
Complex-thematic week in the preschool educational institution “My family. Complex-thematic week in the preschool educational institution “My family” Just as a tree grows, rising higher and acquiring new branches, large and small, every family grows. New families are being created


"My family"

summary of the lesson in the senior group


To form in children the correct idea of ​​the family, the role of mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, sister, brother who live together, love each other, take care of each other.


    To consolidate ideas about the work responsibilities of all family members.

    Exercise children in the ability to correctly answer questions, correctly select adjectives and verbs for words.

    Develop coherent speech, logical thinking, attention, cognitive interest.

    To cultivate positive relationships in the family, respect, mutual assistance, love for all family members.

Preliminary work:

    Consolidation of knowledge of the surname, name, patronymic and profession of parents.

    Looking at family photos.

    Observing and remembering what duties, what work family members do at home.

    Consolidation of knowledge of proverbs about the family.

    Reading poems and family stories.


Family photos, cards of the sun and clouds.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment.

Educator: Hello guys! What is your mood today? What mood did you wake up with? What affectionate, kind words did you hear from mom and dad in the morning? What words did you say in response?

2. Main body

caregiver : Today we will talk about the most important thing on earth - about the family. What is a family and why does a person need a family. But first, I invite you to think and answer the question: “What do all people have, but each person has his own?”

Children : Name.

educator b: How do people from different families differ?

Children : Surname.

caregiver : Guys, who can introduce themselves? (Answers 2 - 3 children .)

Children: My name is... my last name is...

caregiver : Thank you.

caregiver : Guys, do you know what they call people living in the same house, apartment?

Children : Family.

caregiver : Guys, what kind of relatives does the family unite? Who do you live with?

( children's answers.)

caregiver : The family unites relatives: parents, children, grandfathers, grandmothers, brothers, sisters. These are our relatives. Guys, listen carefully to the poem, which is called “Kin”, written by Yakov Akim.

Mom and dad are my relatives,

I have no relatives,

And sister relatives and brother,

And a lop-eared puppy Tishka.

I love my family very much

Soon I will buy gifts for all of them.

Papa will have a motorboat,

Mom in the kitchen - a magic brush,

Hammer real brother

The ball is for my sister, the candy is for Tishka.

And I also have a friend

Friend Seryoga is also related to me.

I've been running to him since morning.

Without him, the game is not a game for me.

I tell him all the secrets

I will give him everything in the world.

caregiver : Do you think that all the heroes of the poem are one family? List them.(Children's answers.)

caregiver : Friend Serezha, is he a member of the family?
Children : No, he is not a family member or relative.

caregiver : Who is the hero of the poem?

Children A: He is a friend.

caregiver : Guys, it is very important for every person to have not only relatives, but also friends.

caregiver : Can a puppy named Tishka be considered a member of the family?

Children : He is not a person, but a pet, therefore he is not related to the hero of the poem.

educator b: Are all families the same or different?

That's right, all families are different: there are large families, there are small ones. And it doesn’t matter which family is big or small - the main thing is that there should always be peace and respect in the family.

caregiver : Guys, do your parents care about you? How is their concern shown, what do they do?

( children's answers.)

Educator: That's right, guys, parents love their children very much and take care of them.

Educator: Now, let's get some rest. I suggest you do finger exercises.

Finger gymnastics "Who came?"

/ fingers of both hands are folded with tips together /

Who has arrived? /thumbs/

We, we, we / with 4 fingers, except for thumbs /

Mom, mom, is that you? /thumbs/

Yes, yes, yes / index fingers /

Dad, dad, is that you? /thumbs/

Yes, yes, yes /middle fingers/

Brother, brother, is that you? /thumbs/

Yes, yes, yes / with ring fingers /

Oh sister, is that you? /thumbs/

Yes, yes, yes / with little fingers

Together we are one big, friendly family / thumbs up /

Yes Yes Yes. /all fingers/

caregiver : And now, guys, listen carefully to the poem and guess who it says about ...

1. “Damp, gloomy outside the window, the rain is drizzling.

Low gray sky hangs over the rooftops.

And the house is clean and comfortable.

We have our own weather here.

Smile ... clearly and warmly.

The sun has already risen in the room.”

Of course, you guessed who it was about, this is mom.

Say the best words about your mother, what is she like? (Caring, hardworking, gentle,

kind, caring...)

2. Who is not a joke, but seriously

Will a nail teach us how to hammer?

Who will teach you to be brave? That's right, dad.

Who are you dad?

Children: Son, daughter.

Say the nicest things about dad. What is your dad? (Courageous, sympathetic, kind, strong, brave, hardworking ...)

3. Fragrant jam, Pies for a treat, Delicious pancakes, at your beloved ...

That's right: grandmothers.

What affectionate words does your grandmother call you?

4. He did not work out of boredom,

He has callused hands

And now he is old and gray,

My dear, beloved ... (grandfather)

And who are you to your grandfather?

Children: Grandson, granddaughter.

5. Who loves both me and my brother,

But does she like to dress up more?

Very fashionable girl

My youngest ... (sister)

Who are you sister?

caregiver : What good fellows you guys are, you make me happy with your knowledge.

caregiver : - Guys, how do we express love to our loved ones?(Answers of children).

Right! We also do good things and never do bad things so as not to upset our parents. What do you think joy (sadness) looks like - like a sun or a cloud?(The sun and the cloud for each child).

D / and "Joy and Sorrow"

Educator: I will name actions. If you think that this act will upset your mother, raise a cloud, if it pleases - the sun.

Painted a beautiful picture;

Fight with a friend;

Ate semolina;

Removed toys in place;

They tore the book;

On a walk they soiled a jacket;

Broke a cup

We gave way to my grandmother on the bus;

Helped mom with cleaning

Found the glasses lost by the grandmother;

Broke a cup

Helped my mom clean...

Educator: Today we have an exhibition of photographs in which many of you are taken with your parents. I think it will be interesting for all of us to hear stories about your families.

