
A cafe with a children's room on Krasnaya Polyana. Krasnaya Polyana: The most complete guide for those with children. Advantages of the AZIMUT hotel in Krasnaya Polyana


The children's amusement park in Rosa Khutor Detiland opened its doors to visitors on the first day of 2016. During its existence, it has become a favorite vacation spot not only for children, but also for their parents. Planning a vacation? Be sure to check out here.

Detiland has several attractions. You can purchase a complex ticket for your child, according to which he will visit all zones during the day, as much as he wants, or pay separately for visiting each attraction.

A large island in the tropical jungle with a huge children's labyrinth is the Pirate Island. Your child will become a real traveler and go in search of adventure. To find the way to the most mysterious and lost places of the labyrinth, the child will have to go through many tunnels, intricate passages and stairs. A pool with balls and slides, a sports trampoline and a pit with foam blocks are the most favorite activities of the labyrinth, where children spend the most time.

The bright trampoline area "Animal Kingdom" is designed for children from three years old to play. Wild animals painted on the trampoline walls allow children's imaginations to be transported to the impassable thicket of the African jungle or to the endless expanses of the distant desert.

A large number of educational toys and centers in Detiland in Rosa Khutor promote the development of children's motor skills, dexterity and logic. After playing the floor piano, the child can paint the walls with crayons or hide in a real Indian wigwam. For girls there is an opportunity to run a real kitchen or build a Barbie world. And boys will be able to feel like real firefighters and show themselves in cars.

One of the children's favorite toys is the Lego constructor, which you can play in plenty in the Lego room. There is both the very first "Duplo" and the very difficult option this constructor is "Technik". Experienced animators will help your child plunge into the colorful world of Lego. You can also buy this kit for your child at your local store.

If you think computer games sedentary activities that negatively affect health and physical form your children, this is a misconception. Controlling the game by moving your own body is possible with XBOX Kinect technology. Playing football, boxing, tennis and many other sports, you feel your presence on sports ground... While dancing and earning points, you can do fitness exercises, and the screen will display how many calories you managed to spend. And a special coating in the playroom makes them safe for health.

The fabulous place "Kindergarten" is intended for the youngest visitors. While adults enjoy the unique cuisine of a local restaurant, the kid will play in this area under the supervision of an experienced animator, who, together with the child, will read, sculpt, paint or make up with face painting. While your child is happy to spend time, you can go to a restaurant. A large selection of Japanese and European cuisine and a menu of alcoholic drinks De Luxe will help you relax and forget about all your business. A children's kitchen is also presented in the restaurant, as well as a separate menu with desserts: little sweet tooth will be offered marmalade, lollipops, everyone's favorite cotton candy

In my last post, I told how we rested at Rosa Khutor on May holidays without skis. But actually, the first time we came to this resort a few months earlier, and it was a ski trip. Traditionally before winter holidays we spent in the Austrian Alps, but then our youngest daughter was born, and the next season she was barely a year old and therefore dragged very far (and we usually go to resorts in Austria all day with transfers from plane to train, from train to taxi), besides, I didn’t want to get visas. On the other hand, a trip with children presupposes a certain level of service, by which I mean well-prepared trails, the presence of children's rooms in the mountains where you can take an older child to take a break from skiing and play while the parents are skiing, a beautiful resort for walking a young child with a grandmother, an opportunity somehow entertain the children at the resort.
Judging by the information on the Internet, the resorts of Krasnaya Polyana fully met our criteria. 2 hours by plane and less than an hour by high-speed Swallow, and we are there. In terms of infrastructure and services, the reality has even surpassed our wildest expectations. We split our week of vacation into two parts, and the first half of it was spent in the Gorki Gorod resort, the second in Rosa Khutor. In GTZ "Gazprom" we went for a drive one day.
The resorts really turned out to be fully adapted for families with children of almost any age.

Firstly, here it is very easy to put a child on skis, even with an individual instructor, even in groups.
True, instructor training must be approached wisely, we realized this when for the first time Nastya was sent to GorkiGorod to the first school that came across to the first instructor that came across. And although we said that Nastya had already skated earlier and she just needed to remember and improve her technique, the young guy spent 1.5 hours with her in the children's paddling pool, saying that at first everything had to be repeated on a light slide. As a result, Nastya whined that she was tired and bored and did not finish her prescribed 2 hours. In addition, this would-be instructor "spoiled" the child's technique, which she had previously managed to master normally in Austria two years ago, having transferred it "to the plow."
Having rode with Nastya after that on the green track, I was horrified that the child had completely forgotten everything. In the photo just ski Kindergarten, in which Nastya was tortured for two hours.

Then I began to read my favorite ski forum and then sent it on the advice to another school, which positioned itself as a school with an Austrian education system. There we once again noticed that we want the instructor to ride with her on a normal green track. And here things started to go. For 2 days Nastya remembered everything, and we already calmly rode with her on green tracks with practically no problems and falls.

