
Project March 8 middle group for fgos. Thematic week "Mom's holiday". Performed by the boys washing game


Cognitive development. Topic:"All sorts of mothers are needed." 20.02.2016 Target. Introduce the public holiday - March 8. To cultivate a kind attitude towards mom, grandmother, the desire to take care of them, protect, help. Equipment. Photo albums, painting "Mother's helpers". Topic:"Mom's helpers". 02/29/2016 Target. Form the concept of "household appliances". Teach children to group objects by purpose. Foster a desire to help mom. Equipment. Folder "Household appliances", toys: vacuum cleaner, iron, washing machine, electric kettle. Topic:"On a visit to grandmother." 01.03.2016 Target. To develop the ability to distinguish the number of sounds by ear (many and one). Reinforce ways to compare items. Equipment. Tambourine handout. Development of speech. Topic:ЗКР - sounds "u - h". 02.24.2016 Purpose. Exercise children in the correct pronunciation of the sound "u" and the differentiation of the sounds "u - h". Equipment. Euler's Circles game. Introduction to fiction. 03/02/2016 Topic: Getting ready to meet spring and International Women's Day. Target. To acquaint with the new poem by A. Pleshcheev "Spring"; to exercise in the ability to congratulate women on the holiday. Equipment. The text of A. Pleshcheev's poem "Spring", doll. Application. Topic: "Flowers as a gift for mom, grandmother" .25, 03.03.2016 Target. Learn to cut and stick a beautiful flower: cut out parts of a flower (cutting corners by rounding or obliquely), make a beautiful image out of them. Develop a sense of color, aesthetic perception, imagery, imagination. To cultivate attention to family and friends. Equipment. Illustrations depicting beautiful flowers, white paper, a set of colored paper, scissors, glue, brush, napkin. Painting. Topic:"Beautiful flowers bloomed." Target. Learn to draw beautiful flowers using a variety of shaping movements, working with the whole brush and its end. To develop aesthetic feelings, a sense of rhythm, ideas of beauty. Equipment: album sheets, paints, gouache, brushes, napkins, coasters, a glass of water.

Topic:"Let's decorate a dress for mom." Target. Teach children to make a pattern from familiar elements (stripes, dots, circles). Develop creativity, aesthetic perception, imagination. Equipment. Dresses cut from white paper; paints, brushes, a glass of water, a napkin. Physical education. Topic:"We will go to the forest and pick flowers for mom." Target. Exercise in walking and running in a circle; crawling on a bench on palms and knees. Learn to throw the ball on the ground and catch with both hands. Equipment. Gymnastic bench, balls. Physical culture for a walk. Topic:"We are looking for a gift for mom." Target. Exercise in walking and running in a circle, climbing in a tunnel, walking on a snow shaft. Equipment. Cubes, wooden box, paper flowers. Music. According to the plan of a specialist.

Tatiana Goryacheva

Target: forming a caring attitude towards mom and grandmother

Terms of implementation:

Final event - matinee "Shop" Everything for mothers"



(Integration of educational areas)

Cognitive development

Speech development

Social communication. development

Physical development

Hood-est development

Conversation “Spring has come”. Purpose: to expand and generalize children's knowledge about spring as a season. Finger gymnastics "Spring has just come to us." Purpose: to develop fine motor skills, speech. D \ game "Wintering-migratory". Purpose: to consolidate children's ideas about wintering and migratory birds. C \ r game "Family". Purpose: to develop the ability to take on a role, act in accordance with it, select attributes. Canteen duty. Purpose: to develop the ability to accurately and correctly lay tables.

Individual. Work: repetition of verses for the holiday.

RPPS Layout "Seasons", attributes for s / r games



1. Development of speech. Compilation of the story "March 8 - Women's Day" (based on the plot picture) Purpose: to continue teaching to compose short stories, to develop monologue speech, to expand vocabulary.

2. Physical culture according to the plan of the physical education instructor for a walk



Social communication.


Outdoor game "Day-Night". Purpose: to exercise in running, to develop orientation in space. Observing the sun. Purpose: to expand the understanding of children and the influence of the sun on the life of living beings. Labor assignments: cleaning dry branches. Purpose: to teach to perform labor operations, to cultivate hard work. C \ r game "Supermarket". Purpose: to develop the social skills of children, the ability to create a play environment, to select the necessary attributes.

