
Candy pen - master class. Delicious and cute candy pen: materials, work steps Candy pen


The upcoming holidays always turn into thoughts about gifts. If the hero of the occasion raves about the office or his work / main occupation is associated with the constant use of office supplies, then in this case good option a gift can be a candy pen.

Required materials and accessories

The choice of sweets should be approached more carefully. These should be oblong-shaped and thin candies. A good option is sweets called "Konafetto". These sweets will need 350 grams. Portioned chocolate, for example, Inspiration, is also quite suitable. You also need to stock up:

  • thin cardboard;
  • metallized corrugated paper (color - blue);
  • cardboard tube left over from cling film or foil;
  • hot glue;
  • double-sided tape;
  • beads, satin ribbons, nylon braid - for decoration;
  • chocolate coins (they will be used to make a button at the end of our pen).

Beginning of work

How to start making a candy pen with your own hands? From finding out what the length will be finished product. To do this, it must be correlated with the length of the chocolate. Immediately count that on the tube that we have chosen for work, there are three chocolates / sweets in length. Plus, beads will be laid between them as a decorative element.

The excess part from our workpiece can be cut off with a knife. It is better to use a wooden board for this.

How to make a candy pen: progress of work

We take thin cardboard (thick Whatman paper is also suitable). From one of these materials we make a bag, we fasten its edges with glue. We get the bow of the future sweet accessory.

Try on how the blank will fit with the cardboard tube, make cuts along the edge and glue it. For decoration, you can use corrugated paper white.

Please note: depending on the thickness of the handle spout, a layer of sweets will also lie down. To make it smoother, the nose needs to be made thinner. After around the nose you need to wrap and glue metallized paper of blue color.

The next step in making a candy handle is to hide the edge under the blue beads - use hot glue to glue them. Now grab the double-sided tape - it must be placed along the entire length of the tube. It is on it that sweets will be attached. When you start to fasten them, do not forget to alternate with beads. And also try to ensure that the chocolates are placed one under the other, without violating the vertical.

Make sure the chocolate keeps well. To do this, each row can be wrapped with nylon braid. It stretches down the center. Thanks to this method, it will turn out to "kill two birds with one stone." And the chocolates will be fixed, and you will decorate the product.

End of work

Next, you have to make a stub. It is necessary to close the end of the edible stationery. Take the cork and wrap it with paper (to add thickness), then paste over with corrugated paper (it should be blue). Decorate the edge with beads.
Let's give the product credibility and add a holder. Thin cardboard is the material that should be taken to make the part. And you only need one strip. Wrap it in crepe paper.

Insert the edge of the paper coming from the pen body inside the tube, insert the tip of the holder here. Do the same with the stub. Use glue to secure.

If you want to give the resulting candy pen presentability, then make a base. It can be an ordinary rectangle made of cardboard (do not take it too thin) wrapped in gray corrugated paper.

If you are fascinated by the process of making a candy pen, you can also make a pencil. The principle will be exactly the same. As a result, you will receive a set of gift writing utensils.

Budget gift option

Such a present may well please the teacher of any of the students. In this case, you only need two sweets. They must be long. Plus, stock up on one round chocolate candy, crepe paper (two colors are needed), self-adhesive paper, and a glue gun. You can see a photo of a candy pen in our material. In the meantime, let's describe the progress of work.

Stages of work

First you need to glue the prepared sweets using hot glue. Make sure that the drop of glue is not too large, otherwise you cannot avoid damaging the package or candy.

We get the core of our accessory. Given its size, you need to cut out a rectangle (for this you need self-adhesive paper or film). We wrap our sweets and get a cylinder. It is the basis of the candy pen. We make a cone (gold or silver self-adhesive paper or film is used). Turning the cone, we get the tip of the product.

Hot glue is again required to connect the base and the tip of the pen. The craft is almost ready. It would be nice to get it done. To do this, we will make a rosebud (corrugated paper is needed). From it you need to cut three rectangles (their size is 7 x 5 centimeters). Cut the petals out of them and give them a semicircular shape at the top. Use a toothpick to wrap the edges of the petals. The middle part of each of them needs to be stretched a little.

To form a flower, wrap the petals in turn using glue. Take the green corrugation and cut out the sepals. After attaching them to the flower (hot glue will help out in this case too), carefully twist.

It remains to insert the flower into the top of the handle and secure with glue. So, the candy pen for Teacher's Day is ready!

If you want to make original souvenir, then we bring to your attention the process of making a handle from sweets. Such a gift is suitable for both men and women of any age and for any event.

To make a candy pen, you will need:

About 350 gr. sweets "Konafetto" (about 44 pieces);

Reel left over from organza (can be from foil or paper towels). You can also use cardboard folded in two layers (so that it does not sag from the weight of the sweets);

Metallized corrugation or other paper for pasting the surface of the roll;

Holographic paper;

Corrugated paper for decorating a pencil (white for the “eraser” on the tip of the pencil, black for the lead);

Double-sided tape;

Glue, scissors.

