
A summary of the nodes in the group will prepare a fun fair. Synopsis of folklore entertainment in the preparatory group “Fair. Golden Khokhloma. Approximate course of action

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Synopsis of integrated activities with children of the senior speech therapy group
"Fun Fair".
Purpose: to consolidate knowledge, skills and abilities in various types of painting. Develop creativity, memory, imagination in children of preparatory age. Improve the independent use of different painting techniques. Create a festive mood, develop emotional responsiveness in the perception of works of folk arts and crafts. To cultivate a respectful attitude towards the work of folk craftsmen. Show through the exhibition the differences between different types of painting.
Material: gouache, jars of water, palettes, rags, brushes (thin, wide, flat) Preliminary work: modeling toys, clay dishes, applying a background (in
depending on painting)
Making dishes from papier-mâché (applying a background to it, depending on the painting). Cutting out the pattern of cardboard dishes. Learning ditties, proverbs and sayings about work. Acquaintance of children with the national holiday - the festivities "Fair". Acquaintance of children with different types of painting (during the school year), their features, elements. Drawing up your own pattern from elements, for example: Gorodets (Khokhloma, Dymkovo, etc.) paintings. The development of creativity, memory, imagination in children.
The music hall was designed for the integrated GCD "Merry Fair". The tables are prepared for the work of children in the "art workshops" (in a semicircle) on the tables there are blanks of products that the children will paint, gouache, jars of water, different types of brushes, rags. On a separate table are finished products of different masters.

