
Dismantling the tree. How and when to decorate a Christmas tree: Vastu tips before the holiday When the Christmas tree is removed according to Christian customs


The New Year is approaching, gatherings near the fireplace, gifts and joyful meetings with friends. We want magic to come to our house as soon as possible. And the most faithful fast way create a New Year's atmosphere at home -.

But it's not time to dress up the forest beauty. Do you want the Christmas tree not only to decorate your home, but also to attract good luck and become a real "guide" of your desires to the Universe? We'll have to wait a bit.

December 21 and three days after is the most favorable time for installing a Christmas tree at home and decorating it. Because on December 21, the cardinal point of the year will come - the Day of the Portal, the Day of the Winter Solstice. Our Earth will bathe in the energies of renewal and rebirth, on this day you can be reborn, like the sun, and change your destiny.

Combine the powerful energy of the Winter Solstice with the “magic” of decorating a Christmas tree, and you will attract good luck, financial well-being, success and happiness to your home. Everything that is planned on this day will surely come true, nature itself helps us in this - the information field of the Earth is activated, and we can easily “inject” our desires into it.

And the tree in the house will be the antenna that will connect our desires with the information field of the Earth and “launch” them into the Universe.

The process of decorating a Christmas tree is real magic. The Christmas tree is a powerful “activator” and conductor of the energy of prosperity. Its cone-shaped form (pyramid) is an ideal tool for broadcasting and transmitting information to the Universe. Coniferous trees themselves are a symbol of the Universe, they are tuned to communicate with it in a certain frequency range. Look at the needles - these are miniature emitters.

In your home, you can strengthen the "green antenna" many times if you decorate it correctly, here are some tips:

  • a man brings a Christmas tree into the house;
  • The whole family needs to decorate the Christmas tree. The more family members involved in decorating the Christmas tree, the better. Each toy on the Christmas tree is a magical thing. And in this ritual the whole family should take an active part;
  • you need to decorate the Christmas tree from top to bottom so that cosmic energy is captured from above, descends and spreads throughout the space of the house;
  • the star or tip of the tree must be installed first and removed last. This is done either by the oldest or the youngest member of the family;
  • we decorate the Christmas tree in the evening, when it got dark outside the window;
  • the tree represents the axis of the world and life path household, so she should stand straight. If the tree is at least slightly beveled to the side, it must be straightened out;
  • it is important to ensure the connection of the tree with the ground. If you put the Christmas tree in a bucket of sand, then nothing else needs to be done.
    If in a crosspiece or stand, then place a container with sand next to it.
  • do not turn on the TV during the decoration, so that there is no "broadcast" of other people's energies. It is better to prepare in advance a selection of beautiful New Year's melodies and chat with loved ones;
  • decorate the entire Christmas tree, and not just its “front” side, so that some days of the coming year are not empty;
  • there should be only one Christmas tree in the house, otherwise the information field of your house will “glow”, and the Universe will not hear your wishes and requests.

you can decorate the house New Year's compositions, but the cone-shaped Christmas tree should be alone in the space of the house

How not only beautiful, but also meaningful to decorate your home, prepare it for a meeting with magic, what items should appear in the house before the holiday, in order to attract good luck in the New Year, I will tell at the New Year's meeting

and, sighing, plunged into a series of working days.

Only a dressed-up Christmas tree reminds of the past holidays, the needles of which are falling off more and more every day ... An expert in matters of cleanliness Alexei REPIN told how to clean the "live" spruce quickly and without unnecessary debris.

