
Journey to the green country middle group. Summary of the lesson "Journey to a green country". Senior preschool age Comprehensive open lesson on the topic: "Journey to a green country"


Senior preschool age.

Comprehensive open lesson on the topic:


Target : expand the idea of ​​green, create a favorable emotional background.

Tasks :

Expand ideas about the green color, develop the ability to subtly feel the color and select adequate adjectives to describe it.

Develop dialogic speech. (Speech task).

Develop auditory and visual attention (Developing task).

Develop the ability to navigate in space (Developing).

Expand and generalize knowledge about the inhabitants of the forest (Educational task).

Continue to teach children to relieve emotional and bodily tension, develop the ability to quickly switch from active to passive activities.

To cultivate the desire to live in peace and friendship, to teach children to rejoice themselves when they make others happy (Educational).

Equipment and materials: green objects (bars, cubes, caps, paper leaves, ribbon, toy beads, ball, ball, threads, balls, buttons, pencil, plasticine, Christmas tree, snake toy), tape recorder, green fabric.

Course progress.

Smooth, calm music sounds.


Green color caresses at noon with a shadow,

He gives peace to the soul and vision,

And the grasses are green, and the darkness in the forests,

Green color fluctuates in the eyes.

- Hello guys! I am the Green Fairy and today I invite you to visit my magical green country. Do you want to get into it? Then you must try! I suggest you continue my poem and name everything green that you know. What could it be?(children's answers)

- Each correctly named object is a ticket to my country and now you can go to a magnificent green meadow.

Exercise 1.

- Here we are in the green country. Relax, relax your shoulders, lower your free hands, relax your face. I have a magic green box in my hands. See what's in it? That's right, there are a lot of items and they are all green. Look closely at objects, touch them.

Music plays, children watch for about 30 seconds.

- How does this color seem to you: calm or disturbing? soothing or exciting? sad or happy? soft or hard?(warm, fresh, clean, calm, soft, beautiful)

- Of course guys. Green is the color of harmony and balance. It combines cold and hot colors. He is neither cold nor hot. Green is able to soothe and establish peace in the soul. He is a wonderful healer. Green helps relieve bad mood, relieve anxiety, reduce fatigue. It is no coincidence that being in nature, in the forest, surrounded by green grass and trees, we feel better, kinder, stronger..

Put all the items back in the box.

Exercise 2.

- And now we're going to play a little. I will ask you all to stand next to me around our clearing. What color is she? Why is she green? We will take our little box, put a pen in it and guess what kind of object we found there. Then we will get this item and put it in any place of the green meadow. Look, I took this green cube and put it in the upper corner of the green meadow.

Answer options: I put the green car in the bottom corner of the green square, I put the green flower next to the green cube, I put the green butterfly on the green flower, I put the green pencil under the green flower.

- Well done guys, I see that you are perfectly oriented in space, which means we can relax a bit.

Exercise 3

- Sit down on the grass, close your eyes and listen to the green poem.

(music plays)

In the green, green, green forest

A green leaf, like a flag, I carry.

The green cone lies like a craft,

Green music sounds somewhere.

Green grasshopper in green country

Plays a green song for me.

- Which resident of my country is referred to in this poem?

- Of course, a grasshopper, and what other green forest inhabitants do you recognize? (green lizard, dragonfly, butterfly, snake, frog, caterpillar, bug, grasshopper)

- And now each of you will turn into any green creature and when the music starts, you will move like your heroes. Those. a butterfly will fly, grasshoppers will jump, snakes will crawl. Show how your character will move, but when the music stops, your character should freeze in place.

(music repeats several times)

- You showed me who lives in a real green forest. And I will tell you about one amazing inhabitant of my green country.

Fairy tale "Zelenushka"

One greenish ghost scared everyone. Appeared in the afternoon, and in the morning, and on the street, and in the store. People got scared and ran in all directions. Other ghosts reproached Zelenushka: "Don't scare everyone, what a panic you're making."(A child in the image of Zelenushka gives her answer. For example: I don’t scare, they themselves are scared. No one is friends with me, that’s why I scare people. My mood is bad, so I scare them).

- Guys, so that Zelenushka is not so angry, let's teach her to be friends. And in order to be friends, what should we do? Of course, smile! After all, friendship begins with a smile.!

- And now let's draw our smiles and give them to each other, to our moms and dads. What wonderful smiles we got. And now we're all going back to kindergarten.

- Did you like the activity and what did you like the most??

- It was also a pleasure for me to communicate with you, and I hope that we will definitely meet again.!

Complex abstracts

senior preschool age
Comprehensive open lesson on the topic:
"Journey to the Green Country"

Svergunova Tatyana Yuzikovna, educator MBDOU No. 37, Armavir

Target: expand the idea of ​​green, create a favorable emotional background.


  1. Expand ideas about the green color, develop the ability to subtly feel the color and select adequate adjectives to describe it.
  2. Develop dialogic speech. (Speech task).
  3. Develop auditory and visual attention (Developing task).
  4. Develop the ability to navigate in space (Developing).
  5. Expand and generalize knowledge about the inhabitants of the forest (Educational task).
  6. Continue to teach children to relieve emotional and bodily tension, develop the ability to quickly switch from active to passive activities.
  7. To bring up the desire to live in peace and friendship, to teach children to rejoice themselves when they make others happy (educational).

Equipment and materials: green items (bars, cubes, caps, paper leaves, tape, toy beads, ball, ball, threads, balls, buttons, pencil, plasticine, Christmas tree, snake toy), tape recorder, green cloth.

Course progress.

Smooth, calm music sounds.


Green color caresses at noon with a shadow,

He gives peace to the soul and vision,

And the grasses are green, and the darkness in the forests,

Green color fluctuates in the eyes.

Hello guys! I am the Green Fairy and today I invite you to visit my magical green country. Do you want to get into it? Then you must try! I suggest you continue my poem and name everything green that you know. What could it be? (children's answers)

Each correctly named item is a ticket to my country and now you can go to a magnificent green meadow.

Exercise 1.

Here we are in the green country. Relax, relax your shoulders, lower your free hands, relax your face. I have a magic green box in my hands. See what's in it? That's right, there are a lot of items and they are all green. Look carefully at the objects, touch them.

Music plays, children watch for about 30 seconds.

How does this color seem to you: calm or disturbing? soothing or exciting? sad or happy? soft or hard? (warm, fresh, clean, calm, soft, beautiful)

Of course guys. Green is the color of harmony and balance. It combines cold and hot colors. He is neither cold nor hot. Green is able to soothe and establish peace in the soul. He is a wonderful healer. Green helps relieve bad mood, relieve anxiety, reduce fatigue. It is no coincidence that being in nature, in the forest, surrounded by green grass and trees, we feel better, kinder, stronger.

Put all the items back in the box.

Exercise 2.

And now we're going to play a little. I will ask you all to stand next to me around our clearing. What color is she? Why is she green? We will take our little box, put a pen in it and guess what kind of object we found there. Then we will get this item and put it in any place of the green meadow. Look, I took this green cube and put it in the upper corner of the green meadow.

Answer options: I put the green car in the bottom corner of the green square, I put the green flower next to the green cube, I put the green butterfly on the green flower, I put the green pencil under the green flower.

Well done guys, I see that you are perfectly oriented in space, which means we can relax a bit.

Exercise 3

Sit down on the grass, close your eyes and listen to the green poem.

(music plays)

In the green, green, green forest

A green leaf, like a flag, I carry.

The green cone lies like a craft,

Green music sounds somewhere.

Green grasshopper in green country

Plays a green song for me.

Which resident of my country is referred to in this poem?

Of course, a grasshopper, but what other green forest inhabitants do you recognize? (green lizard, dragonfly, butterfly, snake, frog, caterpillar, bug, grasshopper)

And now each of you will turn into any green creature and when the music starts, you will move like your heroes. That is, a butterfly will fly, grasshoppers will jump, snakes will crawl. Show how your character will move, but when the music stops, your character should freeze in place.

(music repeats several times)

You showed me who lives in a real green forest. And I will tell you about one amazing inhabitant of my green country.

Fairy tale "Zelenushka"

One greenish ghost scared everyone. Appeared in the afternoon, and in the morning, and on the street, and in the store. People got scared and ran in all directions. Other ghosts reproached Zelenushka: "Don't scare everyone, what a panic you're making." (A child in the image of Zelenushka gives his answer. For example: I don’t scare, they themselves are scared. No one is friends with me, that’s why I scare people. My mood is bad, so I scare).

