
A friend asks if I have a girlfriend. How to know if a girl likes you. "Which dress should I wear: blue or red?"


Summary: Initial Confidence Test. Important note: If you do everything correctly, then this check is not performed. Pay attention to your preliminary actions, conditions, appearance.

Recipe: Better Outside Than Outhouse

Recipe: Why did you come then?

Recipe: Bed is not a reason to meet

Recipe: Are you from the Urals?

Recipe: Let me teach you.

Recipe: When Sober?

Conclusion: you can work through neghits (like almost all examples above), and by demonstrating confidence and adequacy.

2.10 How can I understand that she is interested in me?

Generalization: Of course, you can understand this. For this, 2 recipes are used:

Recipe: Use calibration skills to determine rapport depth, breathing change, logic levels conversation and other clever words.

Recipe: ask: - Do you already know that you are interested in me? Wait for an answer.

Conclusion: in general, there is such a delusional hallucination that if a woman communicates with you, then either you are interested in her, or she has no other choice. I could be wrong.

2.11 How to meet ninja girls? (saleswomen, hairdressers, athletes ...)

Generalization: anatomically, all women, with very few exceptions, are the same. Physiology and psychology are also in many ways similar. Only the options for spending personal or work time can differ.

Recipe: the same as with the rest of the women.

Conclusion: from personal experience... Never, I repeat, never, seduce waitresses from places where you often appear and bring girls there. Leave a generous tip and go to health. You don't need jealous looks and various minor misunderstandings when you bring to your favorite place. new girl... So?

3. Conversation

3.1 She asks if I have a girlfriend

Generalization: this is a test, difficulty level is 2. The purpose of the test is to find out if you are popular with women. An additional purpose is to check for confidentiality.

Recipe: - I have many friends of beautiful girls who like me. And this is mutual. (Avoiding a direct answer, while creating the appearance of a lot of attention from the female sex).

Recipe: - I agree. (The possible answer of the girl - to what? - well, you suggest that we meet, or did I understand something wrong? Transferring the initiative in her direction.)

Recipe: (carefully examining her from head to toe) - What do you want to know?

Recipe: - I have quite a few close friends among the girls, with whom I have a very good relationship.

3.2 She asks how many women have you had

Generalization is a test. Difficulty level - 3. Any exact answer will be wrong.

Prescription: - I had 4 concussions and one clinical death. So I forget a lot. (I don't remember the shorter version).

Recipe: - More than yours.

Recipe: - From zero to infinity.

Recipe: - Minus one. I tried to jerk off, but it didn't work.

Recipe: - There were three. But then there was another man. And so - two.

Conclusion: the most vague answer, which, however, leaves a lot of room for getting into the girl's belief system.

It's hard to say why girls like to provoke you in all sorts of weird ways. They may have a lot of reasons for this - to arrange some kind of checks, for the sake of entertainment, just by chance. One of the most simple ways provocation is asking tricky questions. How to understand whether it is provocative or not? It's actually very simple - either it hooks you or it doesn't. If you are not attracted by the girls' questions, then you probably would not open this article ...

Therefore, the most important way to deal with provocative issues is not to succumb to provocations. That is, to react as if it does not bother you. Because if you start to think convulsively and come up with the correct answer - that's it, you have already fallen for a provocation. And even if you answer something, it seems correct, then this will be the beginning. Girls see the insecurity of men very well, because it is too sharp a contrast to what they value most in men - confidence. Noticing your insecurity, when trying to answer such a question, a girl can act like an excellent boxer, noticing that the opponent has swam - she knocks out such a man with a series of the following questions.

Fortunately, this does not always happen. In the early stages of dating and seduction, girls can be especially demanding of men. But in the future, the girl will not finish you off, but will just take a note.

Demonstrating confidence is what a girl needs most often, not the right answer. If you confidently answer “I don’t know,” or “I cannot tell you that,” or “I don’t want to talk about this,” then this will work just like any other answer. But, it may cause more questions, to which you must also confidently and calmly answer. In addition, it often happens that there is no correct answer - the girl just wants to get to know you, and therefore asks something.

