to determine the NTS.

Making calculations, the employee of the accounting service did not take into account the time spent at the labor exchange.

As a result, the experience was considered interrupted.

The period when the dismissed person is listed on the labor exchange is counted in the NTS.

The unemployed person is paid a monthly allowance, but contributions are not calculated from it. Therefore, the named period is not taken into account only when assigning a pension

Identification of insurance and continuous work experience These concepts are closely related, but have a distinctive interpretation.

The key difference: the insurance is “responsible” for the appointment, the amount of the future pension, and the continuous labor affects the amount of sickness benefits and certain types of benefits

Recommendations on the issue of determining the length of service of specialists working by profession in the field of construction

The Ministry of Labor (letter No. 14-0 / 10 / V-2727 of 04/10/2017) draws attention to the applicable legislative norms on this issue. In particular, art. 195.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (on the qualifications of an employee), clause 3, part 6, art. 55.5-1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation (on the requirements for entering into the register of specialists in the construction industry), as well as OK, approved by the Resolution of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization and Metrology No. 276-st of September 30, 2003 (on specialty).

In the general case, the length of service in the specialty includes specific periods of work, which:

  • can be documented
  • fall on the time after receiving education (qualification);
  • correspond to the specialty specified in the diploma (other document on education);
  • and this specialty (according to the diploma) is required to perform work in a position in accordance with the direction of activity, current professional standards.

This document is endorsed by the Deputy Minister, Ph.D. n. L. Yu. Eltsova.

Experience is the length of time, days, weeks and years that a person has devoted to work. An employment contract, an entry in the Book, all the necessary formalities must be strictly observed, because only this indicates that for a person they should and transferred every penny of insurance premiums to Pension Fund Russian Federation, she "dripped" to the personal account of the future recipient.

So a certain amount was accumulated, which at the “age of survival”, and simply put, pension, or after an illness, an injury from which it is impossible to fully recover, a monthly security is paid

The total duration of both labor and socially useful activities, which is called seniority, has the most direct impact on the amount of temporary disability benefits and pensions.

What happens?


The total length of service includes periods when a person worked, was insured in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, served, was an individual entrepreneur. Federal Law "On Pensions in the Russian Federation" in Art. 30 emphasizes this type of seniority: it determines the rights to a pension secured by the recipient. Days or years of labor, work for society are calculated literally according to the calendar. In addition, the total experience of some individual representatives includes the time of creativity.

Separate periods are recognized and considered in the total length of service:

  • years of creativity for writers, artists, musicians, those who worked for trade unions that unite people of unusual professions;
  • soldiers and officers, when the time of service in the army is considered;
  • periods of illness when a person could not work for health reasons and doctors confirm this with their documents with signatures and seals;
  • the period when a person was recognized as a disabled person of I or II groups;
  • the time the person received benefits as unemployed.


The length of service is a relatively new concept, it is it that gives the right to a labor pension. In Article 2 of the Federal Law "On labor pensions" this length of service is defined as the periods during which insurance premiums were paid to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. They can be paid by the employer, but, in accordance with Article 29 of the Federal Law "On Compulsory Pension Insurance", a person can make contributions independently.


Special seniority is a period during which, for certain reasons, no payments were made to the Pension Fund. Otherwise, such length of service is called length of service, which is important for military personnel, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, prosecutors and citizens equated to these categories.


For people born in the USSR, such concepts as continuous and interrupted work experience were extremely important.

Continuous work experience - the period during which a person works at one enterprise, or changes his place of work, but not quitting, but transferring to another place, or if the time from dismissal to subsequent employment was no more than 21 days. The continuous length of service is calculated according to the Rules for calculating such length of service(TC article 423).

Why is it important?

