
Do-it-yourself children's playground made of wood. How to make a children's playground with your own hands from improvised means. Slide in the country

Breast cancer

Any Vacation home will have an additional advantage if, in the yard next to it, you can make a high-quality playground with your own hands. For every person, the time spent on the playground is one of the most important stages of his life. After all, we all remember how in childhood we built sand castles, jumped rope, ran a race, played hide and seek and other outdoor games. Life in the yard, as they say, was in full swing.

Times, of course, have changed, but despite this, it is important to continue to understand that every child must go through this. A playground at the dacha is a kind of school where children get the first communication skills with peers, learn relationships and mutual understanding, learn the rules of behavior in society, develop their imagination, agility and endurance.

Playground safety

An adjoining area should be associated primarily with a safe playground where you can play different games... After all, the kids have such a fantasy that they can frolic for hours in any place. In this case, the safety of the structure must be closely monitored. This applies primarily to sports constructions on which small children play.

Important! To create the safest playground with your own hands, it is necessary to analyze the main reasons why injuries occur in such areas. Not all injuries are inevitable, as recognized by leading experts.

Safe covering for playgrounds

Fall Is the main reason children get injured in playgrounds. Many people believe that falls cannot be avoided, because every person in childhood often fell and received bruises. But a child can fall not only, for example, by tripping over a stone, but also from some high structure, which is much more dangerous.

The severity of injuries is determined mainly by how hard the surface of the playground was.

The hardest and, accordingly, the most traumatic material is concrete. Playgrounds for children, equipped on the basis of this material, oddly enough, are found in many courtyards of private houses. The second in terms of injury hazard is asphalt, followed by densely compacted soil.

Interesting to know! More recently, sand was considered the safest coating for playgrounds. But with the development of technology, even safer materials began to appear on the market, for example, rubber crumb.

A layer of crumb rubber that is only two or three centimeters thick is able to effectively cushion shocks without any consequences for the insufficiently strong body of the child. The most dangerous areas can be covered with a thicker layer of crumb rubber (up to 10 cm).

Wood chips are a natural natural material that is perfect as a shock-absorbing bedding

Bruises and injuries from a fall

Children of a swing, as a rule, are not afraid, trying to fly as high as possible on them every time. But when a person grows up and has children of his own, he has a certain fear about these structures.

And for good reason, as swinging and falling from a swing is a common cause of injury in children. In some cases, it leads to serious consequences, so it is very important to make them as safe as possible.

Important! The biggest threat is swing and bar-type swings with wood or metal seats. For safety reasons, it is better to completely abandon the use of a swing of such a design.

Seats in the form of rubber or leather belts suspended by means of polypropylene ropes or metal chains. These are very lightweight and practically devoid of sharp corners of the structure.

And even if it happens that a child accidentally hits such a seat, then this will be limited only by his fall, and on a soft and safe surface. Thus, injury to the baby can be avoided.

Important! To maximize the safety of the playground, a fence can be installed around the swing. The range at which it is located should not only prevent the baby from being injured if he suddenly fell, but also the children playing on the playground from being too close to the swing.

Smooth surfaces and no sharp corners

Rough surfaces, sharp corners and various moving elements are no less traumatic on the playground. That is why, without exception, all wooden and especially metal parts of structures must have rounded edges.

At the same time, the parts themselves must have a well-polished surface and high-quality painting, and using only environmentally friendly compounds.

Important! If you are going to build a playground in the country with your own hands, you need to remember that all moving mechanisms must be "put on" protective covers, which completely exclude any possibility of clamping, for example, the child's clothes.

Do-it-yourself playgrounds in the country

The multifunctional suburban area allows you to equip comfortable areas designed for both recreation of adults and the organization of useful activities for children.

At the planning stage, it is important to think over the basic equipment of the playground, taking into account the age characteristics and individual preferences of the younger family members.

Planning a playground is an important stage of construction, which should contain a set of measures for the improvement of the local area

Projects and drawings

To make the final decision on where to equip the playground and how to equip it, the optimal area of ​​the future building should be calculated. A drawing is being developed, thanks to which it will be easy to mark the site.

This parameter per child depends on age:

  • under 7 years old - 8-9 m2;
  • 7-12 years old - 13-15 m2.

Important! Given this dependence, additional area should be provided if the site will initially be created for the younger age group. For example, you can temporarily break a lawn there.

Ideas for a playground (photo)

Fairy town for toddlers located close to home in order to constantly monitor their activities. Younger children adolescence should envisage athletic facilities, for which a site is selected near a blank wall of a house. This will prevent the ball from hitting the windows.

Advice! A good option when constructing a playground, it is necessary to preserve existing trees that provide shade. In open areas, they are considering the installation of sheds.

