
Funny sketches for initiation into first graders. Holiday scenario: “Initiation into first graders. What will give the holiday to children


Music "Inception"

(First graders are waiting in the hallway)

1 Lead: Following me with a good step
Head on over, friends,
To us on a holiday of dedication,
You can't be late.

2 Lead: We are very glad to all guests!
The holiday knocked on our house!

First graders, come in!

We look forward to welcoming you!

Music "First Graders Exit"

(First-graders enter to the solemn music

and sit down in the hall.)

1 Host: We welcome guests
Dear teachers!
Dear kids,
How good you are!
Lucky teachers
That these children have come to us.

2 Lead: Hello guys and dear guests! I am glad to see you all in our cozy, bright room. We gathered for a fun school holiday "Dedication to first graders"!

Today our first graders will face great challenges. They must show ingenuity, dexterity, skill.

1 Lead: Dear first graders, do not worry, your elder friends, teachers and guests will be next to you. Those who pass all the tests will be awarded the proud title of "first grader". So, let's go! There are many interesting things ahead of you.

2 Lead: You are no longer just children, but real schoolchildren, and we want to conduct holiday lessons for you, check what knowledge you have already received.

1 Lead: A fine day, a cheerful day.
The sky is gold and blue!
White stone school
Among the trees and aspens.
Nearby is a grove, near is a field,
Know the hare and the marmot:
If it's quiet in our school,
So it goes there ...
Children in chorus . Lesson!

(Bell rings)

2 Lead: - Our first lesson will be reading. it will be necessary to finish the name

literary hero. For example, I call the postman - you say Pechkin.

Listen to the first assignment for 1st grade:

1 Lead: Dad … (Carlo).

Cat… (Matroskin, in boots)

Woman… (Yaga)

2 Lead: 1 b class.

Koschey ... Immortal

Red ... Beanie

Hen… Ryaba

1 Lead: 1 per class.

Crocodile… (Gena)

Doctor… (Aibolit)

Vinnie ... (Pooh).

2 Lead: Now we will check how you know the fairy tales.

The first task for the 1st grade.

I left my grandmother,
I left my grandfather ...
Guess without a clue,
What fairy tale did I leave? ("Gingerbread man".)

1 Lead: 1 b class

And the road is far
And the basket is not easy
I would sit on a tree stump
I should eat a pie ... (“Mashenka and the Bear”.)

2 Lead: 1 per class.

Oh you, Petya-simplicity,
Blundered a little:
I did not obey the cat,
Looked out the window ... (“Cockerel is a golden comb.”)

Well done! You know fairy tales very well.

(The bell rings from the lesson.)

1 Lead: And now it's a change. The floor is given to the 1st class (song, conductor S. Zhigalova)

1 Host:

And now the guys show how they worked diligently for almost 2 months, learned numbers, some letters, tried to write beautifully. And some guys already know how to read.

(First graders recite a poem)

Performance 1 in the class of Gerasimov Yu.A.

1 student:
My first book
I also love the shore.
Although so far and in syllables,
I read it myself -

2 student:
How good it is to be able to read!

Don't bother your mom

Don't shake your grandmother:

"Please read, read!"

3 student:
Don't belittle your sister:

"Well, read another page."

No need to call

No need to wait

1 Host: -
Ding-ding-ding ”- The bell rings! Begins

The second lesson will be Russian. Now I'll read you riddles

which you will have to guess. And having guessed them, you will find out who is helping

us in writing lessons.

2 Lead: 1 a class.

    I don’t know any diplomas, but I’ve been writing all my life. (Pen)

1 Lead: 1 b class.

    Now I'm in a cage, then in a ruler, write on me, you can draw, I am called ... (notebook)

2 Lead: 1 per class.

    33 sisters are small in height. If you know their secret, then you will find the answer to everything. (Letters)

1 Lead: Now you will have to solve the puzzle to find out

encrypted word. (Annex 1)

1 a class. tassel

1 b class. eraser

1 per class. eight

2 Lead:
Turn! Change! Get some rest: you can run and

make noise, dance and sing songs, you can sit down and be silent ... Only - mind you! -

you can't get bored!

Song 1 a class Zhigalov S.V.

1 Lead:
And again the bell rings, he calls us to the lesson.
The third lesson from

we will be mathematics.
I offer you some very interesting problems.

1 a class.

Birds flew across the sky: a magpie, a sparrow, a butterfly and a bumblebee.

How many birds were there? (2)

2 Lead: 1 b class.

As under the tree stood in a circle: a woodpecker, an elk, a wild boar, a badger, and a magpie and a bear.

How many friends answer all (6)

1 Host: 1 "c" class.

May beetles lived under the bushes by the river: daughter, son, father and mother - who had time to count them? (4)

2 Host: 1 a class.
The sun is baking bright

Bees collect honey.

Six friends sat down on mint,

Three on meadow clover.

Have not forgotten not one (9)

1 Lead: 1 b class. Seven funny red lion cubs,

Don't want to get a haircut:

Three rushed away without looking back,

Only the heels sparkled

I have not seen the cowards in the world,

It was seven now ... (4)

Leading: 1c class. Six puppies played football

One was taken home

He looks out the window, considers

How many of them are walking now (5)

1 Host: - Well done! You are already counting well, but in high school you

will teach you to solve problems and more difficult.

(The bell rings from the lesson)

2 Host: So our holiday lessons are over, the first ones

school tests. Fifth-graders came to our holiday, they want

give you some helpful tips.

Music "Exit of the fifth graders"

1. Our school has a law -

Sluts are not allowed to enter.

Your textbook is not an album.

You don't need to draw in it.

2. The desk is not a bed

And you can't lie on it.

