
Mom's advice about life. Be yourself and never give up: the best advice from the mothers of our readers. You're raising your kids wrong


we have announced a collection of letters - about the most expensive and for the most expensive. We asked you to share words, the meaning of which, at times, becomes clear too late, but determines the whole life. No less important for us were the funny, encouraging phrases of mothers, which can cheer up and fix everything even in the most difficult moment.

Today at wonderful holiday, we publish the advice of your mothers and ... the name of the winner of our competition, which was determined by the LADY team.

(If your story has not been published, please treat this with understanding. The reason for this is the lack of a name, contact information or a photo. Well, in order to please your mother, you can find a hundred other ways. Good luck and a good holiday!)


Mom has always been and remains for me best friend... And one of the most useful tips which she gave me (and there was a lot of advice and everything was very valuable to me!), I heard from her when I entered the university. She said: "You stood in line for a diploma, worthy in this line to the end!"... And this phrase helped me to study for all 5 years. Mommy, I love you very much! And my mother's name is Mizernik Olga Stepanovna.


Good day! Today I am 32. In our family, already in the third generation, according to the mother's branch, only one child (girl) is born, and it so happened that my mother for me is a friend, a friend, a lifesaver, a shoulder. You can continue to enumerate ... Mom - very short word but its meaning is life-long.

So, when I turned 19, I met a guy. At 19, I wasn’t going to get married and didn’t plan to have a child, but I didn’t want to lose a good man either. How was I to know that this is the same “he” - a good person for life and marriage, building our future and our strong family, tandem forever?

Mom, of course, helped by her experience. Maybe it was her insight, maybe experience, but the words-advice were: "Daughter, do not look at the face. Do not drink water from the face. Do not look at your family, you will have to live with your husband, and not with his family. ".

Today, at 32, I continue to live with my husband. I am very glad that at the age of 19 I did not miss this man. Over the years, my husband became a handsome man for me and the best person for me on this planet. We are sailing through this life together, as we can and as we succeed, and we do not let anyone close to our relationship. There are moments because of which I sometimes get a little upset, but even here I repeat my mother’s advice like a mantra and it becomes easier for me.

Today my mom and I best friends... We divide all joys and hardships in half. And it so happened that today my husband and I have one mother for two. We love and appreciate her very much! And we try to only please our mother with our actions!


Mom, mommy, mommy! My dear and bright man! Kind and affectionate, gentle and caring, wise and tactful! From childhood, she taught me to be friendly, responsive and respond to all life's difficulties with a smile. My mom is my girlfriend! We share everything, my mother always knew all my girlish secrets: joys and failures, victories and defeats, ups and downs. We love sometimes just to "chirp" before going to bed about everything that happens in my life, in her life, about plans for the future. You can always come to mom for advice on any issue - she will listen, prompt, help! Most main advice from her: “Daughter, everything has its time. Do not rush. Be wise. " My mom is the brightest example for me! The most beautiful, sophisticated, bright, intelligent, hardworking and economic! I love my mommy very much! Mommy, you are the best!


They say the truth is that until you stumble, you will not understand. But my mother, a wonderful and bright person, said: "Rake with a rake, but mom needs to listen!"

So it is: without her advice, life would be much more difficult.

My mother raised me alone, I saw how hard it was for her and, looking at this, I learned from her not to live, but to survive!

Mom always said: "In spite of everything, always look ahead!" And you know ... this phrase did not fly by, I live in reality, and no matter how difficult it is, I raise my head and look only forward.

I take an example only from her! After all, despite her years and an adult child, she made her dream come true and bought a motorcycle 5 years ago! Now she is considered the best motomama! And I'm proud of her!

Her advice was with me when it was hard and bad for me, when I was happy and good, her warm hand and warm word accompanied me for many years!

I am proud that I have a person whom I can trust, who loves me as much as I love him!

I love you, mommy!


My grandfather (my mother's father) died when I was three. I don't remember that time very well, only separate pieces of the past pop up in my head, which do not add up to a complete picture.

But this is not about that, this is one of the most important advice given to me by my beloved mother, which is very difficult to truly understand and feel without feeling the memories of the death of someone close ...

When I was, probably, about seventeen years old, I somehow had a very serious quarrel with my young man (now my husband) and, having come home in the evening, complained to my mother, saying that I was offended at him and now I did not talk to him, etc. ... etc. To which my mother said something like the following: "You can quarrel with a person. But try never to leave, let alone go to bed, if you are in a quarrel with someone who is truly dear to you, because you never know what can happen. the next moment. " When your grandfather died, we didn't talk to him. And now it doesn’t matter why we didn’t speak, but the last words spoken to each other do matter. "

I have remembered this advice for the rest of my life. I will not lie, I do not always succeed in following it, since I am a rather emotional impulsive person, but still I try to make peace with the person before the "next moment" comes.

Another important piece of advice from my mom is the advice "about friends." We have quite a large one (I have younger sister and two twin brothers) and Friendly family... At the same time, my mother holds a respectable position in one very large and well-known IT company. Naturally, my mother (like the whole family) has many good acquaintances and friends. And my mother sincerely believes: friends are no less, and sometimes even a little more important than relatives. Because “the family will never leave or give up on you, no matter who you are. But, if you treat your friends badly, then they are unlikely to be able to endure it for a long time. " That is why she often repeated to all of us and repeats now that “you should never betray or neglect your friends. And if you promised something to one of them, then “nosebleed”, but you must fulfill the promise made". And here I completely agree with her.

Well, and, probably, the two shortest, but at the same time, the shortest important advice, which became the motto of my life:

“Love people, everyone without exception. Yes, we are all a bit of a horse, and each of us in his own way, but we are all, without exception, beautiful. "

"Our thoughts are material, so always think and strive only for good, remaining an optimist even in difficult times."


Thank you so much for a great idea: Mom's advice. I have long dreamed of something like this.

My mother, Volkova Valentina Antipovna, will turn 92 in 4 months, I never tire of admiring her. She is the wisest and most humble of all people with whom life has confronted me. And this despite the fact that life was hard, like that of the entire generation born in the 20s of the last century. We survived the famine of 1933, the war, the post-war devastation. In the dashing 90s, all the money scrupulously accumulated by the parents "for old age" was burned out.

In 1948, she came from Kursk to the destroyed Vitebsk by distribution, met her dad there, also not a Belarusian, originally from Moscow. They lived together for 54 happiest years and fell in love with Belarus with all their hearts, raised my brother and me and five grandchildren. Dad has been gone for 11 years, and mom continues to mess with her great-grandchildren. Both were engineers, but both had so many different talents that they would be enough for more than one life.

Now, despite her very advanced age, my mother is in her right mind and fond memory. She reads all the newspapers from cover to cover, weaves amazingly thin lace using the tatting technique (she does not use glasses!), Easily solves crosswords, does exercises every morning and fully serves herself when she lives alone. True, she has not mastered the tablet very successfully (but still uses it!). In order not to wither intellectually, she memorizes poems (she loves the poems of Konstantin Simonov very much) and reads them for miles, but only for her own people, depending on her mood.

Here are some of her lessons:

  1. Housewife is the most dangerous profession
  2. For the one who does not know foreign language, the world is closed. (She instilled this in me since childhood, when the country lived behind the "Iron Curtain", and taught by her own example: knowing German quite well, at the age of 35 she began to study English and succeeded!)
  3. Take care of your husband. (My husband adores her, they best friends!)
  4. Remember good, forget evil
  5. Don't believe the rumors
  6. Keep other people's secrets better than your own
  7. Be able to rejoice in small

This is a small fraction of what was remembered here and now. She herself lives by these rules, doing only good to people. And only one problem prevents my mother from living fully: she does not hear well. We tried three times to fit her hearing aid - to no avail. But, faithful to her wisdom, she reasons like this: if you choose between blindness and deafness, then the latter is preferable.


Hello! My mother is known everywhere as a strong, bright and cheerful person. All these qualities: strength, brightness and gaiety are emphasized by only one nuance ... exactly what sounded in her advice.

"Always smile!"

The strength of the spirit is emphasized by a smile in response to difficulties; the brightness of nature is also favorably emphasized by a smile; and, what can I say, about gaiety in the company of any people. Mom always smiles at any person, even if it happens that a person does something bad. A smile can be stern, happy, benevolent, self-confident ... with a wide variety of calibers and shades. But the main thing is its presence.

This advice helps me not only to look good and have many friends, but also to cope successfully with life's difficulties. When cats scratch their hearts, just smile and they purr.


“Mom's advice” is a thing that is always with us in life, along with mother herself. You cannot hide from them, you cannot hide. And this is great!

Mom's advice is sometimes funny:

With the thought it is necessary to sleep! Tomorrow you will decide everything with a fresh mind, and now for a pot and a lulu!

Sometimes they get upset:

You can't forgive or forget something to a person, but it turns out: "You just have to tear it off and throw it away!"

And more often they annoy:

Lie down, sleep and everything will pass! - this wisdom was inherited from my grandmother. For some reason, these words infuriated most of all, because you can't object in any way. But all the questions immediately disappeared.

The best rest from mental work is physical! Now I’ll quickly find something for you.

But in the end, the mommy is always right, because:

You will endure and not give up, then everything will work out!;

Always smile! You feel bad? And you pull yourself by the ears! And remember those who are even worse;

You can change something - change it, nothing will fall from the sky just like that. And if you cannot change - accept it, endure it, do not whine. Grit your teeth and be silent, as if you have collected water in your mouth;

The main thing is to keep peace of mind! What's inside is around. And also to be grateful for everything you have.

Mommy, our beloved! Thanks! Thanks to you, we know that there will always be a sun behind the clouds (like when flying on an airplane), that it will shine directly into your eyes and that everything will be fine!

We love you very much! Forgive me for the careless words, for inattention and misunderstanding!

Happy Mom's Day! Hugs, kisses! You are the best with us!

Your daughters!

P.S. I remembered how once in a conversation I called my mother “mother”, to which she indignantly told me, “What if I called you Daughter ?!”


Every year, with every minute lived, with every breath I love my mother more and more. Her words and advice help me get through the difficult moments of my life. Her wisdom and rich life experience help her to find her place in this hectic world, to achieve success, to make a decision. Sometimes it seems to me that all her words are relics of the past (after all, we have a difference of almost 30 years with her), but year after year I understand that it’s not a difference in age, not in the old time and the new, not in the social level life of the last century and today, but in ourselves, in children, when, chasing mom away and refusing her advice, we are looking for excuses for our mistakes.

Now I am 23 years old, and with a smile on my face I remember how I used to be bored and sometimes annoyed by her concern and excitement.

For example, a school. The main words of my mother, said then, remained in my memory forever: "Everything you learn now will stay with you.".

Further the university ... It was then that I thought - I'll come off! In vain ... Early driving courses have been added to my studies! Mom insisted on the courses, with the words: “Until you get married and have got pans and mops - grab all the opportunities - then there will be no time. Just think, one more monkey will be driving ”. How right she was - now I can't imagine life without a car, and I can't even imagine how I would study in a driving school now with an inconvenient work schedule and a catastrophic lack of time and energy.

Immediately after university, I entered the magistracy, which I also owe to my mother. She said: "Until the thoughts disappear, and there is at least something left in my head after graduation, go, otherwise, at the age of 40, I will have to sit at my desk, being older than the teachers." And again she turned out to be right - in March of this year I was invited for an internship in Warsaw, and since February 2016, a teacher at the most prestigious university in Belarus!

