
How to properly wash knitted and fur hats - methods and recommendations. Is it possible and how to wash a white wool and down hat? Is it possible to wash a military winter hat?


A headdress is a very noticeable piece of equipment, and therefore requires regular but careful cleaning. And to do this correctly, you can preserve the beauty of the product only by taking into account the material of the cap. In this article I will tell you how to wash clothes depending on their type.

First, let's look at which cleaning is preferable for knitted items. Here we focus on the label and type of yarn.

Washing a knitted hat

A knitted headdress gets dirty inside from hair and outside from dust. Therefore, it is recommended to wash the entire product. This is how it differs from a fur product, from which the lining is peeled off and washed separately from the fur.

You should first familiarize yourself with the markings on the label of the finished product or on the skein of yarn from which it was knitted. It is the manufacturer’s recommendations that are our priority when choosing a regime and powder. Although, for safety, you can wash any such clothing in a delicate cycle.

Tightly knitted strong threads will retain their shape even after being in the washing machine. However, fine hand-woven fabrics, like caps and berets, should be cleaned carefully. After all, the product can be deformed, stretched, or vice versa – “sit down”, or even fade.

When washing wool knitted hats, you absolutely cannot:

  • sharply change the water temperature;
  • use water above +40 degrees;
  • use powders that are not indicated in the instructions;
  • soak for a long time;
  • rub, twist, wash in places;
  • hang dry;
  • speed up drying with a hairdryer;
  • Apply the powder directly to the wool hat.

These prohibitions will preserve the newness of a woolen product even after numerous washes.

Reliable handcraft

Of course, such washing is safer, because the entire process is controlled by yourself.

  • Washing gel specifically for wool should be dissolved in warm water (+30). However, baby shampoo (it does not contain unnecessary additives) or soap shavings will do. But the powder granules must dissolve completely, otherwise it will be difficult to wash them out of the threads later.

You should check whether this cleaning composition is suitable for this cleaning product. You just need to dip a small part of the inside in water for 3 minutes. If the water is not colored, you can immerse the knitted hat completely for half an hour.

  • Further, do not rub or knead it, so as not to stretch it. Simply rinse under running water to remove the foaming solution.
  • Then just squeeze the cap and squeeze out the water so that the product does not lose its shape. And blot its remains with a terry towel.
  • It is better to dry washed woolen items in a ventilated place and only in a horizontal position. You need to turn it over often to ensure it dries evenly. But you can’t dry wool in the sun or radiator.

  • We dehydrate a mohair or fluffy wool hat for a couple of hours in the freezer, spreading it out on a plastic bag. Then the frozen crystals are shaken off.

Delicate cashmere is cleaned only with your own hands, so as not to wash the form-forming dublerin. Although if the label indicates the presence of synthetic threads and specifies the cleaning conditions, you can take a chance and put it in the washing machine. But if there is a “hand wash” program.

Rules for machine washing

Now I’ll tell you about the features of gentle and non-aggressive cleaning of woolen clothes in a washing machine:

  • Maximum water heating is 30 degrees. Otherwise, the change in temperature will cause the shape to be lost.
  • Only liquid preparation for wool is poured into the compartment.

  • Knitted items can be washed on the “wool” cycle, or better yet, on the “delicate” cycle. Turn off automatic spin!
  • After washing, leave the item in the drum for 5 minutes to drain the water.
  • Spread the cap on a dry towel on.

I note that natural wool takes almost 35 hours to dry. But at 40% humidity the room will dry out within a day. But no accelerating blows - shrinkage is possible!

You cannot wash a hat with long pile in a machine. Lint can clog the filters and drum, even if placed in a laundry net. The wool will also become very tangled and roll up unsightly on the hat. Therefore, if you don’t want to clean it manually, then it’s better to trust dry cleaning professionals.

Cleaning a pompom hat

A knitted headdress with the same thread pompom is washed as indicated on the product or yarn label, but in a laundry net. Once dry, gently fluff this piece with a clothes brush.

But how to wash hats with a fur pompom? This decoration must be torn off, and the garment itself must be washed according to the instructions on the label. Then sew the fur piece back on.

If it is impossible to rip it off, there is a way out - wrap the pompom in a plastic bag so that it does not get wet. Then, with careful hand washing and rinsing movements, only the knitted part is refreshed.

