
The suspect is in the hospital with the baby. Should a mother be fed in a hospital with a child. What things to take for the baby


Together with the child, it is enshrined in the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation”. One of the paragraphs says:

One of the parents or legal representative has the right to be free of charge and jointly with the child “in a medical organization when providing him with medical care in a hospital during the entire period of treatment, regardless of the age of the child.

An important nuance: if the baby is not yet four years old, then the accommodation fee from the parents is not charged. Mom or dad can be in the hospital with him for free.

If the child is more than four years old, then the hospital is not at all obliged to provide parents with free beds. True, if a small patient has medical indications that require the presence of close relatives, then the fee for their accommodation is also not charged. What medical indications these may be, the doctor decides. At the same time, accommodation with a child, according to the law, must be joint.

Irina Nikulina, mother of 15-year-old Fedor:

“Fedya and I have already been to the RCCH three times in the department of gastroenterology. I will say right away: not everyone can call the conditions ideal, but everything more than suited me. Firstly, there are excellent doctors here, and the treatment gives results. Secondly, mothers can stay here with their children. Even with adults like Fedor. As for the life and regime in the hospital, the RCCH is strict. You need to be on duty in the kitchen, observe a quiet hour, sometimes wash the common shower and toilet. Wash the floor in your own room. Parents are not entitled to separate beds - we sleep with the children. There is no food for parents either, but you can go out and buy your own food in the store. I was pleased that the children are taught according to the school curriculum so that they do not fall behind. Everywhere is clean, the playroom is comfortable. The child can be accompanied to procedures. Most importantly, you can always be with him. And getting out - well, it's not difficult.

Staying with a child during treatment is an unconditional right. This means that you cannot be required to perform any additional obligations, such as mopping the floors in the room. This is purely voluntary.

The doctor should tell even the child about the treatment, and in an accessible language.

According to the Health Protection Act, all patients have the right to receive information about their health. At the same time, both parents and children should convey information as clearly and understandably as possible so that they do not have any questions.

Ekaterina Alekseeva, mother of 5-month-old Kirill:

“When the baby was a month old, we were taken by ambulance to the children's hospital in Lyubertsy with suspected pylorospasm. To say that I was shocked is an understatement. The doctors talked to me exclusively downstairs: "Mommy has arrived, you are full of hysterical ones." They looked at the child in the waiting room and said they would put it in. They asked for his things: they won't put you here, only a child. That's what the nurses told us. And it's a month old breastfed baby! Having gone up to the department, I found out that mothers can stay, but in a separate ward from the child. All their children sleep separately, you can feed strictly according to the schedule (once every three hours). Moms all this time lie in the ward at the other end of the corridor. Further, without any tests, the child was immediately prescribed serious drugs. In general, I grabbed Kirill in an armful, independently went by taxi to the Filatov Children's Hospital and did not regret it. From the very beginning, we were lying together, he was examined and the diagnosis was not confirmed.

Ministry of Health ordered parents to be admitted to intensive care

Parents may not be allowed to see the child if he lies in. Doctors, in response to the requests of fathers and mothers, find many reasons for this. They may say that outsiders are denied access to the intensive care unit, that the parents did not pass any tests for infections, and without this it is forbidden to enter the sterile unit. They may even state that this is prohibited by certain rules, and not go into detail about the reasons.

Patients have repeatedly complained about this problem to various departments, including the Ministry of Health. In response, the Ministry of Health issued a letter back in 2014, in which it ordered all medical institutions to allow parents access to the child, even if he is in intensive care.

There are also separate rules for departments of pathology of newborns and preterm infants (ONN) and for intensive care units for newborns (NICU). According to them, in the department of pathology, mothers can stay with their children, and the department itself should be “organized mainly on the principle of joint stay of mother and child.”

Mothers cannot be in the intensive care unit and therapy of newborns, but they are allowed to visit babies. At the same time, parents who are in the pathology department should not visit other departments of the maternity hospital or perinatal center. In this department, as well as in the intensive care unit, it is forbidden to store food, bags, outerwear and use mobile phones.

How to get to the child in intensive care

In addition to parents, other relatives can also come to the intensive care unit. This issue has also been raised many times. So, last year the actor asked this question to the president on Direct Line. Based on the results of the Direct Line, the President instructed the Ministry of Health to develop recommendations for relatives to be allowed to visit children.