And today, on such a day, I want to say to all mothers: thank you for being with us! And I want to wish my mother good health, happiness, beauty, warmth and success. Let every new day in your life begin with a smile, let the rays of the sun illuminate your path even in the most inclement weather. Long life and peace of mind. Mommy, I love you very much!


Hello dear editors!

My mom really loves to read the site, her day begins with porridge and this heading :). And, of course, she invited me to participate in your competition for the best advice from mom. My mother became my friend, even when I was in her. Together with me, she, finishing her graduate school, went to a conference in Lausanne. And then, having successfully defended her thesis, she went on maternity leave. Despite various difficulties, she never loses her presence of mind, always cheers everyone up and never gives up. So she often repeats to me: "Never give up! With small steps you will achieve everything you want. The main thing is to set goals and go towards them, no matter what." My mom is a wonderful miracle! May she always be the same "energizer" as her students know her!


Hello, my name is Yana, I am 24 years old, and I have best mom in the world! My dearest person is called Lydia. For me, as for most people, mom is the person who is always ready to help and give sensible advice on time. But sometimes the catch is that daughters do not always immediately accept and understand what their mothers advise them.

Such is human nature that people tend to observe those around them and imitate them. So, my mother is not only a standard of what a mother should be for her children, but also an example for me to follow, what a daughter should be for her parents. I admire the relentless care, wisdom and love with which Mommy treats her parents. Here's her lesson: “Respect your family members, take care of them, give them the warmth of communication and spend more time together!”

For me, mommy is an example of the fact that everything in life can be changed for the better, the main thing is, as she says: “Do not be lazy and work on yourself, regardless of age!”.

Let me tell you a little secret: my mother is the youngest at heart, the most beautiful for me, but still a pensioner. But this did not stop her: after retirement, my mother began to actively study English language, has changed the field of her activity from working with documentation to a case, the basis of which is communication with people, with which she does an excellent job!

Mommy, know that we all (dad, my sister and me) will always support you and cheer you up! You are the center of our family! We know that you love us very much, and we love you too! Mother's Day is your holiday, but it is our immeasurable happiness that our mother is you! Thank you for everything!


When you are 13 years old, in response to every mother's remark, you snort contemptuously and run away to whisper with your girlfriends. And only with age do you realize that casually abandoned mother's phrases are pearls that should be collected: carefully store in a box, remove if necessary, listening to wise words, and be sure to return to the place.

So, pearl first. "You need to get married only for love."

I am seven years old. Mom holds my hand, I jump with impatience and try not to step on the gaps between the paving slabs. We are going to the shop. And there are so many interesting things!

An expensive foreign car is ahead of us and parks near the store. A chubby, red-haired boy, the grandson of the director of one of the city's large enterprises, emerges from it with his grandfather. Of course, I was staring at the shiny new typewriter. Mom watches me and says with a smile: “Here, Anya, whom you need to marry. You will ride like cheese in butter. " Maybe, of course, this young man had good mental qualities, but at that moment I imagined the appearance of my chosen one, like Prince Eric from the Disney cartoon about the Little Mermaid. With disappointment in my voice, I asked: “What, really? And what about love?". Mom stopped and stroked my head tenderly.

“Of course, you only need to get married for love,” she said. - By calculation, only animals find a mate: who has a brighter and fluffier tail, who growls harder. And a person cannot be without love. Remember, you can't buy happiness and love for any money. " Here I would like to say that my parents met and got married as students, when both of them had not a penny to their hearts. Then I appeared in the student family. Now their happy marriage for 25 years.

The second pearl. "Be yourself and have your own style"

I'm eight years old. On the nose New Year and our whole family is preparing for the matinee at school. I will be Vasilisa, but I just can't decide - Beautiful or Wise.

Mom, of course, is in charge of the preparation process. On the hanger is a Russian folk sundress, which, of course, at my mother's order, dad took from the city house of culture. By the way, by the way. Now my mother is taken to the kokoshnik. She armed herself with scissors, cardboard, gold and silver paints and numerous jars of glitter. And I realized that the "fight" for beauty will not be for life, but for death.

Mom, deftly wielding scissors, conducts a conversation with me: “Anh, here you wanted to be Vasilisa, so be it. Just think, everyone will be princesses, but you will stand out from this company of fabulous creatures. You must always be true to yourself. After all, having your own style means being yourself. Sometimes, of course, it takes courage. And even courage. "

Mom's kokoshnik turned out to be so-so, more like the Pope's headdress. But my mother promised to paint my lips with red lipstick, and for that I was ready to sell my soul. I think that a girl with red lipstick on her lips cannot be ugly, even if she is wearing a ridiculous kokoshnik.

And I was brave. In an era when all the girls are on New Year's parties- snowflakes, princess or queen, being Vasilisa is very daring, then I even thought it was to some extent provocative.

The third pearl. "Study well, otherwise you will go to sell sausages."

I'm nine years old. I have to sit down to my lessons, but I really don't want to, because I have so many important and interesting things to do, much more important than boring textbooks. By the way, I always studied well and school subjects were easy for me. But then things were bad with motivation. The main thing was to make me sit down at the textbooks. And then it’s easier. When my mother returned from work, she was horrified to find that I didn’t have my homework ready in any subject. She did not swear, but simply said: "If you study badly, you will go to work as a sausage saleswoman." I wondered why my mother was predicting this profession for me.

“Because they won't take you as a milkmaid: you won't be able to move a bucket of milk from its place. But I think you can handle the sausages, ”she replied.