Since it is impossible to wash a hat with a fur pom-pom, we will clean the pom-pom itself with soap suds. Before that, a cold hairdryer will blow away the dust. By the way, 5% peroxide will renew the white fluff. And a brush moistened with it will carefully remove the top dirt.

The first time you clean it, you can sew on a button. Then later you just need to separate the pompom and the hat without tearing anything off. This is a very convenient solution for children's hats that often get dirty.

How to save a hat that is stretched after cleaning

I offer useful tips on what to do: if the hat after washing has stretched and become too big. After all, even woolen items with the addition of synthetics lose size.

Method 1: temperature contrast

  • Leave the stretched product in hot (60 degrees) water without powder for 10 minutes. At the same time, do not rub it or squeeze it.
  • Then fill it with cold water and also for 10 minutes. After all, in hot water the wool “shrinks,” and cold water will consolidate this effect. However, in the “automatic” the item will shrink unevenly.
  • Without twisting, you need to press the cap with a towel and spread it on the second dry one, laying an oilcloth under it.
  • Next, give it the desired shape and leave to dry.

Method 2: hide the defect

The stretched cap should be sutured from the inside out or knitted along loose loops.

An elongated knitted headdress can be fashionably picked up at the back of the head, and pinned on the front with a brooch.

Cleaning a fur hat

Now about how to wash a fur hat. This process is specific, because natural fur shrinks from water, sheds, crumbles, and the glued areas diverge. The inner side (leather underside), when moistened, loses its elastic properties, so after drying it shrinks and cracks.

Professionals make a mink hat from properly stretched and chemically treated fur. Therefore, even from raindrops after drying, this skin shrinks. And the fur hardens and cracks, so you need to use a dry wash.

Dry wash

A hairdryer (its cold blowing) will free the contaminated fur item from dust. If you need to continue the cleansing process, then the steps are as follows:

  • lightly moisten the suede brush in clean water;
  • iron the pile with it;
  • When the fur dries, fluff it with a hairdryer.

For complex stains, use a homemade detergent. His recipe:

  • In a liter of water, it is good to dissolve 100 ml of vinegar and alcohol plus 10 ml of rinse aid, but specifically for wool.
  • Lightly moisten a brush or cloth with this mixture.
  • Iron the contaminated fur first in any direction, then in the direction of its growth.

Fur hats are cleaned with fresh snow in the cold. Then a minimum of moisture will be absorbed. This means that the headdress is not deformed. The main thing is to shake off the snow before it melts.

White fur is cleaned with 5% peroxide. It will restore shine and remove yellowness. You just need to moisten the cotton wool with it and iron the short pile against the growth, and the long one in its direction. Although the same moistened cotton wool can be threaded through the teeth of a comb and superficially combed out the soiled pile.

Cleaning with oatmeal (like any other) is an unsuccessful method. Even if you then shake out the hat dusted with it well, the remains will still collect in the thick fur at the base.

Yes, in the first days the hat will look even fluffier due to the presence of flour. But dust quickly sticks to this loose substance. And in a snowfall, the arctic fox will turn into a hedgehog - any flour contains gluten.

General cleaning of natural fur

So, mechanical washing of fur items is contraindicated.

  • You need to tear off the lining and wash it or sew a new one using this pattern.
  • Then refresh the pile with soap foam, which can be obtained from a washing composition for wool. Remember that moisturizing the base itself is unacceptable.
  • After cleansing manipulations, the fur base should be stuffed with paper, a towel, or placed on a jar. This is the only way to dry it correctly.
  • After drying, the lining is sewn on.


Now, knowing all the methods for a specific material, you can move on to practical actions. After following all the recommendations, you will enjoy the freshness and cleanliness of your updated hat.

I also suggest watching the video in this article with visual tips. Ask all questions in the comments. Or maybe you have your own effective way? Please share!

Nowadays, a hat has ceased to be the main item of clothing for insulation, and we often choose hats for ourselves to emphasize a fashionable look. In the process of wearing, even the most careful fashionista's hat can become dirty, and the question of how to properly wash the hat becomes relevant. In this article we will try to figure out how to properly wash all types of hats.

