
I forgot what love is. Love in the past


I'm like a little kitten that you need to take by the scruff of the neck, put on your knees and say: now you're mine and I won't let you go, and then I'll lie down and purr gently.

How many thoughts are running through my head.
I stumbled over one on Monday:
In Russian, "LAV" is read "catch".
I wish you love and lots of money!

Beloved ... I will never contradict
And I don’t take out my anger on the dishes.
We will decide everything calmly and with love,
As he tells me, so I think it will be!

I miss. I miss you wildly.
it is impossible to explain the whim.
the gyrus burst with a cry
intravenously subcutaneously

I miss... I miss hot...
by heart all the dates and lines,
message best gift
waiting day and night

I miss. just two words
that love has grown with a fence
separation syndrome does not go away,
where the hands touched the current ...

And yet, I'm letting go of this year
Let yourself go into oblivion.
I don't remember every episode
But what is left in it is all mine!
I won't keep it in my memory
But is the past worth saving?
I'm not happy with this baggage.
I open my life for new meetings!
I open my heart to a new day
Tearing off the first sheet of the calendar.
And I believe that the Christmas reindeer
A guy will wink at me over the city.
Because I am full of love and strength,
Coming to another January
For all that this year has given me
And thank you for everything!

Everything passes in this world, snow is replaced by rain,
everything passes, everything passes, we have come and we will go.
Everything comes and goes to nowhere from nothing.
Everything passes, but nothing passes without a trace.
And, participating in the plot, I look from the side,
how my moments flow, my years, my dreams,
how this thin thread intertwines with others,
where, unfortunately, I can’t change anything,
because in this drama, whether you are a jester or a king,
do not play a role twice, only play a role once.
And over my own role I cry and laugh,
if possible, I want to finish my game with dignity -
after all, not with a small coin, I cry with my own life
and for the fact that I cry bitterly, and for the fact that I laugh.

I'll try not to call again
Do not rave about you in the arms of the night.
And don't tell anyone else
What you need, dear, I really, really.

I'll try not to write anymore
And do not shed tears, thinking that the other
Ready to kiss as eagerly
Drowning in the arms I love.

I'll try not to dream anymore
After all, you're not mine, but I always wanted
So that every day and again and again
Your smile warmed my soul.

I'll try not to love anymore.
There really are a lot of people like you.
But you know... never forget
You... so dear...

I know everything that is so necessary
I know - who, about what, in what year,
where to lay it - when "bang, bang and past",
and how to tear off the soles on the go.

I know that only the one who cries first is right,
that they lie when you read in the eyes,
I know how to send to hell,
not to be there.

I know - if you go, then not fast,
and only those who are late rush about,
that it makes no sense to shoot at the pianist,
when you play by yourself.

I know - they drink wine, and they jam with vodka,
I know all the endings of soap scenes,
there is nothing worse when they let you into the soul
to the width of the extended knees.

I know what I don't need to know
I sleep worse from my “happiness”,
I know everything, but here is one annoyance -
I don't know anything about myself...

I remember waking up one day at dawn and there was this feeling of unlimited possibilities. And I remember how I thought then: "Here it is - the beginning of happiness, And, of course, there will be more of it." But then I did not understand that this was not the beginning. That was happiness itself. Right then, at that moment.

One fine day I realized that I did not want to prove anything to anyone. I took off my glasses and looked at people through the prism of cynicism: there are those who are close and those who are not on the way. Love me or hate me - everyone's business.
The main thing is that I know for whom I will buy a ticket even to hell, and to whom I will not rise even to heaven.

What is love? Modern society is increasingly discussing same-sex love more and more loudly. The extreme adherents of this issue scream and go to the barricades (sorry, parades), to prove that this is “possible”, “correct” and even necessary! (Allow us! - they seem to say). Extreme opponents silently (or loudly) swear, spit and, as it were, ask: “Maybe it’s not necessary ?!”. Or “Let's not! but somehow I don’t feel comfortable ... It’s somehow scary. ” But exactly how scary and why they often cannot express how uncomfortable they are, so they spit more and swear louder.

I’ll say right away, just in case, that I’m not against love as such, I’m not against people, I’m not against every single person who loves someone. But I'm against the trend! I am against "let's go"! I am against "is it possible?" Personally, I don't think so!

Many supporters say "I was born this way". Oh, it may very well be, but there are reasons for this, which I will not go into now.

However, among other things, modern society actively educates gays!

How to raise a gay? Very simple, there are only a few rules.

Disappointment in "ordinary love". Those. disappointment in the institution of the family in its usual sense. Let's look around. How many around really happy families? how many loving people who have lived together all their lives? Few. How many betrayals, betrayals, divorces? Lot. Conclusion - family life does not bring happiness. And happiness is what you want in the first place! Therefore, an alternative is needed. Something new is needed. Our grandparents fought in the war, for them very simple things were happiness. Our parents fought with perestroika and lack of money, for them simple things were also happiness. The new generation, born in the observation of this struggle of parents, but not understanding what they are fighting, everything is the same, everyone is in order, they crave another level of happiness. The demand grew and the illusion appeared that broadening one's horizons, allowing oneself "other" pleasures, is the way out. What is love - everyone forgot ...

Information attack on sexual freedom. The media actively tells us that happiness is sexuality. Any advertisement appeals to sexual feelings, almost every film, pictures, magazines, the Internet ... yes, everything tells us - the more sex, the happier, come on, don't slow down! And we believe. These ideas are being introduced into the subconscious and now the consumer attitude towards each other, satisfied the desire, got a piece of happiness and that's it, goodbye. We forgot how to look after, feel, take care, empathize, invest in each other, all in a quick way. Get sexual happiness. And again, let's broaden our horizons - why only with the opposite sex, you can with your own, let's go! And we get bisexuality. What is love - everyone forgot ...

Sex education from childhood. Even in early childhood, we have a love for each other. But in childhood, the representative of the opposite sex is the enemy. You remember this, right? Boys don't like girls, girls avoid boys. The two sexes are at war with each other, because they are different and do not yet understand how to interact, how to be friends, how to communicate, but you already want to love. And we "fall in love" with friends. These are real feelings! These people are the closest to us. And we are ready to rush to help, sacrifice ourselves, support, listen, etc. We learn to love, care, help. But then we knew that it was possible not only to love, but also to want this person sexually, and such a thought did not arise. No such idea came to mind. It's just a friend, that's all. But if we already know from early childhood that this is “such love”, then we immediately ask ourselves the question, maybe this is just my nature? Maybe I'm gay? And sexual desire comes to the fore. What is love - everyone forgot ...

Blurring of boundaries. The concept of "norm" is very controversial. On the one hand, it is a kind of dullness, it is familiar, settled, ordinary. And as an alternative - the concept of "creativity", as going beyond and non-standard. And on the other hand, the concept of "abnormal" in the old fashioned way is perceived offensively. Therefore, such a paradox, declared by supporters of same-sex love, they are above dullness - they have expanded the boundaries. On the other hand, they demand to recognize this as the norm. Let's make any sexual desire that goes beyond the current norm acceptable. Why not, since we are so creative. And let's introduce pedophilia, bestiality, exhibitionism into the norm ... what else happens there? In general, let's consider any attempt to get sexual happiness as the norm? What is love - everyone forgot ...

Test tube babies. In my opinion, the latter is the result of all of the above. The birth rate has fallen, excuse me, below the plinth. You don't have to look far to see how many women are now unable to have children. But we have gone beyond. And then they learned to make babies in a test tube. You ask, what is it? Yes, it seems to be nothing of the sort, but there is one big “but” - the fate and health of children born with the help of IVF is a big question. There are many studies of such children now, the results of which are not particularly advertised. But you yourself can “dig deeper” and see that such children have much more health problems, often insurmountable, that most of them then have no families and no children of their own, that many of them become rapists and murderers, etc. Yes, I don't have links and supporting documents here, but you can research it for yourself and see for yourself. Another separate issue is same-sex couples adopting children. I do not know with what mentality they will bring up the child. To be honest, I don't know of any research on this topic. But it is touching how this idea is extolled. Literally same-sex couples save humanity by adoption. Yes, any adequate person wants to continue himself! Those who fail are always adopted. But they never made such pathos out of it.