What questions can most often be viewed as provocative or uncomfortable? First of all, those touching upon topics for which you do not have an answer, either you yourself are afraid to give it, or you are embarrassed to answer. For example, a list of questions or phrases that may be stressful or provocative:

  1. What are you thinking about?
  2. Say something nice ...
  3. Do you live with your parents?
  4. What do you do for a living?
  5. Do you have a license / car?
  6. Do you have a girlfriend?
  7. How do you feel about me?
  8. Who am I to you?
  9. Do you like me?
  10. Do you just want sex?
  11. Do you love me?
  12. Is this your first time?

The list goes on. After all, each guy may be slightly different, and if all the questions are summed up, there will be a whole volume of war and peace. General recommendation such - answer directly, confidently and truthfully. If the truth seems too impartial to you, then come up with an answer in advance to ALL difficult questions for you.

For example, some guys are afraid that a girl will ask them about a girl and it is difficult for them to answer that she is not - then he is like a loser, and to say that he is - then what is he with new girlfriend walks. A confident guy would just say it as it is, and not take a steam bath, and then work with the girl's reaction. But if this is not your option, then at least come up with some witty answer for yourself that you can wrap up in a topic. "Do you have a girlfriend? - (smiling) and what, are you already looking at this role? :)) ”- and thus already provoke the girl.

Another strategy for responding to a provocative question is to respond not to the question itself, but to the request. After all, a girl asks for a reason, but with a purpose, and sometimes it is more important for her to achieve a goal than to receive an answer. For example, asking who you live with may mean “will we have where to have sex?” When you start responding to a girl's requests, you will be surprised how much more productive your communication will be.

To summarize, when answering a girl's questions, it is important to maintain confidence, have an answer (the truth or a blank), and respond to the girl's unspoken request. And, probably, most importantly, do not perceive the girl as an investigator who is trying to split you during interrogation - treat these questions and answers as an entertaining game. Then you will have a good and fun time, not only trying to answer, but forcing the girl herself to strain herself with tricky questions.

When a guy has sympathy for the fair sex, he will inevitably be interested in the question of how to find out that a girl likes you. Many young people are embarrassed to ask directly. Therefore, it is worth observing the behavior of the girl. Then it will become clear if she is experiencing. There are signs that make you more likely to recognize mutual interest.

In contact with


How do you know if a girl likes you?

There are methods to test a girl's liking. Among them:

  1. Look into her eyes and smile. It must be done spontaneously. If she answered you with her smile, that is a positive sign.
  2. Try to flirt a little with the other in front of her. Be careful, otherwise you can only make the situation worse. Watch her reaction. Interest in you and jealousy can betray irritability, rapid mood swings, and rapid breathing. The girl may try to divert your attention to herself.

The arsenal of ways to tell a guy about your sympathy is quite large for the beautiful half of humanity. Young people can not always notice the signs and signals that the ladies send them. Girls use verbal and non-verbal ways. You just need to take a closer look.

By behavior

Asking the question - how to find out if a girl likes me, it is recommended to analyze her behavior. Flirting is a key sign of sympathy.

If she laughs in front of you, tries to accidentally touch you, enter into a dialogue, then she is interested in you.

Do not forget that every girl is different. Therefore, it is recommended to take into account the following rules:

  • some girls are attracted by the flirting process itself and more often they do not have a serious interest in the object;
  • other girls do not at all understand that they are flirting and do not notice this behind themselves;
  • there are shy girls who are too shy to use such signals of sympathy;
  • if the girl is shy, but you have reason to believe that she likes you, pay attention to the hidden signs;
  • she can become squeezed in your presence, begins to blush when you talk to her or just meet your eyes;
  • the girl can constantly straighten her clothes, bag, fiddle with the bracelet, etc. - with these signals the lady is unconsciously trying to communicate her interest in you.

The girl changes outwardly: it can be clothes, makeup or hairstyle. If before she practically did not wear makeup or did her hairstyles, and now she constantly looks literally perfect, she probably wants to please you.

There are girls who almost always look perfect. Therefore, it will take some time to observe possible changes in appearance. Consider the fact that a lady can transform not for you, but for another young man... This sign is more of an addition than a key proof that a girl likes you.

According to words and intonations

When wondering how to find out if a girl likes you, pay attention to her intonation and words. Analyze her way of speaking with others and with you. Are there any changes in her voice? During a conversation, she can adjust to your speech, change the volume and tempo.