I sincerely could not understand what was wrong in this profession, because I loved sausages. But my mother's arguments like “you will freeze at the counter in winter and die from the heat in summer”, “you can never eat sausages, because you will look at them all the time and stop loving them” made their black business. In addition, then it seemed to me that all the saleswomen in the world dye their hair purple or burgundy, wear a huge Golden ring with a ruby ​​and listen to Allegrova. I didn't want to be like that. Therefore, henceforth, with motivation, I was all right. And I graduated from the regional lyceum with an average mark of the certificate above nine.

The fourth pearl. "Answer a gift with a gift"

I am twelve years old. On the eighth of March, I received a gift from a classmate soft toy and a large chocolate bar. What is not a reason for joy? But only after a while I paid for my frivolous and reckless act. I had no idea how strong and omnipresent a boy's love can be. And in the next academic year, I felt it myself. My classmates teased me, of course, they were jealous. No one had such a boyfriend. And such attention of my "gentleman" already unbalanced me. On the eve of February 23, my mother took me in an armful and dragged me to choose a gift for the would-be groom, saying on the go: “Anh, cultured people also give a gift in response to a gift. Remember and never forget good attitude to yourself. Since you took him then and were happy, be so kind as to congratulate the boy on his holiday and no “buts”. "

I still gave the gift. And I swore not to take gifts from people to whom I would not want to “give them away”.

The fifth pearl. "You choose your environment yourself"

I'm thirteen. And I got to know a crowd of "informals". For me, an exemplary girl, it was very interesting to observe the life of modern anarchists-nihilists (as I thought then). Although now I understand that the guys were just looking for themselves, they wanted to stand out and be fashionable.

My mom never said a word about bad company.

"If you are confident in them and are ready to call them your friends, then I am absolutely calm."- she said.

But I'm sure that she was always on the alert and did not take her eyes off me. And she would not allow me to take some rash step, which I later had to regret. Mom taught me the most important thing: it doesn't matter who your friend's parents work, what kind of apartment they have and how he studies, it is important that the person is good. Thanks to my mother's “non-interference”, I communicated with different people and, whenever possible, absorbed only the good from each of them.

The sixth pearl. "If he loves you, then I will, of course, love him."

I'm fifteen. “He's not worthy of you,” my mother never told me like that. For which I am very grateful to her.

Many mothers scandal and shout to teenage girls: "You will meet with him only through my corpse!" And without realizing it, they turn from the closest person into an enemy who is trying to bury alive a warm and bright feeling - first love.

“If he loves you, then I will, of course, love him,” my mother said. Of course, she was cunning. Not all of my chosen ones were to her liking. But she had enough wisdom not to meddle in my relationship and let me figure it out myself.

The seventh pearl. "Choose a profession to your liking."

I'm seventeen years old. I have a general secondary education certificate in my hands and I stand on the threshold of the most prestigious university in the country. I am going to enter the Faculty of Journalism.

My mother does not snort and is not indignant like others: “What kind of profession is this - a journalist. Pampering is one thing, and nothing else. Is this specialty for a girl? A doctor or an accountant is another matter. "

Mom supports me, she says that you need to choose a profession, like your husband, out of love. And all the time, while I write an essay and pass the creative exam, I do not leave the corps.

Now I am a certified journalist. I build sentences from words, and it seems that I'm good at it.

Pearl eighth. "First tidy yourself up, then prepare breakfast"

I'm twenty one. I'm at home on vacation, sitting at the table and waiting for my mom's branded pancakes for breakfast. Mom is in no hurry. I begin to whine, and even whine quietly with impatience. Then I start to be indignant. Like, how is this so, now dad will pull himself up to the table, but it is still empty. And my mother told the story. She got up early one weekend to make breakfast. It means he is making a cook, in a dressing gown. Dad comes in and says, "Oh, you're as shaggy as Godzilla." Of course, dad paid in full for these words. How? History is silent. But since then, my mother has vowed that in the morning she will first tidy herself up, and then prepare breakfast. This is probably correct. Mom is happy. And dad too. Now in the morning he calls her only affectionate words, and if he especially good mood, even dedicates songs to her.

Pearl ninth. "Everything will be fine"

I am twenty two years old. And I have been lying in the capital hospital for a month now. The semester is in full swing, but without me. Mom, having asked for another vacation, of course, goes to Minsk. Sneaky brings me junk but delicious McDonald's food. He looks at me anxiously and holds my hand.

“Everything will be fine, daughter, everything will be fine,” she says.

She repeats these words in every difficult situation. Now I know: of course, everything will be fine, Mom. It can not be in any other way.

Pearl ten. "Being a good mother is more important than being a good engineer"

I'm twenty-four years old. And I understand that my mother spent a huge amount of time and effort on my upbringing.

My mom really thinks that being a good mother is more important than being a good engineer. But I think she succeeded in everything. Mom raised and "brought me to the people" and at the same time she is a process engineer, a valuable employee at a large city-forming enterprise.

In the dashing nineties, the young family had a hard time, and my mother went to work when I was a baby. But that didn't stop her from driving me to the centers early development, different circles and sections.

Thanks to my mother, I understand that the most valuable thing in a person's life is family.

I hold the pearls in my palm, open my eyes and put my memories in the box. To return to them again and again. And you know, every conversation with mom adds another pearl to the magic box ...


My mom gives me very little advice. Does not read notations, does not condemn, does not impose. And in those rare moments when the Turtle Tortilla wakes up in her, knowing exactly from the height of her 300-year experience where to fight and where to cry, she laughs at herself and herself addresses her favorite phrase: “Lena, where are you going ? ”. In general, if awards for tact were presented somewhere, my mother would clearly be in the top. Only now I sometimes forget how valuable it is.