Dymkovo 7) masters

The hostess sits in the hall and sings a song. Children in Russian costumes enter and stand near the hostess, then they greet and bow low.
Teacher: Hello, hostess, meet the guests!
Hostess: Hello, dear guests, please come to my hut. My hut is spacious, bright, there is enough space for everyone. I sit, doing work for sale not at a fair. The fair is coming soon, but there are few products, if the guests have come, help me.
As usual in Russia - things are arguing together, but at least drop it apart.
Teacher: Yes, we specifically came to help. Really guys? Let's get to work. Business before pleasure. Do you know sayings and proverbs about work?
Russian folk melody sounds. Children go to the "workshops", sit down at the tables and begin work; remember and pronounce proverbs and sayings about labor (alternately).
If there was a hunt, any hunt would work.
There will be no boredom when your hands are busy.
2 child:
“Is it not because the people so sacredly valued this toy
That he is his longing for the light
Did you put bright figures into the figures?
Today a sparkling row of toys
She comes out to show her outfit.
The teacher goes further: And here are the Khokhloma masters.
“Like a sorceress, heat is a bird Does not go out of mind
Enchantress - craftswoman,
Golden Khokhloma.
Admire my goods, just do not bargain,
Spoons are gilded, twisted patterns!
(Shows painted spoons, drink from cardboard)
Come take a look!
There are no products more beautiful than our Khokhloma!
(shows a saucer of pope-mashe).
Teacher: Are you tired of the master, to work?
Isn't it time for us to have some fun?
A game.
I have chests, boxes, caskets, they contain split pictures. Pictures need to be added and guess which painting is depicted. Whose team is faster. And to make us more fun, hostess, turn on the music. (One, two, three - start the game.) Children lay out pictures and guess the painting painted on it.
Teacher: Well done, guys, they did the job.
Hostess: Where are our masters?
You please come here
Take your seats,
And try a little!
Children go to their workplaces and continue to paint objects.
Teacher: And Gorodets craftsmen work in this workshop. Let's hear what
they talk about their business.
You do it in a hurry - you do it for laughter.
A bird is recognized in flight, and a person at work.
It is not for nothing that it is said that the work of the master is afraid.
Persistence and hard work will overcome everything.
Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils.
You can't even pull a fish out of a pond without effort.
9. The craft is not a yoke, it does not pull the shoulders.
10. What you sow, you will reap.
11. What is the master, such is the work.
12. Boring day until evening, when there is nothing to do.
Teacher: You know proverbs and sayings well. Here we will see how our masters work. (Approaches the Filimonov masters.)
There is a village near Tula,
The name is Filimonovo.
And the masters live there,
What good is brought to the house.
And good there is not simple,
And not gold, silver.
Filimonovo toy
It's called.
Child (master): He sings with overflows, wakes up all the people in the morning.
The cockerel proudly wears a golden comb. (Shows his cockerel, which he paints.)
Child (master): The horse runs - the whole earth trembles
In the field, the grass - the ant lies face down. (Shows a horse.)
Teacher: And now we will go to the Dymkovo masters.
“There is a large village called Dymkovo.
They loved songs and dances.
Miracles were born in the village - fairy tales.
Evenings are long in winter
And they sculpted it out of clay.
All toys are not simple
And magically painted.
1 child: Nice painted toy,
All sings, artlessly bright.
And I see young joy.
Became an art of craft.
child: "If you look at the planks,
You will see miracles!
Gorodets patterns Subtly brought out by hand.
child: “Gorodets horse runs
The whole earth around is shaking!
Birds fly bright.
And the water lilies are blooming.
(Show painted boards)
The teacher goes further: “And what do the Polkhov - Maidan masters do?”
child: “I took a brush and paints in my hands,
Became a magician from a fairy tale.
On the matryoshka is a bright sundress Painted under the Polkhovsky Maidan.
child: Poppies bloomed magnificently on the Kurgan.
Decorations for the whole native land.
And on Polkhov Maidan, children
He has been making toys since the morning.
Teacher: And what will the Gzhel masters tell us about their products?
child: Blue birds across the white sky.
A sea of ​​blue flowers
Pitchers and mugs - a true story or not a true story?
Golden handicrafts.
child: A blue fairy tale is a feast for the eyes.
Like drops in spring Caress, care, warmth and patience Russian sonorous Gzhel!
Teacher: So the folk craftsmen finished their painting. Finished the job - walk boldly!
The sun is rising, our fair is opening. We invite everyone to the fair. (The Russian folk melody “Round dance” sounds, the children go through the gate to the fair, and sit on the chairs.)
Teacher: A daring fellow walked along the fair to the end
Not a product to sell
Show yourself to people.
(Carries spoons on a pallet (on a string around his neck)
Peddler (boy): Spoons, spoons, painted spoons. Who wants to play a little. (Orchestra and ditties)
Teacher: The sun has set.
Our fair is closed.
(Children and the teacher say goodbye to the guests and leave).
I go out and start
I sing ditties for you,
Plug your guests' ears
To not fall off the chairs.
I asked dad for a horse
He replied: "Don't joke"
No joke, dear dad,
At least buy from Dymkovo.
I will make up my lips brightly,
I'll let you down my eyebrows with soot,
Like a Dymkovo lady
I'll go down the street.
I saw in the window
Painted piggy
Dad took out all the pay
And I bought a toy.
The steamer sails along the Vyatka,
Do not hear his beeps,
Because it drowns out
His Dymkovo whistle.
You listened to ditties,
We say thank you
You boys and girls
And thanks to the guests.

Abstract of an integrated lesson with children 6-7 years old

"Merry Fair of Polkhov - Maidan Masters"

Educational areas (integration): cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development.

Purpose: To develop interest in folk arts and crafts, in the life and customs of Russia.


  • Continue to acquaint children with folk toys Polkhov - Maidan, cultivating an aesthetic attitude to objects, shaping the perception of beauty.
  • To interest children in Polkhov - Maidan toy (matryoshka), teach them to draw a pattern based on the toy, advanced coloring. Learn to convey the main color when drawing up a pattern.
  • Continue to educate children on folk traditions, offering to play the moment of the fair
  • Create conditions for independent creative activity

Activities: cognitive, communicative, productive, perception of folklore.

Equipment: Handicrafts, matryoshka blanks, brushes, paints, jars of water, rags, samples of painting patterns, a CD player with a selection of Russian folk melodies, a box with a surprise.

Preliminary work:

  • Examination of products and illustrations depicting folk arts and crafts;
  • Painting products with elements of painting under Khokhloma, Gzhel, haze, Polkhov-Maidan.
  • Learning spells, poems.

Lesson progress:

The teacher is dressed in a Russian folk costume. A fair of "Folk Crafts" was organized in the group room. The tables are prepared for the work of children in the "art workshops" on the painting of the Polkhov-Maidan matryoshka.