In response, he issued a methodical letter in which he clearly stated who could and who could not come to the intensive care unit. According to the rules, relatives with signs of acute infectious diseases and high fever may not be allowed in. In this case, references are not required.

Also, relatives who are in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication, and children under 14 years of age will not be allowed in. Everyone who enters the intensive care unit must take off their outer clothing, put on shoe covers, a gown, a mask, a hat and wash their hands. More than two visitors may not enter the intensive care unit. In intensive care, according to the memo, you can not be during invasive manipulations - tracheal intubation, vascular catheterization, bandaging, cardiopulmonary resuscitation and other procedures.

Oksana Lepikhina, mother of 5-year-old Varya:

“I remember my confusion when my child was in intensive care. Everything happened in the Morozov Children's Hospital. Of course, I was told that I could not be with her all the time. Imagine the state of the parent. My husband was not taken aback and immediately went to see the head doctor. The answer would be the same: no. We started calling lawyers and asked them to come to the hospital. As a result, we were allowed to visit our girl, but not to be in intensive care all the time. For us it was already a victory. We agreed".

01.02.2015 Oleg Lazhechnikov 31

As promised, I am posting our modest experience in combating the system of defending one's rights. I won’t write much here, because I had to do something a little and for a short time, however, perhaps this information will be useful to someone in the future. We ourselves faced everything for the first time, and we had to learn everything from scratch.

Our son was in the Morozov hospital in Moscow for 12 months (two hospitalizations in total), so I cannot know what and how is happening in other places. In the regions, I'm afraid, things are very bad both with the conditions and with the rights. Not the fact that what we described here will work somewhere else. You understand, rights are rights, but when your child lies helpless in the hospital, somehow you don’t have time for lawyers and courts, and you will be afraid to spoil your relationship with the medical staff with unnecessary scandals. In theory, it is better to deal with such things, if they have taken a serious turn, after recovery, and not at the moment when you give all your moral and physical strength to recovery. It is also worth considering that doctors are not enemies, they are just the same hostages of the system, and they obey those who are above, and the conditions in hospitals do not depend on them at all. And also some of them simply don’t know that parents have any rights at all. Although people are different, and doctors too.

Through the heads of the doctor

First of all, I would like to ask everyone to be as polite as possible, rudeness is useless. The most effective way to solve everything is not with the junior medical staff, on whom nothing depends, but with the chief physician, his deputy, or the head of the department.

In our case, the easiest way was with the deputy head physician. The first time we came there with a statement drawn up by a lawyer, where everything was clearly written with all references to laws. And either this influenced, or the deputy knows all the rights of the parents well without it, but the issues began to be resolved one way or another. And they gave us a history of the disease and analyzes, and made copies of everything we needed, and offered to bring our doctor, and they allowed me to visit my son in intensive care. Although the doctors on the spot, foaming at the mouth, argued that the medical history is a military secret, and I don’t need to look at it as a fool without a medical education, but in intensive care we generally felt like the last shit (excuse the expression).

I gave a link to the old version of the law for a reason. The fact is that there was a very good article on Rusmedserv (the right medical forum), which was later reposted by everyone who could. In this article, the basic rights of parents have been discussed and commented on in a very understandable language. And the only bad thing is that the reference goes to the articles of the old law that have changed, or which no longer exist at all. However, this article is worth reading. The same is true of parental rights.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the law is not perfect and there are controversial points in it that contradict the current legislation from the point of view of logic, or are simply not entirely clear. The fact is that some points in the law are not regulated by the law itself, but are left to the discretion of hospital administrations. That is, there are still internal orders and decrees that you and I cannot recognize right away.

I went over the law and wrote down article numbers that might come in handy.

The right of parents to be with the child in intensive care

Whatever the lawyer we talked to says, parents in Russia, unfortunately, do not have the right to stay in intensive care. That is, in the constitution, in the very law on protecting the health of citizens, the joint stay of a parent with a child is indicated, but resuscitation, as far as I understand, is equated to an operating room, and outsiders cannot be there. That is, this is the very point in the law that the hospital itself regulates, and it decides who can be in intensive care and who can not. And if someone is allowed somewhere, then this is just the initiative of the attending physician, who simply humanly enters into the position of parents, knowing at the same time that if suddenly something happens, then he will have problems with his superiors.

And as the deputy chief physician told us, they say, I can sign an application for you now, but we still won’t let you into the intensive care unit, you can sue us as much as you want, we will always find something to answer your lawyers. By the way, we were allowed to visit several times a day, but the duration of the visits is short. Then I read different stories of mothers, and I realized that this is how it is everywhere in our country, and in order to change this, we need to change the laws. As I understand it, if you start suing under the current law, then most likely it will be a loss, because intensive care units are a zone with special sanitary conditions, and it is very easy to find fault with the fact that your clothes are not sterile and you did not bring a health certificate .

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    Andrey Lunyachek




    Psychological aspects - separation from mother.

    Legal aspects.

    Practical recommendations for exercising the right of parents to be close to a sick child

    Article 22 of the Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation "On Health Protection" states:

    « One of the parents or another family member, at the discretion of the parents, is granted the right, in the interests of the child's treatment, to be with him in a hospital facility during the entire time of his stay, regardless of the age of the child».

    What does it mean? This means that mother (or father, or even grandmother) can be near the child when the child is “lying” in the hospital, when the child is in the children’s department of the maternity hospital, when the child is in intensive care, when the child is being treated in any medical institution. Legally, nothing prevents the parent from being close to the child even during the operation (subject to the established hygiene requirements). No regulation prohibits this.

    Any norms and rules contained in local legal acts (orders, instructions, rules, regulations, etc.) that contradict this article are illegal and invalid. That is, the head doctor of the hospital cannot issue an order forbidding parents to be near the child. In the same way, neither the city Department of Health, nor the Ministry of Social and Health Development, nor any other administrative or state body can do this. And if there are such provisions, they are invalid. In accordance with Article 76 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws (which include the Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation “On Health Protection”) have direct effect throughout Russia, and any by-laws (which just include rules, regulations, etc.) e) must comply with federal law.

    As I see it, the legislator granted such a right to parents not so much in order to exercise the right of a child in a medical institution to communicate with their parents, enshrined in paragraph 2 of Article 55 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, but in general in order to be able to treat the child. In accordance with Article 32 of the Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation "On Health Protection", a necessary precondition for medical intervention is the informed voluntary consent of a citizen, or his legal representatives, if the citizen is a minor. If this phrase is translated into "human" language, the following is obtained. Firstly, before performing any medical intervention (give a pill, take blood for analysis, make a dressing, start an operation, etc.), the medical staff must tell the patient what action is planned and what it can lead to, and then the patient must agree. Only then is it possible to perform any medical procedure. Secondly, since a minor child cannot adequately assess all the possible consequences of medical intervention, his parents make the decision for him. Thus, if this requirement of the law is observed, it turns out that the doctor, refusing to find the parent, complicates his work and may even be accused by the parents of conducting uncoordinated medical procedures.

    In principle, this topic could be closed. What else is there to talk about - the law establishes the right, the Constitution guarantees us that the fundamental rights and freedoms of a person are inalienable and belong to everyone from birth (Part 2 of Article 17), which means that every parent can exercise this right.

    And yet, in accordance with paragraph 1 of the same Article 17 of the Constitution, the Russian Federation recognizes and guarantees the rights and freedoms of man and citizen in accordance with the generally recognized principles and norms of international law. The Declaration of the Rights of the Child proclaimed by the UN General Assembly provides that “a young child shall not, except in exceptional circumstances, be separated from his mother” (principle 6).

    Why the law doesn't work

    But in real life, these norms, unfortunately, rarely work in Russia. There are three reasons for this.

    1. Moral and ethical position of medical workers: children go through medical procedures more easily in the absence of their parents.

    2. Medical workers do not understand the law, they firmly believe that parents can be near the child around the clock only in the medical institution where this is expressly permitted by the internal regulations.

    3. Medical institutions often do not have the actual opportunity to organize a joint stay of parents and children.

    As for the first reason, we will leave it for discussion to the professional medical community. As long as the law allows parents to be near their child in a hospital facility, and therefore be present during any medical procedures performed on the child (not to mention that each medical action on the child must be carried out after obtaining the informed consent of the parent), no doctor has a legal basis to prevent the child's parents from exercising their right.

    Overcoming the second reason must be taken on by the parents.

