
Disposable diapers for maternity hospital. Disposable diapers in the hospital: what to take? Impractical envelopes and suits for discharge

Pathology of the uterus

Choosing the first clothes for newborns is a pleasant, but responsible task. Expert advice will help expectant mothers avoid mistakes and suggest what kindneeded in maternity hospital how to choose the right fabric, how not to make a mistake with the size and save on purchases.

The long-awaited baby was born, now only his mother depends on his comfort, well-being, health. The diversity of the market for children's goods is not always for the benefit of a helpless baby. Often, inexperienced parents prefer an attractive design, without thinking about the safety and rationality of the purchased item. Despite the huge range of overalls and rompers, one should not neglect traditional subject basic wardrobe newborn.

Does the baby need a diaper?

By all means! It helps the baby sleep peacefully and does a great job with many other important tasks. After all, what is a diaper? She plays the role flawlessly.

  • sheets in a stroller;
  • a cozy towel after bathing or washing;
  • sanitary napkins when feeding;
  • bedspreads on the massage table while taking air baths;
  • a light blanket while sleeping in a cool room.

However, its main purpose is to provide healthy sleep baby. Soft fabric gently hugs a tiny body, creating a cozy security for it. Frivolity in the choice of material is unacceptable. Mommy needs to know what diapers are best for a newborn, and make the right choice when buying. To do this, you should familiarize yourself with the main types of fabrics that are used in the manufacture of products for the smallest.

Features of the choice of material for diapers

A newborn baby will need 2 types of sheets for swaddling - light and warm. You should choose only 100% natural material. The presence of synthetic threads can harm the delicate skin of a baby, cause irritation and even an allergic reaction. Some people think that ideal options chintz for summer and cozy soft flannel for cooler weather . Although in fact the choice of fabrics is much wider, and each of them has its own advantages:

  • soft flannel - 100% cotton fibre. Comfortable fabric with fluffy fleece carefully monitors the temperature of the baby's skin, allows it to breathe, perfectly absorbs moisture, and does not become unpleasantly cold even when wet. In the cold season, it is used together with light , creating a special air layer and protecting from hypothermia;
  • flannel diapers are not inferior to flannel counterparts, differing only in density and the presence of two-sided hairiness. In the article, you can compare the properties of these fabrics and choose the best option for your baby;
  • light practical chintzdiaper, as well as and flannel, ideal for sensitive skin crumbs. Natural fiber provides natural heat transfer, protects against excessive heat, is perfectly washable and dries quickly. The fabric does not contain synthetic threads and does not cause allergies. For the manufacture of children's products, a special rarefied type of material is often used -. It has a low density and light texture, products made from it are delicate and soft. They are similar in quality baby muslin diapers, however, not inferior in quality, they significantly exceed their affordability;
  • even inexperienced mothers can easily cope with swaddling their first child, if they have chosen for this. The baby is very comfortable in such a "dress" - the elastic fabric obediently takes the form of a small body, without squeezing it and allowing it to move. For the production of diapers, 3 types of knitted fabrics of different thicknesses are used - a thin cooler, a thick and warm footer, and an interlock of medium density. Interlock singing is considered the highest quality. This material pleases with a delicate texture, an impeccably smooth surface and a good density of threads intertwined in a special way. Products from it perfectly retain their shape, wash well, and are easy to iron. Thicker knitted diaper footer can be used not only for swaddling, but also as a light blanket or bedding in a stroller. With all its undoubted advantages, it has one important drawback - it dries for too long.

How not to make a mistake with the size

All items of children's dowry should contribute to the maximum relief of mother's worries. High-quality clothes for babies are easy to wash and iron, and the sizes are age-appropriate and facilitate comfortable use. Often mothers simply do not represent what are diapers and how to choose the right parameters. Some manufacturers, in an effort to attract the attention of buyers with a low cost of goods for babies, offer the smallest possible diaper sizes.

We must not forget - free swaddling does not interfere with the movement of the arms and legs of the baby, and a small sheet simply cannot reliably perform its protective and warming function. In addition, newborn babies are growing rapidly, and in just a month you will need to update your baby's wardrobe. Right choice the size of the first diaper allows you to save on the purchase of the next.

According to experts, the optimal diaper sizes are: 80x120 cm for light sheets, 90x120 cm for flannel. In this case, the baby's legs remain securely covered, and the mother does not have to swaddle her active child every few minutes. True, many mothers managed to appreciate the advantages of a modern analogue of traditional products - they allow the baby to sleep peacefully and do not restrict his movements. However, it is hardly possible to do without diapers, given their functionality.

Now you know well what diapers are best for newborns and his serene well-being. When purchasing diapers, choose gentle calm shades - unnecessarily bright colours can adversely affect the vision of the baby. Be careful and carefully study the composition of the fabric - there should be no synthetic threads in it. You should not go to the market for diapers, an attractive price is not a reason to risk the health of the crumbs. It is better to use the products of a reliable manufacturer that guarantees impeccable quality and safety.

Birth of a child - important point in life, requiring the preparation of mom, dad, relatives. A crib, a stroller, a bathtub have already been bought, there is a large supply of diapers. There is a certain list of things mom needs in the hospital. It is required to bring personal hygiene products, towels, toothpaste, brush. It is also important to know what diapers are needed in the hospital.

List of things in the hospital

A list of necessary things is often provided to expectant mothers by an obstetrician-gynecologist. The list includes a list of medicines, medical supplies. The expectant mother will need a bathrobe, slippers, underwear. It is important to take the necessary documents, certificates, extracts.

Naturally, before the birth of a baby, the condition is exciting. But it is important to be extremely careful when packing a bag. It is better to take the necessary diapers in advance. It is good when the bag is collected 2 weeks before the birth. Prepare mentally, psychologically, physically. So that there are no things forgotten in the hospital, mark each item on the list as you put it in a special bag.

Diapers in the hospital will also be needed. Without this attribute, nowhere! They will need the baby, mom. They are worth buying, as practice shows, the more, the better. If several diapers remain unused, then 100% will be useful upon arrival home from the hospital. With regard to disposable diapers, it is important to consider the feature: the top layer is soft and absorbent, and the bottom one is not leaky. These are important factors when a child lies without a diaper.

diaper disposable It is very appropriate to use during a trip to the doctor. They are good to lay in a stroller or bed as bedding. Indispensable in the process of hygiene procedures, when you put the baby on the changing table. At a price they are inexpensive, you can buy at any pharmacy, on the shelves of supermarkets. In the first days, 5-7 pieces are enough.

Dimensions and Quantity

Do you need diapers in the hospital? To the question of obstetricians, nurses, giving birth girls answer in the affirmative. You can't do without this attribute. You will need disposable, reusable products.

What size diapers do you need for the maternity hospital:

  • 60x40;
  • 60x90;
  • 90x90;

The size of diapers for newborns is 90x90 and 100x100 cm. best options swaddling baby. It is important to choose a material that will not shed when washed, change color, size. It is better to choose pastel shades. Matter should be light, no doubt, be as soft as possible. Before buying diapers, it is important to carefully examine the seams, they should be neat, thin, so as not to injure the delicate skin of the baby.
Some mothers who do not trust modern manufacturers sew diapers on their own. It is not difficult, in specialized stores you can find a suitable, natural fabric that will be pleasant to the body and will not cause allergic reactions in the baby.

How many diapers do you need for a maternity hospital? Each mother answers the question in a different way. personal experience. The average number is 15 pieces. Believe me, this product will not be superfluous for either mom or baby. Some people think that you need to take 20 diapers to the hospital. This is the maximum amount. Today there are many color schemes and colors, shades of goods for children. For little baby girls, beautiful pink things are chosen, for boys, blue ones.

Extract in winter

How to swaddle for discharge in winter? The seasonal factor when discharged from the maternity ward is important to consider. Things for the baby should be chosen not only high-quality, but also warm. Many mothers have no idea how they will endure the baby in the cold, even to the car. They take several overalls, jackets, warm pants, tights, hats. Dressing a baby in a hundred clothes is not an option. The baby should be not only warm, but also cozy, comfortable, easy. Some mothers believe that clothes for discharge are bright festive things, but do not take into account the factors of warmth and comfort for the baby.