Pay attention to what exactly she says:

  1. Tells about himself or tries to get to know you better. In a normal situation, this is a sign of the girl's sociability, but if there are other signs of interest in you, this becomes additional evidence.
  2. If she asks about your ex, she may be trying to figure out if she is your type.
  3. If she constantly talks about her past relationship, then, rather, she needs a friend, not a boyfriend.

A clear sign of sympathy is the mention in the conversation of plans for a joint future. For example, if she, as it were, by chance, notices that she should go to a new film together. The girl is waiting for an invitation from you to the cinema, and she is interested in you. Therefore, you should not continue to remain indecisive, wondering how to find out if a girl likes you or not.

A telephone conversation can also be a sign of her interest in you. No matter how busy a girl is, no matter how tired she is, she will always find time for the guy she likes. If she is happy to talk to you on the phone, she probably cares about you. When there is a pause in the conversation, she tries to find new topic to continue the conversation.

By non-verbal signs

Body language says a lot about a person. By non-verbal signs, one can judge the presence or absence of sympathy for a young person:

  • if a girl looks indifferent, in your company her arms are often crossed and she does not look at you, this indicates her indifference;
  • when a lady is trying to catch your eye, she leans closer to you during a conversation, this can be regarded as signs of sympathy.

See how the girl keeps herself in your presence. Many, wanting to impress and attract attention, behave quite confidently. She may look at you or pretend to be busy with something more important. Then she seeks to seem touchy to you or wants to make you feel jealous.

If a girl looks indifferent, you should not immediately think that she is indifferent to you. After all, sometimes she behaves this way because of shyness and ignorance. correct behavior next to you. Some girls are so nervous that from the outside they seem indifferent. You can reveal the presence of sympathy for you if you make the lady relax in your company. Once she sees that she can trust you, she will behave more interested.

When a girl, while sitting, turns her body in your direction, this indicates her interest in the conversation. Even if this is standard conversation on casual topics, you can tell from your body movements how open it is to you.

Among the signs that indicate that a girl likes you, you can note:

  1. During the conversation, she looks in the eyes, tries to catch your gaze.
  2. The body of the body is turned towards you.
  3. The toes of her feet are pointing in your direction.
  4. Whenever possible, she tries to reduce the distance between you, never misses an opportunity to touch you.

She can do it unconsciously. On a subconscious level, the girl wants to show her interest in you.

How to understand from correspondence that she sympathizes with you?

In addition to external manifestations, many young people are interested in how to find out if a penpal girl likes you. Reveal from a distance female sympathy not so easy. But there are criteria that can show how interesting you are to your interlocutor. How to understand that a pen-girl on VK likes you? The signs to be listed apply in all in social networks... It is only important to pay attention to the features of communication:

  1. How quickly the girl responds to your messages. It should be borne in mind that she may just be busy in this moment time. However, if she always takes too long to answer, she is probably not so interested in the conversation with you.
  2. Does she write first when you go online? If she is waiting for you to write to her, perhaps she is just shy about taking the initiative.
  3. A large number of likes and comments from her to any of your posts indicate that she is showing interest.
  4. Pay attention to what exactly she writes. Gives detailed answers or monosyllabic ones, whether he willingly answers questions. When used in abundance "clear" and "understandable", you can think that she does not care about you;
  5. Is she ever frank with you.

The listed signs will help to clarify a little and tell if the girl has an interest in you.

How to check the attitude of a classmate towards you at school?

Many boys think about how to find out that a girl likes you at school. After all, there are modest and shy girls, and there are those who do not have problems with communication. To find out that a girl likes you, pay attention to her appearance.

It has already been noted that some girls begin to dress differently, dye their makeup and do their hairstyles in order to attract the attention of a young man who they like. But it's worth watching to see if she starts to blush when you're around. This is one of the clear signs of female sympathy.

She may blush at the sight of you or during a conversation. If this happens only when communicating with you, then it’s not the lady’s shyness, but her interest in you.