How to properly wash hats

Different types of hats are washed in different ways, and there is no clear answer to the question of how to properly wash a hat, because it matters what material it is made of. In this article we will tell you whether it is possible to wash hats in a washing machine, and how to wash knitted hats made of wool, and whether it is possible to wash fur hats, and what is the best way to do this. Without exception, you will find all questions about caring for winter hats, as well as sauna caps and other types of hats in this article.

How to wash a fur hat

Fur hats get dirty just like all others, but they should be washed very carefully. Washing a hat with fur is more like cleaning it than washing it in the literal sense, because you won’t wash an expensive fox hat or a baby rabbit fur hat the same way as a knitted hat made of wool threads.

If you do not take care of the leather and lining of a fur hat, it can crack and become unusable. Over time, sweat stains will accumulate on the lining and should be removed with leather or fabric degreasers. If you need to wash a fur hat with a knitted base, remove all stains with a foam degreaser mixed with laundry soap. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of dishwashing detergent and a little laundry soap in a glass of warm water. Apply the solution to all contaminated areas and leave until dry, then rinse gently with clean warm water. The same method can also be used to wash a fur knitted hat and fashionable knitted mink hats.

If you need to wash an expensive winter mink hat at home, be sure to use the tricks that have helped out more than one generation of fashionistas. Of course, you can purchase a special fur cleaning product or take the hat to the dry cleaner, but first it’s better to save money and try washing the fur hat this way. If the hat is not very dirty, and you just need to clean it from dust and freshen it, you can grind a couple of tablespoons of oatmeal in a coffee grinder and sprinkle it on the hat. They will work like a sorbent and gently cleanse the hairs of dust and dirt, and all you have to do is carefully comb out the remaining powder from the hat, and it will be like new again. Using the same method, you can wash a natural cowhide hat, as well as remove dirt and wash children’s rabbit fur hats.

How to wash a knitted hat

Knitted hats can be different, and they also need to be washed in different ways. If you need to wash a knitted hat made of woolen threads, look at their composition, which is always indicated on the label. If it is a woolen product, then a winter hat made of knitted mink or angora should be washed exclusively by hand. The water should be slightly warm, not higher than 30 degrees, and it is better to use a special powder or gel for wool products as a washing agent. Gently wash the hat, being careful not to rub, and then place the product on a wire rack to drain the water. After washing, knitted hats and mink knitted hats should be dried flat out in a warm, well-ventilated place.

How to wash a wool hat

To wash a mohair or natural wool hat, you must always follow one important rule. Wool tends to pill and the product may shrink in size if washed in hot water. Therefore, knitted hats made of pure wool should be washed only in cold water, and after washing, straightened and dried only in the form of the item stretched to the actual size. It is often recommended to dry acrylic hats after washing, just like woolen ones, on mannequins or on balls so that they do not lose their shape and dry better. By the way, drape hats, which are often worn by lovers of casual style, should be washed in the same way, because they are made of pure wool. And do not forget that you need to wash felt bath caps in a timely manner, after each visit to the sauna, and since they are made of wool, the washing method for them will be exactly the same as for all woolen hats.

How to wash a faux fur hat

Faux fur hats are very popular among young people because they are comfortable, stylish, warm and inexpensive. Wearing them is a pleasure, but if you need to wash your favorite earflap hat, you need to follow a few tips. They often have real fur trim, such as fur pom-poms or earmuffs. To wash a hat with fur pompoms or earmuffs made of natural fur, they should be carefully separated from the hat and then sewed back on. But the faux fur hat itself should be washed in warm water with a spin cycle of no higher than 800 rpm, and it is better to use a special liquid gel for washing woolen items or a toy cleaner.

How to wash an army hat

To wash an army hat, or a military hat with earflaps, the same tips apply as for washing faux fur hats. It is better to wash a military hat in warm water, having first removed all the badges, and so that the hat does not lose its original appearance, after spinning it, flatten it and dry it in a warm, dry place.

In modern times, a headdress is not only an essential item for protection from the cold, but also a stylish decorative accessory that complements and completes the look. Unfortunately, due to constant wear and exposure to external factors, it is also susceptible to contamination. If the hat is made of ordinary knitwear, then such an accessory will not cause any special problems in care. Well, what to do in the case of fur products, because they are very expensive and require a special approach? In this article we will tell you how to wash a hat with a fur pompom or other decorative elements so that the headdress is clean and the fur has a neat appearance. There is no clear answer to how to properly wash a hat. In this case, the choice of detergent and cleaning method depends entirely on the type of hat and the material from which it is made.

