
Allowances for children 4 5 years. Literature on preparation for school is in a hurry to help parents. "Knowing the World: Native Country"


Educational books have become a widespread and familiar part of children's education. A large part of everything that exists in the world, children learn from books. Almost as much in demand workbooks helping children in game form get and practice the skills of writing, drawing, etc.

It is not surprising therefore that children's educational books in our store - this is a large and diverse section, which you can study for hours.

Didactic material

What is it all called together? That's right, getting ready for school! Although we also have such content.

The world

This is the topic on which developmental books are a must-buy. To acquaint a child with the beauty of our planet, the diversity of its inhabitants, the world of people and its rules, the infinity of space and time - all this is convenient and interesting to do with the help of books.

Educational books for kids

This is also a manual for parents, helping to engage in interesting and high-quality work with a child. Enrich knowledge about the world around, develop speech and fine motor skills, learn to draw, cut, paste and do much more, so simple for adults, but so difficult for kids - all this is collected in this section.

The next step may be the benefits offered in the section - all the same, but deeper, wider and for different ages.

Popular Series

Already loved by many parents for children, we have allocated a separate section to make it easier to find them. Kumon, the School of the Seven Dwarfs, the Lomonosov School, as well as the funny workbooks of Olga Zemtsova and Daria Koldina are here.

When parents start thinking about preparing the child for school many of them go to the bookstore to buy the necessary manuals. Already in the store they understand that school preparation aid a lot, and which one to stop, it can be very difficult to decide in a few minutes. Here is an overview of some of the resources that will help you prepare your child for school.

O. Kholodova "Three months before school: Tasks for the development of cognitive abilities" (5-6 years), GEF

Already from the first pages workbook O. Kholodova: Three months before school: Development tasks cognitive abilities(5-6 years) GEF very accommodating. You can buy it at labyrinth and Ozone. Manual, A4 format, softcover, 80 pages.

At the very beginning, a short list of those entering the first grade is offered, and the principle of working on this notebook is also described.

The manual is intended for classes with children 5-6 years old to successfully prepare the child for admission to grade 1. Indeed, the tasks presented in this notebook will help develop memory, attention, perception, thinking, form correct speech, and improve graphic skills.

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The manual presents 36 lessons that have a certain structure. If we consider what a future first grader should be able to and know before entering school, then by studying this manual, it is quite possible to prepare the child and eliminate any gaps. Each lesson (and it takes two pages - spread) consists of three blocks: answer, perform and draw, but, unfortunately, these blocks are not connected in any way, there is no single game moment.

In the block answerer a range of questions is presented, which helps to increase the level of general knowledge, horizons. For example, what color is a hare in winter? find out by description: is it food, white, sweet, hard? etc. Also, answering questions from this block, the child learns to give complete answers.

To the block performer tasks for the development of attention, memory, thinking are included (for example: find the differences, find the same objects, find an extra object, draw the missing parts, color according to the model, restore the sequence, etc.). There are also tasks here that help determine the level of the child's vocabulary and determine how well the child's logic is developed. The authors recommend 15-20 minutes to work in this block.

Block draw fully aimed at the development of motor skills, as well as the ability to perceive material by ear. Here there are also graphic dictations of varying complexity and patterns, and circling patterns along a dotted line. This block helps to prepare the child to write from dictation.

All tasks in this notebook are very diverse, and the material gradually becomes more complicated.

The final task 36 can be used as a mini-test to determine the level preparing the child for school.

The downside of this manual can only be noted that very thin paper was used, through which the following pages shine through. This may distract your child from completing the task. The authors also suggest that after the Perform block, the child rest for 1-2 minutes, doing a warm-up for the fingers or gymnastics for the eyes. But I didn’t find any small rhymes or recommendations. Maybe it was worth adding another Rest block.