Ritual of undressing

In general, as popular belief says, the Christmas tree must be taken apart as a sign of the end of the Christmas season. People believed that the tree had already given up all its positive energy, and there was no need to store it. In the modern world, some eccentrics can stand up to
March 8 - in the hustle and bustle, they are often too lazy to throw out the fallen tree, because it's so dreary! In fact, the "complex ritual" can be done in a matter of minutes. So, let's begin. Put a few towels around the Christmas tree - this way you will save glass toys that are ready to fall from the branches at any moment. Lay an oilcloth or newspaper on towels (for crumbling needles), and so that the sheets do not move apart, fasten them with a stapler. Prepare boxes for Christmas decorations! First we remove the tinsel and beads from the spruce, then the toys (we move from the bottom, gradually reaching the star). Well, and completes the process of "undressing" - a garland. To prevent its wires from getting tangled, wrap them around the coffee can, and cut 2 holes in the lid - insert the tail of the garland into one, and the electric plug into the other. To keep safe and sound glass balls, wrap them first in soft paper, and then in hard paper. Put your "treasures" in a box with partitions, so they are less damaged during storage. And remember that in no case should Christmas decorations be washed! It is best to blow off the dust with a hair dryer (cold setting) and then remove the stains with a dry cloth. In addition, it is not recommended to store glass decorations on the balcony or in the garage - mold will appear. And, of course, when packing Christmas decorations, do not be too lazy to make inscriptions on the boxes, this will greatly facilitate your life, because at home there is so much rubbish!


After the Christmas tree has remained “naked”, without toys, cut its branches with secateurs. Since the needles are very prickly, don't forget to wear long gloves! Cut the branches as close to the trunk as possible, immediately folding them into a bag. Thus, you will be left with only the barrel and the package, which can be easily taken out into the trash. Throw newspapers with loose needles in the trash. There is one more interesting way elimination of the "green beauty".

Lay an old sheet on the floor and wrap the thorny tree tightly around it. If the tree is small, then it can fit entirely in a plastic bag (if the needles do not turn it into a colander). If the spruce is large, then you can wrap it in ordinary polyethylene or film, and fix the “mummy” with tape on top and bottom. Everything, the tree is ready to be sent to the trash. A way for the lazy - with a rope from the bottom up, tie the branches to the trunk, wrap them with newspapers and safely throw them away!

We remove the remaining garbage in this way - first we sweep the floor with a broom, then we vacuum it (if you don’t sweep it, then crumbled needles and toy elements can easily “kill” your equipment). By the way, small needles on the carpet can be collected with adhesive tape - to do this, wrap your hand with tape (sticky side out) and press it against the carpet. A damp paper towel will help to collect small pieces of glass, and a sticky roller for clothes will help to collect the sequins (do not forget to wipe the soles of your shoes, otherwise your whole apartment will “shine”).

The main symbol of the New Year celebration in any family is the Christmas tree. Every year, her decoration is carefully thought out, and when the time comes to part, it becomes a little sad. When is the right time to remove the tree? On this matter, there are different traditions. In this article:

When is the tree usually removed?

Guided by their own preferences, citizens begin to remove Christmas trees from their apartments on January 1st. Someone, on the contrary, meets March 8 next to the green beauty. But most often, having celebrated the Old New Year, they try to return the premises previous view. By this time, the household had already enjoyed enough the external decoration of the spruce, as well as a long rest on the occasion of the New Year.

In pre-revolutionary Russia, it was customary to always remove the Christmas tree before Epiphany, along with other elements of Christmas time. church calendar was considered a guide for family celebrations, and therefore by this period:

  • you need to remove the tree;
  • carry out general cleaning of the house or apartment;
  • throw away garbage and unnecessary things;
  • take out or hide Christmas symbols (straw, manger, ceremonial bread, etc.)

Well, it happens, what is already there ...

According to the system, it is believed that it is necessary to celebrate the Chinese New Year, which means that until February the apartment should be with a Christmas tree. A living forest beauty is unlikely to live, so they advise:

  • after dismantling the spruce in the same sector, put a tall flower;
  • additionally from above, attaching to the ceiling, lower some kind of interior decoration.

This compensates for the lack of spruce, and will also keep the positive energy in the house.

Notes about the Christmas tree

There are also, which may indicate that the Christmas tree was dismantled. These include:

  • the tips of the branches turn brown. It is believed that spruce or pine has accumulated negative energy, which could come with a large number of guests;
  • every day they fall from the tree while no one is in the room. If this is for naughty pets, then most likely the lamb is having fun. But in this case it is better not to let him disperse in his games.
  • the stem is loosened.

They just helped sort it out.

So superstitious people can decide when to take the tree out of the apartment, focusing on its appearance.

How easy is it to remove a Christmas tree or pine tree?