The following signs are important that a girl likes you:

  • does she look at you when you do not notice it;
  • at an unexpected moment, turn at her, and if you catch her gaze on yourself, perhaps she is not indifferent to you: she can blush, look away sharply and no longer look in your direction;
  • if, passing by you with her friends, she laughs, perhaps she is trying to get your attention;
  • if a group of girls tries to push her towards you and laughs, they probably know that she likes you;
  • if at the same time she begins to be embarrassed and tries not to meet your eyes, it means that she is not indifferent to you.

When wondering how to check if a girl likes you, be sure to pay attention to whether she is trying to present you with a gift.

If she presented you with a pot made with her own hands in a mug or a pen with the logo of your favorite sports club, then she is trying to show her sympathy for you. This is how the girl strives to make a good impression.

Useful video

In the next video, we suggest passing 6 tests that will help you find out if a girl likes you:


  1. The best way to find out whether a girl likes you or not is to ask her directly.
  2. If you are embarrassed to ask such a question, then you should just observe her behavior to find out that the girl likes you.
  3. You will definitely see the difference between communication and her behavior with other people and with you. Provided that she has sympathy for you.

In contact with

7. She raises an eyebrow

This is an implicit sign of strong sympathy, so it should be considered in conjunction with others.

8. The position of her hands

If a girl crosses her arms over her chest, you can be sure that either she is cold, or she is cold towards you.

9. The position of her palms

Another clue of the presence of interest on the part of a girl is her open and upside-down palms.

This position of the palms shows openness and willingness to develop a relationship, while clenched fists are a bad sign.

10. She leans towards you

If she leans towards you when there is no particular need for it, consider it a sign. For example, she may bend over on the pretext that she has difficulty hearing yours.

11. Demonstration of your body

Women know that men cannot resist female charms, so sure sign what a girl wants you is to show you to your beloved open area of ​​her chest, legs, shoulders.

12. Physical contact

Did she casually touch your hand or hit you on the knee while laughing? Women don't touch people they don't like.

A girl may not get carried away with makeup, but if next to you, thanks to cosmetics, the level of her beauty rises, do not forget to take note of this.

In addition, her outfit, which is, for example, a tight-fitting dress is an additional argument to ponder.

16. She initiates communication

If a girl does not wait for you to call her, but calls you first, then she is very interested in you and in the development of relationships.

True, this happens very rarely, and much more often a girl initiates the development of communication implicitly.

For example, she can spontaneously give you 2 flyers to a nightclub, without really explaining anything, in the hope that you will invite her with you.

17. She invests in communication.

The girl takes the initiative to do something for you, offers to help or treats you with something, for example, coffee.

18. She asks if you live alone

Why do you think she might ask you about this? Right to make sure no one bothers you when you're alone.

19. She talks about your possible girlfriend

This is a classic. When the interlocutor throws something like "Your girlfriend should like this!"

It's just that your newfound acquaintance is trying to determine your status to make sure that you are a guy who is not burdened with a relationship, and she does not waste time.

20. She makes it clear that she has no one.

Has she told you more than once that she doesn't have a boyfriend? Why do you think? It is clear that the girl wants you.

21. She starts conversations on intimate topics.

If a girl is not a journalist on the staff of Eros magazine, she is unlikely to raise intimate topics in communication with you.

Women will not start such conversations with men whom they do not see as love partners.

22. She teases you

If the girl is gently teasing you, then the flirting toggle switch is set to “On”.

23. She tickles you

The girl wants to touch you, but does not want it to be too obvious, so trying to tickle you should be considered as the presence of attraction.

24. She can't look at you without a smile.

A smile is one of the main indicators in trying to figure out a girl's attitude towards you.

When a girl smiles at you, it is a good sign that she is feeling positive and enjoying your company.

If she flirts with you and smiles constantly, then most likely she wants you.

25. She kisses you

This does not mean that a friend will sleep with you 100%, but she is clearly preparing a springboard, so 99% is already yours.

As a result of the kiss, the girl will find out if she wants more, and therefore give her a really worthwhile kiss.

26. She notices details.

It's all about the details. If a girl notices that you have fashion haircut, a pumped-up torso or a delicious smell of eau de toilette, this is a clear indicator that she is breathing unevenly in your direction.

27. She compliments you

How to understand that a girl wants you? Listen to what she says. Especially if a friend gives you gifts, tells you that she likes the way you look, or praises your intelligence, humor and your talents.

