
Expressions about family and children with meaning. Statuses about family. Funny quotes about family


The best statuses about family on! Millennia pass, civilizations replace each other, the appearance of the Earth changes, but just as before since the time of Adam and Eve, family is the main thing in the life of every person. A strong and loving family is the key to any prosperous society. The first words we say are mom and dad. It was they, these two people, who laid the foundation for creating a strong union. And with the advent of children, we can talk about a full-fledged and friendly family. Statuses about family and children will help you find the right words to describe your relationships with all your loved ones. Many books and articles have been written about family problems, and how many wonderful films have been made on this topic. Family relationships are an inexhaustible topic for discussion. In the modern world, family problems occupy first place in many developed countries. Psychologists are trying to find answers to pressing questions of family relationships. Statuses about family on are interesting statements and quotes from great people about the most important things.

The best statuses about family with meaning!

Each of us has our own idea of ​​an ideal family. Girls begin to imagine their future family at the age of six or seven. Playing daughter-mother, they build a model of their family. And it is very important that they have the positive example of their parents before their eyes. Years pass, and a new generation of girls starts their own family. Life has taken a new turn. If family is not an empty word or a burdensome duty for you, then our statuses about family have meaning for you. Gather with the whole family as often as possible and, to the sounds of classical music, think about how fragile family happiness can be. You are the most wonderful family, according to your friends. You won’t find such a harmonious couple during the day, do you work on your relationship every day? Is family the most important thing in your life? Then beautiful statuses about family will become a great setting for your family relationships!

Beautiful sayings about a happy family life!

L.N. Tolstoy once wrote that happy families are equally happy. Whether this is so, everyone decides in their own way. But you can see happy people right away. If love, mutual understanding, mutual assistance, honesty, kindness, and spiritual purity reign in their relationship, then with all confidence we can speak of a truly happy family. Statuses about a happy family posted on your page in Odnoklassniki and VKontakte will allow your family and friends to be happy for you once again! How quickly time flies, just yesterday you submitted an application to the registry office, and today your family is celebrating its silver wedding. How many good things have you and your spouse had? The children are already getting married. And you are still in love with your husband just like you were twenty years ago. It was his love that protected you all these years. Share your life experience with young people, post statuses about family life from A to Z on your page.

Family statuses - quotes about relatives!

You don’t choose your relatives - says popular wisdom! Well, it's bitter, but true. Or maybe we just don’t want to see the good in them? And your mother-in-law is simply an angel, and your mother-in-law is a kind sorceress, ready to sit with her grandchildren at any moment. On you can find the coolest and funniest statuses about your relatives. They may not be who they say they are! Family is the most important and dear thing in a person’s life, and it is, of course, the main value for everyone. Real life is in full swing in the family, and our loved ones are always happy to help us in difficult times. We are always connected to family, no matter where we are. Family statuses will help you connect with your loved ones, wherever they are. Tell them about your love more often!

A woman is truly happy when she has two names: one is Beloved, and the second is Mom. 10

When there is a conflict in the family, immediately ask yourself the question: Do you want to be right or happy? 10

To create a family, it is enough to love. And to preserve, you need to learn to endure and forgive. Mother Teresa 10

If the woman in the house is happy, then the whole family is happy. 10

A man must love three women: the one who gave birth to him; the one who will give birth to him; and the one that will be born to him. 10

Of all the diversity of life, we, having rushed about, still choose the simplest thing - family. 10

Family is when you beg God every day to protect and protect. 10

The strongest family is the one with the cross on the letter “I”. Where only the word “WE” rules, where there are joint dreams. Where there is prosperity and comfort, where children run around happily, where such passionate LOVE always flares up again! 10

Happy is he who is happy at home. 10

The speed of sound is a strange thing. Your parents tell you something when you’re twenty, but it only comes to fruition when you’re forty. 10

A family is strong where life is calm and easy. 10

If you don't have a family, consider that you have nothing. Johnny Depp 10

Happiness is when you want to go to work in the morning and want to go home in the evening. 10

Family replaces everything. Therefore, before you get one, you should think about what is more important to you: everything or family. Faina Ranevskaya 10