Candy pen step by step:

Cut in half the bobbin left over from the organza (here it is about 70 cm long) (photo 1). Paste over with corrugated paper (photo 2). Make cardboard cones (1/4 circle) (Pic 3). Cover with paper. Glue to the base (photo 4).

Then start gluing the sweets on double-sided tape (you can use a thermal gun) (photo 5). In each row you get 11 things (photo 6). Make the handle at the handle as follows: glue the cardboard with corrugated paper, tape around the edges, bend the loan a little, glue it to the base with glue (photo 7). Glue a couple of chocolate medals on top.

An “eraser” was made for the pencil, as there was little space left, and the 5th row of sweets would not have fit. Just pasted over with white corrugated paper. You can add a string.

Candy pen and pencil are ready! It remains only to pack in a beautiful gift box and give as a souvenir.

Author MK:

Friends, I present to you another version of a simple and quick handmade gift for Teacher's Day performed by Svetlana Matveeva. At first glance, you can’t tell, but this elegant pencil is really made of sweets. Read on and you will learn how to make such a surprise gift with your own hands.

Master class: candy pencil

Materials and tools:

- corrugated paper;
- cardboard;
- scissors;
- glue;
- tapes;
- additional decor;
- oblong-shaped sweets, chocolates;
- bank gum.

Today I will tell and show how to make a pencil from candies with your own hands as a gift. school teacher.

On the Internet, I somehow saw a similar pencil made of sweets, but it was still not possible to try to make one for myself in the collection. And now, I finally got to it. I hope you enjoy my pencil version.

Let's start the master class.

Take 2 pieces of cardboard. From one we make a tube, from the second - a cone.

The dimensions of the tube are calculated according to the size of sweets (chocolates). In addition to the length, add a centimeter from each end.

Having fixed the sweets around the tube with the help of a bank gum (as shown in the photo below), we determine the diameter of the base of the cone. It should be equal to the diameter of the circle described around the sweets, that is, the cone should be butt to the edges of the sweets, no more and no less.

The next stage is the manufacture of "gum" - the reverse end of our pencil. From a rectangular piece of cardboard we fold and glue a small tube. Its diameter should also match with the outer diameter of the candies.

Cut out a circle of the appropriate diameter and glue the bottom to the workpiece.

After that, glue the workpiece with corrugated paper.

Next, we make out the "writing" tip of the pencil. To do this, we take light corrugated paper - to imitate the wooden part, black - for the lead. At the blank of black paper, we cut out the “fence” from one end.

We paste over the cone with light paper. Then glue the tip of the cone with black paper. This is how it should turn out.

We glue our sweets on the first cardboard tube.

We glue the blank with a strip of corrugated paper of the desired color.

In order to connect the cone and the main part of the pencil, I cut out a strip of colored paper, on one side of which I cut out “teeth”.

Connecting elements with paper strip, slightly pulling the latter. Be sure to glue all the teeth in order to avoid an ugly edge.

We perform a similar operation from the other end of the pencil, only we use a gold ribbon.

Before closing the end of the pencil, you can add as many candies as you like inside.
In conclusion, we decorate our pencil with a bright bow and a congratulatory inscription.

These pencils with a surprise can be prepared as a gift for teachers. And not just teachers. Candy pencils will undoubtedly delight schoolchildren on September 1 or art lovers. Just change the congratulatory inscription, select sweets in accordance with the taste preferences of the recipient, the rest is a matter of technique.

I wish you all pleasant creativity and Have a good mood!

In our collection there are ideas and master classes for creating a gift for Teacher's Day with your own hands:

Cool magazine from a box of chocolates

Choose ideas to your liking, fantasize and create with pleasure!

November 18, 2017

The upcoming holidays always turn into thoughts about gifts. If the hero of the occasion raves about the office or his work / main occupation is associated with the constant use of stationery, then in this case a candy pen can be a good gift option.

Required materials and accessories

The choice of sweets should be approached more carefully. These should be oblong-shaped and thin candies. A good option is sweets called "Konafetto". These sweets will need 350 grams. Portioned chocolate, for example, Inspiration, is also quite suitable. You also need to stock up:

  • thin cardboard;
  • metallized corrugated paper (color - blue);
  • cardboard tube left over from cling film or foil;
  • hot glue;
  • double-sided tape;
  • beads, satin ribbons, nylon braid - for decoration;
  • chocolate coins (they will be used to make a button at the end of our pen).

Beginning of work

How to start making a candy pen with your own hands? From finding out what the length of the finished product will be. To do this, it must be correlated with the length of the chocolate. Immediately count that on the tube that we have chosen for work, there are three chocolates / sweets in length. Plus, beads will be laid between them as a decorative element.

The excess part from our workpiece can be cut off with a knife. It is better to use a wooden board for this.

