
Focus with rubber band on the fingers. A collection of five memorable rubber band tricks. A more complex version of the trick - an elastic band jumping over the fingers of the hand


Great magicians are not born. They become. And it is necessary to make titanic efforts and spend a lot of patience so that the performance technique is at the proper level. Otherwise, it's pointless to start. But who really has a dream, he purposefully goes to it. If you suddenly have a desire to touch the world of magic, you can try to start with simple tricks. These include tricks with clerical gum.

A big plus is the availability of improvised materials. However, only at first glance it seems that it is easy to repeat these tricks. In practice, you will have to do the exercises more than once so that the focus technique is at its best and the audience does not reveal the trick.

Tricks with rubber bands and their secrets can be learned. The proposed tricks are understandable and do not require special training.

"Jumping gum"

There are a lot of tricks with stationery gum. One of the simplest is called "Jumping gum". In performing this trick, finger dexterity and preliminary preparation are important. If desired, it will be mastered by any person. Of the attributes needed - gum and free hands. The trick is that the elastic band, worn on two fingers, after clenching the fist, jumps to neighboring fingers.

What needs to be done for this? Stationery gum must be put on 2 adjacent fingers (for example, ring and little fingers) and imperceptibly - on the first phalanx thumb. Thus, you get a figure similar to a triangle. Further, clenching a fist, the index and middle fingers should be quickly and imperceptibly pushed inside the formed figure, and at the same time, the rubber band should be thrown off the little finger and index finger. Thus, the gum will seem to jump over to neighboring fingers. You need to do this trick quickly.

"Jumping gum (complicated version)"

The next rubber band trick is similar to the first one, but looks more impressive. On top of the elastic band, thrown over 2 fingers, another one is put on - over all fingers, with twisting around each. It looks more serious than in the first option, but in fact, the actions are identical to the actions of the previous focus.

"Crawling Ring"

To perform the "Crawling Ring" you need the most common stationery gum, a smooth ring and free hands (preferably without rings, since their presence on the fingers can interfere).

Cut the elastic in one place. Take a large part (about 2/3) of the gum in your right hand. Pass it through the ring. With your left hand, grab the tip of the rest and lift it up. Shake the elastic band and start to slowly release the elastic band with your right hand: the ring should crawl up, contrary to common sense and the laws of physics. This movement is explained by the tightening of the elastic band.

"Tear the gum"

The next trick with a rubber band is the most difficult compared to those presented above. You will need one elastic band and free hands.

The first step is to show the viewer an ordinary rubber band. Step two is completed in one to two seconds: you need to stretch the elastic for a certain distance on the index fingers. Further imperceptibly, having bent both little fingers, press it to the palm of your hand and make a tight fit. From the side it should seem that you do not have an elastic band folded in half, but one. At the same time, connecting the thumb and middle fingers on each hand and putting them to each other, thereby forming the letter "O", you need to bring the gum to your lips and pretend as if you are biting it.

Step three - quietly remove the elastic from your fingers, rolling it in your palms and showing it to the viewer. The most difficult thing is the second step, because several actions must be done simultaneously and quickly. But it's worth it - the audience loves this trick.

The above are simple tricks with clerical gum. Training should not take much time, but the first time is unlikely to succeed.

Tricks with elastic bands are very popular with children., because they are simple and do not require special props, and also do not need long preparation. You can find an elastic band in order to show a trick in almost any home.

Focus jumping on the fingers of the gum

The rubber band jumping over the fingers is a classic version of the rubber band trick. For this trick, you will need ordinary office rubber bands. The magician wraps the rubber band around two fingers of his hand. Then he clenches his hand into a fist. After the magician opens his hand, the rubber band magically jumps to the other two extreme fingers of his hand.

The secret of the trick, the elastic band jumping over the fingers of the hand, is quite simple. The main thing is to pre-fasten the elastic band not only around the two fingers of the hand, but also around all four fingers of the clenched fist. Scheme of the secret of the focus elastic band jumping on the fingers of the hand shown in the figure below.

The diagram in the figure above is for the case of jumping the elastic band from the little finger and ring finger. Similarly, you can do the opposite for the index and middle fingers. Differences in both cases will be only in the first step.

After the elastic band is fixed on any of the two fingers of the hand, for example, as in the diagram in the figure at number one on the ring finger and little finger, fold your fingers into a fist, while pulling the elastic band with the index finger of your right hand, as shown in the figure below. number two. Or it will be more imperceptible to pull the elastic with your thumb, as in figure three.

After that, clenching your fingers into a fist, put the tips of all four fingers of your left hand under the elastic band, as in figure four. If you unclench your fingers, the rubber band will automatically jump to the index and middle fingers.