Until 01.01. In 2007, almost all payments to mothers, sick, disabled people, people who lost their jobs depended on such length of service. Worked less than 5 years - do not count on the amount of benefits more than half of the monthly salary. Interrupted the experience for a disrespectful reason - the same thing. Only 8 years of work in one place or changing jobs not by dismissal, but by transferring to another place, it was possible to secure a guaranteed 100% salary, if you fell ill, could not work, you were caring for a small child.

Today, the continuity of experience has lost its former meaning, the concept itself is gradually becoming a thing of the past. Now the question of how long you can not work so that the experience is not interrupted is no longer too relevant. Only in some organizations, where this is stipulated in the Charter, the duration of vacation, the amount of severance pay, bonuses, and other payments depend on the continuous period of work.

Why is it needed?

The duration of employment allows you to correctly and accurately determine the amount of the future pension, which depends on the amount on the personal account of the person insured with the Pension Fund.

All citizens receive a social pension upon reaching a certain age. For men today it is 60 years, for women - 55.

But this is also the age of those who have the right to count on insurance payments, a very substantial supplement to social pension which depends on experience. The minimum length of service for a pension must be at least 7 years by this age. In the near future, this period is planned to be increased to 15 years.

But seniority affects a number of other payments. For example, its value affects payments for temporary disability, benefits. The larger it is, the higher the payout.

Hours of work and leaving work

In a number of organizations, continuous experience in accordance with the Charter plays important role. Will it be interrupted upon dismissal, what affects this, after how many days will this happen?

Retirement break

  • a person is dismissed by the employer for gross violations, absenteeism, rudeness, for not coping with duties and disrupting the work schedule of everyone;
  • stole something or caused serious damage to the company;
  • if a month after the dismissal, the person did not find another job;
  • resigned of his own free will, did not find a job within 21 days;
  • upon dismissal to get a job at an enterprise located in another area, a break in activity lasted more than 1 month, or a job was not found when moving due to the transfer of the spouse (s) to work in another city, region, etc.
  1. a person quit of his own free will for good reasons, as well as due to the liquidation of an enterprise or a reduction in staff;
  2. the break is caused by moving to a new place of work or service;
  3. upon dismissal, suspension from work illegally, in connection with an erroneous medical conclusion, if then the person was reinstated at work;
  4. the experience was interrupted due to the accusation of a crime, stay in places of detention, if the employee was subsequently acquitted and reinstated.

Often lawyers advise to increase the number of days when you can not work, but the experience will remain continuous, not just quit, but take a vacation with subsequent dismissal.

How many days are considered continuous when calculating at will

So, after what time can the length of service be interrupted between dismissal and employment in a new place, what period is considered continuous? With such a dismissal, when a person himself applies for no reason, you need to find a new job within 21 days, on the 22nd day of continuity comes to an end. But the period can be extended in this case.

For example, a woman quits because her husband is transferred to work or serve in another locality, this is especially true for the wives of military personnel and law enforcement officers.

In Soviet times, it was very important to know how long the seniority is interrupted. After all, then a lot depended on continuous service, and no matter how many years in a row you worked in production, if the experience was interrupted even for a day, then you had to start saving your 8 years to receive 100% of the payments.

Therefore, for such cases, when one of the spouses protects the law and order, they provided for “relaxations”, when the experience was not interrupted, by increasing the period of employment by another 1 week, that is, up to 30 days. You could look for a job for the same amount if you had to change it because of your health.

With a reduction in staff or if the enterprise was liquidated, the period became even longer - 3 months.

For mothers of children under the age of 14, the length of service during dismissal for reduction and child care is maintained for years until the son or daughter reaches the specified age, for mothers of patients, with disabilities, children - until the child reaches the age of majority.


The amount of work experience is very important for those who expect to receive not only social, but also insurance pensions.

Considering how quickly the Pension Legislation, it is important not only to follow innovations, but also to remember that even such a concept as continuous experience can affect various preferences in certain institutions, where the Charter provides for benefits and incentives for employees who remain loyal to the company. So knowing how long it is interrupted can sometimes be useful.