
How to repair suede boots. Is it possible to return suede to its previous look and how to do it correctly? How to repair suede after exposure to moisture


Suede is a thin, very soft and viscous material that is obtained using fat tanning from the skin of elk, goat or deer. It is a very delicate and capricious material that requires special care. But even with proper care and high quality suede gradually wears out, loses color and shine, the original attractive appearance.

Scuffs, stripes, stains appear on the shoes. In this article, we will look at how to properly care for products made from natural and artificial suede. We will learn how to update suede at home.

How to properly care for suede shoes

Proper care guarantees a long life of suede. In order to preserve the color and presentable appearance of the shoes for a long time, you should not wear suede shoes, boots or boots in rain and wet weather or in hot weather with temperatures over 35 degrees.

Heat or dampness causes chamois to crack and deteriorate. Be sure to use a variety of suede care products. You can choose a spray or cream.

Shoes should be cleaned and dried after wearing. To clean suede shoes at home, use a sponge or suede brush with soft brass bristles.

Wait for the dirt on your shoes, boots, or boots to dry. Then brush off the dirt and sand and remove the stains and dirt with a damp sponge. Never wash your suede garments under running water or in a basin of water!

After washing, leave the shoes to dry in a dry place at room temperature. Do not place products near a heater, radiator or radiator! It is also not recommended to leave shoes exposed to ultraviolet light.

To keep the boots in shape, you can put crumpled newspapers inside during drying. Before going outside, treat the surface of your shoes with a cream or suede spray. Such means will protect products from negative impact moisture, salt, dirt and dust. After applying the spray or cream, wait for the product to absorb and dry.

Worn and heavily soiled suede shoes

For heavily soiled suede shoes or boots, use a soap solution. Add a little liquid soap, shampoo to the water, or rub a bar of toilet soap on a coarse grater. Stir the composition until soapy foam appears and add ammonia in a ratio of 1 to 5. If the dirt is not very strong, you can do without ammonia.

Soak a sponge or cloth in the solution and wipe the surface of the garments, then rinse with another sponge or cloth soaked in plain cool clean water. Wipe your shoes thoroughly to avoid leaving any soapy streaks. You can wipe the surface again with a clean, damp cloth.

After the procedure, the products are wiped with a dry napkin and left at room temperature until dry. Before any manipulations to restore and renew suede, shoes must be cleaned or rinsed.

If the dirt is light, it is enough to walk over the surface with a dry brush and a damp sponge. For more serious stains, use a soap and ammonia solution.

Return former appearance Used footwear will be helped by a suede foam cleaner, which is sprayed onto the surface of the products and left for a few minutes. Then the agent is removed with a dry napkin. Such an aerosol effectively removes dirt, restores its previous appearance, while not damaging the structure and color of the soft, delicate material.

Suede shoes have lost color

Special spray-paints for suede, which are selected according to the tone of the shoes and are sold in every shoe store or department, will help to restore the previous color. This spray is sprayed over the surface of boots, boots or shoes at a distance of twenty centimeters. The shoes are dried and then the fibers are combed with a suede brush.

If you can't find the shade you want, you can use a colorless suede paint. There are also alternatives. So, for brown shoes, you can take coffee grounds, and for white ones - talcum powder.

To paint the suede with your own hands, apply the product to the surface, and remove the excess with a dry soft brush. Then be sure to dry the items. However, the use of such improvised means gives only a temporary effect, so the painting will have to be regularly updated.

Scuffs and stains on suede shoes

The scuffs are the most the main problem suede shoes. In this case, you need to restore the previous appearance and shape of the villi. You can do this with your own hands using available tools. Before processing, be sure to wash the shoes in a soapy solution with ammonia, paint the surface if necessary, dry them.