How to wash a knitted hat?

If not properly cared for, knitted hats can stretch or shrink, making them unsuitable for further wear. Therefore, in order for your favorite hat to last for a very long time, you need to adhere to several rules:

  • First you need to determine the composition of the yarn. If synthetic threads were used, then such a garment can be safely machine washed. If the thread is wool, it is best to wash it by hand.
  • It is best to use concentrates. They dissolve perfectly in warm water, remove dirt and do not stain the product.
  • The water temperature should be no more than 30 degrees.
  • You should not actively rub the hat. It should be washed with light kneading movements.
  • After washing, the headdress should be rinsed at least 4 times. Always add fabric softener to the water during the final rinse.
  • It is best to dry such a hat on a flat surface or by placing it on a three-liter bottle.

Important! If the yarn contains threads of artificial yarn, then in order to avoid problems with electrified items and hair, it is better to treat the hat with a special product after drying. Ours will help you choose quality.

Features of washing wool hats

Hats made from wool yarn are very finicky to care for, so they require a special approach. In order for the accessory to retain its attractive appearance and shape after washing, you need to adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  • Washing a wool hat should be done exclusively by hand.
  • Pour enough warm water into the bowl so that you can soak the item without any problems.
  • The detergent should be special for woolen products, and if there is none, then shavings from laundry soap would be an excellent option.

Important! You can also use regular washing powder. But before the washing process, check that all the granules have dissolved.

  • Turn the product inside out and dip it in a soapy solution for 2-3 minutes. If the water is not colored and the headdress has not faded, then you can soak it.
  • Immerse the cap in the solution for 30-40 minutes.

Important! Woolen products should absolutely not be rubbed, as they will stretch and lose their shape.

  • This type of hat should be rinsed under running cold water.
  • Gently squeeze the cap several times. Remaining moisture can be blotted out using a soft towel.

Important! A mohair or fluffy wool hat can be pressed using the freezer. To do this, you need to put it in a plastic bag and leave it in the freezer for several hours. Afterwards, take it out and shake gently.

  • This product must be dried in a well-ventilated area only in a horizontal position.

What to do with a knitted hat with a pompom?

If the pompom is made from the same yarn as the product, then it can be washed in the same way as the hat itself, and after drying, fluff it up using a wooden comb. In order to wash a hat with a fur pompom, you need to carefully rip it off, since the fur is not washable. You wash the headdress separately, taking into account its characteristics, and the pompom can be cleaned in the following ways:

  • Make a solution of half a liter of water, 3 teaspoons of salt and a teaspoon of ammonia. Thoroughly moisten the fur with it, and then comb it. This method is best used for arctic fox pompoms.
  • If the decoration of your headdress is made of rabbit fur, then it must be combed thoroughly.

Important! In order to remove yellow stains, a rabbit fur pompom can be sprinkled with hydrogen peroxide or moistened with table vinegar.

After the parts of the headdress are cleaned and dried, you can attach the pompom to the hat using thread or a special ribbon.

Important! If you can’t separate the pompom from the hat, you can wrap it in a plastic bag before washing and secure it at the base with an elastic band for money.

How to wash a fur hat?

Fur products look very expensive and impressive. In order for them to maintain their beautiful appearance during wear, it is very important to properly care for them. Otherwise, the fur will fade and lose its luster. That's why:

  1. Dust and minor dirt should be removed periodically by regular cleaning and drying in the fresh air.
  2. Semolina or starch will help you deal with traces of dirt. You need to pour these natural “adsorbents” into a hat, rub lightly, then shake well or use a vacuum cleaner. At the end, the product should be thoroughly combed.

Important! This method is ideal for fur products of white and light colors, since even if grain remains on the surface, it simply will not be visible.

As for more serious pollution, they require radical measures. In this case, you need to deep clean the product. In order to wash a fur hat at home, you must follow the following sequence of actions:

  • First you need to tear off the lining.

Important! So that you can easily re-sew the lining fabric, make notes for yourself where it was attached.

