
September 23rd is a sign in the sky. Getting ready for the meeting of the "baby" born of a virgin? When there will be a starfall Aquarida


The forecast of the futurist from the USA David May that the End of the World will occur on September 23 of this year confirms Great sign in the sky 2017. A few days before the apocalypse, the Moon, Sun and iconic planets form a shape that resembles a crown. The unique phenomenon will be visible to the naked eye.

Signs that the end of the world is near

There are lines in Scripture that people can learn about the approaching Apocalypse by the special arrangement of stars and planets. The holy book says floridly about this: “The inhabitants of the Earth will be able to observe a great sign in heaven: a woman (Virgin Mary) will put on the Sun, and under her feet there will be a thin crescent of the Moon. The beauty's head will be decorated with a huge crown of twelve beautiful stars! " And this is how astrologers describe this phenomenon in the language of facts: Woman is the zodiacal constellation of Virgo, and the constellation Leo serves as the crown, where the brightest star Regulus is located, surrounded by eight less noticeable stars. On the day when great sign in the sky 2017 it will already be possible to see with the naked eye, the daytime star the Sun will be just near the woman's “head”, and the Moon will be under her “feet”.

At the same time, in the night sky it will be possible to simultaneously observe such planets as Jupiter, Mercury and Venus, which will surround the great sign of the apocalypse like a miraculous frame. A rare beauty phenomenon will light up in the night sky just a day autumn equinox 2017 year. And this stunningly beautiful natural phenomenon will reach its maximum visibility on the night of September 23-24 this year.

When there will be a starfall Aquarida

An unusual heavenly wonder is formed in the night sky a week after " festive fireworks"In the form of a stargazing Aquarida. It is interesting that the first part of this starfall above the name Eta-Aquarids began exactly three days after Easter on April 16, 2017, but the second part of the Delta-Aquarida starfall fell on the period from July 12 to August 23, outlining the boundaries of the corridor of the eclipses of the Moon and the Sun in year of the Fire Rooster.

The last, third part of the Aquarida meteor shower, called Iota, will end on September 18th. That is, a celestial phenomenon, when the head of a “woman” (constellation Virgo) is decorated with a large crown of the brightest stars and planets, it will be complemented by a beautiful starfall.

Astrologers warn that the energetics of Aquarida's starfall carries with it a charge of changes and important changes in life. In addition, it is important to decipher the unusual conjunction of the three major planets. So, Mercury is considered "the star of the Archangel Gabriel" and portends important events in the life of every person. Venus symbolizes motherhood, childbirth and the birth of everything new, but the planet Jupiter portends the victory of good over evil, light over obscurantism.

Important astrological events of 2017

In addition, astrologers called a unique phenomenon that the most powerful explosion occurred on the Sun in the last 12 years. This happened at the minimum level of solar activity; there is still no objective explanation for this natural phenomenon. So Great sign in the sky 2017 will be a logical continuation of those important astronomical events that began in August this year.

Whether this series of natural wonders will end with the end of the world and a collision with the mysterious planet Nibiru - the inhabitants of the Earth will find out in the period from 20 to 23 September. But in any case, you should prepare for important changes in your personal life and cleanse your soul and body of filth and negativity. Perhaps this is how nature communicates with a person and calls him to mercy, as well as the rejection of bloody wars, atomic bomb tests and violent actions.

On September 23, 2017, we will see the constellation Virgo, in which the Sun will emerge. The Bible speaks of the same phenomenon in the Apocalypse, and describes "a woman clothed in the sun" - the Virgin Mary. In addition, these events will unfold exactly on the hundredth anniversary of the apparition of the Virgin Mary in the Portuguese city of Fatima. That being said, we know that the 100th anniversary is an important milestone. The coming out of the sun, which, incidentally, occurs every year, is not the only heavenly sign that awaits us in a year. What else needs to happen?

To begin with, one short note: in the article below, I cite a number of facts and observations, from which I do not draw an unambiguous conclusion. Nevertheless, the phenomena that I describe are such that they directly lead to false interpretations. Therefore, I would like to state that they do not predict anything at all. I just offer my reasoning about the upcoming events both on earth and in heaven. These events are potentially very significant. Therefore, we must take them into account. No more, no less.

God's sign

I ask myself a question: what if God, as he has done many times already, gave us a sign from above. Would we have noticed him? And if it attracted attention to great and terrible events, could we understand it? Or are we so busy with our daily worries that we no longer bother to gaze at heaven, or, even noticing something, call it nonsense for the superstitious?

What if I tell you that an astronomical event is approaching, which fully corresponds to the Revelation of John the Evangelist (the so-called Apocalypse - approx. Counter-walk) and literally incredibly coincides in time and context. Do you look up to the sky?

And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed in the sun; under her feet is the moon, and on her head is a crown of twelve stars. She had in her womb, and cried out from the pains and pangs of birth.

And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a large red dragon with seven heads and ten horns, and on its heads seven tiaras. His tail carried away from the sky a third of the stars and threw them to the ground.

This dragon stood before the wife, whom it was necessary to give birth to, so that when she gives birth, devour her baby. And she gave birth to a male child, who is to rule all nations with a rod of iron; and her child was caught up to God and His throne.

Revelation 12: 1-5

Star of bethlehem

Before we start, I think the most important thing is to understand the context. As Christians, we believe that two thousand years ago God used an astronomical event to communicate with humanity as an integral and irrefutable part of our faith. It's about the Star of Bethlehem. But if someone imagines her at all, he imagines, as a rule, in the form of a strong and bright light in the sky, which cannot be overlooked: supposedly he was so bright that he was able to raise the three wise men from their place (or from the thrones) and send them on a long journey after the foretold King.

But these are misconceptions. After all, we also know that when the wise men got to Jerusalem, and it is only eight kilometers from Bethlehem, they had to explain what they actually saw, and why what they saw was interpreted in this way. King Herod, his court and the rest of Jerusalem knew nothing about the Star at all. After all, the people of Jerusalem were busy looking for food for their families and daily responsibilities, as we are today. And although a great sign shone over their heads, announcing the coming of the Savior, the Son of God, they not only did not know about him, but they were not interested in it at all.

To understand the context in which we can better understand the 12th chapter of Revelation, it is useful to study the Star of Bethlehem a little closer. What was she really, and why did the Magi see her, while everyone else did not notice her? The simple answer is: because they were attentive.