  1. When choosing a decorative solution for a playground, you do not need to strive to maintain a single style with the surrounding landscape and the house.
  2. By choosing color range, take into account the wishes of children, they are known to prefer bright colors and fabulous accents.
  3. On rented plots, you can install ready-made houses in the form of a tent, around which you can place plastic tables, chairs, inflatable pool, demountable trampoline.
  4. Stationary structures - slide, sandbox, cozy house, swing should be planned in an area that is constantly in use.

A playground, subject to careful calculations at the design stage, allows you to rationally and conveniently place attractive for children different ages structures.

This approach provides not only the possibility of organizing a diverse play activities but also the development of their athletic skills.


The construction of a slide begins with the development of a scheme with an accurate scale. This will allow you to select the necessary building material.

Important! The main criterion for determining the height of a structure is the safety of children of different ages: 1-5 years old ≤ 1 m, over 5 years old - 1-2.5 m.

  1. The angle of inclination of the stairs leading to the slide should be approximately 25-30 degrees.
  2. The width of the steps varies from 20 to 25 cm. It is advisable to make their surface less slippery due to the rubber coating.
  3. On the sides, balusters and reliable railings are fixed.
  4. The handrails should be extended over the top step so that the child has the necessary support when climbing the hill.

Children's slide - a diagram showing the exact dimensions

The safest are considered ready-made plastic slopes- screw, straight, wavy, which are selected in accordance with the calculated dimensions.

If you decide to install plywood or wooden slopes yourself, you need to pay special attention to grinding their surface, which is then varnished.

Plastic slide is an ideal solution for a modern children's slide in the country


Swing- probably the most vivid and memorable event from distant childhood, which gave us an incomparable feeling of freedom, the feeling of flight and weightlessness. That is why garden swings have become an invariable attribute of recreation in the country for the whole family.

Sufficient space is allocated for the swing, taking into account the maximum range of motion. It is advisable to provide for the rear restriction of the free access of children to this structure in order to prevent injury.

Many people wonder how to make a swing in the country with their own hands. The answer is very simple. It is only important to have the right material and tool. The classic version of the swing is done as follows:

  1. If the site is open, beams are driven into the ground - wooden or metal with a crossbar at the top. For reliability, their foundations are concreted.
  2. Reliable ropes are tied to the diameters or chains are fixed, on which a comfortable seat is attached below. In its role can be trim boards, old chairs, car tires.

Swing device on wooden supports: 1,2 - upper crossbar, vertical supports concreted into the ground, 4 - fastening element of the "eye-bolt" system, 5 - edged board 600x150 mm.

To make the swing more stable, and their base did not have to be concreted, you can use a support structure reminiscent of the Russian letter "A".

You will need the same tools to make them. The only difference between such swings is the presence of two supports, fastened together by a transverse tightening.

A beautiful swing in the country is the pride of its owners

Strong tree branches, canopy beams and other strong horizontal structures can act as supports for a children's swing in the country.

For example, to make an original swing from an old tire, you can hang it with a rope on 3-4 anchor bolts fixed in the side wall of the tire.

Tire swing - great a budget option without loss of comfort

A good option is a swing in the form of a wicker or linen hammock. For kids, a design that has the configuration of a boat, an airplane, a car will be attractive. They are equipped with backrests and seat belts.

Children over six years old will be happy to master a simple rocker-balancer, which can be made with their own hands without much difficulty.


Even the most uncomplicated sandbox, built on a summer cottage, becomes a favorite place for children to play. This element is an indispensable component of the playground, therefore, when designing it, a safe place is assigned.

Sandbox games develop fine motor skills hands and help the children to loosen up, therefore it is very important that such a structure appears on your site as early as possible.

The material for the sandbox can be logs, lumps, saw-cuts, trims of wood and timber. Even uprooted and trimmed tree stumps can be used.

Advice! Subject to availability on site children's town objects that give diffused shade, try to place the sandbox so that on a hot afternoon to provide children with protection from the rays of the sun.

Important! The sandbox should not be placed in low-lying humid places, so that the sand does not become very damp. In open areas, a canopy serves as a rescue from heat and ultraviolet exposure.

The most common sandbox design is an open box, which has a square, rectangular, or diamond shape.

With good woodworking skills, DIYers create from wooden parts ships, boats, cars, flowers, animal figurines.

DIY wooden sandbox

Building a sandbox in the country with your own hands is a simple matter and consists of several stages:

  1. Site marking and removal of the fertile soil layer;
  2. Organization of a drainage system for water drainage;
  3. Assembling a wooden frame;
  4. Shooting down the shield protecting the sand.
Materials that will be required for construction

If desired, it is possible to obtain a combined structure if you dig in the perimeter of the sandbox at different cutting heights, obtaining a sports track.