Hey honest gentlemen! Please visit us here! How do we have containers-bars, All sorts of different goods ... Come, come. Look, look... Children come up to Russian folk music, look at the fair of "Folk Crafts".

Educator: Look guys, how many different products are here. And who knows what is being “traded” at our fair today? (Toys) If you look closely, these are not simple toys, but made by masters of arts and crafts: Khokhloma, Gzhel, Gorodets, Dymkovo. But there is one toy that has long been famous in Russia. Here listen.child reading a riddle: A scarlet, silk handkerchief, A bright flowered sundress, The hand rests against the wooden sides, And there are secrets inside: maybe three, or maybe six. Blushed a little, our Russian ....... (matryoshka)

Educator: Guys, do you know which of the masters are the main ones for making nesting dolls? (Polkhov-Maidan masters). Of course you are right. Sit down, dear guests, on the bench. "Let's sit side by side and talk nicely." The Nizhny Novgorod region is famous for its wooden toys - Gorodetsky, Semenovsky, Fedoseevsky. And the Polkhov-Maidanskiye of them are the youngest. The masters of other folk crafts in the first place had a serious job - they made the items needed in the household: dishes, tools, and if there was time, they made toys for fun for children. And the Polkhov masters are the opposite. Previously, they made toys for all children's ages and tastes: pyramids, piggy bank mushrooms, whistle birds, nesting dolls, rolling sticks, children's musical instruments and called all these products with the funny word "taratushki". Well, then, if there was time, they made dishes. Year after year, the assortment of Polkhov toys - Maidan masters changed.

Guys, and now I invite you to play. Phys. minute (pantomime game). Let's briefly turn into toys Polkhov - Maidan masters.Get in a circle. As soon as I name any toy, you need to try to depict it in motion. Children become in a circle. The teacher says: “Matryoshka!”, and the children try to move the way they imagine a matryoshka walks. The teacher says: “The birds are whistles!”, the children fly like birds and whistle. The teacher says: “Horses on a stick!”, The children jump like horses. Well done boys. A child reads a poem: Play more merrily, accordion A matryoshka has come to visit you. Wooden spoon Matryoshka ruddy. Look carefully at these nesting dolls, guys, they are all different. Some are painted, while others are simply wooden. Tell me, which of them can be carried to the fair, and which are not yet ready? (painted, painted) Of course, the painted matryoshka is more beautiful. And who knows what the name of the unpainted wooden product is? (linen). And who makes a wooden matryoshka? (toy maker). Well, in order for the nesting dolls to be so elegant and beautiful, they need to be ...... .. (paint, color). And who is doing this? (painter). In the painting of Polkhov - Maidan matryoshka there are brighter colors - raspberry, purple. Often these colors are given in contrast: crimson with dark green, blue with yellow. In addition, when painting, it is necessary to outline all elements with black paint. The face is also painted mainly in black only - eyes, nose, lips and hair in the form of "round circles". When making this nesting doll, her figure is tightly decorated in front with flowers, leaves and berries. Look how many unpainted toys we have, I suggest you turn into craftsmen for a while, go to an art workshop and paint our nesting dolls, so that you can present them at the fair later. Children go to work places, sit down.

