
You have no idea how you can use baby wipes. Wet wipes - the benefits and harms For washing the bathroom


At home.

As a rule, they are used to dry hands when there is no soap nearby. Also, baby wipes are used to wipe babies when you are on a walk or in transport.

However, there are many other ways to use wet wipes. In this collection, you are sure to draw something. n nete for yourself:

1. Dust

Since household wet wipes can cope b When dealing with static electricity, you can safely wipe both electronics and blinds with them.

2. Coffee stains

As soon as you spill coffee on your clothes, immediately blot the stain with a baby wipe. Since it contains a small amount of soap, the stain will quickly disappear.

3. Old books

If you don't really like the smell of old books, wipe them with wet wipes. To book for a long time smelled good a , you can place a damp cloth inside the cover.

4. Fresh linen

After washing and drying bedding, fold it neatly and place wet wipes between the folds.

5. Camping equipment

Place a few wet wipes in your backpack: between your boots, in sleeping bag, tent and other things.

6. Sports bag

Sweaty clothes after a workout smell bad, especially when they are in a bag for a while. Place wet wipes in your gym bag and they will not only absorb bad odors, but also enrich I am t pleasant smelling bag.

7. Refresh shoes

If the feet in the shoes sweat, then the smell inside the shoes will be unpleasant. When you get home, place wet wipes in your shoes.

8. Add shine to leather shoes

Soft oily impregnation of wet baby wipes allows you to not only clean leather shoes but also make it shine. This is especially true in the off-season when it often rains.

9. Get rid of the smell of the trash can

In hot weather, the trash bin smells special enno unpleasant. To avoid this, lay wet wipes inside. They absorb bad odors.

10. Get rid of the smell of burnt food

Smell of burnt food s can be very strong, so wet wipes will come to the rescue again. Lay one paper towel in the bottom of a pot, baking sheet, or skillet. And if you pour water on top and let it soak into a napkin overnight, then in the morning it will be easier to wash the dishes.

11. We clean the thing after the deodorant

White spots from deodorant are very unpleasant. They cannot be wiped off by hand, so wet wipes will come to the rescue.

12. Clean the keyboard

You can use wet wipes to clean not only upper part keys, but also debris and dirt on the side and between them.

13. Getting rid of hair

We love our pets, but sometimes their fur can be a nuisance. With a damp cloth, you can gently remove hair from the floor, as well as remove balls of old hair from your pet to freshen up his skin. To avoid irritation, it is better to use unscented wipes.

14. Faucet and shower

Water stains on the chrome faucet and shower can also be wiped off with a damp cloth, and then wiped with a dry cloth.

15. Insects on the car

Moist wipes can be used to get rid of insects stuck to the car glass and / or grille.

16. Soap foam

Soap suds stain the tile or shower door. Try to clean them with wet wipes, and you can wipe them with the tissue you are using - just dip it in water and wash off the soap residue.

17. Static electricity

Tired static electricity on clothes and hair? Gently wipe clothing and/or hair with a damp laundry towel. In the same way, you can get rid of the static action of the comb.

Not so long ago, wet wipes for intimate hygiene appeared among the range of pharmacies and cosmetics stores. Alas, some unscrupulous manufacturers can sell the most ordinary napkins under the guise. And it’s good if you accidentally grab such a package from the shelf to wipe your hands in the car, but if you plan to use them for their intended purpose, they can be unpredictable.

For this reason, before buying, be sure to spend a couple of minutes studying the composition. The main difference between ordinary wet wipes and intimate wipes is the presence of alcohol. For intimate hygiene, alcohol should not be used - it is too aggressive for delicate skin. Also, real wet wipes for women will definitely contain natural extracts: aloe, chamomile, calendula and the like. V intimate wipes milk protein or whey is often added - they have a beneficial effect on the microflora of the most delicate places in your body.

How often can you use

If intimate hygiene wipes are of high quality, they can be used several times a day. However, you should not get carried away with this either. However, too frequent use of such drugs can harm the microflora of the genital organs. Indeed, nature does not at all provide that after each trip to the toilet a woman will wipe herself with something containing cream, lotion, fragrances and antibacterial substances. Speaking of fragrances, try to get wipes that do not contain any fragrances and deodorizers - they are the most common allergic reactions. Excessive passion for this hygiene product can lead to the occurrence of thrush - you simply dry out the microflora of the intimate zone and, together with harmful microorganisms, kill those that are very necessary.