And now actually about Love, which everyone has forgotten. Let's remember!

Loving a member of the opposite sex is no different than loving a member of the same sex. Absolutely nothing! It is no worse, no dirtier and no more shameful than any other love. It is complete, complete, it is real. The desire to implement it is different! Is the owner's love for his animal - a cat or a dog - real? Yes! Should it be sexually realized? Not! Is the love of a parent for a child strong? Yes! Should it be sexually realized? Not! Love for parents, sister, brother is a real feeling? Undoubtedly! Should it be sexually realized? Not!

Is it possible to love a member of your gender? Yes, definitely! Is it necessary to realize this love sexually? No, definitely. And even more so, it is not necessary to educate same-sex love en masse. Let's shift the focus from sexuality to Love!

Natalya Povstyanaya.

Love is an amazing feeling, thanks to which we learned how beautiful this world is. Feeling the feeling of being in love, we are ready to move mountains and do everything for the sake of our chosen one. But, unfortunately, sometimes love passes ... And, often, if the feelings are over for one, then the other still wants to continue the relationship. How to forget love? How to get rid of feelings of attachment and find inner freedom?

When asked how to forget their love, some answer: “Suffer!”. And there is a share of common sense in this, because it is impossible to love without suffering, it is also impossible to get that spiritual experience of love agony without suffering. Experiencing new feelings for themselves, poets and prose writers wrote thousands of works that modern humanity still admires. A person who has found suffering discovers new facets of development in himself, which can inspire him to creative achievements. Artists, composers, sculptors - they all had stories of unrequited love in their biography ... Perhaps you, tormented by an excess of feelings, will discover new potential in yourself, become a creator of art and find a new meaning in life.

If you are not prone to creativity and reject any (somewhat masochistic) experiments on yourself and have seriously decided to get rid of love feelings, we advise you to arm yourself with a pen and a piece of paper and answer the question yourself: “How to forget love?”. Once you've completed the process of writing a short list of the craziest options, analyze it. Is there any common sense in these sentences? If so, try them out for yourself. As examples we can give:

  • get drunk before
  • Move to another country and find a new meaning in life.
  • Immerse yourself in work, excluding any connection with mutual acquaintances and friends of the former lover.

I do not like? Try to come up with your own options.

Scientists, in search of an answer to the question: “how to forget love”, came to the conclusion that peace from the moment of your separation can be found after half the period during which you were in a relationship, that is, if you met and loved you for a year, then after six months After the break, you will feel much better. This formula is by no means perfect, and many people have refuted it more than once on their own experience, but the scientific fact has a place to be.

It is more difficult to help in the question: “how to forget the first love”, because, as you know, youthful loves remain in our memory forever. Those first emotions are unlikely to ever be erased from memory, and it’s not worth it, because thanks to those relationships you have known all the delights and torments of a magical feeling, which is called love. All the same experienced British scientists say that, according to statistics, men and women, having met their first love after many years, cannot cope with the temptation to “remember the old”, many resume friendly communication, while others do not disdain sexual intercourse even while in relationships with other partners. These stories have different endings. Some, forgetting about everything, again plunge into the abyss of youthful passions, while others retain their mind, nullifying all their emotional impulses.

If you, worrying about how to forget love, fell into a serious depression, we advise you to pull yourself together and find the strength in yourself to live on. Do everything to remember the past less and be alone with yourself. Meet friends and family, study and work, make repairs in your country house or apartment, get rid of things that remind you of your loved one. Travel, music and literature - all this distracts from real life, which is very difficult for you to cope with now. Prove to yourself and the people around you that you can still achieve high results, and love, even if it has already been, will not break your core. Treat yourself: buy gifts, go to concerts, indulge in your favorite hobbies and everything that you could not afford while in a relationship. Remember that everything that is done is for the best!

forget what love is

Love is a very strange feeling. It can please you, or it can cause unbearable pain.