28. She gets a compliment

A girl may ask you: "What do you think of my hair?" or "How do you like my dress?" Satisfy the interest of the interlocutor, tell her that she is beautiful.

29. She doesn't look at her phone.

Today, people rarely look up from their mobile gadgets. But if the interlocutor hides her phone and, having entered into a conversation with you, simply forgets about her mobile friend, completely focusing on you, know that there is not so much left before sin.

30. She asks questions

By asking questions, the girl shows that she is interested in you and wants to get to know you better.

31. She laughs at your jokes

If a girl constantly laughs at your jokes, she is definitely disposed towards you.

Does this mean that your friend is ready to sleep with you? Most likely not, but you are definitely moving in the right direction.

32. She agrees to do whatever you suggest

Even your most boring sentences seem like a great idea to her. The girl wants to spend time with you, whatever you do.

33. She shares her food with you.

"Take it, try it." Has this ever happened to you? That's just it. No one will share their food with people they don't like.

34. She borrows your clothes

Have you started to notice that your sweater is hugging the girl's shoulders more and more often, instead of warming its owner?

It may just be cold outside, but most likely your friend wants to feel you closer to her.

35. She texts you at night.

If a girl is texting you after midnight, she thinks of you in a context that is definitely different from a purely friendly one.

Just do not get ahead of the events, trying to dilute the correspondence with piquant texts. Let her start this topic.

36. She always replies to messages

Does the girl always answer your messages without making you wait long? If so, then soon you will get to know her as closely as possible.

37. She really wants to meet

If a girl herself invites you to meet, especially if you accidentally bump into somewhere, she is clearly plotting something. Or maybe the girl just wants you.

38. She herself offers to exchange contacts

In this case, the girl wants to get to know you better and, apparently, meet again. A great sign of her strong interest.

It's great when the girl herself asks you to exchange phone numbers, because this does not happen often.

The girl's desire to exchange contacts in order to quickly get rid of you is not taken into account.

Young guys are wondering how to do so so that a girl appears in their life.

Are you wondering how to attract a woman - pay attention to the advice of psychologists.

What attracts guys?

For serious and long-term relationship the girl should see in the guy something that will interest and attract her.

It is believed that modern people pay more attention to the level of well-being.

This is important, but not as much as is commonly thought. It is not important how much you earn, and what is your potential, that is, are you able to provide for your spouse and family with children in the future?

We evaluate people within a few seconds of acquaintance and draw conclusions about how pleasant the person is to us.

Activity- it is a constant movement, communication, various interests.

A woman looks at how strong a man's energy is, evaluates him as a potential father of her children, even if none is planned yet.

What to do to make a woman appear:

  1. Communicate more. If you are, then you have a lot to lose. Start small - say hello to a stranger, ask for directions. This is a classic exercise, but it helps to loosen up and learn how to start a conversation.
  2. Develop its own and attractiveness. If you cannot cope on your own, then visit special courses.
  3. Stop being a couch potato, find yourself a hobby, a job that requires constant communication with clients and colleagues. The wider the circle of interaction, the more likely it is to attract a girl.
  4. Strive for development.
  5. Forget bad habits- now it is not fashionable.

How can you interest a girl?

So you go to practice.

It is likely that it will not work out right away, do not despair - take into account your mistakes, correct shortcomings.

At the meeting

How to interest a girl when meeting:

Online Dating

How to interest a girl on a dating site?

There are thousands of accounts on the dating site, and among them the girl must choose exclusively yours. Pay attention to your profile- what information is indicated in it, think how it might interest you.

A photo is what a girl sees before she meets. Do not post photos of celebrities downloaded from the Internet that are too heavily photoshopped. Better - naturalness.

Note, what is shown in the photo- do not try too hard to present yourself in the best light, but a photo where you walk with friends and drink alcohol will not be the best advertisement. You can put a photo with your favorite animal, at work, near the sea.

In social networks

How to interest a girl on the Internet, in social networks, in VKontakte?

Don't be too intrusive, start the conversation boldly, but at the same time, be careful.

An example of a dialogue in VK:

- Hey.

- Hi who are you?

- I accidentally saw you in the dialogues in the group, I liked your answers, I decided to meet you. Would you mind chatting with a stranger?