    As for the third reason, the lack of the necessary material and technical equipment is not a reason to limit the rights of citizens. A medical institution, in accordance with the law, is not obliged to provide parents with comfortable conditions for staying on its territory. It is obliged only to provide an opportunity for parents to be close to the child.

    How to Legally Overcome Obstacles

    So, if the child is in a hospital facility that does not provide for the joint stay of parents and children, and the parents firmly decided to be nearby.

    In general, if funds allow, then, in my personal opinion, it is best to invite your own lawyer. A third-party person with a “cold” head, communication skills with officials, and knowledge in the field of jurisprudence will bring maximum benefit.

    If this is not the case, then the parent will have to eliminate the legal illiteracy of the employees of the medical institution on their own. As a lawyer, I can offer the following recommendations on how best to do this from a legal point of view.

    1. Bring yourself into compliance with the hygiene requirements for the staff of medical institutions. I found the following requirements: SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the location, arrangement, equipment and operation of hospitals, maternity hospitals and other medical hospitals"(approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on June 6, 2003). These are requirements such as:

    1.1. Clothing requirements:

    The hospital is not obligated to supply you with a change of clothes. So bring it with you. Take clean, better specialized clothes with you: a hair cap, a medical uniform, non-woven shoes, shoe covers, a mask. Let, as far as possible, things be disposable, in packaging. The hospital is not obligated to wash your clothes or test the quality of your laundry. By presenting sterile things, you show respect for the medical institution. Here are the hospital requirements:

    Clause 11.1 of the Hygienic Requirements: “... the patient is given a set of clean underwear, pajamas, slippers. Personal clothes and shoes are given for storage in a special container with hangers (polyethylene bags, covers made of dense fabric, etc.) or transferred to his relatives (acquaintances) for storage. Patients are allowed to stay in hospitals in home clothes. Personal clothing of patients with infectious diseases must be subjected to chamber disinfection in the prescribed manner.

    It can be assumed that for the intensive care unit, clothing should be close to the following requirements:

    Clause 11.4 of the Hygiene Requirements: “Medical personnel of medical institutions should be provided with sets of change of clothes: gowns, caps or scarves, masks, change of shoes (slippers) in an amount that ensures a daily change of clothes.”

    1.2. health requirements

    Clause 9.9 of the Hygiene Requirements states: "The staff of medical institutions must undergo preliminary medical examinations and preventive vaccinations upon admission to work and preventive vaccinations in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation."

    If possible, go through a medical examination and obtain the appropriate certificate. Get tested for HIV, hepatitis. If you are undergoing preventive vaccinations, make a copy of the documents confirming this. They did fluorography during the year - grab a certificate. By presenting documents confirming that you are healthy and not a source of infection, you again show respect for the requirements of the medical institution, and also block the possibility of using the argument that your stay on the territory of the medical institution violates sanitary norms and rules.

    2.1. Scandal path

    If you are ready to withstand the pressure of the hospital staff, then go to your child and do not leave him anywhere. In this case, of course, do not break the law - do not use physical force, do not damage property, which can further alienate you from the goal. As mentioned above, being close to the child is your right and anyone who interferes with you is breaking the law. Your tools in this fight can be:

    The text of the Fundamentals of the Law, which you can show to anyone who is not aware of your rights. It is better that it be in the form of a brochure, which can be bought at a bookstore. You can also take with you the Constitution of Russia.

    A notebook and a pen (or better, a voice recorder) - demand from everyone who interferes with you to tell them their last name and position. Notify that if you cannot be near the child, you will immediately go to the prosecutor's office, to a higher organization and will indicate this particular person as the person who prevented the exercise of your rights. This is a fairly effective way to make people think about the legality of their actions.

    As a last resort, call the police. Although there is a big risk not only of not getting help, but also of being at a disadvantage yourself. The legal education of the lower militia ranks leaves much to be desired. Here you will have to show all the power of persuasion - calmly talk about the situation, prove the legitimacy of your demands, show the law, medical certificates, documents confirming the relationship with the child, etc., create the impression of a reasonable person who knows his rights and will strive to the last their implementation. In our time, it is difficult for us to seek protection in law enforcement agencies, so not many will decide to take this step. But at least don’t shy away from threats to call the police, realize that you are not a “hysterical woman who gets tired of the scandal and interferes with people’s work,” but a Russian citizen who is trying to defend the right established by federal law.