The size of diapers for discharge from the maternity hospital in winter is the same as for summer discharge. Just considering the seasonal factor, it is worth remembering that this item of children's clothes should be warm and pleasant to the body. Don't forget to wear a hat in the winter. Should be 2. One is thin, the second is warm. As a result of all of the above, it can be said with accuracy that everyone will need diapers in the maternity hospital.

What is their optimal number? It all depends on how mom will use them. It is always worth remembering that there are several points when comparing diapers with diapers. If a mother keeps her child in diapers for days on end (no matter how good they were), then his butt can get an unpleasant problem in the form of diaper rash, since the skin will not be able to breathe. it can strongly pinch the baby's skin, cause pain, irritation, an allergic reaction, and scare. Doctors advise swaddling a baby in the first months of life during sleep.

During the first days of life, the child learns to adapt to what is happening to him. If he gets wet, he will not like it, and will let his parents know with a loud cry. These babies will get used to the potty earlier than babies who are in diapers all the time.

It can be concluded that diapers are a useful thing. Having counted the number, it turns out, on average, a child will need to buy ten thick warm diapers and ten from thin matter. Plus, add three to five disposables, you get the first necessary minimum when you go home. At some point, there will not be enough diapers, you will have time to buy.

Every expectant mother thinks about questions about the "dowry" of the baby in anticipation of her precious miracle. There are only a few weeks and days left, the crib is comfortably settled in the nursery, the stroller is waiting for its owner in the hallway, and the expectant mother is thinking about the much-needed little things. How many diapers do you need for a newborn? Which is more convenient: diapers or a swaddling bag for newborns? What kind of diapers do newborns need? But in addition to the number of diapers, you also need to think about the quality of the material from which they are made. Let's help a little future young mothers in this and try to answer these questions.

So let's go to the hospital. How many diapers for a newborn should I take with me or what diapers does a newborn need?

For simplicity of our calculations, let's divide our conversation into three parts:

  1. prenatal period,
  2. postpartum period in hospital
  3. baby at home.

So, let's begin.

Getting ready to meet your baby

There is very little left before the meeting, and already such a long-awaited hour can come literally at any moment. It's time to think about what to take with you to the hospital. For convenience, we advise you to divide everything you need into several parts:

  • for mother before childbirth,
  • for mom in the delivery room,
  • for the baby in the delivery room,
  • for mom in the postpartum ward,
  • for the baby in the postpartum ward,
  • for mum's statement
  • for discharge for the baby.

All this wealth is better to put in three different bags. You will immediately take one of them with you, the second will be brought to you by relatives immediately after the birth of the baby, and the third - for discharge.

It is worth noting that for convenience (so that at the most important moment you do not have to search for what you need in the depths of the bag), it is best to put a list of what is in it and in which package in each of the bags. As a rule, men in situations associated with a trip to the hospital are most often lost.

Let's see what exactly we need to collect the first bag (in the antenatal ward and delivery room).

Bag number 1 (let's go to give birth)

The very first thing that should be at hand is the documents. Identification passport; an exchange card of a pregnant woman, filled out by your gynecologist; if you plan joint birth(together with her husband), then his fluorography is MANDATORY.

Secondly, it is worth taking a bottle of water without gas for you and your husband (if he is present at the birth) and light food. If you do not want to have a snack during childbirth, then after all the events it will not hurt to restore your strength.

Thirdly, a clean t-shirt or birthing shirt for you, clean clothes and shoes for dad and a pair of moisture-absorbing diapers.
That's all that is required for adults in the delivery room.

As for the baby, the list will be a little longer:

  • diapers (size No. 1 "for newborns"), which will be immediately put on the crumbs after being wiped, measured and weighed;
  • sliders and a vest (as an option, you can take a simple and convenient "little man" with closed arms and legs);
  • cap with ties. You can, of course, without strings, but the first is more convenient;
  • socks for the little ones;
  • diapers (how many diapers are needed for a newborn and which ones, it is best to check at the maternity hospital in advance, since their type and quantity will depend on the season and conditions in the maternity ward. Do not try to take beautiful diapers for childbirth. They will wipe the baby from meconium, which then does not wash off);
  • a blanket or a blanket is usually given out in maternity hospitals, but you can also take your own from home.

All collected? Well, now we calmly take our beloved husband by the arm, he takes bag No. 1 and boldly go to meet his most important miracle!

Hello, let's get acquainted!

Behind the long hours of contractions and waiting, the first cries of your baby, the first measurements, and you, along with this small and tender lump, find yourself alone in a separate room. You have to get to know each other. Of course, you were together for all 9 months, but then you had everything one for two, and now the baby is learning to live separately from his mother's warm and cozy tummy. In order to take care of the baby and recover after childbirth, you will need a magic bag No. 2, which your relatives will bring to you. But what is there?

Bag number 2. Well, me and my mom!

The list of necessary things for the mother in the postpartum ward is best clarified in advance at the maternity hospital itself. Then you will definitely not forget anything and at the same time you will not look in vain and put extra things in your bag that you will not need.
As for the things necessary for the baby in the postpartum ward, then the list will be as follows.

How many diapers you need for a newborn will depend on whether you will constantly use disposable diapers or diapers. Also, a diaper may well replace a towel. It is better to purchase a set of diapers for newborns.

One pack each: diapers for newborns (size #1) and disposable moisture-absorbing diapers.

baby skin care products (cream, wet wipes, soap, oil, powder). There are many such baby kits specifically for newborn care;

  • electronic thermometer (it is preferable to mercury);
  • 2-3 hats so that your baby does not freeze;
  • 3-4 "little men" or a set of undershirts and sliders;
  • 3-4 sets of bodysuits or blouses.

We think that it should not be reminded that all clothes for a newborn and diapers should be clean, ironed, with seams outward (to avoid injuries to the delicate skin of the baby), have comfortable fasteners and use only natural materials. In order not to be mistaken, take clothes of the 56th size.

You will stay in the postpartum ward for only a few days while the doctors carefully monitor your condition with the baby. And then the long-awaited day of discharge will come and this is where bag No. 3 will be needed.

Bag number 3. Goodbye to this house, and we will go to our own!

What should be in this bag? Of course, things for mom to be discharged (each woman decides for herself) and clothes for the most important family member - your little one. First of all, these will be the already so familiar diapers for newborns, a “little man” (it is most convenient for discharge), a hat and mittens, and a jumpsuit. Everything should be perfectly washed and ironed on both sides.

How many diapers you need for a newborn will depend on whether you are going to swaddle and wrap your baby in a blanket or wrap your happiness in a swaddling envelope for newborns.
This is the beginning of your baby's journey into the big world.

We wish you good luck!

Here is my village! Here is my home!

So, you are finally at home, where a pretty decent “dowry” awaits a little crumb. Here are a variety of things for your beloved child, and among them, of course, diapers that have entered a person's life since time immemorial. Many mothers still remember the period when comfortable and loved by all diapers simply did not exist. What did our mothers and grandmothers do? They swaddled their children and used gauze diapers, which they washed and dried. Many of us still remember these diaper garlands in the kitchen, on the balcony, and indeed throughout the house. The number of diapers for a newborn was simply grandiose and numbered in the tens. What were these diapers used for?

Well, firstly, directly for swaddling. Then swaddled absolutely all the kids and quite tight. It was believed that in this way the child would sleep more peacefully and would not wake himself up accidentally with a hand or foot. There is a certain amount of common sense in this. Though modern doctors and do not recommend swaddling a baby for the purpose of freer development of the child, but sometimes such swaddling becomes simply necessary.

Secondly, the diaper is laid in the crib over the oilcloth. Parents who do not adhere to the constant use of disposable diapers and now make beds for babies this way. This is quite convenient, because if the child peed, then the diaper was replaced, and the oilcloth was simply wiped off. Of course, when using diapers, such a need is excluded, because. diapers (sheets in the crib) remain dry.

Thirdly, you can cover an adult bed or stroller with a diaper or use it in a doctor's office when examining a baby. V modern world disposable diapers are suitable for this, which we will talk about a little later.

