
Words of forgiveness from my daughter for swearing a lot. Is it necessary to ask for forgiveness from children? What's the best way to ask your daughter for forgiveness?


Asking for forgiveness can be difficult, and asking a child for forgiveness is almost like climbing Mount Everest. Is it necessary to ask a child for forgiveness? Is it enough to say “I’m sorry” or is there more to it? Every parent asks this question. Some people believe that the authority of an adult is indisputable, and there is no point in asking a child for forgiveness. Psychologists and scientists have long proven that this is a fallacy. So .

Why is it important to ask for forgiveness from your daughter or son?

  1. Children acutely feel the need for justice. An unfairly accused child will not ignore the insult and will not forget it. Most likely this situation will be carried into adulthood.
  2. The ability to ask for forgiveness will help show the child the love of the parent. It demonstrates openness to dialogue; the child will understand that parents can be trusted.
  3. It can be scary to ask your daughter for forgiveness, because she is a small woman and can show her character. We advise you to prepare in advance, be honest, and prepare a gift.
  4. Never buy forgiveness from your child. Never neglect conversation. The child must understand that you realize exactly what you were wrong about and must understand how to react next time.
  5. Don't be idle. Asking for forgiveness every time after an “explosion” can become a habit and the value of this will be lost. Children remember even your smallest promises. “Okay, let's go” is a promise!

How to ask a child for forgiveness?

  1. Explain the reasons.
    The adult and the child must perceive the situation in the same way, so it is necessary to talk through the reasons for the “acute” behavior of both participants.
  2. Say the main words: “I ask you to forgive me for...” - you must say what exactly you want to apologize for.
  3. Follow up your words with action. Remember with your child what you wanted to do together and do it.
  4. You can give a gift, but it’s better to organize some kind of children's event: arrange family game, invite your friends and have an “Indian” party.

What surprise can you prepare for your child?

My beloved daughter, my treasure! I ask for your forgiveness and want you to never be offended by me. Maybe I didn’t do something, didn’t say it, didn’t add it, but I always did everything I could for you. I want you to have only the best in life, so that you are the happiest, so that your heart never knows worries and suffering. And may our great Lord always forgive you for your mistakes. Happy Forgiveness Sunday!

IN Forgiveness Sunday
You, daughter, forgive me,
It might be something involuntary
I offended you.

Sorry for being too harsh
And eternal maternal control,
I only wish the best
To you, my daughter, in life.

On Forgiveness Sunday
And I forgive you
I want you, dear,
She was happier than me.

Daughter, forgive me, please,
Sometimes I don't notice rudeness
When I the right words I don't find it
Then I rip off my accumulated anger!

I'm on Forgiveness this Sunday
I want you to forgive me for everything!
I ask you for forgiveness now,
So that you let go of your grievances!

I will become more restrained, I promise,
Just don’t accumulate evil in your heart,
I love you, beloved, dear,
Let our life be full of warmth!

The resurrection of forgiveness is coming,
The time to apologize is coming
So that our heart and soul
The heavy load has been lifted forever!

I'll hug my daughter
And I'll tell you how much I love you
Forever in my soul, forever,
You are the closest person to me!

Daughter, forgive me for everything,
Don't hold a grudge against me,
Know that a mother's heart is always
He will worry about you!

Sorry, my dear daughter,
Be happy and loved.
Me on Forgiveness Sunday
I'll ask you for forgiveness,
So that in your heart forever
There was no trace of resentment left.

Daughter, forgive me, dear!
Sometimes I can't help myself,
I can be too strict
And then I regret it so much.

I love you with all my heart, daughter,
Let's forget all the insults of a moment,
Let today be a sunny flower
Forgiveness will bloom in your soul!

My dear daughter, forgive me for the insults, misunderstandings, harsh words and actions. May there always be peace, a feeling of happiness and tranquility in your heart. I congratulate you on Forgiveness Sunday and wish that there will always be harmony and trust between us.

Daughter, my little blood! Today is a holy day, today everyone should open their hearts and let light and goodness into them. Let go of all evil, envy and troubles, cleanse your souls. So I want to ask you for forgiveness for everything. I wish you only the best on this earth, so that you are always protected by angels when I am not around. Happy forgiven resurrection, daughter!

Forgive me, daughter. On Forgiveness Sunday, may your heart let go of all grievances and sorrows, may there be no room left in your life for unnecessary worries and quarrels with loved ones. Daughter, I love you very much and sincerely wish you to always be happy and loved. My dear, do not offend anyone and let no one dare to offend you.

Sorry for what I don't know about
I'm warning you once again,
Why sometimes I look askance
I never say that.
Forgive me again, dear -
Sometimes I don’t have time to hug
And press it to your heart.
Send all your love
And protect from storms and adversity.
So that life gives a magic raft,
Which will bring happiness.

We, parents, are the children of our parents, and they are theirs. First of all, we use the experience of our parents, and only then decide whether to leave the previous experience or get a different, new one. This is the responsibility of an adult child. This is the law of life. What experience did you have from your parents?