    If all this is unacceptable to you, the second way remains - the civilized one.

    2.1. The civilized way

    1. Apply to the head of the medical institution (chief physician) with a written request to provide you with the opportunity to stay in the hospital with the child during the entire time of his stay. Be sure to include in your written application:

    State that you are the person named in the article and that you want to exercise your right to be near the child

    Indicate that you do not apply for a separate bed, for the allocation of food to you, but if such services are provided, you are ready to pay for their medical institution.

    Indicate that, in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN, you will use sterile new clothes purchased at your own expense, and are also ready to comply with any other sanitary norms and rules.

    Please state that you are healthy and ready to provide relevant medical documents. Also indicate that you are ready to undergo any additional medical examinations at the first request of the administration of the medical institution.

    Attach copies of your passport, birth certificate, all kinds of health certificates to the application.

    If you plan that other family members will replace you, then list them, attach their documents, certificates, indicate a good reason why this must be done. It will be useful to describe in detail the planned schedule of stay, as well as indicate that you are ready to adjust it at the request of the medical institution.

    Indicate that if you are denied the right to live together with a child, you, due to your desperate situation, will be forced to go with a statement to the prosecutor's office.

    2. Go to an appointment with the head of the medical institution (chief physician). Again, take a voice recorder with you and record the entire conversation. Don't explain anything, let me read the statement first. If all goes well, try getting a written resolution from the chief medical officer on your copy of the application. So that the next day a new shift of doctors and staff does not have to prove everything again.

    3. If the manager still refused. Demand to accept your application and leave a mark of acceptance on the second copy. Next - go to the prosecutor's office, write a statement outlining the history of the development of events and attach all the evidence - a copy of the statement, a voice recorder.

    You can follow all the steps or use some specific recommendations.

    If you are stopped from taking decisive action by doubts on the topic: “Suddenly my child will be refused treatment, they will be poorly treated, they will be discharged home.”

    Legally, doctors cannot refuse to provide medical care, especially if you have a referral to this medical institution, or you got into it for acute medical reasons through an ambulance, or you have entered into a contract for the provision of medical services. Failure to provide assistance to the patient is punishable by criminal law.

    Unfortunately, sometimes there are situations when a child needs to be admitted to the hospital for observation and treatment under the round-the-clock supervision of doctors, in order to avoid complications and threats to health and life. If hospitalization is unavoidable, then parents need to prepare themselves and the child for this period of time.

    At what age does a child lie in the hospital alone without parents?

    When registering a child in a hospital, parents often face the refusal of medical personnel in the presence of someone close to the child. Even for older children, the hospital environment can cause discomfort and stiffness, and for toddlers, being in a hospital without a loved one can be a real stress.

    Important! Under the Family Code, a child is a person under the age of 18.

    Russian law states that one of the family members has every right to be next to the child in the hospital throughout the treatment without paying for the provided bed and food, but ...

    But under the following conditions:

    1. Staying with children under the age of 4.
    2. Staying with children over the age of 4 if medically indicated.

    The hospital management does not have the right to charge for food and bedding from the parent, but is not obliged to provide conditions for cohabitation. This means that, at the discretion of the management, the mother or father may be provided with bed and board free of charge, for a fee, or denied provision of conditions.

    Important! The legal representative has the right to be near the child at any time, regardless of the age, condition of the patient and the equipment of the hospital with places for the parents to stay.

    At the same time, not only the father or mother, but also grandmother, grandfather, older sisters and brothers and other relatives can be persons who are in the hospital with the child and provide care.

    The main reasons for refusing free joint stay are:

    • The lack of opportunities to provide the parent with round-the-clock stay conditions, most often in the form of the absence of an extra bed.
    • Inclination to use paid services, including paid individual ward.
    • A special regime for the admission of strangers to the department due to quarantine and increased sterility (surgery, resuscitation, burns or infectious diseases).

    But even after reaching the age of 4, many babies still cannot take care of themselves on their own, even in observance of elementary hygiene rules. Left without the support of relatives in the hospital walls, the baby can get serious psychological trauma for life.

    From the practice of Russian mothers, in the absence of conditions for living together, one of the family members simply sleeps with the child on the same bed, and the food is provided from the products that the relatives gave. Some children stay in the wards, usually at an older age - after reaching the age of 12-14.