In addition to the quantity, it is also worth mentioning which diapers a newborn needs. First, let's deal with the materials used for sewing baby diapers.
The most comfortable for the summer period are light and weightless cotton diapers. It is desirable to purchase 5 pieces.
We also recommend purchasing 5 warm flannel (flannelette, 100% cotton) diapers, which are most often used for swaddling a baby in the cool season or as a sheet in a stroller or crib or instead of a towel. As a rule, these are soft warm diapers with thick fleece.

The most convenient for swaddling in the cold season are knitted diapers or cocoon diapers. If you prefer regular swaddling, then purchase 5 simple knit diapers. If you want more comfortable swaddling, then 2 cocoon diapers. But these are not the most practical and comfortable diapers for the baby. So before buying them, you should think: is it necessary?

Last on our list, but far from the last in use, are disposable diapers. A feature of such diapers is their structure: the top layer is soft and absorbent, and the bottom layer is impervious (when the baby is without a diaper). Thus, they are very convenient to use during visits to the pediatrician, in a stroller or crib as bedding, during hygiene procedures on the changing table. They are inexpensive, you can buy at any pharmacy and for the first time 3-5 pieces are enough.

How to choose the right diapers

In order for your baby and you to be as comfortable as possible, you need to choose the right diaper. There are several criteria for this:

  • the size of the diaper should ideally be from 90x90 cm to 100x100 cm. This is the optimal size for swaddling a baby;
  • choose diapers made of fabric that will not shed. It's like the diaper rules in pastel shades. Too much bright fabric may turn out to be shedding when washing;
  • the material must be of high quality and not in doubt, be soft and pleasant to the touch;
  • carefully inspect the seams with which the diaper is processed. They should be thin and neat so as not to accidentally injure the delicate skin of the baby.

If you want to be 100% sure of the quality of diapers, you can sew them yourself. It will be not only convenient, but also profitable.

Summing up

So how many diapers do you need for a newborn?
Summing up all of the above, we can say with confidence that everyone needs diapers. What exactly will be the number of them? It depends on how mommy will use them. In any case, it is worth remembering that there are several points in the comparison of diapers and diapers, which influence the choice in the direction of one or the other.

If you keep your baby in diapers around the clock (no matter how unturned they are), then his ass runs the risk of getting diaper rash, as the skin will not breathe enough.

Given the peculiarity of children in a dream to twitch their arms or legs, if the child is not swaddled, he may unsuccessfully pinch something for himself that will cause fear and pain. Therefore, many people still recommend swaddling the baby in the first months of life during sleep.

In the first months of life, the baby is just beginning to get used to everything that happens to his body. If the baby becomes wet, he does not like it and he tells his mother about it with his cry. Such babies are potty trained earlier than those who constantly sit in diapers. So diapers also discipline.

Based on all this, and after analyzing everything that we talked about in the article, we come to the conclusion that diapers are simply necessary. By counting the number, we get that on average for one baby you need to purchase 10 thick warm diapers and 10 from light thin material. Add 3-5 disposable diapers to them and get the first necessary minimum at the time of discharge from the hospital. If suddenly diapers are not enough, then you can buy them at any time.

The most comfortable size of disposable diapers in the maternity hospital is 60x90 cm. The most convenient bedding material is waterproof diapers in a roll or in the form of sheets. At the same time, it is desirable that they be sterile. This will ensure optimal hygienic conditions during childbirth and while caring for the baby.

How many disposable diapers do you need for a maternity hospital?

Having decided on the type and size of the material, it is necessary to decide how many disposable diapers to take to the hospital. Most often, expectant mothers manage 7-15 pieces of waterproof sterile diapers. For the birth itself, 3-6 pieces are required. Disposable postpartum diapers, necessary for the care of mother and child, average 3-4 pieces per day.

However, taking into account possible unforeseen circumstances, it would be wiser to take care of having 4-5 extra diapers in reserve.

Disposable diapers in the hospital: price

Of course, disposable diapers for women in labor are a necessary thing. Moreover, today manufacturers offer wide range of not only their types, but also brands with an appropriate price range.

  • Medmil - from 123 to 470 rubles.
  • Molinea - from 211 to 2381 rubles.
  • Babyline - from 155 to 390 rubles.
  • Babylon - from 67 to 570 rubles.
  • Seni - from 99 to 1358 rubles.
  • Every day - from 67 to 221 rubles.
  • Dailee - from 420 to 600 rubles.
  • Tena - from 97 to 961 rubles.
  • Hartmann - from 220 to 750 rubles.
  • Helen Harper - from 120 to 327 rubles.
  • 365 days - from 148 to 240 rubles.
  • Luxsan - from 102 to 782 rubles.
  • Sun and moon - from 110 to 410 rubles.
  • Teresa - from 128 to 950 rubles.
  • Okay - from 80 to 510 rubles.
  • Aro - from 240 to 334 rubles.
  • Peligrin - from 95 to 1003 rubles.

The choice is very large. After all, every woman has her own criteria and preferences in this matter, whether it be high quality or reasonable price.

Review and comparison of absorbent diapers video:

So, should you buy disposable absorbent diapers for the maternity hospital? All the advantages and availability of this hygiene product are obvious. Moreover, when it comes to the health and safety of not only the mother, but also the newborn baby, the choice in favor of their use becomes obvious.

Inexperienced future parents, as a rule, do not know anything about what to take to the hospital. Therefore, collecting everything they need, they often forget something important in a hurry, but then they come to the hospital with a lot of absolutely unnecessary things. In order to prevent this from happening to you, you will need to make your own list of necessary things for the hospital and collect everything you need to take from it in advance.

What to take to the hospital - JUST a list

Young parents, as a rule, do not know what to take to the hospital

Pregnancy is a special and exciting period in the life of every family, it is filled with touching moments and pleasant chores. The expectant mother has a huge number of questions, to which it is not always easy to find an unambiguous and correct answer. At the end of pregnancy, she increasingly thinks about what to take to the hospital. Having found a variety of information on the Internet, listening to the advice of girlfriends and mothers, many are completely confused.

Often already in the maternity hospital, we realize that we took a lot of absolutely unnecessary things, and at the same time we forgot something very important. How to find the golden mean - take everything you need and at the same time not have so many bags, as if you are going on a trip around the world? Let's look into this issue together. We hope our article JUST helps you compose list of things to the maternity hospital.

It is advisable to collect all the necessary in advance, because you never know when an important process may begin. Gathering during fights is far from the most pleasant experience; in a hurry, you will surely forget something you need, but you simply won’t have time to take something. In addition, the first contractions can be very painful, then you will not have time to get ready at all. Is it worth saying that at this time it is better to concentrate on the future baby and on the upcoming birth process, and not worry about what to take to the hospital

Each maternity hospital usually has recommended list necessary things. If you have already chosen a maternity hospital, check out this list, it is usually posted on information boards in the halls. Each individual maternity hospital may have its own nuances - for example, in private ones, everything or almost everything is given out on the spot, you can go there "light". In our list, we will focus on the average state maternity hospital.

So, it is better to divide everything you need, and, accordingly, packages (or bags), into the maternity hospital into things for the prenatal and postnatal wards, and also prepare what to take for discharge. You should immediately take everything collected to the prenatal ward with you to the maternity hospital, but things for the postpartum ward, and, moreover, things for discharge, can be delivered to you after childbirth, it is only important to collect them in advance.

List of things in the hospital

In the antenatal ward you will need such things

For Mom

Documentation(passport, exchange card), money mobile phone and Charger for him. If you paid in advance for any services of the maternity hospital (separate or improved room, joint delivery, any contribution, etc.), take with you receipts about payment.
for them, if there is a desire to capture important moments for the family archive.
Clothes for childbirth, which you will change into in the reception department - a nightgown, a bathrobe (thin or warm - depending on the time of year), slippers, socks. Well, if the shirt is unbuttoned from above - then it will be more convenient for a newborn baby to be applied to the chest.
If you are planning a joint birth, you will also need change of clothes for your partner- as a rule, in maternity hospitals they require to have sets of disposable clothes - shoe covers, a dressing gown, a hat (bonnet). Such kits are sold in pharmacies, they can also be sold or issued directly at the emergency department of the maternity hospital. Sets of disposable clothing are available in different sizes, pay attention to this so that the wrong size of the set does not become an unpleasant surprise before childbirth.
Hygiene products- toilet paper, soap, towel. In some maternity hospitals (or separate antenatal wards) it is possible to take a shower, for many this procedure helps to relax during contractions.
Disposable diapers - modern hygiene products that do not allow moisture to pass through, soft to the touch. Much more comfortable than an oilcloth combined with a sheet or an ordinary diaper. It is convenient to lay on the bed, gym ball, chair.