To update suede shoes at home, use the following methods:

  • Soap solution with ammonia perfectly removes local greasy spots and spots. Just soak a cotton pad in the composition and wipe the affected area thoroughly. Then wash the shoes with a damp cloth, wipe with a dry cloth and let dry;
  • White and light suede can be treated with a solution of milk and soda. Take a glass of skim milk, warm but not boiled, add a teaspoon of baking soda and stir. Apply the composition to a soft cloth and wipe down the shoes. The milk will cleanse and soften the material. By the way, this method is also suitable for cleaning and restoring a light-colored suede jacket or bag;
  • For light-colored suede, you can also use hydrogen peroxide. Dissolve a teaspoon of peroxide in a quarter glass of water and stir. Then moisten a sponge in the composition and clean the surface of the products;
  • Clean, dry shoes can be rubbed with fine table salt. Rub the stains or scuffs with salt for two to three hours, then scrub with a damp sponge. Salt will remove stains and scuffs;
  • To quickly and effectively restore lint, dilute the vinegar with water in a ratio of 1 part vinegar to 4 parts water and wipe away the worn areas. Then rinse the surface with a clean, damp cloth. At the end, the shoes are wiped with a weak solution of vinegar, which is made in the amount of a teaspoon of vinegar per liter of water;
  • To give a fresh and presentable look new shoes, gently steam the garments over a boiling kettle, and then use a suede brush to clean the wipes.

Stains are also a particular problem. Greasy stains can be removed with refined gasoline, but be careful. Soak a cotton ball in gasoline and treat the affected surface, then dust the surface with talcum powder.

After three to four hours, when the talcum powder has absorbed grease and dirt, the remains are removed with a soft brush. Minor stains and streaks can be carefully removed with a regular eraser or sprinkled with starch for a while. You can also buy suede stain removers.

How to repair other suede products

Not only shoes are made of suede, but also bags and a suede jacket. Such products also require careful and gentle care... It is advisable to wash a suede jacket by hand in slightly warm water with a temperature of up to 30 degrees, having previously well dissolved the powder in water.

Choose laundry detergents designed for delicate fabrics such as wool or suede. You can also add softener to keep the garment soft.

Do not soak or twist the suede jacket, otherwise the material may loose its shape and stretch. After washing, rinse the garment thoroughly in cool water to avoid soap stains. It is recommended to rinse at least four times.

To dry your clothes, hang the jacket on a hanger and leave it at room temperature. After washing, comb the pile with a soft brush to return it to its original shape.

If on leather jacket or leather bag greasy or rubbed spots appear, treat the areas with ammonia dissolved in water. A vinegar solution, milk and baking soda, or steaming over a kettle and then processing the nap with a suede brush also helps.

Many in the closet will find products made of suede, which looks quite attractive, whether we are talking about shoes, bags or clothes. However, suede is considered to be a capricious material, which, despite its high cost and quality, after a certain time loses its attractiveness, loses color or becomes frayed. Do not rush to part with your favorite things if you are faced with similar problems, as there are a number of proven tips that will help you restore suede at home.

Sometimes we hesitate to buy shoes or other things made of suede, especially in big cities, where there is so much dirt and dust that this material does not tolerate. In addition, in winter it is quite difficult to walk in suede shoes, as they constantly come into contact with water and lose their original appearance. This fleecy, thin skin needs careful maintenance to keep it long-lasting. Use cleaners, brushes and paint sprays, and water repellent gels or impregnations.

If you've looked at suede boots and found that they've got scuffed or dirty, don't ditch the shoes right away, as there are some tips to help you update the look. Of course, the most appropriate option would be to contact their dry cleaning specialists or a shoe maker, where they would offer you ways to professionally update the material and help restore it.

Upgrade at home

If you still decide to start restoring suede products yourself, you need to clarify exactly what steps you need to perform.

Clean the surface. It is necessary to remove dirt using synthetic sponges. To do this, it is enough to walk on the suede covering, moving the tool arbitrarily.

Remove stains. You can remove grease stains using talcum powder and rubbing alcohol. It is necessary to sprinkle the problem area with talcum powder and let it work for a few minutes. After that, you should shake everything off. You will need to moisten a cloth with a solution of alcohol and rub the remaining marks from the sprinkling with it. You can then brush off the suede using a brush.

You can also remove impurities with semolina.

  • You need a decoy a small amount of which should be sprinkled on the problem area.
  • Take a brush or sponge and scrub the area.
  • Then you can take the brushes that have metal teeth and walk them over the surface.

Note! A product that is very dirty should be held over steam for a while, and then cleaned with a brush. Leave it to dry out away from the sun and other heat sources such as radiators.

Then remove the receding hairline.