    Making a sick leave certificate for relatives who are with the child in the hospital

    In accordance with the law, a sick leave is issued to a person who stays with a child in a hospital and cares for him, regardless of the degree of relationship. It may not necessarily be moms and dads - if a grandmother, grandfather, even an aunt or uncle is in the hospital with a child, a sick leave is issued in any case.

    The exceptions are situations in which sick leave is NOT granted:

    1. Caring for a child who is in a hospital and has reached the age of 15, except for cases of caring for a disabled child.
    2. Care during periods of recovery and remission.
    3. If a relative caring for a child does not need to be released from work (unemployed, pensioners, parents on leave at their own expense or, childbirth and caring for a child under 3 years old).

    How to prepare a child for the hospital: the rights of the baby and the rules of conduct

    There are situations when it is not possible to be near the child in the hospital, for example, if younger brothers and sisters remain at home, or because of the health condition of the parent, who will not be able to provide full care. When sending a child to the hospital alone, each parent should be aware of the rights of small patients and tell in advance about the rules of conduct in the hospital.

    The right to decide on medical intervention

    Until the age of 15, all decisions for medical intervention are made by the legal representatives of the child, most often the parents. After 15 years, independent decision-making about treatment by the patient is allowed.

    Right to information

    One of the main rights granted to the parents of children or directly to the patient is full information about the treatment, procedures and medications used. The child or his legal representative always has the right to ask a question about his diagnosis, the results of the analysis and to find out any other information regarding his treatment.

    Right to visit relatives

    If the child is alone, he has the right to visit relatives at any time. Most often, the schedule of visits is set by a medical institution. Visiting a child under certain conditions is possible even when he is in surgery or intensive care.

    Rules of behavior

    Before hospitalization for the first time, if it is not carried out on an emergency basis, the child must be told about the basic rules that he must follow for a speedy recovery and return home.

    Basic Rules:

    1. Compliance with the regime and daily routine . Rise, time for meals and visits to procedures and examinations must be respected even if the child is used to a different routine at home. If at first the little patient is confused or confused in the regimen, he can always get acquainted with it at the information stand or ask the medical staff.
    2. Following orders from the doctor and nurses, taking medications and attending procedures . It is important to make it clear that taking medications and all medical procedures must be performed without fail and without whims, even if it is not very pleasant, in order to recover as soon as possible and not get complications.
    3. Compliance with basic hygiene rules . From childhood, a child should be accustomed to obligatory hygiene procedures: brushing teeth, washing, combing and washing. If almost any kid over 4 years old can wash and brush his teeth, then washing away can cause difficulties. To solve this problem, you can suggest using wet wipes.
    4. Peace and quiet in the department . Loud screaming and running around the hallways can disturb other patients who need peace. Therefore, it is important to convey that with active games it is better to wait until returning home.

    You can talk about the rules of behavior in a playful way. The main thing is that during the conversation the child is calm and able to perceive the information.

    What to take to the hospital with a child: a list of necessary things

    Regardless of whether the child goes to the hospital alone or with a parent, you need to take the necessary minimum things:

    • Personal hygiene products: toothbrush, toothpaste, soap in a soap dish, 2 towels for face and hands, comb, wet wipes.
    • Underwear (panties, T-shirts) 2-3 sets.
    • Clothes for the ward: any comfortable home clothes (t-shirts, trousers, overalls, tracksuit) and shoes (slippers, sandals), socks or tights 2-3 pairs.
    • Eating utensils: mug and spoon.
    • Leisure items: favorite toy, book or magazine, pencils, felt-tip pens, plasticine - everything that the child is fond of and that will help him brighten up his stay in the hospital.

    If a child is hospitalized with a parent , then you can take a tablet or laptop with you in order to watch cartoons or listen to music in your free time or during an unpleasant procedure (for example, during a dropper).

    If the child is hospitalized without relatives , then you can put him a mobile phone with a charger, if he already knows how to use it, to maintain constant communication.

    It is better to take a few clothes and ask relatives to pick up dirty sets each time and bring clean ones. Other things and products can also be transferred by relatives during the visit.

    What can be passed on to the child if he was admitted to the hospital?

    Hospitalization for a child is a great stress caused by a change of scenery and illness.