(Tell 2 - 3 children: who is shown in the picture; my mother's name is ..., my father's name is ..., F.I. grandparents who are in the drawings; where are you, what do you do, do you love your family? etc.)

caregiver : Guys, when you look at your photos, talk about your families, what feelings do you experience?

Children : Joy, good mood, love.

Educator: Why?

Children : Because I love my parents, and my parents love me.

Educator: That's right, guys, home, family - this is the place where a person feels protected, needed, loved. All members of the family are connected with each other by close ties and live amicably and happily. The family is the most precious thing a person has, therefore, at all times, the Russian people composed proverbs and sayings about the family. Let's remember them:

“No treasure is needed if the family is in harmony.”

"To cherish the family is to be happy."

"The whole family is together and the soul is in place."

"When the sun is warm, when the mother is good."

“Good children grow up in a good family.”

"Gold and silver do not age, father and mother have no value"

"In the family and the porridge is thicker."

“In your home, even the walls help.”

3. Summary of the lesson

Educator: It's good, guys, that you all have families! You are the happiest children in the world, because your families love each other, live together in harmony.

Thank you for telling so many new things about your families today, interesting, necessary.

Children: Family is happiness, love and luck.

Family is summer trips to the country.

Family is a holiday, family dates,

Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending,

Birth of children. First step, first babble.

Dreams of good, excitement and awe.

Family is work, caring for each other.

Family means a lot of housework.

Family is important! Family is hard!

But it is impossible to live happily alone,

Always be together, take care of love,

I want my friends to talk about you

What a good family you are!



Love and appreciate happiness!

It is born in the family

What could be more valuable than it?

In this fabulous land

Nomination "Methodological piggy bank of a preschool teacher"

In accordance with the complex-thematic principle of constructing the educational process, to motivate educational activities, it is not a set of individual game techniques that is proposed, but the assimilation of educational material in the process of preparing and conducting any significant and interesting events for preschoolers on a specific topic.

Topic of the week:"My family".

Target: educate children about family.


  • to teach children to understand the role of adults and children in the family, to name their family members;
  • to form elementary ideas of children that everyone in the family cares and loves each other;
  • to cultivate love for relatives and friends, the desire to take care of them;
  • develop the emotional responsiveness of children.

Final event: theatrical game "A large family lived in the house."

Group: II youngest.

Age: 3-4 years.

1. Cognitive activity, OO Cognitive development(Getting to know the environment)

- "My family" - teach children to name their family members. Know that everyone in the family cares and loves each other. Understand the role of adults in the family. Make your child happy and proud that he has a family.

2. Motor activity, OO Physical development - to develop coordination of movements in walking and running between objects; repeat the crawling exercise; exercise in maintaining a stable balance while walking on an elevated support.

3. Musical activity, OO Artistic and aesthetic development-Music-rhythm. movements - “Yes, yes, yes!”, “Family”; Listening - "Sparrow"; Singing - “The sun has friends”, “Bobik”; Games, dance - “We quarreled, reconciled”; Music making - "Folk melodies", "Song about names".

Day of the week


Independent activity

Interaction with parents






1. Motor.

Viewing a computer presentation "Look, I have a very friendly family!"

3. Communicative. Y/n: “What are the names of mom and dad?”

4. Motor. M / p game "How long can you sit like that?".

5. VHL - reading a poem by S. Teterin “Mom will be very happy”

Consideration of plot pictures on the topic "Family" (F.I. children).

2. Communicative. The game "Call it affectionately."


1. Fine Creative workshop: "Portrait of my family" - by various visual means (at the choice of children)

(construction). Floor builder games.

3. Communicative.

4. Game. Plot - role-playing game "Family": the plot of the game "Housewarming Dolls"

5. VHL. Examination of illustrations by A. Usanov "I am the only son of my mother."

1. Place material on the theme of the week in the parent corner.

2. Poll of parents on the topic "Family is ..."

3. Ask your parents to make a photo album "My family".


  1. Observation: bush and tree.
  2. Elementary household work. Collection of cones for crafts.
  3. Game. P / and "1,2,3 - run to the named tree"; "Cat Matthew"

1. Engine."Get in the circle"

1. Communicative. Situational conversation "About how mother mountain ash sang a song to her daughter."

2. Communicative.

3. Cognitive research.

"What smells?"

  1. Elementary household work. Blades, panicles, scrapers.
  2. Game. Plot - role-playing game "Family".

II half of the day

  1. Motor.
  2. Communicative. D / and "Let's dress the doll Katya for a walk"
  3. Motor. P / and "Who lives in our apartment?".
  4. Game. Finger gymnastics "You decided to cook soup, feed mom and dad."


3 .Fine."Stick on the pattern"

(F.I. children).


Conversation “What did I see (a) with mom and dad on the way to kindergarten?”

2. Cognitive research.

Preliminary work on the organization of the role-playing game "Family", the production of attributes from salt dough.

  1. Cognitive research(modeling). Mosaic (patterns).
  2. gaming. "Music for Dolls"
  3. pictorial

(Free drawing).


Sky observation.

2.VHL. Rhyme "Grandfather Yegor"

3. Engine.

4. Game. P / and "Traps", "Cat Matvey".

1.Communicative. D / and “What happens in the spring?” (F.I. children).

1. Communicative. Situational conversation about folding clothes in a cubicle.

1. Game. Plot - role-playing game "Family", the plot "Trip to the country".

2. Motor. Offer a subgroup of children badminton.


1.Communicative. OBZH Conversation "How a naughty girl Katya ran away from home to her grandmother."

