
Modern devices for face care. Facial care. Home cosmetology devices with a complex effect of microcurrents, light rays and ultrasound


How to stay young and beautiful without the help of eminent cosmetologists and expensive procedures? A worthwhile thought, but a little out of touch with reality, many will say. But the development of cosmetology is currently taking place at such a speed that this “crazy”, at first glance, idea turned out to be quite feasible with the help of miniature devices for hardware cosmetology at home. At the moment, there are many new products and proven models on the market, and our article will help you figure it out and make the right choice.

List of devices for home cosmetology

Below are the most popular devices for cosmetic procedures at home, as well as how they work, how to use them, and what specific cosmetic problems they are designed for. It is worth noting that, properly selected and used regularly, the device gives amazing results that are in no way inferior to traditional methods in a clinic or office.

We divided all devices into several groups, the main criterion of which is the principle of operation. Among them are:

  • Microcurrent stimulation devices.
  • Devices with radio frequency waves.
  • Devices based on ultrasonic action.
  • Devices with laser action.
  • Vacuum devices for cleansing the skin of the face.
  • Devices for carrying out ozone-, light-, ionotherapy and electroporation.

Home devices that use microcurrents, electrical impulses and radio frequency waves

Gezaton Beauty Iris m708

Designed to improve muscle tone and increase skin elasticity, lifting. With its help, you can smooth out fine wrinkles, restore the youthful oval of the face, even out the relief and restore the natural color of the skin. Thanks to the galvanic current, tissues quickly get rid of toxins and toxins, small vessels become stronger, and sebum is saponified. This allows you to cleanse the pores, restore blood circulation and hydration, stimulate cellular respiration and restore metabolic processes. Daily use of the device for several minutes helps cosmetic products to better penetrate into the deep skin layers, eliminating problems in the places where they appear.

The device operates in three modes: galvanic currents (iontophoresis), microcurrents (muscle stimulation) and Lotti currents (wrinkle relief reduction).

Gezatone Galvanic Beauty SPA m777

One of the first representatives of hardware cosmetology for use at home. This multifunctional device uses galvanic microcurrents of different polarity, allowing you to quickly start the processes of renewal and regeneration of skin cells. Under the action of currents on the surface and in the deep layers of the skin, there is an active movement of ions (Ca, Mg, Na, K and others), as well as changes in the permeability of cell membranes and the rate of microcirculation. This allows you to increase the production of your own collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid and other biologically active substances.

The soft massaging action of the device contributes to the effective penetration of cosmetics. The device "Galvanic Beauty SPA m777" stimulates the rapid destruction of aging cells, thereby cleansing the skin, moisturizing and nourishing it. That is why the device has several functions (cleansing, massage, nutrition and lifting) and operating modes (normal and enhanced).

MezoLight Gezatone m9900

Allows you to carry out mesotherapy at home! The device combines 5 modes: to increase the membrane channels of cells, electrical muscle stimulation to restore the muscular frame of the face, biocurrents for lifting muscle fibers and chromotherapy using waves of different lengths to restore metabolic processes. As a result of using a home cosmetic device, a network of fine wrinkles is smoothed out, and deep ones become less noticeable, the elasticity and tone of skin tissues increase, age spots brighten or disappear, and a lifting effect is achieved.

E-Polation Mini

The principle of operation is based on the use of low-power electrical impulses (electroporation), which makes it possible to carry out hardware mesotherapy at home, increasing the degree of penetration of beneficial components of meso-cocktails up to 80%.

Myostimulator ESMA 12.01 IMiolight

A portable device, where the main principle of operation is pulsed currents of various modifications. The device can be used to correct age-related changes in the face and body, as well as to treat and prevent many diseases.