Ind. job: throwing the ball over the rope.

Detachable material

inventory for labor



Social communication.


Hardening procedures after sleep, walking on corrective paths. CTG while dressing. Purpose: to consolidate the ability to dress quickly, to cultivate the habit of keeping an eye on the appearance, to eliminate flaws.

Reading "Grandma's Hands" L. Kvitko. Purpose: to develop interest in thin. lit-re, to cultivate respect for elders. P / game "Orange". Purpose: to develop physical activity. S \ r game "Hospital" Purpose: to develop the ability to take on a role, select attributes, foster friendly relationships.

Ind. Work: comparison of objects in size.

RPPS Board-printed games, attributes for s / r games, sports equipment, plastic construction set, decoration of an exhibition in a book corner.



Social communication.


Observation is a drop. Purpose: to pay attention to dripping water from icicles, to develop cognitive interest, thinking. P / and "At the bear in the forest." Purpose: to teach to act in accordance with the rules, to exercise in running. S \ R game "Builders". Purpose: to develop the ability to use building materials in the game, to distribute roles and perform them until the end of the game.

Ind work: gram formation. making speech.

Detachable material for the development of physical activity, attributes to s / r games,

inventory for labor




Social communication.


Conversation "How can we congratulate mom and grandmother." Purpose: to form an idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthat as a gift you can give poetry, a song, a dance, make a gift with your own hands. D / game "Furniture". Purpose: to teach to name a generalizing concept, the name of pieces of furniture. Finger gymnastics "Streams are running downhill." Purpose: to develop fine motor skills, speech. C / r game "Hairdresser". Purpose: to develop social activity, to continue to teach conspiracy to play, to prepare attributes. Assignments in a corner of nature - watering plants. Purpose: to educate conscientiousness, responsibility for the assigned business. Ind. Work: D \ game "What color".

RPPS Board-printed games, attributes for s / r games, sports equipment,

constructor, pictures "Furniture"

1. FEMP number 27 (Metlina p. 82) Purpose: to teach to reproduce many objects according to the model and to count objects.

2. Physical culture according to the plan of the physical culture instructor.



Social communication.


Observation "The first thawed patches". Purpose: to expand ideas about spring, to enrich vocabulary. An outdoor game "Shaggy Dog". Purpose: to develop physical activity. C / r game "Kindergarten". Purpose: to develop social skills, the ability to distribute roles. Work on the site: snow clearing. Purpose: to educate hard work. Indus work: repetition of the poem "Dear Mom!".

Detachable material for the development of physical activity, attributes to s / r games,

inventory for labor.



Social communication.


Hardening procedures after sleep, walking on correcting paths. Reading S. Vangeli "Snowdrops". Purpose: to develop interest in thin. lit-re, to bring up care of the mother. Muz / d game "Guess what sounds." Purpose: to develop a timbre ear, to learn to determine which musical instrument sounds. Consideration of illustrations by Y. Vasnetsov and E. Charushin in comparison. Purpose: to teach to see the expressive means used by the artist, to develop the emotional sphere. P / game "Carousel" Purpose: to develop physical activity.

Ind. Work: exercise up to 5.

RPPS Materials for artistic creation, attributes for s / r games,

reproduction of a picture, a set of musical instruments.



Social communication.


Observation "Trees in Spring". Purpose: to continue to teach to distinguish between trees, to note the changes that have occurred to them. P \ game Bird and cat "Purpose: to consolidate the ability to respond to a signal, to develop self-confidence. C \ r game "Cafe". Purpose: to develop the ability to create a game environment, to distribute roles. Work on the site. Purpose: to consolidate work skills, to foster a desire to work.

Ind. Work: jumping from a height.

Detachable material for the development of physical activity, attributes to s / r games,

inventory for labor




Social communication.


Situational conversation "How we help mom". Purpose: to foster a caring attitude towards mom, to arouse the desire to provide all possible help. C \ r game "Family". Purpose: to develop the ability to use the knowledge gained in the classroom in the game, assign roles, select attributes. Finger gymnastics "Woodpeckers are knocking louder and louder." Purpose: to develop fine motor skills, speech. Labor assignments in a corner of nature. Purpose: to continue teaching how to properly water the flowers.