1. Cognitive research. D / and ""What did dad bring us?" (F.I. children).

1. Game.

Day of the week


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activity

Interaction with parents




Educational activities in regime moments


1. Motor. Morning exercises "Friendly family"

2. Cognitive research."The stone sinks, the ball does not."

3. Communicative. Conversation “I am walking along my native street with my father, mother and sister.

4. Motor. Musical game "Kolobok".

5. Game. Communicative- finger gymnastics "Mouse family"

1. Cognitive research/Communicative Viewing the album "My Family". (F.I. children).

2. Communicative. The game "Whose baby?".

1. Communicative Musical. Morning circle - "Hello, friend!"

2. Elementary household work. The assignment is to put the toys away before the walk.

3. Communicative. Word game "My family"

1. Fine Creative workshop: Draw with plasticine "Flower for grandma"

2. Cognitive research(construction). Games with a large builder.

3. Communicative. Board games

4. Game. Plot - role-playing game "Family": the plot of the game "Mom cooks breakfast"

1. Folder - shift "The role of the family in raising children"

2. "Freeze frame" - make a photo essay on the topic "This is how we play" (role-playing game "Family")

3. Ask parents to bring a photo of the family for registration at the parent meeting

1. Communication activities: OO Speech development - "Stories about your family" -
teach children to answer questions from an adult; activate adjectives and verbs;
consolidate the pronunciation of sounds (g), (n). clarify the composition of your family.
Develop the ability to treat your family members with respect.
Learn to listen to the poetic form of riddles.

2 productive activity: OO Artistic and aesthetic development (drawing)

- "Portrait of a family" - to educate children kindly to dad, mom, yourself; to teach to convey these images in the drawing by available means of expressiveness; reinforce the idea of ​​​​round and oval shapes,
to form the ability to draw them; to teach to see the emotional state, to convey joy.


1. Cognitive research. Communicative. Weather observation. Compilation of the story "What I like the most about the weather"

2. Elementary household work. Collection of sticks for crafts.

3. Game. P / and "Sun and rain"; "Who lives in our apartment"

1. Engine.

p / game "From bump to bump"

1.Communicative. Situational conversation "How did the ant look for its home?"

2. Communicative. Situational conversation about folding clothes in a cubicle. 3. Cognitive research.

"Properties of sand"

1. Elementary household work. Shovels, panicles, buckets, scrapers (washing cleaning equipment0

2. Fine.

Creative workshop: draw with crayons on the pavement "My beloved parents".

3. Game. Sand games "Treats for Mom"

IIhalf a day

1. Engine. Invigorating gymnastics “All our friends are in our group, but together we are a family!”

2. Communicative. Learning the scene "A big family lived in the house"

3. Engine. P / and "Find what I'll hide."

1.Communicative. cognitive research. D / and "Who lives in the house?".

1. Communicative. Situational conversation about folding clothes in a cubicle

"Visiting Kapitoshka."

3.Communicative. Mini-entertainment "Grandma - a riddle."

4. Fine. Preparation of drawings for the competition "My family".

watching the cartoon “Lessons of Aunt Owl. Spring".

2. Game.

Table yoke "Friendly family".


1. Cognitive research. Birdwatching.

2.VHL. Rhyme "Bird"

3. Elementary household work. Invite the children to clean up the veranda.

4. Engine. Game exercise "Birds".

P / and "Sparrows and a cat", "Crows".

1.Communicative. Cognitive research D / and "It is possible - it is impossible" "

(F.I. children).


1. Game. Plot - role-playing game "Driver": game situation "Replacing the wheel"


1. Game."Hour of Disobedience"

1. Engine."Get in the circle."

2 .Relaxation

1. Elementary household work. The assignment is to clean up before leaving home.

1.Musical. Free music.

1. Game. Board - printed games on the interests of children.

Day of the week


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activity

Interaction with parents




Educational activities in regime moments


1. Engine. Morning exercises "Friendly family"

2. Cognitive research. Work with the calendar of nature.

3.Communicative. Conversation "Where and with whom do I live?"

4. Engine. P / and "Magic hoop".

5. VHL - repeat the poem

S. Teterin “Mom will be very happy”

1. Cognitive research"Collect a Daisy"

(F.I. children).

2. Communicative. Game situation "Polite bear cub"

1.Communicative. Morning circle - "Hello, friend!"

2. Elementary household work. The assignment is to put the toys away before the walk.

3. Engine. P / and "Ball in a circle"

1.Fine Independent productive activity "Coloring"

Reviewing "Children's Family Albums"

3.Communicative. Board games ("Whose mother?", "Associations").

4. Game. Integrated role-playing game on the topics "Family", "Driver", "Hospital"

5.Musical. Playing musical instruments.

1. Consultation “School of Aibolit. Posture".

3. Parental meeting "If the family is together, the soul is in place."


1. Cognitive and research activities: OO Cognitive development (mathematics) "Geometric family" - to learn to reproduce a given number of objects and sounds according to a model (without counting and naming a number). Improve the ability to distinguish and name familiar geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle.

2. Musical activity. OO Artistic and aesthetic development - Music-rhythm. movements - “Yes, yes, yes!”, “Family”; Listening - "Sparrow"; Singing - “The sun has friends”, “Bobik”; Games, dance - “We quarreled, reconciled”; Music making - “Folk melodies”, “Song about names”


1. Cognitive research. Cloud watching.

2. Communicative. VHL. Rhyme "Rain"

3.Communicative. Cognitive research. D / game "What does a cloud look like?"

4. Game. P / and "Traps", "Cucumber".

1. Engine."Jumping"

Game exercise "Catch the ball"

1.Communicative. Situational conversation "How children decided to become adults in kindergarten."

Situational conversation about folding clothes in a cubicle.

1. Elementary household work. Shovels, panicles, scrapers (repair of cleaning equipment)

2.Game. Plot -

role-playing game "Family", the plot "Meet the guests".

IIhalf a day

1. Engine. Invigorating gymnastics “All our friends are in our group, but together we are a family!”

2. Communicative. Game. D / and "Housewarming Dolls".

3. Engine. P / and "Family".

4.VHL. Reading K. Ushinsky "Cockerel with a family"

1.Communicative."Retelling of fairy tales by illustrations".

2 .Fine."Scarf for little sister"

(F.I. children).


Conversation "What did we ride to kindergarten?"