Guys, so that Zelenushka is not so angry, let's teach her to be friends. And in order to be friends, what should we do? Of course, smile! After all, friendship begins with a smile!

And now let's draw our smiles and give them to each other, to our moms and dads. What wonderful smiles we got. And now we're all going back to kindergarten.

Did you like the lesson, and what did you like the most?

It was also a pleasure for me to communicate with you, and I hope that we will definitely meet again!

Nadezhda Kuzmina
Synopsis of GCD on ecology "Journey to the Green Country" in the second junior group

Program content: consolidate knowledge about the properties of sand, develop tactile sensitivity and fine motor skills, cultivate respect for nature.

preliminary work: conversations about wild animals, insects, birds, looking illustrations about nature, observations and work in a natural corner groups, conducting experiments with sand, playing with sand.

Materials, equipment: potted flowers, toys, colored sand, colored "the pencils" experiments with sand filled with colored sand, sand games, sand box, forbidden signs of nature, watering can.

Lesson progress:

The riddle of the sand:

He really needs the kids

He's on the paths in the yard

He is at a construction site and on the beach,

And it's even melted in glass.

Educator. Guys, today I invite you to Pesochnaya country. Our path is long. He lies across Green Country. Are you brave, are you strong, kind? Then let's go, / turn on the disk with the voices of birds /

Children walk, looking at flowers, animals, birds, prohibition signs on the way; answer the teacher's questions.

Educator. That's Green Country. Look how different and beautiful flowers are here.

Are there flowers you know among them? Which? Name them.

Children's answers (indoor and garden flowers - geranium, lily, cactus, ficus; rose, tulip, chamomile,)

Educator. - Look, not only plants live here, but also animals, birds, insects. What wild animals do you know? Birds? Insects?

Children's answers / Wild animals: fox, wolf, squirrel, hedgehog. Insects: grasshoppers, beetles and. etc. Birds: crow, sparrow and. etc. d/

Educator. Guys, there are prohibition signs here. They will help you behave properly Green Country. What do they stand for?

Answers of children (you can’t pick flowers, catch insects, pick up animals, crush insects)

Educator. no one offend: Neither a bee nor a fly,

Neither a snail, nor a bug, a dark belly,

Not a grasshopper in the grass, galloping deftly,

Not a ladybug shining in the foliage

Not a titmouse, not a thrush, not a blind mole,

No way, never hurt a living person.

/ Birdsong stops ... children approach the table with sand / ...

Educator. - Look, here she is - Sandy the country! And the Sand Fairy meets us country/the teacher shows the doll and talks on her behalf/

Hello guys. I, the sand Fairy, the mistress of the magical country. I'll show you mine country but I have rules. I love my country and my little inhabitants and I am very upset when they fall to the floor and run away from my country, therefore, when you play with sand, you need to shake your hands over the sandbox.

Come closer to the table. Say hello to the inhabitants of the sand country. Put your hands on the sand. What do you feel, how does it feel to the touch? (Warm, soft, loose)

Of course, warm. Let's run our hands over the sand, give it a piece of our warmth.

And you also felt that he is soft when we play with him.

When we take it in our hand, see how it flows between our fingers.

Why? /loose sand/

What is sand made of? /From grains/

What color is the sand? /yellow, brown/

Where can you find sand in nature? (on the beach)

The beach is the bank of the river. That is, there is a lot of sand on the banks of rivers and other reservoirs.

What other bodies of water do you know? (Lakes, rivers, seas, oceans) Let's try to make them. Dig up the sand, get to the bottom of the sandbox.

You found rivers, lakes.

You can play different games with sand. For example, leave "Extraordinary Footprints"- showing various options for leaving footprints in the sand (toys):

"Bears are coming"- the child presses the sand with fists and palms with force. "Jumping Hares"- with the fingertips, the child hits the surface of the sand, moving in different directions.

"The snakes are crawling"- the child makes the surface of the sand wavy with relaxed or tense fingers (in different directions).

"Spider bugs run"- the child moves all fingers, imitating the movement of insects.

