
All ages are submissive to love (women's story). Stories about grandfather. Love is obedient to all ages Love is obedient to all ages stories


Love for all ages

Mikhail Aznaurov (M.A.),

Asterisk (Sound).

(MA) All ages are submissive to love,

I recognize this wisdom, no doubt.

Only that unfortunate one does not recognize her,

Who is still dreaming about big love

Or sky-high heights in love does not reach.

When a gray strand or temple

When beloved, forgetting about age, a gray strand,

Transforms into a young girl.

Then I agree with human wisdom

And with the opinion: "Love is submissive to all ages"

I haven't argued for a long time.

(Sound) Can age get in the way of love? Love is either there or it isn't. It can be short, or it can last a lifetime. Similar to the waves of the sea. Either they are calm, or they begin to storm so that they overwhelm the coast. So is love. Some kind of fire is constantly ignited in the heart and in the flesh, enriching life as if in another world. This feeling covers two: a man and a woman. They are happy for this moment. Where there are no complaints and disappointments. And what are the complaints? If you love, you enjoy being with your loved one. After all, how nice it is that someone can hug you, come up and kiss you so childishly, looking into your eyes. Or maybe just call the sun or a fish. Everyone has their own. But very warm, from the heart. Walking in the park, I noticed one couple. They were a man and a woman of fairly mature age. They walked slowly down the alley, holding hands like children. Their eyes shone with happiness. And some kind of warmth emanated from them to everything that surrounded them. Then the man stopped and gently put his arm around the woman's shoulders. He held her tightly to him. For a moment they stood, embracing, perhaps talking about something. But then they went further down the alley, as if they were alone in this world. Many passers-by turned to this couple in love, quite advanced in age, and each thought about his own. Or maybe somewhere in the depths of their souls they envied, perhaps with good envy. What a blessing to live a long, and most importantly happy life. It is very difficult to keep your heart and soul open for a loved one for many years. Millions of people passionately dream of being happy themselves and making someone else happy. Unfortunately, not everyone succeeds. They either do not know how or cannot bring what they want to life. And so I would like to have more happy and loving hearts.

Love for all ages!

Well, who can argue with me?

But if only the one

Who has not yet been able to love.

Love is like strong wine

Not everyone can drink it.

But if you light a fire in your chest

Then the cold rains will come.

Sometimes years pass.

Winter has silvered you.

And nature has no bad weather.

Search until spring is in your soul.

February is the month of love! Here is a "discovery" I made for myself, reading in last days publications on our website - many articles and diary entries are devoted to this particular topic.

I, too, one might say, unexpectedly even for myself, contributed to our “piggy bank”, writing in my diary a short story about my impressions of a pleasant evening -
"Ouch! Go get married!” If anyone is interested, take a look.

My entry resonated with many users and I was asked why I did not put my material in articles. I thought about it and decided to develop this topic.

"Love for all ages!" - this is an axiom to which we have become accustomed for a long time. I just watched a curious scene from life from the balcony. There is a girl in the yard - a schoolgirl, 13-14 years old.
Two boys approach her. One is holding a red rose in his hands, the other is holding a small soft toy ... Apparently two friends are congratulating their girlfriend, maybe happy birthday!

The girl took a rose and a gift, boldly kissed her gentlemen on the cheeks and, holding hands, the friends went for a walk .... Very nice scene! And who knows, maybe it was a significant event in the lives of these children….

The theme of my story was the happiness of two adults, mature people. It seems to me that the statement “All ages are submissive to love” is very, very correct. It's just that very often we associate the relationship of young people with love, let's say "puberty", and young love or the love of pensioners is not taken seriously. Why do they need it?! Why break the usual way of life, endure the quirks, habits of someone else's adult, sometimes even to the detriment of their own interests ...

But this is only at first, a cursory glance, you can argue like this. And if people "matched", if they feel each other, they feel good and comfortable together.

Love has no age! Time is a relative category! And I will say this, you can live your whole life and never meet your love ... Or you can find it already in your declining years, having the experience of more than one marriage ... And here people of mature age even have an advantage - as a rule, they are already held personalities, with their own, sometimes difficult load of life experience, but these are people who know how to appreciate the joys of life, who know how to forgive a lot and who know the price of equal partnerships.

