
Happy Aviation Safety Day cards. Congratulations on Civil Aviation Day, postcards: history of the holiday. Congratulations on Aviation Day in prose


Today, December 7, marks the professional holiday of people in love with the blue sky: crew commanders, flight attendants, signalmen, mechanics, tankers, duty officers, dispatchers and many - the stable functioning of the economy, the lives of millions of people are unimaginable. Only by air transport is it possible to as soon as possible cover a huge distance. International Civil Aviation Day has been celebrated for twenty years and anyone can travel from one country to another, as it is fast, comfortable and safe. If your family or friends work in civil aviation, do not forget to congratulate them with poems, SMS or words of respect in prose.

The purpose of the Day is to inform about the contribution of civil aviation to the social and economic development of states. The Assembly of the International Civil Aviation Organization, first of all, establishes international standards for civil aviation and coordinates its development in order to improve safety and efficiency. Also, the tasks of ICAO include not only ensuring the safe and orderly development of international civil aviation throughout the world, but also various aspects of organizing and coordinating international cooperation on all issues of civil aviation, including international transportation.

Happy Civil Aviation Day, congratulations, cards: congratulations in verse

To you, rulers of heaven,
Nowadays everyone gets a standing ovation.
Let's celebrate today
Glorious aviation.

May the sky always beckon you,
Inspiration carries upward,
May you be beautiful and successful
Your every flight will.

May you always be on the road to happiness
There will be a takeoff strip
May they protect you from bad weather
Heaven with its power.

Civil aviation -
Worldwide cheers!
We wish all employees
We are happiness and goodness,

Good luck, wings of love,
Space for dreams
Prosperity in the house, and in the family -
Warmth of the heart,

Health, longevity.
And let your plane
Neither at work nor in fate
Doesn't shake at all.

I wish you easy takeoffs and landings,
Soar calmly above the clouds!
May there never be any problems
I wish you only successful days!

Let the planes always fly,
They will take everyone to their dreams!
Let the pilots be responsible
At the highest possible height!

Civil aviation
International Day.
There will be a way, let it be airy
Light and free.

To everyone involved in this area
I wish you happiness.
Happy day, lords of the sky,
Congratulations to all of you.

Happy Civil Aviation Day, congratulations, cards: official congratulations in prose

An aviator is always moving only forward, only upward, to new heights and achievements! Anyone who has ever risen into the sky and flown over the earth does not want to come down! This is the peculiarity of aviation, its stronghold and everyday work. Therefore, I wish you never to fall – neither in spirit nor in heart! Love your job and devote yourself completely to it! But at the same time - and appreciate the land that gave us a platform to take off, and where our relatives and friends live! When going up, don’t forget about the roots and that below you are always waiting! Successful starts and equally successful landings! May your homes always be warm and your faces glow with smiles!

Civil Aviation Day is not just a holiday. This is a holiday for those who are associated with the most interesting transport - airplanes. What a miracle it is to watch how a beautiful steel silver bird is gaining altitude, and how pleasant it is to watch the clouds from the window of an airplane ... A real miracle! And I congratulate you, as a person directly involved in aviation, on professional holiday! I want to wish you smooth takeoffs and soft landings. I want to wish you always enjoy your very necessary and insanely interesting work! I want to wish you that all your dreams come true as easily as an airplane takes off from the ground! Happy holiday to you! Happy Civil Aviation Day!

Congratulations on Civil Aviation Day! This is a holiday of kind, wise, valiant and brave people who know how to never give up. Civil aviation is simply indispensable, because regularly thousands, millions of people rush to get from one point of the planet to another, and it is you who help them reach their goal. With all my heart I want to wish you health, family happiness, cheerful interesting life, patience and plenty highlights! Let everything be just wonderful, and let every flight go without a hitch! I wish you to visit all countries of the world, enjoy authority and respect among colleagues, be able to win and strive for the best!

Your holiday has come, Civil Aviation Day, and I congratulate you on this! What can you wish for a person who conquers the skies and looks at the world from a height where even birds cannot fly? Well, of course, success and great health, because without health nothing in life is possible! I thank you for your courage and for the joy that you give to people! Let nothing overshadow your flight and let every flight pass “without a nail or a rod.” I always wish you a soft landing and an easy take-off! I wish you the fulfillment of your cherished dream, with which you will be able to look at the world in a new way, even from a great height and despite the kilometers traveled! Be happy! Happy Civil Aviation Day, thank you for being here!

