
How many years old people with many children go to retire. How to get a seniority for a housewife with many children. Documents to be submitted to a mother with many children at the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

Pathology of the uterus

The state provides a large number of benefits to citizens who are in a difficult social situation. First of all, this concerns mothers with many children. The issue of pensions for such citizens is also touched upon.

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General Provisions

At the state level, the need to pay certain amounts of money has been established upon reaching a citizen (citizen) of a certain age.

Moreover, this also applies in some cases to non-working citizens. One of the most exciting issues is the pension of a mother of many children without 4 children.

It is possible to avoid all sorts of complications by preliminary acquaintance with the legislative acts, as well as other points.

First of all, this concerns the following issues:

  1. What it is?
  2. Who does it apply to?
  3. Where should you go?

What it is

It must be remembered that the term "mother of many children" means the simultaneous upbringing of three or more children.

In this case, they are also taken into account. Since they are legally equated directly with their own children.

At the same time, the following are not taken into account:

  • children under;
  • children under.

The very term "mother of many children" is not given any definition in the legislation. At the same time, it can mean a different number of children - depending on the region.

For example, on the territory of the city of Moscow and the region, a mother with many children is understood as a woman raising 3 or more children.

At the same time, in some individual regions, mothers with 2 children are also considered large.

Directly the very pension of a mother with many children can be assigned earlier, if there is:

In this case, slightly different terms for assigning a pension are established. At the same time, the presence of the worker himself, insurance experience, when there is a deduction of funds to special funds, is not necessary.

This moment is reflected in federal legislation. At the same time, regional legislation takes place - its provisions may differ for the better from those indicated in the federal one.

At the same time, the provisions of the federal must be complied with.

Who does it apply to

Directly the standard pension itself is paid only to citizens who have reached a certain age - 55 years.

In certain regions, additional points are assigned for the successful upbringing of a child up to a certain age. And the more children there are, the more points are awarded.

At the moment, points are awarded as follows:

It is not uncommon for both parents to take care of children at once. In this case, the discrepancy between the length of service can be taken into account when calculating the pension.

In this case, such accounting is carried out as follows:

The very process of calculating points in both cases is carried out in the same way. At the moment, in the Rostov region and some others in the retirement experience, it is possible to take into account the care of only 4 children.

At the same time, earlier things were different - it was possible to take into account the experience of caring for 2 and 3 children. Thus, 6 years of childcare experience is taken into account. In addition, at least 9 years of official experience is required.

If the above conditions are fulfilled (6 and 9 years of experience), the right to retire at 50 years will take place.

In this case, the registration process itself is carried out in a standard way. You just need to collect a complete list of all the necessary documents.

In addition to a sufficient amount of experience, you must have citizenship of the Russian Federation. Since it is for the citizens of the Russian Federation that the payment of pensions is calculated. In some cases, exceptions are allowed.

This applies to citizens of Belarus and some other former Soviet republics. This moment is also reflected in federal legislation. If possible, you should definitely familiarize yourself with it in advance.

An important point - if a mother with many children retired at 50, but her children did not reach the age of 18 (23 years - with full-time), then the amount of the insurance part of the pension will increase due to the establishment of a payment of a fixed nature.

Moreover, it is set in an increased amount for each dependent separately. It is necessary to remember this fact.

If possible, it is worthwhile to independently study the procedure for calculating the amount of pensions for a mother with many children. This will avoid many different troubles in the future.

The most important point is all precisely the process of accounting for experience. In some individual regions, the procedure for its accrual may differ significantly.

Where to go

To apply for a pension of this type, you will need to visit a fairly large number of various institutions.

Directly for the delivery of all the necessary documents, you will need to contact the regional branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place.

In some individual cases, it is allowed to apply not at the place of registration, but at the place of residence. The list of situations where this is allowed is reflected in the legislation.

Before receiving a pension, you will need to visit a sufficiently large number of different institutions to collect the required number of documents.

First of all, this applies to the following:

Today, the list of documents that are required to receive a pension in this case is closed.

That is why the regional branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation has no right to demand the provision of any other documents.

If there is a violation of the current legislation, then the future pensioner has the right to defend her rights in a legal way.