A more complex version of the trick - an elastic band jumping over the fingers of the hand

Before demo focus jumping on the fingers of the gum described above, the magician puts another rubber band on all four fingers. In the figure on the right, this elastic band is shown in red. It may seem that the extra rubber band will make the trick impossible?! Not at all. In fact, the extra rubber band will not affect the demonstration of the trick in any way. In this case, the magician does everything the same as in the previous version. The extra rubber band doesn't get in the way. The trajectory of the main gum is schematically shown in the figure with a blue arrow.

Focus two rubber bands jumping over the fingers

The figure below shows a really more complex version of the trick described above, now with two rubber bands. In the figure below with with a diagram of the secret of the trick, two rubber bands jumping over the fingers they are marked with white and black rubber bands. In diagram number one, a white elastic band is worn on the index and middle fingers of the left hand, brought together. The second elastic band, which is indicated in black in the diagram, must be put on the ring finger and little finger.

Before you make a fist, grab the rubber band on the ring finger and little finger with the thumb of your left hand and pull it back, as shown in figure number two. Then, with the index finger of the right hand, pull the elastic band worn on the index and middle fingers of the left hand, as shown in the figure under number three.

After that, secretly from the audience, put the tips of four fingers into both elastic bands, squeezing your fingers into a fist. The fingers of the left hand will go under both elastic bands to the place indicated by the arrow in the figure at number four. As soon as the tips of your fingers go under the elastic band, release both elastic bands with your left thumb and right index finger. You will see your left hand as it is shown schematically in figure five.

Before demonstrating the trick, draw the attention of the audience to the fact that one elastic band covers the index and middle fingers, and the other elastic band covers the ring finger and little finger. Better to really use rubber bands different colors. Viewers at this moment see such a picture, as shown in figure number six. After you open your fist and straighten your fingers, the elastic bands will jump over and change places.

Focus ring moving up the rubber band

This trick is quite simple and a child can also show it. For the focus, the ring moves up the elastic band, you need a rubber band, which will have to be broken, and a ring. There is no secret in the ring, so the ring can be taken from the audience. So, the magician asks the viewer for a ring, shows a piece of elastic, puts the ring on the elastic and pulls it between the fingers of both hands like this. That one chicken with a ring and the tip of an elastic band is below the other hand with a different tip of an elastic band. The ring, contrary to all physical laws, rises in an incomprehensible way.

The secret of the focus ring is moving up the elastic band is as follows. When you take a rubber band in your hand to put a ring on it, use only two or three centimeters from the entire elastic band. The rest of the gum will remain in your palm and will be hidden from the audience by the palm of your hand. Pass this small piece of elastic two or three centimeters through the ring and stretch it. The figure on the right schematically shows a stretched small piece of gum and the arrow shows the place where the remaining tail of the gum hides. That's what it is main secret The focus ring moves up the elastic band.

Now lift the hand holding the unringed end of the elastic band and shake it so that the ring falls down the elastic band to the fingers holding the other end. Naturally, this hand hides a loose piece of elastic. Start little by little smoothly and slowly release the remaining loose piece of gum. The ring will begin to rise up along the elastic band. In fact, this is not a ring that rises along the elastic band, but the elastic band begins to shrink due to the fact that you slowly release its unstretched tip. Compressing, the elastic band lifts the ring. The main thing is to release the elastic band slowly and smoothly so that the focus is obtained without jerks and without abrupt release of the elastic band, otherwise the whole impression will be lost.

There are times when you want to have fun, attract attention or just surprise others with something. Some simple trick with an object that can be found in any office or apartment will help with this. In extreme cases, you can play it safe and take it with you.

The subject for demonstrating tricks can be, for example, an ordinary stationery gum.

Look closely: the trick with the clerical gum!

Video training "Focus with a rubber band"

  1. We throw an elastic band on two fingers - middle and index. You can ask someone from the audience or acquaintances to help do this.
  2. We collect fingers into a fist.
  3. We turn the fist with the thumb up.
  4. We make a short wave of the hand, and the elastic band is on the two lower fingers - the ring and little fingers.
  5. The magician claims that this is not a montage, this is a real trick, in which all fingers of the hand are involved, except for the thumb.
  6. We complicate the trick: we intercept three fingers with an elastic band - the little finger, ring finger and middle finger.
  7. Adding another rubber band:
    - we intercept all four fingers on top of the first elastic band, each with separate loops of another elastic band. It is simply impossible to remove the first one, because it is already under the second one.
  8. Again we turn the fist with the thumb up.
  9. Once again we make a short wave of the hand up and down: the elastic band, which covered the three lower fingers, is only on one index finger.
  10. We remove the upper elastic band, which covered four fingers of the hand.

What is the secret of focus?

