
How to wash hair dye with. How to wash hair dye off the scalp. What needs to be done so that the hair dye is washed off the skin very easily


11211 06/17/2019 5 min.

The eternal lack of time and the desire to save money make us do things on our own that are better entrusted to a professional master. Such activities include hair coloring, which requires certain knowledge and skills from the performer. If you do serious business from time to time, you will definitely miss something, mix it up or make up where you didn’t intend to. To make your image bright and irresistible, you decide to dye your hair. The familiar procedure takes no more than an hour. You look in the mirror to appreciate the magnificent result, and suddenly you notice traces of paint on your hands, forehead and neck. Of course, such a procedure cannot be carried out accurately! What to do if soap did not help - the first remedy that came to hand and how to wipe the paint off the skin?

The method of easy and complete removal

This tool is suitable for very prudent ladies. They should be used before dyeing hair. On those areas of the skin where the paint will definitely fall, it is necessary to apply a greasy face cream with a greasy layer. It will effectively protect skin cells from coloring pigment. At the end of staining, traces of paint are easily removed with a cotton pad moistened with liquid soap.

Removing stains from fresh hair dye from the skin of the face

There is one plus in the trouble that happened to you: coloring pigments penetrate deeply into the skin only a few minutes after it is stained. Paint that has just got on the skin is very easy to wash off with waterproof mascara remover, any soap solution or regular hairspray.

How to Remove Dried Stains

Stains are found after they are completely dry? You'll have to fiddle around with them a bit.

On the delicate and sensitive skin behind the ears and on the forehead, it is better to apply only natural remedies. There are many ways to remove and clean the skin of paint:

Wipe off with soda

Dampen the baking soda with warm water and rub the stained skin lightly. No need to apply reinforcement so as not to scrub the surface.

Wash with vinegar

Natural Apple vinegar which will not affect aggressively. Two tablespoons of natural vinegar should be slightly heated, not boiling. Wet a cotton pad with vinegar and apply it on the stained areas for a couple of minutes. Then just rinse the skin with water, wipe with a cotton pad and make sure there are no paint stains.

Remove with alcohol

Alcohol is one of the solvents known to everyone, which successfully wipes off paint stains. With a few drops of alcohol applied to a napkin, you need to try to gently treat the painted skin. If it is not possible to withdraw the first time, the procedure is repeated.

Wipe with vegetable oil

Vegetable oil is suitable for use in this emergency for those who do not want to use aggressive and irritating liquids such as alcohol or vinegar. You need to moisten a napkin in olive or any other vegetable oil, treat traces of dried paint and leave it for 15-20 minutes. When you wash off the oil with water and make sure that the stains are still visible, the procedure must be repeated and wiped off until the winning result.

Clean with acetone

Acetone should dissolve stains on dyed leather, after which you can easily clean the skin. Nail polish remover containing acetone is also suitable as a solvent. True, from such products, red spots may appear on the skin, which should soon disappear.

Remove with toothpaste

A skin-friendly method is to apply a thin layer of toothpaste to paint stains. Wait for the paste to dry completely and gently rinse your skin with warm water. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated until the desired result is obtained.

Tool "Lokon"

The Lokon remedy, which can be found in perfume stores, will relieve skin stained with hair dye without leaving any traces. The main disadvantage of the product is a sharp unpleasant odor.

Wash off with kefir

Kefir is used as a solvent for hair dye in the form of a lotion on the skin, since it contains harmless lactic acid. Wipe the paint stains with a napkin soaked in kefir and apply a compress for a few minutes. Rinse and repeat if needed.

Wash off hair dye with hair dye

The prepared paint remaining in the container should be applied to spots that have dried on the skin and rubbed lightly. Then you need to wet them, and try to wipe with plain or soapy water. Brilliant method, isn't it?

Wash off with a damp cloth

A wet wipe can be very effective in solving the problem of rinsing hair dye. The main thing is not to make great efforts so as not to injure her.

Ashes from a cigarette

The ash from the cigarette was very effective tool when rubbing paint off the surface of the skin. You need to dip a damp cloth into the ashes and lightly rub the stain with it.