Ultrasonic, radio frequency and laser beauty machines for home use

Gezatone Kus 2K

With it, you can carry out at home, phonophoresis and soft ultrasonic massage. The device has many advantages, which include complex action, safety of operation modes, autonomy of operation, as well as ease of use. Ultrasound is supplied with a frequency of 24 kHz, which allows you to effectively cleanse the skin of blackheads, comedones and other impurities. Ultrasonic massage at the cellular level "sonodermia" stimulates the production of elastin fibers and the process of neocollagenesis.

Gezatone Super Lifting m 355

The frequency of ultrasonic waves in this massage apparatus is 3MHz. In addition to massage, the device works in chromotherapy mode with different spectra (blue to reduce fat content, red to stimulate the work of fibroblast cells, green to relieve irritation). Soft ultrasonic massage enhances the processes of microcirculation, lymphatic drainage, as well as the production of elastin and collagen fibers. Gezatone Super Lifting effectively fights age-related skin changes, successfully solves problems (dryness, oiliness, acne, wrinkles, etc.), evens out the skin texture and improves its color.

Gezatone Ultra-Tonic m 115

Cosmetology device for home use, which combines two technologies: ultrasonic micromassage with a wave frequency of up to 1 MHz; electromyostimulation.

Regular exposure to ultrasound will provide the effect of non-surgical lifting, help eliminate fine wrinkles, relieve muscle spasm, activate arterial blood flow to cells, stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. As a result, metabolic processes and cell regeneration are enhanced in the skin, biologically active substances are released, and lymphatic drainage improves.

Electromyostimulation causes contraction of certain muscles that have lost their tone. The technology corrects ptosis of tissues of the face, neck, décolleté and body areas. The device has three modes - for a relaxing and tonic massage, as well as for training flabby, toned muscles of the face and body.

Care Buiw (Kerby)

Device for complex skin care. It works in two modes - electroporation and RF-lifting. It not only slows down the aging process and eliminates signs of age, but also increases the delivery of nutrients by 90%.

60 Second Neck Toner Rio

Designed for electrical stimulation of muscles in the neck and chin area. Electric impulses quickly get rid of ptosis and a "double" chin, and the device itself has 3 programs - for short-term and long-term muscle strengthening, as well as for rhythmic stimulation.

Laser Lift Rio

The principle of operation is based on low-frequency laser therapy, with the help of which the processes of tissue regeneration and the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphoric acid - energy for cells) are enhanced. Daily use helps to achieve a rejuvenation and lifting effect in a short time.

Home cosmetology devices with a complex effect of microcurrents, light rays and ultrasound

La Mente Aurora Ceutical G 7

Ultrasound with a frequency of 7 MHz and infrared radiation are used, with the help of which cleansing, nutrition, massage and other necessary actions are carried out. The use of the device together with special cosmetics helps to smooth out wrinkles, tighten the skin, reduce swelling and signs of aging, increase elasticity and turgor.

Perfect Photo Poration

The device operates in two modes - electroporation and LED light beams. Electroporation increases the permeability of cell membranes, and light rays (red, blue, infrared) provide deep penetration of nutrients. With its help, you can eliminate ptosis, wrinkles, swelling, even out the relief, increase muscle tone on the face and other parts of the body.

In conclusion, it should be noted that cosmetic problems can be solved at home, but before buying and using the above devices, you need to get advice from an experienced cosmetologist. An important rule is not to save on purchases, but to choose models from well-known manufacturers. Independent selection and use of equipment may not help, but cause serious damage to your beauty and health. In addition, with the help of the same specialist, it is worth learning how to use the purchased devices.

Unfortunately, with age, our skin loses its former elasticity, healthy color and elasticity, so-called age-related skin changes begin to appear. Wrinkles, sagging, fuzzy facial contours, nasolabial folds - all this is not at all pleasing to the eye. The older we get, the more our face changes, and, unfortunately, not for the better. Cosmetics alone are not enough to cope with the problem of aging, therefore, starting from the age of 25-30, it is recommended to combine cosmetic care with hardware cosmetology. Salon procedures using special massagers are very effective, but they take a lot of time and money. There is also an affordable way to take care of yourself - just buy a facial massager and carry out a rejuvenating procedure right at home!