You sit at your desk slender.

And be calm.

Don't talk in class

Like an overseas parrot.

3. The teacher asks - you need to get up,

When he allows you to sit down, sit down.

Do you want to answer - do not make a noise

Just raise your hand.

4. Tell everyone about the school,

Treasure the honor of the school.

Keep it always in order

Books, copybooks, exercise books.

5. You should know perfectly well:

Fighting at school is indecent!

So that you are always cheerful

Sing more good songs!

6. Be neat, polite.

Do not forget to be healthy.

If you fulfill your order

Get ready for the second class!

1 Lead: You've all done a great job today and all of you are undeniable

awarded the proud title of "Disciple". Now you can safely be called

first graders and comes important point presentation of the first school

documents: first-grader's diploma.

2 Host: For congratulating and presenting diplomas to a first grader

provided to the school principal ________________________________


1 Lead: And now guys, you are full-fledged first graders of our

school, you are given the answer:

Word 1 b class cl. hands. Mikheeva G.A.

1. On a sunny, cheerful holiday
The heart beats joyfully.
"Student primary school” –
It sounds great!

2. In a large and bright school

The door is open for everyone.

We all came to learn

We are schoolchildren now

3. We carry school bags, we are big,

Books, pens, erasers.

Now we are not just children,

Now we are first graders!

4. We are now students-

We have no time for a walk.

Hooks are set on the house-

Difficult task!

5. We got used to order,

We do exercises in the morning.

And we get up every time

When the teacher enters the classroom.

6. Everyone in the classroom is busy.

From bell to bell.

It's just a pity that the change

The school is very short

7. How much at school we learn

How many books will we read!

We are on this path

Many more years to go.

8. I will not be lazy,
I will have time for everything.
I want to learn
Read, write, count.

9. Getting smarter and older
We will conquer all sciences.
And for this cool holiday
We say thank you to everyone.

2 Lead:So our solemn holiday has come to an end. Bon voyage, see you soon!

Music "The Road of Kindness"

rebus 1 a class

the answer is a brush

rebus class 1 b

the answer is an eraser


If you woke up in the morning

And I saw outside the window

Everyone is smart and with flowers

And the house is full of fun

If you see on the road

Many schoolchildren go

So autumn has come

The school year has begun.

- For millions of Russians today is a big holiday - the Day of Knowledge!

For thousands of teachers today is a holiday - the Day of Knowledge!

For millions of parents today is a holiday - the Day of Knowledge!

We are glad to meet you! Happy new academic year to everyone!

Summer days flew by

It's time for your desks.

Again you are all students,

Learning is not a game!

In a huge city, among thousands of schools,

There is one in which you came to study.

There is one in which to live for all of us, friends.

There is one such. You can't live without it!

- Do you remember which school you go to? What class? What class do you have in chorus?(children call their class in chorus)

- Well done! Remember not forgotten over the summer.

- Guys, at our holiday today there are kids who do not know in which class they are studying. Who do you think they are?

- Today we have to check whether they deserve to bear the proud title - first grader. Assignments have been prepared for them and they, I think, will definitely cope with them.

(song "Let them run awkwardly")

- Dear Guys! Today everyone congratulates you - mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles. And we received telegrams from whom you will know when you guess.

(telegrams are read out)

- And we will begin our tests for the little ones. But first, questions for our viewers.

- How many floors are there in our school?

- What is the name of the headmaster?

- Having heard the call for the lesson, what should I do?

- And what do you need to take with you to school, except for a portfolio?

- And now questions for the little ones.


1. New house I carry it in my hand

The door of the house is locked.

Here the tenants are paper,

All are terribly important.(Briefcase)

2. Now I'm in a cage, then in a ruler,

You can write on me.

You can draw.

What am I? (Notebook)

3. Live in a difficult book

Cunning brothers.

Ten of them, but these brothers

They will count everything in the world.(Numbers)

4. Letters-icons, like soldiers on a parade,

Lined up in strict order.

Everyone stands in the appointed place,

And they are all called ...(alphabet)

5. In the corridor, the stamping of feet,

That calls everyone to the class ...(call)

6. Who will color our album?

Well, of course ... (pencil)

7. The white lump has melted -

I left traces on the board.(chalk)

- You can learn everything at school,

Find a place in life

If you try very hard,

Everyone can become smarter.

Everyone will get advice here,

Any question is answered.

- It is important for everyone to understand

There is a lot to know in life.

If you want to be happy

There is no time to waste!

(Music sounds, a gypsy comes out and begins to read the hands of the first graders. The situation is played up)


Who will crush the ball faster by sitting on it.

- Well done! We have strong first graders!

(Song of the First Grader)


What the kids are ready to do

Who is our beloved friend?(The game)

The game "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!"

Who's neat and cheerful early in the morning rushing to school?

Who always has pens, books and notebooks in order?

Who is in bed all day and who is too lazy to study?

Tell me guys, who does exercises in the morning?

Who promises not to be lazy, but only to study well?


Tell a poem learned in advance.

I have no time for toys now

I study from the ABC book.

I will collect all the toys

And I will give it to Seryozha.

Wooden utensils

I will not give it yet.

I need a hare myself

It's okay that he's lame

And the bear is smeared too

It's a pity to give the doll

He will give it to the boys or

Throw it under the bed.

Give the locomotive to Seryozha?

He's bad, no wheel

And then I need it too

Play for half an hour

I have no time for toys anymore

I study from the ABC book.

But I seem to Seryozha

I will not give anything.

- Do you have any favorite toys? I suggest you dance with your toys.


Children dancing with toys.

- Well, guys, did the kids cope with the tests?

