
Find out when the cook's day is celebrated. International Chef's Day History of the holiday International Chef's Day

Pathology of the uterus

Who doesn't like to enjoy a juicy steak or airy tiramisu. Many are accustomed to celebrating holidays such as birthdays or New Years. But there is one more date on the calendar to congratulate those who have stood at the stove more than once. The masters of throwing dumplings into the pan do not count - we are talking about International Cook's Day. How the holiday of virtuosos of ladles and stewpans appeared and what it is eaten with - in the material "360".

Deflope, vichyssoise, terine - for many, these are just beautiful words with a French accent. But not for professional chefs, who not only see the difference, but also perfectly prepare these classic dishes. A celebration in honor of their art is held around the world every year on October 20th. Chef's Day cannot boast of a centuries-old history, but it is no less important than any other celebration.

Chef's Day: history

The holiday appeared in 2004. It was introduced by the World Association of Culinary Chefs. The date does not have any special sacred meaning, it's just that the organization itself was established on October 20, so this date was chosen. Now International Chef's Day is celebrated in every country, including Russia.

The Association itself appeared much earlier - in 1928. Despite the fact that people began to cook food professionally in the ancient world, cooking as a science emerged only at the end of the 18th century. This is mainly due to the fact that all kinds of taverns, taverns, and then restaurants began to open. People stopped eating at home and there was a need for good cooks.

In Russia, as in England, the first culinary schools were opened only in the 19th century. Later, similar institutions began to be created in other countries. Of course, the world capital of this art is France. It is interesting to note that it was there that it was believed that a cook could be truly a master if he began training at the age of six or seven.

Myth or truth?

No one knows for sure who was the first to cook meat on fire or came up with the idea of ​​cooking soup. But there is one curious legend about how the concept of "cooking" appeared. In ancient Greece, the inhabitants revered the god of medicine Asclepius, whose daughter Hygeia was considered the guardian of health and gave the name "hygiene".

The family had an assistant named Kulina, who was engaged in the art of cooking and became his patroness. So it is believed that "cooking" went on her behalf.

International Chef's Day in different countries

Now festive events on October 20, on the Day of the cook, are held in about 70 countries around the world. Professional chefs compete with each other and participate in various events.

The jury evaluates not only the taste, but also the speed of preparation, as well as the techniques used and the appearance of the dish. In addition, various master classes, exhibitions and tastings are held.

Chef's Day is also celebrated in Russia. For example, in 2019, in the Leader cultural center in Moscow, visitors will be shown an interactive presentation and will reveal the secrets of cooking famous dishes. Not only adults, but also children compete on this day. So in the village of Taratukhino, Tula region, young cooks prepared salads.

Did you know that there are 100 ways to cook eggs? French chefs know this very well, but, of course, not everyone uses it. But in a French chef's hat there are always exactly 100 folds, according to the number of these ways.

You won’t surprise anyone with deep-fried cockroaches or chestnuts for a long time. But you probably didn’t know that maple leaves are loved in Japan. They are put in barrels with salt and marinated for about a year, and then fried. It is worth thinking about this when passing the next maple in Russia.

Photo source: pixabay

Every day the housewives prepare food: breakfast, lunch, dinner. And they do not even think that there is a Cook's Day. It is celebrated on October 20 every year by culinary specialists of all countries. But ordinary women can arrange a holiday for themselves on this day, because they are also cooks.

As noted

The solemn date was established at the initiative of the World Association of Societies of Chefs in 2004. Since then, organizers have been holding culinary competitions on this day. They reveal talented individuals who can cook dishes that are amazing in design and taste. On International Chef's Day, it is customary to exchange ideas, experiences, and secrets.

In Russia, the holiday is becoming more and more popular. For several years, Russian chefs have been celebrating this solemn day on a large scale with various master classes, meetings, competitions, and charity events.

In more than 70 countries, employees of travel companies, government officials, owners of enterprises (cafes, restaurants, bistros, etc.) take part in organizing events. They hold competitions for the title of the best among the participants, tastings and prepare unique dishes. Only on Chef's Day you can learn first hand the most exquisite recipes.

On a solemn date, it is customary to congratulate all culinary specialists and housewives. They often arrange charity evenings, the proceeds from which are sent to orphanages and for the treatment of children. Any man can congratulate his home cook, his beloved wife, on this day.

From the history of culinary

There is a legend about a woman who gave the name to the culinary industry. A long time ago there lived a cook, Kulina, who was a faithful assistant to Asclepius and his daughter Gigea. She was the patroness of the art of cooking, which was later called "cooking". The first paper recipes appeared in Ancient Egypt, Babylon, Ancient China, and the countries of the Middle East. Some of them have been found by archaeologists. Cooking in Russia began to develop in the 18th century. This is associated with the spread of catering places (taverns, taverns, restaurants).

