
Full life in retirement. How to live in retirement: ways to survive, tips and revelations from pensioners If life is in retirement


We all also want to live this wonderful segment of life. It is so? But if you think about it, it is actually beautiful, unless, of course, we consider this segment of survival in our country. At this stage, it is literally not life, but survival. There is one pensioner in my family - this is my mother.

I can say, judging solely by the example of my family, life in retirement cannot be decent for the average Russian, unless, of course, the first thing is that children help him, and the second is that he works until his strength is gone.

I earn decent money and can help my family + my mother works, but in our country it is more connected with the desire to do this than with the need. Despite the fact that my mother's pension is considered "decent" by today's standards, I honestly don't know. How can 12 thousand rubles / month be considered a worthy pension?

I can say for sure that it is impossible to live on this money for a month, and even more so to travel abroad, go yachting, drink champagne with strawberries, attend major sporting events, hunt wild animals in Africa, in general, explore the world and be as happy as possible. .

So our pensioners basically have to get to know summer cottages, new types of seedlings that produce crops three times a season, new recipes for pickles, learn mobile phones with newborn, very advanced grandchildren, whom children “shrink off” to their parents while they work to pay off mortgages and car loans, etc.

And in America, for retirement, people "get rid" of their children, send them to colleges, preferably 300-400 km from their parents' house. and book tickets wherever their heart desires. But let's be objective and immediately determine that all this does not fall on them at all, like Manna from Heaven, just because they are Americans or Europeans! No!

Before spending their retirement life with dignity, they had to work hard, and from the first day of their work, which often begins at the age of 16, they are already starting to think about their pension and deductions for it, not only do they have people goodwill will not go to work unofficially or with a salary of 0.03 rates and a bonus of "million".

They approach these issues very responsibly, and their employers rarely refer to “tax fraudsters”. At the same time, they still independently participate in many pension programs, mandatory and voluntary funded systems, monitor their deductions, the timely calculation of interest on returns and the amount of these interests, are very demanding in choosing a management company for their savings, of course, if they are not handled by corporate NPFs, mainly represented by such CCs.

In our country, because of the remnants of the Soviet era, people are used to the fact that the employer or, even better, the state will “think” and “make” a decision for them. Maybe he will, guys, but you need to clearly understand that it is unlikely in your direction, because we live in market times, and the law of the jungle applies in them - every man for himself! And so if you want to spend your time in retirement the same way as Europeans and Americans, learn to be responsible in financial matters, including, such as pensions!

But I am sure that you, my readers, belong to the category of responsible citizens, because you read my blog, and this means that you are far from being indifferent to your choice and pension.

So I have already departed a lot from the topic of the article that I wanted to write to you and delved into rhetorical questions, well, let these be my first thoughts in this section. Now, in the next article, I will share with you my travel experience, a description of my perception and personal experience in the countries that I visit (and this happens quite often, I really love to travel).

Also, here we will consider the types of active pastime, in my example, of course, you may not like many of them, but I am also sure that many will find an ally in me.

As for the countries I visit, I will share with you little secrets that will be useful to all travelers! So, my dear readers, we are earning a decent pension, gaining experience and forward, along with the Americans, swagger!

Subscribe to updates, and you will learn a lot of new and interesting things. In the next article of this column, I will tell you about my exciting trip in the summer of 2015 to the beautiful mountainous Balkan country of Montenegro!

I say right away: I have already visited many countries and cities, but I will only talk here about those in which I am in the present tense or from which I have just arrived in my native land, this is already possible! As they say in hot pursuit After all, facts, emotions and visual images are different from memories stretched over time! Therefore, so.

Your retirement advisor. And not only

A decent life in retirement website

Book: Business for rusty dummies. Decent life in retirement

You are on a well-deserved rest… you are concentrating on saving up money for gifts for your grandchildren, looking for ways to diversify your life and doing your best to earn an extra penny for a meager pension. And the dynamic youth world of the Internet continues to spin around you, which seems distant and incomprehensible. But Lyubov Levina is sure that you can earn money in retirement not only by knitting socks - there are many other equally successful, and most importantly, modern methods of work (and not as scary as it seems at first glance)!

Try under the strict guidance of Lyubov Levina to create your own small business on the Internet - and find out what you are capable of!

Try it - and you will surely succeed!


The average pension in Russia is 13.3 thousand rubles. And how many pensioners receive more than the average pension? Despite the fact that our minimum pension is not less than the consumer basket, they should be in the majority. If only because they all worked in the USSR, where parasitism was punished, and conscientious work was encouraged. They deserved a decent pension for their work. One annoyance, there are no statistics on how many pensioners receive more than the average pension from us. Just as there are no statistics on how many officials have accrued a personal pension.

Therefore, we turn to polls in the social. networks from which we learn amazing things. Regrettably, we have an overwhelming majority of pensioners who receive less than the average pension. And on such a pension you can only survive. Pensioners cannot save up for a trip to a sanatorium, they do not even have something to update their wardrobe. And there is nothing to say about the poverty of their food.

And it turns out that the current pensioners, who created the most powerful economy in the world, live in poverty. What kind of society do we have where a civil servant receives in a second as much as a pensioner is paid for a month? Why can the Baltic countries with their declining economies adequately support their pensioners? And we, proud of our commitment to justice, considering ourselves highly spiritual people, keep our old people in poverty. In addition to rich natural resources, our economy is not the latest. Where is the answer to all these whys?

To find out, let's turn to the formula for calculating the pension. The authorities explain: this formula is cumbersome, because now several rules for calculating pensions are working simultaneously. These rules are enshrined in laws and evaluate previously acquired pension rights, taking into account the “pre-reform” length of service and earnings. And the dream of a "simple and understandable" pension formula, they say, in practice can only be realized in the form of a complete equalization.

In words, everything seems to be wonderful, but in fact, all pensioners have been equalized. They left the leveling - and came to it. This formula was tailored to a modest goal: a pensioner must somehow make ends meet and not starve to death. Because the state has no money for more. And now the state, in the person of Prime Minister Medvedev, wants the number of pensioners to no longer grow - and started talking about increasing the retirement age.

All this means one thing: you and I cannot provide for our old people. I'm embarrassed, even if it's not my fault. But does it really matter who is to blame? We, criticizing the government for the failed pension reform, can't we offer better options?

Here I would like to offer mine.

First, we need to understand what a pension is. Retirement is a well-deserved rest of a person in old age. Rest is the key word here. And those who continue to work after 60 are not pensioners. In my opinion, there is simply no such thing as a working pensioner. A pension is not a bonus for years of service.

Secondly, what is the difference between a pensioner, who was previously a general, and a retired combine operator. Nothing. Say, the general worked harder and had more responsibility. Did the combine operator cool off all his life, working from dawn to dusk? When they were generals, combine operators, they received the appropriate salary and appropriate benefits from the state. And when they retired, they became equal, and therefore the state and the people should equally take care of them.

Thirdly, young people should feed their old people, so that later in their old age their children and grandchildren would feed them. This is good and fair.

- The pension is assigned only to those who go on a well-deserved rest. If you work, you are not retired.