To do this, you need to contact the following authorities:

If the violation is obvious and beyond doubt, then it will be possible to submit a written statement on this matter to the head of the department of the regional Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

And only if such an action does not have any result, it will be necessary to contact the higher authorities.

Pension for mothers of large families with four children

Pension for mothers with many children is one of the most pressing issues today. Legislative norms give a quite definite answer to the question of when this type of pension is calculated.

It is necessary to remember about a large number of very different nuances associated with this kind of calculations. First of all, this concerns the reform of legislation. It is carried out almost every year.

That is why it is necessary to closely monitor all current changes. This will avoid a large number of various problems and difficulties.

Issues that should be considered in advance include the following:

  1. The necessary conditions.
  2. How much is charged.
  3. The order of registration.
  4. Payment process.

The necessary conditions

There is a list of mandatory conditions that must be met in order to receive a pension of the type in question.

These conditions include the following:

The points outlined above are fundamental. It is important to remember that there are circumstances in the presence of which the appointment of a pension of the type in question becomes simply impossible.

This primarily applies to the following situations:

  • child under the age of 8;
  • if the mother had her parental rights;
  • if the child is fully supported by the state.

If a mother is deprived of her rights to a child by a court decision, she is deprived of the right to receive a preferential pension.

But in the case of restoration of rights in an appropriate manner, in accordance with the procedure established by law, the accrual of a pension becomes possible.

If the mother was not deprived of her rights, but the child is fully supported by the state, the length of service will also not be accrued. Since, in fact, the mother does not spend resources on receiving money.

A mandatory factor is the child's survival until the age of 8 years. In this case, and with a total number of children of 5 or more, it is possible for the mother to retire early.

There is also a list of other conditions, the fulfillment of which is also strictly required.

The procedure for calculating the experience has a large number of very different features and nuances. All of them are reflected in federal and local, regional legislation.

It is important to remember that it does not matter whether the children were from the same or from different husbands when calculating the pension for a mother with many children.

At the same time, a man, when raising a stepson / stepdaughter, will need to carry out adoption in an official way. Otherwise, various kinds of difficulties will arise.

At the same time, the separation of the mother and child is not yet a reason for refusing to grant a pension of the type in question. But again, there are some essential nuances to keep in mind.

How much is charged

The very formula for calculating a pension of the type under consideration has a standard form.

The calculation formula is as follows:


In 2020, the cost of one pension ball is 74.27 rubles. Indexation is carried out annually at the state level. That is why it is important to follow all the updates of the current legislation.

The amount of the minimum pension of the type under consideration has been established. The minimum pension is set at the state level. It is 4,558 rubles for 2020. This amount is also continuously indexed.

The amount of the insurance part of the pension in 2020 is indexed according to the following formula:

SP = IPK × 74.27 + 4 558.93

When recalculating, points are taken into account for all years without exception. Today it is quite problematic to carry out the calculation on your own.

That is why it is worth contacting the regional office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in advance with all the data.

His employees will definitely help with calculating the pension, as well as the date of all the necessary information on calculating the values. There are many features associated with the calculation.

The fact of a later application for a payment of the type in question is significantly affected.

For each missed year, special coefficients are set:

All of the above coefficients can vary depending on a large number of different factors. The fluctuation range is from 1.01 to 2.32. The fixed payout can also be increased.

Registration procedure

The procedure for registering a pension of the type under consideration consists of two main stages:

  1. Collection of all necessary documents in this case.
  2. Submitting them to the regional branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
  3. Appointment and calculation of pensions.

Close attention should be paid to the list of required documents. Since, in case of a shortage, the PFR has the right, on completely legal grounds, to simply refuse to accrue.

The list of mandatory provision includes the following:

The above list is standard.

In case of receipt of payments by a mother with many children, it will be necessary, in addition to those indicated above, to submit the following documents:

After all the necessary documents have been submitted, the employees of the pension fund will carry out the review for some time.

This procedure usually takes no more than a week. After that, a corresponding notification about the appointment of a pension will be generated and its transfer will begin.

Payout process

In the application, a mother with many children can independently choose any method of calculating money convenient for her. This can be cash, when money is transferred through a savings bank or any bank or credit institution.