- Do not mind.

Or another option:

- Hey. I saw you among my friend's friends. You have a beautiful photo.

for instance: What's your job? Where did I go to rest this summer. How do you know our mutual friend?

By sms

How to interest a girl by SMS?

Short messages are no longer as popular as they were several years ago, due to the fact that people actively communicate through social networks and instant messengers.

But they can become a small bridge that brings people together.

Wish the girl good night.

Tell me how glad you were to meet.

- It was fun to talk to you.

- You are cool, you haven't had such a good time in a long time.

The main thing is that compliments did not develop into unnatural flattery. Better to use short messages.

Pay attention to how competently you write, with educated girls this can play a decisive role.

On the first date

How to get a girl interested on a first date:

  1. Bring a small bouquet of flowers... Too large and expensive on the first date should not be taken, so as not to embarrass the girl.
  2. Think over your wardrobe. Appearance very important - dress neatly for the occasion and the place where you are going.
  3. Choose the right meeting place... The setting should be such that there is an opportunity to talk and get to know each other better.
  4. Come on time, you can't keep the girl waiting.
  5. Keep yourself but not too relaxed... The girl should feel comfortable next to you.
  6. Show initiative.
  7. Compliment but so that they are natural and not embarrassing.
  8. Forget about talking about ex, own problems, complaints.

How to get the attention of a particular woman?

You have selected the object you want to attract, now you need to think over strategy.

Is it possible? How to get a girl's attention at school:

  1. Be proactive.
  2. Develop a sense of humor.
  3. Be in full view at all times.
  4. Learn to communicate, girls do not like introverted guys, as they are boring.
  5. Know how to stand up for yourself and protect the girl.
  6. Periodically strike up a conversation with her about neutral topics.
  7. Ask for help in homework... Pick a topic or subject that the girl is good at.
  8. Offer to walk home or go somewhere.

How to attract a girl you like to yourself?

Ability to show perseverance- one of the important qualities. This does not mean that you should bore the girl, but you can try to make her agree to go on a date.

And then you need to carefully prepare for it, think over what you will say, what you will wear, where you will go.

Ask if the girl wants to go to the movies. Such a walk does not oblige you to anything, but you can spend time together.

Follow her home afterwards, trying to strike up an interesting conversation. Don't just talk about yourself. Show interest in the girl, but do not interrogate, especially on personal topics.

How to get your wife's attention?

Several years later living together feelings cool, it may happen that the spouses begin to move away from each other.

And this is a dangerous time when there is a risk of divorce.

To prevent this from happening, you must try to return past feelings and improve relations.

What to do:

  1. Be interesting- develop, master new horizons, constantly move, lead an active lifestyle. If you spend your leisure time lying on the couch, then over time you cease to be an interesting person.
  2. Arrange a surprise- take you to a restaurant, on a country walk, make an unusual gift.
  3. Compliment- Your wife will be pleased to know that you appreciate her.
  4. Less criticism and reproaches- they kill not only the relationship, but also the self-esteem of the person, but whom they are directed.
  5. Send the children to grandma and have an evening together, order sushi or pizza and just enjoy a good rest.

How to recruit your ex-girlfriend again?

The girl left you the same, which means that you will have to change and show that you have become a different person. Try to understand what mistakes were made that led to the end of the relationship.

Surely a girl to you said she didn't like it. This does not mean that you have to fully adapt to the requirements of the other person, but if you have obvious flaws, you can work on them and improve your personality.

Invite her to meet in neutral territory. Present a small bouquet of flowers or a soft toy.

Do not rush to sort things out, express complaints to each other - the meeting should take place in the most friendly atmosphere. Do not remember past grievances, this will in no way lead to a renewal of the relationship.

Show how you have changed. Tell us about your plans for the future, share your successes, but do not praise yourself too much. Be sure to find out how the girl lived all this time, what interesting things happened in her life.

She should be comfortable in your presence.

Take your time to jump back into close contact. but make it clear that you missed.

At the end of the meeting, be sure to say how glad you were to meet and that you will be happy to meet again.

Remember- confident, strong guys with opinions of their own, generous but not too wasteful. Develop charisma in yourself, constantly move forward, and then you can attract almost any girl.

How to get a girl's attention? Advice: