
Sports entertainment in the 1st junior group. Sports entertainment in the first junior group. "Fun trip. Jumping on two legs moving forward


Sports entertainment for children of the 1st junior group "Who came to visit?"

Target: Raise the mood of children, show activity, independence and initiative in actions.
Continue to learn to walk on a limited area of ​​\u200b\u200bsupport, maintaining a stable balance;
exercise in bouncing in place, landing on half-bent legs.
Continue to improve motor skills and abilities
Exercise in walking and running, coordinating the movements of the arms and legs.
To form the correct posture, to prevent flat feet.
Develop dexterity, speed, the ability to navigate in the space of the hall.
Strengthen children's knowledge about wild animals.
Fix the content of familiar nursery rhymes and poems.
Equipment: a ribbed path, two ropes for a "brook", a hoop, a path with traces, a bench; toys: bear, hedgehog, hare and fox, models of mushrooms

Educator: If somewhere there is no one, It means that someone is somewhere. But where is this someone? And where could he go? This one is hiding with us. Let's eat him. (children walk around the hall, along a ribbed path, jump over the “stream”, follow the path along the path, crawl into the hoop, along the bench, find a bear)
Educator: Who is it?
Children: bear, bear.
Educator: And what poem do we know about the bear?
Children: A clubfoot bear is walking through the forest,
Collects cones, sings songs.
Suddenly a bump fell, right on the bear's forehead!
The bear got angry, and with his foot - top!
Educator: Show me how the bear walks. (music)
Bear: Can you walk on a bench?
Educator: Of course, bear!
Bear: Then follow me. (children walk along the bench, saying to the teacher: top-top)
Educator: Here comes our bear, It will never fall. Top-top, top-top, Top-top, top-top.
Bear: You are fast and agile. Are you bored with me? Let's eat something else!
Educator: If somewhere there is no one, It means that someone is somewhere. But where is this someone And where could he climb? (children walk around the hall, along the path - in the footsteps, along the ribbed path, along the bench, jump over the stream, climb into the hoop, find a hedgehog)
Hedgehog: Hello children!
Educator: Hello hedgehog. How prickly are you. You won't prick us?
Hedgehog: Don't be afraid, I won't bite. Help me gather mushrooms better. (music turns on, the hedgehog takes the basket, walks around the room, the children collect mushroom models and put them in the basket)
Hedgehog: Thanks for the help.
Bear: Come on, children, let's walk around the hall, maybe we'll find something else. (children walk around the hall, along the path - in the footsteps, along the ribbed path, along the bench, jump over the stream, crawl into the hoop, find the bunny)
Bunny: I'm a bunny, bunny, bunny
I'm jumping, I'm jumping. I'm jumping.
I'm sunny and that means I jump wherever I want.

Music "Sunny Bunnies"

Educator: And you guys. Do you know the poem about the bunny?
Children: The hostess abandoned the bunny.
A bunny was left in the rain.
Couldn't get off the bench
Wet to the skin.
Educator: And we won’t leave you zainka, we won’t leave you. Really guys?
Children: Yes.
Educator: We'll feed you better. Guys, what does the bunny like to eat?
Children: Cabbage, carrots.
Educator: Let's show how we can chop cabbage.
Children: “we chop cabbage, we three cabbage,
We salt the cabbage, we press the cabbage!”
Educator: Eat bunny.
Bunny: Thanks guys. And now I invite you to play with me.
Mobile game "Hares and Fox"
Educator: Guys, where do our guests live?
Children: In the forest.
Educator: Are they domestic or wild animals?
Children: Wild.
Educator: Well done.
Educator: Come on, children, say thanks to Mishka, Hedgehog and Bunny (they say). Goodbye (leave).

"Funny boys"

Integrated lesson for the 1st junior group.

Program content: attracting children to feasible participation in joint sports events with their parents, the formation of children's interest and value attitude to physical education, the harmonious physical development of children, develop children's speech, memory, teach children to coordinate words in a sentence

Types of children's activities: physical culture, communicative, musical, game.

Equipment: arches, objects for stepping over, a short rope, sandbags for throwing, a hoop.

Children go to the music room and sit in a semicircle.

Educator: Guys, today we have guests. Who, guess?

Furry, mustachioed,

Drinks milk, sings songs.

(children's answers).

Educator: That's right, guys, a pussy came to visit us today.

Kitty (adult) in a sports uniform enters the hall.

Kitty greets children.

Educator: Kitty, the guys have prepared a gift-song for you.