There is a fairly convincing theory that Star of bethlehem was in fact a series of completely "ordinary" astronomical phenomena that included a series of rare planetary conjunctions that marked the birth of the King. First of all, it is important to remember that observing these signs is not astrology. The Encyclopedia Britannica defines astrology as follows:

“… A type of prediction that includes the prediction of terrestrial and human events through the observation and interpretation of the stars, the Sun, the Moon and planets. Its adherents are confident that understanding the influence of planets and stars on earthly events allows them to predict and influence the fate of people, groups and nations. "

God communicates with man

The Catholic Church condemns astrology unequivocally and clearly, like all other types of divination (CCC 2116). But interpreting signs such as the Star of Bethlehem is not the same as predicting destinies. This is just ordinary astronomy and symbolism associated with the idea that God, the Creator of the universe, sometimes uses his creations in order to communicate with humans. The Bible is full of examples that support this conclusion. For example, Psalm 19 says:

Heaven proclaims the glory of God, and the firmament proclaims His handiwork
Day to day transmits speech, and night to night reveals knowledge
There is no language, and no dialect, where their voice would not be heard.

Psalm 19: 1-4

Saint Paul quotes this Psalm in the Epistle to the Romans, where he explains that the Jews had information about the arrival of the Mission:

So faith comes from hearing, and hearing comes from the word of God.
But I ask: didn't they hear?
On the contrary, their voice went through all the earth, and their words went to the ends of the universe.

Romans 10: 17-18

Paul clearly says that the Jews knew about the coming of the Mission, because heaven told them. Clearly Paul is not encouraging astrology, but is saying that God sometimes uses heaven as a warning sign to communicate His plans. Of course, much more can be said about the difference between astrology and the understanding of heavenly signs, but this time it is enough to say that a Christian has every right to look to heaven and expect confirmation or communication about God's plans in the right context and when applied correctly.

So what was the Star of Bethlehem? As we have already mentioned, there is every reason to believe that this was a series of astronomical phenomena with important symbolic content. A detailed description can be found at, but I'll try to summarize briefly.

Astronomical phenomena

In the third and second centuries BC, given the apparent retrograde motion of Jupiter, a rare conjunction of Jupiter ("royal" planet) and Regulus ("royal" star) arose. The Three Wise Men, very likely, interpreted this conjunction as a strong light in heaven, which blinks "king-king-king." This whole show started in Jewish New Year in the constellation Leo (which symbolizes the "knee" of Judas). So this connection quite unambiguously symbolized the coming of the Jewish King from the clan of Judah, which was easy to interpret for those who were aware of the fact of the coming of the Messiah. It is also necessary to add that immediately behind Leo was the constellation Virgo with the Sun and the Moon "at their feet."

After this unusual conjunction, Jupiter began to move westward and conjunct Venus, a planet that in particular symbolizes motherhood. The connection of the "royal" and "mother" planet was so close that none of the people living then had seen such a thing, and together they formed the brightest object in the firmament.

After all these signs about the birth of the Jewish King from the clan of Judah, it is clear why it was not difficult for the three educated wise men to go on their way to Jerusalem, and also why the common people of Jerusalem “missed everything”.

After that, Jupiter constantly moved westward until it finally stopped. When this happened, when looking from Jerusalem, he stopped exactly in the south, exactly over the small village of Bethlehem on December 25 of the second year BC.

All this is easy to see in any computer science popular program, because such programs show the night sky in any historical period from anywhere on the Earth. And it is thanks to such programs that we can look at the firmament not only in the past, but also in the future.

If, in the context of all of the above, we turn to the future view of the firmament, we will again see heavenly signs of great importance.

Let's remember the beginning of Revelation 12:

And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun; under her feet is the moon, and on her head is a crown of twelve stars.
She had in her womb, and cried out from the pains and pangs of birth.

Near future

On November 20, 2016, an astronomical phenomenon will begin, which will last nine and a half months, and the culmination of which, worryingly, falls on exactly another phenomenon from Revelation. And although I am not an astronomer, all my research suggests that this phenomenon is unique in its kind in the foreseeable history of mankind.

On November 20, 2016, Jupiter (King) will enter the body (womb) of the constellation Virgo (that is, the Holy Virgin). Jupiter, given its retrograde motion, will stay in the "womb" of Virgo for nine and a half months. This period corresponds to the duration of pregnancy for a normal, slightly overweight baby.

After nine and a half months, Jupiter will again leave the womb of the constellation Virgo. During his birth (childbirth), on September 23, 2017, we see the constellation Virgo, behind which the Sun immediately emerges ("a wife clothed in the sun"). At the feet of the Virgin we see the Moon. And on its head we find a crown of twelve stars: it is formed by nine stars of the constellation Leo, as well as three planets - Mercury, Venus and Mars.

This is extremely remarkable, at least from my point of view, and somewhat disturbing similarity to Revelation 12. What does this mean, if it means anything at all? The only true answer that suggests itself is "we don't know." But without knowing, we can make assumptions.

“By coincidence,” these phenomena will coincide with the hundredth anniversary of the appearance of the “woman clothed in the sun”, that is, the Virgin Mary in Fatima, which took place in 1917. The star parade described will culminate just three weeks before the anniversary of the miracle, when the sun “danced” (another sign in the sky) and was watched by thousands of people.

And for almost a hundred years that have followed, we have had the opportunity to watch how the warnings of the Mother of God are being fulfilled with amazing accuracy. Humanity has not ceased to trample on God, and we have gone through terrible wars, the extermination of entire nations, we saw “Russia, which spreads its mistakes all over the world” and, to be frank, even to the Church itself. And we still have to fulfill Her promises, the triumph of her Immaculate Heart and the coming of peace on earth.

The meaning of the centenary

You may not be aware that the Fatima prophecy itself suggests that the hundredth anniversary is important. In 1931, Sister Lucia, the most important witness of the apparition, was visiting friends in Rianjo in Spain. There God appeared to her and complained that the advice of His Mother had not been followed. He said: “Tell my servants that if they, like the King of France, postpone the execution of my orders, they will suffer the same misfortune as the King of France. It's never too late to turn to Jesus and Mary. "

In the following text of Sister Lucia, you can read the words of the Lord: “They did not want to obey my wishes! Like the king of France, they will regret and finally obey, but it will be too late. Meanwhile, Russia will spread its mistakes throughout the world, provoke wars and persecution of the Church. The Holy Father will suffer a lot. "

The reference to the French king is very interesting for us, because it is a direct reference to the demands of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which the Lord expressed through Marguerite Maria Alacoc on June 17, 1689. King Louis XIV and his successors, however, did not obey the order to solemnly dedicate France to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. As a result, on June 17, 1789 in a hundred years, day to day The People's Assembly of the French Revolution rebelled against the king, declared itself the ruler of France and overthrew the monarch. Subsequently, the king, as we know, was executed.

The significance of the hundredth anniversary of the Fatima events, we can not accurately assess, but it is definitely an interesting confirmation.

Many also know the words of the sermon of Pope Leo XIII that Satan has a hundred years to achieve the destruction of the Church. Immediately after this opinion was expressed, the Pope wrote a prayer to the holy Archangel Michael, in which he asks the archangel to protect us in the struggle and become our protection from malice and devilish orders. The Pope added these so-called Leonin prayers at the end of the Mass. But the Second Vatican Congress made sure that this practice was abolished.