Ind. Work: d / game "The fourth extra" Purpose: to consolidate the ability to distinguish between dishes and furniture.

RPPS attributes to s / r games, board-printed games, inventory for labor.


1. Application "A beautiful bouquet as a gift" (Komarova No. 62, p. 68) Purpose: to continue teaching how to use scissors, cut out the necessary details of the composition, practice in neat gluing. Materials: colored paper, glue brush

2. Music according to the plan of the musical director.



Social communication.


A targeted walk around the kindergarten "Spring has come". Purpose: to teach to notice the changes occurring in nature with the arrival of spring. P / game "At the bear in the forest". Purpose: to exercise in running, to develop dexterity. S \ r game "Family" Purpose: to consolidate the ability to distribute roles, select attributes, find a way out of conflict situations. Work on the site. Purpose: to educate hard work, the desire to work. Ind. Work:"Get into the hoop."

Detachable material for the development of physical activity, attributes to s / r games, equipment for labor.



Social communication.


Hardening procedures after sleep, rubbing with a dry mitten. CTG while eating. Purpose: to continue to consolidate the ability to eat silently, with a closed mouth, to use a napkin. Reading the poem by E. Blaginina "What a mother!" Purpose: to develop interest in fiction, the ability to answer questions about the content. Playing children's musical instruments. Purpose: to develop an ear for music, perception. Ind. work: d / game "Where is the matryoshka" (use of prepositions).

RPPS Attributes to s / r games, printed board games, constructive material.

sport equipment



Social communication.


Bird watching. Purpose: to expand ideas about wintering birds, to note a change in their behavior with the arrival of spring. P / and "Kite and hen". Purpose: to teach to act in accordance with the rules, to exercise in running. S \ R game "Builders". Purpose: to develop the ability to use building materials in the game, to distribute roles and perform them until the end of the game. Ind. Work throwing at a distance.

Detachable material for the development of physical activity, attributes to s / r games,

inventory for labor




Social communication.


Conversation "Snowdrops are the first flowers" Purpose: to expand ideas about nature, to foster a respectful attitude. D / game "Who will say more affectionate words about mom." Purpose: to expand and activate vocabulary. P / game "Along an even path" Purpose: to teach to walk in a column one at a time, to perform movements in accordance with the text. C / r game "Bus ride". Purpose: to continue teaching children to establish relationships in the game, to consolidate the ability to interact in stories with two characters (driver-passenger, to encourage children's attempts to independently select attributes for a particular role. Duty in the dining room. Purpose: to consolidate the ability to accurately set tables. Ind. work: D \ game "What is gone" (r. n. pl. n. n.).

RPPS Board-printed games, play equipment: attributes for s / r games, building material


1. Physical culture according to the plan of the physical education instructor

2. Drawing"Beautiful flowers blossomed" (Komarova №61, p. 68) Purpose: to exercise in drawing beautiful flowers, to develop a sense of composition and color.



Social communication.


Observing the weather. Objective: To continue to expand and deepen understanding of weather conditions. P / game "Shaggy dog" Purpose: to attract inactive to the game, to exercise in running, to teach to abide by the rules of the game. D / game "What is gone" Purpose: to develop mindfulness. C / r game "Bus". Purpose: to develop social and communication skills. Labor: keeping order in your closet, folding things neatly after a walk. Ind. job: throwing at a distance

Play equipment: attributes for c / r building material, shovels, buckets



Social communication.


Tempering procedures after sleep, gymnastics in beds. CTG while eating. Purpose: to consolidate the ability to eat neatly, to use cutlery correctly. Reading the story of V. Sukhomlinsky "My mother smells of bread". Purpose: to develop interest in fiction, to teach to understand the content of the story. P / game "Pass the ball". Purpose: to develop physical activity. С / r game "Supermarket." Purpose: to consolidate the ability to create a game environment, to select the necessary attributes. in space.

RPPS Attributes for s / r games, board-printed games, attributes for the development of motor. act.



Social communication.