When we moved to Rosa Khutor, we were already smarter and ordered an instructor in advance, whom they advised us at the ski forum.
After working with her for 2 hours on the long green slopes, he said that Nastya could already ride with us on the blue slopes. Unfortunately, for the rest of the time this instructor was busy, and having taken another from the same school, we realized that Nastya needed either a very good instructor to improve her technique, or we would have to work out the technique with her, which we did.

We started, of course, with the lightest blue tracks, gradually increasing the difficulty, moving on to tracks with steeper and narrower sections.
In general, at the end of our vacation Nastya could quite confidently ride with us on most of the lower blue tracks.

True, there were jambs too, she fell many times, and once fell in a tunnel while moving from one highway to another, creating a bunch of small ones in it, once jumped out onto the red highway, because of which we rushed after her, and then we had off-piste skiing when moving from red to blue through a forest with a moat.
This is Nastya on our beloved Lake Route.

We rode together for two hours, then the child got tired and began to ask for a rest in the Children's Club. There are children's clubs with hourly stays in the mountains at all resorts. And we have visited almost all of them.
Children's clubs here are not just a children's room with toys, as in the Moscow region ski resorts, but a real club where several teachers work with children at once, arrange competitions, master classes, show them magic tricks, walk them with ice floes on slides, draw they have all sorts of patterns on their hands and that they just do not come up with. Nastya was delighted with the local children's centers. In general, if before going to European ski resorts we were always looking for information about the availability of places where we could send a child, then in Sochi resorts there is no problem with this. Well, there is no language barrier either, which is also important for a six-year-old.
In the photo there is a children's club on Rosa Khutor in the Mountain Olympic Village.

While the child was having fun in the Children's Club, we went to the more difficult tracks, then we took her away and rode together again until the time "I want to eat" came.
Lunch in the mountains is also okay, you can always feed your child without going downstairs. Plenty of options for a snack or a hearty meal.
This is our meal in the Berloga cafe in the Gorki Goroda mountains. Wooden tables and benches with a gorgeous view, almost like in Austria, but small portions and high cost of dishes served in disposable tableware didn't make this place permanent for our lunch. The portions were only good for a light snack.

On the slopes from the slopes, going from the Wolf Rock, in the sausage shop, we always took delicious fried white sausages and taiga herbal tea. As an option, the snack was quite normal.

And then you can go out on the beach with a view of the mountains and the skiers on the slopes.

For a full-fledged lunch, so that there is the first, second, third and compote, the buffet in the hotel of the Mountain Olympic Village, located next to the Chalet ski lift, is well suited. It is inexpensive and you can always find what our fastidious Nastya will eat.

After lunch, we continued to ride until such a state of broken tracks, when skiing is no longer a pleasure. And of course we climbed to the mountain peaks.

In the evening, the resorts offer excellent après skiing for both adults and children.
Here are held various master classes, there are water parks (in Gazprom and Gorki Gorod), museums, Lego centers and children's entertainment centers (Gazprom has a whole entertainment center "Galaxy" with a water park and two interactive museums). Gorki Gorod has an amusement area for children with carousels and 5D cinemas, as well as billiards and bowling. Rosa Khutor hosts master classes on drawing pictures in 3 hours, there are quest rooms, a museum with a science show for children and a museum of illusions, there are tracks (for children and adults) where competitions of cars on the control panel are held, there is an indoor skating rink.
But, to be honest, after skiing we really only had enough strength to walk around the resort.

True, in Gorki Gorod we attended a children's and adult light and music show.
On Rosa Khutor, we were able to visit only the museum of illusions, such museums are very fond of Nastya. We also visited the ethnographic open-air museum "My Russia" at night, where houses from various regions of Russia are presented.

For kids in the resorts there are both ski kindergartens, where instructors help to take the first timid steps on skis, and kindergartens, where you can send a non-skiing or very small child from the very morning until the ski lifts are closed. But we solved the question of the youngest child's leisure very simply, taking our grandmother with us. While we were skiing in the mountains, my grandmother walked with her youngest daughter along the beautiful embankment, squares with a stage, where sometimes some mini performances were given for vacationers. But, of course, all that children of this age need are playgrounds. There are two zones with playgrounds on Rosa Khutor, one is by the lake, with a plot with a house, swings and rocking chairs for very little ones, the other is a wooden playground in the center of the resort, very beloved by our children.

Summing up the results of our vacation, I will say that we did not regret at all that we got out not to Austria, but to our Sochi resorts. They are really ideally thought out for family trips with children, for the opportunity for beginners to quickly master the basics of skiing, for an exciting après ski for every taste, but just for a fun time in a beautiful place.