Restless waiting

Today the Church is going through troubled times. The very foundations of faith, even the commandments of our Savior, are relativized and ignored. And one cannot but recall the words of the Pope.

And since we are talking about the modern crisis in the Church, we must also recall that the date when the astronomical phenomenon that we talked about will happen, that is, November 20, 2016, is also the day when the "Jubilee Year" announced Pope Francis. On the same day, the day of Christ the King is celebrated.

Again, I will emphasize that I am not trying to assert that the astronomical phenomenon described here has any significance. I do not claim that I know the future or any events in it that are related to the fulfillment of the entire Fatima prophecy.

I am only saying that we are in the same situation as the three wise men were in two thousand years ago.

And I look up to heaven and say, “Okay, Lord! I am listening to you".

Quote post "A great sign in heaven." The Rapture of the Bride. The last "week" and 1260 days pus

All shalom !!!

In this article, I will try to consider one unique event that will occur on September 23, 2017, in the context of the so-called. "The last 70th week", as well as those same 3.5 years or 1260 days, when, according to the book of Revelation 12 chapter, "wife / woman" will be in the wilderness. The previous two materials: "Astronomy of the Most High" and "Do you know the statutes of heaven, can you establish its dominion on earth?" - were an introduction to this interesting "astronomical" topic. So, the entire celestial sphere is a kind of "Clock of the Most High". People are not influenced by planets or stars, but by the Almighty, Who created these very planets and stars, and Who uses these celestial bodies to be His “Heavenly clock”. And this “Heavenly Clock” has its own different “hands” and its own “alarm clock”.

Festival of Trumpets or Rosh Hashanah

This event is expected at Rosh Hashanah 2017. According to the calendar, this holiday comes "approximately" on September 21st. Why "about"? Because this is the only holiday from the series of Feasts of the Lord, or "moadim" (Hebrew), which does not come with sunset, but by visual observation of the firmament. The Almighty saw this date in such a way that it falls on the new moon, and therefore on the darkest period when there is no moonlight. In Scripture, this very Feast is the prophetic holiday of the Second Coming of the Messiah. In this blog, I have already posted material on the subject that the so-called. The "Coming of the Messiah", in accordance with the Holy Scriptures, as well as the tradition and understanding of the entire Jewish people, cannot occur at any other time, except on this Feast, or rather the "appointed day" or "appointed time of the meeting." Read for those not yet in the know:

Rosh Hashanah or the Feast of Trumpets is a prophetic feast about the Second Coming of the Lord. 1 part and

Rosh Hashanah or the Feast of Trumpets - The prophetic celebration of the wedding of the Messiah. Part 2

In our case, it is more appropriate to speak not of the "physical Coming" of Yeshua precisely in this interesting date, but rather about the so-called. "The rapture of the Bride." This should happen precisely on the Feast of Trumpets. As for the moment when Yeshua physically sets foot on this earth, this will have to happen after 3.5 years or 1260 days, which will begin immediately after this rapture.

We remember how Yeshua said that “you don’t know the day and the hour”, and this is the only Holiday, or rather “the appointed day of the meeting”, which can last more than a day, since in ancient Israel, this Feast was determined by visual observation of the sky. When two appointed Levites confirmed that a narrow strip of a new, emerging month had appeared, then the chief cohen (high priest) announced de facto that the Feast of Trumpets, or as it was later called Rosh Hashanah, had begun. This “appointed time of meeting” symbolizes the darkest time from a spiritual point of view, when there is no light but the light of the stars, and against the background of this darkness, the Mashiach should appear - the true Light of Life and the Heavenly Bridegroom. The Almighty thought over and provided for everything. And even so he arranged and determined this "appointed time of the meeting", as it is a more accurate translation, so that it would not be possible to know the exact hour, and even the exact day, oddly enough. That is why a tradition has been formed in Israel to celebrate this Holiday / "moed" for two days. In 2017, this "moed" is to be celebrated from the evening of September 20th to the evening of September 22nd. And starting from September 22 in the evening, until the second half of the 23rd, a unique astronomical event will take place in our firmament, which, as far as I understand, has never had any analogues, and it is not known how many tens of thousands of years it will possibly come. Those. "Purely theoretically and a little practically" the evening of the 22nd, when this event begins, can still be considered Rosh Hashanah. This revelation itself is not mine, and it is not new enough, but I began to "dig" it a little "in breadth and depth", as they say, and "dug a little". But, about everything in turn.

Sun-clad wife

12: 1 And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman (woman), clothed with the sun; the moon is under her feet, and on her head is a crown of twelve stars.

We'll look at this Scripture first. Of course, as with any prophetic account, we understand that there can be several levels of understanding and revelation. Spiritual levels here are “a carriage and a small cart”. But to many scholars of the Scriptures with whom I agree, it is obvious that this verse may have in mind not only spiritual, but also literal meaning. The principle here is simple: if from the context of a certain passage of Scripture it is impossible to unequivocally assert that it cannot have a literal meaning, then we must consider it. And moreover, consider it in the very first place, and then draw numbers 1, 2, 3, etc. in a column. , and opposite them to voice all others, incl. spiritual meanings and prophetic parallels. And we will now deal with this very main point. And to this we have already prepared a little. In any case, those who have read the previous two parts.

So, the "sign in heaven" is a sign in the physical firmament. "Wife / Woman" is the constellation Virgo. Next to her, in the direction of her head, is the constellation Leo. It has already been mentioned that the constellation Virgo symbolizes a righteous woman carrying the promised seed, as well as the Bride of the Messiah. The constellation is Leo, and symbolizes the Messiah Yeshua Himself. Those. these two constellations are always close, as are the Lord Yeshua Himself and His Bride. In the constellation Leo, there are nine main visible stars that form it. Those. conditionally-visually, we can constantly see, as it were, on the head of the Virgin a crown of nine stars. But at a moment in time, starting from about the second half of the day, towards the evening of September 22, a situation will begin to form in the firmament in which we could see the fulfillment of what was written in the first verse. Let's take a look at the picture below:

The Sun is in the region of the head, the Moon is in the region of the legs, and three visible planets, which were discussed earlier, are added to the nine stars of the constellation Leo:

Kochav / "planet of Archangel Michael" ("mercury"),

Foot / "morning star - planet of the Messiah" ("Venus") and

Maadim / "planet Eisava" ("Mars").

Thus, a crown / crown of "twelve stars" is formed on the head.

This combination is rare, and the fact of its formation precisely on the Feast of Trumpets or Rosh Hashanah already makes it historically unique. But that's not all.

Wife in labor pains

Let's now turn our attention to the passage of the verse that says that this woman suffered from the pains of labor pains:

Rev.12: 2 She was in her womb, and cried out from the pains and pangs of birth.