Now the image of the heroine mother is very common, who is trying with all her might to drag her beloved child away from his own rake, correcting the life scenario in all controversial places. If only she ate well and loved my mother, but did not grow up, did not bear responsibility, did not learn from mistakes. I was lucky. I know that my mother is immensely worried about me, but that did not stop her from letting me go into real life with its real dangers. And if suddenly “you need to hide the corpse”, she will definitely help :) And without a single “you must”.

Here is another tactic - I just look at it and understand myself what exactly I should. And not to her, not to someone else, but to myself. Must be loving, tolerant, wise, sincere, open to everything new. Should be happy, no matter what, make plans, believe and dream. She must treat people with understanding, willingness to help, but not condemn them. For the rest, she always left the freedom of choice for me: the university, profession, social circle, hobbies were in no way controlled by her.

Writing is always easier than speaking, so mom, please know that you are amazing, do not doubt it for a second. You are the best sedative in our family. When accusations, grievances, slippers, telephones fly around the apartment, I never cease to be amazed at your ability to calm everyone down, reconcile, regret. You are a very important life landmark for me. I admire you and love you very much, although I do not always find the words to express it. Happy month to you, hurray!


I'm not afraid to be unoriginal, but I want to say: everything that is good in me is only thanks to my mom.

Hope is my earthly compass, I will keep my mother's notes forever, here is one of them:

And what kind of congratulations she writes to me on the holidays:

Of course, I do everything to surround her with care, I congratulate her on all the holidays, and now I have sewn a blouse on which I will take our photos with her and write:

"Mommy, happiness is to be your part!"


First of all, I want to firmly hug and kiss my mother and congratulate all mothers of our country on the holiday. To wish everyone health and longevity, happiness and good mood.

How lucky our mom is! She has three little daughters and a wonderful son! And we tried to count the list of mom's golden phrases. We were often naughty, capricious, even mischievous and simply did not obey ... We get an interesting list! I share:

  • Make a mess, we're just passing through here!
  • Didn't wash the dishes? Probably you will still eat!
  • Didn't shoot the bed? You will probably still sleep!
  • Why didn't you do that? And, probably, you can still do it!
  • Collect toys, we will put the folding beds!
  • Look, these are my gold pens made!
  • My grandchildren will take revenge on my children!

(Taught her granddaughters to protect them from their mothers)

Mommy, we love you!


My mother is a real woman, professional, fighter, kind and emotional person. I love her very much, although I rarely talk about it, on her birthday or on March 8th. Our moms deserve to be recognized every day, not just in holidays... Therefore, today I want to say this to the whole country: my dear mother, I love you!

What is my mom's most important piece of advice? Yes, all her words are equally priceless, she herself is living a difficult fate and knows firsthand how hard it can be. There is one expression that my wonderful mother does not stop repeating to my sister and me: "Everything will pass, it will pass"... It would seem that such simple words, but they have a sacred meaning. All bad things will surely pass, my mother believes in it and thanks to her I believe. This is an incentive to get up in the morning, smile, have a cup of tea and go forward, develop and live with pleasure.

Soon I will become a mother myself. When I heard from the doctor that I was born new life, it was the brightest and happiest event. Now I understand that with the advent of children, our life will never be the same. Even when the baby still lives in you, you realize that now you are not alone, your life will be dedicated to the child, this is the best gift from life. I dream that my mother will become a happy grandmother. She can teach a lot. And even if she does not know how to bake pies, she will tell her grandchildren about travels, share her experience, she will give them her boundless love and, most importantly, she will remain a beloved mother for me. Please, worry less and take care of yourself. Thank you for every word, hug, your support and love! And forgive me if sometimes I am inattentive, I rarely come, I share little with you. Mom, you are my everything, I congratulate you and love you very much!


My mother ... For me, she is, first of all, a very close friend. From early childhood, she shared with me all the sorrows and joys, big and small victories, the first disappointments. She always had words that were very necessary for me at that moment.

Mom does not like to give advice. She can express her opinion on how to act in a given situation, but I always have to make a decision on my own. There were many situations in life when it turned out that my mother was right, but after all, we learn a lot from our own mistakes, right?

The most important thing that my mother taught me: at that moment when you are very angry at a person close to you, and terrible words are about to escape from your lips in order to hurt as painfully as possible, hold back, be silent. You can of course say them. And you will even feel better at this moment. But very little time will pass, and you will be very sorry about it. When the anger is gone, you are more likely to reconcile. But you will never have such a relationship as before. There are words that will not be forgotten ...

There are many things that my mother opened my eyes to. She will always help, prompt, support. And I want to say a huge thank you to her for everything that she taught me and teaches me to this day, for her patience, understanding and wisdom, for her love for her family, for her cheerfulness, for her directness.

P.S. On October 21, my beloved mother, Natalya Vikentievna Klimovich, turns 50. Mommy, my dear, good, don't let this figure scare you. There are still so many new and interesting things ahead. You are the best with us. I wish you happiness and good health. I love you very much!


My mother Antonina Iosifovna is a wonderful person! We have some kind of "cosmic connection" with her: at a distance we feel each other's well-being and mood.

I love her madly and, of course, I want to give her as many reasons for laughter and smiles as possible. But, as a rule, if problems arise, then first of all I turn to her for advice, because we have been best friends since my childhood. And do not count how many times my mother helped me out, but the most important advice I remember every time on the occasion: “Be yourself! Such as someone, ideal, "white and fluffy" you will not succeed and do not need. Admit yourself, your strengths, weaknesses and do not pretend to anyone. You will not be right - apologize, confident in your actions - continue in the same spirit. But don't cheat on yourself. "

Looking at myself in the mirror, I see my mother's features: her nose, chin, and smiling - dimples on her cheeks. She is always with me and in me. Mom is a part of me, and I am her continuation.


My beloved mommy, I hasten to congratulate you on the wonderful and most the best holiday- Happy Mother's Day.

