
Scenario concert May 1 for adults. May mood. May: holiday, chords and backing tracks of songs, congratulations


/Dance " sun bunny", hands. Eliseeva V.A.

HOST 1: Good afternoon!

HOST 2: Hello!

HOST 1: A white leaf with a red number!
It means holiday!
It's sunny and clear
May Day in spring!

HOST 2: The month of May begins on May 1 - the holiday of spring and labor, which used to be called International Workers' Day. Now we celebrate this day as May Day.

HOST 1: Peace! Work! May! We rejoice in the spring warmth, green grass, and take part in folk festivals with pleasure.

HOST 2: We sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful day. We wish you health, success in all your endeavors, happiness and peace on Earth!

HOST 1: Accept congratulations from students of secondary school No. 1 as a gift middle group dance group "Visavi"

/Dance "Variety Sketch"

HOST 2: Red tulips
In the hands of a child.
Music is fun
Rumble, rumble, rumble!

HOST 1: Festive view today
At villages and cities.
And the square flourishes
From many flowers.

HOST 2: The vocal group "Melody" sings for you

/ Song "Girls"

HOST 1: On stage, students of secondary school No. 5 dance group "Era".

/Dance "Folk"

HOST 2: On holidays on the streets
In the hands of a child
Burning, shimmering
Different, different

HOST 1: You are congratulated on the holiday by the vocal group "Melody"

/Song "Freckles"

HOST 2: On stage junior group dance group "Victoria"

/Dance "Lady Perfection"

HOST 1: The motto of the May Day holiday is: Peace! Work! May! And it is no coincidence that the word “Peace” is in the first place in this motto.

LEADER 2: Adults and children know
The world must be valued
To us on the whole planet
Live under the high sun.
Let the sun pour over us
Gives light to you and me!
The sky always needs the sun
The world needs peace forever!

HOST 2: Galina Zinoviev and Masha Kondrachuk sing for you.

/Song "May Waltz"

HOST 1: On stage senior group dance group "Victoria"

/Dance "Smuglyanka"

HOST 2: We want our planet to have
The children were never sad.
So that no one cries, does not get sick,
If only the children's choir would ring.

HOST 1: The vocal group "Melody" sings for you"

/ Song "Sparrow disco"

HOST 1: Thin branches bent,
Ringing songs sounded
At the neighbor's mountain ash
The girls started the dance!

/Dance "Quadrille"

HOST 2: Ksenia Shulikina sings for you

/ Song "Merry Echo"

HOST 1: Shine your smiles,
Warmed by the sun!
Peace and happiness to you
Children of the planet!

HOST 2: Once again, we congratulate everyone on the holiday! Happiness, health and peaceful sky above your head!

HOST 1: Goodbye!

HOST 2: See you soon!

« Let's be friends(holiday concert script)

1. good afternoon and good hour

We welcome all of you!

And we consider it a matter of honor

Perform now for you!

2. let the music play

And let the songs flow

Children from children garden will dispel your sadness!

3. Kindergarten "Alyonushka"

Greetings to all of you!

And holiday concert

Will give you now!

BUT our concert is called:(together)

Let's be friends!

4. kindness is needed by all people

May there be more good

5. talk in vain when meetings:

Good afternoon! And good evening!

6. and in vain we have

Wish: "Good afternoon!"

Kindness is from the age

Human decoration.

A song is being performed "Three wishes"

They sit down.

Vedas. Guys, a let's listen how your heart beats. Do you know when it hits the hardest? When there is room for kindness and friendship, and on our holiday only kindness should reign and friendship. Do you agree?

Children: Yes!

Vedas. And what proverbs and sayings do you know about kindness and friendship(children read proverbs) Vedas. Where the song flows, life is easier there. Sing a song funny, funny, funny. (Children perform ditties) Who is the most important person on earth for you?


Vedas. of course mom (go to their places, read poems about mom)

1. in the world kind words lives a little

But all kinder and more important one:

Of two syllables, a simple word "mother"

And there are no words in the world more precious than it.

2. Why, when I'm with my mother

Even a gloomy day is brighter?

Because because

There is no cuter mom.

2. why when it hurts me

Am I in a hurry to see my mother?

Because because

There is no mother relatives!

3. Why, when we are together

Am I the happiest person in the world?

Because because

There is no better mom.

A song is being performed "Mom's Smile"

4. A lot has been said about the waltz

He sounds so exciting without end!