A list of things in the hospital must be made in advance

Underwear, pads for postpartum discharge you will need immediately after childbirth.
Food, drinking water. A sandwich, cookie or chocolate bar for a small snack will come in handy if the birth process is delayed. This item is especially relevant for those who are planning a joint birth. It is likely that you and your birth partner will need a lot of strength, they will need to be restored.
Book, player, laptop- far from the most necessary things. However, not everyone starts giving birth quickly, many spend some time in the hospital waiting for contractions, in this case, a favorite book or music will help pass the waiting hours.

For a newborn

Diapers. In the antenatal ward you will need one diaper, just in case you can take two, but no more. Buy diapers in the smallest sizes (usually, this size has a name new born), even if a large baby is predicted for you. It doesn't matter what brand of diapers you buy, because you can find out how suitable they are for your baby only after use. Usually, during the first months of a baby’s life, mothers try diapers of several different brands and only after that they opt for something specific.
A set of diapers or clothes for a newborn. In some maternity hospitals, a newborn is swaddled, then you will need diapers - just in case, prepare two light cotton diapers and two flannel (flannel), it is unlikely that all diapers will be useful to you in the prenatal ward, but already in the postnatal ward you will definitely use them. If in the maternity hospital of your choice, after childbirth, the baby is not swaddled, but dressed in clothes, prepare a set of clothes of the smallest, 56th size (there is also a 50th size of clothes for very tiny newborns, clothes of this size are not so easy to find) -. At home, wash diapers and clothes in advance with baby powder (or baby soap), iron them with an iron.
Whether to take to the hospital bottle and mixture- a controversial issue, it all depends on whether you are going to supplement the baby with a mixture or supplement it with water. Note that many maternity hospitals do not allow you to use your own bottles, this is due to the inability to sterilize your bottle separately.

So, you have successfully passed the most difficult, met the long-awaited baby, and you were transferred to the postpartum ward, where you and your baby will stay for some time before being discharged home. Now almost all maternity hospitals practice the joint stay of mother and child. Exceptions are cases when a mother is physically unable to take care of a child after a caesarean section, due to a difficult birth or some other reason. In our list of necessary things in the maternity hospital, we will focus on the joint stay of mother and child.

In the postpartum ward you will need such things

For Mom

Gather everything you need for the hospital and for your baby

Cloth. For sure, you can use the same bathrobe and slippers as in the prenatal ward. But prepare a new nightgown. Again, it is very convenient for breastfeeding when the top of the shirt is unbuttoned.
Hygiene products. In addition to the standard set - toilet paper, napkins, soap (shower gel), toothbrush and paste, shampoo, towels, combs and elastic bands or hairpins - take what you usually use at home every day - cream, antiperspirant. Also, pay attention to the fact that the toilet paper that you will use after childbirth should be soft, this is especially important for those who will have stitches.
Cosmetics. You will need it if you use it daily and will use it in the maternity hospital.
Underwear, pads for postpartum discharge. Now most women purchase special pads for postpartum discharge, however, in addition to purchased ones, we recommend that you also take home-made ones. It may sound old fashioned, but it often happens after childbirth that even the softest commercial pads cause discomfort. Self-made pads made of cotton and bandage are very soft and gentle, and this is very important for the first days after childbirth. In any case, it is better to take several types of postpartum pads, after a single use you will determine the best option for yourself.
Cream for cracked nipples. Very often, at first, such cracks appear in women, this happens most often due to improper attachment of the child to the breast. Cracks are very painful, breastfeeding a baby with cracks is very difficult, so get a cream for cracks in advance and do not forget to take it to the hospital. It is better to buy a cream that does not need to be washed off before feeding the baby.
nursing bra- an indispensable thing when breastfeeding. This is a bra with a special comfortable design, designed specifically for breastfeeding women.
Bra pads. Often, breastfeeding women face the problem of milk leakage, as a result, stains appear on clothes in the chest area, and the bra becomes wet. In order not to wash clothes several times a day (at least), there are bra pads that absorb milk and prevent it from leaking onto clothes.
Will you need drinking water, cup, spoon plate, You will find out already in the hospital. Some maternity hospitals provide all this, more often in paid wards.
Notepad and pen come in handy when you need to write something down. And you will write down something - questions about the baby that you want to ask the doctor (because, as luck would have it, everything important that we wanted to ask about instantly flies out of our heads as soon as the doctor enters the ward), records relating to the baby and caring for him. Also, for sure, you will need something already in the maternity hospital, and it will be convenient to make a mini-list of such necessary things and pass it on to your relatives.
for them, if there is a desire to capture important moments for the family archive and if you did not take them to the antenatal ward.
Documentation(passport, exchange card), money(it is desirable to have also small change bills), phone charger- will remain with you from the prenatal ward.
Book, player, laptop again, not the most necessary things. It is unlikely that in the first days after childbirth you will have the time and desire to use it, or, unless you can imagine yourself without a good book or music, or if you, as an indispensable specialist, need to work on a laptop and in the maternity hospital.

For baby

Diapers or with the required number of interchangeable liners. The principles of their choice do not differ from the principles of choosing diapers in the prenatal ward. Usually a newborn baby needs about 8-10 diapers per day.
Cloth. As a rule, now the baby is not swaddled, but dressed in clothes. Of course, if you plan to swaddle the baby, then you will not need clothes, perhaps, except for a hat and socks. If you plan to dress the baby, prepare her sets of clothes - little men, bodysuits, sliders, vests, hats, scratches and socks. Over time, you will determine for yourself what type of clothing you will be more comfortable using. 3-4 sets will be enough for the baby per day, do not take too many clothes, it is better to ask your relatives to give you a lift if you spend more per day.
Diapers ordinary and disposable. Even if you do not plan to swaddle your baby, you will still need diapers - lay them on the bed, changing table, on the scales or in the baby's crib, cover it. Regardless of the season, take both cotton and flannelette (flannel) diapers, 5-6 pieces each, this will be enough for you for the first time, then, if necessary, you can always ask your relatives to bring more. Wash diapers first baby powder(or baby soap) and iron.
Disposable diapers are convenient to use, they do not allow moisture to pass through, but are used more often as an addition and do not completely replace ordinary diapers.
. Standard is peroxide, brilliant green (or tincture of calendula), cotton buds. Now it is increasingly recommended to use calendula tincture instead of brilliant green - it does not paint over the skin around the navel, and any changes in the condition or color of the skin in this place are clearly visible to the mother. Cotton swabs are used exclusively for skin care around the navel, it is highly undesirable to climb these sticks directly into the umbilical wound.
. At the hospital, you may need powder or oil (remember that powder and oil are never used together, since powder dries the skin, and oil, on the contrary, moisturizes it), diaper rash cream (in case your crumbs have such troubles ). Many mothers use these baby hygiene products, even if there is no reason for it. Do not experiment with your baby's skin, use only those products that are necessary.
In the maternity hospital, you will probably use baby soap (or shower gel), cotton sponges or wash rolls, cotton turundas for cleaning ears and nose. You will also need a towel for your baby (pre-washed in baby powder or baby soap and ironed), although a diaper can also be used instead. If your room does not have a toilet or washbasin, or if you do not want to wash your baby with tap water, it is convenient to have a bottle of baby water for daily washing.
Wet wipes often help out, but you still shouldn't use them all the time.
You can take children's scissors to the hospital - usually babies are born with long and sharp nails, they scratch themselves with them, so they can be cut off already in the first days of life. Moreover, in the maternity hospital you can ask the doctor to show you how to do it correctly.
Bottle, pacifier- It is up to you to decide whether to take these accessories with you. We have already talked about the bottle. You can take a pacifier to the hospital if you plan to use it for your baby.