(at the end of the game, shake off their hands)

Fizminutka "Grains of Sand"

3. Look in the sand country it's raining. (Use a watering can to moisten the sand).

Oh, where did the water hide? (sand lets water through)

The rain also left its imprints on the sand. Put your hands on the sand. What did you feel? What does the sand feel like? (The sand became cold, wet, hard, heavy)

When you play, what do you do with wet sand? (kulichiki, towers, road, cake)

Sand is not only dry, wet, but also multi-colored. Fairy Sand country prepared a surprise for you - colored sand. They can color any picture.

5. The fairy has prepared for you magic pencils filled with colored sand. Let's make the pictures bright and beautiful. But before that, let's play with fingers. finger game "Let's go for a walk".

Independent work of children.

The fairy praises the children, gives a sand set, says goodbye.

Educator. Did you like our travel?

I think you remember that you need to take care of all residents and Pesochnaya Country, And green country

The teacher reads a poem

Us at any time of the year

Wise nature teaches.

Birds learn to sing

Spider - patience

Bees in the field and in the garden

They teach us how to work.

Snow teaches us purity.

The sun teaches kindness.

Us trees of all kinds,

All the big forest people,

They teach strong friendship.

Integrated lesson for children of middle preschool age. Synopsis "Journey to the Land of Flowers"

Ostanina Victoria Alexandrovna, educator of MDOU DS KV "Rainbow" SP "Silver Hoof"
Material Description: I offer you a summary of an integrated lesson for children of middle preschool age. This cognitive activity will allow children to consolidate knowledge about wild flowers, their values ​​for a person and teach them to see the beauty around them.
Target: creation of conditions for the development of cognitive interest of children.
- fixing the names of field and wild flowers, their medicinal properties;
- consolidation of knowledge of the colors of the rainbow;
- development of memory, imagination and figurative thinking of children;
- running exercise
Materials and equipment: Gnome costume, a book of fairy tales, a white palette, seven colors for placement on the palette, double-sided tape, pictures of wild and forest flowers, plot pictures about not spoiling nature (in a red frame), flowers with riddles, a walking path, drawing paper, finger paints, a saucer, a hoop, artificial flowers (according to the number of children), two baskets, iron small bells according to the number of boys, butterfly masks according to the number of girls, musical equipment, audio recording of calm music, blue ribbons 1 m. according to the number of children, balloons according to the number of children.
Preliminary work:
- Acquaintance with wild flowers and their useful and harmful properties;
- Learning poems about flowers. Application number 3.
- Acquaintance with the games "Cornflower", "Bells"

Event progress

The children gathered in the hall. The hall is decorated with images of various wildflowers. A white palette hangs on the central wall.
Presenter: Hello guys. Today we have gathered in this hall to devote some time to an interesting conversation about flowers. There are a lot of beautiful flowers around our kindergarten. Your moms and dads, grandparents helped us make our sites so bright and beautiful. That's how many flowers grow in the flower beds. Tell me guys, do flowers grow only in flowerbeds?
Children's answers.
Presenter: Right. Flowers grow in fields and meadows and even in the forest. What is another word for wild flowers?
Children's answers.
Presenter: That's right guys. Wildflowers.
Knock on the door.
The presenter comes to the door, opens it, an envelope is on the floor.
Presenter: Strange, no one is there, only someone left a letter. Guys, read the letter?
Children's answers.
Presenter: Listen guys: “Guys, I urgently need your help. The land of flowers is in danger! Dwarf".
Oh, guys, the Good Uncle Gnome needed our help. Did I tell you a story about Uncle Dwarf?
Children's answers.
Host: No? Then listen.
(opens book and reads)

…….A long time ago, in the magical land of Flowers, a kind uncle Dwarf lived. He knew the name of each flower, carefully watched that the clouds watered all the flowers ... .... So that the sun would rise in time and warm the flowers with its rays. Flowers responded to him in the same way and did not cease to please the Dwarf with their variety and color. They sang songs to him in their unusual language and blossomed with colorful paints. The dwarf was very fond of drawing and was a great dreamer, so there were a wide variety of flowers in his country. He painted them with his own paints and they came to life as soon as the Dwarf finished his drawing!
Closes the book.
Presenter: Interesting story?
Children's answers.
presenter(again reads from the book): Somehow trouble happened in the Land of Flowers. The evil wizard stole all the colors from Uncle Gnome and the flowers lost their charm and withered. The dwarf called the guys for help and they returned the magic palette of Uncle Gnome. This time it's a problem again. Guys, can we help Uncle Gnome? Shall we return the palette to him?
Children's answers.
Presenter: It's good that you are all so brave. But not simple tasks await you on the way. Indeed, in the palette of Uncle Gnome there are seven colors of the rainbow. Please name them.