Probably, it is very difficult to remember all the wise advice of our mothers, because if you figure it out, there are countless of them. But still, my mom is one of the wisest and most kind women in the world.

Since childhood, my mother tells me: “You don’t need to change the world, change only a small part of this world - yourself, and the whole world will change after you”. If you figure it out, this is the purest truth: if you want to change, start with yourself.

As soon as I give up and am about to give up everything, my mother will just come up quietly, gently kiss and very quietly but confidently say: "You will succeed, believe in yourself"... At this very moment, fatigue recedes - and you are ready to continue unfinished business.

Let's appreciate and respect our mothers, and before it's too late we'll try to tell them more often how much we love them.


My brother and I were lucky, we have a very wise and well-read mother. Of course, she gives us advice (important, wise and time-tested). And of course we don't always listen. And when my mother's argument in favor of the rational and the eternal ends, she repeats her own: “Oh, everyone! Read the classics - everything is written there! "

Mommy, we love you very much! Thanks! No way without you!

In the photo: mother - Tamara Ivanovna and children, Lena and Maxim.


Mom is my dearest person in life, I love her madly and am grateful to her for everything she does for me.

On Mother's Day, I remember many of my mother's advice, mostly, I try to listen to her, but this does not always work out, sometimes we argue over some nonsense, but we put up almost immediately. One of my mother's favorite advice is the saying: "All diseases, Mashenka, are from nerves, only syphilis is from pleasure." One of my mother's favorite phrases (this is said in the morning after some fun): "The life of drunkards is difficult, but interesting ..."

Since childhood, my mother taught me to take responsibility for my life, I myself went to German courses, I myself wanted to enter the Lyceum, and then to the BNTU, it was my mother who served as an example to me, I wanted to get the same profession as hers, to be like at her.

Mom is the person I am incredibly proud of; at 35, she remains a beautiful well-groomed woman who leads an active lifestyle, travels with me on trips across Europe, goes to the pool, theater and cinema, listens to the same music, that I, and knows who the Starks and Lannisters are! Mom is so young at heart that she comes with me from all the slides in the water park, in winter she skates and downhill skiing, in summer she actively conquers roller skates and a bicycle. My mother supports me in all my endeavors, I try to meet her expectations, do everything to make her proud of me.

I love you very much, mommy!


In my life I often create with the help of a pen, but for some reason it so happened that I never gave my writing to my mother. Probably, this is the case when the most beloved people are said the least kind and affectionate words and with which there are so few photos.

Mom has always been a special person for me. Even magical. She raised me and my amazing brother, who is for me the standard of a man in all his forms. And I think this is real magic. Now, being quite an adult, I very often imagine myself in her place, or rather I cannot imagine. Mom miraculously transforms from the image of my peer friend into a strict and critical woman. She feels me extraordinarily and knows what I need now: criticism or support. I think this has always helped me to survive the ups and downs on the roller coaster of life: her words and advice are always very useful.

Mom always raised a Lady in me. I began to consciously take her advice at the age of 5. Even then I was a princess: in the fall I walked in a chic black drape coat with a muff and a black beret, and in the sandbox - only in white tights, as if on a date. Mom seemed to say that I was a girl, that I should be the most beautiful and neat. Now that I'm 23, Mom hasn't changed:

Be sure to iron the dress and put on a white coat: you look much better in it! - She recommends me with a smile and kisses me affectionately, running away to work.

Although she already knows that after my stellar exits into the sandbox, I simply cannot come out ugly.

I have an imaginary list in my head of what I have to do before I take out the trash or go to work:

  • Wear clean and ironed clothes
  • Clean your shoes
  • Tidy up your hair under any circumstances
  • Make up lips
  • Smile.

All this is raising a great Mom and beautiful woman in one person. And I do all this without any instructions.

My mom is a very generous, very kind and sympathetic person. She loves everyone around and tries to help everyone. Mommy always says: “ Treat people the way you would like them to treat you "... And I learned this lesson for the rest of my life. Now Mamulya and I feed homeless cats near the next house almost every day, who already know her. She has 11 of these four-legged cubs, which run to meet her, hearing only her steps. They feel her love.

A separate chapter in our friendship with Mom is my first love. I don't even know to whom she brought more suffering and experience! Although mommy never showed it, but I saw how her loving heart was breaking from my tears. After all the liters I had wept out, she, realizing that all this was inevitable, patiently gave me some major advice in personal matters. And, I must say, they all help me and my friends. "Judge by actions" and "Don't cry over the guys"- these recommendations are simply engraved in my head. But one of my favorites is "Do not call and write to him first: let him get bored!"... It brings a smile, but it works flawlessly!

Now I will go and hug my dear mother: she is already cooking something again, while I prepare this little surprise for her.

I love you very much, mommy!

You are forever in my heart, my standard, my inspiration and my support!

Be the happiest and always smile!


In our opinion,… every mother deserves a victory in the competition! Judge for yourself: aren't you worthy best gifts mothers who raised such children?
But, nevertheless, this time luck smiles ... Anna, who has collected as many as ten of the purest pearls of mother's wisdom!

And a special gift from the editor, a small but tasty surprise, goes to Irina and her charming mother, who at a respectable age retains her youthful spirit and even reads the poems of the classics for the chosen few!

Dear daughters and winning mothers, today we will contact you regarding the transfer of gifts. Congratulations!

When my mother braided our braids and told us about the meaning of the phrase “ true love”, She clearly could not predict that in a few years we will find ourselves a partner for the evening in 5 minutes in the smartphone application, and then file for divorce due to the fact that he sits at the computer all day, at work and at home. completely oblivious to us. We matured quickly and just as briskly learned the rule that we need to learn from our own mistakes, but nevertheless, some of my mother's advice about love and relationships still serve us as the best lesson in life. Today we remembered 10 such tips, which have become even more relevant with age. It is worth listening, because, as my mother again said, "better late than never."

