
How to clean plastic at home. Careful care: the basic rule of a clean window sill. How to clean plastic in a car


Plastic is a very popular material. It is used for the production of windows, furniture and household goods, computer components, finishing materials and in many other areas. Plastic has one significant drawback - it turns yellow over time. There are several ways to solve this problem and not come back to it in the future.

Why does plastic turn yellow?

There are several possible reasons for the yellowing of plastic:
  • Oxidation. Plastic is a synthetic polymer that enters into a chemical reaction when interacting with oxygen, however, this process lasts for a long time. Oxygen is inevitably present in the air, so sooner or later the results of this chemical process appear as a change in color.
  • UV exposure. Conscientious manufacturers use light stabilizers - special additives that absorb active ultraviolet rays. These additives include benzophenone and benzotriazole.
  • Temperature fluctuations during operation.
  • Fat plaque.
  • Not proper care. Plastic is a material that is easy to clean, but not all products are good for caring for it. The use of caustic chemicals and abrasive materials in the care of plastic will damage its surface, resulting in discoloration.
  • Poor quality material. Plastic waste gets a second life through recycling - it is reused in production various items and designs. If certain additives are not used in the secondary production of plastic, it will quickly lose its original appearance.
  • Features of operation. It matters how plastic products are used. If the room is constantly smoked (exposure to nicotine resins) or there is an open source of fire (soot), then even with a good extract, the material will turn yellow.
If low-quality plastic has turned yellow, then most likely it will not be possible to bleach it. In other cases, you can return the color using some tricks.

All ways to bleach yellowed plastic

There are several ways to bleach yellowed plastic.

Ready funds

In many household stores with a decent assortment, you can buy special products for plastic surfaces. They are designed for heavy pollution and perfectly whiten the material.

Effective representatives of such special equipment are Cosmoklar cleaning milk (Weiss Chemie) and its analogue Bauset cleaner, Bon budget sprayer.

Universal products are well suited for cleaning and bleaching, for example, Cif or Domestos, Garden sprays, Prosept, Meine Liebe, Grass.

Buy universal remedy for cleaning plastic, you can also in automotive stores. Profoam, Mafra, Doctor Wax, Liqui Moly are popular.

Laundry soap

One of the gentle ways to clean yellowed plastic is ordinary laundry soap. Best of all, it helps when the plastic has turned yellow due to a greasy coating.

It is necessary to dissolve half a piece in a small amount of warm water laundry soap(It is better to grind on a grater first). Yellowed surfaces must be treated with a sponge dipped in the resulting solution. After half an hour, the composition can be washed off.

It is better to take a product with a high content of fatty acids - it is indicated on the soap itself or on the package as a percentage.

Alcohol and solvents

Alcohol (ethanol) works well with yellowed plastic. Processing should be carried out with gloves and with open windows. It is enough to wipe the surface with a cloth soaked in alcohol. The smell will dissipate over time, but you can use some kind of mild scented cleaner.

For cleaning, it is better to use a technical product, but ordinary ammonia is also perfect.

Alcohol can be replaced with a solvent such as acetone. The processing process is similar. If the color changes are minor or not too old, then nail polish remover (with acetone) can cope with them.


Vinegar is also a gentle bleaching agent, but the fumes from this agent require certain precautions. Be sure to open the window and carry out processing in tight rubber gloves.

You can make a fairly aggressive cleaner by mixing baking soda, liquid soap, and acetic acid. It is better to dilute such a tool with a little water.

It should be borne in mind that the smell of vinegar is quite persistent, so this remedy is not always appropriate.

Technical soda and bleaches

Such components are best used for removable plastic elements. It is necessary to make a solution of these products and soak the yellowed parts in it.

A mixture of technical soda and washing powder for white things - for 1 liter of water you need to take a tablespoon of each component. After 10-15 hours of soaking, the effect will be excellent.

To clean yellowed plastic, various bleaches work well, especially those based on chlorine. One of the most affordable means is ordinary whiteness. Sometimes she is much better means that are many times more expensive.

Hydrogen peroxide

This tool works well even in advanced cases. Before processing, the surface must be cleaned of dust and grease. Processing of one place must be done at least 3-4 times.