The first "cooking notes" were compiled by S. Drukovtsov in 1779. They are remembered on Chef's Day as the beginning of the culinary era. Do not forget the writings of French gastronomes of the 19th century: Cremona, Carem, Escoffier. In 1888, a school was opened in St. Petersburg, where they began to teach cooking. The initiative came from Professor Andrievsky I.E. and culinary specialist Kanshin D.V.

Everyone can cook food, but few cook well. A chef who has devoted his whole life to the profession enjoys the process of cooking and offers to admire the unusual flavor combinations of products. Properly cooked food is the key to longevity and excellent mood, since without food it is impossible to build cells.

So, if you wondered when the Cook's Day is celebrated, then know that the holiday falls on October 20th. Do not forget to congratulate all the cooks you know and, of course, your wife, mother, and grandmother on this day. After all, every woman is a cook!

Every year its professional holiday - Chef's Day- say chefs and culinary experts around the world. The international date was established in 2004 at the initiative of the World Association of Culinary Societies. This organization, by the way, has neither more nor less than 8 million members - representatives of the culinary profession from different countries. Therefore, it is not surprising that the professionals of world cuisine have found their holiday.

The celebration of the International Chefs Day in more than 70 countries has acquired a large-scale character. In addition to the chefs themselves, representatives of authorities, employees of travel companies and, of course, owners of public catering establishments, from small cafes to famous restaurants, take part in organizing festive events. They organize skill competitions among chefs, hold tastings and experiment with cooking original dishes.

The profession of a cook is one of the most sought after in the world and one of the oldest. History, of course, is silent about who was the first to come up with the idea of ​​​​cooking the meat of the hunted game or the plants collected in the forest. But there is a legend about a woman whose name gave the name to the entire industry - cooking.

The ancient Greeks revered the god of healing Asclepius (aka the Roman Aesculapius). His daughter Gigeia was considered the guardian of health (by the way, the word “hygiene” came from her name). And their faithful assistant in all matters was the cook Kulina, who began to patronize the art of cooking, called "cooking".

The first recipes written on paper appeared in Babylon, Ancient Egypt and Ancient China, as well as in the countries of the Arab East. Some of them have come down to us in the written monuments of that era, and if desired, anyone can try to cook the dishes that the Egyptian pharaoh or the emperor of the Middle Kingdom ate.

In Russia, cooking as a science began to develop in the 18th century. This was due to the spread of catering establishments. At first it was taverns, then taverns and restaurants. The first culinary kitchen in our country was opened in 1888 in St. Petersburg.

We wish you only delicious food!
And for that you need the ingredients:
Love, health, friendship and comfort,
And a lot of kind words and compliments!

Let's add a pinch of joy and good luck,
A smile will give the dish the right taste,
And if tears, then only from happiness - not otherwise!
Happy Chef's Day, we congratulate you!

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"We don't live to eat, we eat to live." Intellectually, each of us understands the meaning of this phrase, and even within ourselves completely agrees with the latter, but in practice ... Tasty food sometimes deprives a sense of proportion, prudence, and makes others its captives. On the other hand, sated without pleasure, a person does not benefit from food. Specialists who can create a real masterpiece from the simplest products are called chefs. Their professional holiday falls on October 20 and is calledInternational Chef's Day .

History of International Chef's Day

The date, within which the masters of delicious food are honored all over the planet, saw the light of day 10 years ago. In 2004, the World Association of Culinary Societies initiated the creation of the International Cook's Day, and then it was approved. Surprisingly, despite the considerable age of the culinary profession, until now no one has come up with a brilliant idea to please cooking specialists with a professional holiday. Why? It is unlikely that we will ever get an intelligible answer to this question. However, in 2014 International Chef's Day celebrates its first 10th anniversary, and is celebrated in 70 countries every year. How does this happen?

Firstly, specific events are organized en masse, where chefs compete with each other in the skill of cooking. Secondly, on this day there are promotions designed to acquaint visitors of public catering, restaurants, cafes and other similar establishments with original dishes. Thirdly, it is already almost traditional in many states on October 20 to organize pickle tastings. There are also culinary exhibitions and the cult of food by creating dishes of grandiose proportions. For example, they bake the biggest cake, huge pizza, make a giant sandwich. Often this is how new records are born, claiming to be included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Photo: International Chef's Day

I must say that the International Day of the Cook attracts not only culinary specialists directly, but also representatives of authorities, travel agency workers, restaurant owners and many other catering establishments to participate in the events. Of course, there are more chefs, because even if we take the already mentioned World Association of Culinary Communities, this organization unites 8 million people - masters of their craft. The purpose of the holiday is quite high: to demonstrate the significance of the chef's specialty, its importance for human society, the exchange of experience, the inclusion of imagination in the culinary process.

