
How to be happily married. How to Be Happy in Marriage Move in One Direction

Pathology of the uterus

Author of a new book by the Sretensky Monastery publishing house “How to be happy in marriage. Questions and Answers ”- Archpriest Alexander Nikolsky, rector of the Church of the Three Saints in Ramenki under construction in Moscow. For the past ten years, Father has been running the Orthodox Family club. He spoke on the Soyuz TV channel, on the Radonezh radio. Since 2008, he has been obedient to the spiritual care of prisoners at one of the prison churches in the city of Moscow. Father of ten children.

V Holy Scripture the family is called the "home church". After all, a family is not just a cohabitation of two people or more if there are children. And the Church is not just a gathering of people, the Holy Spirit is present in the Church, and the Holy Spirit is also present in the Orthodox family. The Christian family begins with the sacrament of Marriage (Wedding). The church blesses the small church and gives the small church the Holy Spirit. And therefore, it is easier to be saved in a family.

And why, someone might say, the wedding "does not help"? Here are how many couples got married and sometimes, after two months living together, got divorced. We remember that the family is a house church, and in another place the Lord said another important thing: "Where two or three will be gathered in My name, there I am in the midst of them." The family then falls apart, even after the Wedding, when the spouses do not live in the name of Christ.

Let's see why God loves us? No way, just like that. God has nothing to love us for, He just loves us. When people get married, get married, they very often want to receive love from another. The most persistent accusation in marriage is "you don't love me." But our task is to learn to love ourselves. This is very important. Marriage comes to divorce precisely when people cannot calm their selfishness, when they demand love from another. And in this case, the person will never be happy in the family.

And when does a person acquire love? When he begins to live in a family like a Christian, to live, trying to fulfill the commandments of God about love for one's neighbor. The family is the path of mutual humility, not only the humility of the husband in relation to his wife, not only of the wife in relation to her husband, but namely, mutual humility. And on the part of the husband, oddly enough it may seem, even more humility is required than on the part of the wife. The strength of a husband is in love, as the strength of a wife is in obedience to her husband. This is how you can build a family.

You can never relax, just as you can not relax in prayer, because no one will say that everything, I have achieved prayer and can now relax and do nothing else - if a person says so, he will immediately lose prayer. So it is in marriage: as soon as you stop striving for love, stop saving your soul in marriage, this marriage will begin to crack.

I do not want to say that marriage is such a joyless work: they worked, worked, then both died. But as in prayer - you work, work, and then once - and some glimpse, some small ray of God's grace touched your soul. And then this ray will be remembered for decades, because it cannot be forgotten. So it is in marriage: if you work, God's consolation awaits you. Person, loving with love, which is from God, in principle, cannot get divorced. He cannot stop loving us, just as God cannot stop loving us. You just need to tune in to creative work of many years, and the Lord will send joy for our work.

I cannot fail to note one more point. Now the society does not understand the idea of ​​having many children. One child is good, two children are good, well, three is good, but if six or eight? If we want us to have a strong family and we love each other: husband - wife, wife - husband, we must have as many children as God gives. Children raise their parents to a greater extent than parents raise children. If the parents, of course, live an Orthodox life at least to some extent.

Each person is the universe in the family. Imagine what this wealth, what a unique variety! Each child, especially when he grows up, can be loved in his own way, each child requires his love, and father and mother unite in this to raise children.

The entire gospel is fully applicable to family life: for every idle word we will give an account to God, for every idle word we can get a scandal in the family. Therefore, we must be very attentive to ourselves: as we want our wife, husband to treat us, so we should treat our spouse. Therefore, you must carefully read the Gospel and creatively apply it to your family. The entire Gospel is fully applicable to family life - moreover, without it you cannot build family life.

However, often a woman evaluates herself incorrectly and therefore cannot build the right relationship with a man. How do you learn to be a happy woman? This is great science. Here are some guidelines to help you remember what makes a woman a woman.

1. The sphere of influence of a woman, the place of application of her efforts, her kingdom is the home. Whether we like it or not, if we really want the family to be happy, we must learn how to properly organize the performance of household chores. Such as cooking, washing, cleaning, even renovating the apartment (if necessary, we can and should inspire my husband to renovate). As for the kitchen (food), then it is imperative to take into account the peculiarities of the husband's stomach, otherwise we will not get well later.