1. Cognitive research ( modeling). Mosaic (patterns).

2. Game. Plot - role-playing game "Hospital", the plot "Our grandmother fell ill"

3.Fine(Free drawing).


1. Cognitive research. Observation, informative story "Birch in the spring."

2. Elementary household work. Collection of cones for crafts.

3. Engine. Game exercise "Who is the fastest?".

4. Game. P / and "The mother hen and chickens", "Find your place" .

1.Communicative. Y/and “When does this happen?”

(F.I. children).

1. Elementary household work. Situational conversation about folding clothes in a cubicle.

1. Game. Free play activities for children.

2. Engine. Offer a subgroup of children "field hockey".


1.Communicative. D / game "Who needs what for work?"

1. Cognitive research. D / and "One - many"

(F.I. children).

1.Musical. D / and “Guess what I play?”

2.VHL. Reading a poem by V. Orlov “Who is my family?”

1. Game. Board - printed games on the interests of children

2. Elementary household work. The assignment is to clean up before leaving home.

Day of the week


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activity

Interaction with parents




Educational activities in regime moments


1. Engine. Morning exercises "Friendly family"

3. Game. Communicative. - finger gymnastics "My family"

D / and "Help grandfather collect carrots"

4. Engine. Musical game "Kolobok".

5. Game. Communicative. - finger gymnastics "We decided to cook soup, feed mom and dad"

1. Cognitive research

Communicative. D / and “Make a story about your family from a photograph” (F.I. children).

2. Communicative. The game "What are the names of my relatives?".

1.Communicative. Musical. Morning circle - "Hello, friend!"

Assignment - we wipe the leaves of the ficus.

3 .Musical.

Listening to the musical work "Zlyuka"

D. Kobalevsky.

3. Communicative. Word game "My family".

1. Design

"The house I live in"

2. Communicative. Board-printed games (lotto, dominoes).

3. Game. Plot - role-playing game "Family": the plot of the game "We bathe the daughter"

4. VHL. Examination of illustrations in the book by E. Blaginina "That's what a mother is."

1. Place the advice "Style of parenting in the family" in the parental legal corner.

2. Design an exhibition of children's drawings on the theme "Portrait of my family."

3.Consultation "Children's health and parental relationships

1. Productive activity: OO Artistic and aesthetic development (application) - "My family" - to teach children to place objects on a sheet in the right place.

To fix the ability to hold the brush correctly, evenly smear the form with glue. Make children happy and proud that they have a family. Cultivate compassion and kindness.

2. Motor activity: OO Physical development (on a walk) - to develop the ability to act on the signal of the teacher, to consolidate the ability to throw into the distance.


1. Cognitive research. Observation: people's clothes.

2. Elementary household work. Sweeping the paths on the site

3. Game. Motor. P / and "Find your place""; "Run to me."

4. Engine.

Game exercise "Small and big feet".

1. Engine."Hit the cone in the basket"

2. Cognitive research D / and “Where did the bear cub hide?”

1.Communicative. Situational conversation "In what shall we go for a walk?"

2. Communicative / Elementary household work. Situational conversation about washing hands after a walk. 3. Cognitive research

Experiment "Solar heat"

1. Productive activity

Laying out of the cones "My House"

2. Game.

Independent play activity.

IIhalf a day

1. Engine. Invigorating gymnastics “All our friends are in our group, but together we are a family!”

2. Communicative. Conversation "In the world of kind words"

3. Engine. P / and "Magic hoop".

4.VHL. Reading E. Charushin "Duck with ducklings."

1..Communicative D / and "Big - small"

2. .Fine. Creative workshop application from natural material "Mom, dad, I am a very friendly family"

(F.I. children).

1.VHC. Communicative.

theatrical game "Hen with chickens", op. I. The sun.

2. Communicative. Musical D / n: “Recognize by voice ??”

1. Cognitive research.

Games in the touch corner.

2. Game.

Integrated role-playing game on the themes "Driver", "Family", the plot "To the store for potatoes"

3. Fine

(Free drawing).


1. Cognitive research. Sun watching.

2.VHL. Rhyme "Sun - bucket"

3. Engine. Game exercise "Who is the most dexterous?".

4. Game. P / and "Sun and rain", "Shaggy dog".

1.Communicative. D / and "Balloons"

(F.I. children).


Conversation "How I love mommy and daddy."

1 .Elementary household work.

Invite the children to clean up the area.

2. Game.

The game is fun with bubbles.


1.Communicative. Creative storytelling.

1.Communicative."Who sings what song?" (onomatopoeia".

1. Elementary household work. The assignment is to clean up before leaving home.

1. Game. Finger Theater "Family"

2. Musical.

Listening to children's cartoon songs.

Day of the week


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activity

Interaction with parents




Educational activities in regime moments


1. Engine. Morning exercises "Friendly family"

sit like that?"

2. Communicative. VHL,- repeat the poem about the family.

4. Cognitive research. D / and “What is your name?”

5. Game. Communicative.- Finger gymnastics "Mouse family", "My family"

1. Communicative.

D / and “Who is doing what?” - work according to the schemes (full names of children).

1.Communicative. Musical. Morning circle - "Hello, friend!"

2. Self-service / Elementary household work. Assignment - wipe the cubes.


Orchestration of the musical work "Sad Rain", music. D. Kobalevsky.

1. Cognitive research

(construction). Construction material. Lego. Puzzles.

2. Communicative.

Table theater "Repka".

4. Motor.

Suggest a ring toss.

1.Consultation: "The role of the father in family education."

2. Memo for parents "Rules of communication in the family" (distribute to each family)

4. Organize parents for a mini-subbotnik to replace the sand in the sandbox.

1 . Cognitive research activity:

NGO Cognitive Development - "Home for my family" -

to consolidate the ability to build houses, supplement them with details.

Encourage the transformation of the building according to the plan.

Improve the ability to beat your buildings.

2 . motor activity: OO Physical development

Develop coordination of movements in walking and running between objects;

repeat the crawling exercise; exercise in maintaining a stable balance while walking on an elevated support.