In order to understand this Scripture, let's pay attention to the planet Zedek ("Jupiter"), which basically translates as "righteousness, faithfulness, justice", which in turn is the attributes and one of the names of the Most High. In the context of this revelation, the planet Zedek can symbolize the "seed of Righteousness." So, Zedek begins to enter the abdomen of the constellation Virgo - November 21, 2016.

And for about nine months, this planet rotates within the boundaries of the belly of the constellation Virgo, without leaving them. Those. here we can see, full in time, the period of pregnancy. Zedek begins to emerge from the abdomen of the constellation Virgo - around September 10, 2017. This symbolizes the beginning of labor pains. September 23rd, 2017 Zedek is in the process of emerging from the abdomen ("womb") of the constellation Virgo. Here I want to draw your attention to the fact that it is not the contours of the constellation drawn by the artist that should be considered correct in the firmament, but the boundaries of the constellation, which are formed by lines connecting the stars of this constellation.

October 14, 2017 Zedek finally leaves the boundaries of the constellation Virgo. Those. "Childbirth took place." From the moment "Righteousness" enters the boundaries of the Virgo's belly, until the moment of movement "to the exit", i.e. "Pushing" takes about 290 days. Those. this is approximately the time of conception, pregnancy and onset of labor. And therefore, September 23, 2017 completely falls under the description of the fact that "a woman screamed from the pains and pangs of birth."


It is also interesting that at the given period of this event under consideration, there is, among other things, the time of the weekly Shabbat, which comes with sunset on September 22nd. And it is on the evening of September 22, 2017 that the Moon falls into the region of the legs of the constellation. The moon comes out completely from the area of ​​the legs and borders of the constellation Virgo - on the evening of September 23, 2017. we see that the described situation in the first two verses of the 12th chapter of Revelation can last no more than a day.

And now a little about another sign:

The dragon threw stars on the ground

Revelation 12: 3 And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a large red dragon with seven heads and ten horns, and on its heads are seven tiaras.

4 His tail carried away a third of the stars from heaven and threw them to the ground. This dragon stood before the wife, whom it was necessary to give birth to, so that when she gives birth, devour her baby.

Of course, this Scripture can be interpreted spiritually, and moreover, in several "layers and projections." But, nevertheless, in this scripture, as in the two previous ones, the basic, literal, physical meaning is laid. So what was this “sign in heaven”? Almost immediately after this event, which we considered above, another astronomical event begins, which very much corresponds to what is described in these two verses. At the beginning of October each year, the Draconids meteor shower begins to pour out onto the earth, which is associated with comet 21P / Giacobini-Zinner. The shower begins to operate in early October, and the maximum number of meteors is observed on October 8-10. It is best to observe it in the early morning hours in an area with a clear dark sky. Radiant, i.e. the region of the celestial sphere, which appears to be a source of meteors, is located in the constellation Draco. In this case, between these two events, there seems to be almost no gap, which fully corresponds to the context and sequence of all the above verses.

In this article I will not touch on "heads, crowns and horns", perhaps I will consider this later and separately. As for everything else, this event in question fits perfectly into our prophetic narrative. I will only note that exactly at the moment of the maximum intensity of this meteor shower, i.e. October 8-10, Zedek will go beyond the boundaries of the constellation Virgo.

Male infant

Rev.12: 5 And she gave birth to a male child, who is to rule all nations with a rod of iron; and her child was caught up to God and to His throne.

The Word says that this woman gave birth to a male baby, and it was this baby who was raptured to the throne of the Most High. This child, someone, perhaps, would completely correlate with the Messiah Yeshua, and the woman - with Miriam, who endured the body of the Lord. As one of the spiritual and prophetic interpretations - this may take place, but as a main option, this is categorically unacceptable, and I will try to explain why. First, Yeshua after His resurrection, when he was taken to the throne of Heavenly Father, was not, in general, a baby. He was already from the Lamb, turned into a "Lion from the tribe of Yehuda," Who, at the time of his ascension to the throne, took the keys of hell and death from the devil. Those. He was not at all like that helpless baby at that moment, Who urgently needs to be hidden somewhere more securely so that the evil dragon would not eat Him for breakfast. To whom else can this prophetic image of a male baby be attributed, who “must shepherd the nations with a rod of iron”? Let's get a look. For example, Israel is also called the firstborn. And we can read it here:

Ex.4: 22 And say to Pharaoh: Thus says the Lord: Israel is my son, my firstborn;

Proceeding even from this one passage, we can see that by the male baby in Rev. 12: 4 we can understand Israel as the firstborn of the Most High, i.e. natural olive. In this case, the one who is part of the natural olive tree is the one who has already been born again and grafted. Yeshua was born physically and ascended into Heaven about two thousand years ago, so this unique astronomical event cannot speak of His physical birth and ascension directly and literally, but only as an indirect hint. In the verse we are considering, there is a mention of the fact that this male child will shepherd the nations with an iron rod. Who else can this epithet refer to? Let's take a look at another place from the same book of Revelation:

Rev. 2:26 He who overcomes and keeps My works to the end, to him I will give authority over the Gentiles,

27 and he will rule them with a rod of iron; like earthen vessels, they will be broken, just as I received [authority] from my Father;

28 And I will give him the morning star.

It is clearly and clearly written here that Yeshua Himself will give some believers an "iron rod", which acts as a symbol of power, allowing them to have power over the pagans. Yeshua received this symbol of power - an iron rod, and is ready to give it to those "who overcome and keep His works to the end." Who is he? It is not just someone who has been saved “as if from fire” by the grace of Heavenly Father. In this case, this Scripture can only be attributed to His Bride, who has the highest level of delegated spiritual authority here on earth, after Himself.

So this male babyaccording to the Scriptures,maybe Israel, as the firstborn of the Most High, and having a "rod of iron" - Yeshua's Bride, who is a part of all His people, closest to Him. No other variation throughout Scripture can be applied to this passage. Perhaps only, as one of the prophetic parallels or indirect hints. So, this male child, who feeds the nations with an iron rod of power, can theoretically be either Yeshua Himself, or His Bride, as a part of His people, especially close to Him.

All that we have considered is already unique, unrepeatable in itself, and can be a fairly strong argument in favor of the fact that it is Rosh Hashanah of 2017 that can become the time of the admiration of the Bride of the Messiah Yeshua. This Bride is symbolized by 5 wise girls, who, in addition to a lamp ( external form), there were also jugs of oil, which is the anointing of the Ruach of the Most High - the Holy Spirit. But that's not all. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that in this event on September 23, 2017, in a visually visible one place, six "star planets" will be collected from all seven visible that are present in Solar system, and which we considered in previous materials ("2 + 5"). “For the sake of completeness,” there is one more missing, and that is the planet Shabtai (“Saturn”).

Shabtai and 1260 days

And now let's look at the "as if not participating" in all this planet Shabtai, which many insultingly call "Saturn". For this planet, the "key, control point" is the Hanukkah Festival. In any case, for a certain period under consideration, about ten years, the main movements of this planet from the borders of some constellations to the limits of others were associated precisely with Hanukkah. As many people know, Hanukkah symbolizes the holiday of light, fire and purification, and falls, as a rule, on different dates of December. Let me remind you that Shabtai is a cognate word, with the word "Shabbat", and symbolizes specifically the people of Israel, and in generalized form, often, the entire people of the Lord. Let's take a look at the movement of this planet, starting from Hanukkah 2013, which preceded the first so-called Passover. "Bloody moon".

Starting its movement from the constellation Virgo, this planet, on Hanukkah 2013, i.e. about November 28, enters the boundaries of the constellation Libra. The constellations of Libra symbolize it is that the Most High weighs the hearts of people, and in this case, the hearts of His people. So, on Hanukkah 2013, at the end of November, the process of weighing the hearts of the people of the Most High begins. It is noteworthy that the so-called. "Euromaidan" in Kiev began exactly at this time.

And for exactly one calendar year, until the next Hanukkah 2014 (December 17-24), Shabtai was / "spun" within the constellation Libra. And already during this Hanukkah 2014, Shabtai goes beyond the boundaries of the constellation Libra and heads towards the constellation Scorpio. Then, during one calendar year, until the beginning of the next Hanukkah, which begins on December 7, 2015, Shabtai "slowly" moves along the edge of the border of the constellation Scorpio, slightly again approaching the border of the constellation Libra, and then shifting back. The constellation Scorpio symbolizes something not very good, and hostile towards the people of God. It is what threatens, stings, and injects the spiritual poison of deception and delusion when "the patient is more dead than alive." In the previous material, I pointed to the Scripture from Yez. 2: 6 where the symbol of the scorpions is the "rebellious house". Those. this constellation of Scorpio is a symbol of rebellion, rebellion against the existing power of the Almighty, as well as the powers established by Him in general. The result of this rebellion and rebellion is deception and delusion.

Those. Shabtai, as it were, "walks on the edge of the abyss" between the weighing / judgments of the Almighty, and between the danger of poisoning with spiritual poison. Someone is held on the edge, and someone falls down ...

Then, starting around Hanukkah 2015 (December), Shabtai begins a slow but steady and purposeful movement towards the constellation Ophiuchus. The constellation Ophiuchus, as mentioned earlier, symbolizes the so-called. Asclepius, who, according to Greek mythology, is the son of Apolion himself, or in Hebrew Abaddon, who is directly mentioned in chapter 9 of Revelation. And this is a type of Satan himself. In fact, this Asclepius / Ophiuchus is the so-called. "Antichrist", or more precisely: "man of sin / son of destruction", or "beast". And it is interesting that it was around Hanukkah 2016 (December 25-31) that Shabtai enters the boundaries of the constellation Ophiuchus. It can be assumed that it was at this time that many of the people of the Lord, including the Jews who were not born again, come under a very strong influence, pressure and control of this very false messiah-Antichrist.

At the time of the date we are considering - September 23, 2017, the planet Shabtai is located exactly in the constellation Ophiuchus, "under his heel (foot)", which suggests that a significant part of the believers will be, to one degree or another, under the control of the false messiah. Based on the foregoing, I assume that in the Rosh Hashanah area of ​​2017, the rapture of the Bride of the Messiah Yeshua, symbolized by 5 wise girls, may take place. And 5 foolish girls, symbolically, will be literally "under the heel" of the false messiah, who is the "son of perdition", and which is symbolized by the constellation Ophiuchus. And after this admiration, it is written that a woman who gave birth to a male child fled into the desert for 1260 days or 3.5 years. Those. after the rapture of the Bride or 5 wise girls, the remaining 5 “foolish” remain for a period of testing, cleansing, etc., and judging by what is supposed to happen later, according to the Scriptures, it will be like “weeping and gnashing of teeth”. The bride, or five wise girls are already in Heaven at the throne of the Most High, and the dragon cannot reach them, and therefore he then turns all his anger on the remaining people of the Lord:

Revelation 12:13 When the dragon saw that he was cast down to earth, he began to persecute his wife, who gave birth to a male baby.

14 And there were given to the woman two wings of a great eagle, so that she flew into the wilderness to her place from the face of the serpent, and there she fed for a time, times and half a time.

This wife / woman is the remaining people of the Most High, who will be tested and "brought into the bonds of the covenant," as it was written by the prophet Ehizkel (Yezekil):

Ezek 20:34 And I will bring you out of the nations and out of the countries where you are scattered, and I will gather you with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm, and an outpouring of fury.

35 And I will lead you into the wilderness of the nations, and there I will sue you face to face.

36 As I pleaded with your fathers in the wilderness of the land of Egypt, so I will plead with you, says the Lord God.

37 And I will guide you under the rod and lead you into the bonds of the covenant.

38 And I will single out from among you the rebels and those disobedient to Me. I will bring them out of the land of their sojourn, but they will not enter the land of Israel. and you will know that I am the Lord.

It is precisely written here that the Almighty will lead "all the scattered" precisely to desert of nations... Not into the “wilderness of the Israelite people,” but the “nations”. And this could mean that there will be such hard times throughout the earth that it will be a desert. for all peoples. The reign of the false messiah-antichrist corresponds to this more than everything else taken together.

Let's remember that interesting fact that out of all the people of Israel, only two people, except for Moshe himself, were ready to enter the Promised Land: Yehoshua bin Nun and Kalev (I. Navin and Khalev). They symbolize 5 wise girls and the Bride of the Messiah. And if then they, together with everyone, waited 40 years, now it will be different. Those who are ready will enter, and the rest will remain in the wilderness for 1260 days for what the Lord singled out from them, as it is written above "rebels and disobedient ones." Those who fell then in the desert more than 3 thousand years ago and were rebellious rebels and lawless people who do everything as they please, and not as "as it is written." And deeply hidden motives of the heart were revealed in the desert. And many died there. And the new generation, having passed the desert, entered the Promised Land. As it was then, so it will be now. This prophetic image is given to us, "Have reached the end of time" , according to 1 Cor. 11:10.

This wife / woman who "fled into the wilderness" is not at all "unbelieving Jews", as some have tried to suggest to some. Although, undoubtedly, they will also be there. There will really be born-again believers. I will quote this Scripture in translation from the original:

Rev.12: 17 And the dragon was angry with the woman, and went to go to war with the rest (remaining) of her seed, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Yeshua.

Elsewhere in the book of Revelation it is written that “ Yeshua's testimony is the spirit of prophecy "(Rev. 19:10) .