First Grade Initiation Ceremony

- Now you can safely be called first-graders and the important moment of presenting the first school documents.

(first grader certificate or first grader diploma).

Delivery of documents.

From today on, you are first graders! I congratulate you! I ask you to take the oath of a first grader. Repeat in chorus: "I swear!"

First Grader Oath

And in a knapsack to wear "good" and "excellent".

I swear!

I swear that I will try very hard

No more fight with my friends!

I swear!

I swear to be a child brought up,

Do not run around the school, but walk at a step.

I swear!

And if I break my oath,

Then I give my milk tooth,

Then I promise to wash the dishes forever,

And I will not play on the computer!

I swear!

I will always be perfect as a child

I swear!

It's hard to raise your children

You need to know a lot for this.

I would like to wish parents:

Always help children in everything,

To get the child to school in the morning,

Give good parting words in time,

And on the weekend, do not forget to take a walk,

To avoid all diseases,

We still need to temper the children,

Meetings are also all to attend,

Help the school as much as you can.

And most importantly - without a doubt -

I wish you patience!

Dear Parents! It is your turn to take the oath of parents of first graders!

Oath of parents of first graders

I swear

Always say “Well done” to a child!

I swear!

I swear not to "build" a child's education,

I swear to master a foreign language with him.

I swear!

For deuces, I swear I don't scold him

And do homework to help him.

I swear!

And if I break my oath,

Then I give my last tooth,

Then my promise baby

Feed boiled condensed milk every day!

I swear!

Then I will be the perfect parent

And I will never forget my oath!

I swear!

(Song: What they teach at school.)

Wake up early in the morning

Wash yourself well

In order not to yawn at school,

Do not peck at the desk with your nose.

Dress neatly

So that it was pleasant to watch.

Don't giggle in class

Chair there - don't move here

Do not tease, do not be arrogant

Try to help everyone at school.

Don't frown in vain, be brave -

And you will find yourself friends.

That's all my advice,

They are not wiser and simpler,

You, my friend, do not forget them,

Well, happily, good luck!

For the first time crossing the school threshold, first graders do not know what awaits them. To dispel childish fear before the unknown, and explain to them the basic school rules, teachers and organizers hold a first-grader initiation festival, filled with fun themed contests, riddles and pleasant gifts.

School enrollment is a crucial stage in the life of a future first-grader. This day marks the beginning of his interesting, eventful and at the same time challenging school life.

Crossing the threshold of an educational institution, the children still do not know what awaits them, and in order to save them from the excitement of the unknown, every autumn a holiday of initiation into first-graders is held in schools.

About the holiday "Dedication to first graders"

Purpose of the event

The holiday of initiation into first-graders has many tasks:

  • to acquaint children with the educational process;
  • help them get used to new conditions, with their own rules and laws;
  • to unite the children's team;
  • to identify the talents of first graders;
  • teach children to trust each other and teachers;
  • to explain to children the meaning of the term “disciple” and to make them want to be proud of this title.

Despite the seriousness and responsibility of the event, it takes place in game form, with invited fairy-tale heroes and a journey to the land of knowledge. So children adapt faster and more easily perceive the meaning of what is happening.

Dedication date

Usually the event is held on Knowledge Day.

But sometimes teachers prefer not to mix the two important events, and First graders initiation celebrations are scheduled for mid to late September.
It is believed that by this time the children have already adapted to the new conditions, and the holiday is going on more successfully.


Traditionally, the celebration of initiation into first-graders is held at school, in the classroom, in which children will receive knowledge over the coming years. This is convenient in that the room does not need to be particularly decorated, it is enough to decorate it balloons and multi-colored leaves cut out of paper. And all the attributes necessary for sketches and competitions are already at hand.

But parents, trying to keep up with the times, often offer only to visit the classroom, and the celebration itself should be held in a children's entertainment center, cafe or square. This is also a good option.
A relaxed atmosphere will contribute to pleasant communication between children and parents, and the nascent friendship between classmates will have a beneficial effect on the further educational process.

Holiday script

The class teacher thinks over and draws up the holiday plan, if possible involving the parents of the first graders. High school students can also help develop the script and take part in it: they will be interested in such activities, and the kids will learn to trust their older comrades and, probably, will want to be like them.

The scenario of initiation into first graders can be traditional or more modern, conducted in the style of a quest, the experiments of mad scientists, an educational walk in a city park, etc.

The main thing is that at the celebration, children should understand that school is their second home, where it is just as good and cozy, and there will always be a place not only for rigor and knowledge, but also for endless discoveries, friendship, miracles and, of course, entertainment.

Musical accompaniment

Musical accompaniment is chosen depending on the scenario of the holiday. If it is in a traditional style, you can use classic songs on this theme, for example:

  • "September 1";
  • “They teach at school”;
  • “Twice two is four”, etc.

For more modern script the songs "Novoye Vremya" by the group "Disco Crash", "First Time in First Class" (from the m / "Masha and the Bear"), themed medley, etc. are suitable.

Universal script for initiation into first graders

A traditional first-grader initiation scenario includes all or more of the following elements:

  • greetings from the hosts;
  • vocal and choreographic performances;
  • joint children's activities;
  • meeting a long-awaited fabulous guest;
  • skits, games and contests;
  • first grader's oath;
  • presentation of student attributes;
  • sweet table.

The main characters of this initiation scenario are those invited by Dunno and Znayka, Malvina and Buratino, the Good Wizard and Baba Yaga or other famous fairy-tale characters. They explain to the first graders the rules of behavior within the school walls, discuss the importance of school education, they praise the guys for their successes in the competition, and if someone is naughty, they shame them for their bad behavior.