If the symbol of your favorite holiday is an artificial spruce, then there are no special problems with its disassembly. But you need to take into account that:

  • jewelry should be placed in boxes based on weight (lightest on top);
  • wind the electric garlands carefully, avoiding strong kinks, otherwise next year they will not ignite;
  • collect the branches of each level together, so that later it would be easier to install the Christmas tree;
  • tinsel and "rain" can be placed in a vacuum bag so that they take up less storage space.

It is more difficult if natural spruce or pine flaunted in the house. During the removal of toys, needles will crumble. In order not to create additional trouble for yourself, you can:

  • spread newspapers or laminate under the object;
  • remove fabric products and carpets that are within walking distance;
  • shake the trunk as much as possible, then weak needles will fall;
  • remove toys;
  • get a spruce from the mount;
  • take an unnecessary sheet or a large piece of cloth and wrap it;
  • take it to the street.

It is easier to remove the needles with a vacuum cleaner. If not, you can stick double-sided tape on a dishwashing sponge and walk around the perimeter of the room. Usually allows you to clean the floor well.

Some prune branches to pack them up and minimize fallen needles. Good advice- wrap the forest fairy with cling film or polyethylene. It is reliable, fast and cheap.

How to properly dispose of a Christmas tree: 1. Pack as shown in the photo. 2. You need to throw it away during the day. 3. It is desirable that one of the neighbors or acquaintances observe this. 4. You need to endure with visible effort, looking around. Difficult to put in the trash can. Say "Fuh".

Where to put the green beauty?

It is sad to see in the garbage dumps the one that pleased everyone new year holidays. It's not always the only way.

Before the New Year or after the forest beauty, which has taken root, can be in demand in nurseries. In southern latitudes, they even risk planting it right away. People who are concerned about the environmental situation transplant the Christmas tree into a large container, and in the spring - into the ground.

If a new year symbol was purchased in a pot, then it is simply left to grow further, not forgetting to water and feed it in a timely manner.

Residents of the zoo will be delighted if a New Year tree comes to them. If there is a zoo, you can call in advance and check with the administrators. Some pets eat needles for food, for someone it is an object for training.

In order not to throw away needles, you can take it to the zoo.

What number the green symbol should be taken out of the house, each family decides for itself. It is necessary to listen only to those traditions that have proven their effectiveness specifically for your family.

Endyukh-mu 05.01.2017 - 11:49

:) First I want to explain the reason for my repeatedly changing nicknames.
The first time I had to change after unloading weapons - Gamo Shadow Matic rifles. The bullet hit the left hemisphere of the brain, after which I completely forgot the password from the first nickname - Endyukh. Then I decided in case of a relapse to simply add to the nickname by letter.
By the way, I ask you to consider the resulting combination of letters as random.

It would seem that having foreseen the further development of events before the New Year, I created a topic - 2016-12-9 22:33 "Cork, corkscrew and drink" which, considering it stupid, was deleted by the moderator.

2016-12-9 22:33 Cork, corkscrew and drink. 2016-12-9 Endyukh-m topic removed by Gasar

The relapse was not long in coming. This time the champagne cork hit the right hemisphere and I forgot the password from the nickname - Endyukh-m.
Having firmly decided that this will not happen to me again, I want to know how to properly discharge the Christmas tree? There are some standards and rules for this...
P.S. I warn jokers. For them, as well as the one whom I consider an enemy of the people, I have a polished TT.

emden 05.01.2017 - 11:54

Heccrbq 05.01.2017 - 12:28

2. Drink beer.
3. Discharge the tree (check if the toy is left in the spruce forest, do not look at the upper cut, do not direct it at people, check from the breech of the tree, make a control shake of the tree).
4. Sleep.
5. Drink mineral water.

Skela 05.01.2017 - 12:35

How to properly discharge a Christmas tree?

Until May, they usually do not discharge.))

Endyukh-mu 05.01.2017 - 12:39

1. Buy 2 liters of beer, 2 liters of mineral water.
2. Drink beer.
That's just the weaker sex, not familiar with prostatitis, can advise this 😊 . And you know, at 57, he shows symptoms 😞 .

andrey von sheffer 05.01.2017 - 12:41

Remove the toys, and defuse the ISP through the window!
Let the janitor catch it out of the snow in the spring and drag it to a landfill!??
Well, or drag it yourself, if not lazy!

The main thing is not to discharge, dragging it all over the apartment, then along the landing, then in the elevator, pouring dry needles to the right and left ....