  • You can remove areas that are glazed with regular baking soda and milk.
  • It is necessary to mix the indicated ingredients in a ratio of 1 teaspoon with soda 3 tablespoons of milk (preferably warm).
  • You will need a soft cloth to soak in the solution and squeeze out.
  • After that, you should walk through the snow-covered places.
  • Let the boots dry for about half an hour.
  • Then you need a brush that has a rubber end.
  • It is necessary to walk the tool over the surface of the product.

The next important stage is the impregnation stage. Soak your shoes or other garment thoroughly with a water-repellent agent that protects against moisture.

Note! When you apply the impregnation agent to your shoes, you should leave them to dry (preferably at room temperature).

Then paint the product. It is necessary to apply the coloring agent to the suede surface, choosing the appropriate color.

Be careful! In the event that you have not found the color you need, it is best to use colorless paints.

The last stage is final cleaning.

  • You need to leave the suede thing (outdoors) until the paint is completely dry.
  • After that, it is worth walking on it again with a synthetic material brush.
  • Done, you can put on the item again or send it to the shelf.

Restoring color

In order to restore the attractiveness of suede items, as well as refresh the color, you need to mix the following ingredients:

  • You will need half of 1 tbsp. l. milk (preferably skimmed), as well as half 1 tsp. soda (you need to take soda ash).
  • Stir the resulting solution and wipe problem areas with it using cotton swabs. In the event that stains or dirt eats in, the process should be repeated.

In addition, color restoration can be done independently and using another method:

  • Prepare a mixture of 1 tsp. ammonia and 4 tsp. water at room temperature.
  • You should clean the required area with the mixture, and then wipe it with plain water and let it dry.

Reconstruction of a heavily soiled surface

If your shoes are too dirty, and you think that in such a situation it is difficult to help with something, do not be discouraged ahead of time. You can restore it using the following steps:

  • Fill a small container with warm water and stir in some liquid detergent.
  • Wash the product in the resulting solution.
  • Then you need to get it out and wipe it off with a cloth.
  • After that, you should stuff the shoes, for example, with dry paper or rags.
  • Put the product to dry (wait until it dries by itself).
  • Next, you need to treat the suede with an aerosol product that repels water.
  • Next, you need a soft brush to clean the suede.

Be careful! The use of such aerosols and special coloring agents helps to restore suede products, which will later serve you much longer.

If you cannot repair the suede yourself for any reason, contact a specialist.

Clothes made from expensive fabrics look stylish and effective. But to wear them longer, you need to know how to repair the suede. After all, she is considered very moody, reacts poorly to environmental influences and requires regular delicate care. Aerosols do not always help, so you have to look for other ways to solve the problem. There are several ways to cleanse and renew a material such as suede, depending on the cause of the contamination and deterioration of the garment.

How to restore suede after long wear

With prolonged use and lack of proper care, suede items lose their attractiveness. If there is no obvious damage to the shoe, jacket or bag, but the overall appearance leaves much to be desired, you should carry out the procedure for cleaning and restoring the suede by performing several simple steps.

Note. Natural and artificial suede have a number of differences in appearance, one of which is the length of the pile: in real material, it is longer.

An artificial analogue is less picky about care, therefore, in some cases it makes sense to purchase just such clothes.

  1. Dried dirt and dust. Wipe the surface of the material with a soft, fine-bristled brush. Dry dirt should crumble. If this does not happen, then the stain is ingrained, and you should use washing powder without dissolving it in water. Sprinkle the suede garment and brush it in different directions. Then shake off any leftovers.
  2. Old plaque. Restore the freshness and softness of the suede fabric will help laundry soap... Add 1/3 of the finely grated bar to 200-300 ml of warm water. Mix thoroughly until foam forms. The solution itself should not be poured onto things. The next step is to take a sponge and remove the foam from the soapy water. Apply this foam to the suede garment and spread it evenly over the surface. Leave it on for 5-10 minutes and then remove the dirty layer with a washed sponge.

Using these methods, you can easily return suede to its previous look and refresh your favorite boots, gloves or coat.