Most fast way is the installation of a ready-made plastic sandbox. This accessory is portable. It is recommended to keep the sand from animals at night with covers or specially made covers.

Obstacle course

Benefits children from combining play and sports activities. To fulfill the need for movement, an obstacle course is equipped on the playground.

They create it most often from the available ones. waste materials... Car tires are a common attribute. They are dug into the edge, creating a variety of configurations. It is convenient to run on such safe steps, jumping over without risk of injury.

There are many options for equipping an obstacle course. Children are happy to master the ups and downs on the ladders, move, keeping balance, on the gymnastic balance beam.

An interesting obstacle course can be made up of benches of different heights, securely fixed in the ground. You can line up gymnastic hoops and go through them at speed.

Often, with the help of twine or a garden hose, for babies on the ground they spread various shapes, along which they can move, completing simple tasks.

DIY tree house

Surely every child dreamed of having his own house on the branches of a tall tree - his own personal space with its own laws and traditions. We will talk about the construction of such a house.

For children, a small house located on the playground is quickly becoming the most attractive place to play. Here they retire, arrange hiding places, communicate with friends.

The most mysterious exotic option is to place the house on a secure platform fixed to a tree. Children, hiding among the branches, feel like heroes of adventure movies. They enjoy climbing stairs, training their own agility.

Sequence and stages of construction work

Let's start with how the tree should be, on which we will place our treehouse. First of all, strong and stable. The trunk should be thick and the root system fairly developed. And the branches themselves should not be fragile. They have to be able to withstand the playhouse given different weather conditions, wind and snow.

Advice! Hardwood wood (birch, alder, linden, maple) are perfect for supporting the structure. However, in order to protect the children and the house itself, it is better to immediately cut off the fragile old branches.

It is necessary that the house is located at a height of no more than two meters, despite the fact that in American films such structures are located much higher. This impression is deceptive, and the very fact of such an arrangement is by no means believable.

Important! A structure located at a high altitude will be unstable and pose a danger to children.

After a suitable tree has been selected, we prepare the tool and building material. In this case, for construction you will need:

  • Lumber (bars, boards, plywood);
  • Chainsaw;
  • Long tape measure;
  • Level;
  • Hammer and nails.

Advice! You can erect the roof and walls of the house using artificial materials such as plastic. This will lighten the overall structure.

In order for the structure to have good stability, the structure must be attached not only to the tree, but also to the ground. First, we erect the floor and install reinforcing supports under it. Additionally, the structure can be supported by vertical pillars (racks).

Do-it-yourself construction of a children's tree house is no different from the construction of any other object. Therefore, the sequence of actions does not change - first of all, large elements are installed and fastened, then smaller ones are connected.

After the floor is ready, we proceed to the construction of the walls, and then to the roof. Parts can be assembled on the ground and only then attached to the overall structure.

The staircase leading to the house can be wooden or cable car. You can also install a slide and a descent pole and other play elements that children will be incredibly happy with.

  • Tree structure It will look good if you duplicate the reliable ascent up the wooden stairs with a net woven from a strong cord, and place a thick twine next to it, along which the kids will climb to the platform next to the house.

All these sports equipment are quickly mastered by children, training strength and endurance, and at their age they just need it.

So we built our fairytale house Peter Pan. You can leave it that way, or you can, if you wish, continue to improve, for example, insulate, glaze windows.

Such a picturesque structure in your garden or at the dacha will not only delight little family members and their friends, become a favorite vacation spot for them, but also decorate the landscape, impress your neighbors and guests.

Advice! It is better to leave the decoration and decoration of the house to the children. After all, this place rightfully belongs to them. With their help, the tree house will acquire a bright, unique individual look.

Tree house - The best way brighten up your child's leisure time

A playground at the dacha made of scrap materials is one of the most important components of the improvement of the territory next to the house. She not only engages children in useful work, but also contributes to the formation of their personality.

It should always be remembered that such structures should be provided with the necessary safety, and only harmless materials should be used for play structures.

A playground is considered an important element of every modern suburban area, if the younger generation lives on the territory. Buying a swing and similar attributes is not a cheap pleasure.

It is much easier and more affordable to build a playground from scrap materials with your own hands. Let's talk about this issue in more detail.

Design process

The most important condition for creating a playground for children is designing so that the structure is reliable and also as safe to use as possible.

In addition, when deciding on the construction site of the site, you need to focus on a place with excellent visibility.

In addition, the idea for a playground should not provide for the arrangement of wires, various traumatic corners in the place of children's games. Also, the site should not settle down next to a pool or river.

The play area should be as level as possible, equipped with a soft surface that can minimize the risk of injury from an accidental fall.

When choosing the right material for decorating your playground, opt for natural solid wood, which is harmless, practical and easy to use.