My heroes, whose story I described in my diary, are a vivid example confirming this statement. Love never gets old! How important it is for a woman who has already crossed the line of "Balzac" age to feel desired and loved! Take my word for it, my darling has blossomed, prettier! Now, I think she looks even better than 10 years ago! Health also fails. She is energetic, constantly busy and she simply has no time to be bored. There is so much more to do! In conversation, she confessed:

What a pity that we met so late! I never thought that I would get married after I retired!....
And how warmly she speaks of her husband - “clever, very decent person, wonderful man!” Do you think she was just lucky ... I think she deserved her happiness!

Now I want to tell you about another couple that I have known for a long time. He was married for about 20 years, has a daughter from this marriage. I knew his first wife only by conversation. The character is explosive, energetic and even a little hysterical ... Her career meant a lot to her. Earn more than her husband, burn at two jobs - this has become the norm. They got married as students and built their family together ... The daughter grew up, graduated from the institute. Mutual language I found it with difficulty with my mother, felt sorry for her more ... Mother began to get sick often, an ulcer, pressure ...

The atmosphere in the family was often simply explosive ... The gray, boring life of an ordinary engineer. One joy - rare business trips where you can take a break from your family ... Yes, and there was practically no family anymore, they lived in different rooms for a long time. And he still wanted to live, because he was not even 50 years old ...

There was a hobby - amateur tennis. Here he met his second love.

She was a little younger than him, but the exact opposite of his ex… Also energetic, active, intelligent, in-demand specialist, but with a completely different attitude to life… and to men. No, she didn't want to get married at all. She also had a marriage behind her, not entirely successful, but her son grew up. After all, motherhood is very important for a woman. Being a realized, self-sufficient woman, smart, talented, she simply loved life and knew how to enjoy it! And it's so contagious!

They began to spend more and more time together, the more it became clear one more thing in common - a love of skiing. So a year has passed. And then they decided and started a family! We are family friends, and I want to tell you that such an interesting, versatile, friendly family I haven't met in a long time! Sports (several times during the winter they manage to go to the mountains), tennis partners (we sometimes come to the courts to "cheer" for friends), theatergoers (very rarely miss premieres and visiting guest performers).

A friend zdal on the right and got behind the wheel. Previously, he didn’t even have such a thought ... Now life is active and mobile! They bought a house in the village and we often go to visit them in the summer, there are such beautiful sunsets…

Another example of love that came as a surprise… A good friend of mine, a young woman, she is 34 now, married for love. After six years of marriage, she gave birth to a son. For some time we lost each other and did not communicate. And then the other day a phone call. She changed her address and divorced her husband…. She explained simply: “Our marriage fell apart ... Complete misunderstanding and disappointment ... I met a man! I got married and now I'm happy!!!"

I was surprised by this news, and when I saw a photo of my new husband, I was completely confused ... Her second husband is very similar to the first ...
- It's just resemblance! They are so different! The attitude is completely different!

He is 10 years older than her. Widower. Two children - a son almost 24 and a daughter 12 years old. So now she is the mother of a large family, the mother of three children. Her stepson is only 10 years younger than her. But she is HAPPY!!! They live together. Love also settled in their house!

A very important component of love and marriage is sex. I cannot but note that sexual compatibility and the desire to possess this partner is a priority for happy marriage. If there is attraction, desire, then all problems in this important area can be solved, and as a rule they do not arise ...

That's all I wanted to tell you today. It remains only to draw a conclusion. Love. Marriage. The topics are very interesting, voluminous and causing different responses. I will only express my personal opinion.

Love is happiness, at whatever age it comes to you.
Marriage is a job that requires a lot of dedication. I like quote
– « A happy marriage is a long conversation that always seems too short.» (A. Morua)

Marriage is a union, a partnership based on a dialogue between two loving people! And it doesn’t matter what kind of marriage you are in, how long it lasts - a year, five or thirty years, if you “speak” the same language, hear and understand each other, love and the desire to be together does not go away ... So you live in the house love! Long years and winters to us and our loved ones!

A twenty-year-old girl found happiness with a man thirty years older than herself. And gave birth to a child from him ...

Having lost his wife at the age of 45, Nikolai Bachurin did not think that he would be happy with someone else. He believed that the best part of life had already been lived. Until one day Tatyana appeared on the threshold of his bachelor's house.

unexpected guest

After graduating from the shipbuilding institute, a native of the Arbuzinsky district, Tatiana, was assigned to the regional center. The girl was offered a position as head of a laboratory at a cannery. But there was a problem with housing. Tatyana did not want to huddle in a small room in the hostel in the evening. Then friends told her who to contact. A lonely aged man, an artist, rents a room, rents cheap - this is how Nikolai Bachurin was recommended to Tatyana.