Secrets of using wet wipes

Since you have decided to use wet wipes for intimate hygiene, this should be done correctly. With clean hands if possible, in a movement that is usually from the pubis to the anus. Movement in the opposite direction can contribute to the entry into the vagina of microorganisms from the rectum. You can only wipe the outer labia with napkins, avoiding the mucous membrane and the outer edge of the vagina - the microflora of these places, even from such hygiene products, will be seriously affected.

Are you used to using baby wipes exclusively for their intended purpose? We assure you that you are hopelessly behind the times. In fact, the application of this versatile thing extends far beyond rubbing children's skin.

Quick cleaning and cleaning

If you have a pack of wet wipes in your car, there is nothing to stop you from wiping your hands with them after doing any job. Put a small pack in your tracksuit pocket and you can use a tissue instead of a towel after your run. In addition, these items are ideal companions for any trip. When you're on the road, be sure to keep a tightly sealed package in your car's glove compartment, backpack, or travel bag.

Making shoes shine

In the morning, you charged your shoes to a shine, but, going to work, did you manage to get them dirty? Very soon you will meet with business partners, one of them will definitely take a look at your unkempt shoes. Wet wipes will save the situation. They, as if by a wave magic wand, will give your shoes the same gloss.

Use as a duster

Didn't you know that used napkins can not be thrown away and used after a while as a rag to clean a dusty table? In fact, a soft fabric is easy to wash, of course, if the pollution on it is not so significant.

Fight fresh stains

Use a damp cloth to deal with spilled coffee stains on carpet. In this case, you need to act immediately, without waiting for the drink to be completely absorbed into the pile. Soft fabric Great for absorbing liquids and stains. This method will also help to urgently clean clothes and upholstered furniture.

Cleaning a computer keyboard

Did you know that a lot of bacteria accumulate on a computer keyboard? A wet wipe is the ideal assistant in cleaning hard-to-reach areas from dirt. Periodically wipe the space between the keys. Sometimes you can involve children in cleaning. Take the keyboard apart and have the kids clean the inside of the buttons. Turn off the computer power first.

For removing cosmetics

This is one of the most useful secrets of the fashion industry. Many models use wet wipes to remove makeup after a photo shoot or fashion show. Try it - and see for yourself. Everything is removed in one movement: from the tone on the cheeks to the black pencil on the eyes.

For skin cooling

Have you stayed too long on the beach and did not notice how the skin turned red? But it's still half the trouble. Now you have to experience unpleasant pain. If you have wet wipes handy, you can use them as an emergency aid to keep your skin cool. This item can also be used to treat scratches and minor cuts. And it’s not scary that most wipes do not have antibacterial properties. At the very least, you will remove dirt from the skin.

For cleaning pet hair

If you have pets in your home, you don't have to wait for their hair to get on your furniture and carpets. Periodically wipe your pet with a damp cloth, and the moisture will attract all the hair that is about to fall out. In addition, the animal after such treatment will be pleasantly fragrant with the fresh aroma of aloe. You can keep a container of tissues handy in the hallway. It will help you remove impurities on your own body during rainy summer days.

To remove deodorant stains from clothes

Take a look at your favorite black dress. In some places, white streaks from the deodorant are clearly visible. Wipe the contaminated area with a barely dry cloth. The fabric will instantly absorb the stain, and the clothes will dry quickly.

Flavor for linen cabinets

Do you feel the smell of musty things coming from the closet? To prevent this, make scented drawer bags. Cut napkins into squares and add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the fabric.

For windshield cleaning

If the bird spoiled appearance your car, you already know what to do.

How to use an empty container?

Empty wipes containers can be used as a car first aid kit or travel bag for jewelry.

The main purpose of wet baby wipes is the hygiene of a small priest. Therefore, they are hypoallergenic, do not contain fragrances, are very soft and inexpensive. In general, a great thing to use in a variety of situations.

1. Instead of a rag

Not only children can leave marker marks on furniture. Wet baby wipes are great for wiping both markers and crayons. This life hack is especially useful in the office.

2. Instead of a handkerchief

Everyone who has a cold is familiar with the unpleasant feeling when the skin around the nose becomes inflamed and sensitive from frequent blowing of the nose. Baby wipes will not only moisturize it, but also thoroughly remove all unwanted traces of a cold from your face.

Don't like wet wipes? Let them dry. They will still remain soft and pleasant to the skin.

3. Remedy for traces of deodorant

There is nothing worse than white deodorant stains on dark clothes. You can’t wipe them off with your hands, but with wet wipes - completely.