Also, wood is easy to process, thanks to which it is possible to build any structures from it.

Having painted wood crafts for a playground in various shades, you can get an outwardly attractive area for active games of your kids.

It is preferable to initially develop the corresponding drawings on a sheet of paper. In the design documentation, be sure to indicate the estimated dimensions of the parts that are planned to be placed on the site. Also determine the optimal slope of the children's slide and, of course, the height.

Optimal ideas

When choosing a suitable idea for decorating a summer cottage playground, it is important to focus on childhood, as well as the features of the construction site. Basically, the main element of the playground is considered to be a swing, a sandbox, and a slide.

In addition, you can build a small fairy-tale house, small slides. Simply put, every element of the playground should be interesting for the little ones.

We equip the sandbox

When deciding on the location of the sandbox, focus on the following points:

  • the terrain must certainly be of an open type, that is, it must be clearly visible;
  • it is undesirable to build a sandbox under the crown of trees in order to prevent debris from getting into it;
  • be sure to take care of high-quality UV protection;
  • calculate the dimensions so that the kids can move around in it as freely as possible.

As for the shape, a square sandbox will be optimal, which can be easily created from wood. To make sure of this, the photo of the playground is proof of this.

When choosing a natural massif, stop choosing pine, which is considered a moisture-resistant material that perfectly tolerates the sun's radiation, as well as temperature extremes. Also, the resin in pine is characterized by antimicrobial properties.

The optimal dimensions of the sandbox are 200 cm by 200 cm. First, you need to prepare a special area using pegs and threads. Having finished with the markings, you should slightly eliminate the top layer of the earth. Then you can start arranging the base in order to fill in the sand.


It is preferable to cover the very bottom of the structure with dense building material. The bottom is closed with a pillow of sandy plastic tiles.

Remember that the use of plastic wrap is contraindicated, since after precipitation a lot of moisture can accumulate in the sandbox, preventing the sand from drying out.

However, materials from geotextiles allow moisture to pass through, but do not let various insects into the sand from the ground.

To cover the sides of the structure, shields of boards should be constructed. For convenience, you need to equip the sides.

The option of arranging the sandbox with a special shelter in the shape of a mushroom is not excluded. This design will protect the structure from moisture and sun.

Decorating a place for children's games

If you are interested in how to make a playground with your own hands and how to arrange it, then remember that the use of expensive materials for these purposes is optional. It is enough to use a couple of cans of paint, as well as improvised materials.


An excellent design option is a playground created from tires, or plastic bottles, disks.

To make fabulous palms appear on the site, use plastic bottles, and if you have hemp, create paths. Using tires, construct various interesting shapes for the garden in the form of animals.

Make every effort to ensure that all parts of the playground for children perform a developmental function. This does not require a lot of effort, a minimum of imagination and desire is enough.

DIY playground photo


Each parent knows by his own example how difficult it is sometimes to captivate children with something, so that they do not interfere with their household chores. For those who spend time in the country or constantly live in a private house, there is an ingenious solution - a do-it-yourself playground from scrap materials. She will captivate your child and contribute not only to the physical, but also intellectual development... It's easy to build. You can do this from improvised means, such as boards and logs, tires, fabrics, etc. Be smart, and your child will not be taken away from the new play area.

Choosing a place and a plan for creating a children's corner for relaxation

There are few rules for choosing a place, but their implementation is mandatory for the safety of the child and your peace of mind:

Playgrounds in the country with their own hands from scrap materials

Before starting the construction of a playground, you need to decide on the territory and draw up a project.

Site size

The size of the playground depends on the age of the children and their number. For very small children, a small space of 4–5 m 2 will suffice. They can be equipped with a sandbox, some of the simplest shells and a small pool. It would be nice to fence off such an area so that the children do not run away, and you can calmly go about your business. To do this, you can use improvised (wooden sticks) and purchased (netting) means.

Older children cannot be closed behind a fence. It will be superfluous. They will be interested in something really worthwhile, a more serious shell, a wider choice of entertainment and, of course, a lot of space. Ideally, 10–12 m2 is needed to create a comfortable playground for these children.

Photo gallery: a variety of site fences

A fence with a wicket will instill in parents confidence that the child will not run away from the playground. Colored fence, the coloring of which can be trusted by the children themselves Playground fencing option

Site plan from improvised means

Now draw a general plan of the future site. Think about what and where will be located. It is not necessary to make an exact geometric drawing for this.

Photo gallery: layout options

The playground plan can be schematic with dimensions. The plan of the playground, if desired, can be drawn You can entrust the drawing up of a playground plan to the child himself

Site preparation and site coverage

First of all, the place needs to be well cleaned and leveled. Then you need to decide what kind of coating you will work with. There are several options:

If you are limited in finances and do everything from scrap materials, then stop at the second option.