“When I was walking, I expected to see an old man,” recalls Tatyana Stepanovna. “But before me appeared an attractive, imposing man. His gray hair betrayed his age.

Nikolai Mikhailovich met the guest rather coldly. And having learned about the purpose of her visit, he answered dryly that he no longer rents a room. At that moment, Tatyana was ready to burst into tears from despair. But she restrained herself and used all her charm to persuade Nikolai Mikhailovich. And he agreed. “Okay, as long as you live, you’ll see it there,” he said and let Tatyana into his house. But Tatyana soon realized that the first impression was deceptive.

- Nikolai Mikhailovich turned out to be a kind, sympathetic person. But I didn’t understand it right away,” says Tatyana Bachurina. We only saw the owner in the evenings. Long time Nikolai Mikhailovich remained a mystery to me.

Irreparable loss

Nikolai Bachurin devoted his whole life to art. He started drawing at the age of five. While the rest of the boys were playing with cars, Kolya was trying to depict something on a sheet of iron. After school, Nikolai Mikhailovich entered an art school. But he didn't have time to finish it. The war began and Nikolai was called to the front.

Only two months remained before the victory, when Nikolai Mikhailovich was wounded. A mine exploded a couple of steps away from him. The shard hit in the back.

- I walked a hundred meters and fell. I remember that I thought only about how they would notice me, I didn’t want to die in the mud, among the craters from exploding shells, - Nikolai Mikhailovich told his wife.

He woke up in the hospital after the operation. Recovery took several months. The disease left its mark on Bachurin's later life. He returned home exhausted and sick. The first wrinkles appeared on the face. Worried about the wounds received in the war. To forget himself, Nikolai plunged into work. So seven years flew by.

From morning to night, Nikolai spent the brush and canvas. But one day his bachelor peace was disturbed. Nikolai met Yulia. The girl arrived in Nikolaev by distribution. The feeling flared up suddenly. And soon Nikolai made an offer to Yulia. A year later, their son Boris was born. Then daughter Olya.

Nikolai and Julia were truly happy. The children grew up and were educated. Boris chose the profession of a military man, Olya got a job in a construction organization. All these years, Nikolai and Yulia lived in perfect harmony. They almost never quarreled. But misfortune happened. Julia was diagnosed with cancer. She passed away when she was 43 years old. For Nikolai Mikhailovich, this was a heavy blow. His health worsened every year. The old wounds made themselves felt.

“I’ll probably die soon,” Nikolai Mikhailovich said to the children. The children noticed that the father was fading before their eyes.

New love

Everything changed when Tatyana appeared in his life. She was like a sip to him. fresh air. But the feeling between them did not arise immediately.

“I rented a room for a year and a half. Over time, I began to understand that I began to like Nikolai Mikhailovich as a man, says Tatyana Bachurina. - The sympathy was mutual. He also began to show me signs of attention. Did compliments.

And then one evening Nikolai Mikhailovich treated me to wine. We sat at the table and just talked. And suddenly I burst out: "How have I not kissed for a long time." "What was the matter?" - supported by Nikolai Mikhailovich. Since this all started.

At first, the age difference - almost 30 years - was noticeably felt.

“I just couldn’t get used to calling Nikolai Mikhailovich “you,” although we had been living together for three months,” continues Tatyana Bachurina. “We got to know each other for six months. He suited me in every way: both as a friend and as a husband. I only dreamed of a wedding.

Soon, Nikolai Bachurin realized that he could not live without Tatyana.

- Once we were walking in the garden with him, and he said: “I know that I am much older than you, and besides, my health is not very good. But I love you. Marry me". Happiness took my breath away. Everything was clear without words.

“I regret only one thing, that at that moment I thought: “If only I could live with him until the age of forty,” recalls Tatyana Bachurina.

The words of the beloved woman turned out to be prophetic. But then Nikolai Mikhailovich and Tatyana were happy in the present and did not think about the future. They only worried about how relatives would take the news of their wedding.

- Mom respected my choice, only one thing confused her - a big age difference. After all, Nikolai Mikhailovich is the same age as my father, says Tatyana. “And I’m the same age as his children. But in the end, that's not the point.

The wedding was celebrated in a narrow family circle.

It happened in 1979.

- Nikolai Mikhailovich insisted that I leave my previous job. So we could spend more time together,” says Tatyana Bachurina. - And soon I got a job at the same factory where my husband worked.