1. Cognitive research. Wind observation.

2. VHL. Reading A. Koltsov "The winds are blowing."

4. Game. Motor. P / and "The wind blows in our face"; "Shaggy Dog"

1. Engine.

"Let's go over the bridge"

1. Communicative. Situational conversation "Like a chicken Petya wanted to be just like dad"

2. Self-service. Elementary household work.

Situational conversation about folding clothes in a cubicle.

1. Elementary household work.

Shovels, panicles, buckets, scrapers.

2. Game.

Games - fun with a "wind blower".

IIhalf a day

1. Engine. Invigorating gymnastics “All our friends are in our group, but together we are a family!”

2. Communicative. Conversation "My family".

3. Engine. Musical outdoor game "Hedgehog family".

4. Cognitive research. D / and "Wonderful bag"

2. Communicative. D / and "What first, what then"

1 .Communicative.

D / game "Whose baby?"

2.Self-service. Elementary household work. Exercise "The most accurate"

3 .Fine. Final event. Theatrical game "A big family lived in the house."

1. Game.

Independent games for the interests of children.

2. Cognitive research.

Examination of children's albums with photographs "My family".


1. Cognitive research. Kidney monitoring.

2. VHL. I. Akim "May".

3. Motor.

Health jogging at the gym.

P / and "Sparrows and a cat", "Mice in the pantry".

1. Communicative. Cognitive research D / and “It is possible - it is impossible” ”(F.I. of children).

1. Communicative.

D / game "Masha is confused."

1. Game.

Independent gaming activity on the plot "Family".

2. Elementary household work.

Invite the children to sweep the benches in the area.


1. Game. Correction - developing game "Thrifty hamsters".

1. Motor. Exercise "Pinocchio".

1.Communicative. OBZH Conversation "On the discrepancy between good looks and good intentions."

1. Elementary household work. The assignment is to clean up before leaving home.

Victoria Ushkalova

The final event of the project "My family."

Parent meeting with children in the middle group "My family - what could be more expensive".

Entertainment progress:

Parents and children enter the hall under the "Anthem of the Family"

Presenter 1: Hello - it means good afternoon, it means be healthy and happy, it means be in a good mood. We welcome you to our parent family meeting. Today we have not just a meeting of parents, we have gathered together with the children to talk about the family, about our affairs and sum up the results of the year and our project. Also at our meeting there is a music director F. I. O. and physical. instructor F.I.O.

Presenter 2: Family is the most important thing in life for each of us. The family is close and dear people, those whom we wish good and happiness, whom we love, whom we take an example from, whom we care about. The family is a world where love, devotion and mutual understanding reign. It is one for all joys, sorrows, habits and traditions

Presenter 1:

In the family circle, we are growing,

The basis of the foundations is the parental home.

In the family circle, all your roots,

And you come into life from the family

Lead 2: Today in this hall we have gathered not in vain,

Today we will tell you how important family is for our children.


1. We will tell about the family

mine! mine! mine!

There is no dearer on earth

Dearer, closer and dearer.

2. Family is mom, and dad, and grandfather,

Grandma cooks a delicious dinner for us.

There are also brothers and sisters in the family.

3. Family is me,

And they call me:

Kitten and honey, hare, bird.

Someone is my brother, and someone is my sister.

Family - where everyone loves and caresses me,

And there is nothing better than FAMILY!

4. My dad is the best!

He is very friendly with his mother!

Yes, and with me I confess to everyone

Almost no problem.

And mom is kind and gentle!

And day and night I need!

Presenter 1: If the family has fun, it means that it is fun to sing.

Song about a dog (In the yard behind a barrel)

Lead 2: I think many will agree with me that a family begins with love, kindness, caring for each other and, of course, from home. Despite the fact that many people want to be independent, the family will remain a priority in the life of every person.

Each family has its own house, but not everyone knows that the word house is non-Russian. It comes from the Latin word "dominium" - possession. The word house means not only the building, but also the very life and being under its roof, in the circle of close and loving people. Their unanimity, friendship, support, harmony, ability to get along with each other - this is the strength of the house.

The house is different. Our children also have a second home where they spend most of the day. And what kind of house are we talking about, you will now understand.

(Children read a poem about kindergarten)

1. There is a wonderful house in the world

Children in that house are taught

I think this house

The best in the world

2. I go here every day

learning, growing, growing

And I'm leaving here

Always a little smarter

3. If you enter this house

You will enter the magical world

You will laugh merrily, and be sad and worry

This holiday for many days will live in your soul!

Host 1: Guess what kind of house we are talking about? Of course about kindergarten. And we go to kindergarten, and our group is also our family.

Dance Kindergarten

Host 2: We bring to your attention a short presentation about the life of our children in kindergarten.

Multimedia presentation about the life of children in kindergarten

Presenter 1: Family is parents, close people, home. These are common joys and concerns, joint deeds. This is happiness and love. And now our families will talk about their family traditions, (numbers of children and parents)

Host 2: Now, shall we play a little?

GAME "Assemble the pyramid"

Lead 2: And now we will find out how our children know well the duties of their parents in the family. Guys, I will name different types of work, and you answer in chorus who does this work, dad or mom, and show how they do it:

GAME "Pantomime"

she does laundry, drives a car, cooks dinner, repairs the TV, washes the floor, plows the garden, collects children in the kindergarten, waters the flowers, rests on the sofa, knits, splits firewood, sits at the computer.

Presenter 1: I see you are tired, it's time to stretch your legs, we invite you to dance

Dance "Quarreled-reconciled" (dance with parents)

Presenter 1: During the year, you all participated in the life of the group and the kindergarten. Everyone tried to contribute, and today the award has found the most active, most responsive parents (graduations).

Children recite a poem

Family is us. Family is me.

My family is my father and mother.

The family is Dimka, my brother.

Family is my fluffy cat.

The family is godmothers and uncles.

The family is a Christmas tree in a beautiful outfit.