Don't forget to cook clothes to go out for yourself and the baby. As a rule, a smart suit and / or a beautiful envelope (or diaper) are bought for newborns to be discharged. A box of chocolates will also come in handy - if you want to support an existing maternity hospitals the tradition of giving sweets to a nurse who delivers a newborn to welcoming relatives.

A short list of things in the hospital

And now we give a short list of what to take to the hospital, it is convenient to print it out and adjust it so that it suits you.

Prenatal ward

For Mom
  • Documentation: passport, exchange card.
  • Money.
  • Mobile phone and Charger for him.
  • Receipts payment for additional services.
  • Camcorder, camera, chargers for them.
  • Clothes for childbirth: nightgown, bathrobe, slippers, socks.
  • Change of clothes for your partner: shoe covers, bathrobe, hat (bonnet).
  • Hygiene products: toilet paper, soap, towel.
  • Disposable diapers.
  • Underwear, pads.
  • Food(sandwich, cookie or chocolate bar), drinking water.
  • Book, player, laptop(if you go to the hospital in advance).
For a newborn
  • Diapers(1-2 pcs size new born).
  • diaper set: chintz - 2 pcs, flannel (flannel) - 2 pcs.
  • Or clothes for a newborn- 1 set size 56.
  • bottle and mixture(if you think it's necessary).

Postpartum ward

For Mom
  • Cloth: another nightgown.
  • Hygiene products: toilet paper, tissues, soap (shower gel), toothbrush and paste, shampoo, towel, comb and hair ties or hairpins, cream, antiperspirant.
  • Cosmetics.
  • Underwear, pads.
  • Cream for cracked nipples.
  • nursing bra.
  • Bra pads.
  • Drinking water, cup, spoon plate(depending on the conditions of the hospital).
  • Notepad and pen.
  • Camcorder, camera, chargers for them.
  • Documentation: passport, exchange card (remain from the prenatal ward).
  • Money.
  • Phone charger(remains from the prenatal ward).
  • Book, player, laptop(if necessary).
For baby
  • Diapers(8-10 pieces per day) or natural swaddling system with the required number of interchangeable inserts.
  • Cloth(3-4 sets per day).
  • Common diapers: chintz (5-6 pcs), flannelette (flannel) (5-6 pcs).
  • Disposable diapers.
  • Care products umbilical wound : peroxide, brilliant green (calendula tincture), cotton swabs.
  • Children's cosmetics and hygiene products: powder, oil, diaper rash cream, baby soap or shower gel, cotton sponges or wash rollers, cotton turundas, a towel, a bottle of baby water, wet wipes.
  • Children's scissors.
  • Bottle, pacifier(if you think it's necessary).

For discharge

  • Mom's clothes
  • Cosmetics
  • Baby clothes: a smart suit and / or a beautiful envelope.
  • Camcorder, camera, chargers for them.
  • Box of candies.

Surely, you will remove something from this list, add something, but we hope that we have helped you form the basis for your own list of things for the maternity hospital and sort out some contentious issues.

We wish you an easy delivery and a healthy baby!

Irina Zayats

Last updated 09/13/2010

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Questions and answers

Question. Is bed linen included in the maternity hospital list?
Answer. Usually, bedding is given out in maternity hospitals, but just in case, it is better to clarify this nuance in the maternity hospital where you will give birth.

The birth of a child is an important moment in life, requiring the preparation of mom, dad, relatives. A crib, a stroller, a bathtub have already been bought, there is a large supply of diapers. There is a certain list of things mom needs in the hospital. It is required to take personal hygiene products, towels, toothpaste, brush. It is also important to know what diapers are needed in the hospital.

List of things in the hospital

A list of necessary things is often provided to expectant mothers by an obstetrician-gynecologist. The list includes a list of medicines, medical supplies. The expectant mother will need a bathrobe, slippers, underwear. It is important to take the necessary documents, certificates, extracts.

Naturally, before the birth of a baby, the condition is exciting. But it is important to be extremely careful when packing a bag. It is better to take the necessary diapers in advance. It is good when the bag is collected 2 weeks before the birth. Prepare mentally, psychologically, physically.

So that there are no things forgotten in the hospital, mark each item on the list as you put it in a special bag.

Diapers in the hospital will also be needed. Without this attribute, nowhere! They will need the baby, mom. They are worth buying, as practice shows, the more - the better. If several diapers remain unused, then 100% will be useful upon arrival home from the hospital. With regard to disposable diapers, it is important to consider the feature: the top layer is soft and absorbent, and the bottom one is not leaky. These are important factors when a child lies without a diaper.

A disposable diaper is very appropriate to use during a trip to the doctor. They are good to lay in a stroller or bed as bedding. Indispensable in the process of hygiene procedures, when you put the baby on the changing table. At a price they are inexpensive, you can buy at any pharmacy, on the shelves of supermarkets. In the first days, 5-7 pieces are enough.

Dimensions and Quantity

Do you need diapers in the hospital? To the question of obstetricians, nurses, giving birth girls answer in the affirmative. You can't do without this attribute. You will need disposable, reusable products.

What size diapers do you need for the maternity hospital:

  • 60x40;
  • 60x90;
  • 90x90;

The size of diapers for newborns - 90x90 and 100x100 cm are the best options for swaddling a baby. It is important to choose a material that will not shed when washed, change color, size. It is better to choose pastel shades. Matter should be light, no doubt, be as soft as possible. Before buying diapers, it is important to carefully examine the seams, they should be neat, thin, so as not to injure the delicate skin of the baby.

Some mothers who do not trust modern manufacturers sew diapers on their own. It is not difficult, in specialized stores you can find a suitable, natural fabric that will be pleasant to the body and will not cause allergic reactions in the baby.

How many diapers do you need for a maternity hospital? Each mother answers the question differently from personal experience. The average number is 15 pieces. Believe me, this product will not be superfluous for either mom or baby. Some people think that you need to take 20 diapers to the hospital. This is the maximum amount. Today there are many colors and colors, shades of goods for children. For little baby girls, beautiful pink things are chosen, for boys, blue ones.

Extract in winter

How to swaddle for discharge in winter? The seasonal factor when discharged from the maternity ward is important to consider. Things for the baby should be chosen not only high-quality, but also warm. Many mothers have no idea how they will endure the baby in the cold, even to the car. They take several overalls, jackets, warm pants, tights, hats. Dressing a baby in a hundred clothes is not an option. The baby should be not only warm, but also cozy, comfortable, easy. Some mothers believe that clothes for discharge are bright festive things, but do not take into account the factors of warmth and comfort for the baby.

What is their optimal number? It all depends on how mom will use them. It is always worth remembering that there are several points when comparing diapers with diapers. If a mother keeps her child in diapers for days on end (no matter how good they were), then his butt can get an unpleasant problem in the form of diaper rash, since the skin will not be able to breathe. it can strongly pinch the baby's skin, cause pain, irritation, an allergic reaction, and scare. Doctors advise swaddling a baby in the first months of life during sleep.

During the first days of life, the child learns to adapt to what is happening to him. If he gets wet, he will not like it, and will let his parents know with a loud cry. These babies will get used to the potty earlier than babies who are in diapers all the time.

It can be concluded that diapers are a useful thing. Having counted the number, it turns out, on average, a child will need to buy ten thick warm diapers and ten from thin matter. Plus, add three to five disposables, you get the first necessary minimum when you go home. At some point, there will not be enough diapers, you will have time to buy.

The birth of a child is an important moment in life, requiring the preparation of mom, dad, relatives. A crib, a stroller, a bathtub have already been bought, there is a large supply of diapers. There is a certain list of things mom needs in the hospital. It is required to take personal hygiene products, towels, toothpaste, brush. It is also important to know what diapers are needed in the hospital.

List of things in the hospital

A list of necessary things is often provided to expectant mothers by an obstetrician-gynecologist. The list includes a list of medicines, medical supplies. The expectant mother will need a bathrobe, slippers, underwear. It is important to take the necessary documents, certificates, extracts.

Naturally, before the birth of a baby, the condition is exciting. But it is important to be extremely careful when packing a bag. It is better to take the necessary diapers in advance. It is good when the bag is collected 2 weeks before the birth. Prepare mentally, psychologically, physically.

So that there are no things forgotten in the hospital, mark each item on the list as you put it in a special bag.

Diapers in the hospital will also be needed. Without this attribute, nowhere! They will need the baby, mom. They are worth buying, as practice shows, the more, the better. If several diapers remain unused, then 100% will be useful upon arrival home from the hospital. With regard to disposable diapers, it is important to consider the feature: the top layer is soft and absorbent, and the bottom one is not leaky. These are important factors when a child lies without a diaper.

A disposable diaper is very appropriate to use during a trip to the doctor. They are good to lay in a stroller or bed as bedding. Indispensable in the process of hygiene procedures, when you put the baby on the changing table. At a price they are inexpensive, you can buy at any pharmacy, on the shelves of supermarkets. In the first days, 5-7 pieces are enough.

Dimensions and Quantity

Do you need diapers in the hospital? To the question of obstetricians, nurses, giving birth girls answer in the affirmative. You can't do without this attribute. You will need disposable, reusable products.

What size diapers do you need for the maternity hospital:

The size of diapers for newborns - 90x90 and 100x100 cm are the best options for swaddling a baby. It is important to choose a material that will not shed when washed, change color, size. It is better to choose pastel shades. Matter should be light, no doubt, be as soft as possible. Before buying diapers, it is important to carefully examine the seams, they should be neat, thin, so as not to injure the delicate skin of the baby.

Some mothers who do not trust modern manufacturers sew diapers on their own. It is not difficult, in specialized stores you can find a suitable, natural fabric that will be pleasant to the body and will not cause allergic reactions in the baby.

How many diapers do you need for a maternity hospital? Each mother answers the question differently from personal experience. The average number is 15 pieces. Believe me, this product will not be superfluous for either mom or baby. Some people think that you need to take 20 diapers to the hospital. This is the maximum amount. Today there are many colors and colors, shades of goods for children. For little baby girls, beautiful pink things are chosen, for boys, blue ones.

Extract in winter

How to swaddle for discharge in winter? The seasonal factor when discharged from the maternity ward is important to consider. Things for the baby should be chosen not only high-quality, but also warm. Many mothers have no idea how they will endure the baby in the cold, even to the car. They take several overalls, jackets, warm pants, tights, hats. Dressing a baby in a hundred clothes is not an option. The baby should be not only warm, but also cozy, comfortable, easy. Some mothers believe that clothes for discharge are bright festive things, but do not take into account the factors of warmth and comfort for the baby.

The size of diapers for discharge from the maternity hospital in winter is the same as for summer discharge. Just considering the seasonal factor, it is worth remembering that this item of children's clothes should be warm and pleasant to the body. Don't forget to wear a hat in the winter. Should be 2. One is thin, the second is warm. As a result of all of the above, it can be said with accuracy that everyone will need diapers in the maternity hospital.

Choosing the first clothes for newborns is a pleasant, but responsible task. Expert advice will help expectant mothers avoid mistakes and suggest what kindneeded in maternity hospital how to choose the right fabric, how not to make a mistake with the size and save on purchases.

The long-awaited baby was born, now only his mother depends on his comfort, well-being, health. The diversity of the market for children's goods is not always for the benefit of a helpless baby. Often, inexperienced parents prefer an attractive design, without thinking about the safety and rationality of the purchased item. Despite the huge range of overalls and rompers, one should not neglect the traditional item of a newborn's basic wardrobe.

Does the baby need a diaper?

By all means! It helps the baby sleep peacefully and does a great job with many other important tasks. After all, what is a diaper? She plays the role flawlessly.

  • sheets in a stroller;
  • a cozy towel after bathing or washing;
  • sanitary napkins when feeding;
  • bedspreads on the massage table while taking air baths;
  • a light blanket while sleeping in a cool room.

And yet its main purpose is to ensure a healthy sleep for the baby. The soft fabric gently hugs the tiny body, creating a cozy security for it. Frivolity in the choice of material is unacceptable. Mommy needs to know what diapers are best for a newborn, and make the right choice when buying. To do this, you should familiarize yourself with the main types of fabrics that are used in the manufacture of products for the smallest.

Features of the choice of material for diapers

A newborn baby will need 2 types of sheets for swaddling - light and warm. You should choose only 100% natural material. The presence of synthetic threads can harm the delicate skin of a baby, cause irritation and even an allergic reaction. Some find calico for summer and cozy soft flannel for cooler weather to be ideal. . Although in fact the choice of fabrics is much wider, and each of them has its own advantages:

  • soft flannel - 100% cotton fibre. Comfortable fabric with fluffy fleece carefully monitors the temperature of the baby's skin, allows it to breathe, perfectly absorbs moisture, and does not become unpleasantly cold even when wet. In the cold season, it is used together with light , creating a special air layer and protecting from hypothermia;
  • flannel diapers are not inferior to flannel counterparts, differing only in density and the presence of two-sided hairiness. In the article, you can compare the properties of these fabrics and choose the best option for your baby;
  • light practical chintzdiaper, as well as and flannel, Ideal for sensitive baby skin. Natural fiber provides natural heat transfer, protects against excessive heat, is perfectly washable and dries quickly. The fabric does not contain synthetic threads and does not cause allergies. For the manufacture of children's products, a special rarefied type of material is often used -. It has a low density and light texture, products made from it are delicate and soft. They are similar in quality baby muslin diapers, however, not inferior in quality, they significantly exceed their affordability;
  • even inexperienced mothers can easily cope with swaddling their first child, if they chose to do so. The baby is very comfortable in such a "dress" - the elastic fabric obediently takes the form of a small body, without squeezing it and allowing it to move. For the production of diapers, 3 types of knitted fabrics of different thicknesses are used - a thin cooler, a thick and warm footer, and an interlock of medium density. Interlock singing is considered the highest quality. This material pleases with a delicate texture, an impeccably smooth surface and a good density of threads intertwined in a special way. Products from it perfectly retain their shape, wash well, and are easy to iron. Thicker knitted diaper footer can be used not only for swaddling, but also as a light blanket or bedding in a stroller. With all its undoubted advantages, it has one important drawback - it dries for too long.

How not to make a mistake with the size

All items of children's dowry should contribute to the maximum relief of mother's worries. High-quality clothes for babies are easy to wash and iron, and the sizes are age-appropriate and facilitate comfortable use. Often mothers simply do not represent what are diapers and how to choose the right parameters. Some manufacturers, in an effort to attract the attention of buyers with a low cost of goods for babies, offer the smallest possible diaper sizes.

We should not forget - free swaddling does not interfere with the movement of the baby's arms and legs, and a small sheet simply cannot reliably perform its protective and warming function. In addition, newborn babies are growing rapidly, and in just a month you will need to update your baby's wardrobe. The correct choice of the size of the first diapers allows you to save on the purchase of the next ones.

According to experts, the optimal diaper sizes are: 80x120 cm for light sheets, 90x120 cm for flannel. In this case, the baby's legs remain securely covered, and the mother does not have to swaddle her active child every few minutes. True, many mothers managed to appreciate the advantages of a modern analogue of traditional products - they allow the baby to sleep peacefully and do not restrict his movements. However, it is hardly possible to do without diapers, given their functionality.

Now you know well what diapers are best for newborns and his serene well-being. When purchasing diapers, choose gentle calm shades - excessively bright colors can adversely affect the baby's vision. Be careful and carefully study the composition of the fabric - there should be no synthetic threads in it. You should not go to the market for diapers, an attractive price is not a reason to risk the health of the crumbs. It is better to use the products of a reliable manufacturer that guarantees impeccable quality and safety.

1. Bust pads.

Almost all new mothers leak milk. Cheap paper pads need to be changed often, and our mothers praise Medela pads very much, 1 pack (2 pcs) is really enough for the whole day.

2. Diapers for mom.

3. Urological pads

Urological pads absorb much more than any sanitary pads and absorb unpleasant odors. And this is what you need for postpartum discharge (lochia).

We use pads Abrisoft / Tena absorbency Extra / Normal, they are almost the same in quality. ISIDE uses Abrisoft.

Urological pads - without wings. Some mothers find it more convenient to use hygienic ones with maximum absorbency wings. Then it is better to take them more and with a natural coating.

4. Postpartum panties

Conveniently, as you can throw it away after use, they are inexpensive (8-10 UAH / piece) compared to ordinary underwear.

Panties Kanpol cotton and at the same time disposable and sterile. The peculiarity is that they are small and do not stretch much, so we strongly recommend measuring the volume of the hips (under the tummy along the buttocks, along the widest part) and then you can choose the size you need and convenient for you.

During the hot season, some mothers complained that Kanpol panties were floating.

Mesh panties, cotton, reusable, they can be washed. Very breathable and yet securely holds the pad. The size is universal, according to the volume of the hips from 90 to 140 cm (Canpol up to 110). We usually recommend them to those mothers who cannot decide on the size or whose hip circumference is more than 110 cm.

5. Paper towels.

They often ask to go to the delivery room, when examining a baby, doctors also prefer paper towels, and it will come in handy for you :) 1 roll should be enough for 3 standard days in the maternity hospital.

6. Toilet paper.

Well, I see :) We put in soft two-layer paper, usually white color to make it easier to understand the amount of selections. 1 roll should be enough for 3 standard days in the hospital.

7. Eco bags with strings.

A very handy thing. There is a lot of waste per day: diapers, diapers, pads, and it is not always possible to run to the garbage collection point. Usually cleaners pick up bags of waste 2 times a day. Therefore, eco-packages with puffs will come in handy.

8. Toilet pads.

Paper pads in the amount of 30 pieces (5 packs of 6 pieces) will make visiting the toilet more comfortable, because in most cases several mothers use the toilet.

7. Cream for nipples Purelan.

Got a lot good reviews, the word “salvation” was also heard more than once. From personal experience, I will also say that it was he who helped me. This is pure lanolin, without any additives, it covers the nipple with a kind of protective film, it does not need to be washed off. Relief comes immediately. We put a small package of 7gr. This amount is definitely enough for a maternity hospital, not everyone has cracks, and besides, it is quite expensive.

It is beneficial to take a large package of 37 g, but we advise you to do this if you are very likely to assume that you will encounter a crack problem (second and more births / very soft skin or large nipple).

8. Nursing bust.

Certainly needed. The peculiarity is that it is difficult to guess with the size, as the chest can increase by 1-2 sizes, and the ribs after childbirth will become narrower - everything is very individual. Therefore, you should not take an expensive bust, it is better to take an inexpensive one at random, and then buy it in size. The exception is stretchy things like a T-shirt-bust from Yami Mami - well, very comfortable.

9. Own clothes and small things (depending on individual needs)

bathrobe, slippers, nursing shirt ( necessary thing), possibly a bandage, hygienic little things (brush / paste, comb, cream). Water in the delivery room is mandatory, perhaps a snack.

As an option for the little things already collected, we offer a “handbag in the shower”. It contains a toothbrush/paste, shower gel/shampoo mini packs, slippers and a shower cap,

May be necessary depending on the conditions of the hospital

1. Medicines

2. Obstetric and surgical sterile sets.

It all depends on the hospital and the agreement with the doctor. Obstetric kits are available different types, often doctors ask for a specific number, although almost all of them are interchangeable.

The sets that we offer are quite rich in configuration and good material. You can take it just in case, then you will not need to think about what to wear to the delivery room or to your partner.

All sterile kits are made from spandex, those are synthetic materials, some moms complained that it was floating.

On the other hand, after childbirth, soiled disposable clothes are simply thrown away.

If you take your own clothes, take the one that is not a pity, as it will get very dirty and it would be better to throw it away.

3. Bed linen/towels

4. Electric kettle

Likely to be redundant

1. Breast pump and teas to increase lactation.

A breast pump is required in extreme cases (the inability to stay with a child, for example). There is no need to express specially.

In the early days, let nature help you negotiate with the baby about the amount of milk, and soon it will be produced exactly as much as a particular baby needs.

2. Perineal razor.

Now almost nowhere is there a mandatory shaving of the perineum.

Baby needs

1. Disposable diapers.

It's understandable, it's convenient. Our most popular diapers are Pampers Premium Care (33 pcs). These are premium diapers and will last for 3-5 days. In other brands of diapers for newborns, the quantity is slightly less than 27-28 and may not be enough. For those who can not decide - a wonderful offer "Diaper-Assorted", they contain 5-6 pcs of different diapers.

In fact, all popular diapers are good, just every child and mother has their own characteristics and for various reasons they choose one or the other. Sometimes there is an allergy or diaper rash, but this is more likely from the fact that the child was overexposed in the diaper + individual intolerance to the fragrance.

Diapers are probably the main item of expenditure for a baby, so we advise you to choose an inexpensive and suitable option for you.

It seems to us that it is better to use reusable diapers from 3-4 months, when the mother has already come to her senses and she will have the strength to constantly wash and dry the liners, or in the heat, as they soar less, or when accustoming to the potty.

2. Wet wipes.

Needed for the toilet of a newborn. Few mothers decide to wash the baby under the tap in the first days.

The most popular wipes: Haggis - they are more dense on a paper basis, they clean better and

Pampers are softer and creamier. Packing 56-64 pieces is optimal before the hospital.

3. Disposable diapers.

Diapers are requested in all maternity hospitals, they will be needed from leaks, for examinations, in the delivery room. Abrinet diapers in our sets are of Swiss quality and are the most compact.

Diapers for mother and baby are interchangeable!

4. Baby soap.

It will be convenient for the mother to use it herself, often in maternity hospitals they ask for liquid soap in the delivery room.

5. Electronic thermometer.

The same requirement of almost all modern maternity hospitals. According to our research, Omron (Japan) and Beurer (Germany) thermometers have proven themselves best. For an accurate measurement, you need to hold the thermometer for a few more minutes after the beep - then the measurement will be accurate.

A thermometer with a flexible tip, apparently, is more convenient for a child, as it bends under a child's body.

9. Scissors or wire cutters.

Almost everyone needed it already in the hospital, because most babies are born with rather long nails and can scratch themselves.

The nails are tiny and it is immediately difficult to learn how to use children's scissors with special safe edges. As an option - baby clippers.

10. Children's clothing.

Choose at your discretion. Most people like little men because of the ease of use. Do not take vests without buttons - this is inconvenient.

The seam outside is an additional convenience for the newborn. The child grows very quickly, so there should not be a lot of clothes from 0-3, 5 sets are enough.

Seyas diapers are used more like bed sheets. There were fabric waterproof diapers, for example, Ecopups - this is convenient, but it is better to use them already at home, as it is inconvenient to wash in the maternity hospital.

6. Cotton products:

disks, sticks, children's sticks with a limiter, napkins. Designed to facilitate the daily toilet of the child, and these products are inexpensive. Discs to rinse the eyes, thin sticks are possible for treating the navel, it is convenient to clean the ears with children's sticks with limiters.

7. Pipette, syringe, aspirator,

things that may not be useful in the maternity hospital, but they are required in the children's first aid kit in case they drip medicine, help with constipation or a clogged nose.

Most likely not useful.

1. Bottle and pacifier.

They are often banned in maternity hospitals. If you are in the mood for natural childbirth and a long breast-feeding, we advise you to do without them. If you take it, then rather, just in case.

2. A complete set of baby cosmetics,

especially large packaging. If the child does not have diaper rash, then the cream / powder from them is not needed.

In addition, cosmetics may not fit. It is better to take a small package for a sample, for example, a light moisturizing milk or oil.

3. Impractical envelopes and suits for discharge.

It means those who will be dressed, most likely 1 time. It is better to take clothes that will be worn later, for example, a top man and a hat for him.

The most comfortable size of disposable diapers in the maternity hospital is 60x90 cm. The most convenient bedding material is waterproof diapers in a roll or in the form of sheets. At the same time, it is desirable that they be sterile. This will ensure optimal hygienic conditions during childbirth and while caring for the baby.

How many disposable diapers do you need for a maternity hospital?

Having decided on the type and size of the material, it is necessary to decide how many disposable diapers to take to the hospital. Most often, expectant mothers manage 7-15 pieces of waterproof sterile diapers. For the birth itself, 3-6 pieces are required. Disposable postpartum diapers, necessary for the care of mother and child, average 3-4 pieces per day.