2. If sometimes it seems to us that a man should clean the apartment himself, without reminders, then this means that we simply do not understand and humiliate the man. Instead of boring lectures, you need to ask for help and there will be no humiliation. And it is also worth remembering (as an axiom): a man's sense of purity does not exist. It's like the sun is shining or it's snowing. This is all!

3. The sphere of influence of a man is everything that is outside the house, therefore, earnings are the sphere of activity of the husband. And if a man accuses that a woman earns little, this is a direct insult. A woman can only work for pleasure.

4. A woman's home clothes should be such as if every day is a special holiday of her personal kingdom. The most beautiful women's clothing- the one in which she walks around the house, and not the one in which she lures men on the street.

5. In a relationship with your husband, you need to belittle yourself a little. This is not humiliation at all, but an advantage. Because a woman is always in the center of attention - both from the side of the children and from the side of her husband. It is like a middle transmission link - it receives and transmits from top to bottom, and receives and transmits from the bottom up. A man can only get happiness from his wife directly. And due to the fact that the woman is closer to the children, she gives the father the opportunity to receive happiness from the children.

6. The man is the head and the woman is the heart. Never criticize your husband in front of other people or children. After all, the heart cannot criticize the head - it can only prompt. Even if the man made the wrong decision, it was made by him, and based on the experience already gained, the next decision will be more correct. We need to allow our men to correct their mistakes on their own. So they get wiser faster and become more responsible.

7. Inspire the man. Even if he does not know how to hammer a nail or get a lucrative order, if his wife inspires him to do this, the man will try his best. And if the wife finds the right incentive, her family will be well financially secured. One should not think that it is better for a woman to earn money herself - a man is by nature much better adapted to this.

8. In conversation, watch your intonation. When talking to your husband, try to keep your voice soft and bubbly. You can learn to say even difficult things with a gentle voice. A harsh tone always evokes rejection.

9. You can lose your job, but never lose your family. If we do not understand this in time, then we are very bitterly sorry. We should not think that softness is demeaning. Gentleness is inherent in feminine nature and its proper use is the key to success in a relationship. By not allowing yourself to sit on your neck, but gently guiding a man, you will make him more masculine and noble.

10. My good women, it will be difficult for us to change. Knowing and doing are very different things. We are all afraid of change. However, some are only afraid, while others are afraid and do. I am a supporter of the latter. The road cannot be perfectly flat - we will make mistakes, fall, rise and go on, supporting each other.

If we can make our men happy, we will be happy ourselves. And our children will live together all over the Earth.

Marital relationships change significantly after the birth of children. And often the question of how to be happy in marriage begins to worry many women.

When there are babies to take care of, things change a little. Your marriage, hugs, kisses, back rub and sex after the kids go to bed. In a relationship, much of love is in the details. When your husband is doing housework, when is your turn. Or when you are tired or busy, he is cooking, washing dishes or cleaning.

But you dreamed of romance in marriage, right? And after all this, you have a question,.

A marriage needs daily attention and detail, just as an engine needs oil. Never forget to take care of each other and do things that make your partner feel valuable.

How to be happily married? - Maintain a romantic relationship in marriage

Maintain the romantic relationship in your marriage, even when it begins to change thanks to those little people who have appeared in your marriage. For a couple with children, the recipe for a happy relationship is like having no children. But with a large family, you need more dedication and a sense of sacrifice to accept the hard work that comes with being a good spouse and good parent while maintaining their individuality and getting some self-realization.

The great thing is that hard work is very rewarding, especially when you see your happiness increase and your family is serene and grateful for what you are doing. The foundation of a healthy relationship is commitment and trust. If both spouses bring these elements, they are more likely to find compelling reasons to stay together and work as a team every day.

Many women ask themselves the question: "how to be happy in a marriage and keep it that way for a long time." Below are some ideas on how to keep love after having babies, some from my experiences and some inspired by conversations with friends.

You can maintain happy marriage who can thrive with children thanks to:

  • Ingenuity
  • Thoughtfulness
  • Purposefulness
  • Devotion

The time spent with your family is precious. Simple things are best, like having lunch or dinner together regularly.

Be your spouse's teammate

Always work with your partner as a team on a united front. Having a united front when it comes to making any decision, big or small, heightens much-needed love. Work together to bring love, commitment, and trust to relationships. Work as a team and contribute to a balanced family life every day.