Educator: Before we start work, I suggest listening to how the masters worked.Children read poetry: 1 child: I picked up a brush and paintsHe became a magician from a fairy tale On a matryoshka doll, a bright sundress Painted under Polkhovsky Maidan. 2 children: Poppies bloomed magnificently on the mound. Decoration for the whole native land. And on the Polkhovsky Maidan, children have been making toys since the morning. caregiver : Well, "Cause - time, and fun - an hour." Let's get to work. But first, let's stretch our fingers. Phys. minute (finger game) "Helpers"
One, two, three, four (squeeze and unclench fists),
We washed the dishes (three palms on the other).
Teapot, cup, ladle, spoon
And a big ladle (we bend our fingers, starting with the thumb).
We washed the dishes, (again three with one palm on the other)
We only broke the cup (we bend our fingers, starting with the little finger).
The bucket also fell apart
The nose of the teapot broke off,
We broke the spoon a little.
So we helped mom. Now, you can start painting. To Russian folk music, children begin to paint wooden matryoshkas.
Educator: When painting nesting dolls, first we will depict the largest flower. Remember how we drew Maidan poppies (showing sample drawings). After the flower is drawn, offer to draw the leaves. The face is drawn according to preliminary markings. While drawing, pay attention to the fact that the children wash the brush well, blot it on a cloth, otherwise the paints will get dirty or thin and the pattern will not turn out bright and sonorous. caregiver : So the folk craftsmen finished their painting. As the saying goes, "Finished the job, walk boldly!" Gather people, the master of trade is coming! Under Russian folk music, children go to the fair. 1 child reads, I will cry out: This is what beauty We are bringing to the fair! 2 child reads, I will cry out: Guests, guests, look, And rate our goods! Children are invited to praise their toys themselves, but in such a way that it is interesting to consider them (beautiful, bright, colorful, painted, etc.)

Educator: Dust swirls along the path. Matryoshkas are coming from the fair On rams, on bulls,

All with gifts in hand. Growth different girlfriends, But similar to each other. They all live in each other, And only one toy!

The sun has set, Our fair has closed. Guys, you all did your best and your work is just amazing. Masters from Polkhov-Maidan sent you small gifts for your creativity. The box opens, and there is a cockerel on a stick. Children are given gifts.

Olga Blazhenkova
Synopsis of GCD in the preparatory group "Merry Fair"

Synopsis of GCD in the preparatory group« fun fair»

Made by Blazhenkova Olga Gennadievna.

Goals and objectives:

Continue to acquaint children with folk products, cultivating an aesthetic attitude to objects.

Help children notice and highlight key assets expressiveness: brightness, elegance of color, decorativeness, variety of painting elements.

Develop creativity, imagination, interest in drawing

To contribute to the formation of a holistic picture of the world and the expansion of horizons, to cultivate interest in folk art, respect for the work of folk craftsmen, national pride in the skill of the Russian people.

Education in preschoolers of a benevolent attitude towards others, the formation of patriotic feelings, citizenship;

To develop the skills of free communication with adults and children about the process and results of productive activities.


Health saving


Equipment: a laptop with a recording of an email from Matryoshka; an envelope with riddles about the products of Russian masters; a game "Fold the picture"- cut into pieces pictures with Dymkovo, Khokhloma and Gzhel products; maze game "Whose element"; painted products of Khokhloma, Dymkovo and Gzhel masters with mixed backgrounds and elements; blanks of products of Khokhloma, Dymkovo and Gzhel masters and elements of painting for gluing; pencils, glue, cardboard.

SOOD progress:

caregiver: Guys, today a letter came to us in kindergarten by e-mail. Who do you think it's from?

Children: Express their assumptions.

caregiver: Listen to the riddle and then you can answer the question of who sent us the letter.

Growth different girlfriends

But they look alike

They all sit next to each other

And just one toy.

Children: This is Matryoshka.

caregiver A: That's right, guys. This letter was sent to us by Matryoshka. Let's listen to him.

(Sounds like a letter: Hello guys. Help me please. We are holding « fun fair» and I really want to go there. But for this I need to bring on fair products of Russian masters. Fair has already begun and I will not have time to make products myself.)

caregiver: Well, guys, let's help Matryoshka?

Children: Yes!

caregiver: In order to make toys or dishes, you need to know what was done and where in Russia. Where they made toys, where they made earthenware or wooden utensils. You are ready? Then let's split into teams.

(Children are divided into three teams)

caregiver: We will have several tasks.

1 task: "Puzzles"

caregiver: In the first task, we will find out what products of Russian masters should be brought to Fair Matryoshka.

All toys are not simple,

And magically painted

Snow-white, like birches,

Circles, cells, stripes -

Seemingly simple pattern

But you can't look away.

Children: Dymkovo toy.

caregiver: That's right, listen to the next riddle.

Ah yes, the dishes, what a miracle, both are good, and that,

All elegant and beautiful, painted, all in flowers!

Here is a rose, and chamomile, dandelion, cornflowers,

With a blue mesh around the edge, you just can't take your eyes off it.