Observing the sky. Purpose: to continue acquaintance with various natural phenomena; teach to distinguish the weather, linking it with the state of the sky (clear, cloudy, overcast, clouds, clouds). Outdoor games: "Catch a mosquito" Purpose: to develop in children the ability to coordinate movements with a visual signal, to exercise children in jumping (jumping on the spot). "Sparrows and a cat" Purpose: to develop in children the ability to position themselves in space and move without touching each other, to act on a signal. S / r game "Hospital". Purpose: to develop social and communication skills of children. Ind. work: jumping on 2 legs with forward movement

Play equipment: attributes for c / r building material, shovels, buckets.




Social communication.


Conversation "Celebration of mothers, how we will make them happy" Purpose: to consolidate ideas about the rules of good behavior. Board games (mosaic). Purpose: to foster a sense of color, to learn to combine colors beautifully, to build patterns in a certain rhythm. The CGN will continue to teach how to use the napkin in a timely manner. Repetition of poems for the holiday. C / r game at the choice of children. Purpose: to foster friendly relationships.

RPPS Attributes for s / r games, board-printed games, attributes for the development of motor. act.

MORNING "Shop" Everything for mothers "



Social communication.


Target walk to the crossroads. Remember how different cars on the streets of the city are called with the same words. Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the rules of the road. P / game "Smooth circle" Purpose: to develop motor skills. C / r game "Family" - to help in the development of the plot, to consolidate the ability to take on a role. Ind. work: running between objects

Detachable material for the development of physical activity, attributes to s / r games,

inventory for labor.


Gymnastics after sleep, washing with cool water. CGN. Purpose: to educate neatness in clothes and hairstyle.

S / r game "Concert for mothers." Purpose: to teach to reflect in the game the impressions of the surrounding life, to distribute roles. D / game "Master." "Snowdrop" Purpose: to develop fine motor skills, speech.

RPPS Designer, board-printed games, attributes for s / r games, sports equipment for himself. dvig. activity