Solve conflicts with your children together

Avoid power struggles in front of children. If any of you are sentencing a child, then you must also have your say. Don't let one of you take over the children. If only one of you does this, then the children will not take it seriously and will look for ways to avoid punishment or not perform any assigned tasks.

Cherish the love

How to be happily married? Protect and develop your love. Cultivate your primary relationship because it is the foundation on which the entire family is built. Without a loving and healthy relationship, it will be difficult for you to be happily married.

Have fun meetings more often

Spend more time with your partner in interesting places. Make regular appointments in places you haven't been before. Or perhaps find some kind of joint games that will amuse and cheer you up.

Physical proximity

Hug more, kiss, caress each other and hold hands. Such loving exchanges are very good for a loving couple. This is non-verbal communication in which you love each other and enjoy each other's company.

Help him to rest

Give your partner a break after a day of work by forcing the children to leave the house and let them rest.

Nice messages

Send nice texts, emails or make phone calls. It will remind you of you and tell you what you think of it. Just don't overdo it and do too many messages.

Sometimes you are far from each other

Take the trip separately. Be away from your partner from time to time, giving each other the opportunity to miss each other.

Have fun days

Laugh more together as a family and as a couple. Sharing a good laugh is a great way to bond. Find and create an occasion to laugh together: family dinners, play nights, etc. But don't forget that you will have good mood when and your spouse will have a corresponding one.

Keep your sexy

Last but not least important advice which I received from a friend after he divorced his wife. Never, never stop practicing. Keep your sex life active, fun, and fresh. Find something to do for the kids and sneak into the bedroom and stay there together.

Healthy relationships are the foundation of a happy family

If the foundation of your marriage is shaky, you need to put it in order first. How can you think about how to be happily married when you are full of resentment or misunderstanding? Always try to find agreement in your family problems, be wise and supportive.

What I learned from my parents' marriage

I was the third child in a family of workaholics who have been happily married for 59 years. I learned from my parents that love is never smooth, there are many problems and blows that sometimes come out of nowhere, and you have to be flexible and understanding, stick together and fight to the end. Sometimes you will need to come to terms with something and move on. But if you have deep love, respect, and honesty, you can overcome anything that comes your way.

Wisdom is mysterious feminine quality, which speaks of the maturity of consciousness and soul. A wise woman is a combination of patience, femininity and love. It is about such a spouse that many men dream, since she will be able to support them, surround them with affection and care, and also make family life happy and interesting. Ladies who have this quality have certain rules and tricks that provide them with the love of a companion and a strong marriage.

Words of gratitude

The simple word “thank you,” often neglected by wives, can work wonders. If a man decided to give you a gift, invite you somewhere, or simply helped to cook dinner and wash the dishes, then you need to thank him. The desire to help the woman he loves and to make her pleasant is worthy of respect, isn't it?

Generous deeds

Some women prefer to wait for courtship from young people, but they themselves do not want to show attention and care. You don't need to be selfish, in a relationship it is important to remember your partner and his positive emotions. A man will be pleased to receive a small gift, go to the movies or just hear pleasant words from a woman. This inspires the stronger sex and makes you understand the importance of the spouse.

Lack of criticism of his family

Golden Rule good marriage- is to shut up in time. This is especially important in a situation when it comes to his family. Here, in no case should you allow yourself to say everything that can be on your mind. When we are unhappy with our parents, this is one thing, but when another person begins to open up to criticize them, it is completely different. If the wife is unhappy with some words or actions of the spouse's parents, then you need to very carefully tell him about it.

Correct wording

In order for a marriage to be happy and successful, you need to think about the feelings of the other person. It is caring that will prevent spouses from insulting each other, making claims and starting quarrels. Even if there is some kind of misunderstanding in the family, you need to talk about it calmly and understand that the main thing is not to let off steam, but to understand the problem and maintain a strong relationship.

Acceptance of each other

Often women try to change men and remake them. You need to understand that a husband is a separate person with his own desires, preferences and character traits. Sooner or later, the spouse's constant discontent will begin to annoy the man, he will move away from family life, because he will not have enough respect from his companion.


Even couples who have lived together for many years should not forget about romantic moments in family life. You can order delicious food or cook your favorite dishes together, turn on an interesting film or go to the theater for a performance, in the summertime - organize a picnic or go on an excursion to the nearest city. A strong marriage is romance and attention to each other, you must always remember this.