Those. we see that some of the remaining believers will keep the commandments of the Most High and will have the gift of the Holy Spirit - the spirit of prophecy. It is against this part of the believers that the dragon's war will be launched. Judging by the context, the rest of the remaining believers will not pose a real spiritual danger to him, and therefore they are not even mentioned. In the process of this wilderness, many will be introduced “into the bonds of the covenant” (Ezek.20: 37) and become “the new generation” who will cross the spiritual Yarden in 1260 days.

There is also one more difference between the Bride of the Messiah and the rest of the believers who will enter the Promised Land. The bride will be raptured at Rosh Hashanah, and “the rest of her seed”, having passed the desert, will go out in the Pesach region: it looks like Pesach in 2021.

A definite confirmation of this can be the fact that starting from Rosh Hashanah 2017, i.e. From about September 21-23, Shabtai begins, as it were, to "run away" from the constellation Ophiuchus:

Open 12: 6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, to a place prepared for her by God, and there she was fed for twelve hundred and sixty days.

Then, for about 3 years and 3 months, Shabtai moves around the region of the constellation Sagittarius, which is a centaur, i.e. Nephilim: a hybrid of a human, an animal, and a fallen angel. And it is the constellation Sagittarius that symbolizes the persecutor whom the "dragon let like a river":

Revelation 12:15 And the serpent threw out water from his mouth after the woman like a river, to carry her away with the stream of the river.

The stream of the river in this case symbolizes the armed persecution, and the "Sagittarius-Nephilim" symbolizes this as well as possible. It is interesting that within the boundaries of this constellation, Shabtai moves for almost 3.5 years, and three months before the end of this period, begins to move to the constellation Aries, which, as mentioned earlier, is an animal hybrid: "goat-nephilim", and represents apostate believers whom Yeshua will put on the left in judgment and call "goats."

Two stages

In this material, I in no way impose my point of view on anyone, but I share what I personally think is the most probable and logical, precisely from the point of view and context of everything. Holy Scripture... The prophetic images and parallels that I have cited in this material allow, it seems to me, to more deeply and objectively understand the event that will take place on Rosh Hashanah 2017, as well as what will follow after it. It is written about the last week of the prophet Daniel:

Dan.9: 26 And after sixty-two weeks, Christ will be put to death, and will not; but the city and the sanctuary will be destroyed by the people of the leader who comes, and its end will be like a flood, and until the end of the war there will be devastation.

27 And one week will confirm the covenant for many, and in the half of the week the sacrifice and the offering will cease. and on the wing [of the sanctuary] there will be an abomination of desolation, and the final predetermined destruction will overtake the devastator. "

I will not analyze this Scripture here and now, but I will say that it is very, very likely that the beginning of this last week falls precisely on Pesach 2014, when there was the first blood moon from a series of four so-called. "Bloody moons". From this Passover to Rosh Hashanah 2017, exactly 3.5 years. And from that moment also 3.5 years or 1260 days of the "desert". 3.5 + 3.5 = 7 years: math is not hard here. I heard about different options, when they tried to somehow bring this last week under anything, and from which only they did not try to count it ... But, facts, events and their interpretation, you can manipulate as much as you like, but "set up a sign in heaven" , no one except the Creator Himself can do. And this is 100% fact. If the arguments that I have cited in this material are indeed true and take place, then this 2015 we will have to see an increase in confrontation in the world, both economic and military. And in 2016, possibly and probably right after Passover, there is a high probability that the shofars of Angels from chapter 8 of the book of Revelation may sound. And after those serious events that are described there, a false messiah may appear and begin to enter into the force, trying to subjugate the whole world. And by Rosh Hashanah 2017, he should almost succeed. If the line of reasoning is correct, then it is theoretically possible that the geophysical cataclysms described in chapters 8 and 9 of Revelation can begin after Passover 2017, but there is only six months left until Rosh Hashanah. I think that the events of this year will shed a lot of light on all this.

The most important result of thinking about all this material, and those events that are expected in the very near future, is the vigilance of the people of the Most High. This is the main thing. And you cannot stay awake if you are warm. "The fire on the altar must burn day and night." - and this is a spiritual image for every believer. If our spirit is on fire and we are not warm, then we are those five wise girls with lamps and jugs of oil. And everything that we need to know what to do and what measures to take in this difficult time - all this the Lord will reveal to us in due time. The more we burn in spirit and love the Lord, the less there will be any fear, because perfect love casts out all fear. Waiting for the meeting with the Lord and preparing for it is the most important thing that should be in the life of every believer, and may Heavenly Father help all of us in this.

Again, I want to repeat that this article does not predict anything and does not predict anything. I am only showing the obvious things that many are not able to see because of their zombie-like state, in which most people on planet Earth are now.

On the this moment I am considering only chapter 12 for now. The wife or the virgin clothed in the Sun is one of the main figures of this Revelation.

In the video, I showed very well that Jupiter is exactly where the woman has the place where she carries the fetus. Any constellation was named according to the principle of its similarity with one or another real image. The constellation Cancer looks like Cancer, Libra looks like scales, etc. So the constellation Virgo - looks like a man. There are arms, legs, torso. Just like children draw a little man. Jupiter is definitely in the area of ​​the reproductive organs. Moreover, the fetus is displaced to the right. And we read, I repeat again: "She had in her womb, and cried out from the pains and pangs of birth." Usually, if the fetus in a woman's womb is not located correctly, then this leads to painful childbirth. And note that this will follow slightly below that the fruit is shifted away from the Dragon. As if running away from him.

Important: Be sure to read about Jupiter in my article " Jupiter"- which also expands on this article on the interpretation of the Revelation of John (Apocalypse).

And now the fun part! Do you still not understand what Virgo means, clothed with the Sun and giving birth to Jupiter? Then I'll explain it even easier. To begin with, the constellation Virgo in other languages ​​(for example, Latin, English, etc.) is called more accurately, indicating the Virgin. Namely: Virgus, Virgo or Virgin. Virgo - virgins virgin. This is a woman who is known to almost every person on Earth - the Virgin Mary, or Virgin Mary, Madonna, Virgin Mary, etc. Don't just dwell on the Christian version of this story. Also, you don't need to dwell only on Jesus, because under the image of Christ in other religions and teachings are waiting for their messengers (but they all point to one person). The image of the Mother of God is an image that almost all cultures and peoples have. And I have already told you about this more than once in my articles many years ago on the site "Your Yoga". From my article " Jupiter“You have already read that Jupiter in all ages was called the king of kings, the god of the gods.

In the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 24: 23-27) Christ says:

Then, if someone tells you: behold, Christ is here, or there. For false Christs and false prophets will arise and give great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, the elect. Behold, I have told you in advance. So, if they say to you: “Behold, He is in the wilderness, do not go out; “Behold, He is in secret rooms” - do not believe it. For as lightning comes from the east and is visible even to the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man. And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven.