Nikolai Mikhailovich continued to engage in creative activities - at the plant he was listed as an artist-house painter. And in the evenings he painted a portrait of his beloved woman - his Tatyana.

“We almost never parted,” says Tatyana Bachurina. - A year later, our son Volodya was born. The boy was born a healthy, strong child. Nikolai Mikhailovich was 55 years old. When he walked with his son through the streets, passers-by thought that this was a grandfather with a grandson. Although for me, my husband always remained young. We were truly happy.

Like in a novel

Volodya was two years old when his father fell ill: Nikolai Mikhailovich injured his leg on a nail.

“He went to the hospital and was vaccinated against tetanus, which caused a severe allergic reaction,” says Tatyana Bachurina. - By evening, my husband had a fever, his whole body was swollen, and he began to choke. One more disease has been added to the already existing diseases - asthma. The health of Nikolai Bachurin was deteriorating every day.

“It was hard for him to work,” Tatyana continues. But he never stopped writing.

Tatyana and Nikolai Bachurin lived together for fifteen happy years. The misfortune happened in the fall of 1994. A month before the tragedy, Tatyana turned forty years old.

“My husband had a severe asthma attack,” says Tatyana Bachurina. “The next day, his children came and took him to the capital to put him in a good hospital. That day I saw my husband for the last time. He kissed me, his son, and left. A day later, I found out that my husband had died in the arms of his daughter.

Tatyana was very upset by the death of a loved one. Two months passed like a nightmare.

- You won't believe it, a book brought me back to life - a love story. It was given to me by my husband's daughter Olya. When I started reading, I was shocked,” says Tatyana. - They wrote about us. The same feelings. The same tests.

The grief of loss gradually subsided. Ten years have passed. A lot has changed. The daughter of Nikolai Bachurin died. Volodya served in the army. One thing is constant - Tatyana still loves her late husband. Now she is over fifty.

- What for? I can’t love anyone else, ”Tatyana Bachurina admits. There is only one love, there is no second.

Ekaterina Kudryakova

The story of the connection of hearts from two different families. Interesting story which makes you believe in romance and relationships.

Although many believe that Valentine's Day is not our "bourgeois" holiday, something prevents me from agreeing with this ...

Mommy, is that you? Leshkin's voice came from the room.

Who else?! - with difficulty pulling off my boots, I answered.

I need you as a woman, - not paying attention to my dissatisfied tone, Lekha continued. Leshka is my son. He is nine years old. I bring him up alone, and I have no time to lisp with him. Therefore, Leshka is actively getting used to the role of a “real man” - with all the ensuing nuances.

Like who do you need me? - I asked again, just in case, hoping that I heard.

Well, I say the same ... as a woman, - my child was embarrassed.

Well, well, and how can I help you ... as a woman? - I entered the room.

Mom, explain what it means: "All ages are submissive to love ..."? Submissive - how is it? Love enslaved everyone, and they submitted?

Not really. This means that everyone can fall in love, regardless of age ... And what are you reading?

Yes, they handed out poems to us at school so that they would learn it on Valentine's Day, - the son muttered.

Wow! In my time, poems for Defender of the Fatherland Day were taught, and now the hero of the day is St. Valentine! Speaking of lovers... My thoughts imperceptibly slipped into a different direction. “I wonder where he came from? I have never seen him here before,” I recalled today's meeting.

In the morning, leaving the parking lot, I slightly hooked on an old Volkswagen, from which a man immediately jumped out. “Well, now it will start,” I thought with anguish, built an innocent face and prepared to “beat me for pity.”

I'm sorry, I'm to blame, - without letting him come to his senses, she went on the offensive.

I drive recently, but I need to park somehow ... And it’s so narrow here, - she rumbled, looking at him with puppy eyes and “wagging her tail”.

"Well, come on, beat me, I won't even resist..."

Suppose, - menacingly replied the man. "But I can't, I'll just let you go!" You have to compensate me somehow, - he nodded towards the scratched wing.

How much? - asked doomedly.

The man thought. “The damage is being assessed,” I decided.

Yes, on such a rattletrap, my scratch looks the same as a daisy in a flower bed - who will notice it?

Five, - the stranger said mysteriously, - and a cup of coffee.

Five? I rolled my eyes.

I mean five homemade dinners and a cup of coffee,” he clarified. Especially since we are neighbors.

“Yeah, so not married,” flashed through my head. "But he's nothing like that..."