Hydrogen peroxide gives a greater effect in tandem with a hair lightener. It is necessary to dissolve a tablespoon of funds in half a liter of water and treat the yellowed surface with the resulting solution.

Special wipes

In specialized stores you can buy wipes for the care of monitors and keyboards. They are impregnated with a special composition that effectively cleans the surface and eliminates yellowness.


If a White color surfaces cannot be returned, then you can resort to a cardinal measure - painting it. Spray paints work best for this. The main thing is to protect the surface that does not need to be painted, otherwise the spray can ruin it.

Baking soda and powder products

Plastic surfaces are not recommended for cleaning with abrasive particles, but if other methods are ineffective, you can resort to such measures.

Great for removing yellowed plastic. baking soda or powder products such as "Pemolux".

How to care for plastic so that it does not turn yellow

Proper care of plastic surfaces will prevent them from yellowing. It is important to follow a few simple rules:
  • Regular cleaning with soapy water. After that, it is worth wiping the surface clean napkin and wipe dry. You can use various detergents to care for plastic, for example, for laundry or dishes. The main thing is that they be in liquid or gel form.
  • Do not use abrasive products. The use of various powders scratches the plastic, even if it is imperceptible at first glance. Dirt accumulates in these lesions, which penetrates deeper and deeper over time.
  • Do not smoke near plastic surfaces - this invariably leads to yellowness.
  • Clean up regularly. Plastic surfaces may turn yellow if left uncleaned. This often manifests itself on window sills with flower pots - the surface under them often turns yellow. Learn more about how to clean your window sill.
  • Use polishes. Such products create a film invisible to the eye on the surface - it protects from external influences.
If you use some tricks, timely and properly care for plastic surfaces, then they will delight you with ideal for a long time. appearance. Subject to certain rules, plastic items will last a very long time and will not turn yellow.

A variety of plastics have many positive properties, resistant to alkalis and acids, high humidity. However, under the influence of ultraviolet sun rays white plastic becomes yellowish over time. Especially often this happens in the kitchen, where the negative factors of high temperature and fat fumes are added.

Plastic is a versatile material. It is widely used in the production of household appliances, household goods. Plastic windows made of polyvinyl chloride have long replaced wooden structures and have firmly won a priority position.

Plastic is made up of hydrocarbons mixed with organic and inorganic components. Over time, some of them from contact with the external environment decompose, oxidize, transform into other compounds.

It is known that all white plastics gradually turn yellow. Ultraviolet destroys many substances, including polyvinyl chloride. For products made of poor plastic, this happens faster due to the volatilization of the dye and plasticizer.

In addition, the causes of yellowing may be:

  • low quality of window structures, which are produced using complex technology. They include more than a dozen components responsible for the color and reliability of the final product. It is understandable that manufacturers want to reduce the cost of the product. One way is to save expensive mixture stabilizers, which in itself is considered a clear violation of production technology;
  • manufacturers save on low-quality raw materials - a white pigment of titanium dioxide, zinc oxide or lead, which gives the product a snow-white color. The consequences of this will affect within 2-3 years - the windows will begin to turn yellow;
  • light aging of the material of window structures. The material contains special light stabilizers based on benzotriazole or benzophenone. As a result, the effect of solar radiation slows down. Everything burns out from the sun. South-facing windows will no doubt turn yellow faster than those in the shade;
  • terms of Use. A busy highway and weather conditions are also unfavorable factors. The action of temperature changes changes the physical and chemical properties of the plastic. Cracks may appear, color may change. This falls into the category of cheaper PVC windows;
  • wrong care. Excessive zeal of some housewives has negative consequences. This happens when acids, strong alkali, solvents are used;
  • soot from smoking, fatty fumes in the kitchen. These impurities from yellowness are washed off with a washing solution.

When choosing plastic windows in a company, pay attention to the exhibited samples, giving preference for products from trusted manufacturers. They are more expensive, but they give a guarantee for 30-40 years, they will stay white longer. Absolute whiteness throughout warranty period no manufacturer can promise. Even GOST standards allow deviations in color.

Window products of unscrupulous manufacturers, one-day firms often cannot be bleached. Yellowing of low-quality plastic is an irreversible change in the molecular structure of the material.

If you look at consumer reviews on the forums, you can make an unambiguous conclusion: it is better not to buy Chinese, Turkish-made products, or at least check the company's certificate confirming the reliability of the material. It is not worth the risk if such a document is missing. These windows are usually of poor quality and will soon need to be replaced.

What means can not wash plastic?

To understand how to whiten yellowed plastic windows, you need to know which drugs are completely unsuitable for this purpose:

  • metal brushes, meshes, abrasive powders - everything that leaves scratches on the product, into which dust will settle and pollution will form. Then it is difficult to wash;
  • acetone, solvents - these substances dissolve polyvinyl chloride;
  • acids, alkalis destroy the protective glossy layer of the plastic structure, violating its aesthetic appearance;
  • melamine sponges are also abrasive - they leave micro-scratches;
  • very hot water causes cloudiness or yellowing of the object.

How to whiten yellowed plastic

Initially, you need to try to use more gentle means, which are advised by the manufacturers themselves. They advise how to wash plastic. These are means for preparing a soap solution from laundry soap, washing powder, dishwashing preparation. We work with a sponge, a microfiber cloth and a cotton rag.

We apply liquid to the elements of the window detergent, leave it for 20 min. Wipe with a damp cloth, wipe dry.

You can use special cleaning wipes sold in the household chemicals department of supermarkets. Choose the most convenient way how to wash designs.
In this way, you can clean the plastic from greasy deposits, soot, traces of nicotine and simple household contaminants.

If the result obtained does not satisfy, and the original appearance of the structure could not be returned, we use other methods.

How to bleach plastic?

The following drugs have a whitening effect:

  • alcohol, any - medical, ethanol, methanol;
  • soda ash;
  • washing powder;
  • chlorine bleach;
  • acetone;
  • hydrogen peroxide H2 O2.

Bleaching yellowed plastic is troublesome, but the end justifies the means.
After removing surface contaminants, we will try to treat the yellowed parts with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. If necessary, repeat the treatment twice.

Chlorine solution is suitable for small parts, such as removable window handles. Parts are soaked in the solution for 10 hours.

You can also prepare a solution: one tablespoon of soda ash and washing powder per 1 liter of water. We wipe the structures with a solution. Wash off with water. Wipe dry.

Acetone is not applicable to all types of plastics. Most of them are damaged by acetone, so before using it, you should make sure that it is harmless.

The most noticeable part of the window structure is the window sill. Most often the question arises - how to whiten a plastic window sill? In addition to those listed, you can add another recipe: you need to prepare a mixture of H2 O2 and laundry bleach, 2 tbsp each. tablespoons of each agent in 1 liter of water. Treat the surface with the resulting mixture.

Sometimes a car interior cleaner can help.
When working, we observe safety precautions, we act with gloves, we ventilate the room.

If all these methods are ineffective, it means that irreversible changes in the material have occurred. There remains a fallback - a special spray paint for plastics.

Choosing a reliable manufacturer and proper care will ensure an attractive appearance of plastic windows.

One of the most unpretentious materials that has found wide application in the manufacture of appliances, furniture, kitchen utensils and other items in the house is plastic. The only drawback of plastic is that over time it begins to slowly turn yellow, especially for window sills that are exposed to sunlight. Do you want to easily restore the whiteness of interior items? Let's learn how to whiten yellowed plastic at home.

There are many different ways to help remove yellowing on the material. Let's look at them in more detail - this will allow you to choose the most suitable option.

soap solution

If the surface has turned yellow as a result of dust or dirt, then you can try to remove the stains with a soap solution. There is nothing difficult in this work - just mix water with liquid soap and wipe the surfaces with a soft cloth or brush with soft bristles.

We use soda

Soda will also help you remove yellowness. To do this, take a large container, adding water and 20 g of powder with soda to it. Then put yellowed plastic parts in a container and leave for 5-6 hours. When finished, dry with a soft towel.


Alcohol can be used to remove a wide variety of contaminants on plastic surfaces.

Important: alcohol should be used carefully, as this can also dissolve the plastic surface.

Therefore, it is best to use lint-free wipes soaked in alcohol. And to avoid damage to the material, first test the effect of alcohol on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe object being processed. If there is no negative reaction, you can start cleaning.

Acetone for yellowness

Don't have alcohol on hand? Use acetone - soak a piece of cotton wool or a cloth in it and wipe the areas. Be careful not to leave acetone stains on the surface, as this can damage the plastic surface.