Christ openly says that everyone will see him. It will be impossible not to see it, like lightning in the sky. In my article " Jupiter"You will understand that this is exactly what we are talking about. When Jupiter begins to shine like a second small sun, everyone will see it and then remember the words of the prophecy. Of course, Jupiter himself is not Christ. This is his representative in heaven. Incarnation. If you honor ancient Vedas or ancient beliefs, when people communicated with space and planets, the forces of nature - then you will understand that any object has its own personification. People communicated with the Sun. The Sun God came to people and spoke with them. People spoke with the Moon, with Pole Star, with fire, with water, mountains, rivers, etc. Everything has a personification.

And I especially want to emphasize that the date "2017, September 23" is not the date of these events. This is the date of the Virgin clothed with the Sun. Who needs to know the date of these events - they just take the program of the starry sky and find out. As I said - I give you the very essence, the mechanism of how to find out everything else. The date lies on the surface: read carefully the "Revelation of John" (called the Apocalypse) and look at what his words indicate in the sky. Don't expect one person to always do everything for you. I cannot always do everything for you.

And now it's even more intimate! But you will understand this only after reading my article " Jupiter"So, Christ calls himself the Son of God. Of all the bodies of the solar system, the sun is the main one. The only planet that is similar to the sun is Jupiter. Incidentally, this is the second largest body in the solar system after the sun. And her light is divine - golden on the night sky. And you have not forgotten that I just wrote about the personification? The sun is God (this is also evidenced by the multi-thousand-year history of mankind, where the cult of the sun god or RA always comes first). Or his representative here in our three-dimensional And the only representative who can be in second place is Jupiter, who has all the qualities inherent in the Sun.

In other words, I will not decipher various "little things". For example, what does the eagle's wings given to the Virgo mean, what does her escape into the desert mean, how the Earth saved her from the river from the mouth of the Dragon. All this is not important, although all this can be easily explained according to the same principle.

I can also add food for discovery by saying that on September 22-23, 2017, the Earth will host the Autumnal Equinox Day (I told you about this day). If someone has even a little knowledge of astronomy they will immediately see the meaning of John's phrase " His tail carried away from the sky a third of the stars and threw them to the ground".

In fact, making such a transcript is very exciting. Every time you understand what John meant, and seeing confirmation of this in heaven, you feel like an Egyptologist who has deciphered this or that ancient riddle.

I also cannot help dwelling on one important passage from the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 2: 9-11):

And behold, the star that they saw in the east walked in front of them, when at last it came and stopped over the place where the Child was. Seeing the star, they rejoiced with very great joy, and entering the house, they saw the Child with Mary, His Mother, and, falling down, worshiped Him.

Nobody still knows what kind of "star" it was. However, this only confirms what is written here that we are talking about celestial objects, and that in ancient times these things were given great importance. And that even the birth of Christ was marked with this heavenly sign. Therefore, there is no doubt that his new arrival will be marked by the same special heavenly signs. One thing I want to add is that this star was unusual. First, it was very bright. Therefore, there are quite a few people who believe that it was an aircraft of highly developed civilizations, which many people have already witnessed in our time, and there are such videos (despite the fact that there are many fakes). According to the description, it is very similar, moreover, in the description it is even written that she moved.

Nevertheless, I am inclined to think that this star was still Jupiter. He was just in the constellation Pisces. Even the early Christians had their own symbol - the sign of Pisces. I think these are well-known things - you know all about them.

During the times of persecution, Christ's disciples were killed for this symbol. As I already wrote in the article " Jupiter"- quite recently there was a precedent when an ejection from the Sun" lit "Jupiter, it began to glow brighter. But this was not visible from the Earth, because it was behind the Sun. I especially want to emphasize that there are Forces that control the processes in our solar system. Nothing here by itself has arisen and does not work by itself. This is a complex mechanism, guided and coordinated from above. And if Jupiter is associated with Christ, then it is quite reasonable that he began to shine brighter at the moment of his birth, because on Earth came his personification in blood and flesh.There is also an opinion of modern astronomers, who say that Jupiter united with Saturn and Venus in the night sky, and accordingly this explains the fact that the three of them began to shine brighter than any other cosmic a body in the sky.Moreover, this event already took place in this (2015) year, on July 1, when Jupiter merged with Venus:

[click to enlarge the picture]

Moreover, this event lasted for about a week. Those. it is not that they got back together for a few minutes and then went their separate ways. This connection was long lasting. And even this event is impressive. Now imagine what people felt in those distant times when they saw something even brighter in the sky. Therefore, if we are talking about signs, then they need to be looked for in heaven. And only there. Which is what I do in this article. And as you can see, everything is exactly the same down to the smallest detail.

In general, it must also be said that John is the beloved disciple of Christ. I have always reread his Gospel in a very different way. Because it is strikingly different from the rest. It's kind of special. Deep. One feels that Christ really passed on to his closest disciples the entire depth of his Teachings. And this Gospel of John between the lines conveys it to some extent. That his revelation, that his gospel are very similar in style of storytelling. This unambiguously points to the same author, i.e. on John - the closest and beloved disciple of Jesus. If you have read all the Gospels, including the apocryphal ones (collection of works), then you know that Christ came to the Disciples many times after the events known to everyone (crucifixion, etc.). Those. he came in his usual way, as a person, and continued to teach them for a long time. Therefore, when Christ came to John to show him what would happen, so that he would write down this Revelation (Apocalypse), there was nothing out of the ordinary for John. Jesus had come to them many times before. However, this time he came in his multifaceted cosmic image. Definitely, the Apocalypse is a scripture that has been stirring people's minds for many, many centuries.

Do not forget that in my article "" I am talking about the interpretation of words such as: Israel - from RA, IERUSalim - Rus, Nazare (t) - a city at dawn. All this belongs to our common culture, including the Slavic one. Therefore, in any case, do not consider that this is not ours. This is universal, because before there was a single culture, a country and a single language. And now all this is divided. More details in my article "". There I explain everything.

I want to highlight one more fragment from the Apocalypse of John:

The Fifth Angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star falling from heaven to earth, and a key was given to her to the pit of the abyss. She opened the pit of the abyss, and smoke came out of the pit like smoke from a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by the smoke from the pit. And out of the smoke came the locusts onto the earth, and power was given to them, which is the case with earthly scorpions. And she was told not to harm the grass of the earth, and no greenery, and no tree, but only one people who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads.

In general, the seal of God on the forehead is spoken of more than once. Those who study the Vedic culture, which I am not tired of talking about, they know that, according to the Vedic tradition, putting some marks on the forehead is part of worshiping God. You saw it yourself, and I did the video more than once with Sadhu, I hope you did not waste time and have mastered this wonderful practice long ago.

The sun will put a cross on America: "The Great American Eclipse" on August 21, 2017. What is the world elite preparing for September 23, 2017?