How to make a candy pen: progress of work

We take thin cardboard (thick Whatman paper is also suitable). From one of these materials we make a bag, we fasten its edges with glue. We get the bow of the future sweet accessory.

Try on how the blank will fit with the cardboard tube, make cuts along the edge and glue it. For decoration, you can use white corrugated paper.

Please note: depending on the thickness of the handle spout, a layer of sweets will also lie down. To make it smoother, the nose needs to be made thinner. After that, you need to wrap and glue blue metallic paper around the spout.

The next step in making a candy handle is to hide the edge under the blue beads - use hot glue to glue them. Now grab the double-sided tape - it must be placed along the entire length of the tube. It is on it that sweets will be attached. When you start to fasten them, do not forget to alternate with beads. And also try to ensure that the chocolates are placed one under the other, without violating the vertical.

Make sure the chocolate keeps well. To do this, each row can be wrapped with nylon braid. It stretches down the center. Thanks to this method, it will turn out to "kill two birds with one stone." And the chocolates will be fixed, and you will decorate the product.

End of work

Next, you have to make a stub. It is necessary to close the end of the edible stationery. Take the cork and wrap it with paper (to add thickness), then paste over with corrugated paper (it should be blue). Decorate the edge with beads.
Let's give the product credibility and add a holder. Thin cardboard is the material that should be taken to make the part. And you only need one strip. Wrap it in crepe paper.

Insert the edge of the paper coming from the pen body inside the tube, insert the tip of the holder here. Do the same with the stub. Use glue to secure.

If you want to give the resulting candy pen presentability, then make a base. It can be an ordinary rectangle made of cardboard (do not take it too thin) wrapped in gray corrugated paper.

If you are fascinated by the process of making a candy pen, you can also make a pencil. The principle will be exactly the same. As a result, you will receive a set of gift writing utensils.

Budget gift option

Such a present may well please the teacher of any of the students. In this case, you only need two sweets. They must be long. Plus, stock up on one round chocolate candy, crepe paper (two colors are needed), self-adhesive paper, and a glue gun. You can see a photo of a candy pen in our material. In the meantime, let's describe the progress of work.

Stages of work

First you need to glue the prepared sweets using hot glue. Make sure that the drop of glue is not too large, otherwise you cannot avoid damaging the package or candy.

We get the core of our accessory. Given its size, you need to cut out a rectangle (for this you need self-adhesive paper or film). We wrap our sweets and get a cylinder. It is the basis of the candy pen. We make a cone (gold or silver self-adhesive paper or film is used). Turning the cone, we get the tip of the product.

Hot glue is again required to connect the base and the tip of the pen. The craft is almost ready. It would be nice to get it done. To do this, we will make a rosebud (corrugated paper is needed). From it you need to cut three rectangles (their size is 7 x 5 centimeters). Cut the petals out of them and give them a semicircular shape at the top. Use a toothpick to wrap the edges of the petals. The middle part of each of them needs to be stretched a little.

To form a flower, wrap the petals in turn using glue. Take the green corrugation and cut out the sepals. After attaching them to the flower (hot glue will help out in this case too), carefully twist.

It remains to insert the flower into the top of the handle and secure with glue. So, the candy pen for Teacher's Day is ready!

To please a sweet tooth, there are enough sweets in a bag, but sometimes you want to please a loved one with something more original and unusual. This original and unusual can be a candy pen, which can be made as a gift to a schoolboy, teacher or just a person whose work somehow comes into contact with this item of office, that is, in fact, to any person.

So let's get down to business without further ado and figure out how to make a candy pen and what it takes.

Candy pen - master class

Before you start making a candy pen, let's consider what items you will need:

  1. Cardboard roll. It can be a roll left over from organza, wrapping paper, etc., but you can also make your own from cardboard. The only thing you should pay attention to is that the cardboard should be dense so that it does not lose its shape under the weight of the sweets.
  2. Corrugated paper for the design of the handle. You can take any color of paper, but metallized gold paper looks very good.
  3. Double-sided tape.
  4. Scissors.
  5. Glue.
  6. Candies. When choosing sweets, pay attention to their shape. They should be oblong and thin enough. Candies "Konafetto" are ideal in shape. They will need about 350 gr.
  7. Chocolate coins. You need two chocolate coins to make a button at the end of the pen.

And now let's move on to how to make a candy pen with your own hands.

Step 1: If you are using an organza or paper roll, then cut it approximately in half so that the length of the pen roll is about 35-40 cm.

Step 2: Cover the roll with corrugated paper.

Step 3: Make a cone out of cardboard.

Step 4: In the same way as before the roll, glue the cone with corrugated paper, and then glue it to the roll base.

Step 6: Make a “handle” for a pen out of cardboard, glue it with corrugated paper and glue it to the base. And on top, to complete the "image" of the pen and hide the "cardboard seams", you need to glue two chocolate coins.