
Do-it-yourself paper salute scheme templates. Application "Festive fireworks" (emotional and artistic task). How to make the application "Salute"


Everyone loves to watch fireworks, how multi-colored flashes soar into the sky. But what if you make your own homemade fireworks, but out of paper? Moreover, for its manufacture you do not need glue, but only colored paper, scissors and a little patience.

In order to make fireworks out of paper, you need to cut out 12 squares with a side of 15 centimeters. You can take a variety of colors. In this master class, 4 colors of 3 squares were used.

First you need to prepare the modules for making paper fireworks. The square is folded in half. All folds must be carefully ironed and the edges aligned very precisely so that the modules are even.

Then the square is again bent diagonally, but in the other direction.

Now you need to bend the square in half.

And without unfolding it, once again in half to get a strip.

On the expanded square, there were a lot of folds that are needed to make it convenient to fold the module.

You also need to do the other side.

Now you need to unfold the square and fold the sides inward along the folds. It will turn out a triangle, in the photo - a top view.

It is imperative that the triangle is turned on the correct side, a transverse horizontal fold line and two small corners should be visible.

Then the edges of the boat need to be bent with a house.

First on one side.

Then exactly the same with the other. The figure really began to resemble a house.

Now you need to expand the bottom edge from the bottom up in the same way as before the entire module.

Align, press and smooth the edges well.

Do the same with the second edge.

And do the same on the other side. Unfold all edges so that only the folds are obtained. The module is ready.

Do the same for the rest of the squares.

Now you need to connect all the modules together. To do this, you need to insert a half of the other into the pocket of one module.

It turned out such a snake.

Now all the modules need to be aligned with each other, smoothed out well.

Here's what should happen.

Now you need to bend the trapezoidal parts from top to bottom, also starting from the second in a row.

Parts are also bent on both sides.

The fireworks are almost ready. While it still looks like a snake, on the sides of which there are protruding modules.

First you need to bend two corners on both sides.

Then the remaining trapezoidal parts, two on each side.

Fireworks ready!

Now you can try to expand it, how many different colorful shapes you get! This is how it turned out funny toy which will be of interest to both children and adults.

The final look of the craft. Photo 1.

The final look of the craft. Photo 2.

The final look of the craft. Photo 3.

The final look of the craft. Photo 4.

The final look of the craft. Photo 5.

The final look of the craft. Photo 6.

Rasulova Larisa

Master Class« Salute of Victory It is very important to design a group for any holiday. For Victory Day on May 9, I had an idea for decorating festive salute of the curtains of the assembly hall.

On the back of the package, draw with a pencil several lines emanating from one point.

By cutting out this base detail, we are left with pieces of paper that we will use as explosion lines. « salute» .

We cut out stars from the remaining pieces of paper - these will be sparks « salute» .

So salute You can decorate a wall or a curtain with tailor's pins. After holiday carefully remove and put in a box or bag, because we can use it repeatedly.

Also for this work, you can use shiny packaging paper pasted on cardboard or a sheet of drawing paper. As a result, we get such a luxurious salute -« Salute of Victory» !

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One of the great holidays is approaching - Victory Day! Every year, together with the children, we make postcards, crafts, collective work by participating.

"Fireworks"There are festive fireworks in the sky, Fireworks here and there. The whole country congratulates Glorious veterans. And the blooming spring Gives them.

Purpose: to continue to teach how to apply rhythmic brush strokes without going beyond the sheet, to accustom to accuracy. Objectives: to generate interest in

GCD abstract for drawing "Fireworks" Purpose: to continue to teach how to apply rhythmic brush strokes without going beyond the sheet, to accustom to accuracy. Tasks: to generate interest in drawing.

Purpose: To introduce children to an unconventional way of drawing. Tasks: - to develop Creative skills preschoolers, artistic taste,.

Purpose: to perform a festive salute using the drawing technique cotton swab. Tasks: consolidate knowledge about color: yellow; - bring up.

Purpose: To develop imagination and interest in artistic creativity. Learn to draw lines, circles and try to draw using the poke method. Fasten.

On May 9, the next anniversary of the Great Victory will be celebrated throughout the country. This holiday has a special status and is celebrated with great solemnity, as it symbolizes not only the end of the most bloody war, but also reminds us of the terrible sacrifices that our country suffered for the peace, freedom and happiness of many peoples.