Sobaka1970 05.01.2017 - 12:57

How to properly discharge a Christmas tree?

Depends on the loading system of the Christmas tree: a fracture or a bolter.

Mastor 05.01.2017 - 13:01

How to properly discharge a Christmas tree?

I wanted to make fun of the topic "discharge" in the previous topic, but did not, and then suddenly... 😀

Gorgul 05.01.2017 - 13:25

Depends on the loading system of the Christmas tree: a fracture or a bolter.
and if implosive type?

Mastor 05.01.2017 - 13:40

What did the topic remind you of:

Enters the major in the academy.
They ask him the first question:
- Tell me, Comrade Major, what is the ankle joint?
He, without thinking twice:
- I understand the question, I answer. The ankle joint consists of the lower leg and foot, designed to wear shoes in summer and boots in winter.
Commission ask the second:
- What is the craniocerebral box?
- The craniocerebral box consists of a skull and brains, designed to wear a cap in summer, hats in winter.
Everyone is in shock, but it is necessary to fill up, because the seats are all bought. And then the seasoned general asks:
- Tell me, comrade major, how to find the genitals of a woman. the major thought and said:
- I understand the question, I answer. We take a woman, undress, put her stomach on the table, grease thumb in gun oil and lead from the neck along the spine down to the second click.

Svyatos 05.01.2017 - 13:43

If from artificial materials then according to the manufacturer's instructions.
If natural, then you need to first lay out foam around the tree, taking into account 2-3 radii along the longest branch. The unloading of the Christmas tree should be done by two people. One foreman, the second auxiliary worker. Start removing toys should start from the bottom, slowly. After the manufacturer removes the work, the toy must be transferred to the hands of an auxiliary worker, for it to be placed in a storage box. Particular attention should be paid to the rigid fixation of the toy in the hands of the host. It is not forbidden to verify the result of the reception with the words "accepted?" And the answer is "yes, I did!"
And so, piece by piece, shoot row after row of toys next to the Christmas tree. Gradually approaching the top of the tree. Laying Christmas decorations in a box to produce neatly, in rows, filling the voids with cotton wool or foam balls
After freeing the Christmas tree from the toys, take the Christmas tree and release it from the stand with the help of an auxiliary worker. And then together, cheerfully and provocatively, take the Christmas tree outside to the container for household waste. Or if there is a point for receiving Christmas trees for processing in the area, then go there.
The main thing to remember is that the removal of the Christmas tree is just as fun as the drift of the Christmas tree))))))

Gorgul 05.01.2017 - 13:48

Bringing the tree down is just as fun as bringing the tree in.
for those around...

sergei_0987 01/05/2017 - 13:56

I want to learn how to properly discharge the Christmas tree?
I think it depends a lot on what you loaded it with? If you still remember, of course.

Reiges 05.01.2017 - 13:58

Mastor 05.01.2017 - 14:05

Well, yes. 😊

N.Valerich 05.01.2017 - 14:22

It's more logical to rename the topic to \\when to discharge the tree?//
Probably after the Baptism, or at least after the Old NG.

There are some completely incomprehensible reasons for the emergence of these topics about the Christmas tree, maybe it would be better how to bring it in and out of the house and out of it.

emden 05.01.2017 - 14:33

Reiges 05.01.2017 - 14:36

If I take it out, then I usually wrap it with something suitable, so that I don’t pour needles into the window or from the balcony along the way, depending on the circumstances, if there is a lot of garbage around, although there is always a pine tree, but the same is pouring in. In my opinion - if you need living space (not all homeowners or owners of multi-meter apartments), then after the CIS, if you don't care about living space - after Baptism.

Sobaka1970 05.01.2017 - 14:42

If I take it out, then I usually wrap it with something suitable, so that I don’t pour needles into the window or from the balcony along the way, depending on the circumstances, if there is a lot of garbage around, although there is always a pine

I, too, have been standing since sleep, but what does the erection and the fall of needles from the Christmas tree have to do with it?

Reiges 05.01.2017 - 14:48

Pine erection? original))))))

sergei_0987 01/05/2017 - 15:13

I also have sleep
Some are lucky, I have already begun to crumble slowly.

Trofel 05.01.2017 - 16:32

We remove all the most valuable, the rest from the balcony ..