Please accept my most heartfelt congratulations on your professional holiday - Russian Civil Aviation Day. There are no secrets left for you in your courageous profession. You have conquered the sky and confidently control powerful steel birds. I want to wish you with all my heart good health. May your work bring you joy and worthy reward. I wish you family well-being May you always be greeted on earth with love and joy. I wish you faith in yourself, confidence in the future, fulfillment of your desires and satisfaction from your work. May the heavens with which you have been in love since your youth protect you. Happy holiday!

My winged brothers! We have had unprecedented happiness - to always be on top. We are endowed with amazing abilities: in just a few hours we can transport several hundred people from one end of the world to the opposite. But along with this gift, we are also given the highest responsibility for the lives of those who trusted our skills, our hands, our hearts. I am proud that none of us ever gave any reason to doubt our professionalism. I sincerely congratulate us on our holiday and wish all of us a cloudless sky, a fair wind, as our girls say, a pleasant flight! Happy Civil Aviation Day!

Today is Civil Aviation Day and on this day we congratulate everyone for whom the sky has become not only a job, but also a close friend. The sky loves you, and you are the sky, so you are always happy to go on another flight. You organize passenger flights and special search and rescue, medical flights, you send cargo to where they are urgently needed. Sometimes the lives of hundreds of people depend on your well-coordinated work, and you, understanding this, do everything possible and impossible. At these moments, even the elements submit to you, because you are professionals!
Thank you, dear civil aviation workers, for your conscientious work, attention, and professionalism! We wish you health, conquering new heights, happiness to your family and all your loved ones who are always waiting for you to return home!

Dear civil aviation workers! You have chosen a job that requires discipline, determination, attentiveness and punctuality, extensive knowledge and constant self-improvement! Thanks to you, millions of people every day have the opportunity to travel around the world, meet new people, and get unforgettable experiences! Thanks to you, dreams come true and connect loving hearts! Thank you for the professionalism and accuracy on which people’s lives depend! Thank you for making flying enjoyable and safe!
Today, on International Civil Aviation Day, we want to wish you only a free corridor, only flying weather and only sunny days in your destiny!

A man's dream has come true! You can fly like a bird and even with greater comfort, curled up at the window and listening to the peaceful noise of the engines... On Civil Aviation Day, I congratulate you, thanking you for your excellent work, thanks to which we can fly under the very clouds, I wish you all the best!

Man learned to fly not so long ago, but managed to surpass birds by inventing airplanes that today can fly at any height and distance! Happy Civil Aviation Day! Be easy on the wing and land softly!

Happy Civil Aviation Day! How amazing it is that this silvery colossus stays in the air! Under your control, it flies easily, and now we are no longer on the ground, but behind us - thousands of miles above the mountains... I wish you safe flights to any part of the world!

It’s good to sit at the window, wait a little impatiently for the arrival and watch how entire countries, mountains, seas and forests float under the wing of an airplane... Congratulations on Civil Aviation Day! Be alert every minute in heaven, and very happy every moment on earth!

Today you can simply buy a ticket to any part of the world, and entrust the rest of the worries to civil aviation workers, whose professional holiday we are celebrating today! Thank you for taking us to any destination in safe comfort! I wish you clear, summery weather and good luck sparkling like the sun in the tops of the clouds!

Congratulations, friends,
Happy Civil Aviation Day.
And even though I didn’t write the words,
But this is what I needed.

After all, I hasten to congratulate you,
And wish you blue skies.
May it be easy for you to fly,
And there will be sweet bliss in life.

Well, that's probably all I've said,
I'll add something else,
I still gave you a couple of warm words,
On this day, December 7th.

Aviators of the country
We proudly congratulate you!
We wish you happiness, blue skies,
And also health and miracles in life!

Why be sad - today is your holiday,
You are the captain of heaven, not of earth!
Don't let the heights scare you, friend.
And you will never need a “life preserver”!

On Civil Aviation Day I will say,
Congratulations to everyone who flies in the sky.
I will hasten to wish them happiness,
Let life be easy for them.

Let the clouds seem closer to them,
Let their flight pass without any incidents.
Let the sky love them more,
Well, let the earth wait, cherish, cherish.

May their loved ones love them from the heart,
Let them never know grief in life.
May their flight not disappoint them,
Well, isn't it better wishes are there?

Under blue skies
My dear, you are always circling!
Happy Aviator Day, I congratulate you
And on earth I am always waiting for you!

There is nothing better than flying on an airplane. Just imagine: what seemed unthinkable a couple of centuries ago is the most common thing for us. Today, everyone can buy tickets to any corner of the globe. And for this opportunity we should thank the brave pilots, wonderful flight attendants, brilliant designers and attentive air traffic controllers!