Or, all funds will be directly on a bank card. In this case, the list of mandatory documents will need to include a document confirming the correctness of bank details.

Raising children is a huge work, especially if there are several of these children. In Russia, women are considered to have given birth to or adopted three or more children. These persons are singled out in a separate category, because the upbringing of one child takes a lot of time and energy, for two - there is almost no time left for oneself and extraneous matters, and three or four is already a lot, moreover, in primary school and preschool age, they need to be given all the time, attention, energy and, of course, money.

It is the financial side of the issue that worries Russian mothers first of all. Are they entitled to any benefits, an increased pension, an earlier date for retirement, etc.? The state has provided various privileges for women with large families as a necessary measure in gratitude for their determination and responsibility. Depending on the region, the number of children to be recognized as a mother of many children may differ: somewhere it is five, somewhere three, and, for example, a mother of two children comes out in the Far North.

Legislative regulation of the issue

Pension guarantees for women who have given birth to several children in Russia are regulated in December 28, 2013.

V Article 32 of this regulatory legal act refers to the right of early retirement for mothers with many children. However, the generally accepted norms change a little here. So, in the pension legislation, a preferential category is mother with five children rather than three. Although, in accordance with By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 431 of May 5, 1992, each region has the right to independently determine which family is considered large.

But still it is Federal Law No. 400 names special conditions, with the full observance of which such a woman can begin to receive a pension from the age of 50. He also establishes additional benefits, payment of material assistance, some compensations, etc.

Terms of provision

So, now you have to figure out the conditions when these guarantees are provided. After all, not everyone is given such privileges. The state strictly monitors the fulfillment of all requirements, because these benefits are financed from the federal budget, therefore, they come from taxpayers' contributions. Before the appointment of a pension, a citizen and all documents and information provided by him are checked.

Mandatory criteria to assign a preferential pension to a mother with many children:

There is another option. It is considered special because it refers to women, living and working in the North... Here the conditions are:

  • or give birth to at least two children;
  • accumulate an individual pension coefficient (IPC) of at least 30 points;
  • have 20 years of insurance experience;
  • to work in the Far North for 12 years or 17 in an area equivalent to it.

A woman may be denied the right to a preferential pension if she did not manage to raise one of her children before the age of eight. The reason for this may be the death of a child, the deprivation of the mother of parental rights, etc. gave birth. If the deprivation of maternal rights occurred after the appointment of a pension, then payments will not be stopped in this case.

The fact of adoption does not in any way cancel the right to early assignment of pensions, they are taken into account, as well as relatives. The record of a woman as a mother on a birth certificate means that she is raising him from the moment he was born. The date of adoption does not play any role here. Children from different marriages currently living in the same family, half-brothers and sisters will not be counted in the appointment of an early retirement pension. This fact can be changed only if the woman decides to adopt them, and thus the total number will reach five.

If children live separately from their mother, this does not mean that the PFR will refuse to grant a pension earlier than the due date. Here only the fact of deprivation of parental rights will negatively affect.

The procedure for calculating the insurance experience and pension points

At the birth of a child, the business is obliged to provide the mother as well. The latter is from the employee's average earnings. All this period included in labor and insurance experience... However, for a mother with many children who has given birth to more than two children, the decree will not be counted for everyone, but only for the first child and the second. True, a bill was recently put forward to include a third child in the length of maternity leave. It turns out that now not 3 years will be added, as before, but 4.5.

In addition to the length of service, the decree also affects individual pension coefficient... In accordance with Federal Law No. 400, for the birth and upbringing of each of her children, a woman will receive extra points in this size:

It turns out that for the birth of five children she will be awarded 21.6 points. And here it is not far from the minimum 30.

Procedure for calculating the amount of collateral

Retirement benefit for a mother with many children calculated and charged depending on several main factors:

  • the total amount of contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation during the period of employment;
  • labor and insurance record of the employee;
  • individual pension coefficient (IPC);

In 2018, the pension consists of two components:

  • fixed payment - today it is equal to 4997.32 rubles;
  • the insurance part of the allowance - depends on the length of service, calculated in the IPC, and on the value of points, which from April 1 of this year increased to 81.49 rubles.