DIY playground: ideas

What shells to put on the playground is up to the owners to decide. Some elements are indispensable.


This is the most common children's game that is in every yard. There is no such kid who would not be carried away by the creation of "Easter cakes" from sand and the construction of all kinds of caves. In the sandbox, your child will develop imagination and learn to create new objects. Previously, they looked like a square box made of non-planed materials. Today the situation has changed, adults are more and more concerned about the convenience and safety of their children. The main innovation is, of course, the creation of a cover that hides the sand from pets.

It is important to select the correct location for the area. It should not be in the sun, but it does not need to be placed in a too dark area, so that the sand is not wet and cold in it. It is ideal to install it under the crown of a large tree. But if this is not possible, then you have to come up with a canopy.

The most common sandbox material is wood. For boys, this can be a made boat or a car for a playground with your own hands.

A large tractor tire is also suitable for making a sandbox.

Photo gallery: sandbox from an old tire, in the form of a car and other options

Children's houses

A very popular entertainment for children is the house. This can be a hut made of branches or a simple tent. There the children will hide. This could be their "headquarters". Thereby children's Corner at the dacha from scrap materials will become very cozy.

You can also build a house on a frame. This is also not difficult.

  1. A frame is erected on a columnar foundation.
  2. The lower and upper straps are made, for the floor and ceiling, respectively.
  3. Further, it is sheathed, for example, with boards.

You can show your imagination and make a porch, windows, hang curtains, put an old carpet inside, knock down a couple of chairs and a table. In general, a miniature version of a real house. The more you try, the more interesting it will be for your baby to play there.

Photo gallery: "housing" for children

The fabric hut will protect children from the sun and rain Shalashiz natural materials can be built with children If desired, a hut made of branches can be disassembled and moved to another place Children's house made of wood can be a copy of a country house The porch, windows and door are the desired elements of the orphanage


Slides are no less popular with children. They are straight and spiral. But from what to make this pleasure? There are several options:

  • stainless steel - good, but a little expensive, and you shouldn't leave expensive metal unattended;
  • ordinary steel - rusts too quickly;
  • plastic tray - great option, just try to find the right size;
  • wood - it needs to be well sanded or sheathed with something more slippery, for example, a piece of linoleum.

Few do the slide separately. Most often it is built as part of a complex with ropes, ladders, horizontal bars, etc.


Swing is the most popular type of entertainment in the children's recreation area. It will not be difficult to build them from scrap materials. All you need is a chain or rope, as well as a seat (board, wheel).

If you decide to use a rope for a swing, then it must be periodically checked for strength, since the impact sun rays and rainfall has a detrimental effect on it. The chains will be more secure, but the links may shift during the swing and pinch the skin of the hands. The sensations are very painful. This is why you can put some kind of hose on the chain in the places where you need to hold on. The rope can be attached to the bar with a carabiner, which can squeak unpleasantly over time, or with a bearing, but it needs to be welded.

A summer house is a place to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the city, problems and exhaust fumes. For children, the dacha is literally new interesting world... With the onset of warm weather, families go to rest at the dacha. Children spend their time without televisions and computer games. The task of parents is to organize interesting outdoor activities for their children. will be a great solution. Difficulties will not arise. It is necessary to carefully understand the course of work on the creation of the site.

Photo of a playground in the country with their own hands with a slide and a swing

The construction of a play complex for a child has positive aspects:

  • Being in the fresh air. The child will spend a lot of time on the street. There will be televisions in the distance computer games, gadgets and more. Fresh air good for health. In addition, having matured, the child will have something to remember from his active childhood. Hardly anyone will remember with pleasure how they lay on the couch all day watching TV or playing games on the computer;
  • Physical development. If there are sports equipment on the playground. Of course, this applies to older children. They will be able to play sports with pleasure, having fun on the site;
  • Development creativity... At first glance, it seems that the game complex and creativity are far from each other. If the child is small on the playground, there is necessarily a sandbox, playing in it, he will sculpt different figures from the sand. Development of his creativity. The whole family can create beautiful sand figures, arrange contests. Modeling has a beneficial effect on hand motility. If there is a sports equipment with a handle and a rope, then the boys, climbing on them, will present adventure stories with themselves in the lead role. It helps develop the imagination;
  • Communication. Phones and social media have made communication much easier. Now you do not need to go to visit, go out into the street to communicate. The playground allows children to interact, communicate live. Children will visit each other, talk without social networks and phones.

On the playground, children will be able to actively communicate with each other and have fun

In addition, the whole family can build a play complex. It will bring you closer. Dad does the hard work, and mom and children decorate the complex, paint, paint and so on.

For any holiday, you can decorate the playground with your own hands

Site selection and safety

Safety of structures comes first. The playing area must be of reliable performance. Do not place it far from home. The playground is in the line of sight of the parents so that they look after the children while they play.

A playground in the country must be located near the house so that the children are in sight

Place the site away from electricity, electrical appliances and communications. The shore of a lake or body of water is not a good place for a playground. Water is a potential hazard to children. Take care of good lighting in the dark and shade in the daytime. Do not place the site under the scorching sun. Children need to be protected from exposure to the scorching sun.

Playground size

To calculate the area for games, consider how many elements are planned to be erected on the site, the dimensions of each, and the distance. Should be sufficient for children to move safely and freely around the play area. On average, each child under 7 years old is allocated 8 square meters. m., for children older - 13 sq. m.

To calculate the area for games, consider how many elements are planned to be erected on the site, the dimensions of each, and the distance

Leave a clean runway near stairs and slides for children to run up and down. In the area where rockers and swings are located, organize a safety area, about 2 m wide.

The coating used to create the landing will soften the fall. So don't go for tiles and bricks. Better opt for a self-leveling floor. No seams, made of colored crumb rubber. It is easy to lay, there are no seams, the surface is elastic, even, and will last for many years. The coating is not whimsical to care for.

The space of the playground in the country can be covered with a soft coating

Material selection

Wood is the most demanded material for building a complex for a game. Suitable for creating various structures, non-toxic, environmentally friendly, harmless to the body. To create a platform, use a tree, it is simple to work with it, the material gives room for imagination, while being practical.

Advice! Before starting work, make a plan of everything that you are going to build, indicating the location of each structure on the site.

do-it-yourself playground in the country photo

Playgrounds made of wood are environmentally friendly and can be easily made by hand


A swing in the country can be made with your own hands from wood or old tires

To better understand what should be do-it-yourself playground in the country photo should be examined carefully. There are many types of playgrounds for decorating them.


The swing height is 3.5 m. It requires reliable support. The supports are well strengthened so that children can swing on them. Place the supports in the ground 0.7 m. Pour it with concrete mixture. You will need a 5x5 bar. There are 6 such pieces in total. Used for major parts in a structure. Bars-racks are pulled together with bolts on all sides of the future swing. You will get two reliable supports, which are connected from above by a bar. Prepare the socket for the connection in advance. The ladder on the side can be an independent element for the recreation of older children. The steps should be wide, at least 20 cm in width.

Children's swing in the country can have an interesting fabulous look

The swing seat can be made from improvised means, for example, an old skateboard.


In the area that was taken under the sandbox, remove the soil by 30 cm. Make a hole in the middle and pour rubble or pebbles on the bottom. To build a sandbox, you need about 10 boards, two meters each.

At the dacha, you cannot do without a sandbox, this is a good place for children's imagination

Use two planks for one side of the sandbox. To fix the structure, from the ends, place the bars on the bars with a height of 30 cm. From the two remaining boards, build benches. Attach them horizontally to the sides of the sandbox. Children can sit on them or sculpt something out of sand. Take paint different bright colors and paint the made sandbox. (picture 4)

A multi-colored sandbox in the country will delight the eye


Integral construction of the play area. Note that it is difficult to build a safe, reliable slide yourself. The surface is carefully sanded so that it does not harm children, the supports are well fixed, the sides and railings are reliable enough. Therefore, it is better to buy a cook in a store. More reliable than what you try to do on your own. Especially if this is the first experience of constructing slides.

A children's slide in the country should correspond to the age of the child

Rocking chair for children

The form of the construction is primitive, it is better if it is executed in the form of a fairy-tale animal. Prepare everything necessary materials in advance. Take the mortar, animal shape, and large spring. Dig a pit where the rocker foundation will be installed. Pour the solution into it and place a piece of the spring. This will add reliability and stability to the structure. Wait until the solution hardens, attach a figurine to the spring. Please note that the figure should already have a seat for the child. The rocking chair is ready, the children can play.

Swing - the rocking chair is made very simply

The scheme of making a swing - a balancer for children

Children's house or hut

Build a house in the play area. Children love to hide and keep secrets in remote places. One of the varieties of such structures is a tree house. Remember the safety of children. The house should be stable and reliable, like the tree on which you build it. To build a house, you need a tree with spreading branches, it is on your site. You choose the material for your future home yourself. It can be a simple hut made of branches, a structure made of stretched bedspreads, or a full-fledged house made of wood.

For the construction of a house made of fabric, the frame is first tinkered with. It is better if he is a national team. Then you will quickly assemble and remove the house if it rains. And quickly install again as soon as the bad weather is over. A fabric house can be purchased ready-made, or you can make it yourself, showing your imagination. Make windows in it, put chairs, tables and other useful things for children.

Use wood for the house as a material if you want to make it more durable. Foam and plastic should also be used. Piles or wooden elements are suitable for the frame.

A house on a playground can be with a complex with a slide and a labyrinth

The tree house assumes being at a height. For the convenience of children, so that they can easily and safely climb into it, build a solid ladder. Make it comfortable for the baby's feet, strong so that the little ones do not fall off of it. The house should have windows, chairs, tables, and other structures like in a real house. (picture 7)

Children's tree houses are a good place to be alone or to play with friends


Children love water. It has already been noted that it is unsafe to locate a site near a lake or body of water. Therefore, you can make a small pond with your own hands. Dig an old bathroom into the ground that you will no longer need. Treat it with a rust preventive agent beforehand. Close the drain.

Children's pond in the country should not be very deep

Dig a hole to fit the size of the tub, place it inside, and pour concrete around the edges. Literally place it in the concrete. Leave the element for a couple of days to dry out. After the concrete has set, you can draw water into the bath. Make small masonry nearby. Remember safety. The stones should be round, they have no sharp edges. After installation, paint them in bright colors.

The scheme for making a pond from a bath

When building a playground, always keep in mind the safety of the child. Do your work efficiently and reliably. The child should not be injured.

It is better to place a playground in the country on the grass, as it is soft and pleasant

After the construction of the structure, the tree must be painted, even if you have carefully processed it, it is necessary to apply several layers of paint. In addition, this will make the playground look brighter and more attractive. Drive in the nails completely, nothing should stick out. Try not to cost structures with sharp corners. Round them off so that the child does not get scratched or pricked.

In no case should nails stick out on the playground.

A do-it-yourself playground has many advantages. By keeping safety in mind and choosing the right place, you will give your children real joy and fun. They will be happy to spend all their free time in the game complex.

Do-it-yourself playground. Cool ideas

Do-it-yourself playground in the country 44 photos of ideas:

An important component of open areas is a playground. It turns out that you can build a whole town for a child with your own hands from scrap materials. And there will be houses, swings, sandboxes, artificial reservoirs, sports equipment. This article will tell you about how such a playground is being built with your own hands.

Houses made of cardboard and fabric in five minutes

If you are doing a playground with your own hands and is still in the process of construction, then on hastily you can make a cardboard "home". Surely almost every family has big boxes from under refrigerators, home theaters or washing machines. With a little imagination and picking up scotch tape, adults are able to turn unnecessary trash into a creative house for their children and neighbors, because playing alone is not always fun.

A playground, created with their own hands from scrap materials, can turn into a fairytale town if adults try to build houses for kids, similar to those described by Nikolai Nosov in the book about short ones. With roofs painted in the shape of cups of flowers, berries, fruits and mushrooms, the miniature dwellings will delight the eye, turning the site into a fantastic retreat for both children and adults.

You can do without cardboard by equipping a children's corner. It is enough just to pull between the wooden piles dug in vertically bright fabric or oilcloth. It is best to use a plastic wrap on top instead of a roof so that it protects the inside of the house from rain.

Orphanage made of boards or logs

If funds allow and there are some skills in carpentry, then you can build a wooden play house. The playground will greatly benefit from this! With your own hands, it is easy to build a small building with windows, doors and a roof, with a veranda and a porch. Instead of boards, logs are quite suitable. But if you wish, even from firewood it is quite possible to fold a nice cozy hut, fastening them together with cement mortar.

It is only important to comply with all safety rules so that children, while playing, do not hurt themselves on protruding nails or knots, do not fall, climbing onto the roof, do not break limbs, falling out of the windows.

Houses from plastic bottles

Today there is such a trend - to use recycled plastic containers. Bottles are very creative in decorating courtyards in cities, summer cottages, sites in kindergarten... With your own hands, you can make a wonderful house for children to play with.

Bottles should be tied with a strong cord, receiving a canvas of the walls or part of a fence. The structure itself is made of wooden piles or metal pipes.

Sometimes craftsmen use cement mortar to hold the eggplants together. Then the container is laid horizontally.

Swimming pool made of plastic bottles

You can also use containers for the construction of artificial reservoirs on the site. Having fastened the plastic bottles with cement, it is easy to build the walls of a miniature pool in this way. With the reservoir, the playground in the country will become the favorite place for children and adults to stay!

You can also build steps with your own hands by folding them from natural stone or brick. You just need to make sure that everything is stable, there are no sharp edges or chipping.

The simplest reservoir

In order for a playground in a country house, equipped with its own hands, to have an artificial reservoir, it is not at all necessary to spend a lot of money. After all, you can get by with a piece of plastic wrap.