Mothers and daughters - heart to heart conversation

Violation of the relationship between parents and children is always painful and, as practice has shown, a broad and relevant topic for many. Let me generalize the causes and consequences of disruption of parent-child relationships. And on behalf of the collective image of Mom, talk to Daughters of any age.

Why should you ask your own children for forgiveness? Should I or should I not?

Each of us has the right to our own life experiences and our own views on this topic.

Here are the answers that, in my opinion, I most often hear during therapy sessions:

    Forgiveness? Your own children? Yes, they should ask me for forgiveness for the fact that we (the parents) raised, fed, taught, dressed, put on shoes, for everything that he/she has done in his/her life. We put in so much effort and gave up so much. And they? Where is the gratitude?

    Yes, I am guilty before the child. I look at his life, and everything is wrong there! My heart hurts for him. I want to help, but he/she doesn’t hear me.

    What did I do?

We, parents, are the children of our parents, and they are theirs. First of all, we use the experience of our parents, and only then decide whether to leave the previous experience or get a different, new one. This is the responsibility of an adult child. This is the law of life. What experience did you have from your parents?

When YOU are a child, adults make decisions for you.

If YOU are an adult, then the opportunity to change a lot in your own life is your conscious choice.

Daughter, I'm sorry!

In each individual family situation, an awareness of the consequences of one’s own relationships with children appears.

The following phrases are born:

Daughter, forgive me for being your mother for the first time. I learned to be a mother and made mistakes.

I'm sorry that I'm giving up my life and trying to change yours. Sorry, I don't trust you.

Daughter, forgive me for wanting love from you, which I lacked. I waited and was offended. You can't be my mom, dad, or husband. You are only my daughter and will always be only my daughter, and I am your mother. You can only be a MOM for your children.

Daughter, forgive me for saying: “You should live better than me.”I didn’t understand that I was frightening you with these phrases. The bewilderment from these phrases only strengthened my fear of this world; I thought that this statement would help you be successful.

Forgive me for the fact that because of the fear of death, the fear of losing you, I constantly looked after you, did not allow you to be independent, did not let you go from me. I knew better than you what you wanted. Only now I saw the consequences of such hyper-care.

Forgive me for not trusting you and not teaching you to live on your own and easily solve everyday problems, act and not wait.

I didn’t teach you to “want” by anticipating your desires and anticipating them.

I'm sorry that I taught you to only receive. Even now, when you are an adult, I try to predict your desires. This is true! Understand that it is very difficult to give up your habits.

Forgive me for convincing you to give up your own desires, because I rely on my capabilities, because I want to take part in your life.

I want you to be dependent on me. Sorry! My distrust is due to the fact that I did not teach you to distinguish between what is dangerous and what is safe for you in this life. That's why you're scared. I “beat my hands” and said: “You can’t!” But you should have said: “Danger!”

I'm sorry that most often, when returning from work, I complained out loud to adversity, problems, everyday situations and crises, to dad, forgetting to talk about how I cope with this, how happy I am that I have you and HIM. It is possible that this is why you are stuck at the “childhood” age, so as not to take responsibility for yourself, so as not to live an “adult” life.

Every moment, moment was given to me to rejoice in your existence.Just enjoy how you grow, mature, learn to be.

I'm sorry that I brushed aside your questions, tears, cuddles then, in childhood, in adolescence. You learned that you don’t need to bother your mom, mom is busy. And now I want attention and care. I refused then, but now I want it! Sorry, I was stupid.

I'm sorry that most often you saw me preoccupied and sad. I forgot how to enjoy this world, and I didn’t teach you to see joy in every moment.

I'm sorry that you didn't live up to the hopes that I had for you, that you don't live according to the scenario that I created for myself.

Only now I realized that you were not born to me in order to justify my hopes. You have your own destiny, and I have mine.

Forgive me for the fact that, like in childhood, I was not able to “dissolve your trouble with my hands.” I am a woman, not the Universe. I can sympathize, grieve, grieve, cry and rejoice with you. When together, everything is divided in half!

Daughter, I'm sorry! I did not explain to you that divorce occurs only between a Wife and a Husband. Dad will always be your dad. He left me, not You! This is not your fault. You will have your own/another husband, the father of your children.

Daughter, forgive me for not telling you about my happiness! This is about the fact that I HAVE you!

For me, you are the best, kindest and dearest daughter.

I tell you: “YES!”

I could only be who I was! Sorry!

Let me sit next to you.Let's hug, cling to each other and just BE SILENT! published

I’ll say right away that the article is not mine, I read it on the net, I think it will touch many people. To be honest, I didn’t look to see if it was posted before, I didn’t have time. So...

Forgive me, daughter...

I cannot write about this calmly and objectively. I wonder, would you be able to if you found out about the existence of an elaborate plan to kill your child? Moreover, have you seen that this plan is already bearing fruit? This plan is called the National Immunization Schedule. This is my personal conclusion.