Joint hobbies

A wise woman knows that spending time with her should evoke bright and positive emotions in a man. One way to do this is to find a family hobby that will bring people together and make them especially interesting to each other. This can be travel, physical education, visiting culinary studios or workshops for drawing and modeling.

Time for yourself

Wise women understand that a man is an important person in their life, but nevertheless it is necessary to remember about their happiness and well-being. Any person needs to have a job and hobbies, and not focus entirely on family life. This makes you feel like a self-sufficient and independent person. In marriage, it is also very important thing... A woman should be interested in living her life, then her husband will respect her.

Lack of constant control and edification

Many ladies take this too literally, believing that they need to be silent, and then the spouse will solve the problem himself. In fact, wise women understand that there is no need to control a man's actions, demand something from him and check what and how he does. It is necessary to give him freedom, but not to take this freedom away from himself. You know how to deal with problems, but so does your spouse, and the contributions of both parties must be respected.

Psychologists say that wise women understand a simple truth: he who is happy is right. This is what allows you to maintain love and understanding in family life, because a wise woman wants to make her home the place where her loving spouse is in such a hurry every evening. What do you think? Leave your comments and do not forget to click on the buttons and

- How to become happy in love? .. - How to become happy in marriage? .. - How to become a happy wife? .. - Are there any Secrets Happy Women?.. Many women are looking for answers to these and other similar questions every day.

Maybe there will be those who will say: "There are no special secrets, my husband was lucky - that's the whole secret!"

Long-term observations allow the author to assert that Secrets of Happy Women exist, and happiness in love and in the family is not a gift from heaven, but a daily job. This work is based on a deep understanding of the psychology of human relations. It is this understanding of psychology (often intuitive) that makes a woman Happy.

This article explains, step by step, the main Secrets of Happy Women ... Our readers will not only learn these secrets, but also understand how to apply them in their lives.

So what are these secrets?

The first and the most main secret , which underlies all other secrets: true happiness is born from within. True happiness cannot be found in the outside world or received from a parent, a loved one, or even from your own child. Perhaps the most important thing in life is to find yourself in the Universe, to find true happiness within yourself and to understand that this happiness depends on no one and does not depend on anything.

A Happy Woman is always filled with Love and Self-respect, even alone. She feels happiness and gratitude for this happiness regardless of life circumstances, regardless of the beloved man and children.

That's what it is ideal condition souls are a state.This state can be achieved through meditation, you can attend professional psychological training, or you can engage in psychological training yourself. you can usepublished on the site, or others.

If you learn to achieve this state and keep it, fear and anxiety will go away and inner strength, external attractiveness, freedom of choice and new opportunities in relationships, work and life will come. It is important to learn to be happy by itself, then you can be happy with someone else (with your husband, with a child), you can reach any heights in your career or in business, you can get all the best in all areas of life.

A happy woman is able to be self-sufficient and happy on her own. This does not mean that you need to give up love. At the same time, you need to believe in love and know that you deserve to be happy in love.

Use the law of attraction: "like attracts like" A woman who feels unattractive and unworthy of love and happiness attracts unworthy people and unpleasant situations that confirm this position in life. A woman who possesses inner harmony and believes in love and in her own happiness is attractive to men with a higher level of intellectual and spiritual development who treat her well.

Second secret is that a woman should know what kind of man she needs, what qualities she wants to see in a man. It is unrealistic to meet an ideal man, but you can and should try to meet a real man with ideal qualities for yourself.

You need to be absolutely clear about what you want, starting with your appearance, the level of intelligence and the size of the biceps, to your relationship with him, the number of children and the level of income. Why is it so important?

You don't think that by getting married, you can remake a man! Or do you think? Relax - it's impossible!

Many women, especially at a young age, naively believe that the main thing is to get married, and then you can "sculpt from what was."

Only those women become happy who understand that, firstly, a person can only “mold” and “remake” himself, and secondly, it is necessary that there be something from which to “mold”. For example, a successful entrepreneur or a highly paid specialist can eventually grow out of a student who tries to earn his own living (to earn money, not to extract it illegally)! And it is almost unbelievable that such a metamorphosis would happen to a guy who, at 25, is still "sitting on the neck" of his parents and spends their money on his own pleasures. A man who is more family-oriented than business-oriented will be a wonderful husband and father, but he is not likely to become a very rich person. A business-oriented man will provide you with material benefits, but will completely entrust you with raising children and all household chores. And if a man is more inclined to risk than to stability, then in the future family life, frequent periods of financial crisis are possible.