Fairy-tale characters can show school-themed scenes, arrange contests and entertainment, take pictures with children and give them gifts. But the main thing is the uttering of a solemn oath.
First-graders swear on diligence and academic success, parents - in support of their children, teachers - in tolerant transfer of knowledge, fairy-tale characters - that they will visit the children on the next holidays.
To make the initiation scenario for first graders more interesting and modern, instead of guests from fairy tales, cartoon characters can be present - smeshariki, fixies and Dim Dimych, Peppa pig, Winx fairies, Harry Potter, students of the Monster High school, etc.

Such a holiday is not tied to the venue and does not require a large material and technical base. And, since all the kids watch cartoons and are familiar with fairy-tale characters, those present will certainly like this scenario.

Original scenarios for initiation into first graders


Six-year-olds are very fond of running and frolicking. To channel their irrepressible energy in the right direction, you can initiate first graders in the quest style.

In this case, the theme of the game should correspond to the general theme of the holiday, for example:

  • school adventures of Dunno and his friends;
  • lessons from Aunt Owl;
  • Monster High school, etc.

The script is played up with the appropriate entourage and textual accompaniment.

Usually, children quickly and with pleasure immerse themselves in solving various kinds of problems. A joint search for the right answers brings the children's team closer together, and common positive emotions are remembered for a long time not only by first-graders, but also by their parents.

Quest options

  • Complete the maze
    The player is blindfolded and sent to a labyrinth drawn in chalk on the ground. The player relies only on the voice prompts of his classmates: “stop”, “go”, “right”, “left”, “2 steps forward and 1 step to the right”, etc.
  • Web
    A large web is made from a long rope. A small lock is hung on it, the key from which is at the end of the path. The child's task is to lead the lock along the entire web, find the key, and open the lock.
  • Memory test
    On the large sheet paper draw 6 or 9 squares in which different objects are laid out. You need to carefully look at objects and try to remember their location, for example, in 1 minute. Then restore the picture from memory.
  • Tricky task
    The presenter asks a simple mathematical example with an elementary solution. For example, to subtract three from seven. The correct answer is written on a tiny piece of paper and is among the incorrect ones. The answer leaves are rolled into small tubes and hidden in pasta. From experience, children are very interested in chopping pasta in search of an answer.
  • Magic water
    Add a pinch of starch and 3-4 drops of iodine to plain water. Before the performance, in order for the settled starch to rise, the bottle must be shaken - the water will turn black. If you add an ampoule of sodium thiosulfate, which is sold in any pharmacy, to such a mixture, after 1-2 minutes you will see that the water becomes clear. You can beat this according to your scenario.

According to the modern school curriculum, preschoolers must know the entire alphabet. Therefore, the reward for each completed task can be some kind of letter. As a result, from the received letters, you need to lay out the conceived word, for example, "school".

Walk in the city park

The point of school education is to adapt children to the realities of modern life. In addition to the ability to read and count, at school, children must acquire important communication skills in a team, learn to make decisions on their own, make mistakes and correct their own mistakes in a timely manner.

This is most easily demonstrated by inviting newly minted schoolchildren and their parents for a walk in a city park.

The program of the event must be immediately thought out so that the children can realize the importance of each school subject. For example, together with adults, count the money to buy ice cream (mathematics), read the name of the store and the composition of the cookies (reading), find the way to the designated place of the holiday (natural history), cross the road correctly (the basics of life safety), etc.

On site, the program is supplemented with fun contests, games and, of course, the first grader's oath.

Options and ideas for games and entertainment

Games and contests at the first-grader initiation event differ from those in the yard in that here, from the very first day, schoolchildren must get used to following clear rules and listening to the teacher.
For this, teachers often use the “golden rule of the right hand”. When the teacher's hand is raised up, in children's team complete silence should reign. Only then can you hear the conditions of a competition or game and get an opportunity to win.

Parents or high school students can act as a competent jury. Competitions can take place between classmates or parallel classes.

Games and contests

The first-graders initiation competitions are aimed at developing attention, thinking, imagination, memory and team cohesion.

Collect your school backpack

This is a game of speed and attentiveness. Several first-graders take part in it at the same time.

The winner's backpack must be assembled correctly:

  • notebooks - in a folder;
  • pencils and rulers - in a pencil case;
  • etc.

I know more

  • Students are divided into teams.
  • The host names any topic: "sports", "letters", "wild animals", etc.
  • The teams recall words and letters related to the given topic for two minutes.

The team that gives the most correct answers wins.


A game to develop intuition and mathematical abilities.

  • Two players stand opposite each other, each holding a bean.
  • One of them connects his hands, mixes the seeds, and then squeezes the part in his right hand and asks the opponent: "odd or even?"
  • He answers, after which the two of them count the objects on the hand.
  • If the answer is correct, the guesser gets one point.
  • Then the players switch roles.

The game continues until 5 or 10 points.

3, 13, 30

The game develops attentiveness and listening skills.

Schoolchildren stand in a circle, in the center of which is the presenter.

The task of the children is to perform a predetermined exercise after the presenter names one of the numbers: 3, 13 or 30. For example, the number 3 sounded - everyone crouches, 13 - nod their heads, 30 - clap their hands.
The presenter calls the numbers out of order, while confusing the first-graders, stretching the first syllables: "three-and-twelve", "three-and-twenty", "three-and-and-and-and".

The game is slow at first and then accelerates.

The one who makes a mistake takes a step back and continues the game, makes a mistake a second time - one more step back, etc.

The most attentive player wins.


Classmates, holding on to the rope, must build a hidden figure, letter or number out of it.


This game develops math skills in children and allows the educator to identify potential leaders in the classroom.

Children sit in a circle.