I learned that the topic of vaccine safety has been raised in the press since the late eighties. I found out about this late. Too late. I'm not the most closed person to information. When I told my friends (among them many doctors) about the facts that became known to me, they were shocked - no one told them about this. Therefore, I consider it my duty to write about it again. I will try to present as many facts as possible, although sometimes it is impossible to resist commenting. But still, I ask you to draw your own conclusions.

Hepatitis B

My daughter received her first vaccination against hepatitis B a few hours after birth in the maternity hospital. I gave birth without painkillers and stimulation, I was of sound mind and sober memory. However, they did not warn me about this, did not ask my permission - and thus violated my right, which is enshrined in the Federal Law “On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases” of September 17, 1998. Article 5 of this law says: “When carrying out immunization, citizens have the right to: receive complete and objective information from medical workers about the need for preventive vaccinations, the consequences of refusing them, possible post-vaccination complications... to refuse.”

However, I didn’t know this then.

A month later, at the clinic, we received a revaccination. And then we fell behind the schedule - my daughter developed an allergy, the immunologist we turned to suggested holding off on all vaccinations, including hepatitis, although “it’s not scary at all.” At that time I had no idea what this “holding back” would save us from.

What is the hepatitis B vaccine?

After this question, in the health bulletin that hung near the vaccination office in our children's clinic, there was a phrase that was exhaustive in its information content: “The vaccine protects a person from infection with the hepatitis B virus.”

So what is the hepatitis B vaccine? We read the “Instructions for use of the Vaccine against hepatitis B DNA recombinant”: “The vaccine against hepatitis B is a preparation based on the surface antigen of the hepatitis B virus, obtained by DNA recombination in a yeast culture, transformed by including in their genome the gene encoding the surface antigen of the hepatitis B virus B. One milliliter of the drug contains... 0.5 mg of hydroxide and 50 mcg of merthiolate (preservative).” (emphasis mine - D.M.). If we translate all this from medical language into Russian, it turns out that the vaccine is a product of genetic engineering. If you remember the lessons of inorganic chemistry, it will become clear that hydroxide is a salt of a metal, in this case aluminum (this word was missed in the instructions). Merthiolate, for those who don’t know, is a mercury compound, a cell poison, a pesticide.

However, officials from the Ministry of Health have repeatedly stated that all these substances are contained in quantities that are not dangerous to the health of the child. On the basis of what they claimed so, I don’t know - I didn’t find a single reference to research on this problem. But I discovered another study. Mice and guinea pigs were injected with merthiolate. Here are the results: “ulceration, baldness of animals, loss of body weight and death were observed at the injection site.” The most meticulous ones have calculated: if the amount of mercury contained in one dose of the vaccine is isolated from it, then a person will be able to see a drop of this metal with the naked eye.

Heavy metals are very poorly excreted from the body. And the “permissible concentration” of mercury is administered to infants six times during the first year of life – three times in the hepatitis B vaccine, three times with the DTP vaccine.

What effect does mercury-containing salt have on the body? It affects the central and peripheral nervous system, can disrupt the activity of the heart and cause allergies.

Regarding aluminum. When vaccinated, it penetrates the brain. There are studies that show that prolonged contact of this substance with brain tissue leads to learning disabilities and dementia.

“The most harmless vaccination,” the local pediatrician admonished me, escorting me to the treatment room. Harmless? But why then is a symposium on “Neonatal Death and Hepatitis B Vaccination” being held in America? Yes, because newborns die after this vaccination. In the USA (I refer to this country because we have no statistics on complications after vaccinations) there is a reporting system side effects vaccinations. Its database reports that 148 children died from this vaccine over eight years. Please note that only 10% of the information enters this system. So add a zero.

What awaits those who survive? The most unlucky ones are defeats nervous system. In France, 15 thousand people with similar consequences filed a lawsuit - and they stopped imposing the vaccine. Or autoimmune diseases. A terrible thing is that the body mistakes its own cells for “strangers” and begins to destroy them. In fact, it destroys itself. Or insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus - in New Zealand it increased by 60% after the vaccine was included in the national vaccination schedule.

Well, maybe hepatitis B is such a terrible disease that these consequences can be neglected? The virus is most often transmitted through blood, less often through other body fluids. So your newborn is at risk of contracting hepatitis B if he is a drug addict or prostitute. Yes, he can still be infected medical workers– through injection. The baby is truly at risk if his mother is infected with this infection.

Therefore, in the sanitary and epidemiological rules approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation G. G. Onishchenko on July 1, 2000, which are called “Prevention of Viral Hepatitis,” we read:

"8. Vaccine prevention of hepatitis B

8.2 Vaccinations are carried out with the consent of citizens, parents... to the following groups:

8.2.1. Children of the first year of life. First of all, newborns born to mothers who are carriers of the virus or patients with hepatitis B in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy.”