- There is no need to change the retirement date.

Everyone should have the same and decent pension. At the moment - about 25 thousand rubles.

You ask where to get the finances for such projects. And you don't need to increase your finances. You just need to distribute them competently and without theft. Those who do not know how to do it - teach, do not want to - remove.

Look in your cities and villages to see who occupies the best administrative buildings. Not banks, not the administration, but the Russian Pension Fund (PFR). And in terms of the number of employees of the pension fund, we are ahead of the rest of the planet. The number of FIU employees in Russia is about 122,000. In the United States, there are only 60,000. In Japan, comparable to us in terms of population, it is 27,000. We must learn to live within our means and reduce the number of FIU employees by five times. The savings will be huge.

It has already been said that all pensioners should receive the same pension. So the secret decree on the special appointment of pensions to officials is to be canceled. And since these officials do not want to vacate their seats until their death, then they will not see pensions like their own ears. This is also a considerable savings, and Medvedev will be pleased with such a reduction in pensioners.

Here is another source of finance. We have officially recognized that 40% of our economy is in the shadow. And this means that both the budget and the PFR receive no less than 40%.

All employers in 2018 are required to pay contributions to pensions: 22% of payments to employees. However, for those who receive more than a million, payments are only 10%. And there will be about 10,000 such lucky ones in Russia. Their average salary is 2,200,000 rubles. Why they get such a benefit is not clear. They won't get drunk, apparently. Every month they rob pensioners of two and a half billion. It's time to restore justice.

Almost 10 million pensioners work in the country. If there are no working pensioners, here is another savings. Say, we are trying to solve problems at the expense of the elderly. No way. On the contrary, we will simply fulfill the cherished dream of many pensioners. Most of them work out of necessity, their current pension is not enough for anything. So they have to work through strength, overcoming pain, forgetting their illnesses. And how happy they will finally be to rest, having received a normal pension.

Where is the savings then? I'll reveal a little secret. Not everyone, having lived to 60 years, get sick. On the contrary, many are full of energy. They have no desire to walk on mushrooms and sit with a fishing rod. Except sometimes, on weekends. Work for them is their whole life, the whole meaning of their existence. There will be at least a third of them. They want to work and be useful, even if they lose the bonus in the form of the current beggarly pension.

We can only rejoice for them and wish them many more years of fruitful work and not feel like old people.

Based on materials by Vladimir Akimov

Decent life in retirement

Usually a pension is a kind of milestone, a time to take stock: what has been achieved and what remains in dreams. Everyone evaluates their strength in their own way. And if a person does not want to meet old age, but is full of vital energy and strength, he strives to learn new things.

It is this chance that the Employment Service provides to unemployed citizens who, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, have been assigned an old-age insurance pension and who seek to resume their labor activity. A citizen receiving an old-age pension and intending to return to work can undergo vocational training and receive additional vocational education in the direction of the employment service.

In 2016, the Nizhny Tagil Central Plant organized training for 8 pensioners seeking to resume their labor activity. As before, the course “Personal Computer User” is of the greatest interest to this category of citizens. Having mastered the basics of computer literacy, pensioners are again in demand in modern life. They have a much higher chance of finding a job. With the help of communication on the Internet, many people stop feeling lonely, find new ways to communicate with their children and grandchildren who are away from them.

Training in the profession "Private security guard" is also a popular service. In the first half of the year, 5 people completed their training, three of which started working.

If you receive an old-age pension and want to return to work, contact the employment center in the vocational training department at the address: Nizhny Tagil, st. Newspaper, 45A, room 201

Lyubov Levina - Business for rusty dummies. Decent life in retirement

Lyubov Levina - Business for rusty dummies. A decent life in retirement summary

You are on a well-deserved rest… you are concentrating on saving up money for gifts for your grandchildren, looking for ways to diversify your life and doing your best to earn an extra penny for a meager pension. And the dynamic youth world of the Internet continues to spin around you, which seems distant and incomprehensible. But Lyubov Levina is sure that you can earn money in retirement not only by knitting socks - there are many other equally successful, and most importantly, modern methods of work (and not as scary as it seems at first glance)!

Try under the strict guidance of Lyubov Levina to create your own small business on the Internet - and find out what you are capable of!

Try it - and you will surely succeed!

Business for rusty teapots. A Decent Life in Retirement read online for free

Business for rusty dummies: a decent life in retirement

In gratitude to Mikhail Dashkiev, Petr Osipov and the first graduates of Business Youth.

At the outset, I would like to thank:

To my husband Gennady Borisovich for patience, indulgence, material and technical support. For the fact that for many years courageously endures the volcano of my non-standard ideas. I don’t know if anyone else has such a kind, attentive and supportive husband in everything for an eccentric woman like mine. Everything that I have achieved in our life, I owe to him.

Evgenia Valentinovna Larina, head of the Vremena editorial office, and Tatyana Mikhailovna Minejyan, editor-in-chief, for believing in me, moral support, for encouraging me to continue working in this direction. It was they who found in the sea of ​​newspaper information a note about my "Computer primer for rusty teapots." Invited to cooperate. And with their light hand, I am writing the fifth book.

Pavlov Vadim Vyacheslavovich, Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Ulyanovsk Region. It was he who, in 2011, invited the unknown founders of Business Youth to Ulyanovsk. It was on his advice that I created an autonomous non-profit association for the adaptation of older people in modern society, DELOSTARRU "Club of business old women."

Elena Mikhailovna Shporkina, Nadezhda Deryabina, Tatyana Nikolaevna Akimova for interesting work in the Public Chamber and the Silver Age NGO Alliance of the Volga Region.

Tatyana Nikolaevna Perfilyeva and Lyudmila Georgievna Rafalskaya, with whom we founded the Club of Business Old Women.

Natalya Sergeevna Guden - director and Olga Anatolyevna Shagurova - head teacher of the Children's School of Arts. Balakirev for all possible support in organizing the educational process of the general aesthetic department for adults.

Tatyana Viktorovna Shishkova is the only one of the five editions of the “Club of business old women” who has made her business on the Internet.

Nina Mikhailovna Davydova for wisdom and support in difficult times, for advice on the text of the book.

Ivan Kuyanov and Nikolai Dolinov, "fellow students" from the first edition of "Business Youth" - for their support during their studies, professional help and business advice.

To my daughters Svetlana and Lyudmila, to my eldest granddaughters Tatyana and Polina for routine technical assistance.

Alexey Danilov and Sergey Gorshkov for prompt computer assistance. It is they who, at my first request, immediately fix it, repair the computer, restore ruined files, clean overcrowded disks, systematically eliminate gaps in knowledge.

Alexander Nikolaevich Gunidin, my former student, for saving me from many rash steps, for teaching me how to count money, for calling a spade a spade,

Mikhail Dashkiev and Petr Osipov for accepting me into their club. It is thanks to them that my worldview on some things has so tumbled that for the fifth year now I have been living a full-fledged creative life, and not vegetating on a bench at the entrance. I have, albeit tiny from their point of view, additional income. I have many friends across the country. And even though I have not reached the heights of earnings that the participants of Business Youth have, I have much more than just money.