    In order to brighten up the time of his stay in the hospital, you can send pleasant little things:

    1. Hobbies: objects for drawing, modeling, constructors, puzzles - toys that will distract you from sad thoughts for a while and take time.
    2. Favourite things: in addition to toys, it can be personal favorite things, such as a pillow, plate or mirror.
    3. Goodies, healthy sources of vitamins, and any doctor-approved favorite food for your child: homemade soups and broths, boiled meat, fresh vegetables and fruits, juices and compotes, yoghurts, curds and other fermented milk products.

    When a child is hospitalized, it must be remembered that this measure is necessary to preserve health and life. The doctor can prescribe treatment in a hospital, foreseeing the possible consequences and complications of the course of the disease. When staying in a hospital, it is important for parents to remain calm and positive, which are transmitted to the patient and are the key to a speedy recovery.

    In such cases, to visit the child in the hospital, parents are issued a temporary pass, which they use to enter the department. However, the existing law says that you can always be in the hospital with your child, so do not be afraid to defend it if necessary. If the doctor refuses to allow you to stay with your child, contact the head of the department, and even the head doctor of the hospital, to defend your rights. If you encounter opposition at this level, then call the insurance company (its number is always indicated on the policy card), the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, the Department of Health, where there are special departments to protect the rights of the insured. Do not be too lazy to write a complaint separately to the prosecutor's office, separately to the insurance company, separately addressed to the head of the medical institution, listing all violations and requiring you to be informed in writing about the measures taken.

    A child in a hospital: the rights of parents

    Conditions to be provided by adults The parent of a child under 4 years of age must be provided with a bed and food in the hospital. And since the compulsory health insurance fund regularly transfers funds for these amenities, they should be provided to parents free of charge. In this case, the sleeping place must comply with all standards, i.e.

    be a normal bed with linens.

    Joint hospitalization of children over 4 years old with their parents is carried out for medical reasons (clause 4, part 3, article 80 of the Federal Law “On the basics of protecting the health of citizens of the Russian Federation). The attending physician should decide on the need for round-the-clock control over the child by one of the parents. The parent must also be provided with free meals and a bed.

    Regional authorities can expand the guarantees of free medical care for children together with their parents.

    Do they feed the mother in the hospital when she is with the baby?

    Now, even official documents do not prohibit, but even recommend that parents stay close to the child during the entire time of hospitalization. For example, in the code of laws of our country there are “Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens”, which were adopted in 1993, and article 22 clearly states that any of the relatives of the child is allowed to stay with him in the hospital at all times. his stay there. The age of the child in this case does not matter. In addition, it is clearly stated that children under three years of age must be in the hospital with their mother.
    Parents who are in the department for the care of a child under three years of age are provided with food. Some hospitals have kitchens where food can be heated, refrigerators for food storage.

    Until what age do children stay in the hospital with their parents?

    You can also complain to the Department of Health or the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, which have departments for protecting the rights of insured persons. Write complaints to the head of the medical institution, to the insurance company and to the prosecutor's office. Describe in them all the violations committed against you, and also demand to be informed in writing about the measures taken.

    In such cases, it is recommended that a separate paragraph be given in the complaints to the request not to send the document to an institution that is interested in hiding the violations committed (to the hospital). Exception to the rules There are exceptions to every rule and law. This even applies to legislative norms, which fix the age at which children are placed in a hospital without parents.
    For example, when a child is in intensive care or infectious diseases department. In these cases, the head physician himself determines the frequency and duration of parental visits.

    Mom in the hospital with a baby - tell me the law

    For example, the provision of free food and bed to a parent can be extended until the child is 5-6 years old. You can find out about the provision of such conditions at the insurance company that issued the CHI policy. Regional authorities can expand the age limits, but not cut them down, for example, to 2 years.


    Parents should not be assigned the duties of hospital staff (washing floors, helping care for other patients, etc.). But they still have their responsibilities. They must comply with the sanitary and epidemiological rules, pay attention to the comments of the medical staff and behave politely. At the end of treatment, the parent who was in the hospital with the child must be issued a sick leave, which will subsequently be paid the corresponding allowance.

    Should a mother be fed in a hospital if she is with a child who is 5 years old.


    Because the child has grown out of an "irresponsible" age. In the comments to one of the materials of Ulyanovsk's Main News, one of our readers complained that his wife, who is in the Regional Children's Clinical Hospital with her six-year-old daughter, cannot eat at the expense of this medical institution. That is, the child, as expected, receives breakfast, lunch and dinner, and the wife has to eat at her own expense.