Children sing the song "About the pussy."

Kitty praises the children.

caregiver: Kitty, why are you in sportswear?

Pussy: I'm coming from training. I exercise to be strong and healthy.

caregiver: Our children also go in for physical education both in kindergarten and at home.

Pussy: Great, now we will do exercises together.

Children come out with their parents.

ORU complex:

Toddlers, toddlers went out to exercise

Toddlers, toddlers are friendly kids.

Toddlers, toddlers went out to exercise.

That's it, that's how they went to charge.

One two Three! One two Three!

Raise your legs.

One two Three! One two Three!

Have fun walking: like this, like this!

Raise your legs.

One two Three! One two Three!

Stretch together.

One two Three! One two Three!

Need to be tempered.

Like this, like this! Stretch together.

We will be charging

We will be charging.

We twist our hands quickly -

Back and then forward

And then vice versa.

(Rotation of straight arms back and forth.)

We bend down.

Come on, hands to the floor closer!

Straightened up, legs wider.

We pull the back, three or four.

We stomp our feet, top-top-top,

We clap our hands, clap, clap, clap,

We nod our heads, we raise our hands,

We lower our hands, we spin later.

Red ball on the court

Jumping above all today.

I'm jumping with the ball

I want to reach heaven.

(Jumping in place.)

Stop! Charging finished.

Pussy: Well done! And now I will check how strong, dexterous, skillful you are.

Look, in front of you is the Obstacle Track. You must complete these tasks and find the prize.

"Obstacle Track":

1. Walking on a short rope,

2. Crawling under the arc,

3. Throwing bags into a hoop.

Children do tasks with their parents.

Pussy: To find the prize, you need to go along a wide path, find a small house in which the prize will lie.

There are narrow and wide paths in front of the children, behind the paths there are large and small houses.

Children complete tasks and find a box with prizes in a small house.

Kitty praises the children, says goodbye and leaves.

Dolidudo Lyudmila Nikolaevna

Vera Ikonnikova

Target: development of basic movements of children.


Attract children to actively participate in sports games

Promote development positive emotions, feelings of mutual assistance, friendship and empathy

Improve motor skills and abilities

-develop coordination of movements, dexterity, logical thinking, the ability to hit the target, navigate in space

Guys, you know, to be strong, strong and healthy, like dad, you need to exercise sports. Today we will spend sports entertainment. Bunny Ushastik came to visit us from the forest. Say hello to him. Ushastik was in such a hurry to get to you that instead of his sandals he put on his father's slippers. He really wanted to see how you will play. Look how soft, fluffy the bunny is, his ears are long.

Let's show the bunny how big we are.

Warm up "That's how big we are"

Walking in a flock on toes, alternating with walking with a normal step.

(The teacher invites the children to show how big they are, then how small).

Educator. Well done guys! Now let's play.

The first game is called"Collect the toys"

Purpose of the game: develop dexterity and coordination of movements, the ability to navigate in space, to distinguish between toys.

Next game "Who is the most accurate?"

Purpose of the game: Lock skill children throw the ball with the right and left hand, keep the direction when throwing, be able to hit the target.

"Crawl under the arc"

Purpose of the game: Promote development coordination of movement, orientation in space.

And now, guys, let's try to walk around in daddy's slippers. It was probably uncomfortable for Ushastik to walk in them.

"Walking in Daddy's Slippers"

Target: promote development positive emotions.

Well done boys! Let's ask our forest guest, did he like it with us? (brings a toy to his ear). The hare liked the way you played. And now it's time for him to go home to the forest. Let's say goodbye to our guest, come to us again.

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Instructor: Now let's take baskets with cones and go to the clearing. Watch out, it's a swamp! You need to go through it so as not to wet your feet.

The game "On the narrow path" (walking along the path of health "children walk one by one along the path, the instructor makes sure that the children do not push).

Instructor: Well done! Nobody got their feet wet! Now let's try to cross this stream.

Game "Jump over the stream"

The brook must be jumped over where it is wide (40 cm) and where it is narrow (20 cm)

Educator: You must be tired. Now we will rest by this lake. Children "sit down" on the shore with the teacher.

(A bear knocks on the door.)

Bear: Hello guys, I came to visit you and I want to play with you.

The game "At the bear in the forest" is being held

Game for the little ones. Of all the participants in the game, one driver is chosen, who is designated the "bear". 2 circles are drawn on the playground. The 1st circle is the "bear's" lair, the 2nd is the house for all other participants in the game.