Zhukova O.S. "We teach to count, read and think the future excellent student"

This is one of the books in the Happy Preschoolers Club series, aimed at preparing a child for schooling.

this book ( labyrinth), (Ozone) can be used as a notebook, as there are tasks to colorize, circle the excess. The pages are quite dense, designed in the same style, perhaps very large margins that can be distracting. The book, which is 80 pages, contains sections: learning to read, learning to count, learning to think. Let's look at each in more detail.

Pursuing a section "Learning to read" your baby will study first of all, try to mold this letter from plasticine, find it in words. It is somewhat unclear to me at what pace it is proposed to work, since some letters occupy an entire page, while others occur two per page, and they do not have a common characteristic.

For example, the letters D and E, B and S (consonant and vowel) or L and P (they are similar only in spelling, but will the child not confuse them later?). Those who are already familiar with the Zhukova Azbuka will also find “treadmills” here. In my opinion, they help to teach the child to merge syllables well.

In chapter "Learning to count" tasks are presented aimed at mastering counting in forward and reverse order, working out the concepts of “previous” and “next” numbers, a number series, and consolidating the concepts of geometric shapes. There are tasks for the development of logical thinking.

Chapter "Learning to think" contains tasks such as:

  • choose the opposite words;
  • eliminate the superfluous word;
  • guess riddles.

The child will learn or repeat topics such as wild and birds, mothers and cubs, vegetables and fruits. It is convenient that each spread (2 pages) corresponds to one topic. In my opinion, the tasks are quite simple, my son (and he is 4.5 years old) and I have already gone through a lot and, most likely, he will not be interested.

Of the minuses, the tasks in this book seemed too simple to me, but if you are just starting to prepare for school, then it is quite possible to use this manual as an addition to your studies or to test any knowledge.

Do you want to play with your child easily and with pleasure?

L.G. Peterson, N.P. Kholina "One - a step, Two - a step ... Mathematics for children 6 - 7 years old"

Probably, many of you are already familiar with the manual for preschoolers. L.G. Peterson, N.P. Kholinoy "One - a step, Two - a step ... Mathematics for children 6 - 7 years old" (labyrinth and Ozone)

The manual has 64 pages, in which all the material is divided into 32 lessons. Each lesson has 6 tasks, some have 7 (depending on complexity). The material becomes more difficult from lesson to lesson. Each lesson is highlighted by certain color fields, which is very convenient.

The manual presents many different tasks aimed at mastering counting within 10, the ability to navigate in space, and the consolidation of such concepts as the shape of objects, quantity, size.

The study of one topic is given from two to three lessons, which gives the child a good grasp of the topic. Tasks in the lesson are arranged so that your child does not have time to get tired.

First, he is invited to answer questions, proving his opinion, then color, count something, continue the pattern, etc. And he performs all these tasks in a playful way, "helping" some heroes. Then he picks desired tapes for Dunno’s hat, sometimes it helps the bees collect honey, sometimes it helps Piglet find the right photo, and the like.

In this notebook you will find many tasks for the development of logical thinking, creativity. Working with your child on this manual, you will teach him to analyze, compare, generalize, classify.

Peterson L.G., Kochemasova E.E. Problems in crossword puzzles. Mathematics for children 5-7 years old "

Another of the benefits, which can also be useful in preparing for school, is Peterson L.G., Kochemasova E.E. Problems in crossword puzzles. Mathematics for children 5-7 years old " (labyrinth).

Now, when entering school, it is necessary that the child already counts within 10, and somewhere he solves simple problems. This manual, designed for children 5-7 years old, contains just a lot of different tasks.

The tasks in the book are presented in the form of crossword puzzles, performed in a somewhat unusual manner. The question is a mathematical problem for addition or subtraction within 10, and the answer must be written in a crossword puzzle, writing the numbers in words (for example, ONE). It is convenient that there is a sample spelling at the beginning of the book block letters. When solving a crossword puzzle completely in the selected cells, the child will be able to read the encrypted word. I really liked the fact that the crossword puzzles are all thematic, and the tasks are interconnected. There are also quite vivid illustrations for each topic on the page.