They created this miracle not far away,

They painted that dish in Russia, in the town ... (Gzhel.)

caregiver: And this riddle was guessed, well done. But there is another mystery. Let's see if you can handle it.

The branch smoothly bent, and turned into a ringlet.

Next to the three-fingered leaf, the strawberry is scarlet.

She shone, rose, poured sweet juice.

And the grass is like a fringe. What is this? … (Khokhloma)

caregiver: Well done, we coped with the third riddle.

2 task: "Fold the picture"

caregiver: And now the task is more difficult. Each of the teams has an envelope with pieces of broken toys or dishes. You need to put them together and find out what products are depicted on them.

(Children put together pictures from pieces, stick them on cardboard and name the depicted products and the place where they were produced)

caregiver: You guys are great. We also completed the second task. So, are you ready to open the third envelope?

Children: Yes.

3 task: Maze game "Whose element"

caregiver: You have labyrinths on your tables, where the paths from the elements to the product are mixed up. You must draw a path from the Gzhel flower to the Gzhel product, from the Khokhloma flower to the Khokhloma product, from the Dymkovo element to the Dymkovo toy. Let's see which team can complete the task faster. We started.

caregiver: And now let's have a lot of rest.

(Physical education minute "Tableware")

Here is a large glass teapot, ( "Inflate" stomach, one hand on the belt)

Very important as a boss. (The other is curved like a nose)

Here are porcelain cups, (Squat, one hand on the belt)

Very fragile, poor thing.

Here are porcelain saucers, (Whirl around, drawing a circle with your hands)

Just knock - they will break.

Here are the silver spoons (Stretch, close your hands over your head)

Here is a plastic tray -

He brought us dishes. (Make a big circle)

caregiver: We had great rest? Ready to open the fourth envelope?

Children: Yes!

4 task: A game "Confusion".

caregiver: The artist painted the products of Khokhloma, Dymkovo and Gzhel masters. But he seems to be on to something. You need to find errors and name them. The team that finds the most mistakes wins.

(For example: Dymkovo young lady - the pattern is Gzhel, and the background is yellow (Filimonovsky); Khokhloma board - Gorodets pattern, brown background, etc.).

5 task: "Make a Pattern".

caregiver: Before each team, the product of one of the folk crafts: Gzhel teapot, Dymkovo young lady and Khokhloma board. But they are not painted. On the trays you have elements of Gzhel, Dymkovo and Khokhloma painting. You need to select the necessary elements and decorate your product with them.

(Children choose the elements that correspond to their product and stick them on the workpiece)

caregiver: Well, guys, you completed all the tasks of the Matryoshka. You have made wonderful products that we will send to Matryoshka by e-mail.

Synopsis of GCD for children of senior preschool age "Fair"

1. To generalize and systematize children's ideas about folk crafts.
2. Continue to introduce Russian folk customs and traditions.
3. Raise interest in folklore.

Equipment: items of folk arts and crafts, folk costumes, electronic presentation, presentation viewing equipment.

Preliminary work: preparing a presentation, learning Russian folk proverbs and sayings, learning verses of barkers, looking at paintings by Russian artists,

Lesson progress

Slide 1 (title)
Educator: Together with Tanya and Vanya, we traveled a lot, visited different parts of our country, got acquainted with the masters of folk crafts. What artists have we visited? (children's answers)
What are they making? (children's answers)
And why did the masters make their products? (children's answers)
That's right, to please your family and earn money.
Where did they sell their product? (children's answers)
Right! At the fair! People were called to the fair - fair barkers. Look who is it? (draws children's attention to the screen)
slide 2 (audio)

Please come here soon! Come honest people! Let's start having fun! The fair is calling us all! Come on, citizens! Let's please everyone! Come on, appreciate it! Buy! Do not be shy!