The teacher says: "Crocodile" and shows on his fingers the number of children who should rise: 5, 3, 4. Each child gets up at will.

Other entertainment


Children love to solve riddles, simple and tricky.

Riddle number 1
There are stomping feet in the hallway
Calls for a lesson (bell).

Riddle number 2
Masha, Gena are having fun,
This means - (change).

Riddle number 3
There are four lions under the tree
One left ... (three).

Riddle number 4
For vaccinations and injections
Mothers take their children to ... (polyclinic).

Scenes for first graders

In the initiation script, you can use short scenes with "harmful" answers, and then ask the first graders whether it is right or wrong.

Example of a scene # 1

  • Teacher: Guys, name five wild animals.
  • Ivanov: pulls out his hand.
  • Teacher: Answer me, Ivanov.
  • Ivanov: An elephant, a female elephant and ... three baby elephants.

An example of a scene number 2

  • Teacher: Pechkina, what is the difference between the sea and the river?
  • Pechkina: The river has two banks, and the sea has only one.

The script can also be supplemented by solving puzzles, joint creativity, a quiz, and ending with the presentation of the attributes of a schoolchild and the oath of a first-grader. It is important to liberate and unite children, but not to overwork them.

The final part of the dedication

First Grader Oath

The vow of a first grader is the most important part for a child. This is his attitude towards further studies.
The child must remember and honor the oath, so it is better to distribute it to the parents in advance so that they can help to learn and explain the importance of the oath taken.

The words of a first grader's oath at initiation are different.
One of the options sounds like this:

  • Teacher: I swear to answer decently in the classroom, always get "good" and "excellent".
  • Children: I swear!
  • Teacher: I swear to be a child, not to run around school, but to walk quietly.
  • Children: I swear!
  • Teacher: And if I break my oath, then I give up my milk tooth, then I promise to wash the dishes forever, and I won't watch cartoons anymore!
  • Children: I swear!
  • Teacher: Become smarter and mature in a year, become the pride of parents and teachers.
  • Children: I swear!

Gifts and sweet table

The end of the celebration is the presentation of gifts - attributes of a schoolchild (first grader diploma, diary, sketchbook, pencils, student encyclopedia, etc.) and a sweet table.

By this time, the children, although they will be hungry, will already be tired, so they are unlikely to want to sit up.
For a sweet table, fruits, sandwiches, snacks or cakes are ideal, which you can take with you.

What can children and their parents expect from this event?

The holiday of initiation into first-graders is symbolic and very important for both newly-minted schoolchildren and their parents. The event should set a good school mood, arouse children's interest in learning and a desire to gain knowledge in a new friendly team.

Since the teachers are organizing the event, they are unlikely to be surprised by something during the holiday, but parents and children will certainly get a lot of positive emotions and new impressions.
First of all, this holiday is organized for future schoolchildren who have just begun to take their first steps into adulthood.

What will give the holiday to children

Children should feel that school is not only a place where they will be taught for many years, but also a second home in which they can meet people close to them, make lifelong friends and gain incredibly valuable experience.
Teachers should make sure that on the first school day the first grader is not deprived of attention, he was interested and fun in the circle of his classmates.

What will give a holiday to parents

As for the parents, on this day they are more excited and tense than ever, as they spent a lot of energy to collect and prepare their child for his first day at school.
So good teacher should not forget that adults also need to relax, have fun and relax.

Both children and their parents will definitely be satisfied with the holiday if the teacher responsibly approached the time of its organization. A well-written script will become the key to success, surprise and delight all those present at the celebration.

How to initiate first graders: video

The script for initiating first graders should be thought out to the smallest detail in order to instill in new students a love for school, knowledge and lessons. Today's video review will help you get ideas for sketches and relevant contests.

Graduation party in 1st grade

First grader holiday
Slide 1
Objectives of the event:
1. Adaptation of first graders at school.
2. Increased motivation for learning.
3 Formation and team building.
4. Development creativity in children.

Equipment: multimedia board, projector, gloves

Leading: Hello dear guys, teachers and parents!
We gathered for fun party- "First grader's holiday".

We are very happy today Slide 2
To all parents, children,
We welcome guests
Dear teachers!

Student 1: Toddlers many times Slide3
we played first grade,
I even dreamed in a dream
class with plate 1 "B".

Student 2: I entered in the fall
To school at 1 "A".
I am considered a schoolboy
From the first.

Student 3: Look at me:
How happy I am!
I'm already going to first grade
And I am friends with the guys.

Student 4: I really like to study,
I'm not afraid to answer.
I can handle the task
Because I'm not lazy.

Leading: Yes, you are no longer kids, but real schoolchildren.
And today we will prove it. We will complete all tasks.

A fine day, a cheerful day. Slide 4
The sky is gold and blue!
White stone school
Among the trees and aspens.
Nearby is a grove, near is a field,
Know the hare and the marmot:
If it's quiet in our school,
So it goes there ...

Children in chorus: Lesson!
The bell rings. Slide 5

Leading: What do we do at the beginning of the lesson?

Children: Charging.

Leading: To grow strong for us Slide 6
Dexterous, skillful,
To grow up healthy
We are doing exercises.

Children are doing gymnastics.

Well done! Slide 7

Leading: The first lesson we have is a letter. Slide 8
Look at the board and guess what letters are hidden there? Slide 9-12
(Letters are written on the board, but some elements of the letters are covered)

And now I want to check how you can put words out of letters.