The family is a holiday round the table.

Family is happiness, family is home.

Where they love and wait and do not remember evil.

Presenter: Today we saw that all the families of our children are strong, friendly and loving. Folk wisdom says: “A child learns what he sees in his home. Parents are an example to him! Don't forget about it." Take care of your families, take care of each other, help your loved ones! And the children will follow your example! Be all healthy and happy! But, do not forget that a kindergarten is also a big friendly family and we will try to ensure that peace and harmony reign in our House.

The final event of the project "My Family"

Abstract final project event"My family»

date of: 15.05.2018.

Full name, position teacher: Biketova Tamara Valerievna, teacher. Direction development: socio-communicative development.

Dominant educational region: social and communicative development

Topic: "My family» with the participation of parents.

Age group: middle group.

Integration of educational regions: cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development.

Types of children's activities:




Target: continue to acquaint with history families, family traditions, establishing partnerships with families of pupils.

The tasks of education:

Educational: reinforce concepts in children family“pedigree” and “family tree”; broaden your understanding of family, knowledge about their close relatives;

Educational: develop dialogic and monologue speech; a sense of pride in one's family; children's confidence in themselves and their abilities; develop activity, initiative;

Educational: to cultivate love and respect for all members of one's own families, a sense of duty and love for one's neighbor, for the Motherland; to encourage open and sincere expression of their feelings; draw the attention of parents to the importance of active joint recreation, in order to strengthen family relationships.

Members: parents, children, caregivers

preliminary work: invitation to a holiday, preparation poster families"The traditions of our families» , emblem production families, coat of arms, learning poems with children, songs “My family


Drawings, posters of children and parents on the theme "My family";

Family photos with scenes from life families; model of a family tree, photos of the children of the group, photos of employees, the Sun with rays, family trees of pupils, a candle for good wishes, a house, a microphone, the coat of arms of each families.

Preliminary work with children.

Making albums with family photos, "My name";

Examining family albums with photographs;

Conversation with children about the “family tree”, about the coat of arms families, pedigree family and its members,

Learning poems, proverbs, sayings, riddles, songs about family, house;

Reading fiction;

Drawing on the theme “My family", drawing competition;

role-playing games: “Family", “Daughters - mothers”;

Didactic games on the topic “My family";

Learning the song “Mom, me and dad?”, ditties about family.

Preliminary work with parents:

Consultations "How to create a family tree of your families", "Creating a family tree families» , "Creating with children", "How to make a family coat of arms";

Collaboration with parents to compile a family tree;

Ask parents to talk about their childhood, school years, family traditions;

Discuss the meaning of member names families.

vocabulary work: genus, parents, ancestors, pedigree, traditions, family tree, coat of arms families, family, Father's house.

Methodological techniques: a surprise moment, a problem situation, a word game, a conversation, questions for children, reading poems, singing a song, ditties, a dance of fixies, using ICT, help, encouragement, advice, looking at coats of arms, genealogies, photographs.

Holiday progress:

Parents and children enter the hall under "Hymn families»

presenter: Good afternoon, dear guests, children, mothers, fathers, grandparents. We are very pleased to see you all here together, with a friendly smile, affectionate and kind look. It is these people who create strong, happy families in which wonderful children grow up.

We are together - and everything is fine,

And rain and cold wind

Thank you my family

For the fact that you are in the world!

presenter: Dear adults and children! TODAY May 15 - INTERNATIONAL Day families AND THEREFORE we gathered as a friendly company to have fun this evening in a friendly family

I see both adults and children in a good mood, and to make it even better, our children will start our evening.

First child: Family is a big word! NIKITA

Second child: Family is a ringing word! ANGELINA

third child: Family is an important word, ROMAN MOORE.

Everyone will tell you this.

fourth child: Family is the sun, NIKITA

Fifth child: Family are the stars in the sky. ANGELINA

sixth child: Family is all love. ROMAN MOORE.

Leading: Love of sons and fathers,

The love of daughters and mothers.

Together: We give our love to you!

KSENIYA. So I always hurry home, wherever I am.

There, after all, brother, my dad, my mom.

There toys are waiting for me, sitting in the corner -

Dolls, bears and elephants, I know that they do not sleep.

I love them all very much, and they love me.

Let my whole be always happy family!

LERA. I love it very much when everyone gathers, the table is covered with a white tablecloth,

Sister with mom, dad and me, we are called family!

I have family -

Mom, dad, sister and me.

We live best

We sing songs loudly.

I won't let anyone

offend my family.

May it always live family -

Mom, dad, sister and me.

GREGORY. If you take love and loyalty,

To them add feeling, tenderness,

Multiply everything by years, you get - family!

PAULINE. What's happened family? You ask me, I will answer you with pleasure.

What family is home, my garden outside the window, family is a small motherland!

presenter: It's great that every person has family. Guys, tell: “What do you do at home on weekends when all your relatives are around?”

presenter: And of course, all watch TV with family. I'm sure you have favorite TV shows. And what?

presenter: Guys, let's imagine that we were all invited to a television studio for a children's program - "My family» . Do you agree to be part of this program?

presenter: Good afternoon, dear viewers. Let's start our transmission "My family» and I, its presenter Tamara Valerievna, greet you. Today in our studio, guests of the program and participants, kindergarten children "Teremok" city ​​of Kuvandyk. The guys came to our studio to tell about themselves, about their family, about their dear and close people.

presenter: But first, let's do a little "warm-up" with kids. Guys, every relative in family has a name. Now I will ask you riddles about relatives, and you do not be shy, answer in chorus.

She radiates light, a dimple from a smile, There is no one dearer than her own ... (Mommy)

Guess who it is: newspaper, tie, hat. I'm waiting for your answer, friends. Who is this? (dad)

Lovers to educate you, They are called ... (parents)

Dad, mom, brother and I - Together friendly ... (family)

Delicious pancakes, we eat at ... (grandmothers)

He wets a piece of bread in warm milk, Our beloved walks with a stick in his hand ... (granddad)

Previously, rhyme helped, but now it has become insidious.