In total, the book contains 33 crossword puzzles, and at the end there are answers for each.

In addition to mathematical crossword puzzles, the manual offers:

  • various labyrinths;
  • hatching;
  • tracing drawings along the contour;
  • copying drawings by cells;
  • tasks for orientation in space;
  • assignments for compliance with the sequence of actions and many others.

While studying this book, your child will analyze, compare, draw generalizing conclusions, see certain patterns or their violation, offer and justify their options.

The book will be interesting and useful for developing the ability to solve problems not only in preparation for school, but also at the first grade level.

Uzorova O.V. "350 exercises to prepare children for school: games, tasks, the basics of writing and drawing"

In this guide ( labyrinth) presents 50 lessons on 102 pages. Each lesson has a certain structure, only 7 tasks each, which gradually become more difficult.

The manual presents a variety of practical tasks aimed at developing attention, memory, logic, non-standard thinking. There are a lot of tasks for setting the hand: draw, color, finish, repeat the drawing, glue, cut out small objects and even sew on.

The only embarrassing thing is that the paper of this manual is not only gray, but also very thin, and it seems impossible for me to complete some tasks. For example, sew on a button. It is very difficult for a child of 6-7 years old to sew a button on fabric, and on thin paper, which can quickly tear, it is even more difficult. Also, in some tasks where it is necessary to cut out, there are quite small details. Such details are sometimes difficult for a second grader to cut out.

In general, if you are looking for a manual to prepare your hand for writing, then this notebook will help you.

These are just some of the benefits that are offered to us in stores. It would be interesting to know what aids you use when preparing the child for school.

When choosing a manual for preparing your child for school, you should focus on the knowledge and abilities of the child, because the manual should captivate not only you, but also the future first grader.

And remember, your activities should be interesting to the child and captivate him. As Lev Landau says "Do everything with passion - it terribly decorates life."

Good day, my dears! What kind of books do you read to kids before school? And, perhaps, your baby can already put syllables into words by himself? In this article, I will continue () a selection of the best books for children of senior preschool and primary school age.

And, of course, I will classify this collection. Shall we start? So, books for children are a list of recommended literature by age!

5 - 6 years, this is the time of preparation for school. I wonder how many letters your baby already knows? Not engaged foreign languages Bye? By the way, this is still a great time for speech correction, if there is such a problem. So the classification is:

Fairy tales

  • "Little Muck" Gauf Wilhelm.
  • "Little Longnose" Gauf Wilhelm.
  • "Tales on the Phone" Gianni Rodari.


A little tip: discuss what you read with the kids. Otherwise, they may not get the point. Explain, ask, build a dialogue! And I will recommend suitable literature:

  • "What I saw" Boris Zhitkov.
  • "How I caught the little men" Boris Zhitkov.
  • "I won't ask for forgiveness" Prokofieva S.L.
  • "Baby and Carlson" Astrid Lindgren.
  • "Winnie the Pooh" Alan Milne.


  • "English language" Krizhanovskaya T.V.
  • "I think and decide" Volodina N.V. The most basic arithmetic operations in an easily accessible form.
  • "Speech Therapy" Ivanovskaya O.G. I liked the edition because it introduces letters, syllables, vowels and consonants in a playful way. And all this is presented to the baby in correct form! So to speak, speech therapy, with special classes.
  • "A game primer for children 5-7 years old with speech disorders" Tamara Ilyina.

You see, the older the baby becomes, the more difficult literature is to understand. You have to think about what you read. And that comes with age. Of course, there are publications where the text will be interesting only for 5 years old. But, the pictures will be frayed much earlier.

For children from 6 to 7 - stories, poems and development aids

Tell me, at what age are you going to take your baby to first grade? If at 7, then it's time to prepare! What works to read then? For 6 - 7 years old, more serious, training, preparatory courses are suitable. We are preparing hard, and do not forget about the role of informative stories.


  • "The Wizard of Oz" Volkov A.M. Do you remember this piece? Many could not fall asleep without reading at least a few pages of this fascinating story!
  • Oorfene Deuce and his Wooden Soldiers Volkov A.M.
  • "Malusya and the Rogopedist" Andrey Usachov.
  • "Domovyonok Kuzka" Aleksandrova T.I.
  • "Uncle Fedor, dog and cat" Edward Uspensky.
  • Crocodile Gena and his friends Edward Uspensky.
  • "Tales and stories about nature" W. Bianchi.


  • "Fables of Krylov" Krylov I.A.
  • "The best works for children 6-7 years old". Of course, there are many collections that include interesting essays authors. But, in my opinion, this is a very worthy candidate for reading to kids. Moreover, during this period, many already read well themselves! And this includes not only poetry, but also prose.

For development

  • "110 creative tasks for children 4-12 years old" Mary Ann Col, Kim Solga. For lovers of drawing, what you need!
  • "ABC of the Hermitage". Walk through the world of art!
  • "Intellectual Development" Gorohova A.M. I really liked this developer. All exercises in a playful way with the main character - a small puppy. The children are engaged with a pencil, stickers and various oral exercises, training memory, imagination, thinking. Yes, the vocabulary is replenished. What is also important, in your opinion?
  • "English for children 6 - 7 years old" Vasilyeva I.

I didn’t write fairy tales separately, because they are slowly being replaced by informative stories and stories. It seems to me that these 2 categories are closely intertwined. Although some collections can be recommended, for example, "The Big Book of Fairy Tales" Gianni Rodari.

Children from 7 to 8 - stories and adventures, fairy tales and educational books

Can we congratulate you? Is your little one in first grade? It is wonderful! But, you know, sometimes it’s very sad to watch how kids grab tablets instead of books at 7-8 years old. Parents! Book time is not over yet. There are a lot of interesting and entertaining stories ahead that teach goodness and justice. Keep the tradition of reading together, discuss what you have read. But just do not put pressure on the first grader, this is a personality! And here is what I found curious in the Labyrinth online store:

Stories and adventures

Informative, even a little fantastic. Who did not love in childhood the magnificent smile of the Cheshire cat from "Alice in Wonderland"? Here are some more recommendations:

  • "Girl from Earth" Kir Bulychev.
  • "The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase" Prokofieva Sofia.
  • "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio" Tolstoy A.N.
  • "Miracles in Dedmorozovka" Andrey Usachov.
  • "Pippi Longstocking" Astrid Lindgren.
  • "Fox Bread" Prishvin M.M.
  • "Honestly" Panteleev Leonid.

Fairy tales

Here are the publications that you can think of at this age:

  • "Fairy tales" Kipling Rudyard.
  • "Gelsomino in the land of liars" Gianni Rodari.
  • "The Adventures of Cipollino" Gianni Rodari.


In addition to teaching literacy, you also need to develop a general outlook. What do you read for this to your children? I would recommend the following publications:

  • "The largest children's encyclopedia" Likso V.V. Curious little ones will learn about space, the sea, and the planet as a whole!
  • School of Speech Development. Course "Speech" Sokolova T.N. Excellent Toolkit for lower grades. They are notebooks with various tasks that are of interest to the child. Healthy forms thinking, logic, develops speech abilities.
  • "English for children 7 - 8 years old" manual of the series "Learning is easy!".
  • “Workshop of super ideas. New Year's master class. A great new year gift for younger kids school age. What could be better than doing creative work with a child for your favorite holiday?

How do you prepare your child for school? Or is the child already there? Tell us about your favorite works! Leave comments on the topic. And don't forget to subscribe to blog updates. All the best!

Working with children 5-6 years old becomes much easier. At this age, they already strive to become schoolchildren, they want to become adults as soon as possible, they become interested in learning how everything works around them. In addition, children of this age can already do enough long time are able to perceive and remember much more information.

Developmental lessons for children of this age should be aimed at preparing for the fact that the child will soon be in school. Given the complexity of modern curricula, this is a necessary aspect. In the classroom, children need to be taught all the necessary skills for successful study: recognizing sounds in words, reading, counting, writing.

About how you can build a learning process with a preschooler, we will consider in more detail in the article.

Knowledge that a child of 5-6 years old should have

When studying with a child at home, adults should be aware that the ability to read, write and count is not at all the main thing in the preschool period.

If the baby has well developed basic mental functions, such as memory, thinking, attention, perception and imagination, as well as speech and fine motor skills hands, then it will be quite easy for a first grader to learn the program material at school. But the development of intelligence in crumbs at preschool age is much more effective.


  • direct and reverse counting within 10;
  • composition of numbers within 10;
  • visual image of numbers and their spelling;
  • mathematical operations within the first ten - addition and subtraction, knowledge of the signs by which they are denoted - "+", "-";
  • set comparison - greater than, less than, equal to; signs - ">", "
  • understanding and accurate, correct answer to the question: how much? Which? What's the score?
  • Ability to compose and solve a problem in one step - addition and subtraction;
  • orientation in space: up, down, forward, backward, before, after, right, left; know the concepts of “lower-higher”, “longer-shorter”, “further-closer”;
  • knowledge of basic geometric shapes: circle, square, rectangle, triangle, trapezoid, rhombus; and geometric bodies: cube, ball, cylinder, pyramid;
  • the ability to determine the shape of various bodies - round, square, rectangular, triangular;
  • division of a circle and a square into 2 and 4 identical parts;
  • ability to solve simple puzzles.

Logical thinking:

  • classification of objects on any basis;
  • compiling stories according to the proposed illustration or continuing the story according to a given beginning;
  • the ability to find an object that does not belong to this group, superfluous;
  • establishing patterns and continuing the series.

Speech development:

  • the baby should know his last name, first name, patronymic, age, city of residence, address and telephone number, names of parents and grandparents, place of work of parents, profession;
  • the quality of coherent speech is almost the same as in adults;
  • clearly pronounce all the sounds of speech; speech should be coherent, expressive;
  • be able to use prepositions, change words by numbers, cases;
  • emotionally color your speech with the help of intonation;
  • to distinguish and be able to use incentive and declarative sentences, interrogative and exclamatory;
  • ask questions, reason and argue;
  • participate in a dialogue, conduct a monologue;
  • know poems by heart, tell them expressively; retell great works.
  • If the child is not yet familiar with letters, cannot read, then now is the time to start doing it.

Knowledge about the environment:

  • know the names and classify all the objects around him: furniture, clothes, shoes, dishes, household appliances, wild and domestic animals, plants, fruits, vegetables and berries, know the names of fairy tales that he loves and the names of fairy-tale characters, the names of favorite cartoons;
  • know the months in order, according to the seasons, name the current month, days of the week.

Educational activities for preschool children


  1. Number row. Cards with numbers from 0 to 10 are needed. An adult thinks of two numbers and puts cards with the corresponding numbers in front of the baby (for example, 2 and 8). The task of the child is to lay out cards with the numbers that are between them (in our example, the child must lay out 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 between these numbers).
  2. Coloring pages in which you first need to draw a picture, connecting the numbers in ascending order;
  3. Coloring by numbers;
  4. houses;
  5. Copybooks with numbers;
  6. Laying out numbers from counting sticks.
  7. Tasks for addition and subtraction. Use visual examples to teach. It will be much more interesting for the kid to count how many sweets were in the vase and how many will be if you eat, for example, 5 sweets, or add 3 more to them. Or count how many apples there were and how many will be if they treat him with one more. And what is interesting for a preschooler, he will learn much faster. For example, you can use colorful illustrations.
  8. Set comparison;
  9. Geometric figures;
  10. The solution of geometric examples will be very interesting for the child.
  11. Learn with a child basic geometric bodies will help simple plastic cubes. They can also help in determining whether an object is round, oval, etc. Build a house with your child, naming geometric bodies - a cube and a pyramid, to build a tower, take a cylinder and a pyramid. Now ask your little one to build something on their own. Let him name which geometric bodies he uses.
  12. Use verse puzzles. They are much more entertaining for a preschooler and they are perceived much easier.
  13. The kids will love it various mathematical presentations or flash games on a computer or tablet. They can be successfully used in your home math lessons.