    With this complaint, we turned to the leadership of the UODKB. They explained to us that, in fact, the whole thing is the age of the child. “According to the law, we are obliged to provide a bed and feed a parent who lies with a child under four years old,” explained Anna Lebedko, head physician of the UODKB. - We are not obliged to provide food or a bed for parents of older children. But often we go to meet them. Including in terms of nutrition.

    If the child is admitted to the hospital: the 5 most important rights of parents

    In addition, the clinic may have a dining room or buffet, small shops selling food, personal hygiene items, and pharmacies. At the end of the treatment period, those who are with the child are issued a certificate of incapacity for work (sick leave) and an allowance is paid. Health workers are trying to improve the situation Unfortunately, the stay of parents in the hospital with a child is not possible in all cases.
    Very often, this is hindered by the elementary lack of necessary conditions. Today, only commercial, private clinics or departments and rare public hospitals are able to provide them. Medical workers are trying to improve the situation, some hospitals allow the presence of the mother in the department from eight in the morning to eight in the evening.
    Although the ideal option is a round-the-clock stay with a child.

    Staying with a child in a hospital

    Possible complications Unfortunately, in our medical institutions there are not always conditions for cohabitation, so only the attending physician can decide how many years the children stay in the hospital with their parents. If he believes that the treatment does not require your constant presence, then you are deprived of the right to free food and bed. At the same time, you can submit an application to the head physician, in which you will give arguments confirming the need for you to be near the child.
    For example, when a child has a high body temperature and constant bouts of coughing, therefore, round-the-clock monitoring is required. If the doctor accepts the arguments provided, then you will be provided with all the conditions required by law (bed and meals) free of charge.

    Why is the mother of a sick child not fed at the expense of the hospital?

    Be sure to highlight the request “Do not send the document for a response to the institution interested in hiding violations,” i.e. the hospital where your child is. But there are exceptions to the rules. They can be cases when your child is in the intensive care unit (in this case, the head doctor of the hospital determines the time and duration of visits), as well as in the infectious diseases department, where access for parents will be reasonably limited. It is important to know and understand your rights and responsibilities while in the hospital with your child. Parents should take into account the comments of the medical staff, be polite and courteous, follow the rules on the sanitary and epidemiological regime and the operation of the hospital, but this does not mean at all that this includes “washing the floors” in the ward and other things “to please” the medical staff . You also have the right to be fully informed.
    Family law Until what age do children stay in the hospital with their parents? Many children were hospitalized as children. At the same time, most parents do not know their rights in such cases, namely, up to how many years, according to the law, one can stay with a child in a hospital. Is it possible to be with the child all the time, or will it be necessary to entrust him to the medical staff? Being with a child in a hospital according to the law About 20 years ago, both in Russia and in other countries, parents did not have the right to be in the hospital constantly next to the child. However, according to many psychologists and doctors, the presence of parents, on the contrary, is favorable for the speedy recovery of children, since in this case they are less worried and do not feel isolated from the family. That is why the possibility of a parent with a child in the hospital was approved at the legislative level.

    Should a mother be fed in the hospital with a child

    Hello. In the absence of the consent of the parents to the adoption of a child in the event of the birth of a child by parents who are not married to each other, and in the absence of a joint application of the parents or the application of the father of the child (paragraph 4 of Article 48 of this Code), the origin of the child from a particular person (paternity) is established in a court of law. order at the request of one of the parents, the guardian (custodian) of the child or at the request of the person who is dependent on the child, as well as at the request of the child himself upon reaching the age of majority. At the same time, the court takes into account any evidence that reliably confirms the origin of the child from a specific person. Article 144.

    Approximately one in two children under the age of 15 has had to be hospitalized at least once. And many parents in this situation are lost, not knowing how to behave. Is it possible to constantly be near the child or do you need to completely trust what the medical staff offers and insists on? Where is it about rights, and where about arbitrariness? Children under three years of age should be in the hospital with their mother About twenty years ago, and not only in our state, but also in other countries, parents did not have the right to be near their child in the hospital.

    Fortunately, many doctors and psychologists have found that the presence of parents favorably affects the course of treatment. After all, the child does not feel cut off from the family and worries and worries less.