Duga 05.01.2017 - 17:00

It is not clear from the data which tree the vehicle has
How you eat, here you eat. From a previous thread.

Go ahead and knock Endyukha all over the head.
Maybe you forgot your password again? 😞

Trofel 06.01.2017 - 15:23

There, after immediately, repairs can begin .. needleless

Longeron 11.01.2017 - 18:22

and I forgot my password.

What about restoring?
Mail, too ... lost?

Endyukh-m 01/11/2017 - 19:07

Mail, too ... lost?


2TS: Thank you.
Reading this couple of pages, I understand that I am, in general, a good person.
As soon as I was awarded a separate topic dedicated to me.
The only pity is that a topic in which fools are trying to make fun of me is easier to achieve than a commendable topic from smart and respected people ...

Barm 11.01.2017 - 19:17

andrey von sheffer
Yes, that's how to defuse, as dressed up, just the opposite!
complete shit
everything is up to you

Trofel 11.01.2017 - 21:08

with a calm expression
No, there should be a bit of a skew .. "-Are you sweating? //- No, I'm from the bath"

vadja2 11.01.2017 - 21:47

a topic in which fools are trying to make fun of me is easier to achieve than a commendable topic from smart and respected people.
Why so, no thoughts? 😊

white walker 11.01.2017 - 21:51

Too bad Bonk always remembers his Hansa password. He wouldn't have been able to get a hundred pounds a second time. 😀

Endyukh-m 01/11/2017 - 22:25

Why so, no thoughts? 😊

To make a fool lose his peace, it is enough to be at least a little smarter than he is. And when it comes to the fool, he, this fool, goes to action - in real life he tries to wave his fists.

andrey von sheffer 01/11/2017 - 23:19

Why, the topic is still relevant, the other day Old New Year! 😊))).

white walker 01/11/2017 - 23:48

I'm just thinking, maybe even dress up for the Old New Year? 😊

vadja2 12.01.2017 - 17:08

white walker
Too bad Bonk always remembers his Hansa password. He wouldn't have been able to get a hundred pounds a second time.
There are - fools, they are fools.

In the virtual - creates topics like this one.

Yes, forge with them, with fools. Why don't the smart ones open up laudatory topics about you? 😊

Endyukh-m 12.01.2017 - 17:22

Why don't the smart ones open up laudatory topics about you?
Because they do not open that they are smart.
These are fools only to wash the bones for someone, they open topics.
I'm talking about the topics on the portal and about the bones of the portal member - I considered it necessary for you to explain, because you ... well, you understand ... I hope. 😊

vadja2 12.01.2017 - 22:34

well, you understand... I hope.
You really hope. I'm ... in short, laudatory topics about you do not open.

Endyukh-m 12.01.2017 - 23:50

You really hope. I'm ... in short, laudatory topics about you do not open.
It is clear that you do not open. But there is reason to believe that it was you who opened this topic - you yourself gave these reasons ... well, you understand ... but I do not hope for that.

andrey von sheffer 13.01.2017 - 01:33

It's good when topics are opened, and it's not so easy - to open an interesting topic, by the way!

Here's another tree!
It's really Elka!

vadja2 13.01.2017 - 12:31

But there is reason to believe that it was you who opened this topic - you yourself gave these reasons
But I have reason to believe that this topic was opened precisely because you are the very one ... Well, who are you talking about. 😊

Endyukh-m 13.01.2017 - 14:05

But I have reason to believe that this topic was opened precisely because you are the very one ... Well, who are you talking about. 😊
I'm talking about the fact that some fool opened the topic allegedly on my behalf.
To present me in front of people as a fool as the opener of the topic himself.

andrey von sheffer 13.01.2017 - 16:56

So after all, they have different nicknames!
One "Andryukh-m", and the second - "Andryukh-mu".
Afiget, etozh we are bred like!

vadja2 13.01.2017 - 22:23

opened a topic allegedly on my behalf.
If you are defending that someone did not notice this, then you are definitely this one ... Well, you understand. 😊

Endyukh-m 13.01.2017 - 22:40

If you are defending that someone did not notice this, then you are definitely this one ... Well, you understand.
I believe that the intention was that at least someone would not notice.
But the TC here burst, because this one is ... well, you don't understand.

vadja2 13.01.2017 - 23:09

But the TS is screwed up.
No, he didn't screw up. As planned by the TSA, the main thing is that you noticed this topic. 😊

Endyukh-m 13.01.2017 - 23:45

No, he didn't screw up. As planned by the TSA, the main thing is that you noticed this topic.