1. Visual information "Children should know the rules of the road!"

2. Consultation "Doll in the upbringing of a girl"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 175 "Fidgets" of a combined type
Topic: "March 8 - a holiday for mothers"
middle group
Compiled by:
middle group educator
L.V. Kisieva
Vladikavkaz - 2016
Topic: "March 8 - Mothers' Day"
Project type: informational practical
Project duration: short-term
Project type: group
Form of organization of work with children: joint activity of an adult with children, independent activity.
Purpose: To expand the knowledge of children about the holiday on March 8.
Tasks for educators:
Involvement of parents for active participation in the project.
Distribution of duties.
The choice of effective techniques and methods of influencing the emotional sphere of the child.
Improving partnerships between children and parents. Purpose for children:
To expand the knowledge of children about the holiday on March 8.
Develop children's interest in the tradition of celebrating it.
Promote the creation of warm family relationships.
Tasks for children:
Physical development.
To form in children the need for a healthy lifestyle.
Social and communicative development.
Formation of the foundations of the safety of one's own life. In games - situations to acquaint children with the rules of the culture of behavior of men in relation to women.
Cognitive development.
Expand children's knowledge about Women's Day, women's professions and their significance for other people using works of fiction, art.
To form the necessary skills and abilities in various types of work
Speech development.
Development of free communication between an adult and children.
The development of all components of oral speech in various forms and types of children's activities.
Artistic and aesthetic development.
To acquaint children with the verses of various poets praising the mother; to teach, to read poetry expressively with natural intonations.
Involvement of children in making gifts for mothers, grandmothers, educators.
Learn to position the image on the sheet, taking into account its proportions.
To consolidate the methods and techniques of drawing with various graphic materials; cut symmetrical images from paper folded in half.
Development of musical and artistic activities of children.
Tasks for parents:
Help parents to unite at home in search of information on the topic of the project.
Pick up literary works about mom.
Make crafts, drawings, appliques, etc.
Pick up illustrations about the work of women; to arrange a family exhibition of drawings on the theme "Mom is the most beautiful of all people in the world."
The project includes 3 stages
Preparatory stage.
Determining the theme of the project, setting goals and objectives;
drawing up a plan for the main stage, selection and development of joint activities of an adult and children: selection of literary works about mother; selection of conversations;
selection of illustrative material for the creation of the album "Different Moms Are Important";
organization of a family exhibition of drawings "Mother is the most beautiful of all people in the world";
design of an informational and educational newspaper: "The history of the 8 March holiday."
The main stage of the project.
Implementation of the project through the integration of educational areas: speech development, cognitive development, physical development, artistic and aesthetic development, social and communicative development.
Educational activities carried out in the process of organizing various types of children's activities:
Physical development:
Outdoor games: "Doubles run", "Pancake - pancakes", "Make a figure". Finger gymnastics: "Our mothers", "Helpers"
Physical minutes: 1,2,3,4,5 we can all count.
Hardening procedures, gymnastics after sleep.
Social and communicative development.
The teacher's story: "Road Alphabet" - to summarize the knowledge of children of the rules of the road, rules of behavior on the street.
Didactic game "What is good and what is bad" Conversation: "Why you need to help girls and protect them." Playing around and discussing situations: "Who will give in", "If it is difficult for a girl, who will help."
Speech development.
Conversations: March 8 - International Women's Day; "Woman is a hard worker"; "Family traditions";
Acquaintance of children with proverbs about mom.
Excursions: "Kitchen"; "Laundry"; "Medical office"; "Office of the manager";
Game situation - "Help your mother cook soup and compote" Conversations with children: "My beloved mother"; “Different mothers are important, all kinds of mothers are needed”; Writing stories: "Hello, my mom!"; “Mom, Mom, Mom! I love you more than anyone! " Problematic question: "Why does a person need a mother?" Individual conversations: “What is my mother's job”; "What do you do when mom is upset?" A story from personal experience on the topic: "My mother."
Artistic and aesthetic development.
Reading children's literature, memorizing poems and proverbs about mother and grandmother. Tsvetaeva "At the Bed"; R. Gamzatova "Take care of mothers"; E. Blaginina "Let's Sit in Silence"; G. Vieru "Mother's Day"; And Pleshcheev "Grandmother and Granddaughter"; S. Mikhalkov "What do you have?"; A. Barto “All of her”; Artyukhova "Difficult Evening"; V. Berestov "Feast of Mothers"; D. Rodari “What the Crafts Smell About”; E. Uspensky “If I were a girl”; V. Russu "There are many mothers in this world" B. Emelyanov "I must and do not want", "Mom understands everything"; Exhibition of works of art about mom.
Vernissages of children's drawings: "I have been friends with my grandmother for a long time", "The best in the world";
Pictures, illustrations "Help mom".
Illustrations depicting various professions.
Applique work: "The first flowers for my mother."
Singing songs about mom and grandmother: "March 8"; “Dedicated to Mothers and Grandmothers”, “Grandmother Varvarushka”, Chastushki.
Listening to the audio recording "Mammoth's Song".
Festive concert: "I give you my heart."
Cognitive development.
Labor assignments: duty in the canteen, in educational areas, in a corner of nature.
Manual labor: Making holiday cards for March 8; making gifts for mothers, grandmothers, educators. The intended result is:
After the completion of the project, children will acquire the following knowledge:
will gain new knowledge about the 8 March holiday, its celebration traditions;
get acquainted with the professions of women and their significance for other people;
learn to intonationally read works about mother and grandmother, analyze them
compose descriptive stories about their mother and their family.
the emergence of a desire to be like close people in deeds, actions.
the emergence of a caring, respectful attitude towards the mother
the emergence of practical skills of children in communication with peers and adults.
Stage 3 Final:
Entertainment "I give you my heart";
Exhibition of works of art about mom.
Album design "Mom's Professions"
Family exhibition of drawings: "My dear mommy."
Information and educational newspaper "The history of the holiday"
1. Gerbova V.V. "Classes on the development of speech in the middle group of kindergarten." - M: Mosaic-synthesis 2010.
2. Komarova T.S. “Classes in fine arts in the middle group. M: Mosaic - synthesis, 2010.
3. Lobodin. L.V. "Complex lessons" according to the program "From birth to school" middle group. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2012.
4. Sypchenko E.A. "Innovative pedagogical technologies". Method of projects in preschool educational institutions. - SPb .: LLC "PUBLISHING HOUSE" CHILD-PRESS ", 2012.
5. Shorygina T.A. "What professions are they?" - M .: GNOM i D, 2005.