In a family, it doesn’t matter who is right and who is wrong - do you want leadership or happiness? 10

Family charter: 1. Mom is always right. 2. Mom doesn't scream - she pays attention to important things. 3. Mom doesn't swear - she advises. 4. Mom doesn’t argue - she explains the situation. 5. Mom doesn't surf the Internet - she keeps up with the times. 10

Take care of those who have forgiven a lot and always waited... Fate sends such people only once! 10

Look for happiness in life and positivity in conversation. And may your family make you happy, and may your children inspire you. 10

You are only mine, and I am yours - we have a wonderful family! 11

Happiness is when you are understood, great happiness is when you are loved, true happiness is when you love. 10

It takes a mother twenty years to make a man out of her son, but a girl can make an idiot out of him in twenty minutes. 10

Being loved by your family is better than being rich. Because it means to be happy, and happiness cannot be bought. 10

Family quarrels - “No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten.” 10

Family is the most important thing in life. You may have good days, you may have bad days, but in the evening of every day someone will be waiting for you at home. 11

The strongest family is the one with the cross on the letter “I”. Where only the word “WE” rules and there are joint dreams. 10

The husband is always right. A wife is never wrong. 10

Marriage is like scissors - the halves can move in opposite directions, but they will teach a lesson to anyone who tries to get between them.

"Sydney Smith"

When people get married, they no longer - in most cases - live for each other as they did before. Rather, they live with each other for someone else, and dangerous rivals soon appear for the husband: the household and the nursery.

Those who do not love their neighbors live a fruitless life and prepare a miserable home for themselves in old age.

"Percy Bish Shelley"

A man who builds his house on one heart builds it on a fire-breathing mountain. People who base all the good of their lives on family life are building a house on sand.

"Alexander Ivanovich Herzen"

If the family is not filled with children's screams, they are more than compensated for by adults...

For a moral person, family relationships are complex, for an immoral person, everything is smooth.

"L. Tolstoy"

Modesty and kindness are more needed in family life than wit and proud beauty.

"Daphne Du Maurier"

Family is the most important thing in the world. If you don't have a family, consider that you have nothing. Family is the strongest bond of your life.

"Johnny Depp"

In a happy marriage, spouses will stand up for each other.

In a family conflict, the culprit is no longer the one who explodes, but the one who presses the button.

Just as a family is made up of people, a nation is made up of families.

"Roman Khoroshev"

There is no such thing in a family that spouses do not influence each other. Where there is love, this happens easily, but where there is no love, the use of violence causes what we call tragedy.

"Rabindranath Tagore"

Wife and children teach humanity; bachelors are gloomy and stern.

"Francis Bacon"

A happy marriage is a long conversation that always seems too short.

"Andre Maurois"

Even the strongest family is no stronger than a house of cards.

"George Savile Halifax"

Quotes about family

Family replaces everything. Therefore, before you get one, you should think about what is more important to you: everything or family.

Life consists of ups and downs. Sometimes you will be thrown up and down on the waves. Be strong. It's hard to be alone. But even a couple of losers will find it easier to survive all this together.

A good family is one in which the husband and wife forget during the day that they are lovers, and at night they forget that they are spouses.

"Jean Rostand"

Family is a priceless gift. It needs to be protected, not destroyed.

"Susan King"

My family comes first. This is how it has always been and this is how it will always be.

"Meryl Streep"

Family is not defined by blood relationship, family is those you care about. That's why you are more than friends to me: you are my family.

All happy families are alike, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.

"Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy"

Men are often silent about their family problems because they have been taught to “be persistent.

Of course, in a family, a man should be higher in position. If the wife receives a higher salary or a higher position, this is no longer a family.

"IN. A. Sukhomlinsky"

Family is what is worth waking up for every day, breathing every second, and praying to God every moment to protect and protect them.

To create a family, it is enough to love. And to preserve, you need to learn to endure and forgive.

Family is not the only place where you need to be decent, but the first.

"Han Xiangzi"

Family is what is worth waking up for every day, breathing every second, and praying to God every moment to protect and protect them...

Mom always said that in a good family, hearts beat as one. No one knows you as well as those with whom you live, no one can protect you in front of the whole world like blood relatives.