Game "Collect the word" Slide 13-18
Children add from these syllables the words la -shko, ryo-be -za, ma -zi, roar-nya -de, chik-odu-van, ho-mor-mu
Well done! Slide 19

And now the tasks for the parents. You will need to answer a few questions very quickly. Slide 20
How many letters are there in the Russian alphabet? (33)
The sentence consists of ... (words)
Words are divided into ... (syllables).
We hear and pronounce ... (sounds.)
How many vowels are in a word, so many ... (syllables).
Our speech consists of ... (sentences).
What letters do not represent sounds? (b, b)
The fifth letter in the alphabet. (D).

Leading:"Ding-dilin" - The bell rings! Begins ... Slide 21
Children: Lesson!

Leading: The second lesson we will have is math. Slide 22
Let's play a little first.

The game "Claps".
Children need to clap as many times as the teacher showed them.
(items of the teacher's choice, such as pens, pencils, etc.)

Leading: And now we will carry out tasks.
Compare: Slide 23-25
Who is taller than a giraffe or a lion?
What is wider than a river or a stream?
Who is more an elephant or a dog?

Guess the puzzles: Slide 26-32

Well done! Slide 33

And now the tasks for the parents. Solve a few problems. Slide 34
- One two three four…
Who lives in our apartment?
Dad, mom, brother, little sister,
Murka the cat, two kittens,
My puppy, cricket and me -
That's my whole family. (10)

The fox walked along the path
And she carried in her basket:
5 honey agarics, 3 chanterelles
7 nuts, mittens,
Birch, leaf
And a wide belt.
Who has the answer ready?
How many mushrooms are in a basket? (9)

How many cuts do you need to cut a bagel into 3 pieces? (3)
- In the classroom at the desks were 24 students. Three were summoned to the board. How many students are there in the class? (24)

Now let's have a little rest and play (physical minute). Slide 35-46

Relay with gloves(for children and guests)
What is required: 2 pairs of gloves.
Two equal teams line up, each in its own column, one person at a time. The first person in each column has a pair of gloves. At the signal, the first player in each column turns around and puts on the gloves for the next player. This second player then removes his gloves, turns and puts on the gloves for the third player. This continues until the last player takes off his gloves. The first team to finish wins.

Slide 47

Leading: And the bell rings again
He calls us for a lesson.
The third lesson will be reading. Slide 48
Let's guess riddles Slide 49

If you hone it
Draw whatever you want
Sun, sea, mountains, beach.
What is this? (pencil) Slide 50

Who walks with a bag of books
In the morning to school? (student) Slide 51

You can draw.
What am I? (notebook) Slide 52

Kolya, Lena are having fun
It means ... (change) Slide 53

The long-awaited call is given -
It's over ... (lesson) Slide 54

Well done! Slide 55

It's time for parenting questions. Slide 56
Think about your child's Wednesday lesson schedule.
State the address of the school.
Raise your hand, who knows which desk your child was sitting at Lately?
The name of best friend your child in class?
What is the name of the headmaster?
How many physical education lessons does your child have per week? Which days?
How many girls are there in the class?
How many subjects did your child study in first grade?

Leading: See what kind of parents we have? They know everything about us, they want to help in everything. We love them very much and want our mothers and fathers to want to be with us always, just like today!

Leading: Lovely mothers! Dear dads!
It's so good that you are near now
In this solemn joyful hour.

Leading: Our holiday lessons are over. Slide 57
Well done, guys, they coped with all the tasks.
I congratulate you, dear first graders, on your first victory!

Now I will give you medals. Slide 58

Student 5: On a sunny, cheerful holiday Slide 59
The heart beats joyfully.
"Primary school student" -
It sounds great!

Pupil 6: First grade! For the first time
You accepted us a year ago.
We will move on to the second,
Let's say goodbye to you!

Pupil 7: And what about the teacher?
Will he leave you and me?
No, the teacher too
Goes to the second.

Student 8: Now life is different
It will come with me.
Oh, dear mom!
What an adult I am! Slide 60

Leading: And now the turn has come
Who will pass under the arch
Will be older in a whole year.
He will find a way to the second class!

The holiday continues with tea.

Presentation on the topic: First Grader Party

Scenario for the primary school "Initiation into the first graders"

1. Adaptation of first graders to school.
2. Increased motivation for learning.
3. Formation and team building.
4. Instilling skills correct behavior at school.
5. Development of artistry, creativity.

1. To form the ability to expressively read poetry.
2. Develop imagination.
3. To foster a sense of friendship and team cohesion.
4. Raise the emotional mood of students.
The class is festively decorated: balloons, posters - "First time to the first grade", "Good luck", maple leaves, drawings of students "First day at school", the name of the holiday. - letters (SCHOOL) - give words in advance to first graders, Koshchei's riddles + envelope, record the Hooligan's songs on audio.
Music "First grader, first grader, you have a holiday today"

Counselor: Dear guys, dear parents, teachers! We gathered for the traditional holiday "Dedication to First Graders". Today is a solemn day for 1st class.
Counselor: The guys have been at school for almost two months. More recently, they were called babies, preschoolers, and now they say about them:
BOTH:"These are the disciples!"
Music. First graders are speaking.
Disciple (tsa)(holds the drawn letter "Ш" in his hands
I entered in the fall
To school at 1 "A".
I am considered a schoolboy
From the first.
Pupil (tsa) (with the letter "K")
I was just a child yesterday.
There is nothing you can do about it.
They called me a preschool child
And now they call him a first-grader.
Pupil (tsa) (with the letter "O")
No, school is better than the garden!
I'm happy to go to school.
After school you leave the classroom
And no quiet hour!
Pupil (tsa) (with the letter "L")
This is my first time in class
Now I am a student.
The teacher entered the class
Get up or sit down?
I'm afraid to move.
Pupil (tsa) (with the letter "A")
They put on a new uniform,
Brand new pen in brand new briefcase
New books, counting sticks,
New notebooks, new worries.
The result is the word "SCHOOL"
Confusion runs out and rearranges the guys so as to mix the letters in the word "school".

Counselor: Guys! What a strange guest we have? Who are you?
Confusion:(proudly, lifting his nose). I am a confusion!
Counselor: That is why you mixed up all the letters ... Only in vain you tried!
Confusion: And why is that?
Counselor: You will see now. Guys! Who wants to restore the word?
The counselors call the children - 2 people - restore the word and leave.

Confusion: Just think! But I know that many of you do not listen to their mothers and fathers, they don’t want to teach lessons. Probably, at school you are not interested at all. Yes?
Disciples (in chorus): Interesting!
Confusion: Well, okay! But I know a boy who can’t do anything and doesn’t want anything. (Shouts) I don't want-u-ha-a!
Naughty: A-ah-ah?
Confusion: Go here!
Naughty: I do not want!
Confusion: Go, I say!
Naughty:(reluctantly approaches). Well, what do you want?
Confusion: Tell me your favorite poem.
Naughty: I do not want!
Confusion:(in a commanding voice). Tell me!
I am the great Nekhochukha,
I want nothing.
And I'll tell you frankly:
I don’t teach lessons.
Friends, I don’t go to school.
Day-day I sleep sweetly
Because because
I don't like to study.
Confusion: So that's it! And no one will remake it.
Counselor: And you, Nekhochukha, instead of the words "I do not want" try to say: "I want! I will be happy!"
Naughty: I will never be able to do this.
Counselor: Guys, let's help Nehochukha! He will say the word "I", and you - "I want." And then Nehochukha will say what he wants to do.
Naughty: I AM…
Students(in chorus). Want…
Naughty: Play!
Counselor: Let's play a game
"This is us, and you, and me, together Friendly family! ". Repeat after me (repeats again with movements). I will ask you, and you will answer in unison:" This is us, and you, and I, together a friendly family !! ". Be careful. A trap is possible.
Counselor: Tell me guys, who does exercises in the morning?
Disciples (in chorus).This is us, and you, and me, together a friendly family !! (movement)
Counselor: Who's neat and cheerful early in the morning rushing to school?
Counselor: Who is in bed all day and who is too lazy to study?
First graders are silent.
Counselor: Which one of you, tell me out loud, catches flies in class?
Counselor: Who is not afraid of frost, flies like a bird on skates?
Counselor: Who of you, as you grow up, will only go to astronauts?
Counselor: Who among you does not walk gloomy, loves sports and physical education?
Counselor: How many of you, so good, went to sunbathe in galoshes?
Counselor: How many of you keep books, pens and notebooks in order?
Counselor: Which of you little ones walks dirty from ear to ear?

Counselor: How many of you walks upside down on the pavement?
Counselor: How many of you, I want to know, with a diligence of five?
Counselor: How many of you come to class one hour late?
Counselor: Who does their home lesson right on time?
Confusion:(shouts). It's all wrong, wrong!
Naughty: Guys, I'm sorry that I'm the only one. Thanks! Now I will fix it.
Confusion: Okay, okay, you won today. But we will meet again at the lessons, and I’ll get you so confused there! Junk and Confusion go away.
Counselor: Guys! I received a strange envelope for you. Here it is (shows). Let's open it up. (Takes a letter out of the envelope) Here's what it says:
"Dear children, sweets, stools! Guess my riddles, pickers! I specially selected them so that you would not guess them. Your Koschey!"
So, listen to Koscheev's riddles.
Presentation with answers.
There is a cheerful light house
There are a lot of nimble guys in it.
They write and read there.
Draw and count. (school)
There are stomping feet in the hallway
Calls us all to class ... (call)
How boring, brothers,
Ride on someone else's back!
Who would give me a pair of legs
So that I myself can run! (school bag)
If you sharpen it
Draw whatever you want.
Sun, sea, mountains, beach.
What is this? (pencil)
If the pencil is broken -
I am your faithful assistant.
I, as a doctor, treat him -
Quickly, sharply sharpen. (sharpener)
Now I'm in a cage, then in a ruler,
Manage to write on them!
You can draw.
Call me! (notebook)
Kolya, Lena are having fun.
This means - ... (change)
The long-awaited call is given -
It's over ... (lesson)
Leading: Well done boys!
Leading: You did an excellent job with the riddles of Koshchei.
The Bully appears with a large slingshot and a briefcase. He takes aim with a slingshot at the guys sitting in the hall.