  • Turn the hat inside out. Inspect it for cracks. If there are any, they must be sealed with a plaster or darned.
  • Prepare the solution. Dilute purified gasoline and starch to a paste.
  • Put a hat on the bottle. Rub the prepared solution into the product. Leave in this state for 20-30 minutes.
  • Using a clothes brush, comb out the fur.
  • Repeat this procedure until the starch remains white when combed out.
  • Shake the headdress well and dry.

Important! It is best to dry a fur hat in the fresh air or in a well-ventilated area away from sunlight and heating devices.

  • For shine, the fur should be rubbed with glycerin and combed well.

How to wash a fur hat with a knitted base?

This type of headdress is very fashionable today. It is made by weaving thin fur strips into a mesh fabric. Like a regular fur hat, this product looks very impressive and original, but it also requires proper care.

In order to refresh and wash a fur hat with a knitted base at home, you can use the following methods.

  • You can wash your fur item with shampoo. To do this, you need to dilute it in a basin, making a lush foam manually or using a stream from the shower. Using a sponge, the foam should be applied to the surface of the product. After moistening the sponge in clean water and wrung it out well, wipe the surface of the hat to remove the foam.
  • An excellent option for cleaning is a special product for the care of natural silk or wool. If you follow the instructions correctly, you can remove even the most stubborn dirt and stains.

Important! When washing, make sure that the fur does not get wet to the ground, as the headdress can radically decrease in size.

  • Dissolve mustard powder in water until it becomes mushy. Apply this solution to the surface of the product and leave for 10 minutes, and then use a clothes brush to comb it out well.
  • For very strong stains, you need to make a solution. To do this, you will need 1 liter of water at room temperature, 100 ml each of vinegar and alcohol, 10 ml of rinse aid or conditioner for wool products. Treat the surface of the product with the prepared solution, while avoiding getting it too wet. The sponge should be barely damp.
  • Greasy areas can be removed using ordinary table vinegar, which is applied with a cotton pad.
  • Grease stains can be removed using purified gasoline. It should be applied exclusively to the contaminated area and left for half an hour.

How to wash a faux fur hat?

Faux fur hats are very popular among both young people and the older generation:

  • They are quite comfortable and inexpensive, thanks to modern technologies they have become very similar to natural fur and look just as impressive.
  • Another advantage of this accessory is its ease of care. This hat can withstand regular machine washing very well. In this case, the water should be warm, and the spin speed should not exceed 800. It is best to wash such a headdress using special products for woolen products.

Important! Please note that very often an additional insert made of natural fur, for example, pompoms or headphones, is added to faux fur as a decorative trim. In this case, it must be carefully removed or torn off.

In addition to the standard materials from which hats are made, you can sometimes find other fabrics at the base of hats. In order for you to look neat and for your accessory to retain its attractive appearance, we bring to your attention some useful tips and recommendations that will help you in further care:

  • Fleece products can be washed either by machine or by hand in non-hot water. Liquid soap is an excellent option as a detergent.
  • Drying should always be done naturally.
  • Down hats should be cleaned with a special product or solution of magnesia and aviation gasoline. This solution is applied to the surface of the product, then dried, and the headdress is shaken well.
  • The hat not only performs a practical function, but is also a fashionable attribute. In order for it to always have an attractive appearance and your image to remain neat, it is very important to properly care for it. By following the recommendations of our specialists, you can effortlessly remove even the most stubborn dirt from both an inexpensive synthetic and an expensive fur hat, without causing any harm to it.

In recent years, the winter weather has made it possible not to use warm hats, but there are days when you simply cannot do without a good knitted hat. The lining of the product gradually gets dirty from contact with our head. The outer layer and surface do not become cleaner either.

A reasonable question inevitably arises: how to wash a hat without stretching the wool threads or ruining the fur pompom?

Before washing knitted items, find out what yarn was used for knitting

Knitted items made from synthetic threads are washed according to the list of conditions indicated on the label or in the attached instructions. For handmade items, the washing method and temperature should be indicated on the paper slip with which the yarn was wrapped.

The synthetic knitted hat can be washed in a washing machine on a delicate cycle. The detergent is selected based on the recommendations of the yarn manufacturer. Before washing, the item is packed in a mesh bag for washing woolen items. Squeezing at any intensity is not recommended, as the item will stretch and lose its original shape.

