
Unkempt appearance. Sloppy and unkempt appearance. Furniture spoiled by animals


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When we talk about an unkempt appearance, the image of a person in dirty or torn clothes, with oily hair immediately pops up before our eyes. But there are other little things that, imperceptibly for us, give the image a sloppy look.

We are in site have put together for you a list of marker parts that make the look messy. Pay attention and try to avoid them in life.

1. Regrown roots

It is not so important whether they are dark or light, the impression suffers from this.

If you radically change your hair color, tint the roots regularly;

And if the constant coloring tires both you and your hair, you can always return to your natural color.

2. Elastic band for hair on the wrist

This is the case with very busy women who are used to fixing their hair on the run. Of course, this is convenient, but it spoils the whole image. After all, an elastic band is not a watch or a bracelet, its place is on the hair and nowhere else.

Way out: wear beautiful jewelry on your hand, and use the pocket of your bag to store rubber bands.

3. Hair, half-gathered at the back of the head

What do we usually do if the hair gets in the way and there is no time for styling? We collect them in an incomprehensible bunch, something like a tail, but with strands sticking out in different directions. This option is good for a home environment when no one sees, but in society it is unlikely to arouse approval.

Way out: set aside time for styling, or at least just collect your hair in a ponytail.

4. Untreated cuticle and burrs

Hands are our calling card. It seems such a trifle, who will notice? But they will see and from such trifles they will form a general impression not in our favor. And the carefully chosen image will be hopelessly spoiled.

Solution: regularly watch your hands. Just 2 minutes a day and the problem can be avoided.

5. Incorrectly selected shade of powder or foundation

If the tone color is too dark or too light, the face will contrast strongly with the neck. It looks ugly.

Exit: when choosing a tonal basis, take several shades for trial. Apply them along the jawline and leave the one that matches the color of the neck.

6. Carrying 2 bulk bags at once

A canvas shopping bag is a good option to bring your purchases home. But you shouldn't carry them with your bag every day. Otherwise, there is every chance to look unassembled.

Exit: carefully sort through the contents of the bags. Do you really need all the things from the shopping bag?

7. Underwear peeking out from under clothes

If the strap of the bra is constantly sticking out from under the clothes, and the shaping underwear is constantly sticking out from under the belt, this does not add charm. On the contrary, others may think that you were too lazy to look at yourself in the mirror.

Exit: underwear should remain underwear.

8. Dry skin

We all know skin needs to be hydrated. And not only because wrinkles appear faster on dry skin, but also because dryness and flaking of the face and hands look sloppy.

Solution: regularly use moisturizers.

9. Split hair ends

Even if you've been letting go of your hair for months now, that's not a reason to go with split ends. They look very untidy and generally create a neglected image. Do you need it?

Exit: rather to the hairdresser.

😉 Hello my dear readers! Friends, a person's appearance and appearance are different concepts. Appearance is given to us by nature, we take care of the appearance ourselves.

Human shape

A person's appearance is a business card. Caring for our service is a prerequisite and an indispensable attribute for people leading a healthy lifestyle. A well-groomed look is clean skin and neatly styled hair, neat nails, healthy teeth. All this should be in harmony with clean shoes and clothes.

It is important that these components of the external image are constantly kept in perfect condition. Imagine a young charming woman. Beautiful clothes, correct makeup, stylish hairstyle. And suddenly the beauty begins to speak. Oh God ... rotten teeth and bad breath! Everything! We are unpleasant and want to stop communicating ...

About the times! About morals!

Well-groomed is the key to success, both in personal life and in work. A person's appearance means a lot. Only a well-groomed person is perceived by the people around him much better than an unkempt person.

This is what the world famous motivator says about a person's appearance:

  • “If you look sloppy, then none of the customers will want to buy anything from you. If you look sick, you are not dressed well, it can affect your entire career. "
  • “There is no point in hoping that others will appreciate you for your character and personality without paying attention to how you look.”

Appearance and Spiritual World

There are women and girls who devote all their free time to taking care of their appearance. Manicure, hairstyles, beauty salons, massage, masks, brands ... A beauty marathon day after day, year after year ... More and more often they complain that life is boring and uninteresting, people are constantly being evaluated by their appearance.

You will communicate with such a girl-doll, inside of which there is cold and emptiness and it becomes uninteresting.

A familiar story: She is very beautiful, and no one calls to get married, but her classmate Svetka is married and loved. Two children. And Svetka is just a gray mouse, no skin, no faces, does not go to salons, does not wear brands. Why is there such an injustice in life?

And it happens the other way around. Creative, talented individuals who are passionate about what they love are often not interested in fashion (they feel sorry for the time for this). And communicating with them is always a holiday! A lot of warmth and love for life comes from them! Charge of positive!

Most successful people love what they do and make sure to look after their appearance. There should be no trifles here. That is why they are successful! But still, spiritual fulfillment is important.


I remember for the rest of my life the old man, the grandfather of my friend. Just a few hours of communication with him enriched me for many years! On that day, he celebrated his

And it was like this. On the day off, I was absolutely free. On the street, I met a friend who was on her way to wish her grandfather a happy birthday. She offered to keep her company. I agreed.

Grandfather, the owner of a small estate, in an old, faded, but ironed shirt, about 87 years old, invited us to the table. The table setting surprised me so much that my eyes filled with tears.

Imagine the festive table was set for tea. Several glass vases filled with jam and honey, cookie squares on two small plates were arranged lovingly. Tea set, spoons ... Everything is very nice, but the most unusual thing was that old postcards and photographs were placed between the devices!

There were three of us, but it was very fun, cozy and comfortable. The owner was filled with positive, humor and optimism.

We drank some tea. 🙂 Then the grandfather "dived" into the cellar for a bottle of homemade wine. And then there was a guitar and a unique evening in the yard of the birthday man's house. A big bush of blooming jasmine and the most beautiful romances!

"White acacia bunches of fragrant all night long drove us crazy ..."

A grandfather in an old shirt radiated a lot of warmth and love of life. And when a person is filled with kindness, light, then it makes no difference how old his shirt is.

Clothing defines consciousness

When you put on a good expensive suit, a person's appearance changes - you feel different. The mood can rise and new reserves of energy are miraculously opened. Conversely, putting on old, unclean clothes that make you look ridiculous or even sloppy, you experience weakness, awkwardness and self-doubt.

Appearance + inner world of a person = personality

Friends and loved ones are pleased to be with a person from whom they give off cleanliness and freshness. But as a rule, a person who is unkempt in appearance is often the same in deeds and actions.

It is inadmissible even at home (where strangers cannot see you) to walk in an untidy state. In an old washed dressing gown or in a tracksuit with extended knees.

Understand that you will not hide from yourself. If you are successful, harmony is everywhere: in your head, in your clothes, in your thoughts and in life. A person's appearance can tell a lot: about taste, about wealth, about character, about upbringing.

Dress modestly and neatly. This earns the respect of others than a brand on an unkempt and unkempt person. Maintaining a proper look is not difficult.

Elementary things:

  • hair must be clean;
  • take a shower daily;
  • take care of the healthy condition of your teeth;
  • in the daytime, discreet, natural makeup;
  • neat manicure;
  • measure in gold jewelry;
  • wear clothes that suit you. Don't imitate others;
  • diamonds and dark outfits, only in the evening;
  • don't forget to smile! Looking gloomy won't help you to be successful;
  • “To change your life, you just need to change clothes” Tips from

🙂 Friends, leave your feedback to the article "Human appearance: what everyone needs to know" in the comments. Share this information on social networks. Thanks!

Being seductive is not a matter of a couple of momentary tricks, but a whole art, the ability to behave like a “goddess”. and feel the same. How to achieve this, the American Marie Forleo wrote in her bestseller “You are a goddess! How to drive men crazy. " We are publishing an excerpt from the book dedicated to typical female mistakes that scare men away. So, here they are:

1. Pitying behavior

Here are some classic examples of pathetic behavior that should be avoided:

When you tell a man that you need him to be happy;
When you keep repeating “I miss you”;
When you maniacally check your email or voicemail;
Obsessive emails and calls (especially to make sure “everything is okay”);
Authority demands an answer, where he is and what he does 24 hours a day, 7 days a week;
Quiet - and not so - fits of anger when he does not devote his attention to you;
A constant, insatiable desire to hear that he likes your appearance and that he approves of your actions.

2. Endless uncertainty

"Doesn't it make me look fat?" "Do you still love me?" "You probably think she's prettier than me?" "Am I attractive enough for you?" Endless insecurity infuriates men and feeds the illusion of your self that you are full of flaws and are somehow worse than others.

You can learn not to feed insecurity, and this is absolutely essential if you want to be irresistible. Either you invest in uncertainty or irresistibility. I suggest the second option.

Here's a hint. If you think you look fat in a particular outfit, you probably are. I know this is tough, but this is the reality. Not every type of clothing is suitable for every body size. Wear clothes that look fabulous on you and that flatter your figure. Check out your wardrobe with a trusted friend and tweak it so that clothes that make you wonder if you look fat in them are removed from the list of options.

3. Inability to communicate

First, most women don't really listen. When you really listen, you instantly become attractive. By truly listening to a man, you make him feel special in a very powerful way, your interest. If you really want to drive men crazy, become a skilled listener.

The second communication mistake is that women talk about other men in a manner that arouses jealousy or self-doubt in their current partner. Ex-boyfriends, husbands, other people you meet, your wonderful male friends - all of these topics are dangerous and uncomfortable if you are not tactful enough in touching them. Hint: If you are in doubt about your ability, leave other men outside of your relationship.

Third, many women feel the need to talk during or after sex, believing that this is the perfect moment to get him to reveal his true feelings. No, no and NO! You can't pressure a man to open up to you during or after sex, especially at the dating stage. The side effects of this pressure are dissatisfaction, alienation and, at times, extreme confusion.

4. Sloppy and unkempt appearance

So many beautiful women launch themselves and then wonder why they can't attract a man. How you look affects how you feel. And if you look inconspicuous, then most likely you do not feel so hot, and men catch this feeling of you. When the relationship is such that women feel too comfortable, they often stop trying to look attractive. Some men may briefly retain sympathy for you (especially if they don't look after themselves in the same way), but for many, this neglect can trigger a withdrawal response. And when you become a couple, it is very easy to relax. Do not do this under any circumstances. The same applies to personal hygiene (teeth, breathing and ... yes, there too). And while sweaty sex after the gym can be passionate and fantastic, irresistible women make sure they are always clean and fresh.

5. A hard and bitter outlook on life

A hard and bitter outlook on life is caused by suppressed anger. We were taught that anger is bad, a real lady should not show it. We do not allow ourselves to feel angry and, therefore, get used to suppress this feeling in the hope that it will go away, or at least not be noticeable to others. The problem is that the suppressed does not disappear anywhere. In fact, trying not to feel something is a form of resistance, and since what YOU resist stays and builds up strength, it’s not surprising that suppressed anger translates into a hard and bitter outlook on life.

Fortunately, you don't need years of therapy and anger management courses to get rid of it. Just allow yourself to feel anger when it comes up. If expressing your feelings and responding appropriately to the situation is appropriate, then don't hold back. If not, just feel angry and come back to life.

6. Is sarcastic and critical

Many of us find it difficult to acknowledge and compliment other irresistible women, especially in the presence of our man. Insecure people will speak unflatteringly about a competitor's clothing, shoes, hair, purse, figure, makeup, or success in life.

Criticism directed at another woman makes you look bad. People around you see you insecure and jealous. And let's be honest, your boyfriend must have noticed her ten minutes earlier than you, so why pretend like it isn't?

Here's what to do. When you spot another sexy woman, bless her and say, “That's right, girl. Take action! " This will tune your brain to approve of the attractiveness, and the universe will only have to say, "Yes, lady!" and help you be as seductive as you can.

7. Boring in bed

While no man in his right mind would say this, boring sex often leads to breakups and dead-end relationships. This does not mean that you need to set up a striptease pole in your bedroom or hit a hard bandage (although both could be extremely entertaining), but you should study your own ideas about sexuality and honestly admit to yourself that you are holding yourself back. in bed or not.

For many of us, whether we realize it or not, our upbringing has taught us that sex is bad. Even though we say we like him, we grew up in a society where sex is considered dirty, shameful and sinful. And often we are embarrassed to even speak frankly about him, and even more so to develop our sexuality.

I suggest being a sinner more often and initiating sex much more often. I also recommend that you buy beautiful lingerie that makes you look and feel sexy.

Learn to have fun in bed with a man. Letting him satisfy you during sex. This will be the best gift you can give your man.

Let's highlight the main thing. If a woman is bored in bed, it is due to her fear. Fear of looking stupid, not knowing what to do, thinking that they will laugh at her, that she may be rejected. Irresistible women are afraid too, but they still yearn for great sex. Remember, skill comes with practice!

You are a goddess! How to Drive Men Crazy Forleo Marie

Repulsive Habit 4: Sloppy and Unkempt Appearance

Let's be honest, okay? How you look matters a lot. Yes, men will love you for your caring and tenderness, for your wit, infectious laughter and your irresistible diabolical charm. But listen, give them a chance to see all of your oneness - provide it with an attractive wrapper!