Hooligan: How glad I am to you! New replenishment, my assistants have come. After all, there are very few of us, real hooligans, left. There is no one to break the windows with, it’s boring to skip lessons alone. Now look what a hooligand gang I will have! Now I will teach you how to have fun at school, how to be rude to teachers, how to make fun of classmates and in general ...
More laziness, less study,
Lose your diary more often!
Rip books, notebooks, forget about order,
Then everyone will say: "Bad student!"
Beat girls, be rude more often,
Write bad words on the desk
Beep, squeal, don't study at all,
Then there will be bad word about you.
An excellent student Masha Znaikina enters.
Masha Znaikina: Hello guys! I think you will not listen to Bully. And I brought with me assistants - the best high school students. Listen to what instructions we will give you.
First student.
Wake up early in the morning
Wash yourself well
In order not to yawn at school,
Do not peck at the desk with your nose.
Second student.
Accustom yourself to order
Don't play hide and seek with things.
Treasure every book
Keep your briefcase clean.
Third student.
Dress neatly
So that it was pleasant to watch.
Don't giggle in class
Don't move the chair back and forth.
Fourth student.
Do not tease, do not be arrogant
Try to help everyone at school
Don't frown in vain, be brave -
And you will find yourself friends.
Fifth student.
Tell everyone about the school
Treasure the honor of the school,
Learn to write, read, count,
To get a five.
Sixth student.
That's all our advice,
They are not wiser and simpler.
If you fulfill your order
Get ready for the second class!
Masha Znaikina: Well, future second graders, will the teacher ask you the next riddle?
Teacher: And can I not just a riddle, but a riddle with a hint:
Masha Znaikina: Can!!!
Teacher: Guess the riddle:
I have big children:
Here they are, here they are all in twos:
2 Alexandra, 2 Mary,
2 Christina and Anastasia,
Here are 2 Daria and 2 Dima
Then one by one.
There is Arina, Yaroslava, Vanya,
Irina, Sophia and Andrey
Maxim, Danil, Varvara, Fedor.
Jacob, Lev, Makar, Arseny,
Timofey, Nikita, Misha
And one girl Zlata.
In general, a complete first class.
I am a parent of a large family.
Have you guessed? I AM - …. (teacher)
Yes, I am your teacher. You all already know me, my name is ... (children answer). I will betray to you, my dear students, all my knowledge, so that you grow up smart, kind, hardworking. I congratulate you on the holiday "Dedication to the first graders" and wish you to study well and work hard. School years are the most wonderful and happy years... They are so interesting. That you will endlessly be surprised! What happens for the first time is especially remembered and stays in memory for a long time. In the second grade, you will learn everything new and new.
Hooligan: Oh oh oh! 2nd grade, 2nd grade, just think. But this riddle of mine, guys are all-wise, you definitely will not guess:
At the presentation:
4 winters 816 days
4 springs 32 thousand lessons
4 autumn 50 thousand hours
Masha Znaikina: Guys, guess what these numbers are ???
Counselor: Can anyone explain what these numbers and words stand for?
Masha Znaikina: Maybe it will become clearer for you now? (presentation - We will be together!)
Well, what does that mean?
The guys answer.
Teacher: Yes, you are right, that is how many winters and springs, days and lessons we will be with you.
Counselor: Only schoolchildren can travel around the Land of Knowledge. Who are the schoolchildren? (Children who go to school) How else can you call them? Students.
Masha Znaikina: Well done!
Hooligan: Well, I don't play like that. They all know!
Masha Znaikina: And you play with the guys, maybe they will take you to the 1st grade.
Hooligan: What, guys, are you going to play with me?
Guys: Yes!!!
Counselor: Since you are already students, what do you think is the best time to pack your portfolio - in the morning, before school, or in the evening?
Children: Better in the evening, otherwise you can be late for school.
Counselor: Good! A real student must learn to put together a portfolio quickly and accurately. Attention, we have a game "Collect a portfolio", let a good boy play it for us.
Hooligan: So, children, you will hear a test with words, when there is an item that needs to be taken to school, you clap your hands. If this subject is not needed at school, you stamp your feet.
Textbooks and books,
Toy mouse,
Clockwork locomotive,
Color plasticine,
Brushes and paints
New Year masks,
Eraser and bookmarks,
Stapler and notebooks,
Schedule, diary.
The student is ready for school!
Hooligan: Well, guys, will you take me to the first graders?
Guys: Yes.
Hooligan: Hooray! See you then!
Masha Znaikina: Goodbye, guys!
The bully and Masha Znaikina leave.
Counselor: So the first tests have been passed.
Counselor: Now let's take the first grader vow. Repeat after me:
"We, the first graders of school # 28,
in front of teachers, parents and classmates
We solemnly swear:
Counselor: never come to school ... with unlearned lessons ... We swear!
Counselor: never finish a quarter ... with bad grades! ... We swear!
Counselor: never open textbooks ... with dirty hands ... We swear!
Counselor: never invite your parents to a meeting ... 5 minutes before the start ... We swear!
Counselor: To become the pride of parents and teachers ... We swear!
Counselor: We swear to love the Motherland, we swear! We swear to be smart, kind and honest!
We swear! We swear! We swear!
Now you can safely be called first-graders and the important moment of delivery of the first school documents comes: the certificate of the first-grader.
Counselor: I give my IDs class teacher, he will distribute them to you in class.
Counselor: Guys,
Both counselors: We congratulate you!
Counselor: And we invite all your guests !!!
All participants enter: Confusion, Nehochukha, Hooligan, Masha Znaikina.
Naughty: But today we must celebrate one more event.
Confusion: Your class's birthday!
Masha Znaikina: Tell me, without what there is no birthday?
Children's answers. Among them, the answer is met: cake.
Hooligan: So let's bake a birthday cake now.
Game "Cake"
All children join hands and line up in one long chain. If there are few children, attract adults. A counselor is in front of all, a counselor is behind. On command, the children begin to "bake the cake": the presenter turns around, winding the whole chain. The presenter spins until you get a big "cake". Condition - do not disengage your hands. As soon as the whole chain wraps around the counselor, you should stop. During the game, the melody of the song of the crocodile Gena sounds.
Counselor: That's how the cake turned out! (asks the children) What is he with us?
Children's answers: With banana, with jam, with cream, with strawberries, apples ...
What's missing on the birthday cake?
Children: Candles.
Naughty: Right! Raised all hands up.
Masha Znaikina: That's how many candles!
Hooligan: Now let everyone take a piece of our delicious cake.
Children hug themselves and scatter in different directions.
Counselor: Guys, what do we wish our class?
Children's answers.
Counselor: And now in honor of two significant events
Confusion: We will shout a loud "Hurray" - 3 times!
Everything: Happy Holidays !!
Leading: Thank you for your attention goodbye!!!