Spreading its wings, the plane rose up,
You are at the helm, boldly pressing the buttons.
You are cheerful and brave in the sky every day,
Don’t give in to panic and weather tricks!

The website Pozdravunchik helped me,
Collect good words.
Otherwise, I probably couldn’t do it myself,
And I'm tired of collecting the same things.

Today I congratulated all my friends,
Poems for relatives and just pilots.
Congratulations whispers to me: don’t be timid,
And I read a verse from there at the big table.

I congratulated everyone on Aviation Day easily,
This holiday is so good!
So, if you are suddenly far from Pushkin,
You will find congratulations on this site.

On Civil Aviation Day,
I need to congratulate people
What exactly do you need to tell them?
All you can hear around is: pour them a glass.

And I want to say more kind words to them,
To not be terribly ashamed of myself.
I will open the site Congratulations again,
And I will choose a loving poem for them.

It's easy to find everything you need here
The poems contain wishes for a good background.
I'll write what I see fit
My congratulations, I'm in love with you.

Aviation is not just sending planes into the sky. This is a huge complex in which every worker is important: from the designer, in whose head the design of a new aircraft is born, to the airport worker who services the large iron birds. Today is Civil Aviation Day, and we are pleased to congratulate all air workers on this holiday. Happiness to you and the blue sky above your head!

Air Force Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is celebrated annually on the first Sunday of August. In 2017, it falls on August 6th.

The holiday was established by the Decree of the President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko dated June 27, 2007, taking into account the importance of the Air Force in ensuring the defense capability of the state.

Other "celebratory holidays"

Civil Aviation Day of Ukraine - a professional holiday of military and civil aviators and aviation industry and transport workers - is celebrated in Ukraine on the last Saturday of August. In 2017 it falls on August 26th.

In August - on the 18th - the Day of Air fleet USSR, and USSR Civil Aviation Day is February 9. After the collapse of the Union, August 12 became the Day of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

"Vesti" collected ideas on how to congratulate navigators and pilots in words and pictures.

Congratulations on Aviation Day in prose

On the day of the Ukrainian Air Force, I would like to wish you courage and health, vital energy and moral strength, strong friendship And sincere love, great happiness and stable prosperity. Happy holiday!

It's easy to walk on the ground knowing that in the sky you're protected by the reliable Air Force guys. So may the sky be peaceful on your day, may the flights be training, and the weather be good for flying. May your faithful friends wait for you on earth, and may your technology not fail you above the clouds.

You have conquered the heights. Your courage may be the envy of many. You are respected and looked up to because you are pilots. On Air Force Day, we wish you successful flights, serviceable aircraft and cloudless skies.

Conquerors of the air spaces, in whose hands the defense capability of our home country, today is your holiday. Unsurpassed strategists and intelligence officers, you skillfully guard our peace. Happy Ukrainian Air Force Day, our brave defenders! May the sky be peaceful, your loved ones and you always healthy!

Funny congratulations on Aviation Day in verse and SMS

Since the situation in the world is so difficult,

Our military needs aviation very much.

We will not be afraid of enemies either here or here,

When there are such people in our Air Force!

We wish you very good health,

To be treated with love by loved ones

So that there is prosperity and comfort at home,

After all, great achievements await you at work!

We wish you success in your work,

And may the Lord protect you everywhere.

There is one more wish:

Peaceful sky above your head!

Let airplanes and helicopters fly

Only for training, not for battle,

And the peoples of the whole world know

We are for peace with all our hearts and souls!

Let your service pass peacefully,

Your soul will always be light,

Let them find joy and luck,

And the miles fall under your wing.

May the Lord not harm you with your health,

Happiness and love gives in full,

And he sees you both on earth and in the sky -

There will be eternal spring in the heart!

First of all, first of all, we celebrate

Well, after that we will fly into the sky.

Happy aviation day, good and dear,

Heavenly holiday - we will walk with you.

Through the turbulence of all situations,

I just want to fly and smile.

Fate has prepared a surprise for us,

Sit at the helm and aim for heaven.

Whether you are a navigator or a pilot,

Still an air fleet

This is your life, dear,

Congratulations with all our hearts!

So that the sky is peaceful,

May the sun shine on everyone.

The Air Force is always on guard,

We are not afraid of any enemy!

4 SMS - 220 characters:

I hasten to congratulate you on Air Force Day

The best man, eagle!

I want to fill the tank with passion,

Raise two wings with love!