The dentist turned off his car and allowed him to close his mouth. The filling, delivered in a paid clinic, turned out to be wonderful. Only now I could not close my mouth when I heard how much it costs. No, I had enough money for it, just half a pension.

Sailed. Now you have to limit yourself to the already established level of comfort and well-being. The financial airbag from the budget salary turned out to be as thick as a handkerchief. But you also want a good hairdresser, a masseur, a sanatorium, with grandchildren at sea, a decent fur coat, after all. What to do?

This is the preface to the book I came up with four years ago when I studied at the Business Youth (BM) courses. And I'm only finishing it now, because it seems that the crisis that we are tirelessly frightened of has once again sailed to our shores.

This book continues the "for rusty teapots" series. She was preceded by:

1. "Computer primer for rusty teapots."

2. "Internet for rusty dummies."

3. “Pill for sclerosis. Brain training for rusty dummies.

4. "The brain from all diseases."

I am writing it for those who could not make big money in the nineties. For those whose life has passed under the bright banner on the way to communism. These are not grandiloquent words and not swearing, this is the truth of life half a century ago. To you, my compatriots by time of residence, I am writing this book in order to somehow help you swim in modern society.

At the beginning of the millennium, we were forty or so. Those who are smarter, or with the right education, or connections, or information, or just entrepreneurial talent, have organized their own business. I have no doubt that the majority did this within the framework of the laws of that time and their material super-well-being was achieved by very hard work. I am familiar with such people. Believe me, for many then it was a huge risk, it required knowledge, courage and efficiency.

Well, hand on heart, admit that not every one of us was able to overcome himself and stand with a bucket of potatoes at the nearest store in order to sell it.

I managed to do it once, I sold one and a half buckets for half the price. My ears were burning, my heart was pounding, my hands were trembling, and in general I was ready to fall through the ground. So firmly embedded in me were the notions that it was a shame to trade, it's fu!

Of course, if it is a matter of life and death, if the children are hungry, any mother will sell anything.

Who are you, my peers?

These are chapters from my previous books.

Despite your age, you are an energetic, resilient person who wants to learn not for the sake of the process itself, but for your own benefit. He lived an interesting, eventful life, held both as a person, and as a specialist, and as a parent, and as a person who already has grandchildren.

And at the same time, he managed to sip a lot from the vicissitudes of fate. Basically, these are women who do not want to put up with age. Adequately look at the essence of things.

We are the keepers of the experience of the past millennium. We are the first age generation of modern history that has lived in two eras and states without leaving the place of registration. We, the survivors of the nineties, were not only ourselves, but also managed to raise children, support our husbands, and feed our families while the men were recovering from the social blow. This was already the case at the beginning of the century before last. That's what we got.

Books similar to Business for Rusty Dummies. Decent life in retirement, Lyubov Levina

Books similar to Business for Rusty Dummies. A Decent Life in Retirement” read full versions online for free.

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One can not talk about how people live in retirement once again. The situation in which Russians find themselves with the onset of incapacity for work cannot be called enviable. And it seems that the size of the social increases every year, but inflation is growing along with it, which literally eats up all the increases. Why, at the end of their days, people are forced to fight for existence and survive, having decades of work experience?

How to live on a pension if it is hardly enough to live on? Many older people, after entering a well-deserved rest, find themselves practically below the poverty line. In a more advantageous position are those old people who are financially helped by children. But what about single pensioners with a minimum payment, how to live on?

Retirement in our country

The size of the minimum old-age payments in the regions of Russia is just over 8,700 rubles. In Moscow, this figure is somewhat higher and reaches almost 12 thousand rubles. Due to the length of service and seniority, many receive an amount in excess of the so-called minimum wage. Their monthly pension can reach 10-15 thousand rubles. But be that as it may, for most people, retirement seems like a terrible nightmare. How to live so that this money is enough until the next payment?

The current generation of pensioners is significantly different from the people hardened by Soviet communism. And although even today one can hear lamentations about how well life was in the USSR, it is no secret to anyone that in those conditions, with access to a well-deserved rest, one also had to learn the basics of survival. Modern Russian pensioners have Soviet roots, which means only that they did not grow up in "greenhouse" conditions, they led an active lifestyle. Thanks to constant work, aspirations and perseverance, they have acquired the ability to survive in not the most favorable conditions. The vitality that representatives of that generation show is the envy of today's youth.

So, how to live on a pension if it is within the living wage? For this amount, it is quite difficult to satisfy even the most necessary, vital needs of any person. Due to poverty, some begin to drink alcohol more often, get sick more often, which only exacerbates an already difficult situation. And besides, there is a type of people who, no matter how much they pay, they still will not be enough. Money, as you know, does not happen much. Therefore, first of all, you need to pull yourself together and do everything so as not to break down psychologically. Experts urge you to give yourself positive attitudes in order to try to change the circumstances that have arisen for the better or adapt to them. There is no other way out.

Benefits and subsidies

Instead of groaning and aahing, endlessly asking yourself the question of how to live on a small pension, you will have to gain optimism and be active. In the end, psychologists always advise to rejoice in a glass that is only half full, than to look at it with despondency and longing, considering it half empty. You need to take advantage of everything and not give up.

Local authorities are striving to implement regional projects, the ultimate goal of which is to improve the standard of living of persons of incapacitated age. If the funds provided by the state are barely enough to live on, the pensioner needs to:

  • find addresses and contacts of social protection services on the websites of the local administration;
  • find out about current and planned social programs, the provision of humanitarian assistance, holding actions, processing lump-sum payments, as a rule, timed to coincide with public holidays;
  • get full information about the conditions for obtaining a subsidy for utility bills;
  • make sure that all merits and awards that give the right to receive benefits are taken into account.

Thus, the right to issue a “Veteran of Labour” certificate, which gives good privileges to pensioners, arises for citizens with a certain length of service, as well as for those who began their labor activity as a minor during the Second World War. Some pensioners continue to work in order to fill in the missing years of professional experience necessary to obtain a preferential title. Here you need to show perseverance and curiosity: rewards and additional payments will not appear on their own.

In addition to municipal authorities, the charitable organization "Red Cross" is engaged in supporting the elderly. The employees of this society know how people live in retirement. The Red Cross helps people in distress not only morally, but also assists those in need in obtaining expensive medical care, medicines, essentials, food packages.

Favorable change of living space

Since the most significant item of expenditure for current pensioners is the payment of utility bills, it may be worth considering changing the place of residence. Many people solve their material problems in this way. There are several options, and each of them is possible in a specific situation.

The easiest way is to sell your home and buy a smaller square footage, and deposit the rest in the bank. This will make it possible to receive a double benefit every month: on the one hand, the pensioner will have an increase in income due to interest from a bank deposit, and on the other hand, utility costs will be reduced. So, a one-room apartment is much more economical in terms of maintenance than a two- or three-room apartment.