If you follow the logic of these rules, then all women who give birth in maternity hospitals are carriers. But I know for sure that I did not have hepatitis B - why was mercury injected into my child’s blood? And who will be responsible for this except myself?

Maybe you think that vaccination will protect your child from illness in adulthood, when he can actually turn to drug addiction and prostitution? Not at all. Previously, manufacturers wrote that immunity after this vaccine lasts 10 years. Now they write - 7 years. And in the health bulletin at our clinic it is written: “possibly for the rest of my life.”

Good news? On March 10, a conference of phthisiatricians (tuberculosis specialists) was held in Samara. It was announced that the vaccine against hepatitis B was prohibited from being used together with BCG - this “bouquet” is considered to be to blame for the increase in bone tuberculosis, and in children under one year of age, in whom this type of tuberculosis had never been encountered before. Compare with the phrase from the Rules, which were already quoted above:

“8.1 The hepatitis B vaccine can be combined with all vaccines in the National Immunization Schedule.”

True, the price for this cancellation may be considerable: they are going to cancel the few contraindications to the hepatitis vaccine that currently exist.

When you enter our children's clinic, you immediately come across a health bulletin that tells horror stories about tuberculosis: “Every 48 residents of the Samara region are infected with tuberculosis... Tuberculosis is transmitted by airborne droplets, so you can become infected in a store, on a tram, on the street...” You already scary? Don't be afraid - there is a way out: “The BCG vaccine protects children and adolescents from tuberculosis. BCG immunization is the main method of specific prevention of tuberculosis.”

True, in the same health bulletin there is a confusing phrase: “Humans have natural resistance to tuberculosis. The introduction of an infection does not always cause disease.” Are you surprised yet? Then think about this fact: BCG has been mandatory for all newborns, almost without exception, since 1962. Why is tuberculosis growing?

For some reason I didn’t learn from this health bulletin that today 32% of the world’s population is infected with tuberculosis. The figure is impressive, but... Only 10% of this number get sick. The rest either remain carriers or are completely cured on their own. The outcome depends on the state of the person’s immune system. And among children under two years of age, 10 out of one hundred thousand become infected.

What is the BCG vaccine? These are live but weakened Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Once they enter the human body, they begin to multiply, and then, theoretically, the body must defeat the infection and produce antibodies. But the trouble is that a newborn’s antibody formation system is imperfect. And from this system do we expect an adequate response to the introduced infection?

I didn’t make a reservation - in the first three to five days after birth, a child is deliberately infected with tuberculosis. As proof, I can cite an excerpt from Order No. 109 of March 21, 2003 “On improving anti-tuberculosis measures in the Russian Federation.” It's about about the BCG-M vaccine, intended for gentle immunization: “Unused vaccine is destroyed by boiling for 30 minutes, autoclaving at 126 degrees for 30 minutes or immersing in a disinfectant solution for 60 minutes.” This is usually done when destroying infectious material. These are safety precautions for adults medical personnel. For infants, this dangerous substance is injected directly into the blood.

There are no examples of self-healing from tuberculosis at this age. Self-healing is only possible in children over three years of age.

It is useless to give BCG to newborns. The vaccine does not protect against tuberculosis infection. Moreover, in 1980, WHO conducted research on this vaccine in India, where tuberculosis is very common. The results exceeded all expectations: the incidence among vaccinated people was higher than among unvaccinated people.

If you're hoping the vaccine will protect your child from severe forms of TB, you're wrong. The fact is that there is primary and secondary tuberculosis. The secondary one is always much more severe and cannot be self-healed. Primary tuberculosis in our children develops after BCG vaccination. So in case of infection it will be secondary. Here is what a phthisiatrician with forty years of experience, professor of Donetsk State Medical University B.V. Noreiko writes: “Now it’s simply scary to look at children and adolescents who have no future, since destructive tuberculosis has become the main form of tuberculosis for this age.” He associates this change in the disease primarily with universal immunization with the BCG vaccine.

Giving BCG to newborns is criminal. The vaccine has contraindications. I will list only two of them: congenital enzymopathy and immunodeficiency states. To diagnose these contraindications, it takes more than one month - and everyone is vaccinated on the 3rd - 5th day after birth, naturally, even without diagnostic attempts.

Giving BCG to newborns is dangerous. Vaccinations have complications. Why don't you know about them? Yes, because there is an order - the same one that I already talked about “On improving anti-tuberculosis measures in the Russian Federation.” And in this order there is a wonderful phrase: “Before vaccination (re-vaccination), the doctor and nurse must necessarily... inform the parents of the child (teenager) in advance about immunization and the local reaction to the vaccine.” Did you notice? The doctor and nurse do not “must necessarily” inform about complications (although a separate chapter is devoted to these complications in the order).