"Adriana Trigiani"

What a beautiful word! FAMILY. How this word warms the soul! It reminds us of a mother’s gentle voice and a father’s caring sternness. You are a welcome child in the family. Here you are given a name.

And how many mysteries and instructive discoveries are in the word “FAMILY”! For example, the word “family” can be divided into two words: “seven” and “I”. And then it seems to tell us: “A family is seven people like me.” Indeed, in the family, everything in the family is somehow state support for families with children against each other: face, voice, look, disposition and character. There may be common hobbies and activities.

Family is happiness, love and luck,

Family means trips to the country in the summer.

Family is a holiday, family dates,

Gifts, shopping, pleasant spending.

The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,

I want my friends to say about us:

How nice your family is!

Close your eyes, listen. And you will hear your mother's voice. He lives inside you, so familiar, dear. It cannot be confused with any other voice. Even when you become an adult, you will always remember your mother’s voice, mother’s eyes, mother’s hands.

You couldn’t speak yet, but your mother understood you without words. I guessed what you wanted, what hurt you. You didn’t know how to walk yet, your mother carried you in her arms. And then mom taught you to talk and walk: Mom read beautiful words about family first book.

From your mother you learned the names of birds - sparrow, swallow, tit. I learned that every flower has a name - chamomile, cornflower, Ivan da Marya.

It was snowing outside. Mom extended her hand beautiful words about family caught a snowflake. The snowflake did not melt on the wool mitten. You looked and saw a miracle again. You thought that a snowflake was a tiny fluffy ball, but it turned out to be a beautiful, even star. You leaned over to get a better look at the white star, breathed on it, and the star disappeared. A drop of water remained on the mitten.

Your mother helped you see the first snowflake.

Mom was always there for me. And everything that you saw, everything that surrounded you, seemed to begin with your mother.

Mother! What a short and important word! Without it, life on earth is impossible. Years pass, mothers grow old, but still they remain the most faithful and reliable friends and helpers in all matters and endeavors. There is no person in the world dearer and closer than mother. And no matter how old we are as a young family - 7 or 37, we will always need our mother, her care, affection and attention. Therefore, love tenderly, take care of your mothers, do not hurt them. After all, they too—your MOMS—need constant care, attention and sympathy!

We all come from childhood, from family, and there is no greater happiness for us than a warm, cozy home, where we are always welcome, no matter what happens to us. May your family always be such a warm, cozy, calm and joyful home for you, and may your family and friends support you in any life situation.

Family, home - a woman’s world, a mother’s world. And may there always be this most important person in your home - MOTHER! The kindest, most beautiful, most patient and affectionate in the world! And next to her, her father is the smartest and strongest, the most honest and fair, the most courageous and generous. And such affectionate, patient, understanding grandparents. May everyone in life have such a home and a warm, unquenchable hearth.

Beautiful words about family
Site of congratulations to Marina Snegireva What a beautiful word! FAMILY. How this word warms the soul! It reminds us of a mother’s gentle voice and a father’s caring sternness. You are a welcome child in the family. Here you are given a name. How much is in a word

The most beautiful quotes about family

Family is the most important thing for many of us! Relationships in every family are different, and everyone has their own norm in relationships! There are many quotes about family and relationships, here are some of them!

When my wife and I disagree, we usually do what she wants. My wife calls it a compromise.
Mark Twain

A couple who had lived together for 60 years was asked what the secret was? We got married back in the days when it was customary to fix broken things.
Tolstoy L. N

He has a young wife at home, and what’s worse, he loves her; and what’s even worse: he’s afraid of her; and what’s really bad: he’s afraid for her.
Milan Kundera.

When there are no quarrels, it means everything will end soon. ...
Erich Maria Remarque

Families are destroyed when people take hints that you didn't intend to make, or when they don't pay attention to the hints you make.
Robert Frost

Family rests on the fact that, despite everything, we try to find the good in each other

Happy is he who is happy at home.
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

“House” is not a household, not “shared housing,” as you said, not even children. “Home” is when they don’t hide anything from each other. After all, today you and I have “home.”
Kaverin. In front of the mirror

Family replaces everything. Therefore, before you get one, you should think about what is more important to you: everything or family.
Ranevskaya Faina Georgievna

A child is a mirror reflection of the situation in the family, the relationship between parents, whether the parents want to admit it or not.
Viilma Luule. Origin of life

All happy families are alike, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. L.N. Tolstoy


Quotes and Aphorisms 02.05.2018

Dear readers, I think everyone will agree that family is the most important thing in the life of any person. First is the family of parents where we are born. We don’t choose it, but it is she who leaves a huge imprint on our future lives and shapes our idea of ​​what family relationships should be like.

Then the time comes to start your family. And this is far from so simple, because family relationships are not only love and joy, but also daily work. It is not without reason that they say that starting a family is not difficult, but maintaining it is difficult. I hope these quotes and aphorisms about family will once again remind you of how important it is for a person to have not just a home, but a home where he is loved and expected.

My family is my abode

There is nothing worse in the world than loneliness. A person cannot be alone for a long time, without loved ones - this is contrary to his nature. Quotes and aphorisms about family succinctly and accurately say how much family means to a person.

“Family replaces everything. Therefore, before you get one, you should think about what is more important to you: everything or family.”

Faina Ranevskaya

“Family is a priceless gift. It needs to be protected, not destroyed.”

Susan King

“The most important and valuable thing in life is family! First, the one you are born into, and then the one you create.”

“Family is not those who pamper you and follow your every whim. These are the ones who fight for you and who you fight for.”

“Family is the most important thing in the world. If you don't have a family, consider that you have nothing. Family is the strongest bond of your life.”

Johnny Depp

“Family will always be the foundation of society.”

Honore de Balzac

“The family is one of nature’s masterpieces.”

George Satayana

“The family is the primary environment where a person must learn to do good.”

Vasily Sukhomlinsky

“Family is not just an important thing, it’s everything.”

Michael J. Fox

“Every social doctrine that attempts to destroy the family is worthless and, moreover, inapplicable. The family is the crystal of society.”

Victor Hugo

Family and family values

Each family has its own recipe for happiness and its own vision of what proper family relationships should be. As they say, someone else's family is in the dark. However, it cannot be disputed that a family cannot exist without mutual respect, understanding and a willingness to find a compromise. I think a reminder of this in quotes about family and family values ​​will not be superfluous.

“All happy families are alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.”

Lev Tolstoy

“One day you will do everything you hate for me. This is what it means to be a family."

Jonathan Safran Foer

“To create a family, it is enough to love. And to preserve it, you need to learn to endure and forgive.”

Mother Teresa

Vasily Sukhomlinsky

“A good marriage rests on talent and friendship.”

Friedrich Nietzsche

“The main thing in family life is patience...Love cannot last long.”

Anton Chekhov

“There is no such thing in a family that spouses do not influence each other. Where there is love, this happens easily, but where there is no love, the use of violence causes what we call tragedy.”

Rabindranath Tagore

“Every time there is peace in the family, ask yourself: “What else have I sacrificed?”

Jean Rostand

“Don’t think about who is in charge in the family - she or you. It’s better for you not to know.”

Yuzef Bulatovich

“Good spouses have two souls, but one will.”

Miguel Cervantes de Saavedra

“Marital love, which passes through a thousand accidents, is the most beautiful miracle, although the most ordinary.”

Francois Mauriac

Family... Just four letters...

Sometimes, in order to express the main thing, it is not necessary to say a lot of words. Family is a short word, but how much value is contained in it! Short quotes and aphorisms about family with meaning will make us think about a lot and even, perhaps, look at some things in a new way.

“Without a family, a person is alone in the world and trembles from the cold.”

Andre Maurois

“It’s not hard to get married, it’s hard to be married.”

Miguel de Unamuno

“In family life, the most important screw is love.”

Anton Chekhov

“A family is strong if the moment of happiness is repeated many times.”

Vladimir Havelya

“As long as spouses are united by passion, they will always be at peace, despite serious disagreements.”

Emile Zola

“Work means labor. Evenings are for the family."

Gina Wilkins

“When everything goes to hell, the people who stand next to you without flinching are your family.”

Jim Butcher

“Happy is he who has a family where he can complain about his family.”

Jules Renard

“Marriages are made in heaven, but they do not care that they are successful.”

Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach

“Boys cohabit, men start families.”

Steve Harvey

“Family is such a good thing that many men have two families at the same time.”

Adrian Decourcel

“Weak men have mistresses, and strong men have strong families.”
“Don’t look for your happiness in other people’s families. He's not there".
“A happy family life is an art. And from both sides.”
“Happy is he who is happy at home.”

Lev Tolstoy

The secret of family happiness

So what is the value of family ties for a person? Why do you need to make commitments to someone, take care of them, worry about them? I think the meaning of family happiness lies precisely in the fact that by giving, we receive in return a hundred times more care and love. Perhaps these aphorisms and quotes about family will give you food for thought.

“No matter what you have done for yourself or for humanity, if you cannot look back on the love and consideration shown to your family, then you have not really done anything.”

Elbert Hubbard

“We know many modern families who allow each other to make independent decisions. And whenever I see a woman with a dissatisfied expression on her face, I can immediately tell that her husband is allowing her to decide for herself.”

Irwin Shaw

“A happy marriage is when the man speaks first and the woman listens silently, and then the woman speaks and the man does silently.”

Vladimir Olishevsky Villich

“There is no person who, dying, would look at his family, regretting that he spent little time at work.”

“In this life, I can find a replacement for any thing, but I will never find a replacement for my wife and children.”

Pablo Escobar

“You were born into your family, and your family was born into you. No returns and no exchanges."

Elizabeth Berg

Family... So much in this word...

What could be more beautiful than a happy family? There is so much peace and warmth in this phrase. Beautiful quotes about family contain great meaning. Read these lines...

“A husband and wife should be like a hand and eyes: when the hand hurts, the eyes cry, and when the eyes cry, the hands wipe away the tears.”

John Chrysostom

“It’s better if there is only one leader in the family. And it’s better if this “someone” is love.”

Olga Muravyova

“A good family is one in which the husband and wife forget during the day that they are lovers and at night that they are spouses.”

Edmond Rostand

“Marriage is like scissors—the halves may move in opposite directions, but they will teach a lesson to anyone who tries to come between them.”

Sydney Smith

“In happy families, spouses quarrel, dividing the gifts of the Magi, leaving each other a tasty morsel.”

“When you look at happy families, don’t envy them. They went through all the same difficulties as you, but they didn’t break.”

“The most important thing in life is family! A career doesn’t wait for you at home, money won’t wipe away your tears, and fame won’t embrace you at night.”

“Family happiness rests on three elephants. Never tell your husband what your mother told you. Never tell your mother what your husband told you. And never tell anyone about what’s happening at your home.”

“A wife who does not lead her husband forward will certainly push him back.”

John Stuart Mill

“I constantly admire my wife. If your neighbor's grass is greener, it means you don't water your grass. I keep telling Lisa, “You are amazing. You are my heart's desire. You are perfect." Why am I doing this? Firstly, it helps her to blossom because the woman reflects the love of her husband. Secondly, it helps my heart to always be in love with her. Strength and life are in the power of the tongue. Lisa is now 51 years old. Recently, one person said to her: “I thought you weren’t even forty yet.” She replied, “That’s because my husband loves me very much.” Remember, a woman is a reflection of her husband’s love.”

John Beaver

“People usually marry hopes, marry promises. And since it is much easier to fulfill one’s promise than to justify other people’s hopes, one often encounters disappointed husbands than deceived wives.”

Vasily Klyuchevsky

Recipe for family happiness

In quotes from great people, of course, there is a definition of “family is...”, but you won’t find a ready-made recipe for family happiness there. Each family will have to find it themselves.

“Family is a compass that leads us on the right course. She is our inspiration to reach greater heights. Our consolation when we sometimes stumble and make mistakes.”

Henry Brad

“If a family were compared to a fruit, it would be an orange. Where all the slices are fastened together into one whole, but each one is easily separated. The situation is similar with people: all relatives live their own lives, even in different places, but, collectively, this is one big family.”