At IPK the employee is influenced by several factors:

  • total worked calendar experience recorded in the work book;
  • the aggregate of contributions to the PFR paid by the employer in the amount of 22% of the citizen's salary.

Registration procedure and list of documents to be provided

A future retiree should apply to the local branch of the Pension Fund where to bring the next package of documents :

Pension fund employees have 3 months to check the accuracy of all data, register documents, and form a payment case. Then, after the decision is made, the pension is assigned from the current month and indefinitely.

Types of benefits

Constant employment with several children, two, three, five and more, is very exhausting. The difficulty lies not only in surrounding them with your care and attention, but also in daily household chores and in attempts to provide at least some minimum for their comfortable living and hobbies. Here we are talking about material wealth. But how can a mother keep up with all this and work? Many mothers, with their daily worries, are simply physically unable to bring cash income to the family. For this, the state decided to provide such large families benefits, allowances, surcharges and other privileges.

Women who have given birth at least three children, are recognized at the state level as mothers with many children.

They, in accordance with this status, are supposed to following benefits:

  1. at the birth (adoption) of a second and subsequent child after 2007. In the current 2018, its amount is 453 thousand rubles. This money can be directed to the funded part of the mother's pension,
  2. Allocation of a suburban area in the first place.
  3. Organization of a peasant farm (KFH) for a subsidy or interest-free loan.
  4. Tax credits - monthly. For the first and second, 1400 rubles, for the third and subsequent ones, 3000 rubles, and for a student up to 24 years of age, 6000 rubles.
  5. Labor benefits - additional days off, a reduction in the length of the working day or week without writing in a work book.

Should mothers of large families expect promotions in 2018?

This year, mothers with many children receiving pension payments from the state should expect the following changes:

  1. Starting from 01.04.2018, the annual indexation of social pensions by 4.10% will be carried out. The average size of insurance pension payments for old age will increase by about 400 rubles. and can reach 14045 rubles.
  2. The payment period for the funded part of the pension has been increased to 246 months.
  3. Women who went on a well-deserved rest before 2015 and gave birth to children during the USSR (before 1990) can receive an additional payment. For one child, the increase will be 1.8 points (3416 rubles), 3.6 for two (4270 rubles), and for three or more 5.4 points (5124 rubles). Mothers who have already turned 80 years old are entitled to a slightly larger surcharge: 5970 rubles for 1 child, 6832 rubles for two, 7680 rubles for three. For mothers who have reached the eightieth birthday, who are able to document the group of disabilities, the surcharge will be paid in the amount of: for 1 child 4000 rubles - 11 200 rubles, for two 644 rubles - 12 800 rubles, for three 7200 rubles - 14 400 rubles ...
  4. Also, the Government plans to increase the size of the one-time and monthly benefits for mothers with many children.

For retirement benefits for mothers with many children, see the following video:

Under the new pension reform, the overall retirement age has changed. In 2020, women born in the second half of 1964 will be able to retire at 55.5 years, men in the second half of 1959 will be able to retire. - at 60.5 years old.

However, women born in 1965 will be able to retire already in the second half of 2021 - the first half of 2022, i.e. at the age of 56.5 years. The same is true for men born in 1960. - their retirement age will already be 61.5 years.

The retirement age will increase annually until it reaches 60 (for women) and 65 (for men) in 2028.

Early insurance pension is a type of old-age pension assigned earlier than the generally established retirement age. For mothers with many children, this age decreases by 3-10 years, depending on the number of children.

Conditions for granting early (preferential) pensions to mothers with many children

An early pension for mothers with many children in 2020 is assigned if the required length of service has been accumulated and the required number of pension points has been accumulated:

  • if you have three children - three years earlier,
  • with four children - four years earlier;
  • if raising 5 or more children - at 50 years old.

It should be borne in mind that an early retirement pension for a large family is entitled only if there is a worked out minimum length of service and scraped pension points. Requirements for the years 2020 to 2025 are shown in the table:

Pension registration year2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
Minimum length of service 11 12 13 14 15 15
Minimum PKI 18,6 21 23,4 25,8 28,2 30

A child in respect of whom a woman has been deprived of parental rights is not taken into account when assigning an early pension. But if the deprivation of rights occurred after the appointment of a pension, then there is no longer any reason to stop paying it.