So many beautiful women launch themselves and then wonder why they can't attract a man. If you've put on weight, stopped grooming yourself, or think a tracksuit is your best outfit, it's time to see what's really going on. How you look affects how you feel. And if you look inconspicuous, then most likely you do not feel so hot, and men catch this feeling of you. When the relationship is such that women feel too comfortable, they often stop trying to look attractive. Some men may briefly retain sympathy for you (especially if they don't look after themselves in the same way), but for many, this neglect can trigger a withdrawal response. And when you become a couple, it is very easy to relax. Do not do this under any circumstances. The same applies to personal hygiene (teeth, breathing and ... yes, and there too). And while sweaty sex after the gym can be passionate and fantastic, irresistible women make sure they are always clean and fresh.

Give yourself work, take proper care of yourself every day. Pay attention to how you dress up. Personally, I was lucky because my mom was a great role model in this regard. And while she didn't spend much on expensive jewelry, she always looked amazing. She smacked herself up for an hour every day and was pretty, as she called it, refreshed before Daddy's return from work. Mother's clothes were always neatly ironed, and she was always painted with taste, care and skill. Even a cozy robe and slippers were matched in color!

That's what's important. You don't need to get hung up on this and strive for an unattainable ideal. But pay attention to your appearance and watch yourself.

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Repulsive Habit 1: Pitying Behavior Is a Universal Male Repeller When was the last time you heard a guy say, “You know what? I met such a hot pathetic chick yesterday! " I bet I never will. Because pitying behavior

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Repulsive Habit 2: Infinite Insecurity "Doesn't it make me fat?" "Do you still love me?" "You probably think she's prettier than me?" "Am I attractive enough for you?" your "I" about

From the book You are a goddess! How to drive men crazy author Forleo Mari

Repulsive Habit 3: Failure to Communicate Women often make communication mistakes that undermine their irresistibility and cause men to run away before they can say, “Marriage, kids!” First, most women don't really listen. We

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From the book You are a goddess! How to drive men crazy author Forleo Mari

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From the book You are a goddess! How to drive men crazy author Forleo Mari

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Appearance The way you dress and your general appearance can say a lot about you. What impression do you make with your appearance? Do you yourself feel confident in your clothes? How do people and friends evaluate you? Whether comments are made positively or

Often we pay attention to the unkempt appearance of a person. Most people who look after their appearance avoid communication with unkempt people. If such contacts cannot be avoided, then there are 2 main scenarios for the development of events. The first is that we think to ourselves something like: "Oh no, do something with your appearance - you look awful!" The second option is when we honestly tell a person that he should pay attention to his appearance, but the fact is that systematic untidiness is a sign of slob. And the slob, in turn, leads an untidy lifestyle and is unlikely to change it.

Unkempt appearance and untidiness in life

Appearance may not always give out a slob. You can often see a pretty, well-groomed girl, who, as it turns out later, is always a mess at home. It so happens that, for example, a guy in worn-out pants and an ugly hairstyle can be quite economic and maintain order at home and at work.

In any case, external untidiness, or a careless attitude to the cleanliness of the home, is a sign of internal problems. For example, let's look at the room of a 15-year-old girl.

Nice bed of a slovenly girl. Everything is included here: food, entertainment and relaxation.
The slut's desk also serves as a wardrobe.
Food left on the windowsill, although there is no food left. Could this be a rainy day supply, or is this how a special delicacy is prepared?

The guy or the girl is a slob and how it will affect life in the future

An unkempt guy can find ways in life to make good money and show off in a pigsty, well, that's in theory. Therefore, from a slut of a man, it turns out that a cocoa husband is a breadwinner and an ordinary father for his children.

Well, if a sloppy guy is also a loser and has not achieved anything in life, then we see nasty couples. When two monsters find each other and raise their terrible children. This means both the appearance and the inner world - an impeccable combination.

While the girl is a slob, she can be outwardly beautiful. But she will make a terrible wife and mother. A negligent woman cannot fully show love and care. In marriage, she plays the role of an interior item and just a kept woman.

Although, again, a slovenly girl can have a high income and can not worry about housekeeping. In addition, for money, you can maintain your appearance, as well as attract and support a hardworking, but such a domestic husband, or just an alcoholic. Well, that's how lucky.