The second solution is to move from your own apartment or private house to a rented apartment with a smaller area. At the same time, your property will also have to be rented to tenants. The profit is obvious, but it is worth considering all sorts of risks. It is possible that after the tenants will have to make repairs. In this case, all proceeds will be spent on restoring a comfortable environment. The tenant can protect himself and rent out housing with the requirement to maintain the safety and integrity of the property by concluding an agreement and receiving a security deposit. If the condition of the dwelling at the end of the lease is unsatisfactory, the deposit is not returned to the tenants. In addition, when deciding to rent out your own apartment, you need to find out as much as possible about a potential tenant.

“Maybe I’m just starting to live, I’m moving on to retirement ...”, - who doesn’t remember this phrase from Pechkin’s favorite, probably everyone’s cartoon? And this is exactly what most older people think, because having broken out of the vicious circle of "home-work", they finally get the opportunity to devote more time to family, grandchildren, household chores. The only thing that overshadows the idyll is the lack of finances. What to live on when you retire? This question pushes pensioners to the decision to rent out one of the rooms in their home. This option is suitable for those who do not have a particular desire to settle in a new place. However, in this case, there are significant disadvantages:

  • moral discomfort. Many older people find it difficult to put up with the presence of strangers in their own apartment, so you should think in advance whether you are ready for such a step.
  • No guarantees in the decency of the tenant. This issue requires careful consideration: letting the first person you meet into your house is not a good idea. Ideally, if the tenant turns out to be a good friend.

If permanent cohabitation with a stranger is not possible, you can try to rent a room by the day (for example, for people on a business trip). Many retirees have found this way of earning income suitable for them.

Other budget accommodation options

Very often, for the elderly, the acute question is not where it is better to live in retirement, but with whom. It is no secret that it is much easier to survive together than alone. Consequently, many come to the conclusion that it is necessary to create a profitable union on a semi-commercial basis. People in old age often find kindred spirits and decide to live together. This allows you to combine pensions and receive revenue from renting out a vacant apartment.

Living in the city for retirement is difficult due to high food prices. Whether it's in the countryside: in rural conditions, you can buy food at a relatively low cost or grow vegetables and fruits on your own. Do not neglect the opportunity to go to live in the village for the summer. In retirement, you can pay more attention to the country garden, and harvest in the fall.

A modest pensioner's diet

Most old people see the only way out for themselves - to save on food. Waste is alien to Russian pensioners. However, a limited diet is not only a way to save the budget, but also one of the secrets of caring for your health in old age. When forming a daily grocery basket, it is important to take into account the needs of the body. It is advisable for pensioners not to overdo it with sweets, the use of fatty, smoked foods, mayonnaise, etc. In order to live longer and get sick less, it is better to focus on natural, healthy and light food.

Menu example

To understand how pensioners live on retirement and at the same time lead a healthy lifestyle, one of the daily menu options will help:

  • Breakfast. Rice or oatmeal on the water, seasoned with a spoonful of butter. In the absence of the latter, vegetable is quite suitable. Tea black, green or herbal. Loose is cheaper, but before use it should always be doused with boiling water.
  • Lunch. You can eat a banana or drink a glass of low-fat kefir. It is better to completely refuse flour products, but if you really want sweets, it is better to eat a piece of dark chocolate. Good coffee, unfortunately, not everyone can afford, but there are good budget varieties of this drink.
  • Dinner. A simple and inexpensive soup made from chicken offal (muscular stomachs, hearts, liver, necks). To make a rich broth, meat ingredients can be used individually or all together. First, the giblets are boiled, after which the water is drained and the broth is boiled again. Before adding potatoes, offal must be finely chopped or passed through a meat grinder. Then finish cooking the soup, as usual, adding rice, cabbage, other vegetables, dressing.
  • Dinner. Potatoes, beans or peas, lentils, rice or buckwheat porridge, durum wheat pasta are suitable as a side dish. Any vegetables, as well as baked or stewed meat, fish, go well with the side dish. However, you should not combine legumes with meat dishes - an excess of proteins does not have the best effect on the health of older people.

How and where to buy groceries cheap

A great way to constantly save on food is to periodically monitor prices, follow promotions held in supermarkets, which are accompanied by great deals on certain categories of goods. Buying products during the promotion period, you can save up to 50% of the budget. Most chain stores constantly offer discounts. It is profitable to buy goods in large hypermarkets, where promotional programs "1 + 1" operate: the buyer pays only for one product, and the second one, the same, is given free of charge.

Many appreciated the benefits of buying in bulk. Not everyone has the opportunity to immediately spend an impressive amount on products. However, such purchases are more than justified. In big cities, grocery stores and wholesale stores are within walking distance. If you buy goods in such places, their cost is much cheaper.

For example, in a retail store, a pack of tea will cost 50 rubles. The same is in the wholesale, but if the buyer takes 3 packs at once, he will pay 120 rubles for them. Thus, one pack of tea at a wholesale price will no longer cost 50 rubles, but 10 rubles. less. In addition, the quality of products at wholesale bases is in no way inferior to retail. Over time, people adapt to this type of shopping, choose the most suitable commodity items for themselves, give preference to brands of individual manufacturers. The only drawback of buying in bulk to save money is that in a hypermarket it is hard not to succumb to the temptation and not to buy too much.

Many pensioners are advised to shop at the market. To ensure that every penny counts, you should write down your every spending. Even the purchase of penny onions or beets should go under the record - this will allow you to track all the gaps in spending. You can find quite affordable price tags on the market, especially when it comes to spoiled fruits and vegetables. So, many sellers give slightly frozen apples in winter almost for free, but they can make an excellent pie for tea.

To live on a pension in Russia, you need to prepare for the winter in advance. Once again, the market comes to the rescue: elderly people often bring goods of their own production here for sale at a low price. Experienced housewives know how to live on a pension. Women buy berries and vegetables at the market, freeze them, make jam, compotes, pickle them, pickle them.

Is it possible to work in retirement

The benefits are those pensioners who, upon reaching the age of incapacity for work, still remain in the ranks. If the state of health allows you to continue working in the same position, that's fine. The safety of the workplace for a pensioner largely depends on the loyalty and understanding of the employer. Undoubtedly, the opportunity to continue working cannot be missed. But at the same time, in no case should you work to the detriment of your health. In old age, stress on the body is much more dangerous than poverty.

How to live without a pension? This question does not concern a person who continues to work. But what about those who gave their best years and health, earning seniority, and now have to be content with an amount that hardly reaches the subsistence level? Even if it seems to you that you no longer have the strength to work, do not discard the idea of ​​​​working at home.

Some people do not even think about how to live without a pension. With proper activity, you can always find a way and improve your financial situation. In addition, these days there are many directions for self-realization, so you need not give up and take the following tips into service.