Adopted children are also taken into account when determining eligibility for early retirement benefits. If a woman is listed as a mother on a birth certificate, it is assumed that she raised the child from birth, regardless of the time of adoption.

It happens that children from different parents live in a family, then for the upbringing of stepchildren and / or stepdaughters, the woman will be assigned an insurance pension only if they are officially adopted.

The separation of children from their mother is not an obstacle to the appointment of an early insurance (preferential) old-age pension. The only exception is deprivation of parental rights.

Fathers with many children are not entitled to an early insurance pension; this type of benefit is provided only to mothers with many children.

Nowadays, it is possible to support three or more children, so many ask the question: How old is a mother of many children retiring? This is called an insurance pension. It can be obtained by a woman with more than two children. It is charged five years earlier than usual and depends on many accompanying factors. Pensions for mothers with many children are paid without delay and in a timely manner, it is enough just to submit documents immediately upon reaching the required age. It is not surprising that these days, mothers are worried about the financial side of the issue, namely benefits and so on.

As for the laws, they are all readily available on the Internet. You can find not only article numbers, but also the articles themselves and familiarize yourself with them. In addition, online consultants are at your service to help you in difficult situations. They will certainly be useful to you, even if you are sure that you know everything. Today life is fleeting, which means that at any moment there may be side effects of a positive or negative nature. It is in such situations that consultants come to the rescue. Many retirees simply do not always know where to turn on this or that issue, so online help is the best way out of this situation for them. For help and information: Art. 28 Federal Law "On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation", Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 431 of May 5, 1992 and Federal Law No. 400.

Registration progress and package of documents

To receive a pension, mothers with many children should contact their regional branch of the Pension Fund. It is here that you should bring a pre-assembled package of documents, consisting of:

  • application for an early retirement pension for mothers with many children;
  • personal passport with existing registration;
  • Your work book;
  • a document from a permanent and official place of work with data on the size of the established salary;
  • document about existing family members;
  • a document about your marriage;
  • documents confirming your child's disability, if any.

The FIU employees take no more than 90 days to complete the verification of the authenticity of your data. They register documents and are engaged in the formation of a payment case. After that, a decision is made on a preferential pension for a mother with many children, and she is appointed from the current day of this month and indefinitely.

The amount of payment for a mother with many children

The amount of payments depends on such factors as the minimum work experience, the type of work experience, the number of children, their age, whether a woman is a guardian, how many years a woman has been a guardian, etc. All this is taken into account in the Pension Fund, after which a decision is made on the assigned pension payment. Payments can also be affected by fixed wages. You can always find more detailed information on the website of the legislation of the Russian Federation or on third-party resources.

Conditions that meet preferential charges

A mother with many children is entitled to an early retirement pension, but she must meet the following requirements:

  • have five children of their own;
  • to raise five own children up to eight years old;
  • have an insurance experience of at least fifteen years;
  • have a retirement experience of more than thirty years.

Another pension for mothers with many children in Russia is paid under the following conditions:

  • for a mother with many children with three children;
  • twenty years of experience and twelve of them in difficult climatic zones, where a year of work is equivalent to 2 years of experience;
  • individual retirement experience of at least thirty years.

Where and how payments to mothers with many children are processed

First of all, you have to collect a lot of certificates and various kinds of extracts. Then you should collect all these documents in one folder, which will contain the application and other forms. All documents must be completed in accordance with accepted standards. Next, you need to determine the location of the Pension Fund in your region. This is where you should contact and consult on the full package of documents and check the compliance of the existing ones. After receiving the consultation, it will become clear to you what and where to send and how long you need to expect. But first of all, find out how many years a mother with many children retires. Currently, this threshold is 50 years old and with three children. If everything meets the requirements and you are suitable for the number of children, then the processing of your documents and the appointment of a pension will not keep you waiting.