After all, why not have some fun? Moreover, the clown does not require money from me.

Clownery, however, is not very high quality, it doesn’t even reach Petrosyan ... but, "for lack of a stamp, they write in plain" (c)
Besides, b. m., TS, over time, he will get the hang of it and Petrosyan will surpass ... which I strongly doubt.

white walker 01/14/2017 - 19:29

I hope TS will somehow entertain both me and the participants of the MR.
It has been entertaining for a long time. For some reason it hasn't been removed yet. Strange, right?! Campaign, this clown in the troupe in the lead roles! 😊

Endyukh-m 14.01.2017 - 19:50

white walker
It has been entertaining for a long time. For some reason it hasn't been removed yet. Strange, right?!
Nothing strange - apparently, the removers are also not averse to having fun.
white walker
Campaign, this clown in the troupe in the lead roles!
I don't know, I don't know... well, I don't care.
And who they have there on what roles, and how many of them are there in total ...

white walker 14.01.2017 - 20:01

I do not care
This is how all the meanness in this world happens with the tacit consent of the indifferent. 😊

Supradin 14.01.2017 - 20:10

after endyuh-mu will endyuh-mud follow?
buckle up, endyuh-m

fucking 01/14/2017 - 20:27

endyuh mule
endyuh moon
endyuh flies

Breathing options...

tref7 14.01.2017 - 20:43

andrey von sheffer
It's really Elka!
Damn, I thought Moiseev.

Endyukh-m 14.01.2017 - 22:11

white walker
This is how all the meanness in this world happens with the tacit consent of the indifferent.
Maybe this topic was conceived as meanness, but it turned out to be stupidity.
buckle up, endyuh-m
In order not to burst with laughter?

white walker 14.01.2017 - 22:26

but it turned out stupid
Have you tried pressing the triangle? Or are you flattered?! 😊

vadja2 14.01.2017 - 22:30

white walker
Have you tried pressing the triangle? Or are you flattered?! 😊
This is how the suspicion will arise that he cloned himself in order to draw attention to himself. 😊

white walker 14.01.2017 - 22:34

Exactly! 😊

Endyukh-m 14.01.2017 - 22:38

white walker
Have you tried pressing the triangle? Or are you flattered?!
Not flattering.
white walker

This is how the suspicion will arise that he cloned himself in order to draw attention to himself.

white walker 14.01.2017 - 22:50

Thank you white walker, you helped me a little.
To be honest, I did not set myself such a task. I'm joking over you corny. 😊
Fools will have such a suspicion.
But I don't care about their suspicions.
Another attempt to put a good face on a bad game. 😊 But you do not pay attention, continue to have fun.

Endyukh-m 15.01.2017 - 12:28

PS: Always delivers a message:

white walker
I'm joking over you corny
As a rule, this
white walker
an attempt to make a good face on a bad game
Thanks again.
white walker
To be honest, I did not set myself such a task.
This is not so rare - they set one goal for themselves, but achieve a completely different one.
You did just that.
Here kagba should write "Pro" instead of "U". Then it will work right.
You are already fluttering, vadja2.
But this is also bad for you.

andrey von sheffer 15.01.2017 - 03:04

The theme of the Christmas tree is not disclosed!
And zvizdezha and showdowns of shtetl, yes, to the fullest.

white walker 15.01.2017 - 11:39

White walker, you haven't helped me much.
With your permission, I'll do some more PR at your expense. You are a superstar here with all the consequences. 😀

vadja2 15.01.2017 - 14:02

Yes, the troshki podkuzmili comrade. 😊
Yes, and rightly so - he does not put himself in order, he is overgrown with hair just like manure in the grass. Horrible!

Endyukh-m 15.01.2017 - 14:24

white walker
I'm still a little PR at the expense of you.