Natural wool hats can only be washed by hand. To do this, you can use the following sequence of actions:

  1. Fill a small container with water at a temperature of up to 30-35 °C. If you are afraid of ruining the product, then use only cold water, both for washing and rinsing.
  2. Add and stir detergent into the water. It is better to use a special gel for washing wool or regular laundry soap, which dissolves in water in the required amount.
  3. Dip a small section of the hat into the water and see if your item changes color. If shedding is not observed, then completely lower the product and lightly hold it in water so that it absorbs water.
  4. Leave the cap on for 2-3 minutes. Then lightly rotate the product in the basin and turn it over. Repeat the steps and soak the product for 15-20 minutes.
  5. When the time is up, drain the dirty water. Take out the item, wait until the water drains on its own and rinse the hat under the tap. If it is possible to use a shower, then this will only rinse out the detergent in the best way.
  6. After rinsing, lightly squeeze the product with your hands. It cannot be twisted or deformed. Then you should put the hat between two terry towels and squeeze it lightly. You can leave the item for 10-15 minutes.

Drying knitted hats should only occur naturally. It is best to hang the product from the top. You can direct a fan or hair dryer at minimum power without heating the air.

How to clean fur and knitted pompom?

If possible, it is better to tear off the pompom while washing

Pom pom hats made from synthetic fibers are washed according to the instructions on the label. If the pompom becomes matted, you will need to comb it using a regular knitting needle to restore its original shape. You can use a comb or a seam ripper, which can be purchased at any sewing store.

A fur pompom on a knitted hat cannot be washed with the item. How then to wash a hat with a fur pompom? There are two solutions to this problem. You can try to carefully rip the pompom from the main product, and after washing, sew it back in its original place.

If this is not possible, you will need to wrap the pompom in plastic. To do this, it is better to use a solid and durable plastic bag, which should be tightly secured to the top of the product.

Wash the hat only by hand. During the cleaning process, you should check whether the dressing has loosened. If a little water gets inside the bag, it will not have much effect on the fur and will not damage it. During drying, the polyethylene can be removed, gently shake the item and comb the pompom.

What to do with a mink hat?

Mink products are not washed, but cleaned by hand

Washing a natural mink hat in the usual way is strictly prohibited. This applies to both products made from solid pieces, sewn to fit, and hats made from fur ribbon.

This is due to the fact that in the process of making such things, fur is processed, which leads to strong stretching of the underside (inside). Subsequently, when a large amount of water gets in, the underside begins to absorb it very quickly.

Moreover, there are a lot of things that, upon subsequent drying, will definitely lead to the core hardening and cracking. And the product itself will turn into a shapeless piece of fur. More precisely, there will be some form, but it will no longer be able to hold on independently, without the support of the frame.

Therefore, only wet cleaning using various means is suitable for natural mink fur. For example, you can use this method:

  • The lining fabric is peeled off from the product and will need to be washed or replaced. Stitching places are marked with a light marker.
  • The inner surface of the cap should be inspected. If there are any loose seams or small holes. They need to be sealed before cleaning the product. Don't neglect this: it will extend the service life.
  • Afterwards you will need to take 100-150 grams of wheat bran and add the same amount of hot water. Next, stir the mixture until it becomes a paste and cover with a lid. After 60 minutes, drain off any remaining water.

This mixture can be used to clean fur. More precisely, it’s not even a mixture, but swollen semi-dry bran. Don't worry - it won't damage the fur. The bran is rubbed into the fur of the product with gentle movements so that the particles of the mixture get onto the entire pile and undercoat.

Then the hat is combed with a regular wooden comb or a brush with soft bristles. After this, the product is turned upside down and shaken well to remove any remaining bran. The process is repeated until the product is cleaned.

After all procedures, the product should be dried thoroughly. To do this, you can stuff the cap with terry towels or white crumpled paper. Once the product has dried well, you can sew on the lining.

How to clean a hat without washing?

Hats made from other types of fur should be cleaned with slightly different mixtures. Dark-colored furs can be cleaned well with a slightly damp mustard powder. Products made from white furs are best treated with a mixture of starch and ammonia.