Facial massager - the perfect tool for the beauty of your skin

It has been proven that the use of facial devices significantly increases the effectiveness of anti-aging procedures and brings visible lasting results. The devices differ in the methods and problems they are designed to solve, you just have to choose a facial massager that is right for you!

Ultrasonic massagers are used to tighten the skin of the face, smooth wrinkles, and eliminate puffiness. An ultrasonic facial massager will help remove bumps, eliminate scars, narrow enlarged pores and moisturize the skin. In addition, ultrasound also contributes to the penetration of the active components of cosmetics into the deeper layers of the skin, this phenomenon is commonly called phonophoresis. Thus, using an ultrasonic massager, you can carry out an express lifting procedure, as well as saturate the skin with the necessary nutrients.

  • Galvanic massagers– with their help, you can detoxify the skin by cleaning it of polluting components, and then carry out the ingredients of cosmetics into the skin cells. This procedure is an excellent prevention of age-related skin changes, helps to cope with wrinkles and sagging, improves complexion and energizes the skin.
  • Microcurrent massagers- an ideal remedy for the prevention of muscle sagging, "non-surgical facelift". A microcurrent facial massager will perfectly cope with mimic wrinkles, eliminating muscle spasm and relaxing the muscle, as well as provide a lymphatic drainage effect - it will remove excess fluid from the tissues, eliminating swelling.
  • Radio wave massager– is an excellent alternative to a circular facelift, as it provides intensive skin lifting, eliminates wrinkles, including deep ones, for example, in the area of ​​nasolabial folds, promotes the formation of a clear face oval, and corrects the neck and chin area. With the help of the massager for RF lifting of the skin Newa, you can carry out a salon facial rejuvenation procedure without leaving your home!

It is very important that the procedure of hardware skin rejuvenation is carried out regularly. To achieve the best results, it is necessary to choose a set of hardware techniques - this approach will not only improve the condition of the skin, but also consolidate the results for a long time.

The apparatus plus cosmetics is the best complex for solving the problem

Do not forget about cosmetics - in combination with massagers, their effectiveness increases several times. To work with the devices, Beauty Style has developed special cosmetics. Such cosmetics have a special composition and are ideal for various anti-aging procedures. So, for example, for the procedure of ultrasonic micromassage, it is recommended to use the Ultralift gel - it enhances the lifting effect of the ultrasonic massager and saturates the skin with collagen. To work with galvanic devices, it is recommended to use special ionized complexes, for example, the “Perfection” or “Youth Without Borders” complex - they help to saturate the cell with nutrients, hyaluronic acid and collagen. And to work as a massager with the RF lifting function, a special contact gel was developed that protects the skin during the procedure, as well as a regenerating cream that nourishes and moisturizes the skin after the procedure.

Hotline consultants of the Constellation of Beauty online store, as well as sales assistants and consultants of the retail chain of stores, will help you choose the right device and related cosmetics. Use the devices for facial skin rejuvenation at home, and the result will not keep you waiting!

- This is a group of cosmetology devices that you can use directly at home, mostly even on your own. Such a technique is designed to fully replace a beauty salon for an average person without the specialized knowledge of a beauty salon master.

All care devices are designed in accordance with the strictest standards of cosmetology technology and are not inferior to salon analogues in terms of the effectiveness of the result of use. This means that you can easily buy yourself a couple of gadgets and improve your appearance without leaving the couch.

The range of care devices includes vaporizers, darsonvals, ultraviolet, ultrasonic devices, epilators, facial baths, all kinds of massagers and whole skin cleansing kits. Among such a multi-colored goods, it is not difficult to look for a few useful devices. For the special convenience of the buyer, in a number of services of the online store there are both sales and delivery of goods.