Therefore, it is better to imagine in detail the image of an ideal partner for you and compose detailed list qualities that you want to see in your future partner, which you are ready to put up with, and which are categorically unacceptable for you. And then think if such a man is right for you, can you interact harmoniously? Or some qualities need to be revised?

Having decided on necessary qualities, imagine life with your ideal partner every day for at least a few minutes, as if you already have a loved one. Feel that this relationship already exists. Accept this relationship, feel your mutual love and happiness.

With such an attitude, it will certainly appear in your life soon worthy man! And then take the trouble to get to know him well before you allow yourself to seriously fall in love with him and marry him! If you do not know the person you are marrying well, disappointments and conflicts are inevitable.

Third secret - you need to be seriously interested in the Man you liked, to be able to listen to him, understand and share his vital interests and hobbies.

It is very important for men that a woman listens to them with interest! An interested woman looks very attractive and seductive, she wants to be conquered! And many men want a woman to be an interesting interlocutor, to be able not only to listen, but also to beautifully and competently express her thoughts.

It is very important to feel the measure of both, and to feel what your ability is now necessary for a man: the ability to listen or the ability to speak. This ability to feel the mood of a man is especially useful in family life, so married women should work on its development. And the ability to speak beautifully will help to find mutual understanding not only in family life, but also with colleagues in a professional environment and with a variety of people in the social sphere.

The basis of mutual understanding between a man and a woman is common interests, not just mutual physical attractiveness. For example, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie pay great attention to raising children, both are engaged in spiritual practices and charity, they are united by a common profession and a passion for piloting an airplane, and probably something else that we can only guess about.

Therefore, if you like a man and correspond to your ideas about the ideal partner for you, then for harmonious development of your relationship, you just need to seriously get carried away with his interests and captivate him with your own, in the end you can get carried away with something new together!

The fourth secret is that Happy Women are always ready to meet the Man of their dreams.

If you don't want to miss the fateful meeting, get ready for it!

This secret should be used even if the man of your dreams has long been your husband.

To interest the ideal man, whose image you have created, you need to become an extraordinary woman herself. Engage in your development and personal growth, create a new image of yourself: remember everything that you dreamed of doing in life (do yoga or kung fu, learn public speaking or modern dance, learn English language or learn interior design) and go for it!

Your hairstyle, face and body should always be well-groomed, your clothes and shoes - beautiful and neat, your house - clean and comfortable.

And, of course, give the man the opportunity to appear in your life - do not sit at home, meet people, communicate and have fun.

At the same time, it is not worth entering into serious relationship with a man if he does not have those qualities that are important to you, or there are traits that are unacceptable to you. There is no need to spoil life for yourself and for him. Be grateful to fate for this meeting and move on. Be free to meet the Man of your dreams!

And rest assured, the Universe loves you and is preparing this meeting for you!

Fifth secret - sincere admiration for the beloved Man.

To keep love, a Woman must believe and know that this Man is the best in the world for her. Each person has a lot of positive qualities. When you fell in love with your husband and married him, you found so much good in him! And over time, they began to take everything for granted.

Read carefully the following words of Angelina Jolie:

"Inowhere I think my husband is so amazing that I don't know why he is with me. I don't know if I'm good enough.But if I make him happy, then that's all I want to be. ".

Just think, one of the most beautiful women in the world, one of the most popular actresses of our time, UN ambassador, smart, strong, .. and all she wants to be is to make him happy!

Of course I do believe that Brad Pitt is really “so amazing”, there is no doubt about it. But only the secret of happiness is not to meet an amazing man, but to continue to consider him amazing after a year, and after 10 and after 20 years of marriage!

How can this attitude be maintained? Pay more attention to your husband's good deeds, to his positive qualities. Sincerely admire his intelligence, strength, kindness, diligence, caring for children, ability to help in difficult times - but you never know what else a beloved man can admire! This helps to keep in the soul a feeling of love for your Chosen One for many years of life together.