The sun will put a cross on America.

The event is called the "Great American Eclipse" because it will be the first total solar eclipse to be seen only in the United States. In other words, since the United States became a state, there has never been a total solar eclipse, which was only seen here and nowhere else.

And this will be the first Total Solar Eclipse to cross the west coast to the east coast for the first time in 99 years. So for those who love astronomy, this is more than the Super Bowl.

About 200 million people live in the "total zone", and many of them predict that this will be the most popular eclipse. In fact, many hotels and campgrounds along the path of the eclipse are already fully booked. So if you want to see him live, you better get your preparations done as quickly as possible.

Of course, the "main event" does not last long. Depending on the location, a total eclipse will only last two to three minutes.

But if you count from the moment the Moon begins to cover the Sun until the Sun is fully open, the whole process unfolds in about two and a half hours.

Of course, in heaven everything will happen very quickly. For example, the moon's shadow would actually traverse the United States at about 1,700 miles per hour.

And even if you are not in the "total zone", you will still notice what is happening on August 21st. This is because this eclipse will actually cover the entire country.

Maybe it has some meaning? There will no doubt be a lot of speculation as we get closer to that date.

Many noted that this solar total eclipse in 2017 will be followed by another total solar eclipse almost seven years later on April 8, 2024.

And when you project the courses of these two solar eclipses on the map, they form a giant "X" over the center of the United States ...

Could this be some extremely strange coincidence? And if this is not a coincidence, then what does the event mean?

We do not have the answers to these questions right now, but we find it extremely interesting that the heart of this "X" is in the middle of the rift zone in New Madrid.

Back in 1811 and 1812, a series of powerful earthquakes occurred in the New Madrid ridge area. At one point, the shaking was so powerful that it even caused bells to ring in Boston. If such earthquakes happened today, the damage would be unimaginable.

Here is a quote from ...

“The Midwest was sparsely populated and there were few deaths. But 8-year-old Godfrey Lesier saw the earth roll in waves. Michael Brownm noticed the river suddenly rise "like a large loaf of bread a few feet high." The sections of the channels under the Mississippi rose so high that part of the river ran back. Thousands of cracks ripped open fields, and geysers burst from the ground, spewing sand, water, mud and coal high into the air. "

Can you imagine "thousands of cracks" suddenly opening all over the country?

One insurance company tried to estimate what the economic loss would be if a similar earthquake happened today, and they presented a figure of "about $ 300 billion" ...

Damage from destruction will be double that of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans in 2005.

Houses, especially brick houses, will collapse. Buildings will sink towards the sinking ground. Bridges can fall into rivers. The route of the Mississippi River may change - as it did during the last major earthquake.

People will die, perhaps thousands.

And we must also consider the fact that there are 15 nuclear reactors in the New Madrid Fault Zone. And therefore, during a major disaster, we can see 15 Fukushima.

Does this date correspond to the prophecy set out in the 12th chapter of the Revelation of St. John the Theologian?

During recent years in Hollywood films this date 09/23 often flashes, as well as the date of the already past event 09/11: nothing is accidental - the insane "creators" of the apocalypse need to periodically notify the subject and controlled population of the planet about the future "great" plans of the powers that be:

This date - September 23, 2017 - will come exactly 33 days after the "Great American Eclipse".

Photo Judgment is coming to america others l great eclipse 2017 33 days before september 23

Rev.12: 1-2 "And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed in the sun; the moon is under her feet, and on her head is a crown of twelve stars. She had in her womb and cried out from the pains and pangs of birth."

It is on September 23, 2017 that the constellation of Virgo will be located in such a way that at the feet of Virgo there will be the Moon, next to it is the Sun, in the head of 12 stars: 9 stars from the constellation Leo + Venus + Mars + Mercury. Jupiter will pass through the "womb" of Virgo, as if she will give birth, in time Jupiter passes this path (loop) in exactly 9 months! This is a unique astronomical event that takes place for the first time in 7000 years! And it is described in the Holy Scriptures.

The Feast of Trumpets is a prototype of the restoration of the people of Israel. in ancient Israel, this holiday was determined by visual observation of the sky. When two appointed Levites confirmed that a narrow streak of a new, emerging month had appeared, then the high priest announced de facto that the Feast of Trumpets had begun. That is why a tradition has been formed in Israel to celebrate this holiday for two days. In 2017, it should be celebrated from the evening of September 20th to the evening of September 22nd. And starting from September 22 in the evening, until the second half of the 23rd, a unique astronomical event will take place in our firmament, this can happen once every 7000 years. And in 1000 years this will not happen.

Let's take a closer look at this event.

Rev.12: 1 "And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman (woman), clothed in the sun; the moon is under her feet, and on her head is a crown of twelve stars."

So, the "sign in heaven" is a sign in the physical firmament. "Wife / Woman" is the constellation Virgo. Next to her, in the direction of her head, is the constellation Leo.

In the constellation Leo, there are nine main visible stars that form it. Those. conditionally-visually, we can constantly see, as it were, on the head of the Virgin a crown of nine stars. But at a moment in time, starting from about the second half of the day, towards the evening of September 22, a situation will begin to form in the firmament in which we could see the fulfillment of what was written in the first verse. Let's take a look at the picture below:

The Sun is in the region of the head, the Moon is in the region of the legs, and to the nine stars of the constellation Leo, three visible "planets / stars", which were discussed earlier, are added: Mercury, Venus and Mars.

Thus, a crown / crown of "twelve stars" is formed on the head.

Let's now turn our attention to the passage of the verse that says that this woman suffered from the pains of labor pains:

Rev.12: 2 "She was in her womb, and cried out from the pains and pangs of birth."

In order to understand this Scripture, let's turn our attention to Jupiter (Zedek), which translates as "king." So, Jupiter begins to enter the abdomen of the constellation Virgo - November 21, 2016.

And for about nine months this "planet / star" rotates within the boundaries of the abdomen of the Virgo constellation, without leaving them. Those. here we can see, full in time, the period of pregnancy. Jupiter begins to emerge from the abdomen of the constellation Virgo - around September 10, 2017. This symbolizes the beginning of labor pains. September 23rd, 2017 Jupiter is in the process of emerging from the belly ("womb") of the constellation Virgo. On October 14, 2017, Jupiter finally leaves the boundaries of the constellation Virgo. Those. "Childbirth took place." From the moment Jupiter enters the boundaries of Virgo's abdomen, until the moment of movement "to the exit", i.e. "Pushing" takes about 290 days. Those. this is approximately the time of conception, pregnancy and onset of labor. And therefore, September 23, 2017 completely falls under the description of the fact that "a woman screamed from the pains and pangs of birth."

Rev.12: 5 "And she gave birth to a male baby, who was to shepherd all nations with a rod of iron; and her child was caught up to God and His throne."