Payments to mothers with three children

To provide early retirement benefits to mothers with many children, a number of conditions are spelled out in the legislation:

  • two options for criteria with the number of children and work experience that allow mothers of three children to retire early;
  • in the event that a woman does not have time to raise one of the children under eight years old, the rights to payments are canceled. It does not matter if it was the deprivation of guardianship or parental rights, as well as the death or disappearance of a child under eight years of age.

Payments for a mother with five children

A mother with many children has a number of additional privileges that our state provides for women in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. It not only supports, but also encourages mothers with many children and mothers of three children. Among these children there are also adopted children and children with disabilities.

Mothers with many children can be found in every region of our vast country, but somewhere there are simply more of them, and somewhere a little less of them.

The state of Russia provides financial support to mothers with many children in many areas of her life, and also provides benefits upon retirement. This is done so that mothers with many children can fully exercise the rights they have. One of these rights is the possibility of early establishment of pension benefits. A mother with many children generally retires only if she is a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Is it possible to receive early payments?

It is possible to receive an early pension with three or more children. This is regulated by law number 173, which is spelled out in the legislation on labor pensions. The law came into effect on December 17, 2001. The legal right to receive a pension for large families before the age of 55 is fixed in article 28. Thus, a mother of three children can start receiving a retirement pension five years earlier, but subject to the care of five or more children. The mother must also have an insurance experience of 15 years, be the guardian of these children up to eight years, have experience in rural areas with difficult climatic phenomena. The size of pensions is also regulated by law. The minimum allowable amount is taken into account, which is supposed to support such a number of children. Leaving for early retirement retirement imposes obligations on the mother to take full care of the babies. Changes in the length of service may affect the size of the pension, so for some it increases, but it is necessary to have the minimum allowable length of service.

Term of early receipt of pension for mother and father

The early retirement period for mothers is regulated based on many factors (see above), and for men it does not matter at what age he retires. In other words, the compensation for work experience is limited by the framework that is not affected by the pension of the mother of 3 children.


At present, the state actively supports mothers with many children and helps to improve their life status through payments and benefits. Laws and articles adopted more than ten years ago have not yet lost their legal force and will most likely continue to protect the financial stability of mothers with many children. This is very convenient given the current economic downturn. After all, the state cares not only about financial payments, but also about household goods, kindergartens, schools, sanatoriums and much more. As long as children remain on the support of the state, they receive everything they need for their personal growth and development in society.

How old is a mother with many children retiring? To understand this, you need to understand who is given the status of having many children, as well as know the requirements for women with several children. There are a number of opportunities for early vacation, each of which has its own characteristics. What circumstances affect the size of payments?

Conditions for calculating the pension

The opportunity to be on state support several years earlier is provided for by Article 32. Russian legislation allows men and women to retire from the age of 60 and 55, respectively. But the fulfillment of a number of conditions significantly brings this term closer.

Having many children is one of the reasons to finish working earlier than others. There are 2 options for conditions. First:

  1. Having 5 children or more.
  2. Raise them for at least 8 years each.
  3. Have a personal coefficient of 30 points or more.
  4. Accumulate insurance experience of 15 years or more.

Or the second option:

  1. Give birth to 2 children.
  2. Earn a coefficient of 30 points.
  3. Earn 20 years of insurance experience.

In this situation, one more condition must be fulfilled: part of the total working period must fall on work in the Far North (12 years) or equivalent territories (17 years).

If a woman is denied parental rights or other circumstances have occurred that prevent her from raising a child until he is 8 years old, then he is excluded from the calculation. But if these events occur after the early pension is accrued, then it should not be canceled.

Other features of the accrual:

  1. Foster children are also taken into account, but only on condition that the adoption is formalized.
  2. If the mother is not deprived of parental rights, then it does not matter with whom the children live.
  3. Children from other marriages of the husband are counted only if the new mother legally adopts them.

These conditions apply only to women. Men do not have the right to retire early on this basis.

Terms of provision

One of the requirements for earning retirement benefits before the generally accepted deadline is to accumulate a minimum number of points. In this case, no more than 30 is required. The birth of children adds points for each of them as follows:

  • for one - 1.8;
  • for the next - 3.6;
  • for the third and subsequent - 5.4.