I coquettishly closed my eyes, but, looking at the clock, I realized that now is not up to that - I'm late. She apologized again and, promising something vague, got into the car.

- Mom, - the son's voice brought me out of a state of deep thought, - you know, it seems to me that I am already subdued ...

I'm sorry, what? How subdued?

Well, I am submissive to love, - Leshka sighed.

So-so ... Interesting ... Isn't it too early? I asked.

Well, you yourself just said that age has nothing to do with it, - Lech remarked logically.

And who is she?

Lyoshka seemed to be waiting for this question. He quickly moved to me on the sofa and dreamily rolled his eyes:

- Girl...

Well, this is understandable - on this point I could relax.

Her name is Alice. Isn't it beautiful?

Very much, I nodded.

You know, they just recently moved to our city, and right into our house, - Leshka continued enthusiastically. - Really, great?

Great, - I cautiously supported my son.

She lives with one dad, they don't have a mom!

How so? Where did she go?

Alice says that mother is gone and lost...

Funny story! Alice is in your class? I asked just in case.

No, what are you! She's only in first grade. But don't worry, she will grow up, - Leshka reassured me.

I hope, - I smiled at my son and stroked his head.

Mom, I want to congratulate her on Valentine, but I don’t know how. Tell me, what does a woman need?

I laughed.

A woman needs attention. Give her something she loves...

What does she love? - the son was surprised.

Well, how should I know if I have never seen her ... Does she have a sweet tooth?

Certainly! All girls have a sweet tooth, Leshka stated categorically. Let's make a heart shaped cake for her.

Only if you help me,” I agreed.

Leshka, to tell the truth, was always a sweetheart himself, and therefore reasonably expected that I simply could not refuse him such a serious matter, and then he and Alice would eat the cake in half.

I baked the cake on the eve of the holiday, but Leshka did not dare to go on a visit without me.

Well, why are you taking so long? Let's go faster, - he met me at the threshold.

Where? - I was surprised.

How where? To Alice! - Leshka blushed.

I realized that I was obliged to help my son in such a delicate matter, however ...

And is it convenient? I doubted. - Her dad won't mind?

No, I called her recently - they are already waiting for us, - Lekha fussed.

We went up a few floors and called. The door swung open almost immediately: a pretty girl with an angelic face stood on the threshold, and next to her ... the injured owner of a Volkswagen!

Happy Valentine's Day to you, Alice! Leshka said solemnly and handed the girl a cake.

Thank you! she answered no less solemnly.

The children joined hands and left the room.

Wow! - I smiled. - Congratulations! And I'm Svetlana...

Well, let's celebrate my birthday then?

Half an hour later, Leshka, stained with chocolate, appeared in the kitchen.

Mommy, - he whispered in my ear, - if you submit too, I won't mind!

I had to agree - not to upset my son over trifles! ..

Zhanna Svetlishcheva, Crimea

When I no longer fit "across the bench" and gained some independence, grandfather began to periodically take a break from me.

In addition to the role of a nanny, grandfather had many other things to do. From time to time he left to send his religious needs to Leningrad and Staraya Ladoga, played the role he had usurped as the leader of a local underground prayer cell, and even went on tourist trips to places of military and Leninist glory. Here, that's where I get this craving for travel - you can't argue against genes. After the trips, my grandfather showed me photographs where he was depicted against the background of some obelisk as part of a large group, and we played "find me" with him. I recognized my grandfather by his beard and the fur collar on his coat.

One day my grandfather disappeared for a month. I remember how disapprovingly, in an undertone, the adults spoke about his absence, and I understood that grandfather had done something wrong. Then he suddenly appeared, as if nothing had happened, and life went back to normal. It turned out that grandfather, at the age of 83, found himself a grandmother. She was also a member of his underground cell, but they decided to create their own cell - a love one, which, alas, broke into everyday life a month later, and the grandfather was expelled by the insidious grandmother back to the nanny.

So, when grandfather was busy with his important business, he most shamelessly shuffled me into a small white mud house, standing on our street obliquely from ours.

Baba Liza lived in this house with her eldest daughter Zina and her youngest son Gena, a high school student. Aunt Zina, like my mother, was a widow. They worked together and were friends. And Aunt Zina had a son Seryozhka - my age. All my preschool childhood passed with him. For some reason, he also did not go to kindergarten, and grandfather and grandmother Liza took turns nursing us.