If a Man knows that he is the best in the world for his Woman, then he no longer needs to assert himself before her. Then he directs all his energy to assert himself at work, in science, in business, etc. And when a Man sees love and admiration in the eyes of his beloved Woman, it inspires him to not just be amazing. If She thinks he's awesome, He can move mountains.

Sixth secret - do not restrict the freedom of Men. A man in love needs freedom, otherwise love leaves. A man should know that he is with you, because He wants now to be with you, and because it is His free choice.

In general family matters, there must be issues that are decided by a man. For example, when buying a car, you say your wishes for its functionality (for example, for me it is automatic transmission, steering wheel on the left, climate control, heated seats), and He chooses the make and model and buys the best car that you can afford. Myself.

Trust me, He can handle it the best way without your participation, valuable guidance and vigilant control! Trust his opinion. Do not allow yourself to interfere with your husband's decisions, criticize them, or question the correctness of his decisions. Let yourself be weak. Let him be strong.

At the same time, there should be questions in which the final decision is yours (for example, the color of the car, the color of the wallpaper in the bedroom, Kindergarten for a child). And there must certainly be an area in which only a decision that you make unanimously comes into effect (for example, what name to give a newborn baby, to build a house made of wood or brick, where to spend a vacation, what furniture to choose for the living room, or what to spend general savings on).

Often married couples imperceptibly lose the harmony that was at the very beginning of their marital relationship. As a rule, a woman puts a lot of effort into family relationships and expects from a man, if not gratitude and tenderness, then at least approval. By virtue of our ideas about what a man should do, how to behave, we form a certain model of behavior for our husband. And the man feels it and perceives it as an attempt to control him.

Do you think a normal man will allow a woman, even the most beloved, to control herself? No matter how it is! At best, he will let her think ... that she is in control of him.

Unfulfilled expectations give rise to resentment, irritation, disappointment, claims, quarrels. Can such an attitude cause a positive reaction from the husband? The answer is obvious.

A happy woman, noticing that she expects a certain attitude or action from her husband, says to herself: “Stop! He is a free man and is not obliged! .. to fulfill my expectations. He will do as he sees fit. This is His right. It's his choice". And then almost any option for a man's behavior is perceived calmly, because free people usually choose best options of all possible.

A happy Woman does not hold, does not direct, does not try to control a Man, but always recognizes his right to choose.

If you do the same, then having got rid of vain expectations, you will stop psychologically putting pressure on the man and free both him and yourself.

And when he does something pleasant for you, it will not be a fulfillment of a duty, but a manifestation of His love for you.

Seventh secret - to combine incompatible qualities, to be different and always new.

The variety of images and versatility of character is a real magic that is subject to women and fascinates men.

A woman can be familiar and unknown, versatile and always delightful, modest and sexy, serious and cheerful, brave and timid, impudent and patient.

She is able to dissolve in a loved one, be his half and at the same time remain herself, live by his interests and at the same time be interesting for him.

It is natural for a Woman to be weak and help in difficult times.

She manages to always look great and be a thrifty housewife.

She manages not to part with her beloved for a long time and find time for solitude.

This is the only way to maintain harmony in the family.

You, too, can do all this, because you are a Woman ...

So now you know that Happy Women Secrets are not some gimmicks or gimmicks. This is wisdom and correct behavior based on knowledge of the psychology of human relations.

Now you know how to be happy in love and in marriage:

1. Find true happiness within yourself and understand that this happiness is from no one, and does not depend on anything. Achieve the state of "harmony with the Universe". Believe in love and know that you deserve to be happy in love and in marriage.

2. Imagine the image of your ideal partner and make a detailed list of the qualities that you want to see in your future partner. Imagine life with your ideal partner every day for at least a few minutes. Accept this relationship as if it already exists.

3. Take an interest in the Man you liked, be able to listen to him, understand and share his vital interests and hobbies.

4. Prepare for a meeting with the Man of your dreams. Engage in your own development, personal growth. Be free to meet the Man of your dreams!

5. Sincerely admire your beloved Man.

6. Do not restrict the freedom of Men. Recognize his right to choose.

7. Combine incompatible qualities, be different and always new.

Of course, there are many Happy Women in the life of difficult situations... But, they overcome difficulties with honor, and the more valuable is their experience of achieving happiness.

I hope these Secrets will help you achieve what you want and survive all adversity, maintaining harmony, love and happiness.

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