The history of the profession of a cook

Chefs have always been on Earth. They exist exactly as long as humanity exists. Primitive people, who realized that meat fried on a fire is much tastier than raw meat, and even more seasoned with salt, without knowing it, laid the foundation for the development of the “culinary” profession. However, the first real chefs are still considered representatives not of the prehistoric era, but of the ancient civilization of Fr. Crete. In 2006 BC the Greek ruler had among his subjects a man whose mission was to prepare food for the soldiers. But, it is likely that both the Egyptians and the Sumerians were familiar with the culinary arts.

Throughout the history of the development of cooking, there has been an ambiguous attitude towards food. For example, in the same Hellas in different cities, they looked at cooking differently: the Spartans did not attach much importance to this process, the inhabitants of Athens, on the contrary, experimented in every possible way in this field. But chefs have always enjoyed respect for their own person. Ancient Roman cooks were the most active, they organized uprisings, developed new traditions. The great role of cooking was reflected in mythology. So, the Greeks revered Kulina, practically the 10th muse, the cook of Asclepius. The Roman version is the Muse Cooking.

The Middle Ages passed in this regard under the auspices of the most severe stagnation. And only towards the end of the dark era, cooking began to develop with renewed vigor, and Italy became the center of the culinary arts. During the reign of Louis XIV, the status of her main rival was acquired by France.

Russian cooking began to take shape within the family. And here, unlike Europe, women dominated. Cooking became a specialty in the 11th century in Russia. Cooks were at noble houses. Many ancient Russian recipes contain "Painting for the royal dishes" (17th century). Shchi, kulebyaki, jelly, kvass, pies - all this and much more can be found on the pages of the sounded volume. Russian culinary specialists had the peculiarity to think not only about the types of food being prepared, but also about the manipulations taking place at the moment. Therefore, many dishes were stored for a long time, and their quality remained excellent. As an independent discipline, cooking appeared in Russia at the end of the 18th century.

Photo: International Chef's Day

Features of the profession of a cook

There are specialties, the demand for which remains at the level regardless of the passage of time. One of them is the profession of a cook. There is no secret: everyone loves to eat, so the skill of cooking is always an excellent source of income. But do not think that this process can be carried out by everyone and everyone. Suffice it to recall common cases in life when a married woman does not have a voiced skill at all. But for men, the culinary arts most often turn out to be on the shoulder. Perhaps for this reason, the chef of the restaurant, as a rule, is a gentleman. Women chefs are concentrated mainly in preschool and school institutions, which is probably why their culinary masterpieces come out fully homely and cozy.

However, gender is not a determining factor when an employer searches for a suitable candidate for an open vacancy. The applicant must have a set of personal and professional qualities. The former include responsibility, accuracy, consistency in actions, cleanliness, attentiveness, good memory, and the presence of a rich imagination. An excellent eye, correct taste and color perception, a developed sense of timing, and normal coordination of movements mean a lot. A person will never become a first-class cook without the efficiency of thinking and action, a penchant for improvisation and high efficiency.

Works of students of the Astrakhan Agrotechnical College, branch with. Krasny Yar

Group 37, profession Cook, confectioner.

Professional qualities are specific theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Awareness of the measures, sanitary standards, safety precautions, the technology of preparing certain dishes, the ability to accurately determine the quality of products, handle kitchen equipment - only a small fraction of what should be in the treasury of the skills of a true, born chef. The main quality is the desire for excellence in the profession.

There are different types of chefs. This is a chef, and a pastry chef, and a culinary chef, and a chef-technologist. All of them will be happy to receive congratulations on October 20, their professional holiday. Do not disappoint the heroes of the occasion! And they will definitely please you with their culinary research and finds.

GAOU JSC SPO "Astrakhan Agrotechnical College", a branch in the village. Krasny Yar, profession Cook, confectioner cook, confectioner video

Date in 2019: October 20, Sunday.

Man eats to live. But you can not just absorb monotonous food and products out of habit, but enjoy the taste, smell, and appearance of the dish. Professional chefs and culinary amateurs are capable of creating masterpieces of culinary art. All of them are worthy of congratulations on October 20, when Cook's Day is celebrated all over the world.