Will PC cleaners help?

If you use wipes to clean TV monitors and computers, you can also use them to remove yellow from plastic surfaces.

Now you know how and how to clean yellowed plastic. As you can see, there are many ways to solve the problem, except for household chemicals, which many housewives do not want to use once again. But plastic is important not only to bleach - it needs to be restored after processing with the chosen agent.

What reducers and cleaners will help us?

Today we will tell you about special protective equipment, after processing which a thin film will appear on the plastic surface - it will protect the material from various contaminants. Some of them will also be able to whiten the surface.

Products containing chlorine

To restore the original color of plastic products, you will need any product that contains chlorine - just treat the surface with it, leave for a few hours, and then rinse with clean water.

We use peroxide

Many housewives use peroxide to restore whiteness to plastic products. Dampen a sponge in the product and carefully wipe the yellowed places on objects. By the way, peroxide successfully eliminates stains from soot and grease, and also copes with yellowness on windows and window sills.

To enhance the effectiveness of the product used, add a little stain remover to the peroxide, mix the solution with water and rinse the surfaces.

Tip: if all of the above methods did not help you, there is only one way out - the use of paint.

Plastic window sills can turn yellow for various reasons. This is both dirt and soot (especially on the streets). The method of bleaching largely depends on the "source". So, for example, if yellow stains are the result of poor dusting, dish gel or laundry powder will help you. Prepare the solution by mixing the product with water, soak a clean rag in it and wipe all surfaces thoroughly. Remember to rinse the mixture off the window sill with clean water.

There is another option using washing powder and soda - we have already told you about it.

The main thing is to prepare the solution correctly - mix a spoonful of each product with water, and stir very carefully, since small grains can lead to scratches on the plastic. It is almost impossible to repair them, but dirt will begin to penetrate into such microcracks faster.

On heavily yellowed areas that are not bleached by simple rubbing, apply the mixture for 20 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly, removing any remaining solution.

By the way, manufacturers of plastic window sills and windows do not recommend using any abrasive products - their components can damage the material.

If the plastic window sills are dull, you can try a weak solvent. Actions should be as follows:

  • clean the frame from dust and dirt;
  • wipe dry;
  • processed with the chosen medium.

Processing didn't work? Do the event again.

If the white plastic has turned yellow, this may be a signal of poor-quality product care. Therefore, make it a rule to wipe frames and window sills once a week with special products, do not forget about other plastic items in the kitchen, including parts for the refrigerator.

The second tip is that in stores you can find plastic products that will help whiten and protect the material. The main thing is to carefully study the instructions for use in order to accurately calculate the dose. When working with alcohol, acetone or solvents that have a pungent and unpleasant odor, ventilate the room well so as not to get poisoned. If you can't get rid of the yellowness, you need to either replace the window sills or paint them using a white spray paint.

With the problem of appearance yellow spots faced by many housewives. This is often the result of cost savings from manufacturers using low quality ingredients to manufacture products. Perhaps in your practice there were other means to help solve this problem? We welcome your comments and discussions in this article.

To bleach the yellowed plastic is the primary task of the hostess. Preliminary preparation and properly selected cleaning products will facilitate the process.

Required condition in preparation for bleaching - cleaning from existing dirt, grease, dust. To do this, you need a detergent that can be purchased at a supermarket or market. In order not to disturb the structure during processing, it is necessary to use fabric soft sponges, napkins or thick rags. Napkins are dry or treated with special cleaning agents.

Clear plastic

Pollution on plastic can be of various origins. And each of them requires a special approach to elimination.

From yellow plaque or fat

A competent choice of a solution for cleaning plastic products from yellowness and greasy stains will facilitate the procedure.

It must be remembered that for washing this material can not be used powdered products, brushes, scrapers, as they can damage the surface.

launder greasy spots is possible with:

  1. Apply the detergent to a soft cloth, wipe the desired area, leave for 10 minutes, rinse.
  2. Melamine sponge. They wipe yellow plaque or fat.
  3. Windshield wipers contain alcohol, which eats away grease.

From dirt and soot

Soot contains resins, as well as fatty impurities, as it is a product of combustion. various materials. You can not immediately try to wash off the soot with water, using brushes, scrapers. It will smudge, rub into the plastic, and such stains are practically impossible to clean.


  1. Sweep away the settled soot, you can do this with a vacuum cleaner or a broom very carefully so as not to smear.
  2. When the main soot is removed, start a wet wipe with a thick cloth soaked in a degreasing agent or dishwashing gel. It is necessary to constantly replace dirty water with clean water.
  3. Rinse the area with clean cold water, wiping dry with a soft cloth.

Cleaning plastic windows

With the right choice of product, old stains on plastic windows also easily disappear. To prevent it, you need to systematically wipe dust from windows and window sills with a dry fleece rag.

Professional cleaning agents are divided into several types: cleaning, washing, spraying. Washing solutions clean windows, window sills from yellow plaque without harming them.

  1. Domestos- this tool washes stubborn stains, whitens areas, providing an antibacterial effect. For this you need to apply a small amount of on a sponge, wipe the yellowness, leave for 20-30 minutes, rinse with a clean cold liquid.
  2. Mister proper- a universal chemical liquid that helps to wash window sills. Add three tablespoons of the product to six liters of water, stir, then wash the surfaces, rinse with clean water, then wipe with a dry cloth or cloth.
  3. Sanita- fat-soluble creamy paste. Apply it to the greasy places of the windowsill or window, and after 40 minutes rinse with clean water.
  4. Cillit bang- a product with a pungent odor, well removes yellow stains and dirt. It must be sprayed on the right place, wiped with a soft cloth, left for 20-30 minutes, wiped with a damp cloth.
  5. Permolux- a cream that removes fresh stains. It is necessary to smear the dirty place, wipe it diligently with a dry sponge, rinse with water. If necessary, you can repeat.
  6. Kosmofen 10- a strong toxic substance, work with it only in a well-ventilated area, using a respirator. Apply a small amount with a sponge and then rinse with plenty of clean water.

Windows can also be cleared using folk remedies using what is always at hand at home. One of simple ways- Use of dentifrice and chalk.

  • grind the chalk into powder;
  • take one tablespoon of powder, pour a little water, mix until a paste;
  • apply on the windowsill, rinse with clean water.

Tooth powder is used in the same way.

Bleach technique

You can bleach the equipment with special napkins, which are soaked in a solution with a cleaning composition, they are sold in the same place as office equipment and consumables. This is effective method in the fight against jaundice. Napkins will not scratch the treated areas. They wipe TVs, monitors, keyboards.

  • The oven, microwave can be bleached with hydrogen peroxide: apply on a soft cloth, wipe the yellow spots several times.
  • To remove yellowing from the refrigerator, you can use chlorine-containing cleaning solutions. To do this, remove the parts necessary for processing from the refrigerator, soak in water with a product for 10–12 hours, then rinse well with water.
  • A special cleaning agent is also suitable, in the form of a gel with a gentle structure. And you can also use any powder, the main thing is that its granules are easily dissolved in water.

Plastic cleaners

To remove dirt well without damaging the surface, you need to use special mixtures for washing, they have a suitable composition of active ingredients.


It is enough to systematically wash the desired areas with affordable means that can be created at home. These substances will help whiten plastic window sills, dishes, furniture legs, and more.

The most common:

  1. Laundry soap. To do this, take the grated half of the bar, dilute it in water at room temperature. Then wipe the yellowed surfaces with a cloth or sponge soaked in this liquid, wait one hour, then wash thoroughly. This is the simplest, most gentle bleaching agent with a bactericidal effect, which will be useful in the fight against greasy deposits, dust, and dirt.
  2. Chlorine. Place the necessary removable parts in a chlorine-containing cleaning solution for 12 hours, and then wash and rinse.
  3. Technical soda plus laundry detergent. In one liter of water, add one tablespoon of soda, one tablespoon of washing powder. Place the necessary elements in the resulting mixture for an hour or two, and then rinse well.
  4. Alcohol. You can use any alcohol: ethyl, isopropyl, methyl and other alcohols. It is recommended to wear disposable or rubber gloves and goggles. When treating surfaces with alcohol, the room must be ventilated.
  5. Acetone. The procedure must be carried out quickly and watch so that there are no smudges from acetone, since kaon can ruin the plastic. You must be extremely careful: some types of plastic can dissolve in acetone.
  6. Bleach powder with hydrogen peroxide (perhydrol). In half a liter of water, dilute one tablespoon of perhydrol and powdered bleach, the main thing is not to heat the perhydrol.
  7. Hydrogen peroxide plus oxidant. With this simple substance, you can try to remove unwanted yellowness on plastic surfaces by processing several times.
  8. Laundry detergent with bleach. It must be diluted with warm water to form a thick paste, apply a small amount to the yellow spot, wait 20 minutes, wipe with a sponge, then rinse.
  9. Vinegar. It is better to choose 80% vinegar essence for this. 9% vinegar will not help. Take cotton wool, apply the essence, rub the yellowed places, then rinse abundantly with clean liquid. These works are recommended to be carried out in special gloves.


Chemical professional sprays and aerosols are easier to use: they are ready-made, and you just need to spray them, apply them, and then follow the instructions.

  1. Arexons tiefenpfleger- an aerosol that is able to neutralize unpleasant odors, cleans and protects well. Does not cause allergic reactions in humans, does not harm the skin of the hands. They can also clean glass. The aerosol is applied to the window, then wiped with a dry flannel cloth.
  2. cockpit spray is a protective, cleansing, renewing polish. It is harmless to environment, flavored, it is produced with the aroma of peaches and apples. It has an antistatic property and protects the surface from contaminating particles, dust.
  3. Elf eclap plastic- this is a spray that perfectly removes greasy stains, cleans, forming a thin, transparent, protective film.
  4. Simonis copy shine- aerosol with good aroma, removes fat, makes imperceptible removal of contaminants.
  5. Shell cockpit cleaner- a substance that has an antistatic property, protects against dirt, dust, emphasizes color, gives a radiant sheen.
  6. Armor all protectant- spray. It can clean, restore plastic surfaces, and has anti-static properties.
  7. Kerry KR-905- an aerosol capable of removing different kinds contaminants, has an antistatic effect and can prolong the life of the plastic.
  8. Atasplak– an atomizer consisting of fluorine-containing polymers, thanks to which the surface long time shines, and also repels pollution, does not pass ultraviolet rays.

Care of plastic products

There are also many aerosols that can restore plastic to its original appearance, and they also have an antistatic effect, covering products with a thin film. It is advisable to carry out preventive maintenance on the technique. Absorption of fats and dust delays wet cleaning.

Proper care will extend the life of plastic elements. The main ways to prevent yellowness on plastic products:

  1. Use substances intended for plastic.
  2. Always rinse surfaces with plenty of water after using cleaning solutions.
  3. Systematically remove dust, dirt particles and do wet wiping with detergents.
  4. Avoid mechanical damage, abrasives and hard metals.
  5. Do not place hot objects on plastic surfaces.

Plastic can be cleaned different ways and means. By following some rules, you can apply several of the listed methods. And if it was not possible to remove the yellowness, then a special spray paint can save the situation.

Nowadays, plastic windows are inserted in almost every apartment. Over time, glass and window sills get dirty, so they need care. How to clean plastic windows? There are several ways.

So that washing the window does not cause you much trouble, it is better to prepare special items in advance that will help you and not cause unnecessary trouble, namely:

  • melamine sponge;
  • foam sponge;
  • rubber spatula;
  • special brush for washing plastic;
  • a soft fleece, cotton or flannel cloth to avoid streaks.

How to wash a plastic window from dirt?

Advice! A tool that will help clean plastic windows from dirt is a soapy solution and a soft washcloth.

However, these types of stains on windows can only be cleaned if they are fresh.

Before the hostess, the question will arise, how to wash the stains from the plastic window. Help comes household chemicals. It is possible that the stains will be washed off with dishwashing detergent, but it will take a lot of time to wash it off the window.

To wash, for example, a window sill made of laminated plastic, you can use a regular cleaning powder that will not damage the surface.

A spray bottle is a great way to get rid of stains.

A spray bottle is a great way to get rid of stains, but its strong smell is not suitable for people with allergies.

The cleaning of window sills includes washing the cracks that are located under the frame. In this case, a toothbrush will help you, which will clean hard-to-reach places without any problems.

By the way, the cleaner should be without soda, since its presence in the composition can provoke scratches, which is highly undesirable. If you have soot on the plastic, then Whitespirit will do just fine. However, it is worth remembering that this tool is not suitable for all types of plastic. Some after processing begin to turn yellow. Therefore, in order to avoid such consequences, do not rush to apply the entire product to the plastic, but check its effect on a separate piece.

Methods for cleaning a plastic window after repair

The owners often think about how to clean the plastic window after repair, so that everything in the apartment is perfect. There are several methods.

Methods for cleaning a plastic window from concrete, putty and plaster

Important! Any stains that get on the window right away are much easier to remove than to wash off the dirt that got on the plastic window later.

Such substances include concrete, putty or plaster, which have hardened and are quite difficult to wash off from the profile and glass.

Here you can think about the question, how are building materials washed from a plastic window and how not to damage it at the same time.

Basically, building materials have properties to soak

Basically, building materials have properties to soak. Therefore, you need to wet the stains with water using a spray bottle or a rag, and after a while the treated areas will calmly move away from the window surface.

Sometimes it happens that water does not help, and then you need to carefully remove the stain with a blade.

Methods for cleaning a plastic window from mounting foam

Building foam is quite difficult to remove from the surface, so it is necessary to monitor the accurate work of installers. If the building foam is on the profile, then it is removed with a scraper or blade, there is an option to treat the place of contamination with a special solvent.

Ways to wash a plastic window from paint

Paint stains containing water are removed with a hair dryer set to high power. The hot air coming from the hair dryer will melt the paint and it can be easily removed with a rag.

Paint stains containing water are removed with a hair dryer set to high.

However, there are paints and varnishes that can only be removed with acetone-free nail polish.

Drops of paint can also be removed by gently scraping off the surface with a blade.

Methods for cleaning a plastic window from adhesive tape

Important! To carefully remove the adhesive tape, it must be wetted with water using a sponge or treated with steam from an iron.

If it was not possible to remove the adhesive tape qualitatively, then special solvents or laundry soap will help.

What chemicals can be used to clean plastic windows after repair?

What is the best way to clean plastic windows, and what chemicals can it be applied? Will help with this:

  • "Mr. Muscle" is an excellent tool that fights pollution and does not leave stains on the glass when used properly;
  • if the mounting foam got on the profile, then "Fenozol" will come to the rescue;
  • "Bref" copes well with this task;
  • "Cosmofen 20" is suitable for washing various kinds of pollution;
  • "Cosmofen 10" and "Cosmofen 5" act as solvents for stains;
  • "Penosil" - an excellent remedy for pollution, is available in the form of a spray;
  • solvent "646", which will effortlessly remove paint, primer or other building contamination;
  • "San Klin" good remedy for glass cleaning.

"Mr. Muscle" is an excellent tool that fights pollution and does not leave stains on the glass when used correctly.

How and how to wash the glass after installing the double-glazed window?

The usual procedure that many housewives resort to in order to wipe the glass after installing a double-glazed window is to wash it with water using a rag. However, this is not effective method pollution control and complicates the procedure.

Therefore, how to effectively wash plastic windows after installation, we will consider in more detail below, namely:

  • 1 tbsp must be dissolved in 1 liter of water. ammonia or a glass of acetic acid. You can use bleach, which is diluted in a ratio of 50 g of lime per 1 liter of water;
  • immerse the sponge in this solution, wring it out and wipe it, finish the procedure with a newspaper, wiping the glass with it to a shine.

How and how to wash plastic after installing a double-glazed window?

How to wash plastic on plastic windows? To do this, do the following:

  • firstly, the plugs are removed;
  • the surface must be wiped with a damp cloth to remove dust after installation and apply detergent;
  • the profile is covered with a cleaner and left for a few minutes;
  • excess agent is removed with a sponge;
  • a rubber spatula cleans all corner butt joints;
  • when the stains are removed, you can rinse off the product with clean water.

How often should plastic windows be washed?

In general, to maintain cleanliness, it is advisable to wash the window once a month, although this procedure will depend on where the window goes. In a residential area, once every six months is enough, and near a busy highway, you will have to wash much more often. After all, the less dirt is removed from the surface, the worse the light passes through the glass.

Once you have washed the plastic windows with any cleaning agent, you need to ventilate the room.