And we dedicate this waltz to mothers

And let the hearts beat in the rhythm of the waltz. !

Use dance "Mom's Waltz"

Vedas. Guys, how do you understand the words "kindness" « friendship» (children's guesses)

Vedas. But if a newcomer comes to your group, what will you do? (2 girls come out and show. sketch)

1girl: I'm a new girl in kindergarten.

2dev. I'll go to the new girl now

Why are you on the sidelines, because it's boring alone?

Here are our toys, here is a clockwork elephant

Here are our cubes, we are building houses,

You will also learn how to build yourself

Come on, I'll take you to the guys

All the girls love our garden.

1dev. Of course let's go!

Vedas. And in a quarrel, how will you act (2 girls come out and stand with their backs to each other)

1 dev. we quarreled with a friend and sat in the corners.

2 dev. It is very boring without each other, we need to make peace.

1. dev. I didn’t offend her, I just ran away with the bear and said "Will not give it back!" I'll go and make up, give her a bear, apologize. I'll give her a doll, I'll give her a tram, and I will say: "Play let's

2 dev. Let's!

Vedas. And now our children will show a funny comic dance "Cute, let's be friends

They perform a dance.

Vedas. Here you guys are the ABC of useful tips - you children should always remember this!

1st boy: Anger cannot be accumulated in oneself,

This feeling is terrible

Know. being a villain in life

The most horrible!

2nd: Honestly cherish,

Be worthy!

If you gave a word, keep it

Like an oath, warrior!

3rd: You have to be polite, kind,

So that in the souls again and again

Appeared and did not go out

Only friendship and love!

(Spanish dance)?or game "Lavata"

Children building:

1. How many cheerful and joyful faces,

Know at friendship has no boundaries!

Know the children on the planet

What friendship and kindness is more precious than anything in the world.

2. Toys, friendship,Kindergarten,

Words burn like sparks

All children want to be friends

On everything in the world!

3. The sun is gray, the sun is gray!

Don't feel sorry for your rays

Let it be warmer and stronger

Will friendship of all children!

4. Let's be friends with each other

Like a bird with the sky

Like the wind with the meadow

Like a sail with the sea

Grass with rain

how friendly the sun is with us all!

Perform a song "Song of Friends".

Vedas. That's our holiday is over,Thank you for your attention!

May your hearts always be warmed only by smiles and kind words, and may this day give you a wonderful mood that will stay with you for a long time! And accept our modest gifts from us and with them a piece of our hearts (children give gifts to the music)

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presenter : Congratulations
On a beautiful, bright, May day!
Let your mood be
Always blooming like a lilac
May your life be beautiful
And the children are always happy
Let your house be a full bowl!
Good luck, happiness and kindness!

presenter : Good afternoon, dear residents of the Northern District, dear guests, and everyone who has gathered in this park today on this beautiful May day!
May holidays are one of the most joyful, bright and bright! We always meet May Day with special feelings, for us it is a symbol of spring, peace and creation. It is full of good signs and traditions. This is the rapid flowering of nature, smiles and joyful mood, warm meetings with family and friends, hopes for a better future.
Muses. room
presenter : The word for congratulations is provided by __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Muses. room
presenter : May he always be happy
Who will call work his life!
Who, sparing no time and effort,
Transforms this complex world
To whom perseverance, work and inspiration
The eternal companion and the only idol!
Presenter: Music sounds for you. room performed by __________________________________________________________
Q: The word for congratulations is given _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Muses. room
presenter : Again, over the world, raising
higher and higher the purity of heaven,
the young wind of May flies
to us with the promise of miracles.

May this holiday be bright.
We congratulate you and again
we wish you and your children
gave joy love;

presenter : We cordially congratulate you on May 1 - peace, spring, labor! This day embodies a person's desire for creation, peace and prosperity, it serves as a starting point for good undertakings and interesting prospects. I wish you and your loved ones all the best: health, prosperity, happiness and success in all your endeavors!

presenter : Look around: the sun gently shines, flower buds open from its pleasant kisses, the spring breeze playfully caresses long braids of birches, transparent clouds slowly float in the blue sky, and unique trills of birds spread around.

This is our beautiful land

So meets May Day!

Happy holiday, friends!

Actors: 10 people.

Presenter 1. 67 years of our glorious Victory!
May dawn again, silence ...
Presenter 2. And it's not audible walking around the planet
Spring returned to people.
Presenter 1. The life of dreams is full of discoveries.
And our path is not easy and difficult
Presenter 2. But the generation that did not know wars
Nobody, don't forget anything.