Earning at home

Is it possible to live on a pension without additional income? Today, the elderly have a lot of opportunities to get a good increase without even leaving the apartment. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with several options for part-time work and choose the one that suits your capabilities:

  • Earnings on the Internet. People who have minimal computer and typing skills can earn money by creating custom articles. To understand whether the work of a copywriter suits you or not, it is enough to remember if there were any difficulties when writing school essays. Today, you can earn good money on this.
  • Call center operator, taxi dispatcher. These are in-demand jobs. Work is carried out remotely, that is, at home. The worker's job is to take phone calls.
  • Network marketing. Distributors are individuals who distribute the company's products and receive a percentage of the sales. For people who have experience in trading, this job is suitable. It is important not to lose your vigilance, as in the field of network marketing it is easy to fall for the bait of scammers who profit from gullible pensioners.
  • Floriculture. Growing houseplants and growing seedlings during planting season can provide a decent income. For sale, goods can be given to flower shops, greenhouses. This option of part-time work is suitable for pensioners living in a private house.
  • Homemade baking. The products of good chefs are always in demand. Pies, all kinds of pretzels, buns, cheesecakes - this is within the power of every housewife. Why not make money on it?
  • Minor repair of clothes at home (sew on a button, hem or shorten trousers, reshape a dress, iron a shirt, etc.). The main thing is to do the work with high quality so that the demand is not long in coming.


It is impossible to predict how much time is allotted to each of us. But regardless of how long people live in retirement, everyone tries to spend their final stage of life in abundance, doing what they love. It is not surprising that for some, the onset of disability marks the beginning of a new life - quiet, measured and calm. Many retired people start farming when they retire, they start ducks, chickens, pigs, cows and other livestock. Keeping livestock requires a lot of effort and time, but even the smallest farm will provide pensioners with year-round natural products: eggs, milk, cottage cheese, butter, meat, etc.

Household staff

A good option for people of age is an informal part-time job. Jobs in the domestic staff category are always in demand. It is not clear how pensioners live on pension without any additional income, but one thing is clear: by getting a job as a nanny, housekeeper, governess, watchman or gardener, a person does not lose anything:

  • Firstly, such work differs little from running a regular household, and therefore no special skills are required for employment (with the exception of babysitting - employers give preference to applicants with a pedagogical education).
  • Secondly, employers often allow service personnel to live on the territory of their home, provide workers with food. Thus, the pensioner not only saves his salary and pension, but also saves on utility bills, food purchases, etc.

Internal migration

How to live on a pension, which is about 25 thousand rubles? One answer suggests itself: without much difficulty. Such an amount seems solid, especially for residents of the European part of Russia. But in Siberia and the Far East it is absolutely unrealistic to live on this money. The thing is that food prices in stores are extremely high due to the costly transportation of goods - they are delivered only by plane. In addition, the predominant part of the lands of these territories is unsuitable for subsidiary farming. Utility bills account for the majority of pension benefits. How to live on a pension with such prices? Therefore, northerners either continue to work after reaching the age limit, or leave for the regions of Central Russia. There, on their pension, you can live quite comfortably, practically without denying yourself anything.

Learning how to budget properly

In fact, there is no universal way how to live on a pension. In whatever country a person lives, whatever his income, he will always have difficulties with prosperity due to the inability to plan a budget.

It is advisable to describe in detail the upcoming expenses before each month. Set aside part for food, the other part for medicines, rent, clothes, gifts for grandchildren, for a rainy day, etc. When shopping in a supermarket, you must always pre-calculate the amount - this rule will help protect yourself from unscrupulous sellers.

Since older people often get sick, it is important to learn how to save on medicines. And we are not talking about refusing treatment. Some pensioners have found for themselves an easy way not to overpay for foreign medicines: they have purchased a pharmaceutical guide that lists analogues of modern medicines. The same drug with the same active ingredient can cost several times cheaper just because it has a different name and is produced at a domestic pharmaceutical company. Why overpay for advertising and branding?

It is not easy to live on, but those who plan their expenses wisely manage to save and even make a profit by creating deposits in the bank. If you want, then even with a minimum pension you can provide yourself with cultural leisure, periodically visit theaters, museums, philharmonic societies and lead a rich social life. Despite the high cost of tickets, someone manages to buy them at a low price with the help of acquaintances, while someone attends performances and exhibitions with free invitations and counterfeits.

A huge role in the well-being of pensioners is played by their own adult children, who either actively participate in the lives of their parents and help them financially, or, conversely, are indifferent and indifferent to the problems of their fathers and mothers. Do not forget about your parents for a minute, take care of them while they are around ...

Two-thirds of Russians agree that the life of a working pensioner is more interesting than the life of a non-working one: he has “more communication”, “more income - both a pension and a salary”. 11% consider the life of a pensioner who does not need to work to be more eventful: he “has more free time and is not dependent on the employer”, “he is calm and not tired.” In the opinion of 23% of Russians, one can live a rich life in retirement and with low income, 69% are sure that good incomes are needed for a rich life.

download data

FOMnibus is a representative survey of the population aged 18 and over. The survey involved 1,500 respondents - residents of 104 urban and rural settlements in 53 subjects of the Russian Federation. Face-to-face interviews were held at the place of residence of the respondents. The statistical error does not exceed 3.6%.

Do you think that most pensioners today live a rich, interesting life or a boring, uninteresting one?


Why do you think, for what reasons do most pensioners live a boring, uninteresting life?


Open question. Asked those who believe that the majority of pensioners today live a boring, uninteresting life - answered 75% of respondents

Imagine two pensioners of the same age, but one of them works and the other does not. What do you think, which of them has a richer, more interesting life - a working one or a non-working one?


Why do you think that the life of a working pensioner is more eventful and interesting?


Open question. Asked by those who believe that the life of a working pensioner is more eventful, interesting, - 67% of respondents answered

Why do you think that the life of a non-working pensioner is more eventful and interesting?


Open question. Asked by those who believe that the life of a non-working pensioner is more eventful, interesting, - answered 11% of respondents

Some believe that it is possible to live a rich and interesting life at retirement age even with a modest financial situation. Others believe that you need to have a good financial situation in order to live a rich, interesting life in retirement age. Which point of view do you prefer?


General population 18–30 years old 31–45 years old 46–60 years old Over 60 years old
First (you can live a rich life at retirement age even with a modest financial situation) 23 20 23 23 27
Second (you need to have a good financial situation in order to live a rich life at retirement age) 69 73 69 71 61
Difficult to answer 8 7 8 6 12

Do you think that when you reach retirement age, your life will become more eventful, interesting, or less eventful, interesting compared to the pre-retirement age? Or will nothing change in this regard?


Upon reaching retirement age, some people stop working, retire, while others continue to work. And what, most likely, will you do when you reach retirement age: will you work or stop working?


The question was asked only to women under 55 years of age and men under 60 years old - 71% of respondents answered

Do you have relatives of retirement age? And if so, do they work or not?


The question was asked only to women under 55 years of age and men under 60 years old - 71% of respondents answered

Recall the first years of life after the retirement of one of your relatives with whom you communicate most often. Do you think that with reaching retirement age, his (her) life has become more eventful, interesting than a few years before, less eventful, interesting, or has nothing changed in this regard?


The question was asked to women under 55 years old and men under 60 years old who have relatives of retirement age - 63% of respondents answered

With reaching retirement age, has your life become more eventful, interesting, or less eventful, interesting than a few years before retirement? Or has nothing changed in this regard?


The question was asked to respondents of retirement age - 29% of respondents answered

Please look at the card and tell me which of the following have you done in the last one or two years?