Slides 3 and 4 (picture "Svenskaya Fair", "Fair")

Educator: The fair is a big market. Fairs were held several times a year - on major church holidays (Christmas, Maslenitsa, Easter and Trinity). In winter, the fair began as soon as the sledge track opened. How do you understand this expression? (children's answers)
They traded everything and a lot: if flour - then bags, if firewood - then carts. Traded in shoes, clothing, crockery and household utensils.
Slide 5 (buffoons)

Educator: The fair is always crowded. Here are merchants, and buyers, and booths and onlookers.
How do you figure out who the bootleggers are? (children's answers)
Puppet theater performers, buffoons who showed performances at fairs in small tents - booths.
Who are the onlookers? (children's answers)
Onlookers are spectators of fair performances.
People came to the fair not only to sell and buy, but also to have fun.
Then they said about such people: “See people, but show yourself!”
Slide 6 (sound - physical minute)
We invite children to a fun game!
And whom we will not accept, we will raise by the ears!
The ears will be red, how beautiful!
The Russian folk game "Leshy" is being held
Slide 7 (Parsley)
There was no better doll and no,

Familiar in all corners of the planet,
One is entertainment
Others - a lesson!
The most fun toy in the world...
Cheerful Russian Petrushka! (Petrushka glove puppet appears from behind the screen)
Parsley Here I am! Hello guys! Why are you neighing like foals?
caregiver Enough jokes, it's time to invite the public!
Parsley Time for bagels? This is me always ready!
caregiver Shout: "Let's start the farce!"
Parsley Attacked by a bully?!
caregiver Do not confuse the words and do not frighten the audience in vain. They came here to have fun, to visit you! Shout "We're gonna have a show!"
Parsley A great surprise awaits you, you will see enough of this, which you have never seen before!
caregiver Parsley, do not fool the guys! Shout "We're having a fun comedy tonight!"
Parsley We have a donkey throwing dumplings, scatter people, otherwise it will hit you!
caregiver Parsley! The guys came to visit you, and you take them like that! Not good! Not good!
Parsley Yes, you do not take offense at me! I'm just funny!
Come to the fair! Our goods are important, each merchant will praise.
Welcome to us here! We take a penny from good fellows, and give it to red maidens for free.
(The teacher quickly puts on the children depicting hawkers the necessary details of Russian folk clothing. The children go to the impromptu shopping arcade)
1 tray (matryoshka dolls covered with a blanket)
Educator: Guys, guess the riddle, and you will find out what kind of souvenir tourists visiting our country take with them.
Girls are hiding in this young woman,
Each sister for a smaller dungeon.
Red cheeks, colorful handkerchiefs.
Joyful hands clap... (matryoshkas)

The teacher opens the tray

2 tray (products of Khokhloma masters)

But the painted dishes - the king had such!
Yes, all beat up!
And ours does not beat, nothing will spill from it!
Shchi from it is tastier, and porridge is kinder!
Educator: Guys, where are these dishes from? (children's answers)
When the cold winter sets in, the winter wind whistles and groans.
That sunny Khokhloma reminds us of summer.
There is no semi-darkness in plates, no dusk in vases and salt shakers
Khokhloma floats in the summer, painted very cleverly.
Children with a teacher examine Khokhloma products
3 tray (musical instruments covered with a blanket)
Educator: What are you trading?
And you solve the riddles, then you will find out!
You take it in your hands, then stretch it, then squeeze it.
Voiced, elegant, cheerful, three-row.
Will play - just touch, our Russian .... (harmonic)

Oh, it rings, it rings, it amuses everyone in the district.
And all she needs is three strings for music.
Guess who is this is our ... (balalaika)

4 tray (clothes)
Scarves and handkerchiefs for mom and daughter!
Come on! Fly in! Don't be stingy, buy!

5 tray (dishes: spoons, bowl)
Spoons, bowls! Frying pans, onions!
Axe, scallop! Save the money bag!
Slide 8 (traders)
Educator: sellers in the market were called hawkers, or trading barkers.