There is another interesting point in this phrase: parents are informed about the vaccination - they are not offered, but only informed. Why this is so is clear from the text of the Order: “Federal Law of September 17, 1998 No. 157-FZ “On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases” provides for mandatory (italics mine - D.M.) preventive vaccinations against nine infectious diseases, including tuberculosis." You know, I read this federal law very carefully and more than once. I couldn’t find where it says mandatory vaccinations. On the contrary, there I am given the right to refuse immunization.

In general, this law is very progressive. For example, it has the following chapter: “Social protection of citizens in the event of post-vaccination complications.” Article 19, paragraph 2: “In the event of the death of a citizen resulting from a post-vaccination complication...”

Cases of death after BCG are known. What other “complications” are there? Perhaps I will use the weapons of those who agitate us “for vaccinations.” Their weapon is intimidation. I will also limit myself to listing the most severe diseases and will omit such little things as a subcutaneous cold abscess at the site of vaccine administration, a keloid scar and a superficial ulcer. Post-BCG syndrome is a manifestation of the disease that occurs after vaccination, mainly of an allergic nature. Lymphadenitis (inflammation of the lymph nodes) - the number of patients with BCG lymphadenitis is 20-40% higher than the number of children under 7 years of age with all forms of tuberculosis. Another common complication is osteomyelitis - an infectious tuberculous inflammatory process in the bone marrow.

In general, the number of “betsezhits” – children who have received complications from vaccination – is several times higher than the incidence of tuberculosis in unvaccinated children.

And here are some other “little things” that are not mentioned in the Order - but experienced phthisiatricians talk about them. For us, dysbiosis has become almost the norm. But it appeared in the practice of pediatricians in 1965 - three years after the introduction of mandatory BCG vaccination. Why? There are special cells in human blood - phagocytes - that “digest” aggressive aliens. For this, phagocytes need oxygen. But tuberculous mycobacteria require a constant supply of oxygen: they exist only in an aerobic environment. Therefore, phagocytes cannot cope with their functions (especially in the body of an infant, who has the peculiarities of this process), and as a result, the growth of staphylococcus and fungal diseases. “What are you worried about,” the doctor at the infectious diseases hospital told me, to whom I ran when my daughter was cultured with Staphylococcus aureus, “now thirty percent of the population are carriers of staphylococcus.” Why did the human body suddenly stop coping with this infection? Actually, staphylococcus is “flowers”. It is replaced by more dangerous bacteria, and when they finish their job, it’s the turn of oncology. Is this the reason for the crazy increase in childhood leukemia?

Tuberculosis is a disease of the slums. It is directly related to the level of well-being of society (as are many infections). Currently, an increase in tuberculosis (according to WHO data for 2002) is observed in the CIS countries and the Saharan countries in Africa. In the rest of the world, the disease is on the decline. So maybe we can start fighting the infection from the other end?

Ballad of a Button

The button test - the Mantoux test - was done to all of us and continues to be done to our children, starting from the age of one year. According to the order “On the improvement of anti-tuberculosis measures in the Russian Federation,” the liquid that is administered to us includes Tween-80 as a stabilizer and phenol as a preservative. Phenol is poisonous to all cells of the body. In large doses, it can cause convulsions, heart and kidney failure. Naturally, all official sources say that the dose of phenol contained in Mantoux is harmless. But I have not found any references to studies on the basis of which such a conclusion is made. There are no studies on whether phenol can accumulate in the body (Mantoux, let me remind you, is done annually). But phenol is known to suppress the immune response - that is, reduce the body’s defenses in the fight against infections. Tween-80 (polysorbate-80) increases the activity of estrogen, the female sex hormone. The long-term effects of this chemical compound have not been studied.

By the way, in modern medicine there is another drug for detecting antibodies to Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is called “Diagnosticum erythrocyte tuberculosis antigenic dry.” It does not need to be injected into the child’s blood; on the contrary, for this diagnosis, the child’s blood is taken. In the same Order we read: “The sensitivity of the enzyme immunoassay for tuberculosis is 60-70%, and the specificity is about 90%, which does not allow the use of the test system for screening tuberculosis infection.” As experts explained to me, these figures are not a bad indicator at all.

In the same order, I was unable to find figures characterizing the sensitivity of the Mantoux test. But I found other interesting things: “When interpreting the dynamics of sensitivity to tuberculin, one should also take into account that the intensity of reactions to the Mantoux test can be influenced by a number of factors that determine the overall reactivity of the body: the presence of somatic pathology, the general allergic mood of the body, the phase of the ovarian cycle of girls, individual the nature of skin sensitivity, the balance of the child’s diet, etc. ... Adverse environmental factors have a pronounced impact on the results of mass tuberculin diagnostics: increased background radiation, the presence of harmful emissions from chemical industries, etc.” (emphasis mine - D.M.) I especially liked the words “etc., etc.” After this, you can’t help but wonder: what is the effectiveness of the Mantoux test, especially considering that with the help of this test it is impossible to distinguish people infected with tuberculosis from people who have been vaccinated with BCG? And why then is a substance introduced into the child’s body that has not been tested for either carcinogenic or mutagenic potential?