"Love will come when you don't expect it at all"

At school, we thought that this was just my mother's way of comforting us, that the princes will still have a carriage and a small cart, but in fact this advice is a romantic version of the friendly mantra "Relax!" And in fact, if you stop waiting for something on your nerves, and just switch to other pleasant things or thoughts, then both the bus and the man come faster.

"Marry someone who is as smart as you, or smarter than you"

At school, we deciphered this as "a guy with two higher educations", and then suddenly realized that the true meaning of the advice lay not in diplomas at all, but in the worldly wisdom of a partner who always has and will have something to learn.

"Don't mess with men who talk badly about their mom."

And no matter how gallant and well-mannered he may seem to you on the first three dates, one regularity will work in his future life: how he treats women close to him (mothers, grandmothers, sisters), he will also treat his beloved.

"Nothing Good Happens After Midnight"

And this is the purest truth, if not only remember the course of development of the most violent parties with flirting scenarios for Lately, but also make up a collective psychological picture the men you met on them: an alcoholic, a slacker, a party-goer, undecided in life and a morally unstable type.

"You just have to be good with him."

A magic phrase, the meaning of which can only be understood with experience: if you are unhappy in a relationship and you have to “glue a broken cup” all the time, then this is not what you need. Happiness does not hide behind suffering and torture - it just is, and you feel it unmistakably.

“It's better to be just loved than to go crazy with love”

In response to the fact that you lost your head, sleep and appetite after your first teenage love, your mother reminded you that relationships are not at all a game with only one goal, and from one-sided feelings you cannot get a harmonious love story.

"Don't hang around with bad boys"

It's so cool to start resort romances with them and experience the first days of ardent passion, skipping all important things and not answering phone calls, but then it turns out that a bonus to his seductive cinematic image of a "bad guy" is also the whole set of sins plus bad habits and overwhelming pride.

"Let him be your best friend first and foremost."

After trial and error with men with whom you speak in different languages, albeit adjusted for trained biceps, you come to the conclusion that “your man” is still the one who will understand everything without words, because everything is knows about you as a best friend.

"Don't Show Yourself Too Affordable"

The advice sounds like a quote from the book "Domostroy" from the middle of the last century, but is surprisingly relevant right now for the Tinder generation. Since dating for the most part spilled over into the Internet, we have become stricter to select labels for people and the border between the two poles “I want sex” and “I want a relationship” has disappeared. That is why demonstrating your expectations from the first minutes of acquaintance (openly or in hints) means in the end to get what you expect.

"If he loves you, then he will always find you"

On the question of excuses on the topic of why he does not write, does not call or ignores your requests. We really want to come up with some humane explanation of this coldness (“tired at work”, “I forgot to exercise at home”), when in fact it is only one thing - you are not interested in a person, therefore it makes no sense to persistently make contact with him.

My mom has always been very well-groomed. She carefully followed the beauty routine in the morning, and in the evening she set aside precious minutes for what is now called "me time" ("time for myself"). This included not only the mandatory removal of makeup and thorough cleansing of the skin, but also a facial massage. I remember very well how she stretched her neck and clapped herself on the chin, fighting for a clear oval of her face. Mom's self-care never meant a large number cosmetics, it was rather a set of measures that she developed for herself and which she successfully used over the years.

I think that I will not be mistaken if I say that the attitude of many of us towards mother's care and her authority in this area goes through different phases. At first, this is childish admiration and delight, the first trying on of mother's high-heeled shoes and the first use of mother's lipstick, of course, secretly. Total adoration and desire to be like my mother in everything, to be as beautiful as she is. Then this adolescent-youthful denial of authorities, primarily mom's, experiments with girlfriends, admiration for someone's distant glossy or screen beauty. This period of neglect of mom's advice may be short-lived, or it may drag on for many decades, depending on the circumstances, family relationships, personal life, and a huge number of other factors. But sometime there comes a moment when the understanding comes that my mother was very, very right in many ways, if not in everything.

It is she who is the very first and most real beauty insider for most of us.

There were a few things that my mom did methodically and regularly. Now I understand very well how correct and comprehensive her approach was to her own care. It really was healthy care without relying on the miracles of the chemical industry. Without exaggeration, I will say that my mother's skin has always been extremely beautiful - clean and radiant. Here are a few elements of Mom's system.

.:: Regular exfoliation of the skin

Mom made a mask from coffee grounds, which she then washed off, giving the skin a gentle exfoliation. Coffee grounds Are not just grains of ground coffee, they are trace elements and antioxidants. The very antioxidants that are great at fighting the signs of aging and protecting the skin from free radicals.

.:: Facial massage

I don’t know all my mother’s exercises, but I know that my mother respected massage very much as a remedy that perfectly toned the face and neck. Probably, most of all, she fought for the oval of her face, because it was these exercises of her that I remember best. Mom also had special hammers with which she smoothed the skin around her eyes. I remember that they had amazing effects.

.:: Bath

I don't know anyone else who loved the steam room as much as my mother. For all conscious childhood, going to the bathhouse with my mother once a week was a must. Where, if not in a steam room, can a considerable amount of toxins be removed through the skin? And if you also use a salt scrub, as your mother did? And where else, if not after a bath, aromatic oil ideally lies on steamed skin? What is the best way to strengthen blood vessels and improve thermoregulation, if not from temperature changes? All the advantages of a steam room cannot be counted. It doesn't matter if it is a Russian bath, a Finnish sauna, an infrared cabin, the effect is the same - sweating, which we need so much. It is not for nothing that health gurus point out the obligatory regular sweating as one of the most important elements. healthy way life.