Children name the colors of the rainbow.
Presenter: So each of our tests will be in the color of the rainbow. But to collect Uncle Gnome's palette. We need to get into the magical Land of Flowers, for this we need to close our eyes tightly and say the magic words:
"Flowers - flowers,
Magic leaves
One two Three,
Invite you to visit you!"
Children close their eyes and say magic words.

Presenter: Here we are in a magical land! Adventure begins!

Red color.

Presenter: To get a red color for our palette ...... now I'll read it in a book of fairy tales, you need to guess all the riddles about flowers.
Children solve riddles. See Appendix #1.
Presenter: Well done guys, you solved all the riddles. Here we have earned the red color!
The presenter attaches the red color to the palette.
Presenter: The front is orange.
Orange color.

Presenter: To get this color, you need to work hard and collect all the flowers that have grown on the lawn.
The game "Collect flowers"
Materials: hoop, artificial flowers, two baskets.
Game progress:
All players are divided into two teams. They are built in 2 columns. As soon as the music starts, the players take turns running up to the impromptu lawn (a hoop with flowers lying in it), take 1 flower, run back, put it in the basket. As soon as the flowers in the meadow end, the music stops.
Presenter: Well done guys, you did a great job. Orange is ours!


Presenter: Guys, what yellow wildflowers do you know?
Children's answers.
Presenter: Well done, they named a lot of yellow flowers: buttercups, dandelions, tansy, St. John's wort, shepherd's purse, primrose, coltsfoot, and even chamomile, because it has two colors - white and yellow. That's it, chamomile will help us get a yellow color. We have a large chamomile, on the leaves of which you need to place pictures of medicinal plants, as soon as all the chamomile leaves are filled without errors, you will get the desired color.
Chamomile game
Materials: large chamomile, table, easel, pictures of flowers (medicinal), magnets.
Game progress:
Children examine pictures of medicinal flowers lying on the table, and take turns calling their medicinal properties, attach the named flower to a chamomile petal.
Presenter: Well done guys, a lot of knowledge in your smart heads! Get yellow.
The facilitator pins yellow to the palette.
Presenter: Green ahead.
Green color.

Presenter: Guys, flowers cannot do without their living friends, insects. After all, it is insects that pollinate flowers, which means they help them grow. It is insects that will help us earn green color - the color of all living things. There are riddles about insects in the magic book of fairy tales. You will have to guess them.
The presenter reads riddles from the book, and the children guess them. Application number 2.
Presenter: And we succeeded in this task. The blue color is sent to the palette.
The presenter attaches the blue color to the palette.

Presenter: Guess the riddle guys.
"The blue bell is hanging,
He never calls.
Children's answers.
Presenter: right, it's a bell. Let's play a game guys.
Game "Bells"
Materials: Bells according to the number of boys, butterfly masks according to the number of girls, musical equipment, audio recording of calm music.
Game progress:
The boys hold bells in their hands and ring, pronouncing the words:
"The bell is blue,
Play with me
Call me on your bell
Modest meadow flower!
As soon as the words end, calm music plays and butterflies flutter. The music ends and the butterfly must take the bell by the handle. If a butterfly or bell is left unmatched, it leaves the game.
Presenter: How many butterflies! And the bells are ringing. Get the blue you deserve.
The presenter attaches the color to the palette.

Blue color.