My three-month-old daughter endured the first vaccination with this drug “with dignity”: 37.3 C. But after revaccination, which is carried out three months later, the temperature was 39.3, in addition, she had diarrhea with blood. The blood was attributed to temperature, and temperature... “an adverse reaction is the second main property of the vaccine.”

After such a reaction, we postponed all subsequent vaccinations. At the clinic they swore that I was leaving the child without protection against infections. And I was afraid - when for two days you carry in your arms a body that is swollen from the heat, which does not even have the strength to suck, you involuntarily think.

When we were one year and three months old, I went to my local pediatrician without the child to consult about further vaccinations. In addition, I had new information about vaccinations that I wanted to clarify. I specifically do not mention the number of the clinic, much less the name of the pediatrician. Something tells me that such a conversation could have taken place in any clinic in the city.

First I asked what was included in the vaccines. The answer was:

How's the composition? Look: for hepatitis - for jaundice. DPT – whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus.

No, I understand what these vaccinations are for. What does the vaccine include?

Those killed...

I read that vaccines contain mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum...

Nobody, nothing - what are you doing? There is nothing like that.

What complications are there?

Nothing was noted, no one was called... There were never any complications - how many children were there at the site and in the clinic. Well, the temperature is 37.6. This is a common reaction; the pertussis component is inoculated.

We still need to vaccinate against polio. This vaccine contains live microorganisms and should not be given to children with weakened immune systems. My child has fermentopathy...

Yes, now every second child has this fermentopathy... Everyone has Giardia, chlamydia, cytomegalovirus... Practically, there are no such people now who are completely healthy. It’s just that some people were examined and did this, but others didn’t, they don’t attach any importance to it.

Are they vaccinated too?


And then, according to the schedule, we will be vaccinated against measles and mumps. The vaccine for these diseases is made on the basis of chicken protein, we are allergic to eggs... I once forgot, ate an omelette - the child turned blue all over.

Yes, everyone does it, even with egg allergies. If you are afraid, you can do Tetrakok. This is measles-mumps-rubella in one ampoule.

Isn't it egg-based?

No, the basis is the same.

What's the point?

Well, you will give not two injections, but one.

That is, we can get vaccinated despite our food allergies and fermentopathy?

Certainly. After all, diphtheria is raising its head everywhere! Last year there was one polio-like disease in Samara. Hepatitis B is quite common.

Clear. Can we get vaccinated and don’t need to be afraid of complications?

Of course, don't come!

What the local pediatrician didn’t say

DTP is perhaps the most terrible vaccine. According to even our strange statistics, 60% of all complications from immunoprophylaxis are due to it. There are complications from it, and they are by no means limited to “well, temperature.” In addition to it, there are also reactions associated with damage to the central nervous system: persistent high-pitched scream, convulsions, post-vaccination encephalitis, reactions with damage to various organs (kidneys, joints, heart, gastrointestinal tract, etc.); allergic reactions (up to asthmatic syndrome and anaphylactic shock - the most terrible allergic reaction that can cause death if help is not provided in time).

The DTP vaccine has been linked to the development of autism. Everyone is now writing about the rise of autism; children's magazines are publishing articles on how to communicate with these children. In the United States, doctors are almost talking about an autism epidemic. In particular, I found the following figure: if in 1978 there was 1 case of autism per 10 thousand people, now there is 1 case per 300-600 people. Separately, they talk about “regressive autism”: a child develops normally until a certain time, and then suddenly begins to regress in his development, losing everything he has gained. Researchers of the disease began to notice that often this change occurs soon after vaccination: in 33% of cases - after DTP, in 52% - after vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps.

Naturally, autism can only develop in children who are predisposed to it. Although available statistics indicate that there are too many predisposed people. And then, in order to identify a predisposition, a diagnosis is needed! Otherwise, we risk exchanging diphtheria for a truly terrible and currently incurable disease.

Microbiologists indicate that the pertussis component of the vaccine can contribute to the development of leukemia, a blood cancer.

This whole “bouquet” of complications after vaccination is crowned by sudden death.

Some numbers

The American Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting Service reported that in 1998 there were 57 child deaths associated with DTP vaccination. Let me remind you that only 10% of the information flows there. For comparison, in 2000, 17 children died from whooping cough in America.

Japan. 1975 – DTP vaccination is suspended. After this, Japan becomes the country with the lowest infant mortality rate. In 1981, vaccination was allowed for children from 3 to 48 months, at the discretion of the parents. By 1992, the infant death rate had risen by 371%.

You may have heard of SIDS - Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. At one time, I also studied various publications and memorized advice like “don’t put your baby on his tummy to sleep.” Now different scientists from different countries This “unexplained” syndrome is associated with vaccinations, including DPT. For example, the following observation is given. It is believed that infants under six months of age are more susceptible to SIDS. Meanwhile, Texas human rights activists, having analyzed data on children who died from the syndrome, saw that most often infants of the age at which vaccinations were killed (in America this is 2, 4 and 6 months). In 2000, the Federal Court was forced in ninety cases to change the diagnosis of SIDS and recognize that the death of the child was due to vaccination.