4. Instead of a hair straightener

When curly hair you need to collect in a smooth hairstyle, baby wipes - ideal remedy. Just swipe a couple of times with a napkin on the head - and you will get the effect almost like from a fixing varnish.

5. For wiping the wooden floor

Many cleaners are not suitable for wood floors because they are too harsh. But baby wipes are designed for baby's delicate skin, so they won't damage and clean your hardwood floor effectively.

6. Bathroom wash

Of course, for thorough cleaning it is better to use by special means, but there are situations when you need to put things in order quickly - and then napkins will be the best helper. They can clean all surfaces of the bathroom, including the toilet and faucet.

7. To combat coffee stains

It is difficult for a person who has just woken up to be one hundred percent accurate, so the probability of spilling coffee on a work blouse is always high. Instead of rushing to change and wash your clothes, simply blot your coffee with a baby wipe.

A little soap in its composition will remove the stain, and soaking the blouse is not necessary.

8. Carpet cleaning

There is nothing worse than dark-colored liquids for carpet. Spilled cola, coffee, red wine? Lay a damp baby wipe over the stain, place a towel on top, and press hard to absorb the liquid. Repeat if necessary.

9. Photo recovery

Old printed pictures often have pen marks, which can also be easily removed with a damp cloth. The image itself will not be affected.

10. Cleaning CDs and DVDs

It is easy to leave fingerprints on CDs, but it is difficult to use them afterwards. But now you know what to do.

11. While painting

Napkins can not only wipe, but also create images. Apply watercolor on them and draw them on canvas: you get a real work of art.

Life is a daily and rather difficult work, which mainly falls on fragile female shoulders. Fortunately, today many “helpers” are being produced that greatly facilitate household chores. And wet wipes can be attributed to them.

What are wet wipes made from?

In the second half of the last century, when wet wipes first appeared, paper was used for their production. True, it was difficult to call the material durable, and it dried out very quickly. As a result, manufacturers began to use synthetic fibers, which, in addition to strength, have excellent absorbent properties. Modern wet wipes are made from materials such as spunlace or spunbond. The first option, where natural fibers are used in addition to artificial fibers, is suitable for the manufacture of sanitary napkins.

Spunbond is a material for wet cleaning or antibacterial wipes for household needs.

The composition of wet wipes also includes special substances:

  • Surfactants (surfactants) that improve cleaning properties;
  • fragrances for a pleasant smell;
  • preservatives that protect wipes from the development of fungi and bacteria.

In addition, antibacterial wet wipes may contain an antiseptic agent (such as ethyl alcohol). To prevent the impregnation from drying out, wipes are stored either in a plastic container-tube or in a soft polypropylene bag.

How to use wet wipes in the household?

You may think that the range of possibilities for wet wipes is limited. But in fact it is universal remedy which will help to put things in order in your house.

First of all, wet wipes are suitable for cleaning the house. They can replace untidy rags or towels that are used to wipe dust. Special impregnation not only eliminates a layer of dust, but also prevents it from settling on the surface of furniture or household appliances. An important napkin is convenient to wipe chandeliers and lamps, as well as glass or crystal dishes before a feast.

With the help of such napkins, caring for such problematic furniture as leather is not difficult. True, here it is worth considering that you need to purchase a product designed specifically for leather or leatherette. Dust and fingerprints after wiping will disappear without a trace. Remember to wait until the moisture is completely dry.

Wet wipes for the kitchen can be considered a real salvation, especially if there are many moments in your life in time pressure. With their help, it is easy to clean up the kitchen in record time. short time. Wet wipes will easily bring the stove to its proper form or quickly wipe the countertop. Napkins are easy to clean the refrigerator, while they fill the device with a pleasant smell. The same can be said about cleanliness.

Wet wipes allow you to quickly bring and bathrooms in order. They wipe the mirror, sink and plumbing, while unpleasant stains do not remain on the surfaces. By the way, wiping with wet wipes will easily restore the bright shine to the chrome-plated faucet.

Thus, wet wipes will not replace a full-fledged general cleaning, but they will quite cope with putting things in order between cleaning periods. In addition, they are so convenient to use in cases where you need to urgently clean up spilled liquid.

If we talk about whether it is possible to wipe the monitor with wet wipes, then we do not recommend doing this with ordinary household wipes. For electronics and optics (photo and video camera lenses), it is necessary to use special ones with a very soft structure that does not scratch fragile surfaces.