The dug hole is simply covered with waterproof material, which is fixed with stones at the edges. Pour water into the pool and flop to your health! Of course, such a reservoir can be used not as long as with a cement foundation, but as a quick-and-dirty pool option it will suit many.

Next to the reservoir, you can install benches, a table, an umbrella that protects from the sun. In this case, adults can also relax here, watching the games of children.

Pool and sandbox made of car tires

A skilled craftsman manages to make "candy" out of any garbage. Using old tires can make a wonderful do-it-yourself playground! A photo of the original sandbox, in the construction of which the baby himself takes part, is only one option for their use.

If you cut off the inner bends of the tire, lay the bottom with a film or fill it with cement, you can get a miniature reservoir. In summer, in the heat, not only kids, but also adults can swim in it. However, it should be remembered that water quickly deteriorates in the warm season, so it needs to be changed quite often.

Ladders for running from car tires

Parents are usually actively involved in organizing children's leisure time. Many people help build playgrounds in the kindergarten. With their own hands, they make figures of swans, nesting dolls, crocodiles, Baba Yaga, smeshariki from old tires. A little imagination, a sharp knife, glue and paints - and as if by magic, the old trash turns into a fabulous creature!

And if you use tires of different sizes, then, having laid them in a pile and firmly fastened together, you can easily build a ladder for running.

An interesting variant of the labyrinth. Then the tires are dug into the ground vertically. The children happily run around the playground, crawling inside the rubber circles, climb up, jump down, playing catch-up. Some tires can be suspended low off the ground. This will complicate the game, because it is quite difficult to get inside such an obstacle.

Tire furniture

It is so nice to drink tea or even dine in nature. And kids in nature will eat with a much greater appetite. It is quite easy to equip a do-it-yourself playground for these purposes. The photo below shows how easy it is to make a table on the street without the use of expensive building materials.

Craftsmen even manage to make armchairs from tires and miniature sofas.

Sandbox in half an hour

An amazing playground is created by the fantasy of a skilled craftsman. You can make a sandbox with your own hands from scrap materials in half an hour, enough small amount ordinary chopped or sawn wood, glass or plastic bottles. The material, which in everyday life can be called trash, is used as a curb or a miniature fence.

Sand is poured inside - that's it, the sandbox is ready! You can add functionality by turning the sandbox fence into an "obstacle course" treadmill. For this purpose, all parts are made of different heights. Kids, moving along such a curb, develop the ability to maintain balance. Tired of digging in the sand, they can easily change the type of activity, which is very beneficial for a growing body.

Swing and carousel from tires

Since you can make a playground with your own hands from scrap materials, practically reducing financial costs to zero, then everything will be used, up to old car wheels. Craftsmen use them to construct original benches in recreation areas, imitating a car. And tires can make a wonderful swing. You just need to choose a stronger tree, a strong enough rope and learn how to knit real sea knots, which will guarantee the safety of children. Metal chains or wire braids can be used.

A playground, created with our own hands from improvised means, will be not only functional, but also beautiful if its design is maintained in the general style. To do this, the master must apply bright colors, use various details. For example, a swing carousel that imitates a motorcycle or ATV looks creative.

Craftsmen resort to the fact that they make swings in the form of animals, cutting them out of tires and connecting parts with bolts. If you think about the option when top part the carousel will be able to rotate, then there will be no limit to the joy of the kids.

Rockers from scrap materials

To make the playground with your own hands from improvised means become a favorite place to play for kids, you can equip rocking chairs on it. Half of the car tire is placed on the ground with the roundness downward, and the board is bolted onto the cut.

Be sure to attach the holders to the seat. They can be ordinary doorknobs or old wheels, handlebars from bicycles.

Sculptures from trash

Sculptures will help to create a unique design. The master chooses fabulous creatures or fantastic animals, aliens or cartoon characters as prototypes. The frame of the sculpture itself is made of wire, which is coated with clay, plaster or cement.

Since it was decided to make a playground with your own hands from improvised materials, bright small details are glued onto the figures on top: caps from yogurt or mineral water bottles, parts of broken toys, checkers and buttons. Scattered parts from the Lego set will also be used. Even shards of crockery will become material for decorating a sculpture. However, you need to be careful here: they need to be immersed deep enough in clay or cement so that sharp edges cannot hurt.

Old basins are easily transformed with paint into outlandish turtles. And bowls, fixed on stumps, imitate giant mushrooms. Spread out in the grass or along the paths, metal dishes, painted red and covered with black circles, will become fantastic ladybugs.

And from plastic bottles you get cute pigs and hedgehogs, funny and amusing. Metal cans will help to build alien creatures, which, in combination, will drive away birds from the site. After all, if you connect them in the form of beads set on a string, when the wind blows, the "hands" will sway, creating the effect of movement.