And what does a person feel when there is no love in his life? And why isn't she? Maybe this is due to the loss of a loved one, or a difficult childhood, or the person simply does not want to love?

The heart of the unloving grows colder and colder until it turns into a block of ice. Such a person feels no pain, no joy, no sadness, no happiness.

But in some people, the heart only becomes covered with an ice crust, and does not freeze completely. About such a person and will be discussed.

Andrew MacDewey, one of the main characters in the book Thomasina, works as a veterinarian, although he hates animals because his beloved wife died of something from a parrot (the first sign of an icy heart is the loss of a loved one). Andrew became a veterinarian at the behest of his father, who threatened to deprive his son of his inheritance (the second reason for the cold is a difficult childhood). The only ray of warmth that kept Andrew's heart from freezing was his daughter, Mary Roy.

Mary is a spoiled ginger girl who has an equally spoiled ginger cat, Thomasina. Mary loves her father very much and he is crazy about her. The only thing that sometimes spoils their relationship is the "vile", according to Andrew, red-haired Thomasina. Mary, his Mary is simply obsessed with her favorite! Sleeps with her, eats with her, walks with her. Is there justice in the world?! He, her father, spoils his daughter as much as he can, and she runs around with her Thomasina like a chicken with an egg. And then there's that clergyman Angus Peddy poking around with his advice. According to him, you need to love everyone and everything. How to love? How to love?! This "everything and everything" interferes with life!

With such thoughts, our honest, but cruel veterinarian, who hates everything (except his daughter), lives. He hates work, people, and most importantly, this obnoxious Thomasina. Imagine McDewey's delight when he got the opportunity to do away with the nasty cat. Put her to sleep once and for all, and he will live soul to soul with his little red princess ... But why was she upset, why didn’t she talk to her father?

It seems the priest was saying something about love, about God. Apparently there is this love, since Mary is so killed by Thomasina. And, probably, there is this God, because Angus Peddy said that God is Love. It is worth considering this, since Mary Rua is very sick. The poor thing is fading away. The doctor said that she lacked love.

In addition to all the problems (or rather disasters), McDewey fell in love with the crazy Laurie - a girl living in the forest. She heals animals that love her very much. He fell in love, but the poor lover cannot correctly express his feelings. All you get is screaming.

And Mary? Poor Mary is about to die. Andrew desperately cries out to God to forgive him and help heal his daughter. And the Lord heard his prayers. Help was not long in coming and appeared in the person of Lori and Thomasina (the cat survived and was in the house of the animal healer all the time). Mary recovers, and McDewey, thawed in his heart, invites Laurie to live in his house.

Love... Can this feeling be tamed? Can it be controlled and dosed?

Lori. Her love for the world extends to everyone: people and animals, evil and good. She is happy and completely independent of the laws of this world. Her behavior often does not find understanding among others, but at the same time she is completely free.

And Makyudi? Was he able to immure his love for Mary in some kind of capsule, while sincerely hating the rest of the world? He thought so. It seemed to him that he had found the answer, how to protect himself from the pain of this world. But it was a hoax. That is why he was deeply unhappy, making his precious Mary unhappy too.

In order for the germ of love in his heart to break through a pile of ice, he needed a push. No matter how hard it is, pain is often such an impetus. It was the pain that became the healing current that broke through the ice and reached the heart. And it beat again, at first exhausted, and then more and more confidently and joyfully.

What a pity that in order for us to become human beings in the full sense of the word, we need suffering. Although, of course, not for everyone: Lori was a royal person, the meaning of her life was in care, care and love for the world around her. And McDewey needed healing from resentment for the whole world. To find his daughter and the whole world, he had to almost lose her. The most interesting thing is that after all these events, his life did not change radically: he was still a father, he worked as a veterinarian, but at the same time it completely changed, filled with new meaning, became whole, and he nevertheless realized that such happiness!

People, be happy!


Ulyana Pashkova, 13 years old, St. Petersburg. Finalist of the competition "Book Expert of the 21st Century" (season 2)