The question was asked to respondents of retirement age - 29% of respondents answered. Card, any number of answers

Go to the dacha, work in the garden 11
Look after small children, grandchildren 10
Go outdoors with family and friends 9
Correspond with relatives, friends on the Internet, social networks 5
Go to the cinema, theaters, museums, exhibitions 5
Travel around Russia 4
Go in for sports, physical education at home, on the street or in a sports club 3
Go to cafes, restaurants 3
Rest in a sanatorium, at a recreation center 2
Deal with community issues 2
Participate in the life of the parish religious community 2
have sex 2
Travel, vacation abroad 2
Attend educational courses, lectures, seminars (including on the Internet) 1
Participate in circles, associations of interest (dancing, singing, needlework, etc.) 1
Participate in parent committees at schools, kindergartens, etc. 0
Participate in rallies and protests 0
Didn't do any of the above 7
Difficult to answer 1

Have you noticed or not noticed that recently there have been stories on television about what a rich, interesting life some pensioners live?


Do you like these stories or don't like them?


The question was asked to those who noticed stories about the life of pensioners - 47% of respondents answered

Life in retirement: what and how do foreign pensioners live?

Retirement is often referred to as the golden age. It is understandable - the children are already adults, there is no need to work anymore - relax and enjoy life ... But can such a time be called “golden”, when the pension is barely enough to live on, which is probably familiar to most Russian pensioners. In 2017, in anticipation of two indexation of pension payments and after 5,000 lump sum compensations, the country's top leadership announces an increase in real pensions by as much as 2.1%. Although, in recent years, due to serious economic shocks, Russian pensioners have not seen this. Thanks to him, the average pension in Russia should rise to 13.5 thousand rubles.

Judging by the standards, quite serious money - the living wage for a pensioner for 2017 is set at 8,540 rubles. Based on this, it would seem that they should be quite enough not only for food, but also for other needs, for example, a trip to the sea, like the Germans, or a trip around Europe, like the Danes. Meanwhile, not all Russian old people receive a pension that reaches average levels, and therefore they have to continue working after 60 or barely make ends meet. And what is enough for foreigners who have gone on a well-deserved rest?

Germany: country of pensioners

The number of pensioners in Germany is comparable to the number of pensioners in Russia - 25% of the population over 65-67 years old. If a German does not have time to accumulate the minimum length of service, he still receives an old-age pension, in the amount of about 20 thousand rubles. In addition, the state will pay for his rent and utilities. Housing, by the way, is not customary to buy in Germany - the rights of tenants are well protected here, and the rent of an apartment or a small house itself costs 200-500 €. The average pension in Germany is about 73 thousand rubles, which is about 1080 €, so there is enough for a monthly rent of a decent shelter. Interestingly, those Germans who have worked all their lives (40 years of experience) have much higher pensions of 1500-2000 €.

In addition to housing, the monthly expenses of a German pensioner include health insurance, about 150 €, garage rental - 40-50 €, food - 150-200 €, and other small expenses. Pensioners in Germany practically do not spend money on medicines and treatment - most are covered by insurance- here you have medical services, and the necessary medicines, and even complex operations, such as prosthetics of the femoral neck or kidney transplant. Despite this, it is not customary for pragmatic Germans to “shine” - the money left from retirement is put aside in bank accounts, plus there is still enough to rest - to “budget” Spain, soak up the hot beaches, pensioners can afford to travel 2 times a year. Plus, travel around Europe.

Denmark: retirement paradise

Danish retirees are probably the happiest retirees in the world. In Denmark, the well-being of pensioners is officially recognized as the main priority of the nation, which cannot but affect their lives. Danish old people feel even better than the working population - with an average pension of at least 2000 € or 120 thousand rubles, they can afford anything. In addition to these funds, most of them have their own savings or participate in NPF programs, which only increases their income. The policy of the Danish government is such that pensioners should be as autonomous as possible, therefore they are paid high pensions, they try to popularize sports activities, entertain them in every possible way with only one goal - so that they get into local state-funded nursing homes as late as possible.

In addition, each municipality has a public organization "DunAge" - its members are engaged in protecting the rights of pensioners, and it is customary to reckon with it. As for the expenses of pensioners: prices in Denmark are quite high, but old people dress decently, attend entertainment venues and lead a life “for their own pleasure” without any problems - we are not talking about food. Nevertheless, the high cost of housing and utilities makes the Danes travel often - they can easily afford to live on the Mediterranean Sea or in the capital of one of the European countries for a couple of months.

Poland: you can earn extra money

Poland, of course, significantly lags behind the advanced European countries in matters of social security for pensioners, but it is definitely on the right track. Thus, the average pension of Polish old people is about 450-500 € (about 1,500 zlotys), which in terms of rubles is about 27.5 thousand rubles. For Europe, the money is not big, but it is quite possible to live on it, even being in the capital or other large cities. So, like the Russians, the Poles live in their own houses and apartments - paying for a communal apartment takes no more than 15-20% of the pension. About PLN 600 is taken by food - in Poland, food prices are quite low, so food takes a maximum of half of the pension. The remaining money is gifts for grandchildren, health (insurance here, as in Russia, is not very common) and other household needs.

If the pension is below PLN 1500, there are benefits for such pensioners: the state specifically helps with the payment of communal services, medicines, food, travel and other benefits necessary for an adequate existence. In addition, in the mid-00s, Polish pensioners were allowed to officially work, and now their opportunities have seriously expanded - travel around Europe has become standard in their life, because Schengen opens up a lot of opportunities for them. Given the opportunity to work part-time, many receive a sufficiently high total income that allows them to save money.

USA: for those who have worked

American pensioners do not particularly complain - even those who do not have a year of service and at the same time remained able-bodied all their lives receive minimal benefits of about $ 300. In the presence of any experience and regional surcharges - already twice as much. Payments for those who have worked throughout their lives start at $ 800 - such pensions for former representatives of ordinary professions and all those whose salary was not higher than $ 3 thousand. Employees with a higher salary scale, $5,000-7,000, already receive an average pension, which is $1,300 or 85,000 rubles. The highest pensions are received by representatives of honorable professions, for example, the military or officials, former pilots or doctors.

The life of pensioners differs according to the same grid - some live in rented apartments, some in nursing homes, while others can afford their own house and a quite decent car. Food is relatively cheap, and for those on a low income, food cards are also provided. In addition, pensioners can count on discounts and promotions in local retail chains. As for medical support, it is quite expensive, but pensioners are saved by the state pensioner insurance program which applies to most old people.

Japan: old age in the country

The Japanese are far from being the most spoiled people by social policy.

Pensions here are not the highest, but much higher than in other countries of the region. The average pension payment is about 65,000 yen, or 37,000 rubles. Most city pensioners live in their own apartments - utility bills usually cost 15-20%. Those who did not have time to find their own apartment prefer to live outside the city - rent costs a little more than even the pension itself. Outside the city, housing for pensioners costs 20-30 thousand - and remains for other needs. Food, depending on appetite, costs 10-20 thousand yen, which, again, has regional characteristics.