For 5 children, 1.8 + 3.6 + 5.4 + 5.4 + 5.4 = 21.6 points have already accumulated.

The next requirement for a preferential pension is work experience. Until recently, the period of the decree was not included in the calculation in full, but only for the upbringing of the first and second child. That is, 3 years spent at home were counted, and the rest were not. Since 2014, lawmakers have allowed an additional 1.5 years of decree to be included in the seniority. In 2020, up to 6 years of caring for a child will be added to the length of service required for a mother with many children to retire if the time worked is not enough.

When determining whether a woman has the right to retire earlier than it should be, the number of children she has is also taken into account. A pension for mothers with many children with three children up to the age of 60 is possible, provided that the woman has managed to work enough time in the North or in special regions. If this requirement is not met, then only a mother with many children who has given birth to 5 children is entitled to a pension earlier than the deadline.

The number of children and the fulfillment of other conditions only affect how old a mother with many children retires. This will not affect the volume of payments. Their amount depends on other factors: the points accumulated and the amount of tax contributions that were officially deducted by employers.

Thus, the pension of a mother of three children with many children may be higher than that of a woman who has raised five children.

How is it calculated

The size of the pension of a mother with many children depends on the following indicators:

  • the accumulated amount of deductions that were made to the FIU;
  • work experience earned;
  • the total number of points collected (IPC);
  • cost of 1 point.

Points are accumulated on the personal account of each citizen during his work. This is the capital that will subsequently affect the amount of monthly retirement income. The amounts that a citizen earned before the 2015 reform are also converted into points.

If a person for some reason did not work, then during this period, points are not awarded to him, with the exception of several situations:

  • being on maternity leave up to 1.5 years;
  • passing military conscript service;
  • caring for a seriously ill family member who has lost the ability to work.

To calculate the points, a special formula was derived: Bw = (Bw1 + Bw2) * K, where:

  • Чб1 - points into which the pension accumulated before 2015 was recalculated;
  • Chb2 - accumulated points after the reform;
  • K is the magnification factor, if applicable.

To determine how many points a worker earned in 1 year, the following calculation helps: OB = (PBg / MPg) * 10, where:

  • РВг - deductions for the year made by the employer;
  • MRg - annual deductions for the maximum amount of taxation.

The maximum base is indexed annually, as well as the value of one point.

In 2020, the pension of a mother with many children consists of two amounts: a fixed payment and an insurance part, which is influenced by individual indicators (the number of points earned, the amount of deductions, and so on).

The fixed payment for different categories of citizens is different, and in 2020 it has the following sizes:

  • 4982.9 - upon reaching the required age;
  • 7474.35 - for those who have worked in the Far North for 15 years or more, subject to the required length of service;
  • 6477.78 - for persons who have worked for 15 years or more in areas equated to the northern ones, with the accumulation of the prescribed length of service.

Men and women must work a minimum number of years to be eligible for these fixed payments. For women, the term is 20 years, and for men, 25.

People with disabilities and orphans are entitled to their co-payments to the disability or survivor's pension.

How to apply for a pension

Pensions are accrued at the Pension Fund. You should contact your place of residence, collecting a package of documents:

  • early retirement application;
  • identity card and registration information;
  • salary certificate;
  • labor;
  • a document on the composition of the family and the birth of children;
  • marriage and divorce certificates (if any);
  • medical documents confirming the child's disability, if it needs to be taken into account.

When the documents are transferred in full, then, according to the law, the specialist must complete the pension case in 3 months and assign the payment of the pension. , children are enrolled in preschool institutions out of turn;

  • travel in city public transport at the expense of budget funds;
  • privileged setting on;
  • increased tax deductions;
  • shortened working day.
  • Although large families are assigned after the birth of their third child, early retirement benefits are not provided for mothers with many children with 3 children. An exception is work in the northern regions for a fixed number of years.

    Benefits for mothers with many children upon retirement do not depend on whether a woman has her own child or an adopted one. It is important that the adoption is formal. If all the conditions regarding the length of service, the number of points, working conditions are met, a woman has the right to submit an application to the Pension Fund for the calculation of her pension provision 5 years earlier than the deadline established in the legislation.