.:: Detox

Mom practiced daily fasting on the water. Hunger is a great detox when the digestive system shuts down for a while and can take a little break from endless digestion. It is on hunger that our wise organism has the ability to direct forces to where they are really needed. It is known that hunger cures many diseases, even the most serious ones. This is the most powerful natural medicine, but so inconvenient for many. I am very glad that detox is being practiced more and more nowadays.

.:: Oil pulling

Mom started every morning with. I remember that this procedure was the most incomprehensible to me. Surprisingly, now this element of hygiene from Ayurveda is becoming more and more widespread. Even, finally, a scientific study came out confirming the benefits of this procedure. Prior to this, there was practically no scientific research on the benefits of oil pulling. I will tell you more about this in one of my upcoming posts.

I can't say that from the very beginning I followed absolutely all of my mother’s advice, her example. But I know for sure that if I followed, it would only be better for me. Now I subscribe to all these procedures, in my care there are all these elements, except for the steam room. How mother was right that beauty is only healthy beauty.

I am very interested to know what are the best beauty tips you got from your moms? Which of these tips do you follow?

If you combine childcare and work from home, you know how difficult it is. We have to adapt to the children's regime. It happens that you complete a project late at night, and already at 5 am you have to "switch" to the responsibilities of your mother. It happens that the task is scheduled for a nap, and the baby decides not to go to bed. It happens that teeth are being cut, and the mother does not have the strength not only to work, but also just to remove the scattered toys. Sound familiar? We hope these 17 tips will help you find a balance between childcare and work.

1. Set realistic goals

Do your kids constantly need attention outside of working hours? Then don't expect them to be able to sit quietly in a corner with a handful of crayons, coloring books and a tablet while you work. Plan realistic time for work.

2. Talk to children

Try to explain to your child that you need to focus on your work. Tell that the baby is part of the team and that his task is not to distract his mother for a certain period of time. This tip will only work if the child is old enough, but it's still worth a try.

3. "Drill"

A mother who works from home often has to be embarrassed by a child interfering in an important telephone conversation. It is good if the client or the manager understands, but there are different things. Preparation can help reduce the risk of an unpleasant situation. Discuss some of the most common scenarios in your work:

  • Scenario # 1. If mom answered the phone and went into another room, what will you do: run after her screaming, or will you calmly wait until mom hangs up?
  • Scenario # 2. If, in a similar situation, mom did not close the door behind her and you entered the room: how will you behave?
  • Scenario number 3. If you see that mom is working at the computer, then what will you do: jump right in with your desires or ask if mom can give you time?

4. Reward for help

Give your child a task that will take time to complete. Just enough so that you also have time to work. For a successful result, promise something pleasant - a walk in the park, pizza, a movie and popcorn. This advice has a bonus - you will have a good time with your children after the end of the working day.

5. Set aside a space for the "office"

The kitchen table is not the best option. You need a place with good lighting, where all your files and other materials will be at your fingertips. This will allow you to better focus on the task and minimize interruptions at work.

6. Work at night

If the project deadline is on fire, work at night. Keep in mind that you need to prepare for the "night shift" - get an hour's sleep in the afternoon while the child sleeps. It works great at night, no one distracts, but don't make it a habit. It is fraught side effects, including a decrease in productivity.

7. Use your time wisely

Does the baby sleep during the day? This does not mean that you should too. As much as you would like to take a nap, control yourself. You will be surprised how much you can do during a child's daytime sleep when no one interrupts the workflow. Make a to-do list for this period. And do not put important things there - children sometimes decide not to sleep during the day.

8. Be flexible

If a friend or one of your relatives unexpectedly invites you to sit with the children, do not refuse. In these few hours, you can do urgent work or work for the future.

When a neighbor or friend decided to visit you, then before starting a conversation, finish the planned tasks. Besides, gossiping with a friend over a cup of coffee is much more pleasant when you know that the "sword of Damocles" of the deadline does not hang over you.

9. Let family and friends help

Working at home with children is especially difficult during the summer months. Don't be afraid to seek help from those who have offered it before. A good option is "neighbor watch". You can take turns inviting children to visit. Then you will have to spend the whole day with a group of children, but the next few days will be free for work.

10 give yourself some rest

Are the kids desperate to get attention while you're busy? Free yourself from inner feeling guilt and take a break! Go for a bike ride, watch a movie together, bake cookies, take a walk, or just play ball. They will be grateful to you and, probably, will not distract from the further work process.

11. Create a to-do list

Lists are especially relevant during the holidays. Offer your child a list interesting activities related to training, or simple tasks with which he can help you. If academic year in full swing, and you do not have time to finish your work before the end of the lessons - use similar lists when your child returns from school.

12) plan on time to spare

Always leave a few hours for force majeure. You never know what to expect from children. Even if you are better at working in the last hours before the delivery of the project, try to rebuild. This will help you avoid unnecessary stress and unpleasant situations.

13 let the children play beside you

Some children calmly go about their business while mom is in sight. Organize a children's "territory" around your workplace. Fill it up with your favorite toys or educational materials.

14. Be a morning person

Get up earlier for the children. This is a great time to work quietly in silence. If at 5 am the brain does not want to "turn on" - solve simple organizational tasks or do some homework.

15 get a nanny

If all the previous methods do not help or do not suit you, hire a nanny. At least for a few hours in which you need to be as focused on the task as possible.

16 work the weekend

If you are behind schedule, do not be lazy to work on Saturday or Sunday. If you don't feel like it at all - promise yourself a day off on another day or some other reward.

17 reward yourself

Combining parenting and working at home is difficult, but possible. There is nothing wrong with indulging yourself in your favorite meal late at night or other pleasant things. Go to a spa, a movie, or hang out with your girlfriends. Without rest, you are in danger of burnout and overload.

Remember that the most important thing is to believe in yourself. And the children will grow up and it will become easier.

Based on site materials