Notice the magician clenching his hand into a fist. It's not just like this:

  • then he pulls the elastic from the side of the palm;
  • all four fingers are pushed inside the gum: from the outside of the fist, you can see how the gum still covers only the top two fingers;
  • at the moment of jerking the brush, he straightens his hand, and the elastic itself jumps to the two lower fingers;
  • accordingly, when the rubber band covers three fingers, the magician also pulls it away from the side of the palm and sticks all four fingers inside the loop;
  • at the moment of straightening the fingers, the elastic itself jumps onto the index finger.

How does the trick turn out when an elastic band is added, which is worn on top of the first one and intercepts each finger with a separate loop and it would seem that it somehow prevents the first one from moving from finger to finger?

It does not interfere with the focus in any way:

  • as in previous cases, the magician pulls the elastic band from the side of the palm;
  • sticks all four fingers inside the loop and then straightens them in the same way;
  • the result of the focus is the same as in the previous cases.

Check this movement for yourself, helping with the second hand and doing all the movements slowly. See, the first rubber band makes the same path, under the second elastic band, located at the top of the fingers.

A simple trick with an ordinary rubber band will surprise and, of course, draw attention to the performer.

Train and surprise your acquaintances, strangers, friends or children.

Plain stationery gum can be excellent attribute for many spectacular ones that will not leave indifferent both children and adults.

It is not difficult to learn them at all - it is enough to understand execution principle and rehearse at home a couple of times. The advantage of these speeches is the availability of attributes and ease of implementation.

Focus with ring

The ring can be replaced with a pin, paper clip or other improvised material

Additional props: .

Advice: The ring can be replaced with a pin, paper clip or any other item that is at hand.

  • The elastic must first be cut to make a long cord.
  • Pass the ring through it, and take the ends of the lace in different hands.
  • Raise your right hand up to create an angle. Since the rubber cord is not slippery, the ring will “hook” and not slide down.
  • Start slowly spreading your arms in different directions. Despite all the laws of physics, the ring will slowly crawl up!

Repeating such a number is quite simple.

The secret lies in the fact that the observer sees only a smaller part of the strip, while the rest is in the fist.

As you gradually let go of the invisible part, the paperclip stays in place and the elastic begins to contract—it seems as if the paperclip lifts itself.

Focus with bill

Props are attached to the index fingers

Additional props: .

  • We take an elastic band and put it on the upper phalanges of the index fingers. It should be screwed on one turn.
  • Then we hang the bill on the top line. One deft movement and the banknote suddenly hangs already on the bottom!

To do this trick, you just need to properly fix the props on your index fingers. When you open them, the bill will move down by itself.

Advice: From the first time, no one will pay attention to how it is twisted, but if you show this number several times in a row, the audience may notice it.

You can also learn tricks with rubber bands from the video:

Cross focus

Props: Two rubber bands in different colors.

  • Stretch the props on your fingers one over the other.
  • Make any distracting movement. You can easily wave or vice versa, sharply pull your hands. The middle lines crossed.
  • Swipe again and they will snap back into place!

The secret of the trick is that you need to put on your fingers in a special way.

Let's say we have red props and green color. At first green We put the rubber band on the middle and index fingers. Then red we put the elastic band through two fingers between the index and little fingers of both hands. The colors must alternate.

Swap the middle lines with your thumbs so that the colors are in order again. pull on the middle phalanges. Now, if you quietly release it from one middle finger, the lines will cross.

Hand-to-hand focus

We make a wave, and all the rubber bands change places!

Props: 7-10 rubber bands.

  • Put all the elastic bands on the wrist of your left hand like bracelets. It is desirable that the elastic band being moved differ in color from the rest. Let's have a red one.
  • Show the viewer a red rubber band in the palm of your hand. Clench it into a fist with the other hand.
  • Swipe and it will be on your wrist with the rest of the bracelets.

This trick is easy to learn. Before demonstration, stretch the red ring by hand and rotate it 360 degrees. Pass it between any fingers so that it lies in the palm of your hand, and pinch the base.

Now, when you show the focus, the viewer will think that he sees the whole elastic band.

IN right moment open your hand, and by inertia it will return to your wrist. The remaining bracelets are needed in order to hide the stretched red.

Focus with marker

The band must not be visible to the viewer.

Additional props: Marker or pen with clip.

You show a marker, click, or any other distracting gesture with your other hand. The cap has a rubber band.

The secret of the focus is that it is already attached to the marker on the other side and is not visible to the observer.

  • Pass the elastic under the clip and make one turn, so that it is held at the base of the cap.
  • Pull it down and press down.
  • Now, when you let go, it will open up and materialize on the cap!

Advice: Choose a pen or marker with a wide body, so the trick will be easier to demonstrate.