Removing stains

Sometimes stains of various origins are formed on suede products. Let's take a look at the cleaning methods for each case:

  1. Greasy and shiny areas. Use semolina, starch, or baby powder. If none of the above is in the house, then to clean the suede, you can take flour or crushed chalk. All of these substances are absorbent. You need to apply one of them to the stain and leave it overnight or for several hours. During this time, the semolina will absorb the fat. Remove residues by brushing the bristles with a soft brush. You can also get rid of greasy stains by wiping them with dish soap.
  2. Dye. Apply some refined gasoline or thinner to a cotton ball. Blot the stain and wait 5 minutes. The second step is to get rid of the bad smell. Wipe the dirty area with a cloth dipped in vinegar.
  3. Ink. Cleaning with a stationery eraser removes the marks from the pen well. Rub it over the dirty area and shake off the crumbs.

How to repair bald spots

If suede has worn off in some areas, do not immediately throw away your shoes or clothes. The situation can be corrected:

  1. The pile volume can be restored using a steam bath. Hold the suede garment over a pot of boiling water at a distance of at least 30 cm. After 5-10 minutes, the pile will rise.
  2. Soda and milk. Mix 1 tsp. soda and 3 tbsp. milk. Soak a sponge in the composition. Apply the mixture to her on the scuffs. Wait 5 minutes and wash off with a damp cloth.
  3. Ammonia. Dissolve 50 ml of ammonia in a glass of warm water. Shake the solution and pour it into a spray bottle. Treat the suede and let dry.

How to get the color back

With a few clever methods and simple steps, it is even possible to restore the faded color and brighten the clothes:

  1. Special paint. It can be found in the departments household chemicals or hardware stores. Usually detailed instructions use is placed on the packaging of coloring agents: aerosols and mixtures.
  2. Coffee grounds. Suitable for dark suede garments. It is necessary to brew natural coffee, cool and strain it through a fine sieve. There should be no grains in the coffee solution. Pour it into a spray bottle and spray evenly over the entire suede surface. Let the substance absorb for 12-20 hours. If the color turned out paler than you would like, then you should repeat the procedure.
  3. Milk mixture. Prepare a mixture of high-fat milk, turpentine, baby talc and magnesia. Add all ingredients in equal proportions. Stir well and apply to suede material. After 40-50 minutes, brush off the rest of the mixture with a soft brush.

To the problem of deterioration of suede products for a long time did not concern you, take preventive care of things. Be careful when wearing and cleaning. And our tips will help you with this:

  1. If possible, avoid wearing suede jackets and shoes in rainy or snowy weather. Precipitation will surely leave white streaks on them, which dry out and make the material rougher.
  2. Do not fold suede clothing and shoes; keep them flat. Wrinkles and deep creases can cause cracks and bald spots.
  3. Washing such items is highly undesirable. This will deteriorate the material. Also, do not expose it to excessive moisture.
  4. Do not dry suede items near hot radiators and heaters, as well as switched on electrical appliances and under direct sunbeams... This will make the fabric stiffer.
  5. Along with the purchase of suede things, you must immediately buy a product to care for them. It is important to use sprays, aerosols and brushes to soften the material.
  6. Store products outdoors. Do not put them in a bag or tightly closed cabinet. There, the material will start to give off an unpleasant odor.

Suede should be cleaned immediately, without waiting for the stains to absorb into the fibers or dry out.

Suede is a beautiful, noble and very “capricious” material. Men and women often refuse to buy products from it, because it requires a lot of attention. You should also remember that you can always restore suede shoes (as well as clothes and accessories), so feel free to go to the store for new clothes.

Read in this article:

Several ways to update your suede shoes

Before starting the restoration, the product must be properly cleaned of dust and dirt. Any contamination is removed only after they are completely dry. Then take a dry sponge or soft cloth and scrub the dirty areas. If the dirt doesn't pick up well, you can slightly dampen the cloth. Instead of water, a foam cleaner is also suitable. It preserves the color and texture of the material.

Restoring the previous color

Even if the shoes are properly cared for, they will lose their original color over time. You can restore it with a special spray. After staining, the product should dry thoroughly. Coloring is best done on fresh air, since the paint has an unpleasant odor that takes a very long time to fade away. After staining, walk over the surface with a brush - it will raise the pile. Coffee grounds will help bring back the color of brown suede. You can add a nice look to white shoes or boots with ordinary talcum powder.