Yes, the troshki podkuzmili comrade.
Two comrades. Which, in fact, podkuzmil themselves and clearly exhausted - tried to bark at me, but only barked.
Yes, and yapping has already turned into a plaintive whining.
They would take a break, save up some strength - and, with renewed vigor, "into battle" again.
And then you are already more pathetic than funny.

So I guess I'll wait until one of you shows off your wit again.
Sharp, however, due to the flatness, but ... I repeat, "for lack of a stamp, they write in plain" (c)

vadja2 15.01.2017 - 14:30

This is good. 😊

white walker 15.01.2017 - 20:30

To be precise, you are not self-promotion, but expose yourself to ridicule.
Without the slightest effort on my part.
To be a little more precise, on the part of those two comrades who allegedly ran out of steam, this is an act of charity. Campaign, except for us, no one cares about you. As, in fact, to us. But we can't leave the old man alone! However, everything has its beginning, everything has its end. Weekends are over, and with them, charity. Don't be sad, grandpa! Sort out some kind of rifle, but be more careful - some next cranial-brain damage was missing!
Nervous bearded, however. And get back a little angry.
This is good.
I think so too. Old people - they are like children: they mutter, stomp their feet, but they cry without attention. And then a whole holiday, the weekend was rolled up to the old one, entertained. 😊

andrey von sheffer 16.01.2017 - 12:14

Who hasn't got their tree up yet?
I already had to throw it out, the cat really forced it.

He immediately did not like her, he began to stupidly piss in the corridor.

And everything started again again, the cat is again like a native, it doesn’t spoil under the tree anymore, because there is nowhere!

Duga 16.01.2017 - 22:33

andrey von sheffer
Who hasn't got their tree up yet?
andrey von sheffer
I realized that something was not right, on the 14th, the Christmas tree section and deleted it.
Andyukh also understood. But it's not easy for him. From the last topic, the top of the head has entered the very tonsils. Back needles go against the wool. The entire intestine will pull out.

vadja2 01/16/2017 - 22:38

Duga 16.01.2017 - 22:42

Shtoit this Mowgli face is somehow familiar.
Take a closer look.

vadja2 16.01.2017 - 22:52

I saw it somewhere. In the news about the psycho, galleries?

white walker 16.01.2017 - 23:08

Take a closer look.
One person!

Reiges 16.01.2017 - 23:25

Already in the trash, while arguing here))))))

Generalisimo Stalin 01/22/2017 - 02:18

It's still early ....... it's closer to May My Beauty stands shining with all the lights and the house is decorated

andrey von sheffer 22.01.2017 - 03:00

Many of us in Latvia now, having dressed up a Christmas tree next to their private house-lights, leave it like that, luminous and turn it on practically until spring.
And why, okay, a little fun adds to the gloomy reality of autumn-winter ......

white walker 22.01.2017 - 11:00

andrey von sheffer
the one on the avatar - with a broad beard and a heroic face of expression
I wouldn't trust avatars. You can attach anything: even a bearded uncle, even an aunt with boobs, even some kind of Stalin ...

vadja2 22.01.2017 - 14:46

white walker
You can attach anything: even a bearded uncle, even an aunt with boobs,
Here by. He himself boasted somehow of his wooliness.
That's interesting, a lot of living creatures live in a beard? Well, not in a short one - it’s unlikely that anyone else will fit there besides mandavon, but if it’s like Karl Marx’s?

white walker 22.01.2017 - 15:22

He himself boasted
He boasted a lot. Is it possible to believe everything? There people say that he has several shell shocks ... But I believe! 😀

andrey von sheffer 23.01.2017 - 08:05

Damn, I thought Moiseev.

Maxim V 23.01.2017 - 08:25

By the way - for a long time I have not observed discarded Christmas trees in the garbage. All switched to artificial.

andrey von sheffer 23.01.2017 - 08:35

Yes, that’s right, the price tag on them is a lot where the horse, and then all these delights with installation, purchase, delivery, and the worst thing is then cleaning from fallen thorns that stick into everything .....

white walker 23.01.2017 - 09:33

Not that.

fallen thorns that dig into everything ...
Nishtyak! Nature, your mother... 😊

andrey von sheffer 23.01.2017 - 12:08

Nature is our mother, but where does the rug come from, which then can’t be cleaned of needles at all, they then hit the leg at the right angle, well dried, they fly in at the most unexpected moment when you don’t expect it.
And, by the way, the tip of this needle immediately breaks off there.