Leti Cotten Pogrebin

“A family is like a forest. Being far away from it, it appears before you as a solid mass. When you’re inside, you see that every tree has its place.”

“The main secret of a successful marriage is to see accidents in misfortunes, and not to perceive accidents as misfortunes.”

Harold Nicholson

Wise words about family

Many famous and famous philosophers, writers, artists and even politicians discussed the topic of family and family values. We should listen to the wise advice contained in quotes and aphorisms about the family of great people.

“Ensuring the normal course of one’s family affairs is often no easier than governing a province.”


“Family is not the only place where you need to be decent, but the first.”

Han Xiangzi

“A happy marriage is a long conversation that always seems too short.”

“A successful marriage is a building that needs to be reconstructed every day.”

Andre Maurois

“Family is either constant sabotage or a reliable support. In the latter case, you are very lucky."

Adriano Celentano

“When everything is good, it’s easy to be together: it’s like a dream, know, breathe, and that’s all. We need to be together when it’s bad - that’s why people come together.”

Valentin Rasputin

“Family life may never be a complete holiday. Know how to share not only joys, but also grief, misfortune, misfortune.”

Vasily Sukhomlinsky

“A happy marriage is a marriage in which the husband understands every word that the wife does not say.”

Alfred Hitchcock

“Marriage is a relationship between a man and a woman, where the independence of both parties is equal, the dependence is mutual, and the obligations are mutual.”

Louis Anspacher

“It’s no secret that a happy marriage is based on a balance of interests and high resistance to stress.”

Stephen King

“No man or woman knows what true love is until they have been married for a quarter of a century.”

Mark Twain

“Family happiness is the limit of the most ambitious thoughts.”

Samuel Jackson

“The family is a society in miniature, on the integrity of which the security of the entire large human society depends.”

Friedrich Adler

“One-sided self-sacrifice is an unreliable basis for life together because it offends the other side.”

John Galsworthy

“Love is love, and in order to live with each other, there must be unity of views. Without this, a truly happy family cannot exist.”

Nadezhda Krupskaya

Family and Children

The debate about whether a family without children can be considered happy and fulfilling still continues to this day. “A family without children is not a family,” some say categorically. Maybe it’s not worth saying so categorically, but the fact that children are the very piece of the puzzle necessary to complete the picture called “happy family life” is an indisputable fact.

And this is aptly noted in quotes and aphorisms about family and children.

"Family starts with children."

Alexander Herzen

“The main meaning and purpose of family life is raising children. The main school for raising children is the relationship between husband and wife, father and mother.”

Vasily Sukhomlinsky

“Don’t have children for the sake of family happiness. Have children in happy families."

“If the family is not filled with children's screams, they are more than compensated for by adults.”

“A family without children is like a flower without a scent.”

“True family happiness is when there are at least three of you.”

“My wife and children teach humanity; bachelors are gloomy and stern.”

Francis Bacon

“A family is a small country in which dad is the president, mom is the minister of finance, health, culture and emergency situations rolled into one. And a child is a people who constantly demands something, is indignant and goes on strike.”

“In every dispute between parent and child, both cannot be right; they, as a rule, can be wrong. It is this situation that gives family life its peculiar hysterical charm.”

Isaac Rosenfeld

“The best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.”

Theodore Hesberg

“Before I got married, I had six theories about raising children; Now I have six children and not a single theory.”

John Wilmot

“In the real world, it is simply impossible to divide a family equally - mom on one side, dad on the other, and the child in the middle. It's like tearing a piece of paper in half and then trying to put the seams together. No matter what you try, the seams will never fit together exactly. Because it is impossible to see the smallest pieces lost during the break. So, tearing a family apart and then trying to glue it back together will not achieve the original result.”

Of course, there is no single recipe for a cocktail called “family idyll”, because there are a great many ingredients included in it. However, we can say exactly what strong and strong family ties are impossible without: without mutual respect, the ability to meet each other halfway and find compromises.

And in my family life, asking myself the question at the right time helps me a lot: “Do you want to be right or happy?” Wisdom to you, dear readers, and lasting family happiness and prosperity!