Every family has its own food traditions. Someone, not wanting to waste time cooking, eats exclusively sandwiches and fast food. For some, it is important to properly feed the family, and recipes for light and organic dishes are used. And for some, cooking is an art that requires improvisation, inspiration, and unique skills.

For such creators, whom we used to call cooks or culinary specialists, each dish is a masterpiece, surprising both in taste characteristics and in the way it is served. In October, there is a delicious holiday - Cook's Day, when all people related to cooking not only accept congratulations, but also show off their culinary achievements.

Who is celebrating?

Man has learned to cook food from the moment fire appeared. The first culinary experiments looked like undercooked pieces of fish or meat. Among the fellow tribesmen there was always the more fortunate one, who could cook the extracted products “exquisitely” and tasty. And so the first cooks appeared, who were trusted to feed the entire tribe.

In the future, the attitude towards food changed from enthusiastic reverence to squeamish disregard.

Mentions of a cook as a professional who could earn a living by his craft are recorded in marks dating back to the third millennium BC and found on about. Crete. Surely, cooks existed in more ancient civilizations. This is confirmed by written monuments, in which real recipes were found.

The work of culinary specialists was not only considered, the prestige of a noble dwelling directly depended on their success. Traditions and recipes were carefully kept and passed on only to students or heirs.

Many interesting facts belong to the era of Ancient Rome. It is here that cooks' uprisings that engulfed entire cities were recorded. And during the time of Emperor Augustus and Tiberius, cooking schools were opened, where Apilius, famous at that time, taught culinary art.

The Romans even have a tenth muse. Her name was Cooking. The legend connects the tenth muse with the art of a simple cook named Kulina, who served the daughter of Aesculapius Hygiea, the patroness of science and health. In the future, Cooking became the patroness of all cooks and cooks, and the art itself acquired a similar name.

The penetration of spices into European countries in the Middle Ages gave impetus to the rapid development of culinary arts. Superiority in gourmet cuisine of those times belongs to Italy. But culinary specialists from France did not lag behind, who achieved incredible fame under Louis XIV. To this day, these countries are trying to challenge their primacy in the field of cooking.

A significant contribution to the development of culinary arts was made not only by professional chefs, but also by people of other professions. Statesmen and politicians, writers and priests did not shy away from cooking, and influenced the development of national cuisines.

In Russia, only older women were engaged in family cooking. Professional chefs are mentioned in the annals of the 11th century, which describe entire kitchens with monks at the Kiev Caves Church.

The development of Russian cuisine was based on folk traditions and national recipes. But visiting European masters and eastern neighbors also had an influence.

The first prototypes of cafes appear in the times of Ancient Russia. Then the wanderer could stop in a tavern, where he found food and rest. Later there are taverns. These roadside establishments were equipped with a kitchen, a dining room, and rooms for relaxation. At the same time, the first restaurants open, but only in big cities.

During the Soviet era, canteens were opened in many public institutions, which had social significance. Cheap, and sometimes free, meals were fed in kindergartens and schools, institutes and technical schools, factories and factories. The need for cooks has increased significantly. Therefore, vocational schools began to appear, where they taught cooking in a short time.

Almost before the transition to market relations, a monopoly was observed in the restaurant business. But it cannot be said that the assortment of dishes in such establishments was very impressive. The exceptions were expensive restaurants in capital cities and government canteens.

In the 90s, both enterprising businessmen and culinary specialists have a chance to show off their art. Recently, a lot of profile, national, highly specialized cafes and restaurants have been opened. It is here that you can taste delicious dishes and admire the skill of chefs. On Chef's Day, they do not leave their post, but try to spend their festive professional day at the stove, coming up with new original recipes.

Have not lost relevance and public food stations, where no less enthusiastic chefs work. Do not forget on Cook's Day, when it's time to thank our breadwinners, congratulate Aunt Masha, who cooks delicious porridge and ruddy pies every day in a factory or school canteen.

And, of course, it is worth congratulating those who, despite the lack of specialized education, prepare us a nutritious breakfast every morning, and on weekends try to surprise us with a good family dinner. These are our mothers and grandmothers, wives and sisters. Or maybe in your family the king of pots and pans is your husband or son. They are also worthy of congratulations on the day when there will be Chef's Day in 2019.

history of the holiday

What is a holiday for a chef? National traditions have developed so that any celebration is accompanied by treats. Whether it will be a magnificent banquet, or a family feast, or a buffet table or a sweet table - one cannot do without the participation of a culinary specialist. And the culinary masters are trying, while everyone is enjoying the taste, to add the last most important touches to the dish.