The pleasure is still that, I had to go to the surgeon after one such new year a week later, and he tore everything up for me there, pumping a painful injection there, besides!
A week of sick leave (it's good that it's paid), plus the wife's moral experiences.

white walker 23.01.2017 - 18:15

andrey von sheffer
Week of sick leave
How difficult it is for you. Elementary: a glass of alcohol (anesthesia) and a needle or pin as a splinter to pick out. Afterwards, smear with brilliant green or iodine and take another glass of alcohol (compensation for suffering). Everything.
andrey von sheffer
plus the moral experiences of his wife
This is where the needle stuck, since the wife was so morally worried ?! 😀

andrey von sheffer 23.01.2017 - 21:47

white walker
This is where the needle stuck, since the wife was so morally worried ?! 😀

In the heel.
I tried to pull it out myself, I broke the Christmas tree needle!
I asked my wife, she was picking something painfully there, picking with a metal needle in her leg, she seemed to say that she had picked everything, and the surgeon later said that not all!

Occupational disease of hairdressers, by the way.
They always had problems with these hairs, and the next ones in the foot. They are then cut out surgically.

white walker 24.01.2017 - 12:09

andrey von sheffer
It is then cut out surgically.
Come on... As a child, it used to be that in the village you rush through the bushes, run into thorns - you put it in your finger or in your knees. So it starts to boil and comes out with pus. Nonsense. Fishing people take out fishing hooks from the body, do without surgeons ...

vadja2 24.01.2017 - 14:00

from a small beard
And does the little one have a long beard? Paying, come on? 😊
white walker
Fishing people take out fishing hooks from the body, do without surgeons ...
Exactly, here grandfather Shchukar was a specialist on these issues.

white walker 24.01.2017 - 14:14

I somehow broke a metacarpal bone. Anyone in the know knows that these are two operations - first, insert a steel pin into a broken bone, then remove it six months later. And now, a month after the second operation, when the sutures were already removed and I stopped wearing the bandage, I noticed suppuration in the place where the suture was. I scraped it off with a fingernail, washed it with peroxide and smeared it with brilliant green. A couple of days later, I look - again. I picked it up again, washed it with peroxide ... And I see that the tail is sticking out. I pulled it and pulled out two centimeters of thread. A couple of days later, the story repeated again - it festered, knocked off, pulled ... I pulled out 2 cm of thread again, but it got stuck somewhere and would not come out. I decided to go to the surgeon. 😊 He took, pulled the thread and with scissors, as short as possible, cut it off! Everything says! I say, they say, let me, but she still remained there! What to do, how to be? And he says: "Don't piss, it will slowly come out with pus!" 😀 And you say, run around surgeons with splinters! Our people with ulcers don't go to them...

There, if a foreign body has leaked into the flesh through thick skin, it will fester and inflate everything, but it won’t work without surgical help! how to use a brush

vadja2 28.01.2017 - 22:26

how to use a brush
I even immediately thought about where this Yorshik can be stuffed ...

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How I love Christmas decorations! But how fragile they are. I thought at that moment about something very good)
Every year, at least one toy from our Christmas tree breaks. In my diary on the last page, I wrote down all my childhood favorites and simply, seemingly eternal, companions of Christmas trees, which one unfortunate day, voluntarily or through the fault of evil fate, turned into small fragments. A round baby in a pink jumpsuit, a hunched Baba Yaga on a clothespin, a blue and red parrot that my mother and I bought in a department store (how I liked the smell of Christmas decorations in stores!), A silver pipe with green and raspberry holes, a baby in an envelope, tied with blue ribbons, an angry mushroom, a snow-covered peaked house ...
This year we were left by a small old cosmonaut on a clothespin, which a merry Matvey smashed with a pillow, and a new round house, which gently slid down a bald branch. The Chinese house from the fixed price is not a pity, but astronautics - yes. It's especially sad when the figures fight (this is from the same area as eating chocolate hares). And doubly - when old. And triple - when it is a toy that has lived in our family for many decades. I bought astronautics on a "flea", it's not "ours", but still.
Therefore, while unloading the Christmas tree, I tried to organize our toys and once again keep the updated collection as a keepsake)