This effect of DPT is often associated with the anti-pertussis component. I am not a doctor, but I was struck by the similarity of complications after DTP and after whooping cough: the same sudden stops of breathing in infants in the first month of life, the same encephalic disorders and the risk of blood cancer. Unfortunately, I can’t compare the numbers - I just didn’t find them - which risk is greater: getting complications from the vaccine or from whooping cough. Perhaps I am biased, but it seems to me that with universal immunization the first risk is still greater.

This risk is also increased by the fact that the DPT vaccine contains such strong toxins as mercury, aluminum and formaldehyde. Yes, yes, exactly those substances, the presence of which the local pediatrician so zealously denied. Meanwhile, to prove their presence, it is not at all necessary to do a chemical study. It is enough to read the “Instructions for the use of pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus adsorbed liquid vaccine”, approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor G. G. Onishchenko on October 31, 2001. In the first two paragraphs it states: “The DPT vaccine consists of a suspension of killed pertussis microbes and purified diphtheria and tetanus toxoids, sorbed on aluminum hydroxide... In the vaccination dose, the drug contains... no more than 50 mcg of merthiolate (preservative).”

The doctor really might not have known about formaldehyde - it kills pertussis bacteria and, as studies show, is then not removed from the vaccine. And in the human body, it contributes to the appearance of cancer, since formaldehyde is a recognized carcinogen.

And yet, maybe this dangerous chemical compound reliably protects the child’s body from infection - and at least this can justify its introduction? In principle, DTP cannot protect against diphtheria and tetanus. The most severe complications in these diseases are caused by toxins released by bacteria. Therefore, the vaccine contains toxoid - diphtheria and pertussis. And immunity is developed not to diphtheria and whooping cough, but to their toxins.

A lot of evidence has been collected that vaccinated children become infected with the infections against which they are vaccinated.

Some numbers:

Great Britain. 1980 study. The fact is cited that in all outbreaks and epidemics, 30-50% of those sick are fully vaccinated. Meanwhile, 95% of unvaccinated children aged from birth to five years do not get sick at all.

1979 Sweden has canceled vaccinations against whooping cough. Cases of the disease under the age of 6 months (considered the most dangerous) have disappeared completely.

1959 – 1960, Kerch. Diphtheria outbreak. Of the 200 people who got sick, at least 143 were vaccinated.

East of Ukraine: out of 280 people sick with diphtheria, 174 are fully vaccinated.

St. Petersburg (late 20th century) 70% of those sick with diphtheria were vaccinated...

Why then do they vaccinate? The answer to this can be found in Decree of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated March 6, 2002 No. 8 on the introduction of sanitary and epidemiological rules “Prevention of Diphtheria”:

"8. Organization and implementation of routine immunization of the population against diphtheria.

8.1 The main method of protection against diphtheria is vaccination, which is aimed at creating immunity of the population to this infection. People vaccinated against diphtheria develop antitoxic immunity, which protects against toxic forms of diphtheria and deaths.” (emphasis mine - D.M.)

The same Resolution contains other points:

"9. Immunization of persons who have had diphtheria

9.3 Children and adolescents who have been vaccinated twice or more times and have had severe forms of diphtheria...

10. Immunization for epidemic indications.

10.3. The criteria for introducing immunization according to epidemic indications and selecting groups to be immunized are:

The presence of deaths among those vaccinated against diphtheria..."

The last point is completely incomprehensible to me: if there are deaths among vaccinated people, let’s urgently vaccinate everyone? But from the same order it became clear to me why the local pediatrician lied so persistently that there were no complications after this vaccination and there could not be:

“8.4 The heads of the institution ensure the planning, organization and implementation, completeness of coverage and reliability of records of preventive vaccinations...

8.22 Vaccination coverage should be:

Completed vaccination of children aged 12 months 95%

First revaccination of children aged 24 months 95%

Adults in each age group 95%"

As I understand it, the Ministry of Health determined in advance that only 5% of the population can refuse vaccinations. The rest are doomed.


I think you will be told plenty of horror stories about the paralysis that this disease causes in your clinic. I will list the facts that surprised me.

Since 2001 Russian Federation certified as a polio-free country. So now our children are being vaccinated under the motto “Otherwise he will return” (remember the frightening phrase from my conversation with the local doctor that last year there was a whole polio-like disease in Samara).

There are currently three known types of polio virus, from which we are vaccinated. The first type of virus can infect one child in a thousand. Viruses two and three – one in five hundred. Of those infected, 90-95% will have polio without clinical manifestations and will leave immunity for life. 4-8% will have mild forms of the disease - and also lifelong immunity. Calculate for yourself what the percentage of the probability is that your child may get a severe form of polio.

