
I didn't appreciate it when I lost it. Didn't appreciate the girl, she left. How to return it? And then you will realize that you miss her, although she is standing nearby, but emotionally far away. You will regret that she left


She's the type to rush to write you back because she doesn't want you to think she's keeping you waiting. One day you will wake up and realize that she no longer wakes up next to you - and that she will probably wake up somewhere else for the rest of her life. She will choose to be with the one who chooses to be with her every day. She will choose to love someone who loves her as much as you could ever. Maybe your paths will cross again in the future, but it doesn't matter to her anymore. Maybe she won't even notice you because she'll be too happy with new love. She will seem to be the same girl who once loved you, but with one main difference - she will love someone else.

She won't look at you the way she used to. Her heart will no longer race at the thought of you. She won't romanticize you anymore. Do you know why? Because she realized that you could never give her the love she gave you. Therefore, she decided to devote all her love to herself. And as a result, she will be much happier. You'll notice this confidence in her that you haven't seen before because you killed her every day you were together.

And when you start to notice the fact that she is more confident in herself, you will feel regret. You will reproach yourself for not loving her the way she deserved. You will regret losing the girl who only wanted to love you.

You will miss her so much, but you will never have a chance to win her back.

She was one of those who was always ready to talk about you, to make you the center of attention in a relationship. She was the type who hurried to answer you so you wouldn't think she was keeping you waiting. She was one of those people whose calls you rarely answered because you didn't think she was worth your time.

And then you start looking at your old photos. You will begin to remember how good it was for you together. You will begin to appreciate these moments only now, only now will you begin to notice all that she did for you. And only now you will understand how stupid you are that you lost her.

And in such moments of weakness, all feelings and emotions will fall on you. You can't imagine that you will find another one who loves you the way she does. You will suffer because you lost someone who deserved much more than you gave her. You will regret losing the girl who loved you too much.

But there's not much you can do now. She decided to move on and that made her happy. In this situation, you turned out to be a loser. It's harder for you now. After all, how can you forget someone who loved you as much as no one else will ever be able to?

A year ago, I made an irreparable mistake - I lost a loved one. At first it was easy for me, I did not regret the divorce, I thought that life would get better. But after some time I realized that I can not live without my ex-wife, I miss her. Soon I began to make attempts to win back my beloved. I knew where the ex-wife worked and when she returned home.

In the evening I was waiting for her near work, when I saw her, I tried to speak, but she did not even listen. She said she didn't want to see me in her life. The fact is that the beloved cannot forgive my mistakes in any way. When we were a family, my wife wanted to spend more time together, and I liked to go out with friends.

My beloved tried to indulge me in everything, support and be there, but I did not appreciate that attitude towards me. I often went out late into the night, I liked to drink beer with friends, I always did what I wanted and did not hear ex-wife. We often quarreled over trifles, my beloved asked me to help around the house, but I found excuses, pretended to be busy. I always demanded more and more from my ex-wife.

Shortly after another fight, I hit my wife and she left me. I thought I'd find a lot better girl, but there is no one better than my beloved. How could I be so blind and not appreciate everything she gave me?

On the this moment I'm trying to fix what I've done. I wrote to my ex-wife in social networks, asked for a last chance, said that I would improve. Beloved replied that she did not believe me and did not want to live anymore in humiliation with a person who did not appreciate her. I want to return to my family and I am ready to do everything for this. Recently I bought a bouquet of roses and, after waiting for a moment while the former lover would go to work, handed it to her. But the ex-wife did not accept my gift, she said that she did not need anything from me and that she would not dare to approach her anymore.

It hurts me that I destroyed my family and lost everything, my beloved wife and a happy future. Now my life is filled with gray colors, I can’t find an approach to my ex-wife, I can’t earn trust. Forget about it and start a new relationship just does not work. All my attempts ended with the fact that I started talking to girls about past relationships. Many of these girls simply stopped talking to me.

My beloved is the dearest person in the world to me and I am ready for anything just to return to my family. I even came to my ex-wife's house, knelt before her and begged for forgiveness, but my wife's eyes became glassy and her heart turned to stone. I cried in front of her eyes, but my beloved did not care. My last chance was my ex-mother-in-law. I even turned to her for help, although it was very difficult to overcome my pride. But she decided to stay neutral and not interfere in our relationship.

Now I understand how hard it was for my beloved. After all, I used to treat her the way she treats me now. I did not appreciate my ex-wife then, and she does not want to believe me now. I can't convince the woman I love that I've really changed. All the same, my wife does not let me close to her heart. How to return to the family? What else can I do to make her forgive me and believe that I have changed?