You're my friend, don't rush, don't get hooked!

They sew and cook aspic, for us, of course ... (not fathers, but mothers)

They repair roofs, furniture, frames, go fishing ... (not mothers, but fathers)

In our house, noise and din, Dust and dirt are always from ... (not mothers, but children)

presenter: Well done! And now we will check if your parents can answer just as well.

presenter: We are asking for an interview with us give:

What can fathers and mothers tell us about their children?

(moms and dads answer the questions of the presenter, and the child agrees or not with the answer of the parents).

sample questions:

What is the name of the best friend (girlfriend) your son (daughter?

Your child's favorite food?

What games does your son (daughter) like to play the most?

Favorite cartoon of your child?

Your child's favorite fairy tale?

What does your child like to do on the day off?

Who reads fairy tales to your child?

Does your child help you around the house?

Who does your child love the most, dad or mom? Why?

presenter: Today we have a photo exhibition open on our TV show, many of you have made family trees, a coat of arms families with parents. Our viewers will be interested to hear stories about your families.

presenter: I know that VADIM Valiulin and his mother tried very hard and prepared for us such a story about their friendly family. Let's listen to Vadim.

caregiver: Guys, it was not in vain that I put a photo exhibition on the house. House, family is that, a place where a person feels protected, needed, loved. All members families connected with each other by close ties and live amicably and happily.

caregiver: Now Nastya D. will tell us about how long they waited for her birth and why she was named that way and not otherwise.

caregiver: I suggest, guys, take a break. Let's stand next to the chairs. (While the children are resting, put the trees forward) (slow music plays)

1. Imagine that you are a shriveled seed (Children squat down and shrink into a ball, head down, covered with hands)

2. The spring sun begins to warm, and the seed begins to grow (Children begin to rise slowly, arms lowered)

3. The stalk grows, twigs appear, leaves appear on the twigs. (Children straighten their bodies. Raise their hands, fists on their heads)

4. A festive moment comes - the buds burst and the flowers open. (arms to the sides, sharply unclench fists and stretch up)

And our sprout turned into a flowering tree.

caregiver: A tree grows, rising higher and higher, overgrown with new branches, large and small, so each grows family. Guys, and now I invite you to take a walk along the alley, but it is unusual. (Children approach the trees to calm music).

presenter: Who guessed how unusual it is? (Trees grow on the alley, coats of arms, which were made at home with their parents).

presenter: Do you know that people from ancient times tried to preserve the memory of their relatives for future generations. Arina K. will tell us how people left information about relatives. Let's sit down and listen to her.

ARINA K. Since ancient times, people have tried to preserve the memory of their relatives for future generations. Since there were many of them, but it was necessary to remember everyone, people decided to write down their names, surnames in special notebooks, so that later they could pass this information on to their children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren. These records were called "pedigrees". And then people came up with the idea of ​​sketching their own "pedigree" in the form of a tree, (showing a family tree, where leaves and branches depicted generations and members families.) Thus, information about many generations of relatives was preserved in the memory of descendants for many years, even centuries. And the tree began to be called "Genealogical tree".

Just as a tree grows, rising higher and acquiring new branches, large and small, each family. New families, children appear, children grow up their children. Etc. Therefore, people have come up with the idea of ​​​​compiling the so-called family tree.

presenter: Who remembers the names of these trees? (“Family” or genealogical trees).

presenter: This is your family tree that tells the story of your families. Look at what beautiful trees you have turned out, when decorating them, you showed creativity and imagination. It's obvious how much you love your family.

presenter: We continue our TV show. It seems to me that Ulyana Skripacheva wants to tell us something. She will introduce us to the family tree of her families. (A story about a family tree.)

presenter: And Stepan will introduce us to the family coat of arms. What is painted on it? What does it mean? Now we will find out.

presenter: Guys, family happiness is like fire, it also needs to be supported with kind words and deeds. It's great that everyone has family. Do we know the song about family? A musical break is announced on our TV show.

Song "Mom, me and dad"

presenter: What could be better "friendly families» , where they understand you, wait, love, if necessary, always support and help. Family is a family hearth.

And now we will listen to the story of the wonderful family-family of ROMAN Mirzoyan. presenter: What good fellows you are! You have made some very interesting presentations! Protect and preserve your family tree families. Thank you too, Fixik. Do you know any fun game? Play with the guys.

FIXIKOV dance with Kristina Mirzoyan

presenter: Guys, we go to the same group. Do you think all together we are family?

Kindergarten is your second home. Our group has its own tree - the tree of friendship and harmony. We, the educators, and everyone who works in kindergarten, like the rays of the sun, love you very much and warm you with our warmth. (On the stand, rays with photographs of kindergarten employees are attached to the sun).

presenter: Family- a part of our country. Homeland begins on the threshold of your home, it is huge and beautiful. Everyone has one Motherland, like a mother. We are proud of our city where we live. What is it called? (Kuvandyk) We are proud of our country. And what is it called? (Russia)

RUSTAM. There are different parts of the earth.

Only where the father's house is, my homeland.

Have fun, grow up and sing, know that the Motherland is with you.

Remember the main words

All children: Mother! Motherland! Family!

presenter: We continue our TV show "My family» . And through the rubric

"Through the mouth of a baby" we learn a little about family secrets.

Video with statements, reasoning of children.

presenter: Well, now the most favorite rubric "Moment of glory"

Musical competition "Funny ditties"

ALL. We begin to sing ditties, please do not laugh!

Don't look at us like that - we can be shy!

ARINA I'll go out, I'll go out to dance in brand new shoes,

All the guys say I'm like a picture!

STEPAN. I play football with my dad, I stand at the gate,

And I'll scratch my knees - my mother will relieve my pain.

NASTYA K. In the morning, mothers bring us, and sometimes we are stubborn.

We'll bang in the locker room, and then we'll go to play.