All my life let the sky be the azure

Happiness shines over you!

And you boldly demand from fate

Take good luck with you on your flight!

4 SMS - 206 characters:

Happy Aviation Day,

We wish you happiness and health.

You are conquerors of the skies,

You, our pride - the Air Force.

Good luck in your flights,

Both in the sky and towards the goal.

It must be hard to be a pilot

But you did it, you flew!

3 SMS - 186 characters:

The air does not tolerate fear!

The air does not tolerate lies!

The air is like peace in the skies,

But you curbed it!

Children are counting on you

And the country is proud of you,

And conquer the formidable wind

Aviation philocarty, or in other words the art of collecting postcards dedicated to aviation, first emerged in the 20-30s of the last century, when aviation was just beginning to develop, which certainly aroused the interest of everyone around. At present, aviation postcards are not popular, but aviation still has a number of holidays: a postcard in this case can become the most an impressive gift, especially if it truly demonstrates celebration in its theme.

Somewhat later, in the 30-40s of the last century, for such a field as aviation, postcards became really popular, since this era was marked by the appearance of new models of military aircraft that took part in hostilities during the Second World War and the Great Patriotic War . The main feature of such postcards is that, as a rule, they depicted the pilot himself and his plane, which clearly demonstrated that this postcard was an aviation theme.

Aviation and postcards became most widespread in the 60-90s of the last century, when various celebrations dedicated to aviation began to be celebrated most often, including when civil aviation days and military aviation days were celebrated, new aircraft appeared, the quality of services increased and new air routes It was in those days that aviation was in demand: postcards with airplanes, pilots, helicopters and other objects one way or another included in the field of aviation.

Aviation: postcards from various eras for generations born before the 90s of the last century will, first of all, be remembered as paper ones, but now, when aviation is experiencing its rebirth, postcards have by no means lost their relevance. With the advent of computers and the Internet, aviation postcards began to increasingly appear in in electronic format. In fact, this is also very relevant, since such a postcard can be immediately delivered to the addressee by e-mail, placed in any of tens and hundreds social networks, thereby not worrying about whether the postcard will actually reach its addressee on the aviation holiday.

Today, aviation postcards offer various formats and styles, but much more important is the fact that the recipient will certainly be glad that they did not forget to congratulate him on his professional holiday, the memorable aviation day.

Planes fly to distant lands,
This is civil aviation!
Airplanes carry passengers, cargo -
Multi-ton loads are not a burden for them!

On this day we go to the airfield together
We will come to congratulate the civilian pilots!
We will give each pilot a flower,
And we’ll give you a postcard - it’s a congratulations!

Civil Aviation Day
Let's celebrate December 7th,
This holiday is very important
The whole country is celebrating!

You are an example to children and teenagers,
Acts of courage are visible
We dedicate our congratulations to you, -
Aviators are important!

May joy be near
Smiles are our reward!

Pilots and stewards
IN different countries keep the way
The sky is a second home,
Open your soul.
Civil aviation holiday -
It is definitely important for you
Heavens, clouds, flights,
And everyone is brave in their own way.
Let all the precipitation recede,
We wish you a smooth landing!

Civil aviation - flies high in the blue sky,
And nothing is scary to them, and no one can keep up with them.
And today on your holiday we congratulate you,
And we wish you more flying weather!
And we give you congratulations - a small, in verse, gift,
And we wish that there would be as many takeoffs as there would be landings!

Another flight is announced,
Be lucky in the sky, my dear,
May the weather be very clear
And the flight will end wonderfully!

Let your eyes not deceive you,
And your route will be reliable,
Congratulations, dear, on this day,
My gift will be with congratulations!

A plane flies to the North Pole
And he can deliver to southern countries.
So let aviation grow stronger and stronger
And it surprises everyone, including opponents!

Happy Aviation Day to you! Your ways
Let them be free, bright and calm.
Let the plane fly high,
And it will land as it should, with dignity!

Airplanes cut across the sky
To make it easier for us to get there
To Paris, Tokyo, Sicily,
To friends, parents, loved ones.

Airplanes deliver cargo
Those that cannot be delivered by trains,
Parcels, letters and parcels
Delivered from overseas.

We wish our pilot friends,
So that they always have enough grace
Land planes successfully.
Happy Civil Aviation Day!

You are made up of ups
Very long flights
Of the most successful landings,
And everything is in order!

Because for pilots,
Airplanes are the most important
And not pretty girls,
Their gorgeous walks!

May heaven accept you
Your dear home misses you!
So that both west and east,
Sent congratulations!