Ruthless time leaves its mark on the faces of women and men, and now in the mirror you observe wrinkles, sagging skin and deformation of the facial contour, the appearance of a second chin. Typically, such age-related changes are fully manifested after 35 years, when the tone of facial muscles noticeably decreases, and the skin loses its former firmness and elasticity.

These problems can be dealt with by adopting a set of measures, which are usually called a capacious word - face lifting. It should be noted right away that skin rejuvenation and tightening products are not only cosmetics, but also specially designed devices that allow you to strengthen muscles and restore skin tone. Ultrasonic massage, devices for myostimulation, radio wave lifting and, of course, carefully selected cosmetics - this is your way to youth and freshness of the skin!

Choose the lifting method that is right for you!

  • Myostimulation and microcurrents.
    With age, as a rule, most people experience a phenomenon called “gravitational ptosis”. This is the sagging of the muscles on which the skin is attached, as a result of which deep wrinkles appear on the forehead, nasolabial folds, and the chin sags. Devices for myostimulation and microcurrent therapy of the face will help to cope with these phenomena. These devices tighten the muscles, providing a non-surgical lifting effect, and are ideal for visible rejuvenation in adulthood.
  • RF lifting.
    The unique concept of RF lifting is gaining more and more popularity in skin rejuvenation and skin tightening courses. Thanks to soft radio wave radiation rf lifting effectively tightens already sagging skin, reducing its area, literally filling wrinkles with collagen fibers from the inside. RF lifting also stimulates cell renewal processes, making the skin fresher, younger and more radiant - and you look much younger.
  • Ultrasonic lifting.
    Ultrasonic skin massage is a technology of action at the cellular level, which stimulates skin cells to produce young collagen and elastin proteins. In addition, this type of rejuvenation is known for such a phenomenon as ultrasonic phonophoresis - during which cosmetics actively penetrate the skin and act with maximum efficiency. Ultrasonic massage and phonophoresis are able to cope with signs of age and provide excellent wrinkle smoothing.
  • Lifting masks and complexes.
    Cosmetics, of course, play a huge role in the courses of rejuvenation and facelift. Cosmetics not only perfectly care for the skin, nourish and moisturize it, but also enhance the effect that devices for correcting age-related changes produce. Many devices with a lifting effect involve the application of serums and gels immediately before the procedure - and this combination gives the skin a complex result that is visible to the naked eye.

Home lifting - advantages and only advantages!

  • Fortunately, modern anti-aging devices are designed specifically for home use, so it will not be difficult for you to provide your skin with professional care.
  • Devices in combination with cosmetics give an effect comparable to the results of a circular facelift, but at the same time there is no pain, no risk, no recovery period!
  • You save significant money on visiting beauty salons and cosmetologists, and besides, you can carry out procedures at a convenient time for you!
  • Devices for skin rejuvenation and tightening are very easy to use, and their hygiene is higher than that of professional analogues.
  • All devices presented in the Constellation of Beauty have been certified and are the safest and most effective!

Home appliances for beauty treatments can perform various functions. A large group of facial skin care devices are massagers based on various physical phenomena: mechanical, ultrasonic, infrared, vibration, vacuum, galvanic. Hardware massage is effective for face lifting, reducing or completely smoothing wrinkles, increasing skin elasticity and smoothness. The facial massager is recommended for use at any age.

Along with massagers, devices for ultrasonic facial cleansing are popular. They gently and effectively cleanse the skin of impurities, remnants of sebum, dead cells. Ultrasonic cleaning procedures rejuvenate the face by stimulating renewal processes, help get rid of acne scars, and improve skin turgor. Other devices for the face, based on the phenomenon of ultrasound - moisturizers, fillers. Many devices combine several functions.

For problematic skin, treatments using a steam sauna for the face are recommended. They not only open the pores, preparing the skin for cleaning, but also effectively moisturize it, and also stimulate cell renewal processes. The facial steam sauna can be used as an inhaler in the treatment of respiratory diseases and aromatherapy for all family members.