Perhaps that is why the chefs did not think about creating their own holiday for a long time. But they were able to organize their own Association, which united the culinary communities of the whole world. And when the number of people who were part of this organization exceeded 8 million, the idea arose to establish a holiday for all culinary specialists and cooks. Since 2004, a world holiday has been celebrated, which was called International Chef's Day.

Culinary maestros and amateurs from 70 countries immediately joined the celebration.

It is impossible to make a mistake, what date is Chef's Day in Russia - it is celebrated, like all over the world, on October 20th. By tradition, this holiday is not only for eminent and professional masters, but also for ordinary self-taught people who have achieved success in the field of cooking. Gourmets also join them, so as not to miss the chance to taste exquisite unique masterpieces.

As professionals celebrate Chef's Day - the day of the cook takes place at the stove. They prepare their best dishes, which they present at exhibitions and tastings, give charity and paid master classes.

For beginners in cooking, this child offers a great opportunity to get acquainted with the work of real masters, learn unusual cooking techniques and learn the nuances of such a difficult but exciting work.

If your city organizes such events on such a day, do not miss the opportunity to get into an unforgettable culinary show. Often such celebrations end with the collective preparation of huge dishes intended to treat all guests. Such masterpieces are able to surprise with their grandiosity and often fall into the book of records.

About the profession of a cook

What student of a culinary college does not dream of becoming a famous chef. What is needed for a career in the field of cooking to take place, and they began to talk about a culinary specialist not just as a good cook who knows how to cook, but as a skillful maestro who surprises with his masterpiece dishes.

“What is so complicated here,” the layman will say: “Study the recipe, cut, fry and put on a plate. The main thing is patience and punctuality.

Of course, such qualities are not in last place for success. Overdosed the dish for a couple of seconds in the pan or poured a little more salt - and the whole treat is inevitably spoiled.

But what about ingenuity, flair, impromptu. After all, few of the real masters thoroughly adhere to the recipe. And if you don’t fry the breast, but cut it, bake it ... And what will happen when we add a little lemon to the sauce ... Or maybe decorate on top not with parsley, but with a sprig of tarragon? This is how new recipes and world masterpieces are born.

But for sophisticated experiments, the culinary specialist must have excellent taste and a sense of beauty, knowledge of technological processes and product compatibility.

A career doesn't start with cooking original and complex recipes. Usually beginners have to run as apprentices. And only purposefulness and sociability, responsibility and leadership qualities help to move to the next step.

It is impossible to say that such a profession is easy. A whole shift, which can sometimes last up to 12-16 hours, the specialist has to spend on his feet, in addition to being in a stuffy hot room. Speed ​​also plays a significant role. Slow people have no place in the kitchen. In addition, a person associated with cooking must have strong arms and stable hand joints. After all, they have to do all the work by hand.

Therefore, not every applicant can withstand such a pace and load. Older people as cooks can only be found in the kitchens of catering organizations. In restaurants and cafes that are in demand, the requirements for cooks are quite high. And age, the presence of certain diseases plays an important role.

Compliance with sanitary standards is also important. A single requirement for employment is the presence of a sanitary book confirming the absence of infectious and dangerous diseases. But besides this, the kitchen worker must be so neat. Hairstyle, clothes, habits - everything is reflected in the image.

Interestingly, even having a specialized education is not always a guarantee of success. Some famous masters have made a good career by taking ordinary culinary courses. A person who has devoted himself to such a profession must constantly develop independently, study new technologies, get acquainted with recipes from different cuisines, and learn to work on new modern equipment.

But if the plans still include the position of a technologist, chef or production manager, you will have to graduate not just from a lyceum or college, but from a higher educational institution.

It is in such educational institutions that the basics of culinary skills are taught. Students get acquainted with the cuisines of the world, with cooking technologies, with the composition of products, with the impact of nutrition on health, with sanitary standards.

Chefs involved in self-development attend master classes, graduate from specialized courses, participate in competitions, exhibitions and even show programs. The most advanced try to get an internship with eminent maestro or get an education in well-known foreign culinary schools.

Congratulations for culinary specialists

Many thanks to everyone who, sparing no time and effort, spends time at the stove. A bow to all cooks and culinary experts who know how to cook the most delicious, most beautiful treats from ordinary products. May you have a free moment on holiday to enjoy the results of your work. Let your fantasy not cut, and your hands do not know fatigue.

The work of any cook is important!

He is a god in the kitchen, an idol.

On the day of October on the Day of the cook

We'll have a real feast.

White cap and apron.

The cook is working in the kitchen.

And despite your holiday,

We are waiting for new and delicious dishes.

Larisa, August 22, 2016.