We remove scuffs

Scuffs and shiny spots are crumpled pile. The main task in this case is to raise it. A solution of 1 tsp will help to remove excess gloss. soda and 1 tbsp. milk. After processing, go over the surface with an eraser or special brush. Couples will also help to give a beautiful look. Hold your shoes over a container of boiling water or use a steam generator.

How to remove greasy stains from suede shoes?

Soak a cloth in refined gasoline, treat the contaminated surface, apply talcum powder and leave for 2-3 hours. During this time, the talcum powder will absorb the grease and the stain will disappear. Residues of the product can be easily removed with a brush. There is a stain remover for suede products on sale. The method of application is described in detail on the packaging. The pile after cleansing procedures is lifted with a brush, steam or school eraser. If the stain is old, the procedure will have to be repeated several times.

How to remove salt stains?

On the winter shoes very often there are ugly stains from salt, which is strewn with roads. They are removed with table vinegar. Soak a cotton pad in the solution and wipe the dirty areas. Finally, brush the surface to restore the beautiful texture.

"And they are still fighting for the honorary title of a house of high culture and everyday life!" - Anton Semenovich Shpak said to the wanted dog in the immortal comedy "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession."

You will not find information on what to do if your suede jacket is stolen in this article. But you can find out! Let's figure it out!

Suede is called soft velvet leather made by fat-tanning (to give the material elasticity and strength) from the skins of small animals.

Suede is a very thin and delicate velvety leather that absolutely does not tolerate walking in mud, dust or in a rainy season. At the same time, the dazzling summer sun she won't like it either! How to take care of such a capricious material?

Step 2. Removing stains

Semolina will help remove stubborn dirt. To do this, you need to cover the stain with semolina, and then gently rub it with a wire brush.

If the contamination cannot be wiped off, then hold the spot area first over the steam, and then repeat the procedure again.

Tip: The easiest way to set up a “steam bath” for suede is over a boiling kettle (at its spout). Avoid using a saucepan as the total surface of the water emitting steam is too large. You could get burned!

Step 3. Greasy stains

To remove greasy stains, apply talcum powder to the stain area and leave it on for a quarter of an hour. Shake off any remaining talcum powder. Dampen a dry cloth with alcohol or kerosene, and then wipe the contaminated area (over the applied talcum powder). Finish the procedure with a standard suede brush.

Tip: greasy stains can be easily removed with dishwashing detergent. Apply it on the stain, let it sit for a quarter of an hour and wash off with a damp cloth.

Step 4. Bald patches

Method 1. You can get rid of bald spots on suede! To do this, you need to mix soda and milk (1 teaspoon and 3 tablespoons, respectively). With a soft dry cloth, you must absorb the resulting product and treat the areas of bald spots. After 5 minutes, it is worth repeating the procedure, after which the shoes must be left for 30 minutes.

Important! Do not wet the suede too much, it, like any leather, is afraid of excessive moisture.

Over time, the shoes must be brushed with a rubber brush.

Method 2. To restore the structure of suede at home will help ammonia and warm water. The ingredients must be mixed in a ratio of 1: 4, after which the surface of the shoe must be treated. This method good for.

Step 5. Drying

After the performed procedures, it is required to thoroughly dry the shoes. To do this, fill it with unnecessary paper and let it dry naturally.

The ideal way to restore the color of the suede is to use special paint... If this is not available on the farm, then you can apply:

  • coffee grounds (will help bring back the color of dark shoes);
  • a mixture of fat milk, magnesia, turpentine and talc in equal amounts.

These funds must be applied to the entire surface of the shoe and left for a while. When coffee grounds Is 12 hours or a day. The milk mixture should be kept for no more than an hour. Then you need to comb the suede with a brush and dry thoroughly.

Step 7. Post-processing

Dried shoes must be brushed again and treated with a moisture-repellent impregnation.

Store suede products in their original packaging. It is highly discouraged to fold suede shoes into plastic bag: This can lead to unpleasant odors and mold.

On a note

  • Each step of cleaning must be accompanied by a complete drying of the shoe.
  • Suede is afraid of moisture, and it takes an average of 20 hours to dry completely, so it is not advisable to wear suede shoes every day.
  • You can polish your suede with a lint-free dry cloth.
  • In order to restore badly worn suede, it is necessary to use dry cleaning services.

All you need for a graceful and comfortable life is a pair of suede shoes ... Three pairs.