7 photos

Logical thinking

For the development of logic in children, you can purchase interesting didactic games(these can be puzzles “divided into groups, lotto, dominoes, etc.) and ready-made notebooks with a variety of colorful illustrations.

If it is possible to print them on a printer, then you can make excellent educational aids with your own hands by finding such cards on the Internet. In this case, it will be easier for you to choose material for home lessons according to the preferences of your baby.

For the development of logic, a different constructor is very useful. In stores it can be purchased for both girls and boys.

Even more, the preschooler will enjoy working with visual material. So, for example, you can put 4-5 fruits and one vegetable in a basket and ask the baby to find the extra.

You can offer the child to find something superfluous among animal figurines (according to the wild-domestic principle), find something superfluous among toy furniture (for example, a toy vacuum cleaner - household appliances).

In order for the baby to learn to classify, you can play with bright plastic cubes. They can be divided into groups according to several characteristics (color, shape, size). Ask your child to tell you how he did it. In the same way, you can use almost everything that you have at home.

When teaching your child to make up a story from pictures, achieve coherent speech and complete sentences.

To begin with, you can help a small student by asking leading questions. When the child understands how to do this, you can already ask him to write a story on his own or finish the story you started. Try swapping pictures.

Before starting the story, the kid must guess that the order of the cards is not correct.

Use your imagination, and the lesson will turn into an exciting game for the crumbs.

  • Find an extra item
  • Divide into groups
  • Making up stories from pictures
  • Establishing patterns

Speech development

Being engaged in the development of speech, it is imperative to do speech therapy exercises for the tongue with the child. This is necessary so that the muscles that are responsible for the work of the lips and tongue are always kept in good shape and well developed. They are responsible for the quality of spoken speech.

Charging must be done every day. The kid must definitely see his reflection in the mirror, comparing his movements with an adult. Monitor the quality of the exercises, in each position it is necessary to fix the tongue for a few seconds. There shouldn't be any gaps.

Make sure that the baby from zeal does not strain the muscles of the neck, shoulders and hands. If this happens, then you need to do a light massage.

It will be very useful for the development of speech to memorize tongue twisters and tongue twisters, various counting rhymes.

After that, it will be much easier for the baby to learn how to type letters, because he learned not only to associate sound with the image of a letter, but also remembered the basic hand movements necessary for writing it.

Every day, memorize children's poems with a preschooler, read various books to him as much as possible. Ask to tell what you have read.

Make sure that the baby's story is coherent, the child tells in order, without jumping from beginning to end.

Ask the child to recite a well-known poem with various emotions: angrily, as if he is very funny, plaintively, etc.

Learn to ask questions, express your point of view on the situation. At this age, you can already buy the alphabet for children. All this contributes very well to the development of speech and the expansion of the vocabulary of the crumbs.

Knowledge about the environment

Classes with the surrounding world can be carried out almost everywhere: at home, in the store, on a walk, in line at the clinic.

While in the store, ask your child to name vegetables, fruits, and berries that are familiar to him. Show the ones he doesn't know yet. On a walk, you can remember the types of transport encountered, consider various trees and their leaves, bushes, flowers, grass.

Be sure to talk about what time of the year it is now, look for its signs in nature, remember the names of the months of this season, what month is now, what time of the year was before it and will be after it, the changes in nature that they will bring with them and the name of the months.

Talk about birds, tell about migratory and wintering species, about those that live in the forest and in the city. Remember wild and domestic animals, insects.

While waiting in line at an institution, you can tell your child about the various professions of the people who work there.