In retirement, the Japanese often earn extra money - they can often be found as taxi or public transport drivers, as well as salesmen. In addition, many practice retiring after 70, for which an increase in pension is due. Only wealthy pensioners allow themselves to travel - most do not leave Southeast Asia. Recently, the practice of moving to the neighboring Philippines or Indonesia has also appeared - even an average Japanese pension is enough there so as not to deny yourself anything.

Bulgaria: you won't envy

You can't really envy Bulgarian pensioners - Bulgaria has the lowest standard of living for older people in the entire EU.

According to Eurostat, 51% of pensioners experience serious material problems, and about a third simply live below the poverty line. If in many EU countries there is a certain economic inequality, which in principle is typical for any country, then in Bulgaria we are talking about the inability to maintain a minimum level of living standards. So, the average pension in the country is 120-130 €, which is about 8-9 thousand rubles. Only a few can think about any really worthy "European" old age - most live in their own homes and barely make ends meet.

Often Bulgarian pensioners have to face social exclusion and alienation. Food prices are 30-40% lower than in Russia, how pensioners survive. Like a communal apartment, water and electricity are much cheaper. Many who live in the resort area make a living by renting housing and selling it to tourists. However, like everywhere else. In general, many Russian pensioners who left to live in Bulgaria feel quite comfortable. But not the Bulgarians themselves.

"Work for the elderly": why do pensioners value jobs?

Everyone knows that with the onset of retirement age, Russians rarely think about a well-deserved rest - few people can afford to live on one pension. Such opportunities are available only to federal officials, judges, ex-governors and other "collars" who earn good money performing the functions of the state. The bulk of the population is waiting for the “golden time” only as a time when it will be possible to somewhat improve their financial situation, receiving a pension in addition to their salary. But speaking of this, we obviously do not fully understand the scale of the problem. To find out, the Center for Social Support for the Elderly "50 Plus" conducted a sociological study.

According to him, in the metropolitan area, 71% of senior citizens who have reached retirement age continue to work in their former places. Among the main reasons given by the respondents, the first is the financial problems of pensioners. In addition, they determine their work in retirement by the desire to maintain live communication with colleagues and interest in their professional occupation. How well do they manage to do this, and how long do older Russians manage to maintain the ability to perform a labor function?

keep working

The study conducted by the Center for Social Support covered respondents whose age was in the range of 50-85 years, but conclusions regarding involvement in labor activities were made in a younger age range. So, according to the data obtained, The largest proportion of older Russians who continue to work are between the ages of 50 and 64- such researchers counted 71% of respondents. As the age range of the respondents increases, the number of working old people decreases sharply - for example, at the age of 60-65, no more than half of the respondents work. If you expand the circle of the studied to the age limits of 60-70 years, then the number of workers will hardly exceed 30%, but if you raise it even higher, the percentage of employment is negligible.

Thus, the bulk of active pensioners go on a well-deserved rest only after 65, which has already become commonplace in Russian conditions. This, by the way, deserves to be another argument in favor of raising the retirement age, so actively lobbied and discussed lately. Moreover, the majority retires later for objective reasons - only 14% of those surveyed left the job under pressure from management. The state of health was the reason for retirement for a third of the respondents, and more than half left the workplace of their own free will.

There is no doubt that pensioners remain the least protected category of workers - their labor rights are violated much more often than the rights of others. Moreover, problems, especially in the private sector, begin with the onset of pre-retirement age, when there are still a few years left before retirement. In business, in particular, there is a stereotype that those who are in the rank of “thirty-year-olds” have a much higher efficiency, so the focus is on them. As for older people, they are rapidly trying to replace them as soon as they approach 50, or they put pressure on them, “thickly” hinting at the need to leave “of their own free will”. Under such conditions, it’s not that it’s impossible to keep a job in retirement - such companies consider it their serious miscalculation if a person retires from them, so they usually simply don’t work before it.

No options

Freed from their favorite work just before retirement, older people simply have no options. The most popular among them are low-paid budgetary areas, such as houses of culture or schools, as well as areas where low-skilled or unskilled labor is in demand. For example, pensioners are often hired as ushers, janitors, warehouse, parking lot or kindergarten attendants, supermarket cleaners, cloakroom attendants, and other workers where special competencies are not required. The salary, of course, is not more than 10-12-15 thousand rubles, and most often it is issued in an envelope. For pensioners, this is certainly a plus - many, receiving low pensions, receive regional surcharges that the envelope salary scheme cannot cancel - even a couple of thousand is serious money for them.

The majority, as the study showed, hold on to the workplace “until victorious” - until their health fails or the authorities kick them out. 37% cite financial problems as the main reason for this behavior- The pension is literally not enough to live on. In addition to the money issue, the motivation to work after retirement is due to the high interest in their own profession - every fifth working pensioner says this. In addition, every sixth pensioner says that he wants to remain an active part of society, benefiting others and staying busy. An equally important motivator is the fear of loneliness - as Maria Zakharova from MIRBIS assures, whose words are quoted by Izvestia, communication remains an important factor for the life of pensioners, 16% of respondents called it significant.

The study showed that 5 out of 6 older citizens, after 50 narrow their social circle, limiting it only to relatives and family. The old, possibly Soviet format of the way of life leads to this, where the end of work is comparable to the end of life, Zakharova believes. Those who are not afraid to change it, according to the expert, find a hobby without any problems, make new acquaintances and very often earn extra money by combining them. But this is typical only for large cities - there are much fewer such pensioners on the periphery. But there is no doubt that the financial issue is to blame.


As revenue items of your budget, quite expectedly, the majority - 70% named pension, along with salary (56%), as the main sources of their income. Every tenth, as his main "feeding" asset, named a personal household, and another 3% make a living by renting real estate. Interestingly, every fifth employed pensioner would gladly leave work and help children with grandchildren, if the money issue was not so acute. Another 17% would devote time to recovery, and the same number would look for new hobbies. But it is too early to think about it: firstly, there are no bright prospects for raising pensions, and secondly, the economic situation does not let pensioners go.

As you know, the demographic hole of the 90s led to an acceleration in the aging of the Russian population, and employers will soon have to be more loyal to older workers, otherwise there will simply be no one to work. Well, unless they are replaced by robots. Thus, according to official forecasts of state statisticians, the proportion of the population over the age of 60 will exceed 25% of the total population of Russia by the beginning of the 30s. The aging of the nation will inevitably lead to socio-economic changes in the country, and it is likely that much earlier. According to Zakharova, over the next 7-8 years, the economy, if there is no large-scale automation of the labor market, will need about 10 million able-bodied citizens.

And it is this same demographic hole that will lead to the fact that there will be nowhere to find them.

Almost five million Russians receive the minimum wage

Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Olga Golodets, speaking at the Sochi Investment Forum, recalled that the minimum wage is less than the subsistence minimum. Need to raise the minimum wage, according to Golodets, this will give acceleration to production and various sectors of the economy.

The Vice President of the Cabinet of Ministers stated that The minimum wage is the salary of 4 million 900 thousand Russians. Recall that today it is 7,500 rubles, this figure is almost 3,000 rubles lower than the official subsistence level.