Presenter 3. Allow the rally dedicated to the 67th anniversary of the Victory to be considered open.

Presenter 4. The river of time flows. More than 60 years have passed since that unforgettable and terrible day when the huge doors of war, from the Barents to the Black Sea, were thrown wide open.

Presenter 5. Time is running fast and today there are already few of those who won victory at the front and in the rear with us. Our holiday is a dedication to all veterans, to all representatives of the older generation. Many years have passed, but we must know and remember this harsh time. We must know those who saved not only our Motherland, but the whole world.

Presenter 6. Today we will remember everyone, but this is only the beginning, the beginning of a big book - the book of the Memory of our hearts.

Do not forget the evil of the war years.
Don't make myths for certainty.
Four years followed the soldiers
Everyday life with bloody steps.
Don't say big words...
To those who are devoted to the oath from youth.

High rumor will not survive
About those over whom Victory leans.
Don't take us back to the past
Do not reopen old wounds unwittingly.
Honor the fallen heroes. And alive...
Alive, filial fidelity is enough.

June, 22. This day will forever bring our memory back to 1941. And that means by 1945. There is a strong thread between these two dates. Without one there could not be the other.

June. The sunset was fading into the evening,

And the sea overflowed on a warm night.

And the sonorous laughter of the guys was heard,

Not knowing, not knowing grief.

June! We didn't know then

Walking home from school evenings

That tomorrow will be the first day of the war,

For extracurricular educational activities
6. for preschoolers
7. for preschoolers
8. for preschoolers

We are in peace, we will live in friendship

The scenario takes place in the form of a journey through different countries.

Children enter the hall with flowers, green branches.

There is a roll call of children.

The holiday is coming, the holiday is coming
Everything comes alive, sings and blossoms.
Spring again Spring again
She is dressed in fresh greenery.

Everywhere joy and fun
Clear and clear sky
Everywhere bird housewarming
Fuss and call.

In the bright green of the field,
The earth is being renewed.
And the birches are all in earrings,
In sticky poplar buds.

Blue sky today
All boulevards are green
We are celebrating May Day
Holiday of friendship and spring.

Our kindergarten is fun
Meets May Day,
And a spring song
Better sing along!

The song “This is May” (with movements) is performed, music. E. Tilicheeva, sl. N. Naidenova.

Opened with a ringing song
We have a cheerful holiday,
Let her fly on wings
It will fly around the entire globe.

Let the song meet everywhere
wonderful guys,
May for peace and happiness
Laughter and jokes will ring out.

Childhood only happens once
The guys of any country.
Let none of them know
Grief, hunger, war.

Let the world triumph in the world
And the peoples of the earth are friends,
Let all children rejoice
May they live in happiness.

There are no distances for friendship,
There are no barriers for hearts
Today we are on a May holiday
Hello children of the world!

The song "How many of us" is performed, music. O. Khromushina.

Children march to their places, collect attributes, sit down.

Leading. Dear Guys! Today's holiday will help us to visit different countries. But how can we have time to visit different parts of the Earth at once? What to do? Let's remember what the heroes traveled on different fairy tales: Ivan Tsarevich (on a gray wolf), Old Man-Khottabych (on a flying carpet), traveler frog (on a twig with ducks), Ivan the peasant son (on a flying ship). You can travel on a horse, on an eagle, on a wolf, on a magic carpet and in walking boots, and you and I will fly on a rocket. Want to?

Well, into the rocket, everyone is behind me,
Let's fly around the globe.
3,2, 1 - start!

Put your palms together "Oooo." The music of the ensemble "Zodiac" sounds (phonogram).

Leading. Let's fly!!!
Everyone looked through the windows. What do we see, what country are we flying over?

1st child.
This is Japan, the Land of the Rising Sun.
We welcome the Japanese.

And here is a girl from Japan, her name is Sakura.
She doesn't look up
All fragile, like porcelain,
In the hair of a Japanese woman -
tortoise combs,
And in the hand of a fan
It blows like a breeze.

A Japanese dance is being performed.

Japanese. Our Japanese children have favorite toys called kokesshi.
Those Japanese dolls
Looks like Russian nesting dolls
Only snub-nosed nesting dolls,
And cokessi are slanted.

Leading. Let's play with them guys.

The game “Who is sooner” is being played (4 toys - 5 children, in a circle).