The game begins, and the children leave the house with the words:

At the bear in the forest

Mushrooms, I take berries.

The bear doesn't sleep

And growls at us.

After the children say these words, the "bear" runs out of the den and tries to catch one of the children. If someone does not have time to escape into the house and the "bear" catches him, then he himself becomes a "bear" and goes to the den.

Instructor: And here is a fun meadow. Here we are waiting for a beautiful carousel (multi-colored hoop with ribbons).

Carousel game is played.

Preparation for the game: the players stand in a circle with a diameter of 6-8 m. At the signal of the leader, they loudly pronounce

“Barely, barely.

The carousels are spinning

And then around, around

Everyone run, run, run."

In accordance with the text, the children walk in a circle at first slowly, and then gradually accelerate their movements. After the children run two laps, they gradually switch to walking, saying:

"Hush, hush, don't rush!

Stop the carousel!

One-two, one-two!

The game is over!"

The movement of the carousel slows down, the children drop their hands; The game is repeated, the children move in a circle in the other direction.

Bear: Oh thanks my guys, I had a lot of fun with you, I liked it with you and I prepared gifts for you (distributing candy). Together with the children we thank the bear and see it off.

physical education teacher

MB preschool educational institution No. 4 "Ekiyat" Republic of Tatarstan.


Target. Exercise children in crawling on all fours, rolling the ball, jumping off the board. Strengthen the ability to move in a given direction. Arouse a desire to help the characters of a fairy tale.

Material and equipment. Toys: turnip, grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, dog, cat, mouse. Arcs for crawling, board, stump, rope. A weighted ball for every child.

The instructor shows a toy turnip and asks a riddle.

Round, not a ball

With a tail, not a mouse,

Yellow like honey

But the taste is not the same.

Children, today we will go to the fairy tale "Turnip". Remember who planted the turnip? (Grandfather)

Let's show how grandfather planted a turnip. The exercise "Let's plant a turnip" is being carried out

Ivan, Ivan - the children follow the instructor,

Remove weeds - perform forward bends,

For the turnip to grow, they form a circle, hold hands,

Sweet and strong.

The teacher puts a turnip in the center of the circle. Show how the turnip grew - the children take a few steps back, expanding the circle.

The turnip was born

Both large and tasty.

Both in pie and in porridge

She is good.

Such a big turnip

You won't find it anywhere.

You can't ride a horse

You won't get around in a day.

Children run after the instructor in a circle, like horses. The teacher puts toys next to the turnip (grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter).

Instructor. It's time to harvest. The grandfather called the grandmother and granddaughter. How did they pull the turnip? (Granddaughter for a grandmother, grandmother for a grandfather, grandfather for a turnip. They pull - they pull, they cannot pull it out). Remember what animals came to their aid? (Dog, cat, mouse).

The bug runs fast

He hurries to the call of his granddaughter.

Show how the Bug runs. Children run on all fours. The teacher puts toys: a dog next to a turnip, a cat - on a stump.

Instructor. Bug called the cat.

Fluffy tail of the cat

Hastened to help them

Deftly jumped off the stump.

Can you do that?

Children take turns jumping off the board lying on the floor. The teacher exposes toys: a cat next to a turnip, a mouse under an arc for crawling.


small stature,

A long tail,

gray coat,

Sharp teeth.

Here is a mouse peeking out of a mink. Show her how easy and fast she runs. Children crawl under the arc, then run on toes. The teacher puts the mouse next to the turnip.

Instructor. All the heroes of the fairy tale gathered around the turnip. Name and show them. Let's pull out a turnip together with them. Children stand one after another, pick up a rope, the end of which is held by the teacher, and, at the signal of the instructor, pull the rope.

Instructor. We pull - we pull, we pulled out a turnip. The teacher takes the toys one by one and speaks for them.

Grandfather. mother turnip

Grandmother. Born to fame.

Granddaughter. Large and round.

Bug. Strong and yellow.

Cat. Juicy and sweet.

Mouse. And with a long tail.

Instructor. The turnip is round and yellow, it slips out of the grandfather's hands. How can you bring it home? (Rolls the turnip across the floor.) What does a turnip look like? (On the ball). Help the heroes of the fairy tale deliver the harvest home. Children roll weighted balls across the floor, pushing them away with both hands.

Instructor. Well done, helped the heroes of the fairy tale. It is not for nothing that they say: who tries, he treats himself. Try what the turnip tastes like.

The teacher treats the children with turnip slices.

Gramotkova Elena Viktorovna