Question to the psychologist:

Hello Sergey, 24 years old. He was in a relationship with a girl for about 5 years. We broke up about 7 months ago, all these 7 months I wanted to make peace, at first she didn’t want to, then after 2-3 months she wanted to, but not just like that (dialogue and reconciled), but she said that she was tired of words, promises, she wanted actions, she said that I would do something, but my pride played and I did nothing. A month ago, she still said do something, now I realized everything, I understood what I was and that I’m to blame for the most part that we are not together and I want to return everything, but she answers me no, it’s too late, it tramples me, she tells me that loves and immediately says no late it's like at all. She has suffered a lot in our relationship. She cried a lot, before she could not afford to call me rudely now if we talk easily but at the same time you ask her do you love? She will answer love. Everything is somehow not the same as before .. how to return everything? After parting, she went to a psychologist. And she called, wrote to me always during parting. Now, for 2 months now, this has not happened, as if her love is fading away, but she says that everything is unchanged, as she loved and loves. I did not appreciate her, but now I want to and I tell her, but she had to before. How can you love and let go? I say that I will change, I am ready, I do not believe that people do not change. When we met her, I know that before her I was a different person. I don’t even know if it’s possible to return her what’s in her head now, time has already passed 7 months and she says it’s too late, and if so, how to let her go? Soul and heart has been torn apart for 7 months. I can't do anything, I don't want anything.

The psychologist Antonyuk Oksana Leonidovna answers the question.

Hello Sergey. As the saying goes, "what we do not store, lost - weep." I have a question. Was it for 5 years of relationship that you were completely deaf-blind? Your girlfriend is 5 years old, she waited, believed, endured and loved. As we all know, everything has an expiration date. Even these feelings You neglected them. You are actually suffering now. This is on the one hand.

On the other hand, maybe now she has become interested in you because she left. Because now you've lost sight of her. And she now has the power to tell you no. There is such a category of people. As soon as they switch to the former, they immediately "realize and want to change." But things go no further than promises. Are you in this category too?

Sergey, you asked for a second chance and they gave it to you. (Although it seems to me that this is not a second chance, but probably the hundredth, if not the thousandth). What did you do with it? That's right, flushed it down the toilet. Who's guilty? We won't point fingers. You know.

The girl did everything right. I realized that she could not budge the proud stone named "Sergei", so I decided to budge myself. And after parting, she took an important step. Went to a psychologist. And then I took a step into a free life and began to learn to live without you. Which is also correct.

You ask how you can love and let go? Difficult, but possible. Your girlfriend loved you and let you go. And let go if you love. Because what you are talking about, more precisely about YOUR desire to return it, is not love, it is SELFISHNESS.

So you say that you are ready to change - change. So don't sit and think "How to get her back", but think about "How to become the one to whom she will return." And act, work on yourself, develop. If she does not return, you are still in the black, because you analyzed the mistakes, made a conclusion and turned it into an experience from which you received new knowledge and, as a result, made yourself better. Become the man who deserves it. Do work on yourself and do not write promises to her, but come to her with flowers and tell her everything directly. And if he gives you another chance, don't flush everything down the toilet again. And if she refuses, she is not the last girl on earth and in your life.

She was the girl who always ran to the phone to answer you as soon as possible because she didn't want to keep you waiting.

One morning you will wake up and realize that she is no longer with you and, most likely, never will be again. She will choose the one who wants to be with her. She will be with the man who will love her in return as much as she loves him, unlike you. Perhaps in the future your paths will still cross, but she will no longer care. Most likely, she will be so happy that she will not even turn her attention to you. She will remain the same girl who loved you, but with only one difference - she will love another man.

She will no longer look at you with love, as before, and her heart will no longer stop at the sight of you. Do you know why? When she finally realized that you are not ready to love her as much as she loves you, she decided to devote all her love to herself and as a result became happy. You will see in her the confidence that was not there before.

As soon as you see that she has changed, you will feel a pang of regret and will blame yourself for not loving her the way she deserved it. You will regret that then you missed the one who gave you her love.

You will miss her, but you will never be able to return her. She has always paid all the attention in your relationship to you. She was the girl who always ran to the phone to answer you as soon as possible because she didn't want to keep you waiting, and you didn't always bother to even answer her calls because you didn't think she deserved it.

But time will pass and you will look at your joint photos and indulge in memories of the time when she was still yours. You will regret because you did not understand your happiness and did not appreciate it before. Then you did not notice everything that she did for the sake of your relationship. Only now are you realizing how stupid you were to let her go.

You will miss those times when she could give you a gift for no reason and told you that she loved you so often that you stopped paying attention and appreciating it.

At this moment, all your feelings and emotions will fall on you like a tsunami. You will deeply regret, as you will realize that you will no longer meet a girl in your life who will love you as much as she does. You lost a girl who deserved love, but you were unable to give it to her.

You will drown in your own sadness and regrets, as you will not be able to return her because she decided to live on and became happy forgetting you. You have lost and you will have to forget about it, but it will not be so easy. It is very difficult for a person to forget the one who loved him so much, as no one else will ever love. She was the one, but you missed her.