According to Olga Golodets, employers in Russia very often underestimate the qualifications of employees and pay less than people deserve.

* Extremist and terrorist organizations banned in the Russian Federation: Jehovah's Witnesses, National Bolshevik Party, Right Sector, Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), Islamic State (ISIS, ISIS, Daesh), Jabhat Fatah ash-Sham", "Jabhat al-Nusra", "Al-Qaeda", "UNA-UNSO", "Taliban", "Majlis of the Crimean Tatar people", "Misanthropic Division", "Brotherhood" Korchinsky, "Trident named after. Stepan Bandera", "Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists" (OUN), "Azov"

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Reading time 8 minutes

Most of the life of every person passes in the daily cycle of worries and constant fuss. Some enjoy constant work activity, while others look forward to retirement. For both the former and the latter, life after retirement changes dramatically. Such changes can often cause stress. In this article, you can find material on how to live happily in retirement, as well as make this period of life joyful and productive.

How to prepare for retirement

If someone does not know what “retiring” means, then you can explain what it means: to do in peace and quiet only what you want, but only for this you need to become old enough. © Tove Jansson

Like any important event in life, retirement requires some preparation. First of all, there is a moral attitude. Many perceive the age of 60+ as the end of life, write themselves off from social activities and do not know what to do with themselves in the retirement period.

Therefore, it is extremely important to regard life after retirement not as a sunset, but as a long-awaited vacation and additional time to realize your desires. A happy retirement depends solely on the internal mood. Have you wanted to travel for a long time, but didn't have time? Or dreamed of learning how to play the harmonica? Or maybe it's finally time to write a memoir? Retirement gives everyone a huge gift - it's time. Time for yourself, for family and friends, friends and acquaintances. We need to find a way to use rationally this priceless gift.

If you plan in advance how to spend life after retirement, then leaving work will not be perceived as painful. Many begin to prepare for the retirement period in advance: they acquire and prepare summer cottages, they are determined in choosing a hobby. It depends only on your inner mood what your old age will be - active and happy, or spent in despondency in front of the TV screen.

How to survive in retirement - the financial side of the issue

In European countries, a person at retirement often already has money savings that are quite capable of ensuring a comfortable old age. Unfortunately, for pensioners of the CIS countries, the situation is such that if you do not set aside capital in advance, then it is almost impossible to survive on pension contributions. For modern pensioners, there are two options for a comfortable old age:

  1. Help for children and grandchildren. Proper upbringing, love for your children and grandchildren is, in a way, an investment in a comfortable old age and a decent life in retirement. After all, if trusting relationships have been built with the younger generation, respect for the elders has been instilled throughout life, family traditions have been preserved, then such upbringing is a guarantee that parents will not be left to the mercy of the pension fund.
  2. self help. Initially, you need to think about your provision in old age even before retirement, setting aside a small amount of capital. But besides this, it must be remembered that life after retirement is not the end of a person’s labor activity. Modern pensioners find an opportunity to earn extra money, for example, by mastering the Internet and doing remote work. The possibility of additional earnings is available to everyone, you just need to find a suitable business. For inveterate summer residents, this may be the sale of hand-grown products, for those who like to knit and embroider - the sale of handmade clothes. An income-generating hobby is a sure option that will not only solve the issue of additional income, but also take up the pensioner's free time.

A striking example is a pensioner from China, who at the age of 79 conquered the podium for the first time. Wang Deshun is a real star in the fashion world and at 80 years old he is not going to stop there.

It's not at all about your mind or age, let them be determined by nature. The fact is that you yourself are able to determine how old you are and what you can and cannot do. Old age is in the head, not in the body. © Wang Deshun

Ideas for additional income for pensioners

In Russia, there are also examples of pensioners in the modeling business. For example, Tatyana Neklyudova, a woman who worked all her life as an engineer, did not even suspect that at the age of 61 she would become the face of St. Petersburg fashion brands, and would even advertise Petrushka underwear.

  1. Caretaker or concierge job
  2. Internet sales
  3. Maintaining your own blog
  4. Garden or summer cottage (harvest for sale)
  5. Sewing clothes or selling knitwear
  6. Writing articles, theses and term papers for students
  7. Nanny, organization of a home kindergarten
  8. Sale of homemade cakes
  9. Tutoring
  10. Private transport (if you have your own transport)
  11. dog walking
  12. Breeding animals or plants for sale
  13. Work as a photographer or videographer (if you have certain skills)
  14. Cleaning, minor household repairs
  15. Mystery shopper
  16. Guide

Boring retirement - ways to spend leisure time in old age

Retirement is much easier for those people who already have a favorite activity outside of work. But what about those who have not found an interesting hobby?

Pensioners abroad

Life after retirement differs for people depending on where they live.

For example, in Turkey there are practically no nursing homes. Old age is held in high regard by the Turks, so close relatives will never leave the elderly alone and without a livelihood. Pensioners in Turkey most often spend their leisure time lazily and slowly - in coffee shops and visiting each other.

In Germany, on the contrary, it is not customary to support elderly parents, this is considered bad manners. Therefore, in Germany there are a lot of houses for pensioners.

Switzerland has a high standard of living, so the elderly Swiss have enough money in their account to enjoy life for the entire retirement period. Music, painting, dancing, literature - there is no such cultural niche in which Swiss pensioners could not realize themselves.

For Poles, life after retirement takes on a quiet, peaceful color, many of them find themselves working on a personal plot. Utility bills in Poland are extremely high, so travel is not available to them.

But pensioners - the French are extremely difficult to call sedentary. In France, the time of retirement means a new life. Traveling around the world, an active lifestyle, going out are the distinctive features of life after retirement among the cheerful French.

Extreme life after retirement

And old age is full of pleasures, if only you know how to use it. © Seneca Lucius Annaeus

It has been proven that active pensioners live much longer than those who prefer to spend their retirement period in prostration in front of the TV. There are even such specimens whose activity is so overwhelming that even young people admiringly call them crazy pensioners. Peaceful old age is not about them. Skydiving, surfing, hiking - all this is available even at the age of 60 years.

For example, the Yakut pensioner Petr Naumov ran a marathon, covering 3850 km. Englishman Leslie Carver, at the age of 72, gathered a company of his peers and made a round-the-world rally, during which a documentary was filmed. Pensioners-extremals want to donate the proceeds from the collection of film screenings to help starving children. But one American distinguished himself by the fact that he decided to celebrate his 90th anniversary in the air, but not just by parachuting. He flew while standing on the wing of a small plane. But the unconditional superiority in the list of crazy pensioners is won by the British centenarian Doris Long. With the noble goal of raising money for a local hospice, a 101-year-old woman descended from a 94-meter-high tower in Portsmouth Harbor. This brave descent earned Doris the title of MBE. Life after retirement became unexpectedly busy for Doris. Moreover, the long-lived woman began to engage in mountaineering already at the advanced age of 85 years.

Life in retirement can be even better than before. Since there is time and an opportunity to discover unexplored resources in yourself, try to realize yourself in new areas of life. Find the right way to live happily in retirement and spend this period of your life usefully and positively.