Remove with moisturizing oil

Moisturizing oil for baby skin should be applied to a tissue and rubbed into a spot on the skin. In addition to excellent cosmetic properties, this oil can act as a solvent for hair coloring products. For maximum results, leave the oil for long time, even at night. In the morning, the remaining oil is washed off with warm water. The surface will be soft, moisturized and free of stains! Which hair dye is the safest can be found by.

If nothing helped

None of the listed remedies helped you remove, remove paint? It's hard to believe, but then you can try the well-known chemicals. These include special agent for removing waterproof mascara, milk for removing makeup and pharmacy hydrogen peroxide.

You can sometimes see extreme advice on the internet for removing hair dye from your skin, such as glass cleaner. The effect is achieved due to the content of ammonia in the composition of this chemical agent. But it also contains other substances that can even leave burns on the skin.

On the video, how to remove hair dye from the skin:

You can cover up ink stains with makeup or good hair styling by covering part of your face with them. You should not smear everything that comes to hand on the skin, because it can react differently to your experiments. The procedure must be completely safe.

In addition to the listed home methods, you can use professional cosmetics designed specifically for this purpose: Hair Light Remove, Utopik Cleaner, or those that the seller in the store will advise you. If the price per bottle seems too high for you, use the effective Curl Curl.

Hair coloring at home is fraught not only with mismatched expectations, but also with spots that, even with the most careful application, can appear on the scalp, face, and neck. And if you work without gloves, then the marks on your hands and nails are guaranteed. What are the features of the marks left by the paint, and are there any homemade ways to wipe them off and get rid of them completely? Let's look for answers together!

Why is it difficult to clean the skin after dyeing hair

The durability and color of the paint affects the corrosiveness of the traces: dark and bright colors are more noticeable on the skin and nails, and light colors are less noticeable. As for durability, everything is clear here. Regardless of how your paint works - it envelops the hair (unstable, tinting) or penetrates its structure (resistant) - stains from it eat into the keratinized layer of cells in the same way. Moreover, even from a tint balm, unremoved traces will remain on the skin for a few more days. So if paint gets on the body, you need to act immediately.

What not to do

To begin with, we will determine the means that are not recommended to be used to remove stains from the skin and nails. Of course, the easiest way to remove any stains is to dissolve them. In terms of effectiveness, chemical solvents, for example, white spirit, occupy the first place in this list. But their composition can have an aggressive effect on the skin. The use of strong abrasives is not recommended. In other words, cleaning your nails with pumice stone may be effective, but restoring the cuticle and the very surface of the stratum corneum will become the main occupation for the next 1-2 months.

How can you wash off or wipe off traces of hair dye

There are several ways to wash stains of coloring pigment. Their use depends, first of all, on the part of the body that was "in the line of fire." Professional lines of hair coloring products produce solutions or wipes (for example, Bravo) that can be used to wipe the skin and nails. However, to find such magic wands”, which will allow you to dye your hair without the risk of being dirty, is quite difficult. They are sold in specialized stores and are not cheap. So you need to look for something more accessible in all respects.

Means for removing paint stains from different parts of the body and the principle of their action - table

Part of the bodyOperating principleFunds
Facesoft action
  • sanitary napkins;
  • makeup remover;
  • soap or shampoo;
  • kefir;
  • vegetable oil.
scalpsoft action
  • lemon;
  • hair dye.
Armssoft action
  • soda;
  • soda and dishwashing liquid;
  • toothpaste;
  • oils.
Aggressive means
  • nail polish remover;
  • alcohol or vinegar;
  • hair spray;
  • washing powder and soda;
  • "Curl" for curling hair;
  • cigarette ash.
NailsSoft remedysoap solution
Aggressive means
  • nail polish remover;
  • nail polish.

The most gentle way to wash your face

The skin on the face is very sensitive and a certain amount of caution is required in handling it. Therefore, paint stain removers should be chosen soft.

Soap or shampoo

This method is effective only on fresh stains.

  1. Dilute a little in water liquid soap or shampoo (if there are stains in the eye area, then it is dangerous to use shampoo - it can pinch).
  2. Remove marks with a cotton pad.
  3. We wash ourselves with warm water.

Wet wipes, hygienic or hairdressing

This option to wipe stains from hair dye from the face is suitable even for stubborn traces. The only caveat: it is recommended to use baby wipes to avoid irritation. By the way, in hairdressing salons, masters also have special napkins, “sharpened” for removing paint stains from the scalp and hands.

How to wash off traces of hair dye from the skin with special wipes - video


A method that takes time.

  1. Wet cotton pads with dairy product.
  2. We wipe the places of pollution.
  3. Wash off with warm water.
  4. Apply fresh compresses and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  5. We wash ourselves.

If the paint is bright, then you may have to repeat the procedure 2-3 times.

Vegetable oil

It is interesting. Any vegetable oil will work for removing paint stains, although some experienced users say that olive oil is better.

  1. We heat the oil to room temperature.
  2. Wet a cotton pad.
  3. We process the stains and leave the compress for 15 minutes.
  4. Wash off everything with warm water.
  5. If necessary, repeat the procedure again.

Vegetable oil is considered the most suitable remedy for washing off eyebrow dye.

Makeup remover

If you are removing light-colored paint stains, you can use a regular makeup remover. It is better if it is a means for removing waterproof makeup from the eyes.

How to wash your face from paint - photo gallery

Soap and water - The best way remove fresh spots from any area of ​​the skin wet wipes perfectly remove stains from hair dye Kefir is safe to remove paint from the skin, but you have to try Oil will not only remove stains, but also soften the skin
To cleanse the face of paint, it is better to use a permanent make-up remover.

Two ways to remove paint from the scalp

This is a part of the body that definitely will not escape contamination after staining. And okay, if you followed the advice of professionals and before applying the dye, smeared the scalp along the hairline with a neutral cream - so the paint pigments will not be able to absorb too much. But if the skin is stained, you need to solve the problem as soon as possible.

Hair dye

A wedge is knocked out with a wedge - folk wisdom says. And this fully applies to the choice of means for removing dried traces of paint from the scalp.

  1. The remaining dye is applied to areas with dried paint.
  2. Wet these places with water and rub lightly.
  3. Foam at the temples, repeating the movements, as when washing the head.
  4. Wash off with water after 2-3 minutes.


This method should not be used if there is an allergy to citrus fruits. Although its use does not require much effort.

  1. Wipe the mark with a piece of fruit.
  2. After the stain disappears, rinse with water.

Video: how to remove marks on the skin after dyeing hair

Clean the skin of the hands with mild abrasives and solvents

The skin of the hands, although delicate, is still not as sensitive as on the face, so, in addition to the methods already described for removing dye residues, more aggressive options can be used.

Whichever method you choose, wash your hands thoroughly with mild soap after using it.

Nail polish remover

If you evaluate this tool on a scale of effectiveness, then it will certainly receive 100% out of 100. Wipe the stain with liquid - and there will be no traces of paint left.


  1. In a bowl, mix 1 tsp. baking soda with water to the consistency of gruel.
  2. Apply to spots and rub well.
  3. Wash off with warm water.

After using hand paint removers, you need to apply a rich nourishing cream to avoid dry skin.

Soda plus dishwashing liquid

  1. We mix 1 tsp. soda and 1 tbsp. l. gel.
  2. Apply to hands, rub and rinse.

Dishwashing gel was introduced in this recipe to slightly reduce the abrasiveness of the baking soda and soften the skin during the use of the gruel.


  1. Squeeze out on hands toothpaste. The paste should be chosen not gel, but ordinary.
  2. Rub well in your hands, paying special attention to stains.
  3. Wash off with soap and water.

Body oils, Vaseline

Ideal for those with extremely sensitive skin.

  1. Apply the oil to the skin with a cotton swab.
  2. We put on cloth gloves or unnecessary socks (in the form of mittens) so as not to stain everything around.
  3. We leave for the night.
  4. Remove oil residue with a tissue and wash hands with soap

Can be used to remove paint stains baby cream, olive oil or petroleum jelly.

Alcohol or vinegar

It is enough to wipe the stain with a cotton swab moistened with a few drops of alcohol or vinegar so that the pollution disappears. If the first time did not work, then the procedure can be repeated.

Hair spray

  1. Spray varnish on a cotton pad.
  2. Wipe the skin.
  3. Wash off with warm water

If your hands are too dirty, then it is better to refuse varnish - there is a risk of overdrying the skin.

Washing powder plus soda

Such a kind of scrub will allow you to quickly remove the keratinized layer of the skin, into which the paint has been absorbed.

  • We mix soda and powder 1: 1 (for example, 1 tsp each)
  • Rub into the skin for 1-1.5 minutes.
  • Wash off with warm water.


If you are not afraid of an unpleasant smell, then you can remove stains with an inexpensive Curl - a hair curler. It is enough to spray it on the skin, wait and rinse with water.

cigarette ash

Despite the harm of smoking, waste products are in some ways very useful.

  1. Cold ash is mixed with water.
  2. We apply the mixture on a cotton swab, treat the contaminated places and wait 15 minutes.
  3. I wash my hands with soap.

Not all paints are washed off with ashes, so the probability of success in this case is no more than 2/3.

What means can be used to wipe hands from paint stains - gallery

Soda is an excellent abrasive that removes the contaminated layer of the epidermis. Paste to remove traces of hair dye from the skin should not be gel. Vaseline, you can wipe your hands from the remnants of hair dye. You can use vinegar instead of alcohol to clean your hands from traces of paint. Hairspray contains alcohols that are aggressive act on the skin "Lokon" removes paint stains well, but smells very sharp

How do you sometimes want to radically change your image, and the easiest way to do this is by dyeing your hair a different color. But if you decide to do it not in a beauty salon, but on your own at home, check in advance how to wash off the paint from the skin. Surely you will have to deal with the problem of paint drops on your forehead, arms and face.

How to remove paint from skin?

In order to quickly cope with this task, one of the following tools will suit you:

  • lemon juice or acid;
  • alcohol or lotions on alcohol;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • any soap;
  • soda;
  • vinegar;
  • nail polish remover;
  • special solvents;
  • paint with which you changed the shade of your hair.

Choose the appropriate option, given the fact where exactly the excess paint got. On the hands, you can use more aggressive products, but for the face, try gentle substances that are unlikely to cause allergies.

Method 1

If you notice the paint almost immediately, immediately take the soap and proceed as follows:

  1. Apply a small amount of on the sponge
  2. Rub the stains gently.
  3. Repeat the procedure several times until the paint is completely gone.

Method 2

If soap is no longer effective in removing the color mixture, try using alcohol or a skin lotion containing alcohol. For this:

  1. Soak a cotton pad in the solvent.
  2. Wipe dirty areas.
  3. Change the cotton as it gets dirty.
  4. Rinse the skin after removing all traces with cool water.
  5. Apply cream.

Method 3

Suitable for whitening regular baking soda. To get a good result, follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. Take a clean, soft sponge and lightly wet it.
  2. Dip it in baking soda so that it gets wet too.
  3. Wipe the contaminated area.
  4. Rinse with cool water to remove any remaining powder.
  5. Lubricate with nourishing cream.

Important! Another option is to make a paste based on baking soda. In this case, mix 1 tsp. powder for 5-10 drops of water.

Method 4

Well dissolves almost any paint, including hair, nail polish remover. In order not to overdry the skin and not cause an allergic reaction, take the one without acetone. Then proceed like this:

  1. Soak a cotton pad in the solvent.
  2. Wipe stains.
  3. At the end, rinse the previously soiled areas with water and grease with cream.

Important! You can replace this solvent with vinegar. In this case, dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:1.

Method 5

If you are not allergic to citrus fruits, use regular lemon instead. For this

  1. Squeeze out the juice from the lemon.
  2. Soak cotton wool in it and wipe stains.

Important! They should fade quickly enough, but lemon dries the skin a lot. Therefore, after completing the procedure, be sure to rinse it with running water and lubricate it with cream. If the fruit itself was not at hand, dilute the powder citric acid in warm water - the effect will be similar.

Method 6

Perfectly discolors such solutions with hydrogen peroxide. The principle of its use is very simple:

  1. Soak cotton wool in peroxide.
  2. Wipe all marks with a dabbing motion.

Important! If possible, leave the swab with the product for 5-10 minutes. In this case, you will get the result faster.

How else can you wipe the paint off the skin?

Surprisingly, many professional masters recommend removing paint from the skin with the same solution that you dyed your hair. For this:

  1. When painting, leave a small amount of the mixture.
  2. Apply fresh solution to dried marks.
  3. Hold for 1-2 minutes.
  4. Wash off with soap.

Another method will take quite a long time, so use it at night:

  1. Rub the stains with baby oil.
  2. Rub it well into the skin.
  3. In the morning, wash off the remaining paint with warm water.

What products are suitable for removing paint from leather?

If you decide to purchase a special product in advance, give preference to hypoallergenic, high-quality cosmetics. For example, these include:

  • Utopic Cleaner;
  • Diskon Remover;
  • Igora Color Remover;
  • Hair Light Remover.

Important! The cheaper Lokon lotion will also work. It is designed for perm but excellentremoves paint from skin. To quickly remove all stains, simply soak cotton wool in the solution and rub the stained areas.

  1. Before lubricating hair, lubricate the skin on the forehead, face and hands fat cream. In this case, even if the mixture does not get to its intended purpose, you can easily remove it with cotton wool without the use of cleaning products.
  2. Immediately carefully inspect your skin as soon as you finish applying paint to your hair - fresh traces are easier to wipe off than dried ones.

Hair coloring at home is a very popular procedure that saves time and money. Modern hair dyes are easy to use, so anyone can change their image on their own. However, there is one disadvantage of hair dyeing at home - the dye often gets on the skin of the face and hands and quickly eats away. In this post, we'll talk about how to get hair dye off face hands, nails, and how you can protect yourself from these troubles .

Types of hair dyes

Currently, shop windows are overflowing with an assortment of hair dyes. Some are more resistant and allow you to achieve long-term preservation of color, while others are able to give the hair only a shade. Modern dyes are divided into three groups:

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Basically, you have to wipe off chemical-based paints from the skin of the face and hands, it is they who leave persistent stains on the skin and nails.

How to get hair dye off your face and hands

Consider home-based ways to wipe hair dye from the skin:

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To wipe the hair dye from the skin, a perm agent, for example, "Curl". This option won't hurt. skin covering heads, will not leave any traces. Apply with a cotton swab. Hold for a while and rinse off. The disadvantage of using such a tool is an unpleasant, sharp, very specific smell.

How to wipe off traces of paint on the skin, if folk remedies did not bring the desired result? Take advantage professional cosmetics , which are designed to clean the skin from traces of chemical hair dye: Igora Color Remover, Dikson Remover, Utopik Cleaner and Hair Light Remover. They are impeccable, but quite expensive.

Some manufacturers put a product in the box of hair dye that can wipe off traces of the dye. This is the most the best option, because the tool is designed specifically to cleanse the skin of exactly the paint that you used.

After cleansing the skin from paint stains, be sure to use a nourishing cream!

How to clean nails from traces of paint

When staining, not only the skin of the face and hands can suffer, but also nail plates. Lemon, raw potatoes, acetone or alcohol will help to wipe the paint off the hands and clean the dye from the nails. .png" alt="(!LANG: hair dye remover for hands and nails" width="450" height="365" srcset="" data-srcset=" 553w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

Potato cut in half, rub it on a fine grater and immerse the nails in the prepared mass for 5 minutes.

From citrus you can prepare a bath by mixing the juice of one lemon with a small amount of water at room temperature.

Acetone or alcohol gently wipe the nail plates, after the procedure, be sure to lubricate them with cream.

How to prevent stains

In order not to have to clean the skin and nails from paint stains after the procedure, follow these helpful recommendations:

  • prepare everything in advance necessary items and tools;
  • when painting, use gloves to protect your hands;
  • first generously grease with a greasy cream all areas that can potentially get dirty (hairline, temporal areas);
  • use paint stain removers as soon as they appear, fresh marks are much easier to deal with.

Before the hair coloring procedure, we lubricate the hair growth contour on the forehead with a layer of fat cream, you can use petroleum jelly. With the help of a cotton swab dipped in water, remove the remaining paint immediately after the end of the application of the dye. .png" alt="(!LANG:hair coloring - precautions" width="450" height="260" srcset="" data-srcset=" 612w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

The most active components of the coloring matter appear in the first 15 minutes. Therefore, it is necessary to wipe the skin from traces immediately.

Remember that it will be easier to wipe the hair dye from the skin if you strictly follow the instructions that came with the product during the dyeing process. Do not overdo the dye on the hair, this will not enhance the effect. Keep exactly as long as the manufacturer indicates.