The following solution is suitable for cleaning any types of furs:

  • 1 liter of cold water;
  • 50 ml of pure alcohol;
  • 20-30 ml lemon juice;
  • measuring cup of wool conditioner.

The ingredients are added to the water and mixed well. Next, take a slightly damp brush or cotton swab. To clean fur, wipe the pile in different directions. It is advisable that at the end of cleaning the fur is combed with a brush in the direction of natural growth.

For drying, you can use the already familiar method - paper or a towel according to the shape of the product. Can be put on a large jar. Drying with electrical appliances is not permitted.

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Fur hats made from natural material attract dust, which accumulates on the inside of the base. In order for the hat to always remain clean, you need to know how to wash a fur hat at home correctly and not spoil it.

First stage of cleansing

There are reliable methods that can effectively remove stains from a fur hat. In most cases, it does not make much difference what kind of fur is used - the methods are suitable for mouton, mink, arctic fox, etc.

Before you wash your fur hat at home, you need to figure out how dirty it is. If there are lumps of dirt, deeply embedded, or matted fibers, then mechanical cleaning is required and only then use chemicals.

Mechanical cleaning is carried out using a stiff combing brush. Before brushing the Arctic fox, which usually has fur, you need to wrap a little cotton wool around the brush. This will protect the bottom layer from being pulled out without preventing dirt from being removed.

A product with short pile is best cleaned of dust using wet gauze. The entire surface of the headdress is covered with gauze, and then dust and small dirt are knocked out by patting the inside. They settle on gauze and make it possible to easily carry out chemical exposure.

It is recommended to remove the yellow coating that periodically appears on the surface of a light fur garment. For this, regular potato starch or talc is used. The powder product is applied to the entire product and thoroughly rubbed into the hairs. After a few minutes, you need to shake and knock out the remaining powder by patting the inside with movements. At the end of the procedure, comb with a stiff brush.

Second stage of cleansing

You cannot simply wash a fur hat at home in a regular washing machine if it is made of natural fur. If it is not possible to use dry cleaning services, you can use folk remedies for cleaning.

To do this you will need:

  • 1 liter of warm water;
  • 100 ml vinegar;
  • 100 ml alcohol;
  • 10 ml of wool rinse.

The ingredients are dissolved in water, then carefully applied to a brush or napkin, which is used to iron the fur from bottom to top. The main thing is not to wet the base and the inside. Dirty lining must be cleaned separately.

It is easier to wash a faux fur hat - you can use a washing machine for this. The cleaning agent can be a gel for cleaning wool items. The washing water should be warm, and the spin speed set on the machine should not exceed 800. If there is an additional natural finish, it must be stripped and cleaned separately.

Cleaning the lining

The lining of a fur product also needs to be cleaned. In case of slight contamination, it can be treated with a napkin or sponge pre-moistened in warm soapy water. The main thing is to ensure that water does not penetrate into the base. Also, minor stains can be easily removed with a cotton pad soaked in an alcohol solution. In this case, the headdress is turned inside out, placed on a jar of suitable volume and thoroughly cleaned. The garment is left in the same form until it dries.

Heavy stains can be removed only by removing the lining and washing it separately. After washing, you need to dry it and sew it back on.

After you have managed to wash your fur hat at home, you need to dry it thoroughly. It is better to put the hat on the jar and leave it in a cool place to dry naturally. After this you can sew on the lining.

When taking an accessory to the dry cleaner, it is important to know that after 6 such procedures it loses its appearance and shape. Therefore, you can resort to this measure only as a last resort, if strong cleaning is required, once a season. Knowing how to wash a fur hat at home, you can carry out such manipulations much more often, ridding it of dust, restoring its shine and attractiveness.

Basic rules for caring for a fur hat

  1. The hat should be stored in a dark and dry place. When putting it away in the closet during the summer season, it is important to ensure that the product has enough space, the pile does not wrinkle, and there is sufficient air flow. The best way to maintain beauty and shape is to put it on jars and leave it like that in the closet.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to use hair dryers or heating devices for drying. Only natural ventilation. Hot air negatively affects the condition of fur, depriving it of shine and durability.

It is also forbidden to iron the fur and lining - fur crushed by an iron cannot be straightened. Often combing with a brush is also not recommended; sometimes it is better to simply walk through the hairs with your fingers, straightening it from bottom to top.