Author: Poyandaeva Yulia Andreevna, educator, MBDOU kindergarten №19 "Rodnichok" combined type of Shumerlya, Chuvash Republic.
Material description: I offer you a summary of a lesson dedicated to the holiday of March 8 for children of the middle group. This material is useful for preschool educators.

Goals: To form love, tenderness and respect for the dearest person on Earth - mother;
Ability to appreciate maternal care and love. Develop figurative speech, imagination, thinking.
Consolidate knowledge of the main female professions.
Learn to glue ready-made parts, composing images. To cultivate an aesthetic taste.
Preliminary work: reading stories and poems about mom; plot - role-playing games; examining pictures;
Material: multimedia equipment, balloon inflated with helium, envelope, chest, cards - hearts with words, cards with professions, cards with items for different professions, ready-made parts for making cards, glue, brushes, cardboard.

The teacher invites the children to watch a short film "When does this happen?" Multimedia presentation: (for each slide, the teacher reads short rhymes with signs of spring (the sun is warming, the snow is melting, the birds are flying, the buds are swelling, the picture is the child is giving mother flowers). The children learned from the slides that spring has come. But the teacher draws the attention of the children to the last slide, where the child gives flowers to the mother.The teacher asks the children: who guessed why this picture suddenly appeared? (children's answers).
Educator: in the first spring month, March, is the holiday of our mothers. And today we will talk about mom. After all, mother is the dearest, most beloved, kindest, most affectionate, most sensitive person for every child.
A balloon inflated with helium flies into the group, and an envelope is attached to the string. The teacher invites the children to stand in a circle, then opens the envelope and finds riddles, invites the children to guess them.
- Who came to me in the morning? (Mommy)
- Who said it's time to get up? (Mommy)
- Who kissed me? (Mommy)
- Good morning? (Mommy)
- Who fed the delicious porridge? (Mommy)
- Who poured tea into the cup? (Mommy)
- Who played with me? (Mommy)
- Who went for a walk? (Mommy)
- Who loves laughter as a child? (Mommy)
- Who is the best in the world? (Mommy)
Educator: right, you guys guessed it, mothers can do everything, they have time to do everything. No wonder, they say: mom's hands are not simple, but golden. They cook, bake, wash, iron, sew, knit. And mothers also go to work. Let's guess who our moms work for.
Game "Mom's profession"
- If a mother treats patients, then she works ... (as a doctor).
- If a mother teaches children, then she works ... (as a teacher).
- If mom sells goods, then she works ... (salesman).
- If mom prepares food at work, then she works ... (as a cook).
- If mom delivers letters and newspapers, then she works ... (postman).
- If mom sews clothes, then she works ... (seamstress)
In the course of guessing, the teacher lays out cards with pictures of professions on the table
Game "Who needs what for work?"
And then he gives the children a task: to choose cards with the necessary subjects for each profession. Children carry out the task.
Educator: Well done, guys, they all tried. Whoever our mothers do not work. No wonder they say: different mothers are needed, different mothers are important.
Educator: Guys, what do you think should be done so that mom always has a good mood? (children's answers).
And after work, of course, they get tired. And they still have their homework ahead of them. To make their housework easier, how can you and I help them?
Physical education.
The teacher proposes to be divided into two groups: boys and girls.
Offers to show what kind of helpers we are. (Children perform movements: girls wash, caress the clothes, wash the dishes and the floor. Boys knock out rugs, vacuum).
Educator: of course, when the children help their mother so well, she gets in a good mood. And the mood is different.
Game "Mom's Mood"
The teacher offers to choose the most gentle, affectionate words for their mothers and put them in a magic chest.
- When mom hugs, strokes, kisses? Which? (affectionate).
- When mom smiles, laughs? Which? (cheerful, happy).
- When children play naughty, but mom does not scold? Which? (good)
- And if you love your mother, what is she like? (affectionate)
- And if mom reads a lot? Which? (clever)
- And if mom works a lot? Which? (industrious)
- And if mom cleans the house, does laundry? Which? (neat).
-And if mom washes clothes, ironing, what is she like? (neat).
Well done! Here are how many wonderful words we have collected in a chest for mothers. In the meantime, we will close it so that our words are not confused and forgotten.
Educator: Guys, mothers are very pleased when a daughter or son gives her a handmade gift.
Educator: And now everyone can go to our art workshop. We will make a postcard for our lovely mothers (flowers from ready-made parts).