Presenter: The blue color will give us a very beautiful flower called cornflower. Shows a picture. Did you guys know?
Children's answers.
Presenter: Listen to the story about the cornflower:
The host opens the book and reads.
…….“Cornflower is a charming doctor. There is no rye field on which graceful and lovely cornflowers would not grow. They bloom from May to September. The Latin name - Centauréa - arose from the Greek adjective centaureus, that is, belonging to the centaur. The myth says that with these flowers the centaur Chiron was cured of the poison of the hydra that bit him. Cornflower belongs to the Compositae family and is used in medicine as a decongestant. In folk therapy, infusion of flowers in snow water is used to treat eyes. Cornflowers are also harmful to animals - cows, horses. If they eat cornflowers, they may even die.
To get the blue color on the palette, you need to play the game "Cornflower". Since cornflowers grow in the field, the game will also be associated with the field, or rather with the mowers who mow the grass in the fields.
Game "Cornflower"
Game progress: choose three mowers. They will “Mow the grass and pick cornflowers in it. All other children are cornflowers. Calm music plays and children - cornflowers bloom: Sitting on their haunches, they begin to speak words in chorus (G. Zelenkin's poem "Cornflower") and gradually rise and stretch their arms up:
"Dissolves the cornflower
With a fringed petal,

Like a blue light
The flower warms the eye.
As soon as the children finish saying the words, the music stops and the mowers come out with the words:
"I'm a mower, mower, mower
I mow the grass, I mow, I mow
And a bunch of narva for myself!
After these words, the mowers try to tear off the ribbons attached to their waists from the "cornflowers". The game is repeated a couple of times.
Presenter: Well done guys, well played and get the blue color.
Attaches it to the palette.
Presenter: Well, we go further, we are waiting for the last test.

Presenter: Guys, this is the most difficult test and we cannot do without a good Dwarf. Let's call Uncle Gnome. Let's shout together: "Good Dwarf, come and help the guys!"
Children loudly call the Gnome.

To the sad music enters the Gnome.
Dwarf: Hello guys. There is trouble in my magical Land of Flowers! Do you know about it?
Children's answers.
Presenter: Hello good gnome. We read your letter and boldly set off on our journey. Look at our color palette. We completed many tasks and earned almost all the colors. But we need your help to complete the last task. After all, only you know him, nothing is written about him in my book.
Dwarf: Yes, I know this assignment. Guys, you probably can't handle it.
Presenter: Gnome, you first tell me what kind of task it is, and then we will either rejoice or be upset.
Dwarf: To get the last color
You need to learn poems about flowers.
Tell us loudly
And pick up purple!
Children read poetry.
Presenter: You see, Uncle Gnome, the guys have done their job here too. But ...... there is no purple color in my book ...
Dwarf: Maybe you looked bad?
Presenter: Now I'll take a closer look.
The host opens the book and flips through the pages.
Presenter: There is definitely no purple color, but there are these words: "It is not enough for children to know poetry, they need to learn the rules!" Uncle Gnome, what can this mean?
Dwarf: I don't know, unfortunately.
The moderator discusses: Rules of the road children know the rules of behavior in case of fire too ...... And what rules are associated with flowers? Help out kids! Maybe you know the rules that may come in handy in the country of Flowers?
Children's answers.
Presenter: That's right guys! Let's call them one by one.
Children name the rules of behavior in the forest, in the meadow.
See appendix no. 4.

Presenter: Well done boys. here it is, the last purple color!
Attaches to the palette.
Presenter: Now your magical palette is complete! You can draw freely and all your flowers will come to life as before. It's time for us guys to go back home...
Dwarf: Thank you guys. You helped me a lot. What a pity that you cannot stay with me in the Land of Flowers. Will you ever come to visit me again?
Children's answers.
Dwarf: So that you are not very bored on the road, I would like to give you multi-colored balloons. They look so much like my colors! Thank you guys, see you next time!
The gnome leaves.

Presenter: It's really time for us to go home. Close your eyes and say the magic words: "Flowers - flowers,
Magic leaves
One two Three,
Take us home!"
Presenter: Open your eyes, here we are at home. Did you enjoy our trip?
Children's answers.
Presenter: What do you remember the most?
Children's answers.
Presenter: I hope now you will definitely remember that flowers are gifts of nature and you should not tear them! See you soon!

Used Books:
Internet resource
Internet resource

Application No. 1. Riddles about flowers.

Rye is earing in the field.
There, in the rye, you will find a flower.
bright blue and fluffy,
Just a shame it's not fragrant.
There is a curl in the garden -
White shirt,
Golden heart.
What it is? (Chamomile)
white polka dots
On a green leg. (Lily of the valley)
I turn white like a fluffy ball in a clean field,
and the breeze blew - the stalk remained.
From a green chicken
Fully covered with fluff
I become proud
Scarlet rooster! (Poppy)
This blue flower
Reminds us of you
About the sky - pure, pure,
And the radiant sun
There is a curl in the garden -
White shirt,
Golden heart.
What it is? (Chamomile)
The blue bell is hanging
He never calls.
Even at night an ant
Do not miss your home:
Pathway until dawn
Illuminate the lanterns.
On large poles in a row
The lamps are white. (Lily of the valley)
I climb higher and higher
I'll climb all the way to the roof!
Let me not have arms and legs -
No wonder I'm called ... (Bindweed)
According to legend, my flower
Treasure opens.
They say that once a year
Miracle happens.
But I'll be honest:
I don't flower at all!
In the field by the ravine
Red porridge.
yellow flowers -
varnish cheeks,
five beaters,
And the leaves are changeable. (Buttercup)
Grown from an onion
But it's not good for food.
On a bright glass
It looks like a flower. (Tulip)

Appendix number 2. Riddles about insects.

In appearance, of course, smallish,
But everything that is possible is dragged into the house.
Restless guys -
Their whole life is connected with work. (Ants)
On a fragrant flower
A flying flower sat down. (Butterfly)
On a large colored carpet
Sela squadron -
It will open, it will close
Painted wings. (Butterflies)
On the grass near the feet
The fire darted
But he did not burn for long -
Fly away with the wind. (Butterfly)
Who has the whole back in dots?
Who grazes on the leaves?
Who do we ask
Rise into the sky
And bring us bread from there? (Ladybug)
He prepares nets like a fisherman,
And he never catches fish. (Spider)
Tired of the beetle
No way to get out. (Web)
Who is above us
Upside down
Don't be afraid to walk
And not afraid to fall? (Fly)
In green uniforms
In the grass in the meadows
Live musicians
On long legs. (Grasshoppers)
Who in every met flower
Lowers his proboscis
And then to the hive
Rushing like a bullet
And something hides in a corner? (Bee)
Didn't ask permission
Flew up - and bit! (Mosquito)

Appendix number 3. Poems about flowers.

Z. Alexandrova

Little sun on my palm, -
White chamomile on a green stem.
With a white rim, yellow hearts ...
How many are in the meadow, how many are by the river!
Daisies are blooming and summer is here.
Bouquets are knitted from white daisies.
In an earthenware jug, jar or cup
Large daisies crowd around cheerfully.

Our craftsmen set to work
All wreaths are woven from white daisies.
And the kid Timka, and the heifer Mashka
I like big tasty daisies.
Olga Vysotskaya
Dropped the sun
Golden beam.
rose dandelion
First, young.
He has wonderful
Golden color.
He is a big sun
Small portrait.
To again with the advent of summer
Blooming dandelions...
Ekaterina Serova
dressy dresses,
yellow brooches,
Not a speck
On pretty clothes.
So funny
These daisies are
Here they are playing
Like children, in tags.
Fashionable blue hat
The bell is mischievous.
Who will not meet -
Leaning down to the ground.
Dandelion made everyone laugh -
Get into a fluffy sarafan,
Like a spinning top, he spun
The sarafan shattered.
big-eyed daisy,
Friends with clover and porridge.
frolic in space,
Runs away into the forest, but into the field.
I. Butrimova

A dewdrop fell on a tender leaf,
The rosy east shines in it with the sun.
The forest violet has absorbed the dew,
And the tenderness of the sunrise, and the beauty of the forest.
She exudes magical nectar
The forests near Moscow are a divine gift.
And the bumblebee, flying, feel glad
Lovely violet forest scent.
And there is nothing to compare with such a miracle,
It just needs to be protected and loved.

Application No. 4. Rules of conduct in nature.

1. The environment must be protected!
2. You can not pick flowers. Firstly, you can not spoil the natural beauty, secondly, they benefit people and animals, thirdly, they can be poisonous to humans. Summer walk - excursion in kindergarten. middle group

Summary of the lesson "Journey to a green country"

Target: expand the idea of ​​green, create a favorable emotional background.