It is impossible to vaccinate people who have developed natural immunity - in this case, the antibodies that they have in their body will be spent fighting the antigens introduced with the vaccine - and the person will remain unprotected. Interestingly, the baby has so-called passive immunity - it receives antibodies from the mother through the placenta and continues to receive from breast milk(by the way, this is true for most infections). In this case, what does vaccination do to our children?

In our country, the most common oral polio vaccine is the well-known “drop in the mouth”, after which you cannot eat anything for forty minutes so that the vaccine is absorbed. My daughter protected herself from the second vaccination: as you know, we give the polio vaccine together with DTP. The girl cried so much after the injection that I completely reflexively put my breast in her mouth. The procedure nurse looked askance, but said nothing.

After the introduction into mass circulation of this vaccine, which is based on live attenuated viruses, VAPP (vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis) appeared. The weakened vaccine viruses in the human body quickly mutated and re-infected people. With the same consequences. In addition, a person infected with VAPP can infect those who come into contact with him.

As observations show, the vaccine also does not protect against severe forms of polio.

There is also another vaccine in which the viruses are killed with the same formaldehyde, which is present in the vaccine in an amount of 0.1 mg. In addition, a contraindication to the use of this vaccine is a “true allergy to streptomycin” - from which we can conclude that this drug is also there. Streptomycin is an antibiotic that has not been used in children for a long time because it can cause deafness.

This vaccine, which, nevertheless, is considered safer than a live one, in our country is used only for vaccinating HIV-infected children - this vaccine is much more expensive.

I hope the description of these vaccinations is enough to make you think and start looking for information on your own about the latest vaccine in our National Calendar - against measles, rubella and mumps, about its safety and effectiveness. Let me just note that this particular vaccine is associated with the vast majority of cases of autism, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and multiple sclerosis. Whether this is an equivalent replacement for the above infections is up to you to decide.

Please also pay attention to the fact that supporters of universal vaccinations tend to exaggerate the danger of diseases for which vaccinations are available. We are all familiar with the story of the doctor Chekhov, immortalized by Soviet cinema, and more than once shed tears while watching the noble doctor Dymov die from the terrible “diphtheria.” Which is now treated with erythromycin - in Chekhov’s time there were no antibiotics. We somehow do not realize that tetanus is an extremely rare disease, which can be prevented by proper wound treatment. It is believed that the tetanus component of the vaccine is responsible for the development of anaphylactic shock.

We forgot that healthy child with normal immunity is able to cope with all these infections. And vaccinations, the flow of which does not stop, suppress the immune system. This is especially true for the same tetanus toxoid, which is administered to the child three times during the first year of life. Evidence is an increase in respiratory diseases - acute respiratory infections and influenza - after vaccination. However, a vaccine has now also been invented for the flu and they are even going to include it in the calendar. It also contains a mercury-containing compound – thiomersal.

And we also don’t want to remember that any infection “raises its head” in unfavorable social conditions. That whooping cough and tuberculosis traditionally affected residents of “working-class neighborhoods” who lived in poverty and unsanitary conditions. Diphtheria broke out in all countries in the 90s former USSR– as a consequence of social upheaval and a sharp drop in the level of well-being of the population. The largest percentage of deaths from diphtheria are among alcoholics.

We are not told about the fact that 15% of the population are not able to produce any antibodies at all - for them, vaccination is a waste of introducing dangerous substances.

It is unlikely that you have heard about an example that wanders from one anti-vaccination material to another, codenamed “Amandzholova’s rabbits.” At one time, Professor R. S. Amanzholova, the chief obstetrician-gynecologist of Kazakhstan, set up an experiment: five generations of rabbits were vaccinated according to our National Vaccination Calendar. The fifth generation began to produce stillborn rabbits. My daughter is the fourth generation to be vaccinated in our family.

It is unlikely that you have thought about this fact: many of the pediatricians I know either do not vaccinate their children and grandchildren at all, or begin vaccinating them much later - at least after a year.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health continues to stubbornly warn: “The main method of protection against diphtheria is vaccination,” “Every child and adolescent should be vaccinated against measles, mumps and rubella...”, “Immunization of children against polio is the basis of the polio eradication strategy...”. I understand: of course, it is easier to vaccinate everyone against everything than to provide our children with at least adequate nutrition, which is the basis of health and immunity to infections. I am categorically against polio - and other infections - being fought at the expense of the health and life of my child, who, due to my ignorance, has already given too much to this fight.

I demand that officials from the Ministry of Health comply with the laws of my country - that near each vaccination office, in addition to senile health bulletins, hang: firstly, the text Federal Law“On immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases”, especially those parts that talk about the right to refuse and social protection citizens in case of post-vaccination complications; secondly, the exact composition of the vaccines; thirdly, a list of post-vaccination complications (not local reactions, but complications, at least those listed in the instructions for administering vaccines). Only then will parents be able to make a conscious, informed choice.