According to the upbringing and education program "From birth to school", a week dedicated to the celebration of March 8 is planned. This week, children will learn about the history of the holiday, decorate the group, and make gifts for their beloved mothers and grandmothers. Children talk about their mothers' profession, look at family albums and organize story games on the topic. The end of the week is a musical holiday for mothers and grandmothers. A description of the methods of organizing observations, speech and musical games, poems for the holiday can be found in the appendix to the plan "Thematic week" Mother's holiday ".

Social and communicative development

The teacher continues to acquaint children with the history of dwellings, brings to the group the "Cube of emotions" manual for social and communicative development. The junior educator and teacher involve children in the work they can to do, cleaning the feeding troughs. Children fold the Russian flag from different parts.

Cognitive development

On a walk, children watch birds, remember their names and guess riddles. In the group, the teacher offers games with the Dienesh blocks "Second row", "What is gone", etc. The didactic game "Putting it out of sticks", "Remember 5 words" contribute to the cognitive development of preschoolers.

Speech development

Speech development takes place in the exercises for the formation of ZKR, breathing exercises "Whose bird will fly farther", "The wind is blowing." Children learn to make up sentences on flashcards by adding the missing word.

Artistic and aesthetic development

In the field of artistic and aesthetic development, a board game "Color domino", drawing "Magic pictures", construction is planned to consolidate the ability to fold a rectangle in half.

Physical development

Physical development takes place in the outdoor games "Lovishka", "Mice and Bears". The teacher introduces children to the folk game "Stream", talks about the benefits of fruits, reminds them of the need to maintain cleanliness.

Check out a snippet of the thematic week


OOCognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Morning greeting. Purpose: to create a positive attitude.The teacher's story about the celebration of March 8. Purpose: to form a festive culture of preschoolers.The tale "Hurried - they made fun". Purpose: to promote the development of correct sound pronunciation.Helping the teacher in making jewelry for the group. Purpose: to attract children to make jewelry, create a festive mood.Physiotka "We help mom amicably." Purpose: to learn words and movements.
Gathering dry leaves, branches on the site, loading them onto a stretcher. Purpose: to teach to cleanliness and order, to induce the desire to work in a team, to bring the work started to the end.Observation of harvesting machines. Objectives: to expand knowledge about the role of machines in the performance of labor-intensive work, the peculiarities of their structure; to consolidate the ability to find images of cars by description.The game "Don't wake up Katya". Purpose: to promote the development of voice power.Coloring pages on different topics. Purpose: to continue teaching to maintain the correct body position when drawing.P. and. "To the grocery store." Purpose: to form the ability to run around objects. P. and. Find your color. Purpose: to consolidate the ability to walk without bumping into each other.
2 p.d.Children's stories "What is my mother's job?" Purpose: to form respect for the work of adults.Planting a bow. Purpose: to form an ecological culture and work skills.Repetition of poems about grandmother and mother for the holiday. Purpose: to teach to read poetry expressively.Constructive-model activity "Turtle". Purpose: to attract children to design from natural materials.Excursion to the health corner in a group. Purpose: to remember what contributes to the maintenance of health.


OOSocial and communicative developmentCognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Watching the video of the film "Life of Ancient People". Purpose: to continue acquaintance with different dwellings.Exercise "Pots and Flowers". Purpose: to consolidate the ability to equalize two unequal groups of objects.Di. "Name just ...". Purpose: to consolidate the ability to classify objects, to use generalizing concepts.Making gifts for mom and grandmother. Purpose: to continue to develop aesthetic perception, creative imagination.Guessing riddles about sports equipment and sports. Purpose: to expand the understanding of sports.
Digging up sand in a sandbox. Purpose: to foster a positive attitude to work, responsibility when performing assignments.Di. "Second row". Purpose: to develop the ability to analyze, highlight the properties of figures, find a figure that is different in one attribute.Exercise "Whose bird will fly further?" Purpose: to develop speech breathing.Designing from paper with a subgroup "Postcard for Mom". Purpose: to continue learning how to fold a rectangle in half, decorate a postcard.P. and. "Birds and Chicks". Purpose: to introduce the game. P. and. "A bump is a pebble." Purpose: to develop auditory attention.