    Expand ideas about the green color, develop the ability to subtly feel the color and select adequate adjectives to describe it.

    Develop dialogic speech.(Speech task) .

    Develop auditory and visual attention(Developing task) .

    Develop the ability to navigate in space(Developing) .

    Expand and generalize knowledge about the inhabitants of the forest(Educational task) .

    Continue to teach children to relieve emotional and bodily tension, develop the ability to quickly switch from active to passive activities.

    To bring up the desire to live in peace and friendship, to teach children to rejoice themselves when they make others happy(educational) .

Equipment and materials: green items(bars, cubes, caps, paper leaves, tape, toy beads, ball, ball, threads, balls, buttons, pencil, plasticine, Christmas tree, snake toy) , tape recorder, green cloth.

Course progress.

Smooth, calm music sounds.


Green color caresses at noon with a shadow,

He gives peace to the soul and vision,

And the grasses are green, and the darkness in the forests,

Green color fluctuates in the eyes.

Hello guys! I am the Green Fairy and today I invite you to visit my magical green country. Do you want to get into it? Then you must try! I suggest you continue my poem and name everything green that you know. What could it be?(children's answers)

Each correctly named item is a ticket to my country and now you can go to a magnificent green meadow.

Exercise 1.

Here we are in the green country. Relax, relax your shoulders, lower your free hands, relax your face. I have a magic green box in my hands. See what's in it? That's right, there are a lot of items and they are all green. Look carefully at the objects, touch them.

Music plays, children watch for about 30 seconds.

How does this color seem to you: calm or disturbing? soothing or exciting? sad or happy? soft or hard?(warm, fresh, clean, calm, soft, beautiful)

Of course guys. Green is the color of harmony and balance. It combines cold and hot colors. He is neither cold nor hot. Green is able to soothe and establish peace in the soul. He is a wonderful healer. Green helps relieve bad mood, relieve anxiety, reduce fatigue. It is no coincidence that being in nature, in the forest, surrounded by green grass and trees, we feel better, kinder, stronger.

Put all the items back in the box.

Exercise 2.

And now we're going to play a little. I will ask you all to stand next to me around our clearing. What color is she? Why is she green? We will take our little box, put a pen in it and guess what kind of object we found there. Then we will get this item and put it in any place of the green meadow. Look, I took this green cube and put it in the upper corner of the green meadow.

Answer options: I put the green car in the bottom corner of the green square, I put the green flower next to the green cube, I put the green butterfly on the green flower, I put the green pencil under the green flower.

Well done guys, I see that you are perfectly oriented in space, which means we can relax a bit.

Exercise 3

Sit down on the grass, close your eyes and listen to the green poem.

(music plays)

In the green, green, green forest

A green leaf, like a flag, I carry.

The green cone lies like a craft,

Green music sounds somewhere.

Green grasshopper in green country

Plays a green song for me.

Which resident of my country is referred to in this poem?

Of course, a grasshopper, but what other green forest inhabitants do you recognize?(green lizard, dragonfly, butterfly, snake, frog, caterpillar, bug, grasshopper)

And now each of you will turn into any green creature and when the music starts, you will move like your heroes. That is, a butterfly will fly, grasshoppers will jump, snakes will crawl. Show how your character will move, but when the music stops, your character should freeze in place.

(music repeats several times)

You showed me who lives in a real green forest. And I will tell you about one amazing inhabitant of my green country.

Fairy tale "Zelenushka"

One greenish ghost scared everyone. Appeared in the afternoon, and in the morning, and on the street, and in the store. People got scared and ran in all directions. Other ghosts reproached Zelenushka: "Don't scare everyone, what a panic you're making."(A child in the image of Zelenushka gives his answer. For example: I don’t scare, they themselves are scared. No one is friends with me, that’s why I scare people. My mood is bad, so I scare) .

Guys, so that Zelenushka is not so angry, let's teach her to be friends. And in order to be friends, what should we do? Of course, smile! After all, friendship begins with a smile!

And now let's draw our smiles and give them to each other, to our moms and dads. What wonderful smiles we got. And now we're all going back to kindergarten.

Did you like the lesson, and what did you like the most?

It was also a pleasure for me to communicate with you, and I hope that we will definitely meet again!