The proposed lesson will be useful to educators and teachers primary school in the educational process and parents. This postcard is best made with children between the ages of six and nine. It can be used as a gift or as a copy for a school exhibition.

Of the tools and materials you will need:

  • scissors;
  • cardboard of several colors;
  • templates;
  • paper of different shades;
  • graphite pencil;
  • sample work;
  • black marker;
  • glue.

Your attention is invited to a couple of options for making postcards "Salute of Victory". Both options use the technique paper application. Part of the templates will be used to create two postcards.

Since scissors will be used in the work, you should remind the children about safety precautions, or take this part of the work on yourself.

The first thing to do is prepare the templates. With their help, a number of details of the first postcard (the one with the tank) are created. Choose the color shade of the cardboard yourself, but with such a condition that the application is quite noticeable. In order to create the details of the tank, green paper of 2 shades is taken. It is better to make the inscription "May 9" from burgundy or scarlet paper. Orange and white paper is suitable for flowers.

Step 1. Take the cardboard for our postcard. Bend it in half in the form of a book. The application is located on the postcard horizontally.

Step 2. Cut out top part tank and pasted on a postcard.

Step 3. The bottom of the tank is cut out and glued with a slight overlap on the other part.

Step 4. The barrel and its end are cut out. We apply side by side and try on where it is necessary to stick the end part of the muzzle. It is glued upwards, as a salute is fired from the muzzle of the tank.

Step 5. Now the muzzle is glued directly.

Step 6. 3 round parts are cut out of green paper, but of a different shade and pasted at the bottom of the tank.

Step 7. The tower is cut out and glued at the top.

Step 8. Green paper parts are glued on both sides of the muzzle, only in a different shade.

Step 10. In another part of the card, flowers will be glued - this is a salute. Each flower has 5 petals.

Step 11. The edges of all the petals are smeared with glue and glued, creating volume.

Step 12 Glue the center of the flower.

Step 13 Another flower is glued in the same way.

Step 14 Glue another flower.

Step 15. Draw a salute with a black marker.

Now it's time for another postcard. Prepare the details for her first.

As a base, choose blue or blue cardboard - this will be the sky that the plane plows. For its fuselage, tail section and wings, green paper of 2 shades is also selected. The cockpit of the pilot and navigator will be made of light blue or gray paper. The star, of course, is red, so the paper will be the same color. For the manufacture of the propeller, we will use yellow paper. Orange paper is suitable for writing the phrase "May 9". We will create flowers from white and yellow paper.

Step 1. Take the cardboard and fold it in half in the form of a book. The application will be performed in this variant in the vertical direction. The fuselage of the aircraft is cut out and glued to the cardboard.

Step 2 Glue the wings.

Step 3. The tail section of the aircraft is cut out and pasted onto cardboard.

Step 4. The cabin is cut out and glued.

Step 5. The star is glued to the aircraft in the tail section.

Step 6. The propeller is cut out and glued on the front.

Step 8. Flowers are glued on the other half of the card - they will be a salute.

Step 9. Using a black marker, draw a salute.

This was the final step, now the postcard is finished.

This is how the unfolded postcards should look like:

And like this - folded:

Summary of the lesson on the application "Fireworks"

middle group

Target: to promote the development of productive and creative activities through the application and the education of patriotism among preschoolers.


Educational: continue to teach children how to use scissors correctly;

Developing: development of fine motor skills, color perception, interest in applications;

Educational: to cultivate accuracy in working with glue, brush, napkin; cultivate a positive attitude towards the Motherland.

Lesson type - introductory.

Integration educational areas : "Cognition", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Social and communicative development", "Physical development".

Activities : communicative, playful, productive, motor.

Methods - verbal, visual, playful, practical.

Forms cognitive activity children:



Material and equipment: glue, brushes, oilcloths, napkins, scissors, semicircles, strips, mugs, sheets of paper, salute sample, laptop, projector, multimedia board, salute recording.

Preliminary work: conversation and reading poems about Victory Day.

move educational activities



Organizing time

Hello guys! What good fellows you are, sitting so well! Dressy, beautiful!

Guys, tell me, what holiday will we celebrate tomorrow?

Conversation about Victory Day. Fragment view.

And what is this holiday?

How is it celebrated? What activities are held on this day?

Do you go to the fireworks show with your parents? So, someone was, and who has not seen fireworks more than once.

Fireworks are multi-colored lights flying high into the sky. They are bright and beautiful. Fireworks are always held in the evening, when it is already dark, so that it can be clearly seen.

I propose to see a fragment of the festive fireworks in Moscow - the capital of our country.

How beautiful are you guys? Did you like it?

Let's also arrange a salute for war veterans! And it will be unusual for us, made of colored paper.

Examining the sample. Show application techniques.

Here's a look at a sample.

Everyone go to the tables, take your seats.

Please note that each of you has three semicircles, three stripes and three small circles on the table. How can they depict salute?

Look, we take a strip, put it on oilcloth, apply glue and stick it on the sheet, like this, at the bottom of the sheet. Glue a circle on top of the strip. This is the leg of the fireworks. Next, we take a semicircle, scissors and cut out such details that look like triangles. We glue them. These are fireworks. So, we made one bunch of fireworks. We do the same for others. But for now, let's take a break and play with you.

Physical education minute

A poem by Olga Vysotskaya.


Everything was quiet around

And suddenly - fireworks! Salute! (arms up, swing your arms to the right, left, forward, back)

Rockets in the sky flashed

Both there and here!

over the square,

over rooftops,

Over festive Moscow

Soaring higher

Fire fountain alive!

To the street, to the street (running in place)

Everyone runs happily

Shout "Hurrah"!


For the festive


Productive activity, independent work of children.

Well done guys, sit down, get to work.

Tell me what will you do first? Then?

Children create their own image of fireworks.


Guys, admire what a beautiful festive fireworks we got! Well done, you tried, clap each other!

Paper crafts for Victory Day in kindergarten. Older - preparatory group

Nechaeva Elena Nikolaevna, primary school teacher, KSU " secondary school No. 21 Saryozek village "Osakarovsky district Karaganda region Kazakhstan
Description: I want to offer an application of colored paper "Salute of Victory" by May 9. The application can be performed with children 5-7 years old. Work for teachers of additional education, educators, primary school teachers.
Purpose: gift for veterans with their own hands.
Target: Making a gift for the holiday on May 9 to veterans.
Tasks: Develop imagination in composing, artistic taste in choosing colors, fine motor skills during the development of the application. To educate patriotism, respect for people who won the Victory.
Materials and tools necessary for the manufacture of the application: cardboard, colored paper, scissors, glue, pencil, black felt-tip pen or marker, templates, sample work.

On May 9, 1945, everyone celebrated Victory Day. Many years of peace have passed. In 2015, the whole country celebrated the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory. This heroic day is a day of remembrance for all people who gave their lives for a peaceful sky above our heads, for the happiness of all people. Victory Day is a holiday in honor of all those who defended peace in our land! Glory to them, eternal memory and the most best wishes. We thank them for the world they gave us 70 years ago. And let the bright salute of Victory fly into the sky in their honor.

Salute and glory to the anniversary
Forever memorable day!
Salute to the Victory in Berlin
Fire trampled down the power of fire!
Salute her big and small
Creators who walked the same path,
Her fighters and generals,
Heroes fallen and alive

Guys, today we will perform the application "Salute of Victory". And our works will be presented to war veterans.
But first, let's remember -
safety precautions when working with scissors:
Use scissors with rounded ends.
Store scissors in a certain place, put them with closed sharp ends away from you.
Pass the scissors with the rings forward with the blades closed.
You can't cut on the go.
When working with scissors, it is necessary to monitor the movement and position of the blades during operation.
Do not use blunt scissors or loose hinges.
Do not hold scissors with the blade up.
We need templates to work.
You have templates on your tables with which we will cut out all the details of our work.

Pick up colored paper for your application, make your salute bright, beautiful, festive.
Stepping through works:
1. We select color scheme colored paper and cut out the details of the application according to the templates.

2. We take a sheet of cardboard and glue the inscription May 9 at the bottom.

3. We take a red star and glue it over the inscription. Draw a relief on the star with a felt-tip pen.

4. Glue the flames. We have an eternal flame.

5. Glue the base for the salute over the eternal flame.

6. Next, glue the salute stars, beautifully, evenly distributing them on the cardboard, so that we get clusters of salute.

7. Salute stars can be cut from different colored paper.

8. Salute stars can be made in one color.

9. Salute can be made not with stars, but different shapes circles.

Salute of Victory
Splashes of stars
Scattered in the blue sky.