Wear a special cape or wrap yourself in an old sheet. Apply the dye to your hair with a special brush. When using it, you will not once again touch the scalp, and, accordingly, there will be fewer spots on the skin.

For a few more secrets on how to wipe hair dye off your skin, see the video:


Now you know a few secrets on how to wipe hair dye from your face and nails at home. Small errors in self-coloring will not stop you on your way to the ideal. Change, look for your image, improve and do it with pleasure and without consequences.

Hair coloring is one of the most requested procedures in women's hairdressing salons. Nevertheless, often, in order to dye their hair in the desired color, representatives of the beautiful half of humanity resort to the help of sisters, mothers and girlfriends, performing dyeing at home. Often, such experiments lead to the fact that not only the hair, but also the skin of the head and hands are dyed in a new color. Today we will talk about how to wipe hair dye from the skin.

Method number 1. Soap solution

If the skin has been stained recently, i.e. the paint has not yet had time to be absorbed, then you can wash it off with a cotton pad soaked in soapy water. For this purpose, a solution prepared from water and shampoo is also suitable.

Method number 2. Baking soda solution

A more effective way to get rid of even stubborn paint is a baking soda scrub made from baking soda and a little water. Apply the mass to the paint spots and rub lightly.

Method number 3. Vodka

You can wash off traces of even dried paint with a cotton pad soaked in vodka. Do not be upset if after the first procedure the trace of the paint does not disappear, make a second attempt, and the skin will definitely become clean.

Method number 4. Vinegar

The method of using vinegar is similar to that described in the third paragraph. However, do not forget that vinegar is a potent substance, therefore, you should not resort to this remedy if your skin is sensitive.

Method number 5. Vegetable oil

If a couple of the methods proposed above do not suit girls with sensitive skin, then the salvation for such persons will be vegetable or olive oil. Apply warm vegetable / olive oil to the stained areas of the skin, leave for a quarter of an hour, and then rinse with warm water. If the spots do not go away immediately, then the procedure can be repeated.

Method number 6. Toothpaste

Many, for sure, will be surprised, but you can get rid of traces of hair dye on the skin using ordinary toothpaste. Apply it in a thin layer on the spots, after the paste dries, it should be washed off with warm water. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.

Method number 7. Kefir

Kefir has excellent whitening properties, so it can be used not only when you need to whiten your face after sunburn, but also, if necessary, wipe hair dye from your skin. Just soak a cotton pad in the dairy product, wipe the paint stains with it and rinse with warm water after 10 minutes. Quite often a second procedure is required.

Method number 8. Lemon juice

Another well-known natural bleach is lemon. It will also help when you need to wash off the paint from the scalp and hands. Soak a cotton pad in lemon juice and wipe the stained areas with it. As a rule, there are no traces of stains.

Method number 9. Wet sanitary napkins

Wet wipes can be found in every girl's makeup bag. However, not everyone knows that they perfectly help, if necessary, to wipe the hair dye from the skin.

If grandmother's remedies did not help get rid of traces of hair dye on the skin, then you should go to the store where you bought the paint and purchase hair curler called "Curl". Don't be put off by its pungent odor, as there is hardly anything that can compare with it in terms of efficiency. Simply apply a small amount to a cotton pad and wipe the paint stains with it. You will be amazed at how easily and quickly it will be able to clean even the most stubborn marks.

All the proposed remedies will undoubtedly help to wipe the hair dye from the scalp. However, it is better to foresee the unpleasant consequences of hair coloring even before the procedure. Before you sit in the hairdresser's chair and trust the master, it will not be superfluous to smear the scalp with a fat cream. It will prevent the penetration of the coloring pigment into the skin, which means that after the procedure you will not have to think about how to wipe off paint stains.

And one more tip: if you forgot to apply the cream, and the skin is stained, try to wash it off as soon as possible. As a rule, wiping off fresh hair dye is not difficult even with a dry cotton pad.

Dear visitors of the portal site, do not forget to share with other readers of our online magazine your female tricks that help you always look irresistible. Perhaps in your piggy bank of such tricks there is a tool that allows you to wipe hair dye from the skin, which we did not mention, we hope that it will appear in the comments to this article under your authorship.