ROMA MOORE. I'm too lazy to get up in the morning, go to bed in the evening,

I'd rather not go to kindergarten: I decided to get married!

Nastya D. I went to my grandmother, yes, I’m cheerful luck:

I have exhausted two dozen with my snub nose!

ROMA MIRZ. Let me be small, but I eat bread with kefir

Soon I will go to the army and become a commander.

ARINA K. Mom, dad and brother - here she is my relatives!

Oh, thank you, dear ones, that I have all of you!

STEPAN. My shirt suddenly began to choke, I almost died of fear.

Then I realized: “E-mine! I have grown out of it!”

Nastya K. I have a rose in my pocket - a loose rose,

I have such a character as stinging nettle!

Roma Moore. Every day I put a ruble into my piggy bank.

I've been saving up for a whole year to buy myself a little brother.

Nastya D. Parents have no time, no time to talk with the child,

Who communicates in the garden is developing rapidly!

ROMA MIRZ. Girls adore me, they say that I'm small in stature,

And I kissed Natasha ten times in the kindergarten!

ALL. A ditty has a beginning, a ditty has an end.

Who listened to our ditties, frankly - well done!

presenter: So our fascinating TV show has come to an end.

EVELINA. It's time, it's time to finish, we are glad to all the guests,

That you chose the time and looked to us.

Danil. Family joy happy faces!

I wish everyone families shine with love!

ARTEM P. Let in families cheerful sounds of children's laughter,

Good and joyful holiday for all!

ARTEM M. Love flourishes around the Earth.

Peace to your home and to each family!

presenter: Family- the basis of all good that is in the child. IN family respect and love are laid. Love your children, respect their opinions, desires, and they will answer you the same! Make friends with kids!

I want to wish you that your hearth always shines with love and happiness. I wish you peace, kindness and prosperity.

Many thanks to everyone for their active participation, for your smiles. I hope that we will keep this good tradition - meetings in the family circle.

Synopsis of the final event in the middle group

"Together friendly family."

Target: create conditions for the formation of children's ideas about the family, about members of their family.


  • Cognitive - to form children's ideas about the family (its members, family relationships, that the family is everyone who lives with the child);
  • Socio-communicative- encourage children to join in a game situation with an adult on the topic of the day. Develop emotional responsiveness, goodwill. Cultivate a sense of love, respect and affection for family members;
  • speech - to master the skills of verbal communication. Cultivate initiative and independence in verbal communication with others. Enrich children's vocabulary;
  • Physical – to continue the formation of the motor activity of children, the formation of healthy lifestyle values, the development of figurative movements through the game, the ability to navigate in space.

Equipment and materials:family photos, ball, hand silhouettes.

Methods : verbal, information-receptive.

FOD : through the pages of the family album.


Guys, pay attention to this photo. Who did you recognize from it? (Vladika)

Vlad, tell us, please, who else is shown in this photo? (Vladik's story)

How can you name all these people in one word? (Family). I show a few more photos, the children tell.

Educator: So what is a family? (Children list). That's right, guys, family is close people.

How do members of the same family live: together or separately? (May be together, may be separate)

Educator: Guys, try to guess the riddle:

Five and five - brothers,

So they are all born together.

If they dig up a bed -

They all hold one shoulder blade.

Do not get bored, but play

All together in one toy

And in winter the whole crowd

They hide together in a caravan.

These are "five and five".

Guess what they are called? (Children guess)

Educator: And how did you guess that these are fingers? (children's answers)

Educator: Guys, do you like to play with your fingers? What game do you know?


This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother,

This finger is dad

This finger is mom

This finger is me.

A friendly family together.

Educator: Do you want to learn another game?

Finger gymnastics by E. Savelyeva "My family".

I know that I havehands up palm up

Friendly family at hometowards you, straighten your fingers)

This is mom, this is me,take turns counting fingers)

This is my grandmother

This is dad, this is grandfather.

And we have no discord! (shake the received fist in the affirmative)

What is this game about? (About family)

Educator: I have such a palm (showing the silhouette of the palm). Show her the smallest finger. What is it called? (Little finger). Who is the smallest in your family? How are you or your sisters and brothers affectionately called in the family?

Ball game "Say kindly."

Target: the ability to form words with the help of suffixes, the enrichment of the children's vocabulary, the motivation to call their family members affectionate words.

Daughter - daughter, daughter.

Son, son, son, son.

Sister is sister.

Brother is brother.

Papa - daddy, daddy.

Grandfather - grandfather, grandfather.

Baba - grandmother, grandmother.

Grandson - granddaughter.

Granddaughter - granddaughter.

Guys, can you solve other riddles?

Without what in the world

Adults can not live and children?

Who will always support you?

Your friendly ... (Family).

You've been working, you've been tired

And didn't rest at all.

I will ask for the sun

Do not shine through the windows in the morning:

Don't get up so early

Do not wake you ... (Mom)

Who does the hard work

Can do on Saturdays? -

With an ax, a saw, a shovel

It builds, ours works ... (Dad).

Who does not stop loving

Bakes pies for us

Delicious pancakes?

This is our ... (Grandma).

He did not work out of boredom,

He has calluses on his hands.

And now he is old and gray -

My dear, beloved ... (Grandfather).

Who's a funny kid

Quickly crawling on the belly?

amazing boy -

This is my youngest ... (Brother).

Who loves me and my brother,

But does she like to dress up more?

Very fashionable girl

My eldest ... (Sister).

Well done guys, you did a great job. Now let's rest a little. Let's play the water game. (Children "swim up" to the water teacher and tease him):

"Water, Water,

Don't call me with you

I love my family

I'll run away to my mom and dad!

(Children run away, the teacher catches up).

Educator: Guys, I want to give you these palms and I suggest drawing my whole family on them. (Creative work of children under the guidance of a teacher).

Let's see what happened.

Work Analysis.

Outcome A: We all have a family.

Some have a big one, some have a small one. But in every family you are loved and taken care of. You are the happiest kids in the world.

Reflection: what did we talk about today? What did you like?