However, taking into account possible unforeseen circumstances, it would be wiser to take care of having 4-5 extra diapers in reserve.

Disposable diapers in the hospital: price

Of course, disposable diapers for women in labor are a necessary thing. Moreover, today manufacturers offer a wide range of not only their types, but also brands with an appropriate price range.

  • Medmil - from 123 to 470 rubles.
  • Molinea - from 211 to 2381 rubles.
  • Babyline - from 155 to 390 rubles.
  • Babylon - from 67 to 570 rubles.
  • Seni - from 99 to 1358 rubles.
  • Every day - from 67 to 221 rubles.
  • Dailee - from 420 to 600 rubles.
  • Tena - from 97 to 961 rubles.
  • Hartmann - from 220 to 750 rubles.
  • Helen Harper - from 120 to 327 rubles.
  • 365 days - from 148 to 240 rubles.
  • Luxsan - from 102 to 782 rubles.
  • Sun and moon - from 110 to 410 rubles.
  • Teresa - from 128 to 950 rubles.
  • Okay - from 80 to 510 rubles.
  • Aro - from 240 to 334 rubles.
  • Peligrin - from 95 to 1003 rubles.

The choice is very large. After all, every woman has her own criteria and preferences in this matter, whether it be high quality or reasonable price.

Review and comparison of absorbent diapers video:

So, should you buy disposable absorbent diapers for the maternity hospital? All the advantages and availability of this hygiene product are obvious. Moreover, when it comes to the health and safety of not only the mother, but also the newborn baby, the choice in favor of their use becomes obvious.


The birth of a baby is one of the most important and exciting events in the life of every young family. So that childbirth is not caught future mother by surprise, everything you need for the hospital is better to prepare in advance. But how to choose the best and necessary for yourself and your baby? What do you need in the hospital in the first days after childbirth? Are there ready-made kits for women in labor or lists of necessary things for the maternity hospital?

The birth of a baby is one of the most important and exciting events in the life of every young family. So that childbirth does not take the expectant mother by surprise, it is better to prepare everything necessary for the maternity hospital in advance. Doctors recommend being fully assembled by the 32nd week of pregnancy, so somewhere after the 30th week you can begin to actively complete the "alarm suitcase" for mom and baby.

Another important plus of advance preparation is the possibility, in case premature birth set up in just 10 minutes. In addition, ready-made bags with things in the corner of the room will give you a feeling of peace and readiness for childbirth.

What do you need in a maternity hospital? How to choose the best and necessary for yourself and your baby? What do you need in the hospital in the first days after childbirth? Is there a ready-made kit for pregnant women in the maternity hospital or lists of necessary things for the maternity hospital? What diapers to take to the hospital? What diapers to take to the hospital?

Despite the fact that almost all maternity hospitals provide their own lists, in practice they are often incomplete. Therefore, usually, mothers look for lists of kits for the maternity hospital on the Internet or consult with friends who have given birth.

We tried to combine the advice of experienced mothers in one article so that you can easily create your own set for the maternity hospital, while not wasting precious time thinking up and searching for everything you need in pharmacies and shops.

It is most convenient to divide all things for you and your baby into several lists and arrange them in separate large packages. So, we got 3 packages:

No. 1 "Prenatal", No. 2 "Post-natal department - for mother", No. 3 "Post-natal department - for the baby". If the birth is partner, be sure to familiarize your husband with the contents of each package and enclose a list of the contents in each of them.

Starting from the 30th week of pregnancy, be sure to carry in your purse exchange card and passport. We recommend that you do not even go to the store without these documents, otherwise, in the event of a sudden onset of contractions, you can give birth where the ambulance on duty will bring you, and not in the maternity hospital of your choice with your doctor.

For family births, you will also need man's passport, results of analysis for staphylococcus aureus, fluorography. And also - a special permit for general childbirth from the hospital management.

Also, your husband must know how to contact the hospital and your doctor. Therefore, provide him with appropriate phone numbers. It will not be superfluous to take money and a camera with you.

So let's get ready for the hospital.

Package №1 "Prenatal":

  1. A set of a woman in labor at the maternity hospital should include a dressing gown, socks and a nightgown. You will change into these clothes immediately upon admission.
  2. Washable slippers for myself and my husband.
  3. A sterile set of clothes for the husband (sold in a pharmacy).
  4. Mineral water without gas, tea in a thermos. Cookies and sandwiches for the husband. Believe me, all this will come in handy, because childbirth can take a long time, and if not for you, then your husband will definitely want to have a bite to eat.
  5. Disposable diapers. The optimal diaper size for the maternity hospital is 60 * 90 cm. Consider the manufacturers Helen Harper or Seni Soft. You will need about 10 diapers. They will be needed after childbirth during heavy discharge and during examination by a doctor. They are also simply necessary for those who plan to use a fitball to facilitate contractions. If childbirth began with a discharge of water, it is advisable to take twice as many diapers;
  6. Baby liquid soap, such as Alenka or Karapuz, paper towels in a roll, such as Kleenex or Zewa - for medical staff and husband;
  7. Do not forget to take a set of bed linen in the maternity hospital bag in case you need to go to bed for anesthesia or just rest between contractions;
  8. A set for a woman in labor at the maternity hospital should include things for the baby: a bonnet without strings, a little man, socks and scratches. As well as 3 flannel diapers, diapers (several pieces from the package) and wet wipes. These things must be given to the midwife before the start of attempts.

Package No. 2 "Postpartum department - for mom":

  1. Special (preferably 2 packs);
  2. Disposable diapers 60 * 90 cm manufacturers Helen Harper or Seni Soft - about 10 pieces - for yourself and your child;
  3. Liquid soap, for example Alenka or Karapuz, (for medical staff who comes to see the child, in addition to liquid soap, there must also be paper towels, such as Kleenex or Zewa);
  4. Super absorbent postpartum pads, as well as regular and daily pads (only if you plan to spend a long time in the hospital). Immediately after childbirth, it is better to use special or, and after 2-3 days you can use regular pads. After a while, the discharge becomes less and then daily pads come to the rescue. We advise you to take large economical packages with you, such as Kotex, 60 pcs. or Always Platinum Collection, 50 pcs. ;
  5. Nightdress (new, preferably with a deep neckline, so that it is more convenient to feed the baby);
  6. Nursing bra (you can purchase a bust with clasps or that easily release the breast for attaching the baby);
  7. Lactation liners. Milk usually arrives 2-3 days after birth. To avoid getting your clothes or gown wet, it's best to stock up on reusable or disposable breast pads. In addition, at first you have to constantly smear sensitive nipples fat cream based on lanolin. Breast pads help protect your clothes from stains.
  8. Cream for nipples Purelan (Purelan). At first, until feeding is established, the cream is necessary for all mothers for the treatment and prevention of cracks in the nipples, then - at will. We love Purelan cream because it can be left on before feeding and is completely safe for both mother and baby.
  9. Necessary personal hygiene items:
    • Toothbrush,
    • toothpaste,
    • shampoo (can be soft),
  10. A comb, an elastic band for hair will also successfully complement what is needed in the maternity hospital.
  11. Two towels - one for hands, another, more - for the body. For hands, it is best to use paper towels in a roll, such as Kleenex or Zewa.
  12. Toilet paper (white is best so you can control the color of the discharge), such as Zewa or Kleenex.
  13. Roll of trash bags.
  14. A pack of tear-off wipes, such as Bella or Helen Harper.
  15. It is better to put your dishes in the set for women in labor - a cup, a spoon, a plate. Sugar and tea leaves are also useful (it is better to take green tea with you).

Package No. 3 "Postpartum department - for the baby":

  1. Baby clothes. For every day you will need: a little man or bodysuit, a hat, booties (in the cold season), 1-2 flannelette and cotton diapers.
  2. Several reusable diapers, such as waterproof diapers (you will need these for feeding and changing your baby);
  3. Hygienic diapers for the maternity hospital of medium size (60 * 60), such as Helen Harper or Seni Soft (useful during examination, weighing, etc.).
  4. Disposable diapers of the first size, for example,