Slide 9 (picture "Pancake week")
Educator: The most fun fair was at Shrove Tuesday. It lasted a whole week.
Slide 10 and 11 (pictures "The Capture of the Snow Town", "Shrovetide. Seeing")

Educator: the biggest festivities unfolded at the Maslenitsa fair. There was a lot of fun here: fist fights, and the capture of a snowy town, and riding in troikas, roller coasters were arranged, and the effigy of Winter was burned. Her ashes were scattered in the field, so that in the autumn there would be a rich harvest.
slide 12 (pancakes)

Educator: And of course, there were a lot of pancakes at the Maslenitsa fair. Even proverbs came up with:
Damn, not a wedge - the stomach will not split!
Come on, eat a pancake so that spring comes!
Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, like the wheels of Spring!
Summary of the lesson
Educator: We played, had fun, and now let's remember where we were today? What is a fair? What goods are sold there? Who is selling the product? Which craftsmen have we seen? Well done boys! I thank you for being considerate! Goodbye!
Sources of textual information:
A.A. Vakhrushev, E.E. Kochemasova Methodological recommendations for educators "Hello, world!", Balass LLC, 2011

Presentation on the topic: Fair

1. Continue to acquaint children with folk Dymkovo toys, cultivating an aesthetic attitude to objects.
2. To educate children on folk traditions, showing how folk art is inseparable from folk music and folk oral art.
3. Help children notice and highlight the main means of expressiveness of the Dymkovo toy: brightness, color elegance, decorativeness, a variety of painting elements. Focusing on the originals, make children want to paint any toys.
4. To teach children to independently choose the techniques and elements of painting, a combination of colors, to convey their attitude to the drawing.
Preliminary work:
Learning poems about Dymkovo toys with children, examining finished toys.
Material for the lesson:
Gouache of different colors, large poke, small poke, paper horse templates, wet wipes, audio recording, Dymkovo clay toys.
Lesson progress:
Craftswoman: Hello, good people. I am very glad to have you as a guest. What do I see! What a marvel! How much joy around! Really, children, it's beautiful here? Ah breathtaking!
Craftswoman: The bright sun rises,
Hurry to the fair people!
And fun at the fair
People love carousels!
Come on, guys, let's ride on the carousel!
Carousel game.
Parsley: And at the fair goods
Samovars for sale
Pitchforks for sale
And sweets and bagels.
Craftswoman: People buy drying,
And for a wonderful toy
Look for a long time without breathing
How good is
Buy some toys
Ladies, little animals.
Look how alive
The horse is beautiful, daring.
Guys, look how many marvelous toys are at our fair. What are these toys? (Dymkovo)
Petrushka: What kind of Dymkovo toys do you know?
(children read poems about Dymkovo toys)
Craftswoman: Well done, guys. That's right, a horse, a turkey, a young lady, a deer, etc. are Dymkovo toys. And where do they make such marvelous, painted toys? (in the village of Dymkovo)
Craftswoman: Yes, they are made in the village of Dymkovo, not far from the city of Vyatka, on the banks of the Vyatka River, they make toys from red clay. The winter is long, cold, toys are burned in the stoves, and smoke comes out of the chimneys. Warm and cozy in the houses of masters. Let's take a look at the village of Dymkovo and admire the painted houses of the Dymkovo masters. (the game "The Third Extra", two houses of Dymkovo painting, and the third Filimonovsky, children find an extra house).
Petrushka: Kirill, how did you know that these are the houses of the Dymkovo masters?
Child: These patterns are not simple,
And magically painted
Snow-white as birches,
Circles, cells, stripes
Seemingly simple pattern
But you can't look away.
Parsley: Oh, what is this wonderful chest?
Craftswoman: Guys, look how many snow-white horses are here. To make them come to life, each master must apply a Dymkovo pattern to his toy. Let's take a seat in our workshops and remember with you what Dymkovo patterns do we know?
Parsley: Guys, what color of paint will we use?
And how are we going to draw circles? (big poke) And dots? (small poke)

Children draw to the music.

Craftswoman: In Russia they used to say, “When you finish the job, walk boldly.” Hey people get into a round dance!

Work analysis.

Craftswoman and Petrushka: Great is our Russia

And our people are talented.

About Russia native craftsmen

The whole world is talking!

Child: Oh, you are dear guests!

We have painted gifts.

They tried to write

They were going to give you. (children give guests their drawings)

  • Musical fairy tale "The wolf and the seven kids, but in a new way"
  • Summary of classes on the development of speech. Theme: Steppe riddles
  • Synopsis of the integrated GCD in the educational areas "Knowledge", "Socialization" in the preparatory group "The country in which we live"