Near the gate of the white house there was a pile of sand and a bench on which Baba Liza sat, her eyes fixed on us building castles in the sand. And next to the pile was a large stone. It was up to our shoulders and had a horizontal platform at the top. At first, we tried to climb it for a long time, but as we grew older, we began to succeed. On the sloping side of the stone, Seryozha climbed up, and I supported or pushed him from below. Then from above he gave me his hand, and I climbed up to him. And we stood side by side at the top, proud and happy, like the heroes of the movie "Titanic" on the bow of the ship.

I still dream of this stone. I remember all its grooves and grooves. The stone was the Temple, the Sacred Idol, the Amulet of our childhood. Last fall, when I arrived home, I was horrified to find that the stone was upside down. And the first question, when we accidentally met Serezha at the cemetery, was:

Why, why did you turn our stone over?

But fortunately, he didn't.

We both ran into the memory of May Day. We are 5 or 6 years old. Warm sunny day. Houses for festive table neighbours. So that we do not interfere with adults, who, apparently, were amused by our tender friendship, they give us lemonade, pies, sweets and send us to a picnic, jokingly calling it a wedding. We took the joke seriously. I started packing into a toy suitcase: my favorite little bear and a few other toys that could fit into it. The dishes allotted to us were put into the second suitcase. Seryozha picked up the suitcases, and I went light to new life, namely, to the garden to Seryozhka, where we chose a dry place under a plum tree for a feast.

The opening buds of black currant smelled stupefyingly. A powerful, some kind of primal smell emanated from the drying earth. A pile of sawdust added its own touch to this spring bridal bouquet of scents.

Let's drink lemonade.
-Wait. The bride should have flowers in her hands.

Nearby, under the fence, there were coltsfoot flowers. Now all points of the protocol are observed. We drink lemonade and seal our marriage with a kiss, and then argue over who we should live with now. To our displeasure, the points in the dispute were set for us by adults. And Seryozha still asks me when we meet:

Have you forgotten that you are my first wife? This is how I introduce you to everyone.

And then two grandchildren were brought to another neighbor, Baba Klava, for the years when their parents were building a house on the Neva - Tolik and Lyuba. Tolik was our age, and Lyuba was 2 years younger. For 5-year-olds, this is a big age difference, so we were not interested in her.
Tolik wedged into our friendship with Serezha like that iceberg in the Titanic, and he obviously interfered with me, since they had their own boyish fun. But, fortunately, Baba Klava rarely took Tolik out for a walk, so our friendship with Seryozhka was overshadowed by my jealousy in moderation.

Tolik was a nice and neat boy, probably because he didn't go out much. But its beauty left me indifferent. Is it possible to betray a friendship sealed with a kiss under a plum tree? And Tolik grew up and became a pilot. And how did I not recognize his flying soul as a child?

Serezha and I went to the same class. But at school they immediately began to be ashamed of their friendship and ended up on opposite sides of the barricade called "girls and boys" and only during the holidays they continued to climb fences together, play base shoes and hide and seek.

Serezha became a good leader, and also just a charming man.
No wonder he then, in his distant childhood, took both suitcases in his hands.

In the photo near the stone, the future pilot Tolik and my "first husband" Seryozha.
And the beauty in knee-deep blue bouffant pants is me.


Hello Love! Holy trinity of childhood. Who hasn't had it, raise your hands.
With exceptional tenderness and amazing accuracy of the presentation of the events of that period - the period of your "first marriage" - you managed to describe the whole picture of those times, both your family and the whole environment. Photo - match the story speaks for itself. Baby is adorable! As such a beauty, someone could not like it. And grandfather, as in your previous stories, impresses with his imperturbable recklessness.
Love, the story is interesting and captivating in every way. He begins to like him, already from the first sentence, with his simplicity of presentation and the author's invariable humor. Write Love! Let's read.
With respect and warmth. Valya. Pavel. See you on the pages. Till.

Thank you, Valya and Pavel! Really, raise your hands... My eldest son, on the contrary, had two girlfriends. There is a photo where they play naked on the banks of the Volga at the age of 3. They still keep in touch.
"Reckless" grandfather? Interesting. It hasn't been called that yet. But maybe, to some extent, this applies to him. He was an ordinary grandfather with different shortcomings and virtues, like all of us. Mom then teased me a little, remembering some of his actions, but I liked it. For some reason, I even like that at the age of 80 he did not lose interest in the opposite sex.
Pavel and Valya, I am so glad that you are reading my stories. There are two more left. I'm already looking forward to reading it.