Now let's get on the boat
The sea path leads to America.

2nd child.
That's America - a country
Rich at all times.
Hello friends! (2 times)
Sing a song, you and me!

The song is being performed on English language. The music of "Lambada" sounds.

What is the name of this dance?
He came to us from America.

1st child.
May the children of America be glad
Let's dance "Lambada" for them.

Dance "Lambada" is performed.

Invites us to fly
Lightweight aircraft.
Let's fly over the ocean
Where Africa is waiting for us.

2nd child.
In Africa the rivers are so wide
In Africa, the mountains are such a height,
There are crocodiles, hippos,
Monkeys, elephants, sperm whales,
And then there are parrots -
This is what Africa is!

Dance "Chunga-Changa" is performed. A "negro" child runs out.

I'm just black, black blacks
A small child from Africa far away.
I live under palm trees
And I dance and I sing.

Dance "Papuans" is performed.

Now back to the ship
Greece is waiting for us, full speed ahead.

Four children come out in Greek costumes.

Greece free,
Young and eternal
Greek children,
"Sirtaki" we will dance together.

Dance "Sirtaki" is performed.

And now, kids
It's time to play.
The game "Ring" is being played.

The whistle of a locomotive is heard.

We hear the signal whistle
Hey, hurry up, machinist,
The train is on the rails
The railroad leads to Italy.

Chao, friends!
Glorifying friendship, peace and labor,
We have the most beautiful songs sing.
I am with all of Italy together
I will sing for you, gentlemen,
A soulful song.

The song "Santa Lucia" sounds (phonogram).

That's how many friends we have
And it's always more fun with friends.
To France, abroad
Our train is moving again.

Children dressed as musketeers come out.

1st Musketeer.
France is waiting for brave heroes,
Hey, Musketeers, go ahead!

2nd Musketeer.
Friendship and brotherhood
The main wealth!

3rd Musketeer. One for all and all for one!

They sing the song of the Musketeers from the movie "D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers".

Leading. Guys, who knows what the Musketeers rode?

Children. On horses.

Leading. Now we will play. Here is a French woman in a white dress and a hat. By the way, France is a trendsetter. We must choose two riders. The French woman has a white headscarf. It is necessary to ride horses to the girl and take a scarf. Snake around skittles - "obstacles". Who quickly?

The game is being played.

1st child.
It is necessary that the children of the whole Earth
In happiness, joy grew.
Now look ahead
Germany is waiting for us!

Starts the car engine
Cheerful German driver.

2nd child.
We are bound by strong friendship
With the children of the German country,
We will perform for the guys
The game of German preschoolers.

A round dance game “Ding-ding-ding, a letter to you” is being held.

1st child.
Fairy Sun - (2x)
Don't feel sorry for your rays
Let it be warmer and stronger
There will be friendship of all children!

Again we will sit in a rocket,
We flew around half the world.

3, 2, 1 - start!

A girl dressed as an Indian comes out.

In India I meet you
Congratulations on May 1!
I will charm everyone with my outfit
And I will dance an Indian dance for you.

Performing Indian dance.

The driver starts the engine again.
We are sitting on the bus
We look at each other.
He is now calling the guys
Home, in Russia, in kindergarten.
A child comes out in a Russian costume.

2nd child.
Here are native forests and fields,
This is our native land!

The Russian folk dance "Sudarushka" is performed.

1st child.
How many cheerful and joyful faces.
Know that friendship has no boundaries anywhere,
Children on the planet know
That friendship and peace are more precious than anything in the world.

2nd child.
You are my friend, and he and I.
We are all true friends.
We are guys, we are guys
We are preschoolers.
So we need to live
Fun and friendly.

Dance "Kolo" (Ukrainian folk melody) is performed.

So that adults and children
Lived happily in the world, what do you need?
All. Peace and friendship!

Let smiles fly over the earth
Congratulations on May and spring.
Spring is coming and May is coming
Sings a cheerful round dance.

Sounds "Vesnyanka" (Ukrainian folk song).

Leading. May 1 is a nice, warm day. Let the sun shine gently, let the flowers bloom, let the guests, mothers and all our friends smile. May it always be so!

1st child.
Let's hold hands, stand in a circle.
Every person is a friend,
Let's take hands, let it go
On the ground a huge round dance!

All together they sing the song "Big round dance", music. B. Savelyeva, sl. A. Zhigalkina, A. Khait.